The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 12, 1917, Image 5

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    ran roTjTO.T eopyrr iraTrs, atcoaamuisinta, r
Interest. Gathered
t Home or Clipped from our
densed for hmR'ed readers
1... .nH Mrs. Yearickwere
fday visitors in Harrisburc
ft week.
C reward Shimer enter
U a company, of friends last
frinv afternoon.
Visa Minnie Eeianer went to
" v..i, it Friday to enter
w luin -
Ubia University to take i
Mellott, Myrtle Me
L Ruth Crouse, and Lloyd
Willis Meiiou bjicuiw"
at Gettysburg.
...... Tamps jaCKSOD, IU
jrsville spent Saturday and
idayinthenomesoidomi v.
Lon and CD. Hixson.
W Chas. D. Hixson, of this
i i TV. ....... 41 mm
e, was caiiea io wkivu k
i(iay, on account of the illness
r sister Mrs. U. u AKers.
and Mrs. W. E. Bivens
daughter Helen spent lasi
ay with Mrs. Bivens' Drom
leo. Lynch, at Big Cove Tan-
and Mrs. James McQuade
1 1 .. t in fhd
a'PPK-enu liucov iu
of the letter's parents Mr.
Mrs. David H. Fore, near
Helen Doyie and brother
es, of Cbambersburp, are
fcg their grandfather W.N.
Sand other relatives in Mc
llsburg. Cut ten days ago, Mrs.
jt Wilson, near Andover,
jaken to the Chambersburg
ial where she underwent a
is operation.
I were pleased to see our
iend George Finniff, Sr.,
n Tuesday morning. Mr.
is now in his 86th year,
jakes his home with his son
jb in Todd township.
Misses Catherine and
.Starr, their brother Allen
Ir. Preston Smith all of
jtown, Pa., motored to Mc
ilsburg last Sunday and
'.'at the F. M. Taylor home.
(Litton, J. C. Comerer, W.
Kglas, and Ora Douglas, all
tompson township, spent
ly in town on business.
ought them in his Ford,
Sowed mud nearly axle
m Hull. Mrs. Mattie Mc-
Vid Mary Knauff motored
pona last Sunday and
home with them Cath-
ull and Mary Knauff. a
of Daniel Knauff, who,
Ssiting in the home of
P Mrs. Emory Booth.
Pete and Joan Morton,
place, accompanied by
jth and Grace Crocker, of
wn motored to Gettys-
st Saturday and onThurs-
? same crowd drove t6
WDi the boys returning
ent Wilson strongly
pds that customary re
l athletics, games, and
Jaires be kept up because
jj keep our people normal
fody and mind. He ad
,nservation, but not the
S excites and lowers the
f last week, a man rid
twcycle, with a woman
!ront of him, turned
y street into Lincoln
pin's corner and ran
v'w hi a i, ior-
w&3 movinc? ut n rr,nA.
. The n,. u
'fe thrnwn k 4L...
badly hurt.
hotels, rpsfaiironfc
ire I n iuw
of Franklin rmmtv
ti written
-vu w una request
'"''f'w on their tables.
fl mpatoJ .1.1. . . .
.iuuiner staples
'I Crpnoo ....
m pensnabie
Nothing Was Baid
about reducing th
i neais from 75
l cta in the state.
J' -Vgate.of Chambers
soldier who
'7 June 23rd, has
QfS.tion and
L-J lis doing forthe
:av his
IS beincr
furlough ex.
miss Florence jonnston. o
Ayr, is visiting relatives in Mer
cersburg this week.
mra. w. n. ureatneaa and
Miss Zoe Mason went to Juniata
Crossing yesterday to rest quiet
ly for two weeks.
John C. Bishop, of Chambers
burg is spending this week with
friends in this place and the
Trespass notices for sale at the
News office 6 for a quarter.
bent prepaid by mail it cash ac
companies the order.
D. E. Fore, Esq., has been in
disposed at his home North Sec
ond street since last Friday and
U c nnned to his room.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamaster
and daughter. John Over and
Mrs. Bessie Pheil, all of Franklin
county called to see D. E. Fore
and daughter Miss Katie last
Extensive concrete work is
being done in front of the D. L.
Grissinger buildings occupied by
Attorney John R, Jackson, Geo.
Grissinger and George Smith, on
North First street.
An addition is being made to
the F. P. Lynch residence with
the intention of making a double
house of the present structure,
part of which will be occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lynch.
Miss Ruth Fore, stenographer
in an insurance office in Wythe:
ville, Va.t is visiting in thehome
of her father D. Edward Fore at
Knobsville. She was accompani
ed by a friend, Miss Springer,
of Hagerstown.
After having visited her daugh
ter Grace in New York, as an
nounced last week, Mrs Jacob
Buckley, of Shelby, Iowa, joined
her husband at Fort Littleton,
yesterday, where they will re
main some time.
