The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 22, 1917, Image 7

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d of Premature
r Old Age!
. many times we hear of compara
j young persons passing away
i ' ty should have lived to be 70 or
I of age. This fatal work Is usu
i Ibuted to the kidneys, as, when
eys degenerate, It causes amo
tion. The more Injurious the
- j passing thru the kidneys, the
' r will those noble organs be de
nted, ond the sooner they decay.
,'Vrevent premature old age and
-e long life, lighten the work of
leys by drinking plenty of pure
rt A day lon. an( occasionally tok-
-trie (double strength) before
i. This can be obtained at drug
j, Anurlc will overcome such con-
is rheumatism, dropsical swell-
. .1.1 ..t.nmlHui acHlfllncr ntwl
. CJIU Cii..."."-1 o
,:r 7 urine end sleeplessness due to
t. t arising.
Laud the Merita of Old-Time
Herbal Remedy
Fairmont, W. Va. "Since I can re
member, wnen
boy at home, Dr.
I'lerce's remedies
were used In my
family at differ
ent times and
they alway
proved to be Just
as advertised. I
personally have
taken the 'Gold'
en Medical Dis
covery' and know It to be a splendid
remedy for the blood, liver and stom
ach or deep-seated coughs and brori'
chlnl trouble. I have also takes the
'Pleasant Pellets.' They clear one'i
system of all Impurities nnd in a very
mild and easy manner. I know all Dr.
I'lerce's remedies to be good." M. IJ.
real, B03 Virginia Ave.
All druggists.
ni In the staff of life, but that
W instlfv a nmn In making his
ence a continuous lonf.
t'.k headache, biliousness
;: taste or constipation
' by morning.
t i in.eant box.
i you keeping your bowels, liver,
littnach clean, pure and fresh
Cascarets, or merely forcing a
'war every few days with
i." Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or
t ' Waters T
:p having a bowel wash-day. Let
-t thoroughly cleanse and reg-
i tie stomach, remove the sour
fonnentin food and foul gases
the excess bile from the liver
cirry out of the system all the
:':3ted waste matter ana poisons
M tlAWAll. I
C-Karet to-night will make you
treat by morning. Tney woric
i vou sleep never gripe, sicken
:rat any inconvenience, and cost
10 cents a box from your store.
onS' of men and women take a
iret now and then and never
Headache. Biliousness, Coated
ne, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or
tltlon. Adv.
ny a man has become rich the
pumpkin acquires girth by vege-
d health cannot be maintained where
k t comtipated habit. Garfield Tea
bms conitipation. Adv.
Switzerland Imposes a tariff on
Digestive Laxative
'os is not a secret or Patent Medl-
t Is composed of the following old
- 4 roots and herbs:
"" Fos the Cascaia ) ImnnMit hw
iloo of these digestive ingredient
ii Deuer man ordinary Cascara,
1 the combination acts not only as a
ag laxative and cathartic but also
stive and liver tonic. Syrup laxa
i weak, but Lax-Fos combine
. with oalatabla. arnmati taalj. mnA
gripe or disturb the stomach. One
ii prove Lx-ros is invaluable for
uuo, indigestion or Torpid Liver.
' Have you
Aimbago or Gout?
JP!? AC'DK tfeseatiaa
. drita Uw poison from UM jvm.
(inns os thi mini
t run amiMituui os tu otrrsiM"
J At AU Drna-sUU
fly Sob, Waolai.l. DiatriWtor.
Baltimore. MA
Kill Tbtm Br Ualne-
A 8. Government Buys It
' NT f'i?n .ol.m,
II I a) Uw7.r,Wabini(U,n;
m.hi. hi i. . 'aand bookalree.
"sola. mihnrat.ranilt Uemerrloea.
The most successful employer la the
one who recognizes fidelity on the pay
Garfield Ten, taken regularly, will
correct both liver and kidney disorders.
Thing to Do.
"My boat was arrested by the incora
lug tide."
"Then I suppose you baled her out
ImDortent to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOltIA, that fumous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Signature of (Z(fffl&fe
In Use for Over 10 Tears.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Truck Picks Up Load,
A new motortruck for lumber trans
portation literally straddles and picks
up the load It carries. .
