The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 03, 1917, Image 7

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J $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 BM3a Money oy "win r. t uougiaa
hoe. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers.
The Best Known Shoe In the World.
. i rvioln name and the retail price is Kimotd on die Us.
I torn of all thoes it the factory. The value u guaranteed and
. lwttKt protected agauut Wgri r"w interior (hoes. The
, i prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San
1 acttco than they do in New York. They an always worth the
I js paid for them. I
quality of W. L Douglas product b guaranteed by more
1 than 40 years eiperience in snaking fine shoes. The smart
- are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
. nude in a wtU-eoutpped factory at Brockton. Mu
(. fa highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
vision of experienced men, all working with an honest
i jrmuution to make the best shoes tor the price that money
ti fcuy.
a ynor shoe dealer for T f. t Pwotflas shoes. If he ran.
- 4 supply yoo with the bind you want, take no other
. k. Write for IntarMtlna- booklet ipla.lnlnt how to
.alines of the blghast standard of 4 Ball 1 7 for the price,
solum anaii, posiaf "
sum a
IViJ' jTsrwaae or Iff J
w 1 I
Boys' Shoes
C FOR W. L Douglas lif if Blttl1Wtrl4
.ndtl.;r.l $3.00 $2.60 4 $100
d on the bottom. .Jlu2!"?
anada Offers 160 Acres
Free to Farm Hands
-us of Western Canada Land to Men Assisting in
Maintaining Needed Grain Production
-"demand for farm labor in Canada is great As an inducement
i cxure the necessary help at once, Canada will give
allow the time of the farm laborer, who has filed on the land, to
"'y as residence duties, the same as if he actually had lived on it
L J special concession is the reduction of one vear in the time to
plete duties. Two years' residence instead of three as heretofore,
only to men working on the farms for at least six months in 1917.
;j appeal for farm help is in no way connected with enlistment
x military service but solely to increase agricultural output A won
t t nnnnrrnnirv rr spoirft a farm and draw cmnd warpq nr the samn
- Canadian Government will pay all fare over one cent pel"
' i from St. Paul or Duluth to Canadian destination. Information
i t j low railway rates may be had on application to
P. JAfTRAY, Cor. Walnut and Broad Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Canadian Government Acent
Grvst iiicii do much for others and
'. It out In posthumous fume.
I7s We handled Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
ot ever since we started in the drug
linns ami there is not a single medicine
it we Fell that gives aa universal tat
tctioti as your preparation, and tbose
io call for it do not fa 1 1 to recommend
after they bare tried It.
i Very truly voure,
, Uy T. E. llruce, l'rop.
it. f, 1910. ScotUville, V.
i Whit Swamp-Root Will Do For Yon
1 ten cents to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co.,
minn, N. jr., lor a sample size bot
. .t will convince anyone. You will
a tieeive a booklet of valuable infor-
.. tclline nbout the kidnevs and blad
'. Alien writing, be sure and mention
s ttper. lingular tuty-cent and one
lar ai-e bottles for sale at all drug
Is Is tlic mnn who declines
te his troubles seriously.
'irrples, boils, carbuncles, dry op and
isr with Doctor Pierce's Golden
. 1 Discovery. Ia tablets or liquid,
-'t pet Into the hnhlt of going
1 with your bristles up.
- 4 lh time to rlesnse the syattm ana
the digestive functions. WRIGHTS
f VKuiiTAW.E PILLS are not only
but tonlo Adv.
Its them all in end
Speed Germ Manifests lite
Mice In Centenarian About to
Take First Auto Ride.
tlt'y, (iootz, one hundred years old,
I har brother, Igny Knrlsch, only
ety-tJght, resolved thut they would
'r jo to nn Institution for the aged,
ae wind thut hud blown the roof
their FQimtters' shnnty was
g coldly over the meadows
Ntlnte, L. I., where they lived,
f hud nothing to ent. Dut they
i SoIiir to leave their homes Just
t Spring would be coming soon.
