THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. Pictures of IMNATIONAL StliWSOIOOL In This Department Our Readers in Fulton County and Elsewhere May journey Lesson (Hy K. O. SKLLEK8. Acting Director of (lie Sunday School Coun of the Mood lllbla Institute.) tfopyrUht. HIT. Wr.lrrn Newspaper Union.) Mround the World With the Oamera on the Trail of History EVIaUing: Happenings. LESSON FOR MAY 27 GUNS CAPTURED FROM THE TURKS IN MESOPOTAMIA THE HOLY SPIRIT AND HIS WORK (PENTEC08TAL LE80N). LR8HON TRXT John 15:26-27; H:7-ll (JOLDEN TK.VT-ll. ihall lonph von all thing. Jonn 14:31. for News Readers i l ; ill II gf. th uftek" is urn. TV M I I . 1-Th towers of the ancient cathedral in Laon, Franee, which may soon be destroyed by shell tire. 2 One of our coast defenders Betting the direction of lire by a telescope lit Fort Wndsworth, Now York. 3 Townsfolk of Nesle, Friincp, welcoming the British soldiers who hud driven out the Comings. 4 Cornell university ambulance unit iho tofrnphed Just before embarking for Europe. PRACTICING A BAYONET CHARGE i,'t vv fV'i V t clmrgo during military niuiiruvi-rs in tln-ir uihiuiic field ut New I'nins- wick. N. J 1 I rrNIV , '"J- 11. T. M. ItrKl-es (left) and Hear Admiral Sir Dudley 11. S. do Anieri, 1111,1 ""vy rpI)rt,s?ntItlvcs ou the Hritlsh war commission to i FUNERAL OF RUSSIAN MARTYRS vfinii in, ,1, g JK' ' - - 1T - T VV.AV,VV1.V funend Lvoft (l) and Foreign Minister MUlukolt (2) attending uueriil of th "ieigu uiiuiHier aiiiiunuu ii uueiiuiug fives mm?8 ,who fel1 durl"K the Russian revolution. Below, one of the . each of which contained 45 coffins. Gen. Jose Marti, son of (lie great Cuban liberator and commanding gen eral of t!ie armed forces of the Island republic. He came to Washington to offer the resources of Cuba to the United Slutes In the war on Germany. JOFFRE AND HIS LIBERTY Murshnl Joffre holding the golden miniature of the Btntue of Liberty which was presented to him by thou sands of American ndmirers. Using His Feet Chollle Who in the world did you take dnnclng lessons from? Mollie I'rcfessor Glide. And I must say he didn't complulu like you of my stepping on his feet. "No, because you were paying him for the use of his feet and you're not paying me." Old-fashioned but still serviceable cannon captured from the Turkish army In Mesopot in by the British under Gen. Sir Stunley Maude. BRITISH CRUISER ANCHORS IN NEW YORK HARBOR f I ( Ttt- iMnUlWlmil I ii ill i. If (II - '4r ,ir t f 9 tit - vl vv-it 4LJ fc,S-;:ito".:;;'v--W-vi: .:..i.;-& J, Unannounced, the British cruiser Koxburghe steamed Into New York harbor the other day and dropped anchor near the American warships Birmingham and Olympla. ALL READY FOR THE TURK This picture shows how the British soldiers, now prosecuting n vigorous campnlgn against the Turks in Mesopo tamia, dress. This olllcer is completely equipped for the frny, even to the wrist watch and gas mnsk. The hot climate renders the "shorts" more comfortnblo than breeches. Five Millions for Roads. Five million dollars for new roads will bo spent by the state of Washing ton in the courso of the next two years. The funds to be expended in clude $2,000,000 of the public high way fund, to be raised by the one-mill levy; the $3,000,000 permanent high way fund, rnlsed by the mlll-and-a-hulf levy J about $430,000 federal aid money, to be spent by the state, and $01,730 which represents Washington's share of the proceeds from notional forests, which are devoted annually to build ing of roads.- The $3,000,000 which it Is estimated will be realized on the nilll-nnd-a-half levy will bo spent by the counties under the supervision of the stnto department. The annual ap propriation from the forest-reserve money will be expended by tho federal government on recommendation of the state highway department. FRENCH OFFICERS REVIEW HARVARD MEN . . .... , , . mm.. imi lift miaul Til Hiimn illlniii I i i nil - French ermy ofllcers, assigned by their government to Harvard university, saluting tht Volors as they pass by the Harvurd club carried by men of tho Harvard reglrint. PAINTING THEM UP FOR WARFARE III I l At J 'i "J 4 ! I ; rittf If t .. 