Obstinate attacks of Piles are relieved
and the difficult stools which accompany
them are softened through the use of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Send for
trial box to 872 Pearl St., New York. Adv.
The Difference.
Mrs. Gay I have a knocker on the
outside of my door.
Mrs. Grouch I'll bet it's nothing to
compare with the knocker I've got on
the lnsldo of mine.
What Dr. It. D. Tatterson, of Lib
erty, w. u., says:
My boy had pneumonia, his tempera
ture was. 104. Had tried other salves.
didn't have any effect. Used Jar of
mowers joy salve on throat and
cnest, in one hour s time his tempera
ture was normal. Adv.
With Her Eyes.
They stood by the old well together.
"How shall we drink?" he said; "there
Is no bucket here." She lowered her
eyes, when she raised them again they
were full of water. Princeton Tiger.
Waw U tha Tim to Get Rid af TheM
I ly Spot.
There's no lonaer tha slightest need ol
feellnt? aahamed of your freckles, as tha
prescription othlna doubt atrenfth IS
guaranteed to rcmov these homely spots.
Simply get an ounca of othln doubls
strength from your druggist, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should aoon sea that evn th worat freckles
have begun to disappear, while th lighter
one have vanished entirely. It la seldom
that more than one ounc la needed to com
pletely clear tha skim and gain a beautiful
clear complexion.
Be sura to aak for tha doubl strength
othlna. aa thla la antd under auarantea of
money back If It falls to remove freckles.
Kept Her Word.
"So Edith married a farmer. And
she always said she would only marry
a man of culture."
"Well, she did a man of agricul
Virginia Druggists Stand Back
of Reliable Kidney Medicine
We are so' well pleased with the re
ports on ewamp-Koot that we ar as
sured that it is well worth recommend
ing for the ailments for which it is adver
tised. It has proved very valuable in
many instances and during the past twen
ty years not a single complaint has been
received. It is not necessary for us to sat
anything; more about Swamp-Root for its
eui-i-eaa ja wcii-Known arm its reputation
is excellent. very truly yours.
Bv L. H. Clarm. Pron.
Nov. 4, 1018. .Pennington Gap, Va.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yon
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co..
Dingnamion. a. x., lor a sample size Dot
tie. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor-
. -i i il. i. t.i . it .
nation, iciiidk snout in juuneys ana Diaa
der. When writing, be sure and mention
this paper. Kecular fifty-cent and one-
dollar sire bottles for aa a at all drua
stores. Aar.
And She Fell for It
"I am not easily fluttered," she snld.
"Indeed not," he replied. "It would
be dlfllcult to make you out, to be more
beautiful than you really are."
Dr. Peerr'e "Dead Shot" not onlv emela
Worms or Tapeworm but cleana out th
mucua In which they breed and tonea up
th dlgeatlon. One dsaa sufficient. Adv.
There are ninny ways of getting a
living.' People even have been known
to work.
irni Mauds Wanted
estern Canada Farmers require .50,000 American
bourers at once. Urgent demand sent out for farm
J the Government of Canada.
Good Wages Steady Employment
I Low Railway Fares
jant Surroundings Comfortable Homes
No Compulsory Military Service
irm hands from the United States are absolutely guar
S agam? conscription.' This advertisement is to se
rm help to replace Canadian farmers who have en
lor the war.
I splendid opportunity for the young man to investi-
f riim ada's agricultural offerings, and to do so
little expense.
'y Those Acoustomod to Farming Noed Apply
3Sfw,ara as. t0 rail way rates and districts requiring labour,
ouier information regarding Western Canada apply to
P. JAfTRAY, Cor. Walnut and Broad Sis., Philadelphia, Pit
I Canadian Government Asent '
Listening to
God Daily
Moody Bibls Institute,
TEXT-O earth, earth, earth, hear the
woru 01 jenovan. Jr. 22:29.