(; left her nlRhtdresson nil duy
f V'10 l'0,1 for she reckoned
. whlii't tiike n lady through the
In her nightdress.
Uliey heard n purring sound.
Jew louder, then seemed to stop
Side their door. They tottered
f aw n large, sleek automobile.
- io to take you for a ride," a
Sergeant announced. "We're
-! '4 Kfiigg County hosptnl." Kitty
i r rer been In an automobile he
' a as she looked at the big car
' "J s',0,,,1 smn Infected her soul,
-..j hu demanded, "how fast can
buns; l'lucur New
I She Had 'Em.
t-What uro jour terms for
Kcnl success consists la achieving
ir you nave worms or Tapeworm, no
doubt you have taken aome kind of "vcr
mlfuge." Hut did you aret positive results?
ibks ur. i-eery a vermuuge ueaa biioi
and get certain and quick action. Adv.
Fools throw kisses, but the
men deliver them In person.
A Valued Household Remedy for
Over Half a Century.
In our climate, with Its sudden
changes of temperature, rain, wind and
sunshine often Intermingled In a single
day, It Is no wonder that our children,
friends and relatives are so frequently
taken from us by neglected colds, many
deaths resulting from this cause. A
bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept
In the house, and a few doses taken In
time, will possibly prevent severe Ill
ness, a doctor's bill, and perhaps death.
For fifty years this has been a yery
successful remedy for coughs, colds,
throat or lung troubles. It Induces a
good night's sleep with easy expec
toration In the morning. For sale by
druggists In all parts of the civilized
world, 25 and 75 cent bottles. Adv.
Youngster at Church.
Ills first Sunday at church:
"What Is It, Bobby?"
"Look at that man with a kimono
"Hush, Bobby. That's tho domlnte.
He Is In his vestments."
"I don't see enny vest on him."
"Hush, Bobby." '
"Say, muw. Look at that mnn with
a pan of money where did he get It?"
"That's the offertory for the poor
and the heathen. Now you must bo
(Silence for a moment.) "Mow, I
wlsht I wua a heathen. . Say, maw,
everybody Is gettln' up and goln' home,
ain't they?"
"Yes, Bobby, and wo must bo galng,
"Maw, when they get all the monej
anybody hns they make 'era go home,
don't they?"
"Bobby, you'll not come to church
with me again." Richmond Tlmes-Dls-
Comfort First
Two little girls whose parents were
natives of Norway had Just been lis
tening to a lecturer who praised the
people ol that country very highly.
"Just think I I was born In Nor
way 1" said one with a good deal of
"Well," the other answered, "I could
have been born there If I'd wanted to,
but I thought I'd rather Just be born
In America, and then I'd be here."
Christian Herald.
The Dying
Assistant Duo, Moody Bible
Institute. Chicago
I ' i'
l imi v i
i'ly-Pendhcats and bums .
J Rood is very monotonous 11
IJnnorcnt amusements.
--- -mmuh inuiiiiiinmnmiiimiiit
There's a Reason"
f "'"''"''iiiSilJisaiaaiiiaisisisiHiil
TKXT And he said, Joins, remember
me when thou comrst In thy kingdom.
And ha said unto him, Verily I aay unto
thee, today shall thou be with me In
Paradlae.-I.uke 21:42-43 K. V.
The highway robbers of Christ's day
were often popular heroes, Jewish Rob
Boys, full of zeal
to deliver their
people from the
Itomuii yoke. The
two crucified with
Christ may have
been companions
of Burobbas. One
of them cries, "If
thou be the
Christ the Mes
siah save thyself
and us;" he was
doubtless thinking
of the Jewish
hopes for deliver
ance. But the
other, who seems
himself to havo
reviled ChrlHt Just a little before, turns
to rebuke. Ills computilon and shows
that a change has been wrought In him
which continues to bu an astonishment
to all who reud of It.
