The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, April 12, 1917, Image 5

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Miss Ethel Kendall spent last
iday in Mercersburg.
Herbert Duffy and his mother
ant Monday in Chambersburg.
Walter Johnston and mother
jot last Friday in Mercersburg
Jred Metcalf, of Lemasters,
nt last Sunday in McConnells-e.
itate Forester J. Newt Morton
iioned in Harrisburg was home
aw days last week.
Ir. and Mrs. Ed Hendershot
1 son Lee, near Harrisonville,
in town shopping last Sat
y. jerrill W, Nace attended the
eral of his uncle George Warn
fin Chambersburg last Sat
y. :iss Anna Johnston, who spent
winter with relatives in the
e left for Pittsburgh Monday
r. Stevens will be at Huston
a, April 16th and 17th; at
jmore on the 23rd, and at
at Cabins on the 24th.
' . and Mrs. Elmer Carbaugh
Sunday with their uncle
ln I Deshong near Harris
;ile, who is in very bad health,
inton Everts and daughter
beth J., and his nephew
ben Engle, of Thompson
.ship, were in town a few
I Monday.
, and Mrs. James Mellott,
feasant Ridge, were guests
is. Lucina Forner and Mr.
"Irs. Jeff Harris last Satur
nd Sunday.
and Mrs. Roy Kendall
X! to Mercersburg last Mon-
to see the former's' sister
. Martin Myers who is in
. poor health.
ic Peck, East Extension,
" nnellsburg, spent last Sat
; and Sunday in Thompson
hip in the home of his pa-
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra L.
' D. Shimer, who holds a
in in the State Insurance
tment, Harrisburg spent a
tys during the past week
; 1'i home on South Second
!:.(and Mrs., John F. .Hess
tveir son "Jack" (Marion J.)
mpson township, were reg
. t at the City Hotel Monday.
; ere in town doing their
bounty Treasurer and Mrs.
Stevens entertained a few
i at their pleasant home
soln Way Monday evening
Jiration of their twenty-
. wedding anniversary.
ge H. Reisner and Mac C.
both students of State
i spent meir easier vaca
th their respective parents
i Mrs, J. G. Reisner and
ad Mrs. Peter Morton.
! Mary A. Kelly returned
last Wednesday evening
laving spent a week in
srsburg visiting in the
Of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
tt and Mrs. Annie Kelly.
aid Mrs. Jacob S. Hill,
Ore, R. R. 2, and their
liter and Jacob, Jr., and
WKhter Letitia. were in
onday. Mrs. Hill and the
were pleasant callers at
tfs office.
jEnRineer F. M. Taylor,
State Highway Depart
iarrisburg, spnt a few
his home on East Lin
yjastweek. Frank has
- iving his patience tried
- Jb s afflictions for some
' tyho spent last Sunday
v i home of Mr. and Mrs.
K. Keeder were. Mr.
Adam West and daugh-
of Fayetteville; Misses
ssnut, Essie Kirk,. Roxy
nd Francis Lamberson
Hustontown, and Clem
S and John Hess, near
having spent three weeks
8. where she had gone
id the funeral of her
-eorw M. Bender, Mrs.
p. Unger returned to
Bin the Cove last Sat
Irs. Ungersays George's
pects to visit her friends
5unty sometime in the
A. J. Sipes Dead.
Ufa rrri tn - i
, -.w ivj Hress we learn
few Jackson Sipes died
se north of Saluvia last
T Tt HA a. r 1 1 a.
i 'v w auer an
I about ten . days of
.disuse. The funeral
; P ace to-morrow, and
will be made atGeeen
s survived by his wife,
Iden noma n
-u-on lem aid one
f months and 3 days.
In? farni,,iar,y known
-ellent citizen.
We hope that our readers have
eiajoyed a plesant Easter
The Great Big Picture Show
thi't was to have been held last
Tuesday eve&mg was postponed
indefinitely. '
Howard Bennet has moved to
the Grissinger farm m Todd
The Reeder Bros, will farm on
the place vacated by, Howard
Daniel Rotz lost a very fine
steer last Sunday.
. Mrs. Lemuel Hill and daugh
ter Annie, visited relatives in
this section. .
Geo. LyDch is improving in
health very slowly.
Misses Daisy Morgret and Le
na Brinkley are visiting the
former's mother Mrs. Jane A.
Am on Fittery has moved into
Scott Roeder's bouse.
James Bivens is digging a
foundation for a new barn'.
