TBI rULTOW COUWTY HBWI, HcCOlCglLLgBUlHI, T. MARKET REPORT. OORREOTID BVIBY WIDNXBOAT. Tb (rln mtrksw r unen from tb Ohsm nburc flslly newippr. The prolloii eriuM m Uom ibt obwln la MoCodqu- GRAIN Wheal 1.84 New wheat. 181 Bran 1.00 - Corn. 1.02 Oata 55 ttjt 115 PROVISIONS Bam per tb 18 Shoulder..... 16 Baccn. B Idea per B 14 Potakoea, per buahel 1.75 Butter, Creamery 3 Batter. Country 28 Eeei. ner dozen ' 34 Lle CaWea, per D , Chlckeni, per ft .... , 9 15 Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cut chall, parents, and Mrs. Mame Cutchall, wife, wish through the columns of the News to thank the many kind friends and neigh bors for their sympathy and as sistance during the illness and death of their beloved son and husband Wayne Cutchall, whose sad taking away was told in the News last week. Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Etc. RATES One cent per word for each insertion. No adrertiiement accented lor lean than lb cents. Cash must ao- company order. Wanted I will pay spot cash for Fat Hogs, Cured Meat, (Good Lard, Ear Corn, and Potatoes de livered at my store, Clay Park, Merchant, Three SpriDgs. 21 9t Wife Left My wife has left my bed and board without fault of mine. I hereby notify the pub lic that 1 will pay not bills con tracted by lier hereafter. P. B. Spade, Jr., Emmaville, Pa. Artificial Teeth Wanted: We pay up to $5.00 full or broken sets. Mail to us lor our offer. If not satisfactory will return teeth. City Tooth Works. Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., Roches ter, N. Y. 2 15 2t Rnnyan the Eye Man at McConnellsburg, February 26, 27 and 28. Harrisonville Wed. after McC. Mail and Thurs. to 10, Feb. 28 and March L Hustontown. afternoon, Mar. L Wells Tannery, March 2. New Grenada, 10 to 4, March 3. Saxton, Monday, March 5. Dudley, forenoon March 6. Three Springs, March 10. Out side of McConnellsburg last trip this winter. Eggs Ht for Hatching Eggs for hatching should be selected and only those having normal shape and weighing at least two counce8, with clean, smooth, strong shells should be used. Cracked eggs as well as dirty eggs, rough shells, weak shells, abnormal shapes,, and ex tremely long or short eggs should be avoided. i There is no means of determin ing whether or not an egg is fertile except by incubation. The fresher the egg, the better it is for hatching. The vitality, however is lowered but little when the egg is held for 10 days or two weeks. Extension Circu lar No. 47, of the Penn sylvania State College school of agricul ture and experiment ' station states that eggs for hatching should beltept in a dry, cool place (50 to 60 degrees F.) laid on their sides, and turned occasion ally. The germ starts to devel op at 68 degrees F. In cold weather eggs should be collected as often as possible, to prevent chilling. Jurors for March Court. Ayr Geo. A. Comerer, John A, Nesbit, Frank Smith, J. L Patterson. Belfast-C. RXursner, R. C. Dixon, Thomas Mellott, J. C. Mellott, Watson G. Peck, W. H. Peck. Bethel George M. Myers, John Powell. . Brush Creek Benjamin Mor ris, F. P. Plessinger. Dublin Grant Baker, C. H. Fields, Riley Mauck, Wm. Orth. Licking Creek Charles Croft G. C. Strait McConnellsburg T. J. Com merer, Robert Fleming, Clark McGovern, John Sheets. Taylor Mack Curland, M. L. Kirk, W. M. Laidig. Thompson-W. H. Deneen, Riley Daniels, Samuel Peck, J. C. Snyder, Conrad Wink. TODD-Harvey Cooper, S. R. Cromer, Jacob Rotz. UNION-John Hasst, S. E. Mc- Grand Jurors. AYR-Robert N. Fryman, U. G. Humbert, David Morton, Earl Morton, Robert W. Cutchall Belfast Joseph Truax. D)BLm-Frank Bare, Samuel Naugle. . Licking Creek Joseph Desh ong, Edward R. Hendershot , McConnellsburg D. LGris einger,' Thomas Hamil, S. A. Nesbit, W. H. Nesbit TAYLOR-Jere Heefner. Thompson-William Souders, Wilbur Weaver. Union-S. G. Lashley, Gar field Miller. WELLS-H. M. Bridenstine, W M. Cromer, John Gilbert, Alfred Stunkard George Sprowl, Agents wanted for rope ma chines. Any body can make rope splices, etc. No experience ne cessary, ceils Tast to farmers. Price $3.65. Big commissions Exclusive territory. Address Greth, 845 N. Eutaw, Baltimore, Md. Official Statement. y Attention is called to the Official Statement of THE FULTON COUNTY BANK which will be found elsewhere in this paper. Please note the increase in deposits, which now are over $400,000.00. The total