Y3B rtTLTpy COUHTY MBW3, McCOlHOSLLSgTOg, PI. u. tRESTlNS PAH1GKAFI1S ,m,L nd General Interest, Gathered K , Home or Clipped fro our Exchanges. CC-BNSED Po7inBED READERS fegtiTJ" the Grove at Fairview Saturday eve nimr June 16th. & Margaretta Feldman of Cbambersburg, is visiting :n :he Rexroth home on north Third 'tftand Mrs. Samuel Hess pent Sunday in the home of S. W. Cunningham and family, Knobeville. il VAith Bell, of Foltz, was .mat in the Christmas Shimer ioase'on west vvainui. u. veral days recently. R. M. Wilkinson, representing je 0ess Carriage Company of "..MMtnwn. was tne guest ui jg" brother Amos in this place :wo days this week. Th foundations for the new ',otheran parsonage, and the I . ,7. Seylar residence on souin vnnd street, are ready tor tne jildors to begin the auperstruc-ires.! The recent hail storm damaged roof on the rear portion of '.e Goldsmith store, on north 'jeonfl, street, to the extent that new covering had to be put on j week. A beautiful curiosity in the ape of a pansy geranium may ; seen in one of Mr. and Mrs. I L Wible's windows on east 'irkel street. About one hun- :d pansies adorn the two-foot ;h. of us take comfort in the that no disaster is bo at it mitrht not have been ra we iustthouehtof how :.y pbtato bugs were killed by 3 (Imaging hail storm last 2.: District Attorney of Frank er, ity has been called on to ::'.'jate the workirgs of a :t iow" decter in Waynes o. ."Will superstition never .. ir in supposed civilized .-.ties? '-ev. A. J. Se;gle, of Cottot i Palls, Kansas, preached ) at! sermons last Sabbath to etch of the two United -;'irian congregation of Big J. Mr. Seigle is a native of l.:r county, Pa. xb Kauffman who divides -3 between Johnstown and -' i of his brother-in-law, :: Norton in Belfast town-, t. id at this office yester t he will appear on the 3 1 wior roll this month. 'live Pittman returned Saturday after having 'iends in firepnpnshlo here for several weeks, on one of hpr fKnmKo 1 vii utii vJ A sufficiently to permit ' that member at the A 1917. .,it w1 wloUo" ... Ml sill1' 1 - ""..illl Mount Union money purchas ed the ganister rock in the Nar rows at Concord, recently, and Path Valley citizens can almoRt hear the rumble of the T. V. railroad that will be extended from Blair's Mills to Concord. Firo bricks are made of ganister. At the recent meeting of Con ference in Philadelphia, Rov. Wallace W. Springs, for several years pastor of the A, M. E. Mission church near Cito in Ayr township, was transferred to similar work in Shippensburg, Pa. Rev. Spriggs is a splendid man and has done good work in the field he has occupied in this county, and the community is sorry to lose his services and in fluence. Steps to secure order at the next public entertainment in the Auditorium were taken last Sat urday. Among the suggestions made was one to the effect that a campaign of education be wag ed by the newspapers of McCon nellsburg. In reply the News begs to state that it has tried that plan, and from experience, we concluded that this paper does not go to the persons who create disagreeable conditions at meetings and entertainments. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Brant, their son Clem C. Brant, and Mrs. Margaret Ambrose-all of Dane, motored to Chambersburg last Saturday . in Scott's new Ford and spent the day shopping and visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brant's daughter Lillie, Mrs. John II. VVible. Mr. Brant had a stroke of paralysis several months ago and for several weeks was in a very critical condition but his many friends will be glad to learn that he is much improv ed and able to be out again. Last week, Herbert, little son of editor and Mrs. H. L. Mc- Kibbin, had a narrow escape rom seriou3 injury when he fell and a rear wheel of Hayes Har mon's autotruck passed over one of the lad's legs when he tried to get on the machine just as it started. Some black and blue marks are the only pouvenirs Herbert carries and the parents are willing that the accident should serve as a warning