The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 08, 1917, Image 8

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A Tale of Adventures on
An Indian Reservation
ON HIS wny to tnke the ngemy at Lnkotuh tmllnn rewrvntloii rollowiiiK
Floyd Hurily, U. 8. A., reunion a nuiirti i lirc-l girl and two im-n from
Dupont. poKt-lrudt-r, Ills ilinmlitM- Miulo, and Iti-KliinM Viimlervyn., iiR. -
- ... ... .... I I. I .. . . .
H Clenuner. lliiniy learns vundervyn
are dlsnffccted becaune thry hnve been cliciltod in a trilml mine which nun t uimervyn nre nn-piiiy voi k
'lnu la nuzzled when his friendly Kp.veh to trllieHinen, Interpreted by Vandervyn's hitinreed tool, angers - the
liidlnns, and no dftertnines to mm otii wiini i wrong mi nnniim uim . nu ihmi uiurnngo m mim.
whom Vandervyn also Is courting. un,l Is held off, hut nursed tenderly hy her when shot nnd wounded from urn
bush. Lost la the mountnlns after a second aiiilmsh tteintf on his life, Ilnrdy wanders Into the Indlnn cniiip.
learns they have misunderstood his unlives through iiilsliiterprelntloii, iimko- friends with them und accuses I u
Ipoot and Vandervyn of rascality to their fares, nut of this situation springs a much more serious dilemma for the
army officer, attnrklnu both his affections nud his honor as you will see In (Ids Installment.
CHAPTER XII Continued.
"You ndd to my regret. Yet, as act
log agent. It Is my duty, to censure
your father nnd Mr. Vandervyn for de
ceiving me. Had they told me about
Nogcu'i umlfeiisaiice Ids blocking of
the new treaty and compelling the In
dians to work the mine without pay
"He did that?" Marie questioned her
"Well, me and Mr. Van done all we
could to git him t" !"'' ''iiV mumbled
"Of course! Hut he I did not think
aim so mean!" The girl's eyes bin.'.'
and her nostrils dlliilrt. '"So that u
why he was shot? I don't blame the
man who did It I could have done It
myself I The thief!- Ueggle. If only
you had let the killer escape!"
"Couldn't," tersely replied Vander
yn. "He was blood-mud would have
got Charlie nnd me, ton. If we hadn't
got him."
"That was self-defeaxe." said Har
dy. "It has been greed anikdNlionesty,
though, that have prompted you to
conceal from mo the facts that led up
to the killing. Aside from the danger
to me, you have permitted tho tribe to
terge upon nu uprising that would
hnvo compelled their pacification by
the war department. All this thai you
might steal the ore of this mine."
"Steal our own ore?" bellowed Du
pont. "You're plumb locoed!"
"Not so loud, If you please." quietly
replied Hardy. "The ore Is not
"That's all you know about It," blus
tered the trader. "Ain't 1 ono of the
discoverers and locators of the lode?"
"The lode Is not subject to location.
It Is on Indian land."
'What if It Is? Ain't I n member of
the tribe?"
The tribal land has not yet been
Hotted In severalty. Kvery square
foot of ground on the reservation be
longs to the tribe ns a whole. No one
member can hold Individual title to
ny of It"
"Well, what of It?" demanded Du
pont, far from silenced. "If the tribe
wants to work the mine, and they want
me nnd Mr. Van to mauage It for them
and buy the ore, what In hell have you
got to say about It?"
"Nothing at present," answered
Hardy. "If the tribe consents, I shall
make no objection. You will be able
to cheat them of only a few thousand
dollars before the new treaty Is con
summated nnd ull this mineral hind
opened to location and entry under the
mining laws."
The veins on Vandervyn's crimsoned
forehead were swollen1 und pulsating
with his furious anger. He spoke In
high, airy lone: "So you urc going
to pull wires to get our mine taken
way from us?"
"I shall see that Justice Is done to
ward the tribe," said Hardy, aad he
fixed the younger man with a glance
that compelled him to blink nud look
Hut now Marie's swlfl-moiiiitlug
corn and anger burst out In a storm
of passion :
"You hypocrite! you self-righteous
martinet! You would reprimand my
father and Mr. Van, would you? And
each a thousand times better mau than
you! Who has made all the trouble
Whole Tribe Hatci You and
I'm One of the Tribe."
here since you came? The whole tribe
hates you and I'm one of the tribe!
