The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 21, 1917, Image 6

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    mwmmMIIWwwwmmmmm.--t- 1 p-p g iwiMiMiimmi Tninrirnm -1. Wi r .juiihpijwhuiih wr r jiij im umini 111111111111.1111' 1 I " i-i wMiWinww " "
rPLTow cotwTY sbw, ttcooinriLLgBtriq, fa,
I ....... .1 I B III I
5 . , Interest. Oithered
" Home or Clipped from oar
1 Exchanges.
fty.four of the Bjxtyeeven
tvy .oRtftte have farm
unties 01
";n:n, Mvers. of Alabama, is
Z his mother Mra. Susan
:;" 3 in East Extension.
"r,L, noihprt will lecture in
H E. church at Hustontown,
- Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Esmond Paylor and wife
-J last Sunday at the home
fji. and Mrs. nenry viuauK..
Webster Mills.
,p p, ghives and wife, and Mrs.
) 1$ Little, visited their sister,
'ilchas. Zimmerman near
frspring last Sunday. .
Viae one at our elbow said
after those unsightly el-
"1 light poles!" They have
Je a nuisance to property
are being made
' wations
monster "Fourth" at Hus
in. The day will include a
itic parade, baseball game
" itriotic addresses by out of
' t Lula Mellott, Needmore,
Ive weeks ago was operat
n for appendicitis has so
covered as to be able to
(short automobile ride last
E. C. Van Hart (Mazie
t) and little daughter Cath
ire visiting in the home of
. fmer's parents, Hon. and
Geo. B. Mellott, West Lin-
Prothonotary James P.
: was in town transacting
is Tuesday. Mr. Waltz
,ji!ie prospects for a wheat
Thompson township are
7 encouraging. .
I honor to the faithful Sun-
y 1 'iool teachers of our sever-
1: thes who spent two weeks
$ your youngsters to take
0:: minute part in the chil-
a'l Say program.
I 1 Hollinshead, V. R. Hol
yhead and wife, of Harrison-
la, aad Mrs Lucina Forner of
:ConBellsburg motored to Scot
'J last Sunday and spent the
7 with Mr. and Mrs. Ira For-
ft Mi Clippinger and two sons
I nd James, of Taylor town-
P. one to town last Saturday
tij; home a new Champion
I'er.fJohn and James en joy
ieirjfirst visit to McConnells-
' ha Stunkard, formerly of
"a Valley, has the foundation
I Kflar walls ready for his
Wse on the lot adjoining
G-irk on north Second
ftst outside the Borough
eal Gillespie, of Pitts-
er having attended
c l reunion at Wilson Col-
3 over and spent a few
3 !. f her former classmate
3 , fcle Patterson at Web
r L 1
-U.jin came home recently.
1 f f days he will join his
a Ji-Iaw Robert Cunning
; Fairfield, Pa., and go to
Kf woods to camp for the
; 'ong with a party of
1 t .0 QOZpn
Samantha Mellott,- of
?ourg and her friend
J Hocker, of Harris
?t the time from Satur-
W until Sunday even
nome of the former's
this place;
y Superintendent J.
?mas who is a member
Reexamining board at
pn state normal school
j 'eft yesterday morning
ptution and expects
Mrs. Emory Booth, of
ett a few days in town
F Put Week. LaatPrL
N being their first
fnniversary. a fine sup
f'veu at the former
fWDnae. East: t.
;uner spent a few
t0wn last Satnrav
fand or! fa
t C1 oijciiu meir
J Florida whem ha
n fruit picking and
Meyare now visiting
Jjot Walter's father.
A kft
Children's Day services in the
Reformed church July first, in
the morning.
Ralph Deshnng and wife, of
Franklin county, visited,, the
former's aunt, Mrs. John P.
Sipes, last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gecrge McKib
bin, of Hancock, are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. George A.
Harris, in McConnellsburg.
David Woodal who bought the
Mock farm a short distance north
of town, lost a cow valued at
$75 00 a few days ago when she
got fast in a swamp.
No preaching in the Reformed
church next Sunday evening ow
ing to attendance of the pastor
at the ordination and installation
of the new pastor at Mercers
burg on that day. Rev. Yearick
will make the ordination address
to the young man Mr. Hahn, of
Mrs. Georgia Nisbit and little
daughter, of Rogersille, Tenn.,
spent a few days in this place at
tending to business connected
with the estate of her father the
late Hon. Geo. A. Smith.NIn com
pany with Miss Kate Allender,
she left for her southern home
Tuesday morning.
Congressman B r 0 d beck, of
York county, has introduced a
bill in the House to make the
Lincoln Highway a post road by
Congress. There is no doubt in
our minds that McConnellsbure
will wake up some fine morning
and find itself located on a great
military highway.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wink and
three children, near Mercersburg
spent the time from Saturday
until Monday visiting in the
home of Mr. Wink's mother Mrs.