to other children to avoid trying to get on moving vehicles, as brok en backs or necks may result. Mrs. Jane Gunnells and her daughters Misses Lou and Estelle, of Hagerstown, Md., and her son Dayton 0. Gunnells of Detroit, Mich., formed a motoring party that made a trip from Hagers town to Clear Ridge this county last Saturday- morning where they spent the day in the home of Mrs. Gunnells's brother ex- County Treasurer John A. Henry and returned to Hagerstown in the evening. Dayton was a clerk in Trout's drug store thirty-seven years ago and has many friends here. - W.Nace, cashier of the tonal Bank and his 5 ; JaonL. Nace cashier of : 0 County Bank motored ; in the latter's Buick mrsday and attended fs' Convention at the dsay Reed, of Cljam Pied last Friday, aged Wit of a recent Htrnlfo f- Mr. Reed was well .Vjcores of our readers Pol'te conductor in the Iroad Cumberland Val" 1 A.) A. M. Malcolm 2er Mrs. J. H. Atch Albia, Iowa, are "'r parents, 'Mr. and Kendall, in Ayr town- -!, , 8 aaughter muera aaughter accompanying them. Qrinlo.. . . - r tt carload com- "J. John UMaster and 4rs. John n n. j Is- Earl LaMaster, the t mrs. jonn La JTG nlnnc,-!. ... J. J 3"t visitors n JUaniel E. Fore and fssKatio M.fu o.. t Mr. and Mrs v Cere Oil their hnnm,. CvjnK been married dayc-f June. Earl oy the Pennwl.,: "j'louia L8 rvice atanytim. L7?FMb where WliKT DUBLIN. Juuc 8iti. Wilbert V) b was at Saxtou Sunday, Juuo3, mornirg dinJ tv'.iiiu' (.f that, day lit- p oached for the Chu cli ol nriiri g;:i im Kiward Mt'.huHand duu,i:lito, of Saxton, 11 11 , visited L'uilip Melius' on Sunday, June 10 ChiM. c:'t U iy soi vice at R;ir vi w has boon arranged for Junn 21 iu tho forenoon. There will to a fi-st'val at Frir view M H cbuT.h ou Saturday evening, Juuu 10 Proceeds of festival for repairs of chuich. Coruo Tho Sunday rcIipoIs at Lvidir and at Pairviow seom to bo doing well There is a good nttcndar,ce each Suuday at both suliuols The tains and warmer weather have been greatly appreciated by our farmers. Some of our farmors have boon plowing com this week List Sunday D.ivid llershey killed a blacksnako rive foot Ioiil' and a rattlesnake four fret long near a slab pila uu James Lvou'b farm. Tho rattlesnake bad nine rattles and a button. Davy days Jesso Ludigcan beat him on blacksnakea in length. Jesse killed one bix feet nine inches long on Sunday forenoon, 0 Doi t Durjlap and wifoaod Milton Melzand wife, of Frank lin county,' weiu recent visitors at Uavid llerslicy's. Mrs. Dun lup is a sister of Mrs. llorthoy and Mrs. Metz is Mrs. Dunlap's diiughter. Mrs. Susan King having spout some time v'sitiug relatives on Clear Kidgo and in Ilubtoutown, ba.i relumed to the Iv moofher daughter Mrs. Frank IVica LlOj d Price and George King who are employed at Miuorsville spent from Saturday until Tues day at their respective homos iu this township. Crop Report Statistican L. H. Wible's May 1st livestock and crop report shows that one in every five farm ers in Fulton county sprayed this spring for insect pests and plant disease. The average for the State is about one in four. Wheat average for the State showeo at that time a falling ou pi thirteen per cent. Loss of livestock dur ing winter wa3 very small. Protect Your Buildings from Fire. Use Gould's Fire Resisting Paint iu all colors. It preserves, beautifies, and Tears as long or longer and is cheaper, than other standard j .flints. On good surface a gallon will cover 300 square feet two coats. Roof paint, too, in all colors. For Sale by G. W. Reisneu & Co. 6 14 tt. McCpnuellsburg, Pa. Church Notices. Lutheran Church, Rev. C. F. Jacobs, pastor. McConnellsburg next Sunday at 10:30 in the morning and 7:30 in the evening; at Big Cove Tannery, at 2:30. An all-day meeting at which time Children's Day services, Cradle Roll Rally, and Mother's Day exercise will be observed will be held at Pleasant Grove church on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in June. A cor dial invitation is extended to everybody to attend these ser vices. Preaching services