Tho malefactor was an unlikely
person to be converted. The disciples
had forsaken Christ and fled but this
sinful man Joins himself to him. Ho
was the first of n long line of trophies
from among the foes of Christ. Tho
chief persecutor of the eurly church
became lis thief apostle, and the pow
er of tho cross over Christ's enemies
abides. Elijah I'. Brown, for many
years editor of a well-known religious
weekly, was onco a lender of infidel
clubs, yet God brought him to Christ
under a simple plen from I). L. Moody.
We should count no mini hopeless but
should covet Christ's enemies for his
Unlikely Place for Conversion.
A cross was : unlikely place for
conversion. Tho cross has been glori
fied in our eyes, but we are not to for
get that It looked no more attractive
to those who first saw It than a gal
lows looks (o us. John Wesley de
clares that at one period he would
have thought It a slu to seek to save
souls outside a church building, but
he was driven to the fields to preach
and learned thut any place cun become
holy grotml. Samuel lladley started
heavenward from the bnck room of a
low saloon.
The dying hour was an unlikely
period for conversion. This story for
ever rebukes the Idea that acceptance
with God depends upon n round of
sacraments or good works, for he hud
time for neither. This lesson still
needs to be learned. Wesley was for
many years a professing Christian,
and even an ordained minister, before
he lenrned It. He tells how he was
thrilled In first preaching salvation, by
faith alone, to a condemned prisoner
and his Joy when he heard the mnn
say : "I am now ready to die. I know
ho hns taken away my si an and there
Is no more condemnation for me."
Interesting Points.
There are several Interesting points
connected with the thief's conversion.
It began with the fear of God. He
asks his companion, "Dost not thou
fear God seeing thou art In the same
condemnation?" His heart hod been
solemnized by tho darkness which
spread over the land and by all the
scenes of the crucifixion. "Nobody
fears God any more" so we are told
today. And Indeed this frivolous, self
satlstled ago Is not marked by the fear
of tho Lord. It may require the hor
rors of an awful war to bring us to
seriousness and a sense of the mnjosty
of God. Alas, for tho fuct that some
time even God's Judgments full In this
matter, Just as one of the robbers was
unmoved by all he had witnessed I
It was accompanied by frank confes
slon of his sin. "Wo receive the duo
reward of our deeds." How refresh
lug when visiting in prisons, to find
one who acknowledges his guilt and
expresses contrition ; there is hope for
such a man.
Remarkable Faith.
But we would speuk especially of
the remarkable faith of this man. He
prays, "Jesus, remember me when
thou comeBt In thy kingdom." To the
multitude, and even to the disciples.
tno inscription declaring Jesus to be
king of the Jews must have seemod
mockery Indeed. The life of Jesus
nppeart-d a complete failure and his
claims exploded. Yet, in that hour.
there was begotten In tho heart of this
rough fellow a faith that snw the king
dom even beyond the cross. It was
a faith akin to thnt by which Abraham
was Justified, of whom It Is said he be
lieved God "who quickened the dead
and cnlleth those things which be not
as though they were." We should not
huve been surprised to have heard tho
Lord say of this malefactor, "I havo
not found so great faith, no not la
Jesus responded to his faith wlt
the assurance that the man should be
with him In paradise, that very day.
His blessing would not bo delayed
until the kingdom should come but
would begin at once. Paradise sug
gests a garden of delights and the as
surance, Vttb me," satisfies the long
ings of our hearts.
My knowledRe of that life la smull,
The eyo of faith la dim;
But this I know, thnt Christ knows all
And I shall be with him.
Somehow, men are prone to abuse
God's gifts. Wo presume upon such
mercy as It Is set forth In this story
and turn the grace of God Into lasclvl
ousness. Men arguo that because the
dying thief was saved, they too may
bo saved when dying, and so they put
off repentance for their deathbeds.
