THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. . L. DOUGLAS i "the 8hoe that holds it8 shape " 13.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 aJSVEEU " m eirlM. XA7 f rkAiartfmA Money y " Vnr sale by over BOOO shoe dealers. , Bt Known Shoe. In the World. Douglas name and die retail price ta stamped on the bot, Vof ill shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and nr Dfotected against higK prices for inferior ihoes. The Wi are the same everywhere. They cow no more in San JHhin they do in New York. They are always worth the A for them. uality of W. L Douglas product la guaranteed by mora 40 yeara experience in making fine shoes. The amait n the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. M made in well-eauipped factory at Brockton, Mass., lighest paid, skilled ehoemakera, under the direction and fm or expenencea m", ""m ytion to ma" ins pe i u uw money ir shoe dealer for Tf. I Donjlas shoes. If he can ei too with the kind you want, take no other Write for interesting booklet explaining how to i of the blf heat lUndanl of quality for the prloe, rn mall, postage -resident 01 pea on ww Ate. IW? 1 ,UMT,,UTO V Boys' Shoes Best lathe World $3.00 $2.50 4 5100 I. Douglas Shoe Co.,. IBB Spark St., Brockton. Mass. greatest responHlhlllty Is worn I she never lets hlra shirk It. : Out Malaria i And Build Up The System It Old Standard GROVE'S ESS chill TONIC. You know I are taking, u the formula is on every label, showing it if ind Iron In tasteless form. The I drives out malaria, the Iroa p tba lystem. 30 cent, -v l l'sunrlse, with clouds lowering r 1 1 the morning. Indicates rain. hoe$ and RenwdUt )NSTIPATION B.i-10 Tf IQt. AtlUnttm tip-take bTAP I fuCKIT-STOCKLlKElT For Horses, Csttte, Sheep and Hogs. Contains Cop perss (or Worros,Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomica.aTonlcandPur. Dairy Salt Used by VeN erinarians 12 years. No Doting. Drop Brick la feed-box. Ask yourdesler for Blsckman's or writ AN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY TANOOCA. TENNESSEE FREELY. Are yonr Nostrils CLOGGED? INAZ-UP gives reuet. rowaer mnsiea thru nostrils. No equal for CATARRH, I HAY FEVER. HEAD COLDS, ASTHMA, etc. I If your druggist wul not supply IIP I you we will send a box postpaid VrionncciDtoffl. SAMPLE FREE, bi convinced at our exnense. UnifiiiUi Write for Agency Terms. IMtRAMirVU. 405LawBuildiag Baltiswe, Md. PahKBr'A BALSAM . HAIR A ! preparatioa f mnk fl.lpa to eredloal. eeaarao. Far ft.ilia.aa Calar aad iBaaatyteGfarerFadadHalr. m. uo fi.f. at vrirr" rious Wavy Hair le for trial package of Luxatona ante for box of 8 full treatments, ad pure. Contains no dye or in. abstancea. Van AcK Co., ers Avenue., Brooklyn, N. Y. nurd one woman In every town to act guaUve. Pleaaaat work good pay. Proof Cabbage Plants and Charleaton Wakefield, Snoeeseloa llrb. MS forll ; 1,000 for O 00: e,UU at II 60, 1 pultpeld Mo pr lOU. SHWMIa nuHMi 1 A IX) PLANTO-lmmedlate ahlpniant. and Porto Rloo. 1.0U) to 0,000 at Si 00; M). t . o. b. her.. TomiUi nlant at II XL ipper Dliou at II U nor 1.000. f. o. b. bars. aiMriui), s. r.Jisiaba.siiaiaTiixe, e.c ANTED Laborers and Track men as section lso Pattern Makers, Molders and fa. Bricklayers experienced on brick or red brick construction. rk. Good wagee. Apply in person 1HEM STEEL CO., Sparrows Falsi, Md. EES! TREES! tal Orchardlat ask for our Hat oi (f peach, and apple trees. Mr. Tanner, a home orchard. We can supply yon Ihlue needed. FRUIT and SHAD dl claaacs. Ornamentala In BHKUB eEVF.KUREKNS. We yet have 50,0u0 Bd APFLK TKKKS SPRING W17. I0UNTAIN VIEW NURSERY CO. ' iTraaw WILLIAMSPORT.MD. NTS X9 . a n w r, . ' at tit airraV, Wublngioa! u. v. auvioa ana Dooaa irae. u. Auvioa ana Dooaa I auble. Hlshaatrstareneea. itaalaarrl i, BALTIMORE, NO. 16-1917. After a man has kept you nwnke nil night by his snoring he usuully tells you that he didn't sloop a wink. fruit mm FORM CHILD "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother realizes, after glvlne her children "California Syrup of Figs" that this Is their Ideal laxative, because they love Its pleasant taste and It thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bowels with out griping. When cross, Irritable, feverish, or breath Is had, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bow els, and you have a well, playful child again. When Its little system Is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach ache, diarrhoea, Indigestion, colic remem ber, a good "Inside cleaning" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask at the store for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has directions for babies, children of all ages, and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Adv. When starting, a locomotive puffs five times to one revolution of the driving wheel. "CASCARETS" ACT LIVER BOWELS No sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation by morning. Get a 10-cent box. Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or Purgative Waters f Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and reg ulate the stomach, remove the lour and fermenting food and, foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poisons In the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken or cause any Inconvenience, and cost only 10 cents a box from your store. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Biliousness, Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or Constipation. Adv. Bugvllle Athletics. Bettle Hey, you grasshopper, If you enter In the Jumping events nobody else will. of Premature Old Age ! many times we hear of com )ly young persons passing away i '.iey should have lived to be 70 Mrs of age. This fatal work Is ' attributed to the kidneys, as, kidneys degenerate, It causes xlcatlon. The more lnjurl I poisons passing thru the kid a quicker will those noble or I degenerated, and the sooner tay. thus the wisest policy, to pre eraature old age and promote k, to lighten the work of the This can be done by drink Sty of pure water all day long, islonally taking Anurlc, double k before meals. This can be I at almost any drug store. Tou ! Anurlc more potent than Uthla solves uric acid as water does For Hang-On Coughs, Colds Clarksburg, W. Va. "Since I was a little boy at home I have known of Dr. Pierce's medicines. They were taken by nearly every member of my family with good results, and I myself was greatly benefited by the use of the Golden Medical Discovery. I had caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and In my bronchial tubes. I could not seem to get rid of It and the Discovery completely cured 'me and restored me to good health. - I have also taken the Pleasant Pellets for sluggish liver, constipation and biliousness they are fine. I am al ways glad to recommend Dr. Pierce's remedies." John Blby, 807 Jackson St. Golden Medical Discovery, the herb al tonic, Is made up In liquid or tablet form and can be obtained In any drug store. It contains no alcohol or nar cotic, and its Ingredients are printed on the wrapper. arter's Little Liver Pills For Constipation Puts You Right Over Night 2 Great- j ''etahlA Carter peatUM bears signature Smalt Pill Small Ooae Small Prica Srlpea Dl 17. usually indicate the absence of Iron la mi!? Sr.e aces ,h blood- i Pall. Utloa which will be greatly helped by barter SlrOIlrillS SIN By REV. B. B. SUTCLIFFE Moody Bible Institute, Chicago " ' ' s ; " J ml w bina-i'mhf am iaw TEXT-He did eat-Oenesls l:C From those three words, nil the sor row and Buffering, all the distress and the despair In the world have come. But for these words, and what they Imply, there would never have been a funeral, nor an aching heart ; never tear on the face of any human be ing. The Fact of 81 n. The conscience bears witness that man Is a sin ner. The highest philosophy bears witness and the Word of God fully confirms thi witness of conscience, philosophy and experience, that man Is a sinner. The Nature of Sin. It was a very simple thing which man did. There was nothing evil la the tree of which ho did eat, for God had declared that this tree, together with all others In the gordon, was very good. It was Just one step that he took, but It was like a step over a precipice. It needed no second step. A very simple thing, but In eating he doubts God's love, for he had been as sured of God's love, he would have been assured that the commands of God were for his highest good. But doubting God's love, he acts apart from God, choosing his own way rath er than God's, and so becomes a sin ner. Ills own way was not necessarily an evil way, as mnn calls evil, but It was not God's, and therefore sin came In. Secondly, In eating he doubts God's word. This is necessarily the second Rtop, for he who doubts God's love will doubt God's word, and doubt ing God's word, he acts contrary to God and becomes criminal. Sin Is not merely the disease of which some sen tlmenthllsts speak, but sin Is a crime, carrying a penalty which must be met. Thirdly, In eating, he disputes ' God's authority. And so he acts In spite of God, and thereby becomes a rebel and enemy. This, then, Is the nature of sin. It makes the one whom It touches to be not only a sinner but a criminal, guilty before the bar of God's Justice, and