in the Re formed church next Sunday eve ning. Rev. Yearick will preach in the Little Cove in the morn ing. ENID. A. G. Edwards made a business trip to Huntingdon and Juniata rccontly. Last Frithy, Mrs John Rider returned from Altoor.a wbero bhii visited bor trolli-jr uud other relatives. Mrs Hoy Harnett, rf Miners ville, is visiting her pircnst, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Hridonstine. A D Ueikstiesser aud wife. of Saxton, spent the weflk-oad with the former's mothar and other rt lit.ves. Mrs Rut'i El wards returned last Friday after having enj ycd an extended trip to Juniata aud Huntingdon. Howard Tice took Mr. and Mrs. Cessna and Mrs. Belle An derson to Doswell, Somerset county last Saturdy to visit a daughter of Mrs Cessna. Last week, Mrs. Margaret Kensinger, of Saxton, visited her sister, Mrs. Caroline linJ enstine. Hied Elwards left on May 28 lb. for Philadelphia where ho has employment. Roy E lwards bas a new Ford bought uof Dr. McClaiu. Mrs. John Stunkard, Jr , re cently visited her parents in Trough Creek. Pnul Dickinson and wifo, of Saxton, are spending some time with the latter's pareuts Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Truax. Mr. aud Mrs. Guerdon Auder- son, of Homestead spent a few day recoatly with tho former's brother, iu the valley. Y ith Chas. Schedci at the wheel, the followiug Valley peo pie motored to the county capi tal last Monday: Mrs. J. M. Schenck and granddaughter Ruth; Mr. aud Mrs. John Stunk ard Jr., and children. J.N. Schenck and grandson made a business trip to Three Springs last Monday. Not much improvement seen in tha health . f Mesdames Lock ard, Early and Elwatds. Model Shopper. First Slum Assistant "Wlmt n tlro- sorno customer Hint womn.i Is." Sec ond Asslslnnt "Yes J slio always knows what she wants, and sho won't buy uuything else I" HOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown In so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength ; it makes them sturdy and strong. No alcohol. Scott & Bowne, Bloomficld, N. ;. - 0r im r - nir--" CHARMING PRESENTS MAKE A HAPPY HONEYMOON When your friends sail their bark upon the sea of matrimony, let it be freighted with a mark of af fection from you. Your gift will be an appreciated one when it comes from our store. Our name is a mark of superb quality and then we have the most unique and attractive line of wedding presents shown in this city. Come, sec them. C. A. SHINNEMAN THE RELIABLE JEWELER GO N. Main Street, Chambersburg, Pa. 1 At All Fountains and in Bottles OyAKg Bottlikg Co. Roy C. Cromwell, Propr., Fayette St., Merccrsburg, Pa. UGS, BUGS, BUGS. Notice to Contractors Sealed propomls (ur tin eonstruclirn of a concrete atis b-l li;e over Tmnlown.v I'leek mD.tnlul'a forllnv, Udlhi-' towniblp. Ku ton County. I'n ,w 111 bo rei'flv.'d by the bimduf County Commissi ncrt of Fulton County at te CoinoiVloniT, ollli'c lit M('oune!lsluiv, I'll., until July Uh, W 7 ii nil b l M iiml pul -l'ely iipent'd by Hie I'ouily Conimlloneis two tojpi ufter tin" hour ubove set for the elnsliiK of bids. Iliils must be mule on proposal blanks at tteliod to the speollli'atlons mid must be ac companied by a curtillod check It the sum eipial to ut least ten per cent of the amount of bid iiLd uuido payable without reserrution to the order of the board of County Commb Hionem of Fulton County. l'laiis anil speulllcatlons n.ay be seen at the County Coniir.lN.sloi ers' ollicc In McCotinells burir, Fulton oonnty, l'u., whore bidding blanks can be secured. The rU'ht U reserved to reject any or all bids, Fit A NIC M. I. OUCH, CUAS. V. SUIIOOI.EY, AI.IIKltT NKSH1T, Attest; Coutty Coinnilssloners, UcorKC I). Mcllotl, Clerk. ' 6-lMMt HUSroNTOWN. Gladatono Uroin well spent Sat urday night at d Sanday in the home of his father-m-law,Oflan-do Warner. Miss Laura Carmack spent last Sunday as the guest of her friend Miss Esther Sipes. Mrs. Allen and ton are spend ing tho summer with her broth er, Wm Rowe, at this place. Mr. Browand, ot Altoona, re cently visited his son Paul at