Mr. and Mrs. Biddis Lynch
spent Easter Sunday at Scott
EJmer Clouser is expecting to
build a new barn this summer. - -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shaw
spent Monday at Geo. Lynch 'a.
It affords us pleasure to report
that Mrs. Charles Eirley, Miss
Zola Gibson and Mrs. G. W.
Swope all of whom submitted
recently to surgical operations at
the Roaring Spring hospital, are
getting along1 nicely. Their many
friends wish them a speedy re
The new store building with
all its contents including a large
stock of merchandise the proper
ty of J. C. Kirk two miles south
east of Wells Tannery, was total
ly destroyed by tire last Friday
night. The origin of the tire is
unknown. The loss is partly
coveied by insurance.
Earl Cessna, Nannie Stunkard,
Will Stunkard, Dewey Sprowl,
and Jessie Cutchall with Levi
Johnson at the wheel, motored
to McConnellsburg last Saturday
evening. i
Mr. and Mrs. Howard War sing
and two children of Saxton, are
visiting relatives in the Valley.
Sherman Amick has erected a
dwelling bouse on East Queen
Btreet, and now with his family
is at home to his friends.
Russell Mellott ot Need more
has moved into one of W. II.
Baumgardner's tenant bouses.
Levi Johnson has moved into
the Horton home recently pur
chased by Thomas Horton; Ei
Mellott, of Saluvia into the house
with Harry Spaugler,
W. 11 Baumgardner attended
presbytery at Mount Union Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. dell Swope,
James Swope and son with Sher
man Amick at the wheel motor
ed to Roaring Spring last Sunday
to visit their mother who is in
Nason hospital at that place.
There was a gone al turn-out
at Pine Grove last Sunday to
hear the new M E preacher Rev.
Frownfelter. His sermon was
inspiring and lull gospel mes
sages. .
whips cove.
Abner Mellott and Simon Lay
ton are on the sick list. ..Mrs.
Elizabeth Mellott, of Hancock,
visited Iriouda in the Cjve last
week. . .Nathan Mellott and wife
visited D 0. Mailott's last Sun
day. .. Mmnie Dtobl and E.hel
Hoopengardner visited BelleMel
lottlast Sunday, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. A Diebl and son and
daughter Marshall and Rintha,
were at Carey Lay ton's. ..Homer
Mellott will soon have his garage
finished when be will be ready
for the auto repairing business.
..DC and M H Mellott are en
thusiastically engaged in the
poultry business. They are each
keeping their zinc bens on the
nest all the time. ..Rev. E. F.
Mellott tilled his appointment at
Yellow Springs, W. a last Sun
day, after an interim of two
months. ..Alfred Lay ton made a
hasty trip to Bedford ounty last
week with his car well tilled with
Whips Cove people . .Jacob Mil
ler is wearing a broad smile. It's
a boy. ..Veruon Mellott had a
heifer to get its leg broken a few
days ago, and as a result he-had
to butcher it. ..We are glad to
report that Mrs Nathan Mellott
is able to be around again after
having been housed up all winter
with a broken ankle. ..The men
are busy in the fields and the
women, in the garden. ..Walliice
Mollott was breaking his 2 year
oid mule last week. ..Marshall
Diebl is expected to worlr at the
auto-repairing business this su n
mer. . .Chester Lay ton has pur
. based tbe Andy Mellott farm
and expects to move upon it the
middle of this month. Edith
Fix is getting her school prepar
ed for a fine entertainment at
Oik Grove Saturday evening,
, Church Notices.
The fourth and last quarterly
conference of this conference
year will convene on Saturday
evening, April 14th at the Cito
A. M. E. church. The presiding
elder Rev. W. B. Williams, of
the Harrisburg District, will be
present and hold the conference
and will preach on Sunday morn
ing at 10:30. Rev. J. S. Wallech
of Greencastle will preach at 3
o'clock in the afternoon.
Services on the Hustontown
charge, Rev. Reidell, pastor.
Clear Ridge, Saturday evening
at 7:30. Theme: Looking For
ward. Center, Sunday morning.
10:30. Fairview, Sunday after
noon, 2:30, baptismal services
and reception of members. Hus
tontown at 7:30 in the evening.
Special address by the pastor;
also to th.s congregation an Eas
ter exercise, "It Is Risen," by
nine young ladies of the Clear
Ridge church, will be repeated
by request. A cordial invitation
and a hearty handshake at all of
these eervices.
Harrisonville charge, Rev.