1. American destroyers Putterson and Jenkins having their war paint put on at the Chnrlestown navy yard. Their numbers are painted out. This lesson follows chapter 15:1-4. The emphasis Jesus placed upon the new ii ml deeper Intimacy Into which the disciples were nbotit to enter, nnd which Involved a participation In per secutions (v. 2D). However, ns a gar rison anil helper when this persecution should come, the believers are to have lit their lives the Holy Spirit. I. The Believer and the Spirit (vv. 20-27). The "paraclete" (helper) wus to proceed from the Father, but Jesim was to scad him. He Is called tho "Spirit of Truth" because It Is his work to reveal tho truth, nnd It Is through Ids teaching only that any one may know the truth. Jesus Is tho truih (eh. 1 !:;), nnd the Spirit of Truth is to enable believers to testify concerning Jesus. It quiillfli's them for such testimony. The disciples also had the added o.utilinTtlon of expe rience for "ye have been with mo from the beginning." The disciples were eye witnesses of what he did, nnd what he was, and heard and knew all that lie claimed for himself and what his life proved Itself to be. II. The Believer and Persecution (10:1-0). Tills section has not been se lected by the committee, but as a part of the lesson wc cannot overlook It. In It the Master enumerates specifi cally tilings that wcro to come to the disciples and thnt they might "remem ber." He also mentions tho fnct that these things are to come after he has gone away. As a relief from sorrow (v. 0), the Master goes on to show tho reliitlou of the Spirit to the world. III. The Holy Spirit In the World (vv. 7-11). It was profitable for tho disciples that Jesus should go, that an other IMvlne friend was to tnke Ills place. This Is the best section In all tho Bible to tench the personality of tho Holy Spirit. The personal pro nouns in this section are very signifi cant, there being seven In the thir teenth verse nlone. Tho word "Com forter" here used menus that and much more. It Is the Hume word translated "advocate." In I John 2:1, It means one who Is called upon to stand be side another as n helper, counselor, guide and friend. Jesus hud been this to bis disciples thus far, but he was going away, nnd another Friend wns coming, who should not only be with them, but should dwell In them (Ch. 14:ld, 17). The Comforter has come, nnd without him we can do nothing. Ho Is the one who convicts the world "of sin, of righteousness nnd of Judg ment." Of sin, not because they have broken the moral code, but because they do not accept Christ ns the Messiah (Hebrews 10:2.8. See ch. 3:13-20). In tho second place, he Is to convict the world of righteousness. Tho Holy Spirit has no other channel through which he can get at the world except through those who are already saved. He shows the world Its error about righteousness; also Hint Jesus Is the only righteous one, nnd righteous ness Is only possible to us In hi in (riill. 3:0 It. V.). Because ho has lived the right life, having fulfilled all righteousness, nnd gone on high, ho therefore convicts men, but the Spirit does his work through the agency of tho word. Man needs to know first of nil that he Is n sinner; second, that Jesus "the righteousness of God," has provided for us, nnd It Is tho Holy Spirit who nlone can show these two things to men. In the third place, ho convicts the -world of Judgment be cause "the prince of this world Is Judged." This Judgment Is past (see John 12:31), for Jesus has conquered Satan. Certainly this Is n truth thnt needs to be emphasized u this day. The judgment of sin nnd punishment for sin, due to unbelief or rejection of Jesus Christ, Is seldom preached In our day. The best cure for the falso theories concerning the future pun ishment Is for a man to lie filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit In man convicts him of this Judgment, and ho has no further difficulties regarding the question of retribution. IV. The Spirit and Truth (vv. 12-15). There was much more that the Master might say to tho disci ples, but they were not ready to bear It (v. 12). He, however, looks for wnrd to tho day when tho Spirit shall come, nnd they will be ready to re ceive these things. The Spirit will guide them Into truth, nil truth, for ho shall not speak of himself (he will not bear witness unto or spenk "from" himself) but ifcfi things thnt ho will speak of will be concerning Jesus. Tho real evidence of tho presence of the Holy Spirit In a believer or In a con gregation Is the degree of exaltation given to Jesus Shrink Thero Is n pro gressive Intimacy In the Gospel of John. Jesus first calls those who are at his side, servants (Ch. 13:13). He next calls them friends (Ch. 15:15), nnd lastly he culls them brethren (Ch. 20:17). This Is tho law of Christian experience. We must miiko . progress, come to knowledge ns wo have Intimacy with the Spirit, nnd study the word. The time wns com ing when the disciples should be led Into the fullness of the knowledge of God's truth, and this promise Is nlso supplied to all believers (See John 22T7). Sunday school teachers should cer tainly take advantage of this lesson to bring out the work of the Spirit (vv. 8. 0, 10) ; the gifts of the Spirit (I Cor. 12); nnd the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23). Let ns be sure thnt our scholars know what It menns to have a definite, Intimate, personal rclutloii wlUi the nU powerful one. If- AX , V, ?A ij '7 3 .! if :1 'J i i .