The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 17, 1917, Image 4

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(ConiliiPloil ' by the National Woman'i
Christian Temperance Union.)
iX This Department Our Readers in Fulton Oai .--w r-s . .
Y tun county and Elsowhoro May journey
I Around the Worlld - ..
. . -. wcirmura on tno Trail
of History Making Happenings,
-Armored motor battery of tho New York Nutlnniil (imiid In fighting formation. 2-MaJ. Ui hard Lloyd (Jeorgo
tided M.n of David Lloyd George, premier of Great Britain. jin.1 IiIh bride, formerly Miss Kobortii McAlplne. II
The fri-ncn cruiser Aimnn a une, one oi me vessels Hint convoyed the French war coiiiiiil.sslon and (he first warship
of tnj allies l titr (in American port since the war opened.
TllL"IVl'rnmellt IlllS lieen ImMlnir n anrloa f nuu ,. ..!. ..... l. i i .1 ....
Kt imii .... ii i " ...o ... un ... . iiKim-n ii, i.r u.-M-u 111 nil- .iiiiiniiirine ena.ser neel wnieli Is to
ft DIMS mill iilaceil under pniiiiimint f Km nl '.... .,....,. l u i.i rm. . .......
e i - iiiuiim. jne junr oiiiiis used in me lest are shown
M,l'Mers usUi)- n pump In a front-line trench in northern France.
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French soldiers giving one of their nurses u swing.
"I sliull not soon forget tho shock
experienced when a physician of high
Handing In Michigan confessed to me
that time nnd time ngnln he had killed
patients by the use of neohol while
Btlll under the old delusion that alco
hol was a stimulant." savs Mr. Henrr
Stauffer. superintendent of tho Fox
Kiver Valley Lll.clency leacue. "The
common sense of mankind rlchtlv con.
clones the practice of this man be
cause lie did the best he and the tiro-
fession knew nt the time: but the
time of ignorance on this subject Is
Mr. Stauffer sent an onen letter to
the physicians la his state, usklnc this
question: "Knowing what you must
Know or the tragedy of nlcohol. how
can you or n single day lend the In
fluence of your example to its use as
a beverage iu your community. An a
result, III doctors wllllncly slimed
for publication the following state
ment, winch is being circulated:
We positively condemn tho use of
all alcoholic liquors, Including beer
and wine, because, by their effect on
me germ plasm they curse the unborn
child; because even their moderate
use has been proven to reduce the effl
clency of the user; nnd, because In
multitudes of cases, the continued use
of alcohol In moderation proves to be
impossible. The moderate drinker la
u social menace."
yWTMBS&AL-..!.' '
It has long been one of the stock nr-
guments ngalnst prohibition thnt hotels
couiii not be prolliably conducted with
out a bar, remarks the Union Slcnal. In
some of the campaign states hotel
keeiH'rs associations were formed to
work against prohibition. After a lit
tle more than one year's experience In
a dry state, the New Washington Im
provement company of Seattle Is about
to build a new wing, doubling the
capacity nnd gross earning powi of
the New Washington hotel, already one
of the largest. If not the lareest. hotels
In the city. The company has floated
a bond Issue of StHX).(XK) for this nnr-
pose. The manager of the hotel states ;
"business at the New Washington
ior ine last two years has far exceed.
cd our fucliltles for haudllnr It nnd
during the heavy tourist travel of the
summer we have been forced to turn
away hundreds of guests." Thus Is It
proved that it Is not in search of booze
that tourists tour, nnd that a hotel does
not need to resolve itself Into a saloon
In order to become a paylug Invest
A sentinel watchdoir. The doir has
Jumped to I he tup of the fence nnd is
peering over the landscape for any pos
sible prowlers. As a sentry he has
few equal.
C. U l til
Wtothfw U'r A",,)llssll(lor 1Iellry White In Washington which
I Ameri,. nch wur commissioners for their occupancy during
Where Weegee Failed.
'What's become of Unison?" said the
fat plumber, "I haven't seen him for
a week."
'He had been snendim: bis evenlncs
at home," the thin carpenter replied,
but he has started to attend the Curb
stone club meetings again."
"What caused the change In his
"Someone sent the children a toy
called n 'weegee board' for Christmas,
and he has been playing with It."
"What Is It like?"
"It answers questions of people who
place tho ends of their fingers on it
nnd move It about the surfuce of a
"Answers any kind of questions?"
"Any kind nt nil."
"But why did he finally pass It up?"
"It got him into trouble"
"Umson stayed out late one evening
nnd depended on the weegeo for an
excuse when he got home."
"And tho weegee "
"Failed him In his grentest hour of
need." Youustown Telegram.
The first United States flan to no
ofllclally to the battlefields of Europe
is In charge of Arthur C. Klmher. ad
vance guard of the second Stanford
unit of the American ambulance Held
service. The war department author
ized Kiiaber to take the flag to France.
It Is the gift of the American League
of California.
Dark Doings.