You straight laced prig! Yon say
Pere nnd Iteggle are dishonest, when
all they wish to do is to give the tribe
good work and good pay. Hut you
yon wuat to take away the mine from
the tribe and from us too '"
Ilurdy winced under the scornful
reproaches, yet did not yield a hair. "I
bnve done my duty, Miss Dupont. - I
hall continue to do it. I have no In
tention of robbing anyone of what Is
rightfully his."
"Yet when the reservation Is thrown
open for entry, someone else who
never saw the mine mny slip la ahead
of us and Jump It," said Vandervyn.
"That Is something I cannot pre
vent," said Hardy.
"You can I" contradicted Marie.
Tbe chiefs wIH not Insist on the new
um neeti proiniHed ine nBenry oy nu iii'iiunim mini-, uinruvi-r mi- iimmna
treaty they will do what Here thinks
best for tlieui nnd us, if you leuve the
matter to him and Iteggle."
"I must do my duly as acting
agent," insisted Hardy.
The girl turned her back upon hlin
in open disdain. He raised his hat to
Iter aad started for the cabin, his fuce
white, but lift shoulders squurcd back
and Ills head very erect.
Another Curd or Two.
A few minutes later Hardy came out
of the cabin. Though grave, he was
I and alert. He at once walked up
o I'lipoiit, who sat pufllug nt his pipe
on i be loj) of the mine-dump.
"llcdbear seems to be quiet," he
said. "Where Is your daughter?"
Dupont pointed vaguely down the
mountain-side. "She went off with Mr.
Van, to try to smooih down his fur.
You riled hlin considerable, Cap."
"I regret that It was necessary to
reprimand you."
"All right. Cup. I don't bear no
grudge. Melibc now you'd like to take
a look at the mine."
"Yes," crisply agreed Hardy.
Dupont rose and led lilui luto the
riouth of (ho tunnel. There he un
locked a heavy tool chest nnd took
out two caudles. These were needed,
for though the tunnel ran Into the
mountain side less than three hundred
feet, Its twisting course along the ore
vein soon shut out the daylight. Du
pont noticed his companion's dubious
look at the soft ore-body that formed
the roof and one wall of the tunnel.
. "Walk quiet, and don't talk loud,"
he said. "We ain't done no timbering
yet. Drove In litis drift to the foot of
the shaft Inst us we could git the lazy
cusses to work, so's we could figure
what we had to count on.",
Hardy made no reply until they
came to the end of the tunnel nnd
stepped out Into the dim daylight of
the shaft bottom. He looked up the
big, square, timbered well, and re
marked: "You satik this first, then
drove In to meet It."
"Yep. Wanted to make sure the
vein didn't pinch out nowhere. Nogen
and Mr. Van both figured we got three
hundred thousand dollars of ore as
good as blocked out."
"Ah," said Hardy, and he signed to
Dupont to lead the way back.
They had gone twenty-five or thirty
paces when n little slither of ore fell
on the floor of the tunnel In front of
Dupont. Instantly he sprung forwurd.
with a whispered cry: "Jump
quick !"
Hardy leaped after blm, barely In
time to clear the ton or more of ore
that dropped from the roof lu n mass.
Without stopping to look behind them,
the two men hastened stealthily down
the slight slope of the tunnel, their
candles upraised and eyes fixed on the
soft, raw ore-body above them. At nny
moment the entire roof might cave In
nud bury them. The shock of the first
fall loosened small quantities of ore
all along the passage. Fragments drib
bled down behind and In front of the
fugitives uud even ou their heads.
I'anlc-strlcken, they broke luto a run.
It was none loo soon. As they dashed
around the turn that brought them to
the outlet, tho entire roof behind them
came thudding down.
Safe oulslde, Dupont shook the
fragments from his hut and clothes,
and pulled out his bandanna to wipe
oft the sweat that was gathering In
bends on his forehead.
"Ugh I" he grunted. "Don't never
M-c me In there ug'in till It's timbered."
"Hather close call," remarked
"You're a cool one," muttered the
trader, and he scowled. "Nom d'un
eblen! Just my luck! If I hadn't
sung out, you'd V got smashed under
that first drop."
