The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 29, 1917, Image 6

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Look, Mother! If tongue Is
coated, give "California
Syrup of Figs."
Children love this "fruit laxative,"
nd nothing else cleanses the tender
toniach, liver nnd bowels so nicely.
'A child simply will not stop playing
Co empty the bowels, and the result Is
they become tightly clogged with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach
'ours, then your little one becomes
cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat,
sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad,
system full of cold, has sore throat;
stomach-ache or diarrhea. Listen,
Mother I See If tongue Is coated, then
give a tenHpoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all
the constipated waste, sour bile and
Undigested food passes out of tho sys
tem, and you have a well child again.
Millions of mothers give "California
Syrup of Figs" becauso It Is perfectly
harmless; children love It, and It ney
r fulls to act on the stomach, liver
and bowels.
Ask nt the store for a GO-cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs," which
fins full directions for bnblcs, children
of nil nges nnd for grown-ups plainly
printed on the bottle. Adv.
Trunk," wild the teacher sternly,
"you were lute this morning."
"Yes'in," replied the boy, blushing
to the roots of his hulr. "I had to get
up in the middle of the night and run
for the doctor."
Til excuse you this time, Frank,
but I hope It will never hnppen again."
"Thiit's what pa snld, too," was the
unexpected answer.
A medicinal preparation like Dr. Kil
mer' Swamp-Root, that ban real curative
value almost sells itself. Like an endless
chain system the remedy is recommended
by those who have been benefited to those
Who are in need of it.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is physi
cian's prescription. It has been tested
for years and has brought results to count
less numbers who have suffered.
The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root
is due to the fact that it fulfills almost ev
ery wish in overcoming kidney, liver and
bladder diseases, corrects urinary troubles
nd neutralizes the uric acid which causes
Do not suffer. Get a bottle of Swamp
Root from an? druggist now. Start treat
ment today.
However, if you wish first to test this
arreat preparation send ten edits tn Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Jiinghamton, N. Y., for J
wumi'iB ui'kuc. , iicu writing ue sure ana
mention this paper. Adv.
"Anil why are you lu prison?"
"I'm the victim of unbelief, mu'iim."
' "Unbelief?"
"Yes, inn'nm. I couldn't convince
the Jury tlmt I was telling the truth."
Why take ordinary cough remedies
when Boschee's German Syrup has
been used for fifty-one years In all
towns In the United States, Canada,
Australia, and other countries, for
coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the
th rout, especially lung trouble. It
gives the patient a good night's rest,
free from coughing, with easy expec
toration In the morning, giving nature
a chnnce to soothe the tnflnmed parts,
throw off the disease, helping the pa
tient to regain his health, assisted by
pure nlr nnd sunshine when possible.
Trial size 25c, and 75c family size.
Sold In nil towns In the United Stntes,
Canada, Australia, and other coun
tries. Adv.
Mrs. Mulligan (at 1 a. m.) What
friend helped ye home, ye dlvll?
Mulligan (nursing his Jaw) Shure,
It musht hov been the lnlmy 'twus no
And Rashes That Itch and BurnTrial
Frea to Anyone Anywhere.
In the treatment of skin and scnlp
troubles bnthe freely with Cutlcura
Soap nnd hot water, dry and apply
Cutlcura Ointment. If there Is a nat
ural tendency to rashes, pimples, etc.,
prevent their recurrence by making
Cutlcura your dally toilet preparation.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Embarrassing for Doddy.
A clergyman's small daughter, going
to church for the first time, sat very
still until her father came In, then she
sprung up with n gleeful laugh nud
shouted :
"Oh, there's daddy In his nighty !"
"To keen clean and healthy take Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They regulate
liver,' bowels and stomach. Adv.
The Commercial Muse.
"Scribbler is very fond of putting ad
vertisements In the newspapers, Isn't
' "Yes, very. lie says that's about all
he writes that gets Into print."
Constipation nerslly Indicates disordered
stomnrh, liver and bowels. Wright's Indian
Vesetabls Pills restores regularity without
griping. Adv.
. Mean Brute!
"All men Ore fools," snapped Mrs.
"I know It," replied Mr. Oubb. "But
the single ones now and then have a
chance to forget It."
Pure blood is essential to Good Health.
Garfield Tea dispells impurities, cleanses
the system and eradicates disease. Adv.
When a fellow "breaks his word,"
It's mighty hard to get the pieces fitted
back smoothly.