But how knowest thou, O man, thut
such an opportunity will be thine?
Even If time be given at the last, the
heart may bo adamant and repentance
nn Impossibility. ."True repentance is
never too late; late repentance Is sel
dom true."
(By E. O. Slit.LEflS
the Sunday
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright. U17. Western Newspaper Union I
e Hunday Bohool Course in the Moody
LESSON TKXT-John l3!t.tS
OObDKN TEXT And whoanevor nf vn,
will be the ehlcfeat, ahull be servant of
H. UK, 10:41.
This lesson Is really a continuation
of tho latter part of the lesson of last
week, for the glory of Jesus is bis un
selfishness whereby he wrought out re
demption for mankind.
I. Selfishness Amid Holy Surround
mgs (vv. 1-11). The world does not
appreciate Jesus. It never has. "Ills
own," the Jews, did not appreciate
mm. Wo are considering him today
as he was about to depart from the
world that hud despised and rejected
mm to ono thut appreciated him (Ileb,
4 t V .
i-uj. ino development. Verso 2
tells of tho Satanic suggestion tliut
came to the heart of Judas. In It was
personal desire, and, connected with It,
milium conspiracy. The coming to
this upper room has been pointed out
oy n man benrlns a nlt.lier iik
14:1.-10), the pitcher .B stiestlve
01 me noiy spirit which was about to
come In tho place of the visible Christ,
and It Is In the midst of such sacred
surroundings as this that Satan enters
tno Hearts of students. This Is u sug
gestion as to the power of environment.
Environment Is on aid, but It docs not
produce effective safety. No moi t
Is too holy fr Sniiinlc suggestion.
Jesus knew that the hour was come
when he was to depart out of the
world. "Having loved his own, he
loved them to the end." Even though
the Tather had given all things Into
Ms hands, still It was necessary for
h.'m to teach the disciples once more,
and finally, (ho lesson of humility. I,.
kn-w and remembered tho strife
am n.; the disciples (Luke 22:21-'JS).
Poet u !'.onnrd's famous dream, analys
ing k -t! as being made up of ambi
tion, p To and elen ts other tliiin
tho love . God Is worthy of eonsld.
erntlon In Mils connection. We need
to renllzo . dnnger of selfishness
even In our sir . Ice for God. Have wo
examined our motives? If the con
sequences of our superiority, ellher of
rank or ability, tempts us to shirk the
lowliest of services, It Is time for
God's children to recall this scene, and
remember that "the servant Is not
greater than his Lord." IYtor's strong
protest (v. S) brings out the fact that
the washing by Christ of the dis
ciples feet was deeper than
merely the outward application
of water (Seo Itom. 8:0). It also
brought out the fact (v. 10) that Jesus
knew 4ht all present were ivt clean
Inwardly I hough ho may have made
the application outwardly, for he knew
who should betray liltn (v. 11). There
fore, said he. "Ve nro not all clean."
Christ, himself, hud confided the
knowledge to John especially as to the
one who was nbout to betrnv blin (See
John 13 :2 :!0).
II. Service, the Evidence of Divine
Humility (vv. 12-1T.). (1) Tills service
was tender. Jesus bad all things (v.
3), yet he became the servant of all.
(2) It was for all. All needed a wash
ing. All the disciples needed to learn,
and all servants must learn, to obey.
U) it signified snnctlficalion. We ore
saved once for all, but wo are con
stantly being stained by our contact
with sin In tho world; hence the need
of renewed cleansing. New light re
veals new need of cleansing. (4) It
signified deity. Jesus rend the thoughts
of his disciples. He became their serv
ant thnt in years to conic they might
know tho meaning of service. He be
came their example, and In years to
como they remembered his knowledge
and service. (0) It was for "his own."