"I shall not forget It, Dupout."
"Me, neither. 'Stead of being rid of
you, here you are ready as ever to
clean us out and I . done It I"
"Yon do not regret saving my life,"
asserted Hardy,
"Well, mebbe not. Just the same,
It's mighty hard luck on us. Hero we
went and blocked out all thnt there
ore three hundred thousund dollars
its good as in our pockets tioC. to
speii k of all that's down under nnd
t'other side the shaft. For all we know.
It i mis clean through the mountain
and down to China 1"
"That does not alter the situation,"
said Hardy. .
"Mebbe it don't, nnd then ag'ln "
Dupont beg'au to scratch his head.
"Yes, mebbe It don't, und then, ag'ln,
mehbe It does. Just you take a look
at It this way, Cap, Suppose that new
treaty goes through, the tribe don't
glt nothing out of this mine, und we
don't, neither. Just some lucky bum
bents us to It, nnd the government says
It's lilsn. Is thnt fair and square?"
"You have ucted outside tho law,"
said Hardy. "You must take your
chances with other locators."
"How about the tribe?" queried Du
pont. "Don't you care nothing about
their Interests? Just supposing you
and me nnd Mr. Van took hold of this
here proposition, for the tribe nnd split
even with them on the proceeds. I call
Robert Ames
uie muruer or Agent rtogpn. in pi.
nitucklnx IntNim. Thry are Jnequi-s
ncy clerk and nephew of Senator
I I . I ..I .1 .11 . I. .
that a square deal to t licit) and us, too
and I know Marie would think the
same. She likes you, Cap. Just show
her you want to do what's best for all
concerned, and I'm dead sure she "
"Stop!" commanded Hardy. "Leave
your daughter out of this." "
"You've got to tell me how I'm
going to do It," replied Dupont In an
Injured tone. "If I don't git my share
In the mlue, Mr. Vnu cun't afford to
take her; and you won't have no
show. Hut you git In right with Marie,
and she'd work her hands to the bone
for you. She ain't no common breed
'irl, neither. You know that. .She'd
he a real Indy, tf alio had money
only you ain't going to give her do
"She knows that I wish to marry
her." said Hardy.
"Think she believes that when
you're going to rob me and her of a
lardy looked directly at the temp
ter, hU eyes clear and resolute, though
his face wns white and drawn. "It Is
of no use, Dupont. I shall do what 1
consider my duty."
I'upont's faeo 'darkened. "8o that's
i Nut I git for saving your life. You
ain't pit o particle of gratitude, nnd
you don't care a hang about her."
"1 must beg to differ with you," suld
Hardy. "But I cannot expect you to
understand my position."
Dupnnt drew out Ids pipe and re
turned to his seat on the mine-dump,
to brood on his wrongs In morose si
lence. Hardy thoughtfully walked
Imck to the cabin, drew out a writing
pad from one of his saddlebags ami
began to draft a semiolllcial letter to
the most Influential of his few ac
quaintances lu Washington.
He soon became so Intent that he
did not notice the half-dozen figures
In darn blue uniform that came swing
ing down the precipitous uiountuin-
side above the terrace. When at last
he finished the letter and looked up,
he saw all the members of the police
escort drawn up In line before blm,
their swarthy faces ullght with re
spectful friendliness. Their sergeant
uttered a guttural word of salutation,
and begau making signs.
Hardy smiled, shook his head, and
looked around for an Interpreter. Du
pont still sat sulking ou the mine
dump, but Marie and Vandervyn
were coming bnck up the mountain
side. They appeared only a few
yards away, us Hardy glanced about.
His Hps drew tense when he per
ceived the girl's happy blushes uud
the look with which Vuudervyu was
regarding her half-averted face.
At sight of Hardy she straightened
with proud disdain, and would hnve
Immediately gone around Into the
cabin had he not spoken.
"I'nrdou me, Miss Dupont. These
men wish to report to me. Mny I ask
you to Interpret for them?"