The airship Is preferable to the au
to. The Joy-filer can't fall nnd strike
somebody without getting hurt.
An the Lily Grows
Jin "iril
i "wnii ' ig ' ff ' '
The scent of the Miles In bound
nail uoldrn,
It Inrrnse rises In bordered
There's the promise of spring; la
the aunllicht golden,
There's the Joy of spring; la the
children's smiles!
And yesterday's toll and harried
The city's throng and the city'
Its cluttered scene and Its fevered
Tbnt ninke us the struggle we
. dure call Life.
We leave It all at soma fair, dins
(The Miles gleam la the bor
dered aisles!)
And oh, the message aad gift
("There's the Joy of spring la
the children's smiles!)
Aad we hear of that fnr-off Syrtna
Where Mary's Master stilled
her fear,
Aad the angel's words of hope,
aad pardon i
"For II la risen I Ha to aot
Rlseal Sweet Christ of the dls
tnnt ages I
Mke Mary, we listen aad know
the voice
Aad more than the story of bnl
lowed pages
The tnarh of His love and life
For In nny sadness of some to
morrow, If we hear Ilia answer we lose
nil rare,
And above forgotten tears and
The scent of the Miles shall
linger therel
Easter in
Other Lands
OF ALL annual festivals among
Christian nations, Easter seems
. to have made the most serious
Impression, and the customs connected
with Its first celebrations to have lin
gered the longest. Europe, with Its
many nations, and, therefore, many
peoples, hus ever been the scene of
various ceremonies distinctly belonging
to the separate countries, with the
Latin church always In the lead In the
matter of picturesque symbols and pro
Strange customs, sometimes com
bined with elaborate ceremonies, are
found oftenest In the rurul districts,
where the people have not free access
to the towns, and simplicity of living
does not question the difference be
tween truth and tradition.
In Brittany many interesting cus
toms are observed. It Is a' lanjj of
That the Sun Dances on the Sea on
the Day Commemorative of the
Resurrection la Simple
AN IRISH legend runs to the ef
fect that pn Euster day the sun
dunces on' the sen: and the
legend Is true. The writer knows 1t
Is. He has seen this pnenomenon
when as a child he climbed from the
little farmhouse which was his home,
a matter of n couple of nines to me
top of a rugged mountain overlooking
the Irish sea. This phenomenon can
be seen nny Euster day when the skies
ore bright. All necessary Is to be
on some commanding height as tho
sun pokes his lieud out of the sea to
the east.
The British Isles give expression to
the thought that April showers bring
May flowers, and It Is not every Easter
tiny that the sun rises In a clear sky.
That Is the difference between the Brit
ish Isles und California. Euster day
may come any one of the 20 days fol
lowing the 25th of March. No mntter
how early It comes In southern Cali
fornia the sun generally comes up in
a clear sky. Environment has caused
rill evolution, and Is cuusing It still.
These clour skies account for the way
Cullforninns celebrate Euster day.
They have at Blverslde on Itubldous,
mountain a grent cross, where annually
nt sunrise ou Enster day thousands
lire accustomed to gather to see the
sun rise on the mountain tops nnd
dunce in the heavens. The hearts of
the thousands who assemble on thnt
mountain top under tho blazing cross
dance with tho win. The Hebrew
prophet snld: "I hear the sound of
feet of the rain." Why not then see
the feet of the sun dance upon the
sea or mountain top? On Easter of last
year It Is said thut 20,000 people as
sembled on Itubldoux mountain, where
their hearts danced with Joy at the
thought of the resurrection.
Those who Invented the Rubldoux
mountain Enster festival set an ex
ample that Is being followed by many
others. April showers are rare things
In southern California, and one may
plan for weeks ahead for a sunrise fes-
" "lmmmw''" J. tv ....
lcgend. The very people, quaintly
dressed ns they were a thousand years
ago, suggest legends and traditions.
. When tho fulth of the Niizurcne wns
first preached to their ancestors they
held the mammoth stones which
abound lu the fields and countryside In
deep veneration.
The church united stories of won
derful stones with the word of Christ,
so that Its teaching might sooner de
velop converts. Fete days were held
In high esteem, and many queer beliefs
and associations became entangled with
tho festivals.
On Enster morning at the Church of
St. Cronley, In the village of Flnlstere,
Brittany, every man, woman nnd child
of the vicinity is In attendance. The
women and children are In their best
frocks and snowiest caps, and the men
are lending the cattle to the door of
this church, which would do credit to
a city of size.
