i SECRET NOT LOST Composition of Greek Fire of An cient Days Still Known. ,n This Department: Our Readers In Fultor Around the NAorld NAl-th -the of History INIatclng bounty a Damera id Elsewhere May Journey n -the Trail Ingredients Are Said to Be Identical With Those of Liquid Used In Modern Times by 8ome of Warring Powers. appenln THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURO, PA. Pictures of for Mews Readers UNCLE SAM'S BIGGEST ARMY AVIATION SCHOOL i-it. L:t:m:n..iJrv. " 1 4 ' f Qtncrnl scene showing tho Rrounds of the lorgHt of Uncle Sinn's nnny aviation schools, at North Island, located ;c::r Eun Diego, Cal. The school Is commanded by Col. W. E. Glassford. It Is the crack school of the country, and It Is expected mat over zuu aviators win De grauuated from this instruction post every year. A FRENCH SAUSAGE BALLOON '1 . 7 A 1 .Wri '& " - : .-"..T 2- i-.' Willi I I i f IS LEARN TO SHOOT r or ; a; '1C. v: iV xi Jtudents In a New York school I ladles are leamlnu ,how to Jllle. The young lady In the tukl"g a kneellnB nlm. JNG OF GAS ATTACK 9 le horns are used In the oches to give warning .to dugouts of a gag Wnve or NEW DEATH-DEALING RIFLE i ; Wit' r -OTMt;', , ; , , , flSBtii-Mfe "ifcllitlf The nltlsropo rifle, tho latest denth-donlor to make Its appenranre. The action of the rifle Is similar to that of tho submarine periscope, the firing be ing done after the atin Is found through the reflecting lenses. The mnrksnuin Is crouched far below tho edge of the trench, his entire head being concealed from tho enemy. Taking tho modern Sprlngfleld rifle, as used by the United States army, the two Inventors built Into It a frame of compressed Bteel to lower or raise the barrel. They also added reflecting lenses to permit the marksman to hold the butt of the gun In tho customary shoulder position and get his aim through the sights of the elevated barrel. In this wny the barrel of the rifle projects over tho edge of the trench while the marksman remains fully covered. Experts who hove examined the Invention declare It to be as effective as the regular rifle nud It can bo operated with a greater degree of safety by the soldier. It can be fired without raising the barrel or used as an altlscope gun at will. THE BATTLE CRY OF WAR Miss Ethel Darrymoro as "'Grief," Mrs. Oliver Hnrrlmnn as "Victory" and Mine. Frances Alda as "Amcrtcn" In the "Battle Cry of War," given for the Junior Patriots of America In New York. BUSINESS MEN UNDERGOING VOLUNTARY MILITARY TRYING -rTTTTTTZr ff,,.f,1Fr,g;ij ; This picture shows a number of New York and Brooklyn business men undergoing voluntary military trulnlug at Governor's Island. Offlcers from the post are drilling the men. iruimun MACHIN ON THE FRENCH FRONT fags v$&st5ifmi r SS5. --i: FRENCH FRONT IS NETWORK OF LIGHT RAILWAYS Nlifc..,.:A.. aaaK-'MK Most of the roads In the western war area now have light railways on cither side over which the peculiar little engines, one of which Is shown here, transport supplies to tho trenches. SOLDIERS ENJOYING A SWIM t5 Tszwr Is WW'','wwvW'".nww.vi,.vii.wiii ...-..,,.,., This stone swimming tank was built by the Zouaves two miles In the rear of the "trenches. UNITED STATES SUBMARINE TENDER 'J JWL I tmf T'IK fTWir if J -'4 i urn ii iiMiinin.Miviit f .wJ WOMAN JOINS THE NAVY t fib a . 0 D rjl X 'ii'f 1 x Y? f " '( ' - I - T- - ' ' : The Tallahassee, a submarine tender, a type of the United States navy's tooting submarine bases. Miss Loretta Walsh, a twenty-year-old Philadelphia girl, has been sworn In as chief yeoman and thus became tho first woman In the United States navy. She has been assigned to re cruiting duty. In 1492. Willie rop, why did the people In Columbus' tlnio believe the world was t roundT Pop Principally because they didn't . think Columbus was on the square. - It Is a common error to suppose thut the secret of the composition of the Greek fire so Jculously guarded by the emperors of Constantinople Is lost. On the contrary, It Is set out at length In an Arabic manuscript of the year 1225, now In the Royal mu seum at Leydcn, as well as In the bet ter-known "Liber Ignlum ad Combuf endiim Hostes" of Martin Graecus, written flvo years later and repub lished In 13-12. Its ingredients are there given us naphtha, pitch, resin and sulphur and are Identical, accord ing to n scientific writer, with those of the liiiild used today by some of tilt! warring nations. The well-known passage In the Sire de Jolnvllle's Memoirs about It "com ing flying through the air like a winged dragon, about the thickness of a hogshead, with the report of thunder and the speed of lightning so that the darkness of the night was dis pelled by this horrible Illumination," has misled scholars us to the way It was projected. Pots contulnlng it were undoubtedly hurled by engines on board ship resembling the modern which was also tho ancient cata pult; but the Greek sailors of the Middle Ages also used a chclroslphon, or hand tube, worked by on officer, culled a slphonotor, which enubled him to direct It on any point he pleased of tho enemy's vessel. This was undoubtedly the parent of tho modern method. llow the liquid In question was forced out of the tube may still be doubtful but Professor Bury, In the notes to his edition of Gibson, thinks It was done by gunpowder, the composi tion of which was, according to him, already known to tho Greeks of Do Jolnvllle's time. This would, perhaps, get over the difficulty of Igniting the liquid beforo It wus pumped on the enemy. The Germans, for example, seem to have Improved on their model by using compressed air. The Ignition was also arranged by mixing with th naphtha an organic substance which; will spontaneously take fire when ex posed to the atmosphere. But this was found to have Its disadvantages. Tho liquid, once Inflamed, was liable to blow buck upon Its projectors, and . hud the Inconvenience of revealing the. currier of the engine and thereby ex posing him to the attention of "tmlp ers" of tho other side. Hence It was found to be more prudent to separate the burning fluid Itself from Its means of Ignition. Attacks are now begun, by throwing fireballs Into tho enemy's trenches, with a fuse which lights them as soon as they touch the grouud. Louisville Courler-Journul. Texans Hall Birthday. Texans celebrate their own private Independence day, commemorating the signing of the declaration In 1330, which freed their ancestors from Mex ican rule. Texas wns In nil probability n part of the ancient Aztec empire, and since then It has been under six lings. Spnln claimed tho country by right of Its conquest of tho Aztecs, and France, too, claimed It as a part of tho ter ritory of Louisiana, with the IUo Grande as the southwestern boundary of French possessions. When th Mexicans gained their freedom Texas become n part of their republic, and1 so remained until ISM, when the Lone Star banner of the republic of Tcxuh! was raised. In 1845 tho Stars and Stripes wero rnl.sed over Texas, to ba temporarily reduced by tho stars und! burs of the Confederacy during tha Civil war. A Man's Work. The distinction and end of a sound ly constituted man Is his labor. Use Inscribed on all his faculties. Use Is the end to which he exists. As the tree exists for Its fruit, so a man for his work. A fruitless plant, nn Idle. animal, does not stand In tho universe. They are oil tolling, however secretly or slowly, In tho province assigned them, and to a use In the economy of tho world, to higher and moro catholic service. And tho man seems to piny, by his Instincts and activity, a cer tain part that even tells on the gen ral face of the planet, drains swamps, leads rivers into dry countries for their Irrigation, perforates forests and stony mountain chains with roads,; hinders tho Inroads of the sea on tho continent, as If dressing the globe for happier races. Emerson. Mother Knows Better. Willie liked to look through tho pages of nn Illustrated history, and had a good memory for tho pictures. One day a friend of his mother came In wearing n new hat. "Oh," Willie exclaimed, "you look Just like a witch." The lady was Tery much compli mented, as she thought he meant she was bewitching, but his mother was much embarrassed because sho knew he had reference to a very ugly Salem, witch In the book. 8tandard Time. Standard time Is a uniform system, of time reckoning In the United States and Canada adopted In 1803 by the principal railways, and since then by tho principal cities and towns of both countries. By this system the continent Is divided Into four sections, each extending over 15 degrees qt longltudo (making a difference of time of exactly one hour) the time prevail ing In each belug that of its central meridian. The Average Citizen, "A man ought to attend to his own business." "It can't be done," answered Mr. Crosslots. "Every time a strike Is threatened people who don't know me . get together and decide whether I hall be able to ride to work."