The girl turned coldly to the ser
geant, who at once poured out an Im
passioned declamation, emphasized
with swift-formed signs. Lie was still
talking, when Dupont sullenly sham
bled over from the mine-dump. His
discontented face darkened still more
when he came within hearing of the
At hist the sergeant finished bis Im
promptu oration. Without looking at
Hardy, Marie gave the substance of
the speech with contemptuous curt
ness :
"lie says they think you were very
brave to follow the shooter Into the
broken mountain. They are very
sorry that they could uot again llnd
the trail of the bad Indian after los
ing It on the bnre rocks from which
he must have Rhot Charlie."
"Tell them that is all right The
fellow thought I was the enemy of
his tribe. He will soon learn bet
ter. Neither he nor uny other will
again attack me."
"Yes, you have talked Thunderbolt
Into believing you the tribe's dear
est friend," Ironically replied Marie.
"These silly fellows trailed you to
the chief's camp, and have swallowed
whole the account of the wonderful
good things you ore going to do for
the tribe. "All this push nnd fuss wns
over that and your big heart."
.Uegardless of the mockery In the
girl's eyes, Hardy turned to smile and
nod at the policemen In acknowledg
ment of their kindly feeling.
Dupont muttered a curse, ami ven
tured an Ill-humored remark loud
enough to reuch Hardy's cars: "The
wholo buuch'd sing n different tune
if I told them how he turned down
the chance to give the tribe half
what's In our mine."
"Chuck It, Juke!" Interposed Van
dervyn, with a good-humored smile
that surprised Hardy no less than the
trader. "It's tip to us to take our
medicine. We know It will not be to
the best Interests of tho tribe. The
responsibility, however, is his."
"You ain't going to throw down, ore
you?" exclaimed Dupont.
"What else can we do?" mildly
asked Vandervyn. "The game Is up."
"What if the government don't
tnnko It no rush, but has the entry
men draw lots?" objected Dupout "I
been fool enough to show Cap through
the diggings nud tell him what we
got blocked out If he ain't square
enough to keep his head shut, we
won't stand no chance nt all of buying
out tho entrymnn what drawn first
choice In the lottery."
"You see, cnptnln," said Vandervyn.
"As we discovered and developed the
lode, do you not think the- honorable
thing would be to mnke no mention
of the mine In your report?"
"The tribe should receive a largo
payment for their mineral lands," re
plied Hardy.
"Quite true," agreed Vundervyn, Ids
voice ringing clear and strong with
sincerity. "There wns talk of pay
lug them fifteen millions. I think It
should be fifteen 'or twenty. We have
found Indications of other lodes. I
am sure you will see that It would be
perfectly honorable to report that
fact but leave out nil mention of our
mine. That would protect us, nnd do
no harm to the tribe. If you see It
thnt way, I will pull all the wires I
can to convince the government that
(his part of the reservation Is rich In
minerals. My uncle Is chairman of
the treaty commission. If his report
favors a poymept of fifteen or twenty
millions to the tribe, congress will ap
propriate that amount."
- "If there are Indications of other
lodes us rich as this one, fifteen mil
lions Is none loo large a price," said
Hardy. "You agree to help obtain
fair compensation to tho tribe?"
"Provided you do the fulr nud hon
orable thing by us," replied Vauder
vyu. Hardy considered, and nodded.
"Very well. As between you nnd the
other entrymen, It seems to me right
to withhold your secret You found
and developed this mine, and It Is not
tho fault of yourself nnd Dupont that
Nogen had the work done, at tho ex
pense of the tribe."
"Here nml Mr. Vnn will puy them
for nil the work," proudly stated Ma
rie. Dupout gaped In blank amazement
at this unwelcome prediction. Not so
Vanderv; n.
"Of course we shall pay them, cnp
tnln," he confirmed. "I Intend to list
the claimants nnd tho amount due
them nt tho council tomorrow. Nei
ther Jake nor I can ufford to settle
with I hem out of hand. Hut Jake
will allow them part paymen': lu trade
goods, and wo shall make other pay
ments as fust as we get returns from
our next ore shipments."