resources are near the HALF MILLION mark. We are always pleased to have you examine these official statements and if there is anything about them you do not fully understand, we shall be glad to explain it to you. FULTON COUNTY BANK. GEORGE A. HARRIS, President. C. R. SPANGLER, Vice-President. WILSON L. NACE, Cashier. ROBERT G. ALEXANDER, Teller. e LiCst A gold watcn some where in McConnellsburg last Saturday evening. It has the in itals of the owner, George K. Nelson engraved on it. A liberal reward will be paid if returned to the owner or to the News of fice. ' Sale Register. Saturday, February 24, Mrs, R. A. Skiles will sell on the prem ises three miles north of Harris onville on the road leading to Hustontown, good mare 6 years old, wagon, sleds, farm machin ery, harness, hay, cornfodder, household goods, &c. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock. Terms made known on day of sale. J. M. Chesnut, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 14, Ross King, having sold bis farm and intending to quit farming, will sell at his residence one mile west of Laidig 10 Taylor township 2 good horses, 8 cattle, farm machinery, corn, oats, hay, corn fodder, household goods, . etc. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Credit 9 months. J. M. Chesnut, auc tioneer. Wednesday, March 14th, B. F. Cutchall, D. A. Nelson and J. II Kendall will sell at the residence ot B. F. Cutchall two and one half miles south of McConnells burg 12 head of horses and colts 44 head of cattle, 15 of which are fresh cows and spriugers, and the rest are fat steers and young cattle, 70 head ot bogs, weighing from 40 to 150 lbs. 11 head of tine ewes, bred to lamb in April, corn by the barrel. Credit 9 months. Sale begins at 10 o'clock. Program. " The program for Parent Teach ers Meeting to be held t nday evening February 23rd is as fol lows : Song. Devotional Exercise Rev. C. F. Jacobs. Recitation Helen Nace. Recitation Nora Ray. Song. Recitation Hazel Elvey. Care and Abuse of School Prop erty" will be discussed by Rev J. L. Yearick and Hon. S. W. Kirk. General Discussion. Song. flow They Raised Missionary Money. Easter Sunday, 1916 each pu pil of the Philanthea Class in the M. E. Sunday School at Huston town was given a nickel by their teacher, Mrs. H. C. McCIain to be used as each thought best to make the most out of it The members of the class were called together the other evening at the home of their teacher to hear a report from each scholar, as to how much money they had raised, and how they raised it Some had raised chickens; others, turkeys; and others sweet-potatoes, beans, lettuce crocheted doilies, etc. When their money was counted it made almost $20. After refreshment were served all went home feeling it was time and money well spent for the Master. ADVERTISE IN Tbe Fulton County Hews. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Fulton County Bank Of McConnellsburg, Fulton County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business January 26,1917. RESOURCES. Cash, specie and notes $17,981.00 Due from Approved Reserve Agents, . 39,774,69 Legal securities at par 17,000.00 $ 74,755.69 Nickels and cents 237.50 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 9,365.44 Bills discounted: Upon one name.. . . $ 1,134.21 " Upon two or more names, 10,395.80 11,530.01 Time loans 7,849.50 Loans on call with collateral 36,865.69 Loans on call upon one name 34,160.85 Loans on call upon two or more names 99,138.22 178,014.26 Bonds, 89,751.26 Mortgages and judgments of record, 125,301.52 Payment on Real Estate 750.00 Furniture and fixtures, . 1,500. 00 Overdrafts 254.99 Book value of reserve securities above par, ...... 502.05 Total $491,962.72 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 32,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and tax paid,... ' 3,789,53 i Individual deposits subject to check, $104,143.54 Demand Certificates of Deposit 180.00 Time Certificates of Deposit 271,719.61 Savings fund deposits, 24,808.73 400,851.88 Due to Banks and Trust Cos. etc., not reserve, .. 5.321.31 Total , $491,962.72 State of Pennsylvania, County op Fulton, ss : I, Wilson L Nace, Cashier of the above. named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WILSON L. NACE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of Febru ary 1917. M. Ray Shaffner, Notary Public. 