Croft pastor, Sunday April 15th;
Asbury, 10 :00 a. m. ; Ebenezcr,
3:00 p. m. , and Siloam at 7:30.
Lutheran: Holy Communion at
Big Cove Tannery Lutheran
church next. Sunday at 10:30;
preaching services, McConnells
burg, 7 o'clock in the evening.
C. F. Jacobs, pastor.
Preaching services in the Pres
byterian church next Sundav
morning at 10:45; in the Reform
ed church in the evening. Rev.
leanck, pastor.
M.E. church, Edward Jackson
pastor: patriotic services, special
music; special sermon; theme:
(1U:3U) A Call to the Colors."
and in the evening (7:30) "Amer
ica First." Easter service at
Cito at 3 o'clock.
Need more needs more news be
printed in the N i:vs ..Miss
Esta Hart is spend ing aorno time
in Hagerstow. . .Eti M Peck has
purchased a Ford touring car.
. lue lantern slide exhibition to
be given at the Cross Road was
postponed from Thursday even
ing on account of the wtaiher.
..George Came!!, wife and so i
Chester speii Sundfiy m Buck
Valley ..The State Roads have
been much imnrved by dra
gmg them. Why rua drag the
township roads? . .The pioirac
ted meeting at' the Bre'hreu
church closed Tuesday night
with three conversions ..John
Mann's funeral was liirely at
tended. ..Mrs Maffgie B!rd is
preparing to build a nt w house
this summer. ..W are. glad to
report that Floyd Hart is able to
resume his work in the school.
..Howard Garland au I wifo, ac
companied by Mrs. Maria Pal
mer, attended services at the
Sideling Hill Baptist church last
Sunday and visitee in the h me
of Joseph Truax. . . Joshua Mel
lottspenta day recently in tbe
home of his daughter Mrs. jonas
Mollott at Hustontown ..Lola
Deshong- spent Saturday after
noon in tbe home of Mrs. J C
Mollott. . .Mrs. J J. Pdlmer gave
an oyster supper at her home for
the benefit of the Needinore
Band. The proceeds were much
appreciated by the "boys." ..
Bennet A Truax and wife visited
in tbe home of Joseph Truax last
Sunday. ..Mack Mollott aud fam
ily spent Sunday in the home of
Clayton Dushong.
People have been trvirgtosow
oats and make garden, but the
cold weather has caused more
time to spend chopping wood on
the woodpile. . .Lewis Clark was
a caller at Job Truax's last
week. ..Albert Deneen is mak
ing an addition to bis poultry
house. ..William Clark and moth
er and sister Annie were visitors
at Stephen Fischer's one day last
week. . .Samuel Truax is burn
ing a two-eye limekiln. ..Mrs.
AdaCiaikwas a visitor in tbe
home of her father Lewis Clark
a few days ago. . .llazsl and Dell
Carnell were at Alfred PtjckV
last week, nad Wiibert Layton
and wife and son were at the
same place Sunday. ..The Eas
ter services at Pleasant Grove
wore well attended. ..Alfred
Crawford has moved his sawmill
to Mr. Downes' to do a job of saw
ing. ..We are glad to hear that
William cd Jobn Truax are get
ting bet er. . ,
Our old friend Uriah VV. Kline,
who has been spending the win
ter in the family of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hess near Bethlehem
church, has moved down on his
old home place on Licking Creek
where he and his son George ex
pect to farm during the coming
year. The farm is now owned
by Frank Hess. -
:T STORE G. I. Reisner & Co.
Well, last week we told you we had the
agency for Dr. Hess's Stock Remedies Disin
fectants, Pan-a-cea for chickens, and all the
rest of his remedies. We have heard of peo
ple Who were not getting an egg a day, that
after using a package or more, are now get
ting 8, 10, and 12 eggs a day. Isn't this pay
ing? And hogs, sheep, and cattle equally
good results.
Curtain Poles 8c.
Brass Curtain Poles 10c.
Tin Wash Basins 5o.
Enameled Basins 13 to ISc.
Enameled Stew Pans 8 to 13c.
Coffee pots tin 15 to 20c.
Coal oil 10c. a gallon.
Table oil cloths 15c yard..
5 envelopes lc.
6 sheets of paper lc.
14 rows of pins lc.
Machine thread 4c.
4 mouse traps 5c.
1 rat trap 8c.
Eureka Harness Oil 8oc. a gal
lon. Padlocks 10, 15 and 25c.
1 lorso rasps 20 to 35c.