"Very good," agreed Hardy. "You
are to understand, however, that the
tribe must voluntarily bring the ore
to the reservation boundary nnd there
sell It to you. Have you considered
tho risk of the public surmising the
existence of the mine from the ore
"No chance' of thnt," explained Du
pont "Nogen let It out thnt ho got
the ore from a prospect In tho moun
tains clean back across tho other
boundary of the reservation, nnd he
showed n round a smelter report of n
shipment of ore that we'd doctored
with barren rock so's It Just pnid out
Ilurdy did not smile. He returned
gravely to Marie. "In view of the
general agreement, Miss Dupont, may
I hope that you "
"You may not, Cnptnln Hardy," she
ungraciously interrupted. "You In
sulted my father. lie nnd I shall at
once leave for home."
Dupont looked to Vandervyn, and
received u.sIgn to ucquiesce.
"Don't want to leave you In the
lurch, Capi" he snid, "but if Marie's
set on going, guess I'll hnve to."
"Tell four of the pollco they nre
detailed to escort yourself und Miss
Dupont back to tho agency," ordered
Hnidy, He raised his hut to Marie.
"Hermit me to wish you a pleasant
The girl turned nwny without reply
ing. Hardy stood for a moment cool
and still under Vandervyn's exultant
smile; then faced about und steadily
walked off along the uiountulu ter
race. He did not return to the culiln un
til the greater number of the saddle
and pack ponies had been brought up
from the valley and the returning
party hud mounted and ridden awny
on the back trail. Vandervyn started
off with them, and Ilnrdy's keen, hazel
eyes dimmed us, leaning aguiust a
gnarled pine on tho slope above, he
wntched the lovers ride away, sldo
by side.
Angered at himself for his momen
tary weakness, he sprang down the
ledges to the terrace, and hastened
back to talk with Kcdbear. Ho was
met nt the cabin door by Oinnn, who
placed n finger on her lips nnd whis
pered that her brother had at lust
fallen nsleep.
Hnrdy withdrew to the shady side
of the cabin, where be sat down on his
saddle nnd began drafting a list of in
structions for tho tribal delegates to
Washington. He was still writing
them when, shortly before nightfall.
Vundervyn came Jogging back to the
mine. He had had a delightful ride
with Marie, and he complacently Inti
mated the fact to Hardy.
In the midst of this subtle torment
ing of his rival, Olnni came out to
serve the supper that she had cooked
n the cabin. Vandervyn nl'ruptly
changed the subject, and began to talk
about tho council next day. Hardy
gave no sign thnt be observed this
sudden break or the furtive, adoring
glances that the girl bestowed on Van
dervyn ns she gilded softly to and fro.
Tho night came on, clear and still.
As they puffed at their after-supper
pipes, Vandervyn suggested thnt, out
of consideration for the young woman,
they roll up In their blankets outside
the cnblu. To this Hnrdy made no ob
jection. They picked out a' soft spot
matted with fallen pine needles, uuder
a low-growing tree, nnd soon both
were seemingly fast asleep.
After several minutes Vundervyn
spoke to his companion in a low tone.
Hardy did uot answer. Vandervyn
drew out his pipe and struck a match.
He held the Hume above Hardy's fnce.
The eyes were closed, nnd the severe,
half-melancholy expression of the
harsh features was relaxed as If In
heavy slumber.
Vandervyn extinguished the match,
and slipped out of his blankets. Noise
lessly he crept down to the cabin
nnd around to the door. It wns burred
on the Inside. Ho tapped on It
There was n sliding sound within
the cabin, uud the heavy door began
to swing inwurd. Vundervyn put his
foot on tho threshold to enter. At
tho same moment a sinewy hand
grip jied his -shoulder and Jerked hlin
away. He cursed, uud clapped his
hand to his holster as he whirled
about. It was empty. He bent for
wurd to spring at tho durk form in
the half-open doorway.
"Stand back I" came the stern com
mnud. "I hnve your revolver. Olunn.
close the door."
The door swung shut. In the tense
silence the rattle of tho bar as It snct
back Into Us socket wns distinct. - Van
dervyn's teeth ground together.
"You stralght-lnced prig !" be
choked out "Get away from here!
I'm going In."
"Supposo I do not choose to give It?"
"Then I will protect her by ordering
you to leave the reservation as fast
as you can travel."
"1 see," taunted Vandervyn. "You
want to get rid of me, so you can have
"You Insulted My Father!"
clenr sailing with Murle. You're n
great one to spout about honor!
You'll go und bint to her about this."
"You know very well I cannot do
thnt. Yet If you refuso to give me
your word, I shall feel Justified In
telling Dupont my reason for ordering
you off the reservation."