1 Geo. A. Harris, Geo. B. Mellott, John A. Irwin, A. U, Nace. D. A. Washabaugh, B. W. Peck, Directors i I J FINAL AUCTION SALE OF ALL MY REGISTERED LIVE STOCK To be held on my farm at Berkeley Brldee. WilUamsport, Md , 6 miles south of Haeerstown, Md. . trolley con nection from Hageratown every half hour, on MARCH 9, 1917, Decrinnlng at 12 o'clock, noon. 7 Percherons 7 One Registered Gray Percheron Stal Ion, 0 years old. Six Registered Percheron mares and fillies, 1 to 7 years old. 13 Belgians 13 One Registered bay Belgian Stal Hon, 5 years old. One Registered bay Belgian Stal Hon, 1 year old. Two Registered bay Belgian Stal Hon colts. Six Registered Belgian mares, 4 to 10 years old, In foal, 1 imported. Three Registered Belgian fillies. Four high-grade Belgian and Perch eron mares, in loai. Elcht high-grade. Belgian and Percheron geldings, 4 to 6 years old. One high-grade Percheron Alley oolt. One Standard Bred driving mare, 6 years old. , 22 Short Horns 22 Two Registered Short Rom bulls, 1 and 2 years old. Five Registered Short Horn cows and heifers. Thirteen high-grade cows, fine milk ers, with calves by side. Two Jersey belfers, yearlings. 60 Shorpshires 60 Three Registered Shropshire rams. Nine Registered Shropshire ewes, bred to registered rams. , Fortv-elght grade ewes, yearlings, In lamb to registered rams. 40 Berkshires 40 One Registered Berkshire boar, one year old. Eleven Registered Berkshire sowr. in pig to registered boar. Seven grade Berkshire sows, in pig. Twenty-one pigs and shoats. F. W. MISH, Hagerstown, Md. On account of the post office at East Broadtop having been dis continued, B. F. Bolinger has his mailing address changed to Wood, Pa. Notice of Special Public Bor ough Election March 27, 1917, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Notice Is hereby given that a Spe cial Public Borough Election will be held at the regular polling place of said borough in the Court House, on the 27th day of March 1917, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. by the regularly constituted election oOlcers of said Borodgh of McConnellsburg At which time the qualified voters of the said borough will by their votes approve or disapprove tbe proposed Inorease of the indebtedness of the said borough in the sum of (12,372.98, for the purpose of purchasing, install mg, maintaining, ana operating, an elcctrie lighting plant lor the use of the said borough. As recommended by resolutions of the Borough Coun cil, passed on the 19th day of Febru aryl917. The last assessed valuation of tax able property within the said borough of McConnellsburg, is $197,621 00 The present total Indebtedness Is 11450.70 being .734 thousandths of 1 per centum of the total assessed valuation. The amount of the proposed increase of indebtedness is 112,372.98 being Baud 206 thousandths per centum of the to tal assessed valuation of taxable property within the said borough. By order of the Borough Conncil, of McConnellsburg, Pa. ' J. A. IRWIN, President of the Borough Council H. U. NCAE, Clerk. Announcement. There are still a number of copies ol tne "Atlas ol Fulton County" available. We will mail you one upon re ceipt of price $2.00.. This is your cbaecs to 4t an up-to-date map of our County showing all natur al features and points of interest also roads, names of resident?, churches, schools, mills, etc, al so elevations above sea level. Ad dress: Frank P. Plessinger, -i r . KjUMUiy Durvevur; uucuaturrove, i Bad Trade. . In any town, no matter how prosperous, there is always a certain proportion of merchants who complain of bad trade. They make a melancholy report of lo cal business conditions. Nothing doing is the burden of their re frain., So far as they are con cerned, there is no money in cir culation. Yet the currents of prosperity are flowing by their door. Hun dreds or thousands of people pass their stores every day, most of them with money in their pock ets, bound either for some other local place of business, or on their way out of town to buy. There is plenty of money and plenty of prosperity at this time. If business is dull or if it does not grow, there must be some thing the matter with us or our methods. Usually the trouble is that the public has a kind of prejudice against such stores. Somehow, it has got the impression that they are not up to date and are running along in