Mary Wink, and other relatives
and friends in this county. Mr.
Wink is an employee at the Mer
cersburg academy.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morton just
west of town, in their new Over
land, accompanied by Peter Mor
ton Jr., and Miss Maye McEt
downey, drove down to Gem Sun
day morning and spent the day
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Corder W. Snyder. The ladies
mentioned are sisters.
To prove his statements about
the hams he is advertising in the
News, grocer G. G. Palmer, of
Chambersburg, sent the editor
and his wife a big slice. It was
fine and we are indebted to Mr.
Palmer for a nice breakfast.
He said "You'll want more."
And he guessed rightly.
It is to be hoped that your au
tomobile will keep a-goin' but
if it should take a notion to He
down on you, just step in to the
nearest phone and call up Roy
Palmer on the Breezewood Bell
line No 33, and you'll find him
Johnny-on-the-spot. See his ad
vertisement elsewhere in this
The first price given below is
the average on June 1 this year,
and the second, the average on
June 1 last year in the State of
Pennsylvania: Wheat, 264 and
104 cents per bushel; Corn, 1G5
and 81 cents ;Oats, 83 and 52 cents;
Potatoes, 285 and 112 cents; Hay
$14.60 and $17.80 per ton; Eggs,
34 and 21 cents per dozen.
Roy Palmer brought Mr. and
Mrs. William Funk to town last
Thursday to close up the sale of
the farm Mr. Funk bought from
John D. Mellott, and which he
sold to Harrison Hann. An ad
vertisement elsewhere in this
paper shows that Mr. Palmer i3
fully equipped to take care of
sick or crippled automobiles.
Geo. Alexander, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Alexander, is
spending the summer with his
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C.
J. Wink in the lower end of
Thompson township. By reason
of the fresh milk, eggs, fruits
and vegetables he gets everyday
he expects to weigh 'steen pounds
more than when he went away.
A. B. Ross, of Bedford county
is endeavoring to interest the
people of that section and of Hun
tingdon county, in the use of a
public canning and evaporating
plant the same as the News has
been doing for Fulton county.
Evaporation .is so much cheaper,
and cans will be so high priced
that we lean toward the evapora
tion idea. Then, too, as we said
several times, France and Eng
land have appealed to the United
States to send evaporated goods
in preference to canned articles
because of the ease and economy
of handling them while being
sent to the trenches,
Knows Mat He !s Talking About.
If you go to the Auditorium
Saturday evening you will see
and hear a man who has the
snell of burnt prwder on his
c'pthes; a solciier just fresh from
the trenches of the great Euro
pean war; a man who has felt
the sting of the enemies' bullet
in his flesh-not once, but four
times. Corporal Agate's story
is from first hands and is thrll-
ingly interesting. Don't fail to
go to the Auditorium Saturday
evening. Admissihn free to ev
Protect Your Buildings from Fire.
Use Gould's Fire Iiesistint;
Paint in all colors. It preserves,
urauuuus, ana wears as long or
'onger and is cheaper, than
other standard j.Bints. On good
surface a gallon will cover 300
square feet two coats. Riof
paint, too, in all colors. For
Sale by
G. W. Rkisnek & Co.
6 14-tt. McConnellsburg, Pa.
Beauty a Duty.
If Nature's prodigal examples
may be taken as a message to us
to cultivate the beautiful in our
homes and lives, then there is
no limit to the efforts we may
make to accomplish that end.
Why the profusion of bloom and
enchanting foliage, if not to
teach gentleness, refinement and
Mr. Kesler Cooper, son of
Philip Cooper, and Miss Ola
Blanche Pine, daughter of John
Pine, all of Ayr township, were
married in Hagerstown yesterday.
Amos llixson, of Crystal
Springs is quite poorly at this
writing, oviug to a ono'vi,
tion of diseases and advanced
Mrs W. C Clovenger who was
t iken to Roarii g Spring Uospia
al and who uaderwent an opera
tion for appendicith flome time
apo, is reported getting along
Word was received in our val
ley ohg other day of the death of
Mrs. Clarence O. Birton, at her
homo in Iowa. She leaves to
mourn their loss her husband
and two small ohii ren.
Tuere will be a picnic and colo
bration held on Crystal Springs
campmoeting grounds on the
fourth of July. A number of
patriotic orders are expected to
be present with a number of Sun
day schoo's who will unite to
make the day one of profit and
enjoyment Plonty 0 f music
both instrumental aud vocal will
be furnishel for, the occasion
A'so, a number of prominent
speakers have been secured
Come one coma all
Georgeand James Birton visit
ed their uncle and family B. F
Whitfield, Sund 17 afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs Theodore Fitch
er visited in the homo 01 U.'ver
Clevenger last Sunday.
Philip OU, wife and mother
visited In the home of Mrs. Cath
arine Hanks at Gapsville last
Saturday and Sunday.
Church Notices.