There tho priest receives the men
nnd animals, and while the women clus
ter around, gravely listening, the cnttlo
are blessed and the cure of St. Cronley
Invoked In their behalf. Tlds saint Is
a great fuvorlte all over Brittany; and,
like so mnny traditions of the Bretons,
his story Is connected with the giant
stones. It appears that he was a bish
op of Rome come up to the province
to convert the heathen.
He was hunted by wild men until
death seemed neur, when suddenly ev
ery pursuer was turned Into a stone,
nnd so they stand toduy, one group
forming a regulur border along the
road from Cnrnac to Kerlescant.
Mounting many of these stones are
crucifixes and on Enster morning tho
little processions passing through the
fields nnd along the road to the near
est chur.h atop and rest a few mo
ments and offer up an Easter prayer.
In scattered communities, where there
are few towns, an Euster service Is
often held in the fields, und a sermon
preuched from n wayside shrlna, set In
one of the historical stones.
In Rural England Forma of Easter
Celebration Indulged In for Cen
turies Are Still Kept Up.
The mention of hot cross buns Im
mediately suggests England, where
they are used more unlversully than
perhaps any other country. And while
England Is not a Cnthollo country,
so-called, rurul customs of all kinds,
religious nnd otherwise, have an un
usually firm hold. One of the very
strangest Enster-dny customs Is called
the hareple festival, enacted In Leices
tershire, ot the village of Hullaton.
Every Easter morning n brnss band
bends n procession which takes In most
everybody In the town.
They pnrnde through tho streets and
after a short service nt the Episcopal
church tho rector, aided by two or
three ofllelnls of the village, cuts up n
large rabbit pie, which has been baked
for the occasion. These pieces of pie
are fought for by boys and young men,
down a hillside called Hure Bunk, and
It Is considered something to be proud
of- to deserve the largest cut of the
This Is followed by a feast In the
principal tavern or church, und ale In
abundance Is consumed, nn affair
which precedes a football match fa
mous over the -whole of the county,
and looked forward to by thousands
of spectators every year.
Easter Cleaning In Rome.
In Rome and other large Italian
cities there Is a great house-cleaning
nt Easter, and hawkers appeur in the
streets selling long-handled, roughly
made brooms from which to brush
spiders' webs from lofty celling cor
ners. This Easter cleaning Is a sur
vival of the purification, part of tho
Jewish Passover.
Three Privileges.
Study, work nnd pray three privi
leges that belong to every young
tlvnl on Easter day. It may bo expect
ed that this custom will grow nnd
prove another attraction to the hind of
sunshine nnd flowers.
ASTER begins,
like all deep
things, in mys
tery, and it ends,
like all high things,
in a great courage.
We are not beaten;
that is its message to
the mind. We cannot
be beaten; that is its
message to the heart.
Life's Renewal.
Enster Is not alone of a religious
significance to the world at lurge, but
but tt also embodies an equally sol
acing meaning to mankind of renew
ed health and human happiness, as
pure und uplifting as Its lily blossoms
that creep through the lingering snow
drifts, allured by the sunlit rays of the
Easter seems to be, ns It were, the
stcpplng-stone safely reached after
bounding the chasm of winter to a
brighter lde of life, where we may
galii a safer tenure of Chrlstlanlike
existence. It also symbolizes even a
renewed hope tqr earthly benefi
cences from the hands of the Re
deemer, after our long Imprisonment,
perchance,- In somo tomb of human
despair, surrounded by overwhelming
shadows through which the light cf
fulth never heretofore penetrated.
Easter yields unto us all a mysti
cal solace by Its Influence of flower
nnd bird, nnd sunlit beauty, nnd its
echoes of Hosnnna creeping forth
from every altur and shrine In Chris
tendom. Only tho coming of Easter could
give to spring Its note of fulfillment
Only the sucred sentiment of the
grout religious festival could add tc
the flowering season the supreme
touch of emotional beauty.
Women Will
Classy Suit of French Serge.
The prophet who circulated the re
port that suits would not be In de
mand this spring Is without honor In
his own country or anywhere else. Ei
ther nobody paid hlra any attention or
else each woman decided to net Inde
pendently In this matter and to have
a new spring suit whether anybody
else wore one or not. A whole regi
ment of prophets might shout in pur
est French, that suits are not to be
worn, without Influencing the loyalty
of American women to the "tailor
made." Intuition convinces her thut
It suits her type and It Is always the
mainstay of her wardrobe.