the same old fashioned way that they did years ago. The trouble in such a case is almost invariably that that store has done nothing to bring itself before public attention. It simply opens its doors in the morning, and expects the public attention. The public is not built that way. It does not care much to visit stores unless it feels in advance that it is going to buy something there. People hate to go into a store and then walk out without buying, particularly in their home town where they are known. So hav ing this impression in their minds a little unfavorable to such stores they simply keep away from them or only visit them when they want something quick in an emergency. An impression of that kind can be dispelled by advertising. In 1 a short time a campaign of pub- ucicy gives an impression tnat a merchant has woke up. It makes him look like a live one. People begin to think that after all he may be up-to-date, and they come around to look at what he has. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1917, AT 1:30, P. H. By virtue of an order, of the Or phans' Court of Fulton County, Penn sylvania, tbe undersigned, Executor of the last will and testament of A. J. Fore, late of Dublin township, Fulton county, Pa., deceased, will on the above named date sell on the premises in Todd township, one-fourth mile north-east of Knobsville, a valuable Limestone Farm adjoining lands of John H. Van Cleve, Van Kelso, Roy . Humbert, Wash Kelso, Mrs. Margaret Johnston and others, containing . 133 Acres more or less, of which 120 acres is cleared and in good state of cultiva tion, and balance of thirteen acres Is well timbered. The lmpnovements are a good Stone House Bank barn, extra stable, hayshed, springhouse, and other necessary out buildings. Running water near the dwelling. Abundance of good fruit. This farm possesses a valuable water right for power purposes, on which there has been a sawmill tor many years.. School and church near. TERMS: Ten per cent, when prop erty is knocked down; one-half, inclu ding the 10 per cent, on confirmation of sale, and balance in one year from date of confirmation with Interest. CHAS. McGEEBE. 2-8-3t. Executor. Pa, 215 8t The Legislature of the State of Ohio some weeks ago passed a bill for woman suffrage for that state. Last Monday the State Senate passed this same bill by a larg majority. The bill is now up to the Governor and he has announced his intention of sign- ng it, thus giving the women of Ohio the right to vote for all of fices National, State, County and District. RACKET STO Why Pay the Peddler or Can! vasser Twice These Prices? You can save a good deal of money by buying your stock tonic at this store, instead of pay ing the peddler big, farcy prices for goods of unknown quality. Look fct these prices for that old reliable and guaranteed stock con ditioner and worm expellor 2 pound package 25c 5 pound package 50c DR. HESS STOCK TONIC 12 pound package $1.00 25 pound pail costs $2.00 Remember, we have no peddler's wagon and horses' expense to pay. That's why we can sell you Dr. Hess Stock Tonic at these rock-bottom prices. Here is another point, Mr. Farmer, we want to emphaaizo, that is: Dr. Hess Stock Tonic is highly concentrated; it goes farther, as the smell does quantity proves. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic is to put your animals in a thriving condition, make the ailing ones healthy and expel tbe worms otherwise you get your money back right here at our store. We also handle Dr. Hess Dip and Disinfectant Dr. Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a Dr Hess Instant Louse Killer When you buy Dr. Hess Stock tonic, Poultl pan-a-ce-a and Disinfectant, you will mal more pounds of 9c cattle, more pounds of hogs, more pounds of 12c lambs, more dof ens of 34c eggs. Try these goods and be con vinced that they will make you good interest. HULL & BENDER, McConnellsburg, Pa. ON HAND Some Fine Portland Cutters, one Carload New Idea Manure Spreaders, Steel and Rubber-tire Buggies, Plows and Harrows. Hardware, Specialties, Etc. Thankful for Past Favors, and soliciting contin uance of the same, I am yours for More Business. J. F. SNYDER, Merccrsburg. Pan' WHEN IN CHAMBERSBURG be sure to look at our line of LadiesVFurs, Assortment will please careful buyers. We sell furs on honor. HENNINGER . s The Hatter, Chambersburg, Pa.