For some time tho Moody Bible la
Biuuie nne oeen urged, ana by one
fromlnent busl
r 1
fir' ''
If ' - ''Vyty"?? '.
fX9i nPM mnn e"P8-
ciuny, to aaa to
Its activities the
work of promot
ing dully Bible
reading. There
nre several or
ganizations which
are already doing
excellent - work
along this line,
but most of them
reach only a lira
ited number of
people, owing to
the fact that It Is
necessary to sub'
scribe to a tnagn
zlne In order to secure the comment?
for the lesson of the day. For this
reason, and for the further reason that
In spite of all that Is being done, there
yet remnlns a large number of pro
fessing Christians who are doing no
systematic reading of the Bible, and
millions of others who almost Ignore
the Book, the Institute has felt led to
open up a campaign for the promotion
of dally Bible reading, and we Invite
the readers of this column to Join
with us In this effort and to share la
Its benefits.
We realize thut the members of
Christian Endeavor societies, Epworth
Leagues, and all similar organizations,
are already pledged to rcsitl the Bible
dullyi Furthermore, the covenants of
most churches require their members
to do the some, but we nre sntlsfled
that a large proportion of God's peo
ple, both young nnd old, are not doing
It, and therein lies their weakness,
How to Induce them to do whnt they
already admit Is their duty, Is the
problem nefore us, as It Is before
every pastor and church lender. To
scold them Is worse than useless.
Questions to Consider.
Question Cun you give any reason
why 20,000,000 church members, with
opportunity from week to week to
listen to sermons and admonitions
rrom nearly 200,000 pastors, do not
more closely follow Jesus and more
fully represent him to and lu the
Answer Yes. The words of the
preacher fall on hearts full of the
cares and pleasures of this life, and In
soil unprepared by the indwelling of
the Spirit and the water of the Word,
Question Without Increasing
churches or pastors, how could their,
efficiency be multiplied one hundred
fold 7
Answer By a proper preparation of
the heart to hear the messages pro
claimed by the ministers of God.
Question How can this preparatloa
be brought about, without any more
Institutions, organizations or expend!
ture of money!
Answer If all church oflleers
would, with the pastors, insist upon
dally worship and dully Bible readings
In the homes of all the Christians In
the land, themselves becoming exam
ples and lnsplrers therein, God would
answer the effort and service with
such a blessing to his church as the
world has never known. The people
would be more godly, and the world
would have preached to them the
grenfest sermon of these nineteen cea
And now, pastors, will you help us,
and will you let us help you? We do
not claim to haye any special light or
wisdom on this matter, and we would
not presume to teach you, who have
long and prayerfully pondered this'
problem. But we have a vision of a
widespread and appalling need,
mighty famine of the Word of God:
and we believe that a wise and persist
ent campaign to promote dally Bible
reading Is greatly needed. By a cam
paign such as you and we can carry
on, together with multitudes of lay
men who will gladly co-operate, nnd
scores of religious papers which we
hope to enlist In the same work, be
lieve that thousnnds of church mem
bers can be Induced to read the Bible
more regularly than they are now do
we know there la power In the
Word, almighty power, power suffi
cient for every need. And we be
lieve that with your co-operation we
can let loose some of that power, and
make these columns a blessing to mul
titudes of hungry hearts and homes.
By filling these pages with helpful
methods, timely Illustrations, brief ex
positions, and stirring testimonies, we
believe that you and we together can
miiko this deportment a blessing to
thousands and tens of thousands.
Now, will you Join hands with us In
this great campaign? Will you preach
on the theme of daily Bible reading,
and stir up your people on the' sub
ject? Will you tell us of any plans
which you have found helpful In arous
ing an Interest In the Bible? And
will you pray for us, as we do dully
for you?
To Lay Workers.
You too can help us by calling the
attention of your pastor to this col
umn, by asking him to preach on the
subject of dnlly Bible reading, nnd by
sending us any helpful plans or Illus
trations which bear upon this subject.
Above all you can pray that God will
give us wisdom and grace sufficient to
carry this great campaign to a suc
cessful issue. Will you do it?
To all Readers. ,
Next month we purpose to describe
plan by which one pastor was able
to interest his people, young and old,
In Bible rending, In an unusual way,
and by which his own ministry was
completely transformed, nnd his use
fulness was greatly Increased. It Is a
plan which we believe all pastors will
find easy to work, though not without
ork, end unspeakably helpful to
themselves. Watch for It next month.
What Came From Reading
a Pinkham Advertisement.