One of the new 'serge models Is
shown here and Its line lines nnd
"class" flush themselves Into the mind
nt a glance. Tho Jacket Is cut to the
most popular length, Is belted nt the
back nnd front nnd smartly finished
with fancy buttons. The collar may
Easter Hats for Little Girls.
Everyone Is entitled to a new hnt
for Enster, even the littlest maid In
the family, and no one will wear her
new finery quite so Joyously. She has
not been neglected by the mllljncrs,
who must attend to the more serious
business of seeing to It that her elders
are properly hatted, and It Is not diffi
cult to come to a decision In choosing
a hat for her. In shapes those that
resemble little bonnets have all the
preference. Many of them hnve round
crowns and norrow brims and as mnny
more are bell-shaped, but, for the very
little girl, there Is no grent.vurlety In
Of the two hots shown In the picture
the one nt the top Is designed for a
child of three or more years and the
lower hnt for the little miss of seven
at least. For the younger girl the
shape Is covered with silk In a light
color as a foundation for the rows of
fine lingerie lace plaltlngs thnt cover
It At each side near the bnck two flat
rosettes, made of the plaited lnce, are
placed with the edge of one overlap
ping the other. A collar of grosgraln
ribbon Is run through the center of tho
rosettes nnd finished with bows nt tho
back and front.
This Is one of the pretty little hats
thnt the home milliner can mnke with
out much risk of failure. Tho other Is
a satin-covered shape, trimmed with
bnhy velvet ribbon In two colors. It is
Chiffon to Replace Georgette.
Chiffon, which, so tho wiseacres say,
Is to triumph over tho long reigning
crepe, Georgette, Is embroidered, lace
trlmmed, bended. Flowered chiffons
are made up In the utmost simplicity,
but on most graceful lines. Fine cot
ton voiles In a bewildering array of ex
quisite designs, striped, dotted,
checked, flowered, openwork striped or
plalded, bordered, are fashioned Into
softly-girdled, ' straight-falling, be
witching frocks,
' " ' f h I
ffl JJ -nCy
be buttoned close to the neck, bat Is
shown open, with adjustable over-collar
In white. An attractive feature of
this coat appears In the pockets which
are made with extension laps. The
sleeves flare at the cuffs, where one
of the novel buttons Is posed. It Is as
Important here as the dot over an
The skirt Is plain, gathered In full
at the bnck and has a loose belt at
the wnlst. It Is a little longer than the
skirts of the past two seasons, reach
ing nbout two Inches below the tops
of the shoes.
Just ns pictured this suit Is of
French serge In nnvy blue nnd after
nil Is said there Is nothing better.
But It has been developed In other
colors of serge nnd Is a success In nnj
df them. The Jncket Is lined with
penu-de-cygfte which has become sc
well established that lfs nuine de
serves an English translation.
not a difficult piece of work, but re
quires some knowledge of millinery
making. Among the hats that are
made at home with little trouble are
those of heavy linen, decorated, with
embroidery. Any of the standard pat
tern concerns furnish patterns for
them. They are always good style for
summer wear.
Pongee and Crepe.
White pongee combined with geor
gette crepe will make some of the love
liest summer frocks. These materials
have the advantage of being durable
and washable, especially If the heavy
variety ,of georgette Is bought
The new blouses are, muny of them,
In this heavy crepe, one very lovely
one being in the palest sand color,
embroidered In blue.
Pastel Shades In Voile.
Among the daintiest dresses for wear
at semltroplcnl resorts or for summer
are those made of fine cotton voile in
pnstel shades and In white. Tan, Co
penhagen blue, gray, wistaria, beige
and light rose are taking well. In
straight-line styles, white with touches
of hand embroidery or beading In soft
colors is also selling freely.
No Animate for Him.
One dny John's mother was going to
have company nnd she told him to go
to the market and get some oysters.
She snld: "We will have oyster soup."
John was busy thinking. ' Finally he
said : "I'll eut the soup, but no animals
for me."-
" Fad That May Return.
"In my time," declared grandma,
"girls were more modest." 'I know,"
said the flippant girl. "It was a fad
ouce. We may get bac,k to It" Life,
One of Its Most Remarkable Uses Is
to Determine Age of Human.
Of all the wonders that the X-ray Is
responsible for none Is more remark
able than Its ability to tell age In hu
man beings.