8-in. fiat hies 12c.
Batcheller manure forks 65c.
Shovels 55 to 95c.
2- horse plow points 30c.
3- horse plow points 88c.
Gum boots $2.35 to $4.25.
Bunch straps 10 to 13c.
Warner corsets the kind that
wear, 50c. to $1.35.
Soe our' work gears at $5.40.
7-f t. heavy traces 80c.
Lire star 1 lames 85c.
Ilc-i'9 collars $1.25 to $3 75.
Mat ks 45c.
Men' ' aud caps 25c. to
Linoleum 2 yds. wide 75c to
Rubber roofing $1.15, $1.25,
$1.40, and$l 60.
Cold blast lanterns C5c. to 75c.
4, 5, and 6-inch taper files 4c.
and 5c.
Hand saws 50c to $1.40.
Shoe nails 4c.
Tail bands 14c.
Strap hinges 5c to 13c.
Whitewash brushes 10c to 38c.
Peroxide 8c.
Carbolic acid 15c. a pint.
Machine Oil 8c.
Separator oil 25c. a quart.
3-in-oue oil fic.
Pint cans paint 10c.
Open links 4 for 5c.
Lone star bame hooks 5c.
Buggy washers 4c.
Screen door hinges 10c.
Bridle bits 10c to 55c.
Flash lights 53c, 75c, 95c, $1 25
Williams shaving soap 4c.
Alarm clocks 75c to $1 95.
Talcum powder 10c to 15c.
Box writing paper 10c to 25c.
Tablets 3c to 10c.
Umbrellas 48c to 98o.
Heavy shoestrings 2c pair.
Hose, all kinds, 10c to 25c,
Men's collars 5c to 10c.
Men's heavy hose 10c.
Handkerchiefs 4c to lc.
4 doz clothes pins 5c.
100 split rivets 5c:
No. 1 lamp globes 5c.
No. 2 lamp globes 6c
No. 1 lantern globe 5c.
No. 2 lantern globe 8c.
Suit cases 98c to $1.10.
As you all know, shoes are advancing in price,
but we are glad to say that we are still able
to sell a great many shoes at old prices. As
long as we have them at the old prices we
will sell this way, so we think it will be to your
advantage to buy early.
Wire and Wire Nails.
We bought a carload of wire and wire nails
last October which did not reach us until the
10th of January; and it was lucky that we
did buy early, for the wholesale price has
made several advances since that time. We
are now offering wire fence .to you at prices
we would have to pay, if we were buying now.
As long as this lot lasts you will get it at Jan
uary prices.
Come and See Us.
Central Garage
McConnellsburg, Pa.,
Office, one door west
of City Hotel
Garage, at the rear
of City Hotel
Studebaker, Maxwell and
Chevrolet Cars
Chevrolet $580 delivered
Maxwell $665 delivered
SKidebaker Six $1250 f. o. b. Detroit factory
Studebaker Four $1015 delivered.
Ail Kinds' of Tires, Oils, Accessories on hand at all times.
J. W. LINN Proprietor
Formerly proprietor of West Lincoln Way Gar7
age, the first time you need repair services or
anything in the Automobile Business.
Are showing the Great
est Variety of Spring
and Summer Dress
Goods they have ever
These goods were all
bought very early and
do not reflect the pres
ent market value.
Beautiful Stuffs at 25
cents that today are
worth 35 to 40.
Just received a large as
sortment of Ladies'
Misses, and Children's
Dresses, Romper Suits
Dresses, 25 cents to
Separate Skirts $1.00
and up.
Middy Blouses 50 cents
to $1.00.
We want you to see all
these goods. It will
save you money to
own them.
G. W. Reisner & Co
McConnellsburg, Pa.
New Real Estate Agency.
Having retired from the Mercantile business
with a view to giving bis entire attention to Real
Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any
one having real estate for sale, or wanting to
His thorough acquaintance with values and
conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long
and successful experience in handling Real Es
tate, makes it possible for him to bring about
results in the shortest possible time.
Write, or call on,
.fcUl H.S.l.'.lU
There's No Excuse for Not
Being Well Dressed
When you can buy good Custom Tailored Clothes at a
nominal cost. A well dressed man has the satis
faction of knowing his appearance com
mands respect furthermore it cre
ates confidence in himself.
For the man who doesn't care to pay more.
Our stock is large, prices right, service the kind that
makes you want to buy here again.
Easter Sunday, April 8th
The Royal Woolen Mills Co,
62 S. MAIN ST.,