The disciples did riot know what It
was he had done to them. Little do
we understand oftentimes what It Is
the Lord has done to us, Jesus set
them nn exnmple whereby ho would
remove llio dirt of crime, self-seeking
and every manifestation of selfishness
from their sln-staln-l souls. Wo may
call Jesus Lord and Master, nnil It is
well that we do so, for Master and
Lord ho is Indeed, but, If wo call him
so, let us not do aught than make him
In our lives what we cull him with our
lips. Tho Idea here emphasized 1ms
given rise to much religious II tern tare.
"The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas
n'KcmpIs, is tho most popular book in
the world next to tho Bible. No mod
ern book has had the sale that has
Sheldon's "In His Steps." William
Stead wrote. "If Jesus Christ Came to
Chicago." Still we ask not only what
did Jesus do nineteen hundred years
ago, under clreumstnnces widely dif
ferent from our own, but what would
Jesus do If he were In my place to
day? It Is the remembrance of what
Jesus has once dono, and the living
experience of what ho now Is, con and
would do if "formed within us," that
will give us power to live and net like
"Verily, verily, I say unto you" (v.
10). This introduction shows how Im
portant Christ considered his teaching
at this point. "The servant Is not
greater than his Lord" (See Matt. 10:
21; Luko 0:40; 22-27). If the Lord
bent to this lowly service, certainly
they, the servants, should not think it
beneath them to do likewise, nor
should tho ono that Is sent (on apos
tle) consider himself grenter than be
that sent him. John, who wrote this
epistle, was one of the apostles guilty
of nn unholy strife for power and po
sition, and desirous of bringing fire
down upon those who did not acknowl
edge and follow Jesus, but ho became
marvel of lovo and tenderness.
(Conducted by the National Woman's
Christian Temperance Union.)
The I'etrograd correspondent of the
Neue Zurichor Zeitung, In a survey of
the two years sobriety in Itussln,
quotes a representative of tho dunin as
saying that "the very thought of the
fearful consequences on tho bnttleflold
and In the country Itself of a continua
tion of the alcohol regime makes erery
patriot shudder." The writer con
tinues: "We ore, therefore, more than
overjoyed to know that it has been
statistically proved that the daily pro
ducing capacity of tho workltigman,
since tho promulgation of that message
of salvation, has been Increased by 15
per cent, and that Monday, the day
when millions of muzhik (farmers)
were found in the gutters, ins become a
normal work day In Russia. But not
only the inlr (village community) felt
the consequences; the life also In tho
city was as If of a sudden transformed,
How quickly the population grasped
the prospective benefits of tho great re
form Is best shown by the fact thut
when It became known that tho Im
perial ukase, in order to become legally
valid, would need the express consent
of the majority of the mlrs, only an ex
ceedingly low percentage refused the
"Nobody has so quickly and om
pletely grasped the Import of the social
revolution as woman, the greatest suf
ferer from the old alcohol curse. We
are, therefore, not astonished to learn
that as soon as the saloons were defi
nitely closed the peasant women
marched to tho churches In Indian fllo
to burn n candle each, thanking tho
Lord for the great delivery.
"When last spring the question of
repermlttlng tho sale of beer and red
wine came up in the dimia, Tarasov, a
farmer-deputy, exclaimed: 'If the wom
en would hear you they would pull
you down from this platform.'"
Mr. Frank Case, for 14 years pro
prietor of the Algonquin hotel, New
York city, has closed his bar to stay
closed. The fact Is chronicled by tho
New York Times. Being usked "why"
by n group ef astonished friends to
whom he made the announcement, Mr.
Case pointed to n small boy crossing
the hotel lobby with a bunch of school
looks under his arm. "There's ono
mison right there," he said. "That
youngster Is my own son, Just coming
home from school. I have decided that
I don't want to pay his school bills and
tho other costs of bringing him up on
tho profits from booze. I guess that's
my chief reason, but thitro are others.