Paterson, N. J. "I thank yon for
the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they
have made me well
and healthy. Some
time ego I felt so
run down, had pains
in my back and side,
waa very irregular.
tired, nervous, had
such bad dreams.
did not feel like eat
ing; and bad short
breath. I read your
advertisement in
the newspapers and
decided to try a bottle of Lydia E.Pink
ham'o Vegetable Compound. It worked
from the first bottle, bo I took a second
and a third, also a bottle of Lydia E.
Plnkham'a Blood Purifier, and now I am
lust as well as any other woman. I ad
vise every woman, single or married.
who is troubled with any of the afore
said ailments, to try your wonderful
Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier
and I am sure they will help her to eel
rid of her troubles as they did me."
lorn St., f a tenon, N. J.
Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicin
Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if you
nccu ppciiiai auvice.
The Home
. i i
iur cougns, coma, noarseness; I
pleasant to take and sure to help I
when needed.
Hale's Honey
n Of Horehound and Tar
A tonic, expectorant and laratlva
Contains no opium nor anything
injurious, ooia Dy an aruggista.
Relitcet and Remedies
g) Ti a Tom IOc-AUDmrtM
KTake a tip take a
.-nm m mil n iim ma p
Logical Result
"Whi a pn-tty girl she la I"
"Yes, . i. l lots of men are trying to
get the ch, uce to ring her."
Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur
iant and Remove DandruffReal
8urprise for You.
Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluf
fy, abundant and appears aa soft, lus
trous and beautiful aa a young girl's
after a "Danderlne hair cleanse." Just
try this moUten a cloth with a little
Danderlne and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one email
strand at a time. This will cleanse
the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil
and In Just a few moments you have
doubled the beauty of your hair.
Besldea beautifying the hair at once,
Danderlne dissolves every particle ot
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invlf
oratea the scalp, forever stopping Itch
ing and falling hair.
But what will please you most will
be after a few weeks' use when you
will actually see new hair One and
downy at first yes but really new
hair growing all over the scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair and lots
of It, surely get a 25 cent bottle ot
Knowlton's Danderlne from any store
and Just try it. Adv.
Both salt nnd fresh water fish are
caught In Lake Mnracalbo In Vene
Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescrlDtion makes
weak women strong, sick women well, no
slconol. bold in tablets or liquid. Adv
The man who publishes the fact thnt
he takes lilniMf seriously Is Inviting
the derisive ha-ha I
The Oulnlne That Does Not Affect Th Head
Baoanaa of It tunla and laiatlva ffMt IatkiIva
Bruno Oulnlne can be taken br anrone witboat
canting, nerrocinens or ringing in me neaa. mora
la only ona "Bmmo Quinine." B. W. UBOVBS
s 1 nature la on each box. Mo.
There are no professional femnle
divers. It is Impossible to tnlk under
Pure blood is essential to Good Health.
Garfield Tea dispells impurities, cleanses
the system and eradicates disease. Adv.
Tnrkey hns put bakeries under gov
ernment rule.
Rest Those Worn Nerves
2 waif
Don't give up. When you (eel all
unstrung; when family cares seem too
hard to bear, and backache, dizzy head
aches, queer pains and irregular action
of the kidneys and bladder may mystify
you. remember that such troubles often
come from weak kidneys and it may be
that you only need Doan's Kidney Pills
to make you well. When the kidneys
are weak there's danger of dropsy,
gravel and Bright'a disease. Don't de
lay. Start using Doan's now.
SOt at ai Stores
rWenMllburn Co. Prop.. BuffuIo,N.Y
BJ E. O. BKLLEK8, Acting Director of
Sunday Bchooi Couraa of Moody Bible
Institute.) .
(Copyright. HIT. Wratern Newapaper Onion.)
GOLDEN TEXT-Jesus aalth unto him,
I am the way, the truth, and the life, no
man cornet h unto tha father, but by me.
John 14:6.