A Long Beach, Oil., man. dlscusslnir
a coming election said: "That reminds
me of tho time I ran for mayor of
Long Beach. In the course of mv
campaign a colored gentleman agreed
to deliver mo colored votes. Tho otll-
clal count after the election showed I
received Just 101 votes. Next day I
met my colored friend. I told lilin I
know positively whence came one of
those 101 votes, but asked him what
became of his 150 colored votes. 'Look
a yeuh. Massn Bess.' renlled tho Etlil-
oplon boss, 'Jess fifty of those niggahs
double-crossed me.' "
x.v::..-. 'Sr.. A; T
Since the introduction of nntl-wlii.
I;y legislative measures the love of the
distiller for his brother, the hrmvi-r
has growu cold. The following Is u
sample of what the whisky men are
"Until recent years, at least. It
the custom of Milwaukee parents to
take thelrchlldren Into the vurlons lipor
gardens of the Cream City and fill
their little stomnchs with 'suds. The
high degree of Intelligence portrayed
in these beer faces wonM nr
brought fortn envy on the part of I1nto
or Homer. We recall the time when
the employees of one of the inr mm.
wnukee breweries threatened to strike
becnuse their dally allowance- of beer
was to be cut from four callons n rw
gallons. It would thus be seen that
there must be somethlnu nhnnt
that perpetuates the thirst. lint. t
tho same time, It is admitted by the
brewers that beer Is a eenulnn torn.
perance drink."
Judge William N. OemmIT Oil
formerly of the court of ilomestte rA.
latlons, states that at least 75 per cent
of all fnmlly desertions are due direct
ly or indirectly to the use of Intnxl.
eating drinks. "AH our efforts to sun
press crime in the community will be
futile," he savs. "so lone aft tt'P llnenaa
7,250 places where boys are turned
Into bandits and husbands Into wife-beaters."
We have with crent success nm!
practice of not leaving arsenic nnd
strychnine, and typhoid and tubercu
losis germs lying around for our dill.
dren to be destroyed by. Trent John
Barleycorn In the same way. Stop him.
Kent let lilin He around, licensed nnd
legal, to pounce upon vour vouth. It la.
tho healthy, normal boys, now born or
Piling born for whom I write. Jack
London, in "John Barleycorn."
This munition depot of the iillies on tln SMlnnlkl frmit vviiu l,uiilni.,l.,l fnr
a wees,, inn. ine sneiis nil everyiiung except the target.
rour large Kentucky distilleries nm
to make alcohol for Industrial pur
poses, Instead of making whisky. They
expect to export lnnre ouantitles of al
cohol to Europe.
A Unique Metaphor.
A unique paraphrasing of a time
honored metaphor Is recorded In the
Outlook by Mary Dewhurst, reporting
food riots In New York. One of the
hungry women ninong those who pre
sented their grievances to the board
of estimate cried out: "We come to
you gentlemen here with the beec
bends and you tell us that there ure
no laws to let you help us. You can
not take the satis out of our wind
like that." . . .
Friends Make Tommy a Sot.
Sir Alfred Pearce (lould. sncnkln? nt
Kllhurn recently and referring to the
effect of drink on soldiers, said that
the British Tommy was not u drunken
sot; It was the civilian population
that was at fault. Hospitals should
bo n sacred retreat for soldiers, be
said, yet they would hardly believe
how difficult It was. even there, to
protect the men from the Introduction
of drink from outside. He knew of one
paralyzed and helpless man who was
found hopelessly drhnk after his
friends had visited him. London
Radish Seed Pods Pickled.
The young and tender seed pods of
some varieties of radishes are some
times used for pickling like capers; In
fact, the' Madras or rat-tall radish Is
grown exclusively for'lts pods, which
are eaten cooked and also used In
pickle making. United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.
Duck Flew 2,000 Miles In 60 Hours.
Two mallard ducks wearing silver
bands on their legs killed near Mobile.
Ala., by Dr. Shelton C. Frederick Rome
Mini ago were released originally by
Jack Minor of Klngsvllle, Out. Doctor
r rederlck received u letter from Mr.
Minor giving details of the remarkable
record In flight made from Klngsvllle
to Mobile. The mallards negotiated the
flight of approximately 2,000 miles In
(Hi Hours.
On n petition asking for an election
to bring saloons into Fort Covington,
IS. 1., In March, there wero 4.1 signa
tures. Of these. 11 or more than one-
fourth, were the names of mri who
could not read nnd write, but who
made their marks, which were ac
knowledged by other men who could
read and write.
The taxes paid bv signers of the tie.
tltlon. Including nil tho X's. nmotinted
to .0014 per cent of all the taxes paid
In the town, slightly more than four
teenths of 1 jpr cent..
Try Hominy Instead.
One simple way to solve the potato
problem Is to ent hominy Insteud. Ono
would think that dally Indulgence In
potatoes was absolutely necessary to
sustain lire. Chicago Tribune.
1 holisands of stage conches nnd wnv.
eldo taverns wero put out of business
b.' the Incoming of the railroads. Will
someone please tell us how much tho
railroads or the state government paid
y way of compensation to the wni?
earners nnd proprietors o" the retired
Oil From Soy Beans.
Oil mills on the I'aclflc coast hnve
been operating for several years with
soy heaiis Imported from Manchuria,
and have found n ready sale In that re
gion for oil, cako and other products.
"Booze consists of 1 ner cent nf
Imaginary sunshine, nnd 00 pec cent of
crime, misery, degradation, disease, In
ellieloney, Idiocy. Insanity nnd death."