Vandervyn burst Into a cynical
laugh. "Do you think Juke's tho sort
to care.
"When tho hupplness of his daugh
ter Is nt stuke "
"Precisely. Ho thinks I'm her one
best chance.
"Very well," replied Hardy. "Since,
like this poor girl's, her natural
guardian Is unfit, my position ns acting
agent requires mo to take his place.
My appeal to you as a gentleman hav
ing failed. I must conclude that you
are not n gentleman. I shall be com
pelled to disclose this incident to. Miss
Dupont. You shull be escorted off the
reservation under arrest"
"You'll order tut. " cried Vandervyn,
nnd nguln he bent forward ns tf to
lenp nt his rival. Hardy stood cold
and motionless In tho dim starlight
The younger man checked himself.
Ills voice shook with suppressed un
ger: "You've got the drop on me now.
Walt till we hear from Washington,"
"Until I am relieved froui my pres
ent detail, I shall consider myself the
guardian of everyone and everything
belonging to the tribe," stated Hardy.
There followed a silence of several
momeuts' duration, In which Vauder
vyn must have found time to reflect.
He drew back a step or two, lit his
pipe, and at last remarked In a some
what forced tone of conciliation : "1
see you're like nn army mule no use
trying to budge you when you balk. I
give you my word to act ns u gentle
man in this affair."
"Very well," replied Hardy.
Vandervyn started off, sueWng nt
his pipe. Hardy turned about, nnd
locked tho door on tho outside with
the henvy padlock that hung loose In
the jnmb staple. He put the key lu his
pocket, and walked nround the cabin
to make certain Hint there were no
other openings larger than the narrow
crevices of the loopholes.
When he returned to the tree, lie
found Vundervyn already outstretched.
lie picked up his blunkets and moved
down the slope, to spend the night In
the nioro congenial company of the
two remaining Indian policemen.
In White and Dlack.
In the morning Olnnn did nut show
herself outside the cabin, though
Hardy called a kindly good morning
to her. Her brother, with ono arm
carefully bandaged and in a sling,
brought out the breakfast thai she
cooked. He looked so weak and un
steady that Hardy at once assented
when he mumbled that he wished to
go back to bed and rest until the
"You must have your wits about
you this time," added Ilurdy. "What
ever the cause of the misunderstand
ing ut the first council, it must not
recur. You nre too cureless In your
Interpretations. Inform your sister
that she Is to be present. I shall re
quire her to check you."
"Would you make a girl as shy ns
she Is stand up In a tiibul council
nnd Interpret?" remonstrated Vander
vyn, as Hedbenr slunk around the eud
of the cabin.
"The presence of ' her grandfather
will give her courage," replied Hardy.
"It Is necessary that she should be
present I do not trust either the
ability or the honesty of her brother."
Vundervyn shrugged, and suld no
nioro. Half an hour or so later he
asked permission to use Hardy's pen
and pnd to write snine letter. - Tho
captain handed them to hlin, and
started up tho mountainside ubovt
the tunnel mouth. A steep path led tip
to the top of the spur ridge from
which the shaft hnd been sunk from
the upex of the outcrop of tho vein.
As soon ns he bud gone beyond ear
shot, Vundervyn roso to stretch him
self nnd call softly through the near
est loophole. He then seated' himself
on his saddlo unit began ro write. A
tlsteuer would have had need to be
near at hand to have heard the tow
murmur of Itedhcui's and (Mima's
voices through the loophole above
Vandervyn's bead.
When Ilurdy returned from his
umiiiuflon of the upper vorks of tbe
mine, Vandervyn sealed lu his pies
once the two letters that he .had writ'
ten. They appeared decidedly thin, lu
view of the time that Vandervyn had
spent lu his rrltlng and the number
of sheets of paper gone from the pud.
Hut Ilurdy did not observe this. Ills
attention had been diverted by n large
party of Indians that had appeared
on tho velvety green meadows of the
valley bottom.
The tribal council had begun to us
semble. This time the chiefs and
headmen did not come alone. From
fur camps as well as near, the men
of the tribe were bringing their fntnl
lies to sec the l.nngkulfe chief whom
they had first hated but now believed
to be their friend and father. Hy
noon their uumbers laid grown from
scores to hundreds.