The purpose of John's gospel Is re
vealed In John 20:31. It was to prove
thut Jesus Is the Christ, the Son of
God, and to prove It In such a way
that men might believe It In their
hearts, and thus obtnm, through thnt
belief, eternnl life in his name. There
fore the best method of review for
the lessons of the past quarter would
be to go over the lessons one by one,
and find out how It Is that this great
truth, which brings life to men. Is Il
lustrated In each of the several les
sons. Tho object of such a review
should be to make Jesus as real to us
as If wo were with him nnd his disci
ples, and could realize that the Word
Is now dwelling among us, full of
grace and truth, giving daily of his ful
ness and "grace for grace." (Ch. 1:14
10). Jesus Is "the way," the way
to heaven, the way to all that is high
est and best on earth, the way of life,
the way to the Father, the goal of all
human aspirations, the way out of all
human darkness and sin, the way to
holiness nnd to God. Jesus Is also the
truth, the reveuled truth about God.
lie reveuled the forgiveness of God for
the sins of men, the right way of liv
ing. Jesus Is the life, the source of
life, the life itself, the true life here
on earth, and the eternal life which is
to abide forever. Thus our entire re
view centers about Jesus Christ. It
would be good to have a nuuji chiefly
of the vicinity of the Sea of Gulllee
to use In this review.
Lesson I. Jesus, the Life and Light
of Men. This is tho centrul truth of
the gospel. Note tho pre-exlstence of
Jesus Christ us the eternul Word, "In
the beginning with God." Then uguln
we see It as plutnly showing forth or
dcclurlng him to be God. We see him
also as the Creator of ull things, the
One In who was life, and he is, was
and ever Is nnd ever shall be the Light
of men. Jesus of Kuzareth was the
eternnl Word who became flesh, and
the apostles beheld his glory. Point
out on the mnp the places In Palestine
made most precious by what Jesus did
tn them. t
Lesson II. John the Baptist This
is a lesson of John's testimony to Jesus
ns the Son of God ; also that Jesus was
the Lamb of God, eternal, pre-exlstent,
the One who was baptized by the Holy
Ghost, showing us the real nature of
Jesus as the Word of God. Describe
who and what he was and did thut
mode him tho perfect Suvtor. John
was the forerunner; show In what way
he made known Christ as the Mes
siah; also refer to why Jesus was
baptized, and emphasized the value
of God's approval, a'nd tho coming of
tho Holy Spirit upon him.
Lesson III. The First Disciples of
Jesus. Andrew uud I'hlllp discovered
the Messiah of whom Moses and the
prophets did write, and revealed him
unto Nathaniel, who discovered la
Jesus the Son of God and the King of
Israel. It el ate how Jesus found these
disciples, their mimes and their char
acteristics, and why each one wns espe
cially fitted for his particular work.
Lesson IV. His Father's House,
Jesus, manifesting himself as the Son
of God, the Father, was the Iluler of
God's house, nnd drove from It those
who defiled It by making thnt house a
house of merchandise.
Lesson V. The Savior of the World.
Jesus, as the only begotten Son of God,
can give eternul life to those who be
lieve on him. Describe the churucter
of NIcmlemuB, what it means to be
tiorn again, and whnt Is meant by be
ing born of water and of tho spirit.
Lesson VI. The Woman of Samaria,
Jesus declare himself to this woman
as the Christ, and also as the giver of
eternal life; therefore he was God.
Keferrlng to the last lesson, emphasize
what Jesus meant by his reference, to
Moses nnd the brazen serpent, and
bring out the fact that the water of
which he speaks is the gift of everlust
Ing life.
Lesson VII. The Nobleman's Son.
Jesus made his glory to be seen a sec
ond time In Cuna of Galilee by healing
sickness although not present at the
bedside of the sick one. Healing nnd
faith nre co-partners. John usually
culls Jesus' miracles signs. Signs of
whnt? Signs that are to prove that
Jesus Is divine, to prove that was more
than a man, and that he could do
things that men cannot do. Bring out
'.he fact thut Jesus appeals to his mir
acles as proof that he Is tho Son of
God, but that miracles are not the
breaking of the laws of nature neces
sarily. When a man changes a few
trees Into a house, he does not break
the laws of nature, but, by the creative
force of his will, accomplishes his pur
pose. Animals cannot do this, because
an animal has not creative power. God
certainly can do what man can do, and
as much beyond ns God Is greater than
Lesson VIII. The Pool of Bethesda.