an enemy against God's govern ment. The sinner, then, Is one who would overthrow God and plnce him self on the throne of the universe. The Results of Sin. The first result of sin is shame, which Is seen when they strive to hide their nakedness with the aprons of fig-leaves. These aprons speak of their attempt to clothe themselves with a righteousness which will make them comfortable in the, presence of each other, a self-righteousness adopted to hide their shame. This Is followed by separation from God, for when God comes upon the scene, they hide themselves among the trees of the garden. It Is to be noted 'that the separation Is formed by roan and not by God. These are the first results of sin: shame, self-righteousness, separation from God. God's Treatment of the Sinner. First, he seeks him. In seeking, God reveals his own love for man and also the character of man, for when he finds hlra he says: "I heard thy voice and was afraid because I was naked." But this Is a He, for mnn was naked before and unafraid. He Is afraid only when God comes on the scone, and that because he Is a sinner and a criminal and the enemy of God. Tho seeking of God proves man to be morally wrong, for he Is a cownrd, at tempting to hide behind a woman. He Is shown to be mentally wrong for he tries to lie to the God; he knows he Is lying. It shows him to be spir itually blasphemous, accusing God of his sin, Implying that If God had never given him the woman he would never have sinned. Provision of God for Sin. This provision Is found In the twenty-first verse, and It will be noted that this provision Is mnde by God; not by God and man. It Is, therefore, all of grace. Further, It Is made by sac rificethe shedding of blood, for "with out the shedding of blood there Is no remission," and those who do not look for salvation by blood, look not for the salvation spoken of In the Scriptures, for the crimson mark of the blood of the Lamb of God Is seen on every page of Holy Writ. Lastly, this provision Is made through a substitute, and the coveting of tho substitute covers the sinner. This, then, Is the provision that God has made for the sinner and his sin. He takes the sin away by the precious blood of his own sacrifice, the Lamb of God, so that the believer can say: "He hath mnde him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God In him." True Religion. By religion I menn the power, what ever It may he, which makes a mnn choose what Is hard rather than what Is leasy, what Is lofty nnd noble rath er than what Is mean and selfish; thnt puts courage Into timorous henrts, and gladness Into clouded spirits ; thnt con soles nion Id grief, misfortune, and disappointment; that mnkes them joy fully accept a henvy burden, thnt, In a word, uplifts men out of the do main of mnterlul things, and sets their feet in a purer and simpler region. A. O. Benson. . Can Serve Only One Master. Tou cannot serve two masters; you must serve one or the other. If yoar work is first with you. and your fee second, work Is your master, nnd the lord of work, who Is God. But If your fee Is first with you, nnd your work second, fee Is your master, and the lord of fee, who Is the devil. Buskin. ITONAT10NAL iSWi'SOlflOL Lesson (By E. O. 8ELLEU8, Acting Dlrebtor of the Sunday School Course In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 117. Western Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR APRIL 22 JESUS ANOINTED AT BETHANY. LESSON TEXT John 12:1-11 GOLDEN TEXT She hath dona what she could.-Mk. 14:1. This Is a lesson of Jesus In tho home. It occurred at the beginning of passion week. We have before us the master ; the worker, Martha ; the wor shiper, Mury; the witness, Lazarus; the traitor, Judus, and the people with out. An unconscious bit of wisdom till from the lips of that good house wife who exclaimed, "How much bet ter my neighbors' houses look when I have my windows clean." Too much we are looking through the eyes of selfishness. Out of this lesson let us learn to look through unselfish eyes. I. Unjust Criticism (vv. 1-0). It Is lx days before Jesus' Inst Passover. Tho uccounts of Mutthew nnd Murk suggest It to have been within two dnjs, bocnuse . they mentioned this feast after telling of the conspiracy of the chief priests and elders with Ju das, who came to his determination to sell his Master after the reprimand given Mm on this occnslon. (1) The Value of Good Deeds. Je sus did not forget, In the supremo hour of his life, the friends whom hi) loved. To bring them some further spiritual gifts, he had come to their home In Bethany. Doubtless he also had In mind the desire to nourish the faith which had been kindled in the heurts of nil by the resurrection of l.nzarus, Just as he returned to Cuna after having performed his first mlr acio (John 4:M). Jesus was Very God of Very God, yet he was very much of a renl man ; therefore he en joyed the pleusures of home as much as otlior men, and the Joys of kinship nnd irntherhood. To none of the hearts In this home did he brlno grenter J.