Recently In Cincinnati, a youth was
arrested for striking and seriously In
juring a fellow workman. He stated
when he wns arrested that he was
nineteen years of age. Learning the
seriousness of the charge against him,
the defendant and his father asserted
that he was but seventeen yenrs old,
nnd demanded that, the boy be at once
turned over to the Juvenile authorities,
as the law of this state prevents a
prisoner under eighteen years of age
being tried In a criminal court.
Thoroughly convinced thut the
youth was at least eighteen years old,
the Juvenile court physician decided to
have X-ray photographs made of the
epiphyseal bones of his hand, elbow
und hip, and also photos of the same
bones of a seventeen-yenr-old youth.
Comparison, It wns hoped, would then
settle the matter, as It Is a known fact
In medical -circles that when a boy
reaches the age of eighteen yeurs those
bones become hardened.
The photographs developed from the
X-ray pictures of the bones of the hoys
showed thnt those of the seventeen-year-old
boy had not hardened, but
those of the defendant In the case had
done so. The physician Immediately
fixed the ago of the boy at eighteen
or more.
Did Uncle Smile?
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tompkins had "expec
tations" from their rich old Uncle Ed
ward. So, when he enmo to them on n
few dujs visit, they prepared to do all
they could do to 'make a good Impres
sion, and commenced by meeting hlin
at the station.
On the way home In a trolley car to
a Boston suburb they encouraged their
only child, also named Edward, to sit
on the old gentleman's knee, or, ns he
was stout, as much of It as was avail
able. Presently tho small boy slipped from
his perch and sided over to his
"I don't think I want to sit on uncle's
knee any more," he said, In his clear
treble voice.
"Oh, Teddy, why?" said mother In
shocked tones.
Teddy eyed his great-uncle nggrlev
cdly. "Because every time he breathes
out he pushes me off I" he complained.
Boston Tost.
Japan's Experience Costly.
When the railways of Jitpnn were
first planned, the nnrrow gauge of 3
feet 0 Inches wns selected for them,
becnuse It wns chenpest to build mid
equip, nnd wns thought best suited to
the country's narrow highways and
steep grades. Now the 0,000 miles of
Japanese railways, all of nnrrow
gauge, are found to be sadly behind
tho times, nnd a movement Is on foot
to rebuild them to standard gauge, al
though the cost Is estimated ut nearly
$150,000,000. At present the trulns are
slow, the fastest expresses making less
thun 30 miles nn hour; the couches
are low and narrow, and the sleeping
curs are cramped and Inconvenient;
while most of the railway Inventions
of other nations chunot be used be
cause of the difference In track gauge
ond size of. cars. The director of Im
perial railways favors the change, In
spite of the cost, and estimates that
the main Toknldo line could be con
verted to broad gauge In y! yenrs nnd
other lines on the main Island of Japan
within 25 years. Popular Mechanics
Dinner Mints.
To make nfter-dlnner mints you will
need two cupfuls of granulated sugur,
one-half cupful of water, a pinch of
crenm of tnrtnr and one tenspoonful of
peppermint. Even with war prices on
sugar the Ingredients cannot come to
ten cents. Dissolve the sugar over the
fire and add the cream of tartar. Let
It boll without stirring till when tested
In cold water it Is brittle. Quickly pour
out on a buttered platter. When the
edges begin to look opaque, fold the
cream toward the center nnd as soon
as It Is hard enough to handle, pull us
you would pull old-fashioned niolusscs
candy until It Is white. Tho pepper
mint flavor should be added In drops
to tho candy when tfulllng It.
The Giant Republic.
Tou could put all our United Stutes
(excluding Alaska) Into Brazil and
have 200,000 square miles left I -There
Is said to be more unexplored coun
try In Brazil than In all the rest of
the world put together I If we had a
river like the Amazon stretching In
lund from New York, the greatest
ocean steamers afloat could sail
through the heart of tho United States
as fur as Omuhn, Neb. And this lund
of big' things will become ns grent
commercially as she now Is physically.
Already four-fifths of the world's cof
fee Is raised In Bruzll. Dun Wurd In
World Outlook.
Temperature of Solar Surface.
Tho latest estimate of the absolute
temperature of the solar surface Is
that of F. Blscoo of Warsaw, whose
computation Is based upon tho Inten
sity of radiation for Individual wave
length In the solar spectrum as obtain
ed with tho spectro-bolometer nt the
Smithsonian Astrophyslcnl observa
tory. He gets an nverugo value of 7,
300 plus 100 degrees ceutrlgrade.