Again Jesus manifests his power by
healing by his bare word the man who
had been Infirm thirty nnd eight years,
and who was utterly helpless and hope
less. Bring out how the man showed
his faith. Explain, why Jesus should
say to him : . "Sin no more lest a worse
thing befall thee."
Lesson IX. Five Thousand Fed. Dl-
Ine power multiplying the loaves and
fishes, nnd divine prudence In assemb
ling the fragments reveals the unques
tionable, creative net of the power of
Jesus Christ ns perhaps none other of
his miracles. Emphasize tho part
hich the boy played In co-operating
1th Christ
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 AWUSZIm
Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas
hoe. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers.
The Beet Known Shoes In the World.
'. L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the bot
tom of ail shoes at the factory. Tha value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no mora in Sin
Franasco than they do in New York. They an always worth the
pries paid for them.
"The qity of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by mof6
, 40 yean experience in making fin thoea. The tmart
rtylea art the leaden in the Fashion Centra of America.
Thev are nude In wlf.-iiiir.rawJ fm. RLM A 4...
t - l-arfew SWMJIV Sat UIUi.lVU IVIaWa
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
upervuion or experienced men, all working with an honest
onerminaaon to mine trie test shoes tor the price that money
ban vuy.
Ask your shoo dealer for W. T Dongles shoes. If ha ean.
not supply too with tha kind you want, take oo other
""" Write) for Intarmtlnc booklet snlBlnlnar bow to
E "1 veninmi eutuiwa 01 quality ior tne prioa, r u ir I u u.
J return mall, puitare f roe. I BofT Shi
LOOK FOR W. L Douglas Uf (X , iTl? 7 !i
nam. and th. raUil pric. MoJWJNW $3.00 $2.60 4 $2.00
rnannunt tt . irousjiiM wa'
11 A 8 park flu, Brockton, Mm.
stamped oo the bottom.
. Quite at Home.
."Is Mr. Jones nt home?"
"Yes, sir. You'll find him at the
club." fussing Show.
From the Crop of Wheat on 53
Acres in Western Canada.
This story of paying for your land
out of one year's crop is fully authen
ticated by a great many farmers In
Western Cnnnda.
And now, all that the farmer makes
Is velvet and you find him going more
extensively Into stock raising, for nil
authorities agree that In a short time
there will be a demand for live stock,
such as even will tax the vast re
sources of Western Canada. They
will go Into stock raising because of
the adaptability of the country to pro
vide food and fodder without feeding
Brain If necessary. They will go Into
stock nnd Improve their places. They
will Install steam nnd heating planta
in fact, many nre now doing It. They
will have automobiles, In fact In mnny
districts there Is not a farmer but lius
one. They will beautify their homes
nnd erect fine barns until the whole
country will be ns attractive as many
of the counties In the best states In
the Union. But we started out to tell
you of the farmer who paid for 100
acres of land from the crop of wheat
off of S3 acres. The Ilolden district
on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific
does not appear to the ordinary ob
server to be any better than many
other districts along that line, and
probably Isn't. It was In this district
that John I.arcome, a settler, pur
chased In 1915 100 acres of raw prai
rie land. He broke and seeded 53
acres. Ills crop turned out well, and
ho sold the greater portion of It for
$2,070. nis lnnd cost him 10.50 per
acre, or $2,0-10. So thnt the crop from
the 53 acres paid for the land nnd left
a balance of over $300, which with
part of the crop left over would Just
pay for the cost of operation. This
Is not really nn unusual case, hundreds
of other farmers In Alberta nnd Sns
kutchewan having been able to do the
Sales of land are being reported
from many districts In Manitoba, Sas
katchewan and Alberta at good prices.
And values are yet low, but with the
flow of any value that will take place
after the war, no doubt they will be
considerably Increased. The home
steads In the Park sections which are
to be had actually free are having
the attention of a good clnss of set
tlers, who want to go Into mixed farm
ing. Advertisement.
for Lameness
Keep a bottle of Yager's
Liniment in your stable for
spavin, curb, splint or any
enlargement, for shoulder
slip or sweeny, wounds, galls,
scratches, collar or shoe boils,
sprains and any lameness.