Shortly ufter the midday meal one
of tho Indian policemen brought word
up to the cabin Unit the head chief
had arrived nnd (lie council wns
ready to talk with the agent llurdv
at once gave command to mount. As
soon ns Ilurdy und Vundervyn stnrtcd
to ride down the slope, Olunn slipped
out, and held her brother's pony UtT
blm. She then mounted her own, aad
rode after him.
At the foot of the slope thn riders
came out through a grove of young,
quaking asps luto sudden view of the
picturesque and Imposing tribal conn
cil. Fully half (lie tribe had gathered
together for the occasion. All up und
down the valley the meadows were
dotted with their ponies. Tho Indians
were assembled in u dense crowd
tho men in n deep band around the
chiefs, tho women and children out
Do you believe that Vandervyn
can persuade Oinna to do so or
scare her into misinterpreting
Captain Hardy's statements to
the tribesmen? Will Hardy
catch Vandervyn at his dirty
work this time and punish him
for it?
Palntir Found Himself Famous at Mo
ment When He Feared That All
Was Lost.
Ilalhslmiie Hummock struggled
wenrlly up the nineteen (lights of
stairs to his draughty garret studio.
No food had passed his lips that day
except twenty liard-boiled eggs and
six cans of spoiled sardines originally
packed In lard.
"I was n brute to iiimry I'ninmllno
before I was able l provide for her,"
ho thought bitterly. "No man ought
to marry on less than an ussured in
come of four dollars and fifty a week.
I wonder If the expressman lias come
to take 'Skeehaw Hrldge In n Drizzle'
to the Futurist exhibition. If that, my
masterpiece, falls to win a prize, I fear
we all must starve or eat sauerkraut
all winter."
The first thing that met his eye he
had but one left when he entered t lie
studio was "Skeehaw Hrldge In a
"'i In; expressman .came and took
away the picture," his wife told him
with a giggle. "I hope I gave him Hie
right one the little square canvas one
the little square canvas In the cor
ner? These futurist things ull look
so alike."
Hummock hurled his scarred feu
lures in his unwashed hands.
"You gave them that old Hawed cat.
vas I gave Iho baby to daub oil I" he
moaned. "We are ruined! Iiuined!"
Hut at that moment a messenger boy
arrived with n telegram Iroin the
Judges. It read :
"First prize of 25 cents for yon.
canvas without title. We have taken
tho liberty of naming It 'Opening Oys
ters In tho G-lonmlng,' ns that wns so
obviously your subject"
Hummock rushed out with n glad
yell to buy a lemon. Detroit Free
Movement of Population.
Immigration from the eastern states
to the middle West began In n small
way soon after the close of Uio Revo
lutionary war, but was not large till
after the admission of Ohio as a state
In 180.1 In 18D0 tho' government
adopted the system of selling public
land In Ohio on credit and thus start
ed a current of emigration to Ohio
which soon made It n state and over
flowed Into Indiana. Old letters writ
ten from towns In Massachusetts, New
York nml Pennsylvania describe tbf
roads lending west us thronged with
large covered wagons filled with peo
ple and household goods,s moving to
"the Ohio," An Hiigllshmiui who came
West in 1S10 wrote: "In passing
through the upper parts of Vlrglula I
observed a great number of farms thut
had been abandoned, on many o!
which good houses had been erected,
nnd fine apple nnd peach orchards had
been planted. On Inquiring the rea
son, I wns always informed that tin
owners had gone to the western coun
try. From the New England states tin
emigrations nre still nioro numerous.
They mostly cross the Hudson rlvei
between Albuny nnd Newourg, and
must pass through Cuyugu on their
way to Pittsburgh. I was Informed
by an Inhabitant of Cayuga In April
1S1C, that more than 10,000 wagon
had passed over the bridge nt thnt
place within the last 18 months, con
taining emigrants to the western coun
try." Optimistlo Thought
Joys shared With others are mors
. m BOB
For sick headache, bad breitS
Sour Stomach and
constipation. )
Get a 10-cont box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stonu
or bowels; now mucn your k,
acnes, bow miserable and uncouth
able you are from constipation, indip
tlon, biliousness and sluggish bo,
you always got the desired ren
with Cascarets.