The large profits made by the bar,
($10,000 last year)," he went on, "nmdo
me sick. I had to admit to myself that
I was n rumseller, and that Is some
thing I don't want to be. I om not
posing as a reformer. 1 tone n unnit
myself occasionally, but I don t want
to sell it to onother mnn. AVould you
want to?" Everybody said no, although
there was not a total abstainer in Uie
Speaking at a meetlug of the Dry
Chicago federation concerning the me
morial to congress In bebnlf of nation-
prohibition, ex-Governor Foss of
Massachusetts said: "The memorial Is
cast in very radical terms, buf It has
won the support of most persons of
great Importance in the most conserva-
ve circles and In all walks of life,
rofessors of Harvard, Yale, Columbia,
Princeton, heads of grent railroad cor
porations, presidents of banks and
leaders in the industrial and commer
cial world, as well as scientists and
alienists, have signed this document.
We think that both congress and tho
country will bd astonished at the char
acter of the signatures vAen they are
Saloons Several first 'class loca
tions, for sale or rent Apply United
States Brewing company, 2519 Elston
avenue. .
The above advertisement Is from the
Chicago Tribune. Like the many other
ads of tho same nature, It Is a pretty
good Indication of what the trade
thinks about the "receding prohibition
wave!" Also of the real opinion of
saloon men ns to whether or not pro
hibition prohibits.
Knowing these things, "happy ore ye
If ye do them." "If ye know," thnt Is
knowledge which Christ gives in re
sponse to our asking today. "If ye
do,"that Is obedience which faith
gives to Christ.
The new liability ond compensation
laws give tho employer no option; he
must pay for an injured workman, ir
respective of the cause. If ho toler
ates ulcohol-users on his premises, he
must pay tho cost of their mistakes.
. . , .As a result of these laws em
ployers i.'ve installed safety oppll
tinccs and twrtad "safety campaigns."
Their new rules against alcohol have
precisely tho sane inspiration. Harp
er's Magazine.
Prohibition Is bad for some kinds of
business, and thts fact must bo admit
ted. It is bad for the business of loaf
ing, bad for the fellow that runs a
drunk cure establishment, bad for the
fellow whose business Is robbing drunks
on the street, bad for the Jnllkeeper,
bad for the bawdy house, bad for the
wives who hove formed the hoblt of
being beaten up every Saturday night
by a drunken husbnnd, bad for tho par
asites who live off saloon keepers by
permitting them to disobey tho law -Cole's
"The ideal for the college student
should be total abstinence," says Dr.
Jacob B. Schurman, president of Cor
nell. "Total abstinence Is what we
ought to have among our students.
No railroad, no Industrial concern to
day will take a student graduate from
Cornell university unless it hns my as
surance that he is a total abstainer."
Who says the saloons help business?
Tho saloons. Who says that Uiey bleed
business? Business.
The Right Medicine in Many Cases
Does Better than the Surgeon's
Knife. Tribute to Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Doctor Said Operation or Death Dut Medicine Cored.
Dcs Moines. Iowa. wMv husband ears I would
havo been in my grave today had it not been for
ijjuia itiiuiuiaius v i-guuiuio tAiujpuuiiu A BUI
fered from a serious Icnialo trouble and the doctora
said I could not live one year without an operation.
juy nusnanu objected to tno operation and had mo
try Lydia K, l'irkham'B Vegetable Compound. I
soon commenced to get better and am now well
and able to do my own housework. I can recom
mend Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound to
any woman as a wonderful health restorer." Mrs.
Blancub JFr-EitBON,703 Lyon St, Des Moinesjowa,
Another Operation Avoided.
Richmond, Ind. "For two years I was so sick and weak from
female troubles that when going up Btaira I had to go very slowly
with my hands on tho steps, then sit down at the top to rest The
doctor said ho thought I should have an operation, and my friends
thought I would not livo to move into our new house. My daughter
asked me to try Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound as she had
taken it with good results. I did so, my weakness disappeared, I
gained in strength, moved into our new home, do all kinds of garden
work, and raised hundred of chickens and ducks. I cannot say
enough in praise of Lydia E. linkham'B Vegetable Compound." Mrs.