Children's Day services at Big
Cove Tannery Lutheran church
at 10:30 next Sunday morning
and preaching in town in the
There will be no Sunday School
at the Presbyterian church next
Sunday. Instead, children's ser
vices will be held to begin
promptlp at 10:30 a. m.
Services in the Harrisonville
charge June 21th: Mt. Zion at
10:30 a. m.; Needmore at3 p. m.,
and at Bedford Chapel at 7:30.
For July 1st, Services at Ebn-
ezer 10:30; Siloam at 2:30, and at
Asbury at 7:30.
Rev. J. L. Grove will'preachin
the Second United Presbyterian
church next Sabbath at 10:30.
Mr. Orville Beatty, Needmore
R. R. brought to McConnellsburfr.
in his car last Saturday morn'ng
Mrs. J. W. Lake and son New
ton, and Miss hthel Dixon.
Here, Mrs. Lake and son, and
Ethel, took passage on an auto
bus and went to Chambersburg,
where Mrs. Lake and son Rrent
a day in tne nome 01 iiitners
mother, Mrs. Harriet Dixon,
when they left for their home
in Kansas, III., after a stay of
four weeks among their Penn
sylvania friends. At Altoona
they were joined by Mrs. J M.
Lake, who accompanied them to
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Comer
cr, accompanied by the for.ner's
father, Mr. J. C. Comerer all
of Thompson township, motored
to McConnellsburg Tuesday, and
took dinner with Harvey's grand
mother, Mrs. Sarah Pittman.
Harvey and hia wife retnrned
home in the evening and his
father is spending a few days in
the home of the latter's son-in-law
and daughter Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Secrist in the Cove.
The Correct Thing in
Ladies' Footwear. . .
Your pretty frocks will scarcely bo comp'eto without ihe
correct slipper or pump. In your grand mother's day, with
just the tip of her shoes peeping frrm under ber gown,
footwear played no such important part in the scheme of
For you, however, Dime Fashion has decreed that your
entire slipper be visible. So you see you must be more
than ever particular in choosing footwear for summer.
There is nothing prettier than a white pump, and it is so
appropriate the wholo summer long. Wo have them In
kid buck-nu buck and fibrics made plain, with neat
narrow per rotations and some with small, dainty orna
ments at tho instep. They are made with h'gh and medium-high
heels and wood with leather covering.
Mako it a point to come in today if possible, or tomorrow
anyway, just to slip on your s z3.
Chas. E. Heintzelman
ih bouth Mam Street Chambersburu. Penna.
OF -
- better than COUNTRY HAMS.
42 South ft lain St., Chambersburg, Pa.
At All Fountains and in Bottles
QyKs Bottling Co.
Roy C. Cromwell, Propr.,
Fayette St., Mercersburg, Pa.
You are Always Welcome
a t
Shinneman's Jewelery Store
When in Chambersburg.
No Repair Job too small to receive
our best attention.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
69 North Main St., Chambersburg, Pa.
Cashier and Mrs. M. W. Nace
went to Philadelphia last Friday
where Mrs. Nace remained to
take treatment at a hospital. Mr.
Nace returned Monday and re
ported that Mrs. Nace was in a
cheerful and hopeful frame of
Last Saturday evening, sever
al boys apparently not over fif
teen years of age were disgrace
fully drunk on our streets. It
was a scene calculated to break
the hearts of parents if knowl
edge of the action of their sons
reached their ears.
HiBaKaRBMa tt:naMBaaa HaaMMMaMHH
54 Page Vegetable Grower-Spraying Number X
For AH Insect Pests
in Garden, Field
Vine or Shrubbery
Most Effective
remedy for Potato Bugs, Cucumber
Bugs, or Any other Bug that
Chews a Leaf
In using this, you kill both Bug
and Blight. FOR SALE BY
Geo. W. Reisner & Co.,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Auto Repair Shop
2 Miles South of
3i Miles North of
A full line of Ford Repairs
On Hand all the Time.
First Class Workmanship;
Hauling of Passengers at
a Reasonable Rate.
Motto: If not satisfied with
work, No Pay.
Roy O. Palmer
Bell Phone No. 33 :-: Pest Office, Needmore, Pa.
Getting Just What You Want
is an easy matter for any
man who conies to our store.
With our enormous busines-by far the largest of its
kind in the city we must necessarily show the larg
est variety.
Consequently we have more patterns, more color ef
fects, and more models in which to make them up than
you'll find in any other store. "
For the man who doesn't care to pay more.
Besides getting just what he wants he will get it for
one-fourth less than other merchants charge for the
same class of merchandise.
The Royal Woolen Mills Co.,
62 S. MAIN ST.,
One Door East of Cline's Garage.
Makes Your Shoos Good as New, and Looks Like New.
All kinds of Harness Repairs, Prompt attention Reasonable Frloes.
C. F. SCOTf, Proprietor.