Frank M. Morgret of Need
more, and EL R Davis of Green-
castle, lett the latter town on
Monday morning in their car and
went bv way of Hagerstown,
Hancock. Whips Cove, Need more,
and back toUreencastle the same
A corps of "The Faithful" of
the Reformed congregation met
yesterday and cut the grass and
cleaned up the cemetery in the
rear of the church, and with
brooms, dusters, soap and mops,
gave the interior of the building
a thorough renovation.
Miss Zoe Mellott, who for the
past two years has been steno
grapher and bookkeeper for the
Memorial Hospital, Monongahela,
Pa., is spending her vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George S. Mellott, at Sipes Mill.
She also visited her sister Mrs.
W. L. Duvall at Akersville for a
few days.
Mrs. J. C. Humphreys and
Miss Alice Wishart were enter
tained in the home of Mrs. Jose
phine Sloan last Friday. Both
are natives of Wells Tannery and
are engaged in foreign mission
work, Miss Wishart having re
t irned some time ago from India
and Mrs. Humphreys returned
from China very recently.
Walter J. Foutz, of Altoona,
called at (he News office a few
minutes while visiting his grand
mother, Mrs. Margaret C. Linn,
east Market Street Walter is a
printer, but he felt it his duty to
lay down his composing stick,
take up a gun and "go after"
the Kaiser. He had taken his
preliminary examinations and ex
pected to be sent to Gettysburg
Russell Stevens came home
from Pittsburgh a few days ago
to refill his lungs with Cove
ozone-a much better quality
than the commercial oxygen, or
that of the Smoky City atmos
phere. ' Russell was graduated in
dentistry from the University of
Pittsburgh about July first, and
when he returns about August
first, he will become a member
of the faculity and take up dem
onstration crown work.
Mrs. C R. Spangler and her
son Rudolph and her daughter-in-law
Mrs. John M. Spangler
of St. Louis, Mo., came up from
Hancock in their Studebaker and
Bpent the time until Monday
morning, Mrs. J. M. Spangler
(Alice Hays) is spending a few
weeks in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hays.
Rudoph is with the Bethlehem
Steel Company and stationed at
Sparrows Point in one of their
big munitions plants. .
School Letting..
The school directors of the va
rious districts of Fulton County
will meot as follows:
Ayr Webster Mills, Thursday,
July 19ih.
Belfast Needinorp, Friday, July
Brush Creek Em maville, Sat
urday, July 21st.
Dublin Ft. Littleton, Monday,
July 23rd.
Licaiog Creek llarrisonville,
- Tuesday, July 24th.
Wells No. 2, Wednesday, July
Taylor llustoiibwD, Thursday,
July 26t,h.
Bothel-Warfordsburg, Friday,
July 27th.
Thompson Center, Wednesday
July 18th.
Uaioa Center, Monday, July
Todd M.Govern's, Tuesday,
July 31st.
The directors are rr qaested to
meot la their respective districts,
at the above named places, on the
abovo Darned dates at 9 a m , for
the purpose of electing teachers
to fill tbo fccboola for the ensuing
year and transacting such other
business as may come before tbo
board. Respectfully.
J. Emeky Thomas,
7 5 2t County Supt.
Please Be Ready.
A house-to-houso canvas of the
town will be made to-morrow
evening to enroll members in the
FultonCounty Chapter of the Red
Cross. Please be ready with your
dollar (or more) and do not delay
the ladies in their effort to see all
in town.
As the weeks roll by, we see
names of friends and relatives
who have gone to France to give
their lives if necessary to stay the
mad Kaiser in his satanic efforts
to enslave mankind for personal
gratification. No sane person
doubts what the result will be if
he can break through the barriers
that now hold him from our
shores. Every man now at the
front is fighting our battles.
Give at least one dollar to help
save the lives of the wounded.
CLarch Notices.
Preaching service on next Sab
bath in the United Presbyterian
church in town at 10:30 a. m.,
and in the 2nd United Presbyter
ian church of the Cove at 7:30 p.
lis., by Rev. A. J. Crooks.
Installation service at the
Lutheran church next Sunday at
10:30 o'clock by Rev. F. G. Got
wald, D. D., president of West
Penna., Synod and editor of the
"Lutheran Church Work and
Observer." Services in McCon
nellsburg in the evening at 7:30.
At Big Cove Tannery at 2:30 p.
When Captain Drake "brought
in" the first oil well in Pennsyl
vania sixty years ago he Httle
thought that he had accomplished
a feat of far greater importance
than the discovery of a new Em
pire. Today oil is a3 necessary as
bread or clothing, for without oil
the wheels of industry would al
most be stopped.
School to Close.
The McConcellsburg summer
normal school will close to-morrow.
Fifty:seven Btudents en
rolled for the present term. Ow
ing to the closing of the schools
all over the state last fall by
reason of orders from State
board of health, the" opening of
the summer session was delayed
and the term extended into July.
Save Big Heads.
In almost every field of wheat
heads may be-found that appear
to be of superior quality. It
costs nothing to save these heads
to plant in a separate place next
year in order to test them. In
case a new and improved variety
should be the result of the ex
periment a snug fortune might
be made out of it.
Moral Courage.