Conjugal Foresight
A famous physician, asked at the
New York Academy of Medicine why
he wore rubbers on a day when the
streets wore perfectly dry; replied :
"My wife runs down the street after
me with them when I don't. I wear
them to keep her from getting pneu
monia." Funniest Ever.
"Soy, pnw," queried little Benole
Bumpernlckel, "who was the first
American humorist?"
"You'll find his name In your school
history, son," replied the old man. "He
was the chap who said he would rather
be rbjbi Uuu ha president"
The Antiseptic Powder to I
Shake Into Your Shoei 1
and sprinkle In tlwf J
Bath. Don't uiertl
Bunions, and CiIW
or from Tender, V
Aohing, Bwollemi'
Blisters or sor, fc
The troops on tie U
can border uw Q
Foot-Ease indJ,
100,000 psobRMil
been used bvthurl
" and German tr
Europe. Allen's Foot-Ewis it 1
everywhere as the greatest com J.
ever discovered for allf not aoh J
new or tight shoe feel easy l,j jj
tlie motion rrora me suoe, BolM
where, 25o. Don't accept any uk'
. . . M III HMIFVIV 1 . .. i
Relieces and Remew
Try &r-IO ToM 10c. -AllChJ
Take a tip-take a YAP;
Why suffer fee'
excruciating out
ralgia pains kr! .
sn application of Yager's liazz:
will givs quick relief? ,'
This liniment is good too, fotrta '
matitm, sciatics, neadachr, fiuzi'.
chestor side, sprains, cuts undbrui .
Tim Ursa W rent bo til n nf Vim '
litnlmnntconinlni fonrttnn.ia
sn the umsl butlls of llnltuejitividtt
tint pries. At sll dealers. i
For Honet, Cittli
and Hogs. Conuii '
perasforWornuV t
for the Blood, iu
for the Kidoijif
Vomica.aTonicV "1
Dairy Salt. tudKduC'
erlnarians 12 ytr "
Dosing. Dropl :'j
feed-box. Ask yorr.
for Blatkman'u I00t
better thsn curs. TutfsPIIIMtik9i!"n
are not only remedy for, but willpm
biliousness constipation and klndreJu
Barlr Jemo? and Cbsrlesuin Wam. 1 i "U
and Flat liutrta. 6U) fi.rtl.a6; LOW firr.' ,
I. o b. bore ; postpaid 96e per 11XJ. uuM.ierS 7
BWHHT I'OTATO PLNT8-lroninlti'(i iif
Manrr Hall and Porto Kico. lull wl-1
lo.wunpatll W, t. o. b. here. TomitoK 'tf r'
1.000 for II JI6; Bus and 1'npper dUbiiH '
l.llul. for 11.60: SsUOO snd np at a I ..
Postpaid 40o per 100. U.F. JSlo,ilUli.-
0OOO people) wanted to try a mi C.
Sager' Giltcdge Antiseptic dc:.":
lUd Toonwlf of eatarrh, eold. pnes J t
matUm and heal yonrbnrns. braliei.fe"
h.nil. and .it.rtitl and Internal al'v'l
oner to stents. I6c a. s. o.., u wn
prsrr tiri ic hkt tor
of fancr work, latet deafen cunii
mIaa Mlth A .tnlllM. ti nn I
nm Rlaarhed Art Llnan. all for 10c. IT
to Introduce onr catalogue of eieint'-J
nel ma t rans uo Mt Mannsttan .
For Twentv.Five Centi
4 Will nenu ;uu i.u iiiihiuim .
Which rou csn earn a obatanliaHr.ww
boms. s. k. wujlubs, sua S. to "T
Plenty There, f A f
"Tho Krltlsh In tho i:iist'.12 $ 1
no trouble with rutloiiH" ,y f.
"Why not there?" ,' '
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up a Turkey stew."
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Within ten minutes after
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A little Danderlne Inim
bles the beauty of your In
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Danderlne and carefully
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Ing your hair will be light
wnw nnrl ' Tinva nil flPP'1
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anffnaoa nnrl InviirlflllPCt
Opt n 5S rnnr hottle of k
Dnnderlne from nny stnre' 'I
thnt your hnlr is as pre"-'
ns nny thnt It has been
Injured by cnreless trenm1 ,
all you surely can bnvc
and lots of It If you win )"'
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slonnl freedom of Riieech-
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without thinking what IM
MUVIB5 Red Eyes
t U.. torn. MDi'rUil
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