THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. ! Mures of World Events for Mews Readers ln This Department Our Readers In Fulton County and Elsewhere May journey 1(5 Around the Aorld Alth the Camera on the "Trail OPPORTUNITIES IT ARE MISSED NOTABLES -I I.( tr'"i m .3 I; Wimirwiiiw"niiiiiiiiiiri riiiiiiiiriiiii l nnm , itiiit ymi7rSBKJt' J The ci'iitrul portion of (tils picture nuiiiiill tee on rules, on the "leak" of Tumulty testifying, and 1 panel on tiilttec. HOLLAND'S ARMY EQUIPPED WITH MOST MODERN APPLIANCES JTTt-",,niWini'- r"'- J- - ,va-,viVi,.ww.wisv1 A DUIcn soiuier wenrillB niHSK rrtidy for iicllon. As the most modern Hrniy will) them. They me retidy for WAR'S DEVASTATION Itrll Ifsli olliclal photograph taken on the western front, showing a road Hanked hy (thastly stumps and shattered remains of what were onco trees. The Holds on all shies are covered with heaps and mounds of wrecked houses, torn fences, nnd debris of nil sorts. AT GATEWAY HlWWll' Mil II I .' .'.V. 'MMMMMIIaHaMD' V mil ,.t.iiini. in ri-V'.tiitK1"- 'j uu LM ZT J The iiiont luteresilng travelers nmoiijc the !XWi who arrived on the liner Nleuwo Anisterdani recently were the Nelghm children sent to this country by Futhcr John do Vllle. They will make their homes with relntlves or friends In the middle West. They wore the warm clothes sent down the bny to the steamship for them by the American Ited Cross, nnd tugged irionz bundles of tbe thin nnd worn, apparel ln which they crossed the ocenn. of TESTIFYING IN "LEAK" CASE shows Thomas W. Liiwsoii, seated ut lliu president's peace message. Tho the left show Secretary of State Lansing us ho appeared before the nnn skmm iiciiiici, wiurii nil- pun oi Inventions prove their usefulness In nny eventualities. IN NORTH FRANCE TO NEW HOME - .'.V.W.'.'.'M MMibrii.'lW.. History INlaUins Happenings. the tuhlo, testifying before the Insert on lliu right shows Km Iiousu clary coin- i M ms i'iimimm'iii iiiiu, j oe ihmi.i-i ir. ncluid witrfiire, t In 1 Mitch etpilp llielr THEIR LAST TRENCH German dead found In n captured trench nt Wagrniu. The mutilated nnd mangled bodies were strewn over the bottom of the trench, n horrible sight. Noto the mucky, raked-over nppeur unco of the trench, shattered by In numerable shells. This photograph should bo vivid enough to describe the real horrors of wnr nnd enough to make the movements for pence In crease more rnpldly. The man In the foreground has fallen Into a sleeping posture the sleep from which none waken. Loss of British Shipping. The Liverpool Journal of Commerce points out that lirltish mercantile mu rine bus suffered a loss equivalent to 4,000,000 tons of shipping, as follows: Wnr losses, 1,MO,000; hindrance of new construction, 1,700,000; excessive depreciation, 1,000,000 tons. Tho pa per charges waste In Itrltish shipbuild ing yards nnd asserts that Increasing amount of red tape Is seriously ham pering ship construction. It advocates appointment of a shipping dictator. Fortune's Favorite. "Don't tell me that luck doesn't play a big part In tho acquisition of wealth." "I guess tliut's so." "Of course it Is. Look at the fel lows who happen to own Jitney busses In n town where there Is a street-cnr strike." GRAVES OF '"1'"""' JTtM""i.OTB.B''-W' ' "' ; WIIBMBBtre8gw, 11 11 1 11 "W This ISritlsh olliclal pholograpli taken on the western front shows graves that may be found all nlnnu' the west ern fi nt of I'rltish Holdlers killed In action. Kadi cross has the mime and address of the soldier, with the words "Killed In action," and the address. WHAT ZEPPELIN 'I'hls reinarkiilile picture, the llrst a Zeppelin did while on one of Its raids In the photograph was occupied by iiilaehe at Ilucharest, who Is shown on "biFberti A liuge sliell tired by one of tho unexploded in n trench on the Somme soldiers would be a mangled muss uud an earthquake. QUESTIONING A Hi nrrt . tm l.i El 3 iilkWt P' 1 -J I A (iallclan peusnnt siisiK-cted of being a Ituflslun spy being closely ques tioned by (Jernuin olllccrs in l'oland. i BRITISH ON WESTERN DID IN BUCHAREST jr 5 jjllSJ from captured ISuehurest, shows what through Koumanla. The house shown Colonel Thompson. military the steps to tho left. A Ka-" ifinii.iin i nimw Herman "IHg Iterthns," which ianded front. Had the shell exploded the two the ground would look as If shaken by SPY SUSPECT FRONT MRS. ROBERT N. HARPER i Mis. Hohert N. Harper, wile of the , chalrimin of the iniiuunil committee, , will be nt Hie head of the many social ! activities of the Inauguration. At 'the Inaugural bull iiceompaniiig for I mer iimuKunithiiis the wife of the I chairman rcnived with the tlrst lady of the hind, but President Wilson has abolished the hull. Tl cession this year will be more political than social. LAST OF GREAT SCOUTS Iist picture of WIIJIuui V, Cody "HulTiilo ISHI." who died recently U Denver. Optlmlstio Thought Always nt It wins the day.. l' MWWIWJII II .111)1,111111 'r !'