-y than to thnt of Mary. She, more th. nil others, listened to hiuv understoo him, believed In him, loved him, d we rend (v. 3) that her mlnlstrt M;n wns of ointment "very precious. ' This suggests self sacrifice, that l gives of Its best, thnt the results of love are always to be inniiifcM nut ui.ou self but upon others. (2) The Wealth of Good Deeda. Out of her love Mary expended $51, prob ably her whole trensure, In the pur chnsu of this alabaster box, nnd put It aside to use It upon him at the proper time. We do not think that she stopped to calculate the cost cf this ointment. Love never estimator vnlue. Her deed proved a safer guide of con duct than the calculating prudence of Judas and the other disciples (see Matt. 20:8). Such deeds nre always looked upon with suspicion. The Isca riots usually ore the loaders In criti cizing the actions of others. Envy lay at the bottom of their criticism, but good deeds are unconscious, for we rend that "the house was filled with odor." The comment wns (Mark 14:0), "She hath- done a good work upon me" (Mutt. 25:40). On door and recipient love did a good deed. Her act bus also become (3) A Standard of Good Deeda (Mork 14 :h); "She did whnt she could," nnd we have also the record of good deeds, a memorial to her (Mark 14:U). A large number of peo ple who never give of their own to the poor nor to the kingdom of God are willing to criticize others who do give out of the gratitude of their loving hearts. II. Gracious Commendation (vv. 7-11). Jesus praised where his disci ples nnd Judas criticized. The poor they always had with them (.Mark 14:7). This must have been n chal lenge thnt evidently they had not nt tended to the poor ns they should. Jesus ulso tolls them frankly tint' whatever they do for hlin thoy must do speedily. Jesus' Judgment upon Judas is a rebuke of the disciples; his exposure of the sophistry of the crit ics and of their subtlety Is suggestive. Upon Mary's act he bestowed the highest possible praise. "She hath done what she could." Thnt is nil that Is asked of anyone (II Cor. 8 :12). Such commendation as Jesus bestowed upon Mary he bestowed upon no other, and his wonderful predictions concerning her (Matt 20:13) have been literally fulfilled. Jesus' Judgment upon Mary Is also suggestive. He shielded her, "let her alone;" He approved her works as being good, and he Inter preted her Innermost purpose In the act which she had performed. This outward act was literally the pouring .forth of her heart's adoration and wor ship. Martha was In part taken up with her household service. Lazarus was In part taken up with his enjoy ment of the presence of Jesus, but Mary was wholly taken up with Jesus himself. Docs tho record surprise us : "Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also which she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her?" Judas, under the Judgment of Jesus, wns stung (Matt. 110:14) nnd nurrlos ut once to the enemies of Jesus to strlko a bargain with them for the be trayal of his Lord though he did not secure from these enemies the equiva lent of whnt she had poured upon lilm. Christ will b no roan's debtor. He takes the poor offerings we lay before him, and crowns them with the rich est reward. 1 Mary's gift of ointment received words of commendation of which sho never dreamed, nnd a re ward far beyond her fondest hope, nnd has been the fount of countless deeds rich with love. Many people hnd gath ered, not only for Jesus' sake, but that thoy might see Lnznrus also. He drew people because of what Jesus had dono for him, yet he drew them to Jesus. This brought him also under condemnation, for we must shnre tho bitterness of tho foes of Jesus. If they hate him, they will hate us (v. 10). Temperance (Conducted by the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union.) BEAT BARON MUNCHAUSEN. A liquor paper recently commented on the decreased death rate during the past five years and clulmed that dur ing the same period the sale of liquor greatly Increased. It made this state ment among others: "Sune people who are honest with themselves will draw the conclusion that the nation Is going along under constantly Improving conditions of sanitation and sobriety, and while using liquors more