It absorbs swellings and en
largements, and dispels pain
and stiffness very quickly.
This liniment is
the most econom
ical to use as a 25
cent bottle contains
four tunes as much as
tha usual bottle ol lini
ment sold at that price.
Sold by all dealen.
Utilizing Dust
Dust thnt collects In glass factories
Is collected and cust Into paving
blocks by a Rorlln Inventor.
Few persons can be sick who use
Green's August Flower. It has been
nsi'd for all ailments that nre caused
by n disordered stomnch and Inactive
liver, such ns sick heoduche, constlpn
tlon, sour stomnch, nervous Indices
tlnn, fermentation of food, palpitation
of the heart from gases created In
the stomach, pains In the stomnch, and
mnny other organic dlRturbnnees.
August Flower Is a gentle lnxntlve,
regulates digestion, both In the stom
nch nnd Intestines, cleans nnd sweet
rns the stomach nnd whole alimentary
cnnnl, and stimulates the liver to se
crete the bile nnd Impurities from the
blood. Try It. Two doses will relieve
you. Used for fifty years in every
town and hnmlct In the United States
and In nil civilized countries. Adv.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Curt
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
Due gently on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner distress-cure
improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
w iwnniuiwi
For Horses, Cattle, Shews)
and Hogs. Contains Cop
peras (or Worms, Sulphur
for the Blood, Saltpeter
for the Kidneys, Nuc
Vomica.sTonicand Pur
Dairy Salt. Used by Vet
erinarians 12 year. No
Dosing. Drop Brick U
feed-box. Ask your dealer
for Blsckman's or write
A Soll.l praparatlna of bmHI
It.lpi at aradleata daodraO.
Beaatf to Gray or Fadad Haar.
froa. And Si oe .1 Prurrt.ta,
Karlr Jair and Charlaatoa WakPflMd. Sanoaaaloa
and. Flat UnUiS, WD, II 16; 1.0UU. asuii iota at SI W,
r. O. H. hitra. I'mtpald n Pr luu ttail.raolloa
inaninuwd.. TOMATO PLANTS at II 16. kkiaad
I'oppar plant at SIM por 1.U0U, a,0 at HJt, if. tt Ah Poitpald iile par IIS.
SOOO people wanted to try bos of tha
Sager's Giltedge Antiseptic Ointment
Hid ronraalf of oatarrh. oulda, pnnamonta. rhoo
matlMii and heal jour buraa, brnlit. tnra, ehappoS
handa and ftsutrnal and Internal allnanta. (iraaj
offer to acente. tto. a. A ..., 4a Many raw, BaSab, S. a,
A woman cun make a fool of almost
any mini If nature doesn't get the start
of her.
Akron, O., Is raising $-100,000 to pay
off debts on hospitals.
OLD RHTARLIHIIKI) enrb bonis wanta i
tvnlAtlve In rour Utoalitr. Liberal oomnilMloa. rJ
ipanas to JOB. Alarm aaaa 80S, S BraaSaar, 1. 1. Oka
nC are on the are of a big bull market, nnoeJsll
t. o Hopper and Mining Stocta. Hand ior rrot
latter. Wornm Uu., U Broadwar, Maw York Qui
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 12-1917.
Canada Offers 160 Acres
Free to Farm Hands
Bonus oE Western Canada Land to Men Assisting in
Maintaining Needed Grain Production
The demand for farm labor in Canada is great As an inducement
to secure the necessary help at once, Canada will give
and allow the time of the farm laborer, who has filed on the land, to
apply as residence duties, the same as if he actually had lived on it;
Another special concession is the reduction of one year in the time
to complete duties. Two years instead of three as heretofore, but
only to men working on the farms for at least six months in 1917.
This' appeal for farm help is in no way connected with enlistment
for military service but solely to increase agricultural output A wot
derful opportunity to secure a farm and draw good wages at the same
time. Canadian Government will pay all fare over one cent per
mile from St. Paul or Duluth to Canadian destination. Information i
as to low railway rates may be had on application to
J. P. JArTRAY, Cor. Walnut and Broad Sta., Philadelphia, Pa.
Canadian Gorerom eat Aceat