"Moral courage is more worth
having than physical courage, not
because it is a higher virtue, but
because the demand for it is more
constant. Physical courage is
most of the time in the lumber
room. Moral courage is needed
day by day." George Buxton.
Mrs. Wm. Baumgardner and
daughter Miss Mary entertained
at luncheon on Tuesday.
Troops to S'ove.
To-day is the day to move the
main body of American troops
now in France to their permanent
camp behind the western battle
front where they will be drilled
and friven opportunity to become
fami;iar with actual warfare as
it is carried on there. They will
hear the big guns and see some !
of the effects of shell fire before I
Pntfrmcr intn mnra anvavA Rutins '
in the trenches. The report
says the boys are enthused over
the idea of getting close to the
German fire.
Incidentally, our boys over
there have adopted the slogan
"Can the Kaiser!" English and
French soldiers set m amazed at
the readiness with which our boys
coin catchy slang phrases, and
English newspapers have gone
to great trouble to interpret some
of them. They have translated
"can the Kaiser" to signify that
the Allied force should "her
metically seal the Kaiser in some
restraining receptacle in order,
that he will forever be harm- j
less." Only three words are
necessary to express the idea by
our boys.
. County I'a'rs.
Agricultural fairs will be held
this fall in fifty-seven of the
sixty-seven counties of the
state. Near w will be Eedford,
Oct. 25. Cumberland, Spt
W. C. T. U. Food Proclamation.
We, the members of the Wo
rn a n's Christian Temperance
Union of Pennsylvania, gladly
go on record as willing to assist
the Government in every move
ment for food conservation, but we
protest against the use of food
stuff in the brewing of beer
which makes a waste of. food
greater than can be saved in
many homes.
We further recommend that
all women include a protest in
their registration against the in
consistency of oiy Government
in urging th "vomen of our Na
tion to extrem ' economy, while
it refuses to prcM'bit the waste
of food stuffs in blowing of beer.
Mus. Ella M. George,
Mrs. Sylvia B. Norrish,
Corresponding Secretary.
Mrs. J. A. Irwin entertained
at four o'clock yesterday and
will entertain at the same hour
this evening.
With the
High Prices
of everythig including
optic J goods, my prices
aro the lowest possible
to offer consistent with
real eye service.
g's Glasses are
t No Drops Used
Prices Very Reasonable
King St. Opp. Postoffice
Chambersburg, Pa.
bugs; bugs, bugs
IBHIHHIMla,HIBI summmmmmammmmm mmmmmmmmmm
54 Page Vegetable Grower-Spraying Number V
" '
For All Insect Pests
in Garden, Field
Vine or Shrubbery
James J. HurrlH, McConr cllsburK. l'a.
Hull & Hender, '
Scott Rimjtn, "
Lenllo W. Sejrlnr,
Jacob Wlnegardner, Cle-r Ridge, I'u.
M, H. Holllnsheud. llurrtxonvl'le l'a.
A. J, LuinlierBon, llustontown, r.
Uerte Ilunn, Suluvla, l'a-.
MlM llesslo Hclcl, Well Tannery, Pa.
Most Effective
remedy for Potato Bugs, Cucumber
Bugs, or Any other Bug that
Chews a Leaf
In using this, you kill both Bug
and Blight. FOR SALE BY
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Gold is gold in our Jewelry Store. There is no
dross about it. Everything else connected with
our business is on the same honest straight-forward
principle. We have made a success of our
business on this method and we shall never change
it. What do you want in the jewelry line right
now? We have it.
Shinneman's Jewelry Store,
69 North Main St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Education is the foundation on I
which one's life work depends.
Build for aucceta. Equip yourself for worthy, practical service.
A thorough course where actual practice is made to empha
size and enforce the theories taught is given at the
Pennsylvania State
Normal School
of Indiana, Pa.
Thousands of successful eraduates
demonstrate the value of Indiana training
A Faculty of Fifty-five Membert. Healthful location,
2, 000 feet above sea level. Modern Buildings. Splendid
equipment. Development of character and of physical
health considered important factors in school life.
$22S covers all expenses excepting- books for one
school year, for one preparing to teach.
The Indiana School of Business and the
Indiana Conservatory of Music are connected
with the Normal School.
Wrln tor the Indlini dittos
"-one ol the1 mo inlrrnttitf
book, about cboou Hree.
Mdren tke Principal.
Auto Repair Shop
2 Miles South of
3i Miles North of
A full line of Ford Repairs
On Hand all the Time.
First Class Workmanship;
Hauling of Passengers at
a Reasonable Rate.
Motto: If not satisfied with
work, No Pay.
Roy O. Palmer
Bell Phone No. 33 :-: Post Office, Needmore, Pa.
-better than COUNTRY HAMS.
42 South Main St., Chambersburg, Pa.
New Real Estate Agency.
Having retired from the Mercantile business
with a view to giving his entire attention to Real
Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any
one having real estate for sale, or wanting to
His thorough acquaintance with values and
conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long
and successful experience in handling Real Es
tate, makes it possible for him to bring about
results in the shortest possible time.
. Write, or call on,