(4' '' : - ! J ? ti f 1; ; i i (i ' I Why Wait? Why Not Go to West ern Canada Now? The writer bus frequently heard the remark that "after the war we will go to Western Cunudu." It does not oc cur to those making the remark thai If they wish to secure hinds in Western Cututdu, whether by boniest cud or pur chase, the best time to go Is now. After the war the welcome will be Just as heurty us ever, but the chances are that land values will increase nnd to day homesteads are plentiful and laud Is reasonable In price. There Is Do question about what the laud In Mnnl tul in, Saskatchewan unil Atbertu will do, what it will give under proper cul tivation. runners In Western Canada are pay ing for their bind holdings with the proceeds of lust year's crop. That this Is nn Idle statement mny be gleaned from the three following Items, which are picked nut nt random : "In the spring of lillU n half section of land was offered for sale ut $17.00 per acre. There were 1T acres of summer-fallow, which because the owner could not at the time find n buyer, were seeded to wheat. A yield of 40 bushels per ncre, 4JL't)0 bushels nil told, grading No. 1, was obtained. The price the day the grain was sold (which was very early in the season, before grain prices advanced to round about $'J.(Mi) was ?l.O. which brought the handsome total of !t(,7-0.'X). Three hundred and twenty acres at $17.00 equals $.,- HUM), so that a buyer, by placing less than half of the uholu UKder crop, would have made a profit of $1,'JS0.00." liolison Messenger. It ibson, Sask. "That the 'Indiana Hoys' farm this year raised Milllclcnt crop to pay for the bind, nil the machinery ami all overhead expenses as well as make a handsome profit. Is the information given by N. It. Pnvls, the manager. The wheat yield was over 22,000 bush els. Of twelve cars already sold, nine graded No. 1, nnd Mr. Davis has sold over 2,000 bushels locally for seed nt $2.00. Naturally, when he gets to In diana be will be a big booster for Al berta." Itassano Mall, ISassnno, Alta. "Oscar Castalor, who bought hind at Itlussou after the crop hud been put In hist spring, for &I.SO0.00, bus threshed .1.000 bushels of wheat, which Is worth at present prices about $7,.HHt.(Hl. He refused ill) offer of $."i.O(H).0O for the land after the crop had been taken off." I-ethhrhlge Her ald. Lethbridge, Alta. Keports from the wheat Ileitis nre highly encouraging and show that tbe ' wheat crop of many farmers In West ern Canada wits highly satisfactory. Colildi.. Sask.--W. A. Kosc has threshed an average of .1:1 bushels per ere and &1 bushels of oats. (Jlclchen, Alberta. I'p to date 2.17. 912 bushels of grain have been received by local elevators, of which nearly ISO.OdO bushels were wheat. Seventy one cars of grain have already been shipped. Stoop Creek, Rusk. .lames McKite has threshed .rvlK) bushels of grain. 2.0U0 bushels of which were wheat, grading No. 1 Northern. One field averaged 4 1 bushels per acre, and n large field of oats averaged S.1 bushels. If Information as to the best loca tion Is required, It will be gladly fur Dished by any Canadian (ioveruineut Agent, whose advertisement appears elsewhere. Advertisement Obviously. "Sinllbers dressed up that story be old." "I suppose that Is why he took It to a swalloiv-tale party." 1 IF Gently cleanse your liver and ' sluggish bowels while you sleep. Got a 10-cent box. Sick hendacho, biliousness, dirti ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul broath always trace thera to torpid liver; dolayod, fermenting food la tbe bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Tolsonous matter clogged in tho In testines, Instead of being cast out of the system Is ro-absorbed Into the blood. Whon this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue It causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening hetidacho. Cascarets Immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gasos, take the excess bile from the liver end carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons In the bowels. A Cascarot to-night will surely stralghteu you out by morning. They work while you sloop a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. Adv. No Hops. "You are not foolish enough, are you, to think you can drown your sor rows In drink?" "Of course not. My wife can swim." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTOKIA, thut famous old remedy or lufunts and children, and see that It Signature of CJSsT In Use for Over SO Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria A man seldom marries n girl on ac count or her family, but he sometimes remains u bachelor on account thereof If your t mrt or M otld. ain Ky Bini applied upon tli ta just Itat talus W roltavt lUi-m- , ChlluVcu may not consider 8nU Cluus wise, but they know he Is a mun of rare gifts. BILIOUS HEADACH SICK UHObfinClD