M. O. Jounston, Route D, Box 190, Richmond, Ind.
Of course there are many serious cases that only a
surgical operation will relieve. We freely acknowledge
this, but the above letters, and many others like them,
amply prove that many operations are recommended when
medicine in many cases is all that is needed.
If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Plnkham Medi
cine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your lettr will be opened,
read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence.
I -J
Bolivia has an extensive deposit of
coal at an altitude of 1.1,000 (Vet above
sen level.
Whenever You Need a General Tonic
lake wove s
The, DM Standard CI
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Geo
Aral Tnnirt twwaticj. 't K mmi
known tonic properties of QUININE and ... - . - .t
inun. ii ac on las Liver. nves O'll
Malaria. Enriches tha Rlnml anil RniMa
up the Whole System. 50 cents.
December Is tho wheat harvest
month In New South Wales.
arlr Jcnr and Charlmton Waiffl.ld, Snmoailaa
oa ,ai iinu-B, out luril .uu; .wm rurfl HI: t.u
t o b.bare ipoatpatdUttparluu. suuTmiIm i
UWatll it.
BWRHT I'OTATO FLANTS-lmmrdlal hlpmanl.
Nancr Hall and Porto Hleo.l.UU lo ,U0u alb INI
lUiU) b bre. Tomato plftnut00.?ta
fun p&kd ioc ir luu. ft. r. jAaiMi,iuiftTii-Li,t,4
MM) (r It .16; Kfaan. tppr planta toy
Commercial Orchardlet aak (or our Hal ol
varieties of pearb.auil apple litre. Mr. Farmer,
you want a borne orchard. We can aupplr jo
with anytbluc Deeded. FRUIT aod HHADi
TRKE8, all rlaaara. Ornamrntala In Ml RUB.
BKK V and EVKUOR1CKNS. We jft have UXDI
Do You Neglect
Your Machinery?
Tho machinery of the body needs to
be well oiled, kept In good condition
Just as the automobile, steam engine or
bicycle. Why should the human neglect
his own machinery more than that of
his borso or his engine? Yet most peo
ple do neglect themselves. To clean
the system at least once a week Is to
practice preventive measures. Tou will
escape many Ills and clear up the coat
ed tongue, the sallow complexion, the
dull headache, tho lazy liver, If you will
take a pleasant laxative nmdo up of
the May-apple, Juice of the leaves of
aloes, root of Jalap, and called 1'leasanf
Pellets. You can obtain at almost any
drug store in this country these vege
table pellets In vials for 25c simply
ask for Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
There can be no counterfeit If they
have the Dr. Pierce stamp. Proven
good by 60 years' use.
Belleville, N. J. "I havo been doe
torlng for liver (rouble for tho past
four years and I could not regulate
myself as I should, but after trying tha
'Plensant Pellets' I have been greatly
relieved, and can safely say that I am
thoroughly cured of this complaint.
I think It no more than fair for me to
mako this statement so that others
who ore suffering can try tho same
remedy." P. J. CULLKN, 83 Dow St.
Paulsboro, N. J. "I have used all
of Dr. Pierce's medicines at different
times of my life and have always found
them to bo all and more than was
claimed for them; In fact I nlwaya
keep tho Anurlc Tablets and Pellet
on hnnd, and recommend them where
ever I see nny need of n like medicine.