Don't let your stomach, liver
bowels make you miserable. Ti
Cascarets to-night; put an end to t
headache, biliousness, dizziness, n
ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomv
backache and all otter dlstrt V
cleanse your inside orgtfns of all tr
bile, gases and constipated nn
which Is producing the mUery. jj,
A 10-cent box means health, hi--ness
and a clear head for montiK
No more days of gloom and dlstrt
if you will take a Cascaret nowtj
then. AH stores soil Cascarets. fa
forget the children their Ilttla m
sides need a cleansing, too. Adr, C
Authority on Mushrooms, t
Mrs. Flora W. Patterson of Witslii.
ton, D. C will never die of eutlnt
toadstool thinking it Is n iiiusliri.j jj,
Mrs. Patterson Is n government .
rntlst whose specially Is n knnwV.
of fungi. She knows more about met
rooms and toadstools, ns well uri
microscopic fungi which cause p,
diseases, than any other person In :
government service. Her writing
the subject are the standard work) JJ
the scientific libraries. Mrs. I'm.
son began the study of fungi v
hobby. When her husbund died t
government offered her n place fo
which she could use her special knmW
edge for the public good. Her t-.8i
les of the fungous diseases of pltvt
have had nn Importnnt effect
American ngrleultflftP
CotiHtipation, indigestion, ickliMdf
and bilious conditions are overcome &
course of Garfield Tea. Drink on rctirc
Plays Many Pieces Without Stoppi-rl
Application for patent rights l w
been made for n phonograph tint
capable of playing several disk row A
In succession without requiring tlir 'ly
tendon of nn operator, says I'il
Mechanics Magazine. The tnml'lo
nlso will select special records t
render them, or reproduce a single '
us many times ns desired. Small ft
tilating knobs permit nn openttutlb
omit, repeat or stop nny pnrtlc-ulanto
lection. Furthermore, it Is pos' ,
to -set the machine to stop miim
Ically after playing any record. '
Nerves All On Edge! j
Just as nerve wear is a cause of lu.
ney weakness, so is kidney trouble it
cnune of nervousness. Anyone who b ,
backache, nervousness, "blue," ho. or
aches, dizzy spells, urinary ills audi,.
tired, worn feeling, would do well tor
Doan'i Kidney Fills. This safe, rtli
ble remedy is recommended by thti
ands who have bad relief from j
ucb troubles.
A Virginia Caie
Mrs. O. W. Da
vis. 107 Prince St.,
Atexnndrla. V a .,
ays: ''Doctors
treated me for a
lonir time and pro
nounced my condi
tion serious. Often
I felt so llatleas
a ana nervous inui i
" almost gave up
nope and I endured
torture from kid
ney ailments. Fin
ally, I used Doan'i
Kldnev Mils and
they brought me relief after ever
thing else had failed. I still take thr
occasionally and am always bunelii
right away."
Ut Doom's at Any Store, EOe a Bm
Excellent for
Coughs' & Colds
11 of Horenound & Tar
I X AODraggiMti
Um PUm's Toothacbs DioK
Constipation 1
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent 0.
fail Purely vegeta
ble net surely
but gently on
tne liver.
Stop nfter
dinner distress-cure
Imnrnv tit a -nmrdplr Inn tiriabtAn thCC
Genuine must-bear Signature.
Manatee County; reputed to have thf
toll and beat clfuiatlo conditions In r1"";
865 (frowlnj days; electrlo light ""J
plant; near railroad: tract from tn
up, ou easy wmi. niters run
Sarasota. FU. Baltimore. I
Wtion II Col!
PataoL LwTr, W''BC
M U. AdYlOe iiu "'J
WOMB iwwuawi. ASUftUVUH SW4S1VUWSI mr--
llltffl M1 mam tsf If K mm fcnriftk. P1
lYlAKE. Dill Er-'.,,.!!; iarwl rtl.l.OT"?
Cii. H. Ootnor, Waldruu block, Blooloi(U
e i a mm m a akar i i il.-.U fYiflfltfi
(flDifc fur $10.0UO, cumplfM with stock, rur
did loo room ttousa. Lu bwnrtrtif hro'
ward H. Wlltlflr A Co , t'hflott""r
r 3k i