freely, It Is using but not abusing." Then the liquor editor made a mis take. He sent a copy of the paper to the Journal of the American Medical association. Now tho Journal had among Its reference books a copy of the Statistical Abstract of the United States, which gives the official figures of liquor consumption, and after con sulting that authority the great medi cal Journal also iuukes a statement. It is this: "Statistics or the figures themselves never He, but compared with some of the Interpretations which are mudo from them by the advocates of per sonal liberty In drinking, Baron Mun chausen was a second George Wash Ington. DEPRIVED OF PERSONAL LIBERTY The Ladles' Home Journal tells this story: "A driver of a distillery wogon be longing to one of the largest dlstiller lofl In tho country had JuBt unloaded some barrels of whisky and stood rest ing for a moment before driving on. 'I suppose,' snld a bystunder, 'you have all of thnt to drink you want?' 'Well,' tho driver answered, 'I could hnve It If I wanted It But I never touch It on or off the Job. I see too much of what It does. Then, we nre not al lowed to drink, you know.' 'Not al lowed? Tou mean by your employ ers?' asked the bystunder. 'Thnt's right,' nnswered the driver. 'They know the stuff they're bundling, nnd It Is good-by to our Jobs If we touch ns much ns a drop. No, sir, the groit est teetotulers In the country nre the drivers of booze wagons and don't you forget It. They're llko ffirtenders. You rarely find a bartender who drinks.' " LIQUOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Speaking for the newspapers which refuse to carry liquor advertisements some 8T)0 dallies In the United States Mr. Schermerhorn, editor of the De troit Times, snys: "We believe that if a newspaper car ries on Ita first page the story of a tragedy caused by liquor and on an other pnge a guaranteed cure for dflnk, and on still another page asks everybody to have a drink thnt the whole process Is as Inconsistent as when the nurse marries the under taker to catch the patient coming and going. We believe that for a news paper to take liquor advertising Is to do behind the bar whnt the bartendci Is doing In front of the bar." BOOZE HABIT DECLINING. A New York advertising Journal gives some Interesting testimony nnont the docronslng populnrlty of drinking among business men. The entire al cohol bill of all the lunchers and din ers nt the Advertising club of New York for a recent month was $30. There wore something like 4,000 reg tilur menls served In tho club rooms during thoso 20 working days, not reckoning dinner pnrtles. This mnkes the average bill for booze not over eight-tenths of a cent per person per men!. In other words not over ono diner In forty took a drink with his menl. UO INTOXICANTS SERVED. The Gerogla Press association at Its last meeting passed the following anti liquor resolution with only two nega tive votes nnd not a speech against It : "Resolved, That It is the sense of this body that hereafter It shall be tho duty of the officers of this association, who negotiate the arrangements for onr annual outings, to Inform all locnl committees where we nre to be enter tained that It Is the wish of this asso ciation that no intoxicants of any kind, Including beer, near beer, wines or liquors, shall be furnished at any of our functions." RIGHT OF 8TATE. "The state has the undoubted right to prohibit to everyone the use of al cohollc drinks, since drinking In ev ery form Is a social danger." This K not one of the "fanatical" ut terances "of Richmond P. Hobson or William J. Bryan, or Governor Capper of Kansas; It is part of a political speech delivered by a German in the council hull of the Berlin Itnthaus. POOR MAN'S CLUB. The United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry company of New Jersey as the result of careful -observations finds that the drinkers among Its em ployees lose on an averago of $180 a year In wnges. The compnny arrived at Its conclusion by keeping close tab on 100 employees secretly selected, hnlf of whom were drinkers and hnlf abstainers. It Is shown that the fifty employees who were average drinkers lost a total of 4,150 days during tho first eleven months of the year, an average of nearly eight days a month. FEDERAL PROHIBITION. Instructions approved by President Wilson for the sale of town sites along the route of the government railroad between Seward and Fairbanks, Alas ka, stipulate thnt no liquor selling, gambling or Immorality will bo al lowed on any of the lots, under pen alty of forfeiture. Among the rules and regulations be ing sent out by Secretary of the In terior Franklin K. Lane Is one that states: "No drlnKng saloon or bnr room will be permitted upon govern ment lands in Yoscmlte Park." He's telling her that nothing he received from home brought more Joy, (onger-lastlm. Pleasure, greater relief from thirst and fatigue than THE FLAVOR LASTS She slipped a stick in every letter and mailed him a box now and then. Naturally he loves her. she loves him. and they both love WRIGLEY'S. CHEW IT AFTER EUERV MEAL Three of a kind feep them In mlnfl Saaalaaaasx5a5Sa55a A man's Idea of a good resolution Is one thnt will stretch. IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur iant and Remove Dandruff Real Surprise for You. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf fy, abundant and appears as soft, lus trous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "t)anderlno hair cleanse." Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Dandcrlne and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and In Just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Dandcrlne dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invig orates the scalp, forever stopping Itch ing and falling hair. But what will ploase you most will bo after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. It you rare for pretty, soft hair and lots of It, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any store and Just try It Adv. Some women find that a new hat Is a good cure for a headache. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Ttaara ttia Signature of U&XS77&ju In Use for Over SO Yeara. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Men who hnve been crossed In love think that tho Joke Is on the girl. Kill the Flies Now and Prevent di-ease . A DAISY FLY KILLER will do it. Killa thousands. Lasts all season. All Healers or six sent express paid for f 1. II. SOMKKS, 150 De Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Adv. The ball Is the oldest toy. Whr buy many bottlta of othar Varmt fugaa, when one elngle battle of Dr. Peary's Vermifuge "Drad Shot" will aet surely and promptly f Adv. Lay not burdens on any but thyself. There are now 17 nutloiinl parka. Nature contributes the substanreav Spring provides the opportunity. Wright". inniun Yrgetnnie i'liia present Mature. J lifts to aid Nature s work thus prodoe ng the Idral Hprlng medicine. They ar. tonic aa well as laxative. Adv. Uruguay contains 7.042,212 cattle. The occasional uaa of Roman Eye Balsaaa. at nlsht upon retiring will prevent sod re lieve tired eyes, wstary eyes, and eye elraia. Adv. Fogs Indicate settled weathec Pend 10e to Dr. Tierc, Invslids' ITot TtiifTnlo, for large trial package of Anurss for kidneys cures backache. Adv. You ennnot fnn awny a fog. WHAT IS LAX-F8 lAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCJUU A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND UVER TONIC Lax-FoS is not a Secret or Patent Medi cine but is composed of the following old-fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN InLAX-Fo9tbeCASCARAls Improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi ents making it better than ordinary Cav CARA.and thus the combination act. not only as a stimulating laxative and cathar tic but also as adigestive and liver tonic. Syrup laxatives are weak, but Lax-Fog combines strength with palatable, aro matic taste and does not gripe or diatnrk the atomach. One bottle will prove Lax-Fos is invaluable for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Liver. Price 30b. -Im i rut JOIN'S FSMTTT Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? TUaRHKUMACIDK to remove theiaeae and drive Um eolaua frum Uu ejreteaa. "aasi sunni es ths issiks nts sastauTiaa 01 tu euTerjer At All UroggUU Jas. Bally A See, Wkeletale Diitribatsrs BaJ tamer. Md. Farm lands Wanted Western Canada Farmers require 50,000 American 4 farm labourers at once. Urgent demand sent out for farm help by the Government of Canada. Good Wages Steady Employment Low Railway Fares Pleasant Surroundings Comfortable Homes No Compulsory Military Service Farm hands from the United States are absolutely guar anteed against conscription. This advertisement is to se cure farm help to replace Canadian farmers who have en listed for the war. A splendid opportunity for the young man to investi gate Western Canada's agricultural offerings, and to do ea. at but little expense.'' CT Only Thoso Accustomod to Fanning Need Apply For particulars as to railway rate9 and districts requiring labouij or any other information regarding Western Canada apply to . J. P. JAFrRAY, Cor. Walnut end Bread Sle Philadelphia, Pa. Canidlsn Government Agent . . '