Orlando Wagner's. . MissTeressa Bolinger is liv ing in the Andrew Brant Home this summer. Allison Sipes recently purchas ed a rive-passenger car. Prof. Barton's thirty-rive Sum mer Normal students are doing tire work. Children's servico at tho M. E. church next Sunday eveuing. All invited. Mrs. B 0. Lnmberson and childror, ot McConuellsburg, visited in this vicinity list week. Glad are we to note that a slight ripple of public sentiment against unnecessary noise3 in the Auditorium is in evidence. May it increase from a ripple to a great wave. tiiiliiiiuiiiiifaiiiikj L- Jr Women's Fashionable Hoots and Shoes This is a season of extremely beautiful boots and shoes that harmonize perfectly with mi lady's new Spring apparel. In presenting those latest cre ations In high-top button and lace footwear we olTer them as tbo newest ard most favorod styles for wotne..' wear. And, although shoe prices are advancing almost dolly, you will find our stock, as usual, very moderate in price. Trices Range from $1.50 to $10.00 ' A Shoe Shining Parlor has been added to our siore. Chas. E. Heintzelman 20 3. Main St., Chambersburg. SALUVIA. Lincoln I. Deshong who has been suffering for sometime was take-i to Hagerstown on June 3rd to consult a celebrated doctor. His two sons and J. M. Hurley, in the Hurley auto, took him to the doctor. Examination showed that Mr. Deshong was suffering an incurable attack of pancreatic diabetes. He is q iite poorly. Mrs. I Watson Schooley bas had a serious attack of kidney and bladder trouble which threat- '4 Page Vegetable Grower-Spraying Number S Sherwin-Williams For All Insect Pests in Garden, Field Vine or Shrubbery Most Effective remedy for Potato Bugs, Cucumber Bugs, or Any other Bug that Chews a Leaf In using this, you kill both Bug and Blight. FOR SALE BY Geo. W. Reisner k Co., McConnellsburg, Pa. Getting Just What You Want is an easy matter for any man who comes to our store. With our enormous busincs-by far the largest of its kind in the city we must necessarily show the larg est variety. Consequently we have more patterns, more color ef fects, and more models in which to make them up than you'll find in any other store. MADE TO FIT X, . For the man who doesn't care to pay more. SPECIAL HAND-TAILORED SUITS FROM $18.00 UP Besides getting just what he wants he will get it for one-fourth less than other merchants charge for the same class of merchandise. The Royal Woolen Mills Co, 62 S. MAIN ST., CHAMBERSBURG, PA. New Real Estate Agency. Having retired from the Mercantile business with a view to giving his entire attention to Real Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any one having real estate for sale, or wanting to buy. CZHis thorough acquaintance with values and conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long and successful experience in handling Real Es tate, makes it possible for him to bring about results in the shortest possible time. Write, or call on, D. H. PATTERSON, WEBSTER MILLS, PA. .3 ened her life lor some days, but we gladly rote that she is better. Mrs. Kime Roher and Miss VeBtaSwope, of Mapleton, Pa., are visiting the former's grand father, John Ilann; also in the homes of Mrs. Milton- Kline and other relatives. J A Stewart, after having had a long relapse of grippe, has re covered and expects to make a business trip to Wells Valley in the near future. Wm L Moseby and grandson, of Wells Valley, passed through this section last Sunday on their wav home from a business trip to Hagerstown. Last Friday, an auto ran off the rill at the western foct of Green II ill and turned a complete revo lution, landing on the wheels in an upright position. Occupants were not seriously injured, but the machine had to be towed to a garage. For other accidents near same placo last week, see elsewhere in this paper. The electric light pole lying in the gutter in front of E. R. Mc Clain's residence causes some of the water to flow out into the street with the result that the hill in front of the post office is becoming badly washed.