I havo felt better during this last six
months thnn I have for n very long
time. If others troubled as I have,
been will give these medicines a thoro
trial they will certainly rerelve bene
nt." MUS. J.' B. LillEEN, 3J New SU
Canada's Liberal Offer of
Wheat Land to Settlers
is open to you to every farmer or farmer's son
who is anxious to establish for
himself a happy home and
prosperity. Canada's' hearty
Invitation this year is more attractive
than ever. Wheat is much higher but
her fertile farm land just as cheap, and
in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskat
chewan and Alberta
1 60 Act loaotnai An jUtulh; Fitt ts Settlers
u Other Lut Mi it bu 1S to 120 prA-i
The treat demand for Canadian Wheat will
keep up the Price. Where a farmer can get
near K lor wheat and raise m to 45 bushels to
the acre he U bound to make money I hat's
what you can expect in Western Canada. Won
derful yields also of Oala, Barla and Flu.
Mixed Famine in Western Canada ia fully as
profitable an industry as grain raising.
Th exeallrnt iiwmm, fnll of nutrition, are the only
fiicd required rltnr for beef or dairy parpen.
Good schools, ebarcbss. markets ooovanlenL ohniate
excellent. There Is an nnunal demand for farm
labor to replaea the many yonng men who have
Tulnnteered fur the war. Write for literature and
eanioulari as to reduced railway rales lo bupkuf
Uuulgrauoa, Ottawa, Can., or lo
Cor. It'ilnul A Dread Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.
Canadian Government Afent
Favors are seldom satisfactory.
The best way Is not to need them.
Sore Eyes. Blood-Shot Eyes. Water Eyes.
Sticky Eyes, all healed promptly with nlsht
ly applications of Roman Kye Balsam. Adv.
Some men have courage only when
they lose their tempers.
That Itch, Burn, Torture and Dlsflfl
lira Use Cutlcura Trial Frte.
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal. They
usually afford Immediate relief in Itch
ing, burning eczemas, pimples, dandrult
and most baby skin troubles. They
also tend to prevent little skin trou
bles becoming great If used dally.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept, L,
Boston. Sold everywhere.-Adv.
Nlcerla reports cool discoveries.
i MnviII Murine Is for Tired Eyes. I
I MOVleS Red Eyes -Sore Eyes -a
S Uranslated Rrellds. Honrs a
lierreehes flentoret, ainrine ta a Fa.ur'.ta
g Treatment for Brea that reel dry and lain,
Weakness and murder will out.
Allen's Foot-Ease for the Troops.
ins antiarpiio powoer vo oe anaaen into ina
anoea or uaea in e loot-Da in. Young aaea 1
erery community are using: Allen's root. Be
In their drills for Military pi-eparedneaa. U
by the Allied, French and KiiRllnh troops I
cauae it rests uie reel, iaea we rricuom i
the ehoe and Bakes walking eaaj. Ad.
The ball Is the oldest toy.
zA.c roa
A dlceetlre liquid Uiallra, rathartle aad IItss
tonlo. i'omblnea Birenstb with palatable, aroaiaul
last. Boss not grips or disturb stomach. 60a
Occupation Is the scythe of time.
Luxurious Wavy Hair
Send dime for trial Mckase of Luxaton
or fift cents for box of fi full treatment-
Guaranteed pure. Contains no dye or las
jurioue substances. Van AcK Co.s
950 Rogers Avenue., Brooklyn. N. Y,
Notes Wanted one woman In erery town to aai
aa ropreav nlutlve. Tleaaaiit work good pais
Watson R.Cnleman, Wuk
lnton, D O. Buoks free. UlsM
est refersnoos. BssirasaUs
r unejour if res as muonoryonrloTlniirare a
i as your Teeth and with the same regularity. 5
Sold at Drill and Optical Hum or by stall a
at Msrlas Eta Itmtdy Co, Cklciie, tor Fret look i
apparatus: Icsns 10c; pruned directions lOe. luu-ad
Chemical Company, Jtua ts, Uambrldse, B, ataas
Make and Sell Your Own Goods
Get the bla money. Kind fnrnlrenlaron fonnnlaa sad
truds secrets. bxlal Inducements for prompt aa
tiun. iiimii a miMT, r. o. a est, smiam, 6