The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 11, 1917, Image 7

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Thousands Tell It
tVk.t itnllu Infix arith liaeliaeha and
kidney or bladder troubles? Thousands
ten you now to nnu renei. nen
mm to guide you. And it's only one
o( thousands. Forty thousand Ameri
can people are publicly prilling Doan'i
Kidney Pills. Barely it it worth tbe
while oi anyone woo nss a dsu neca,
who feela tired, nenroui and run-down,
who endures distressing urinary disor
den, to give Doan'i Kidney Pills trial.
' A Virginia Case
Mrs. M. W. Ruder, -fwrrYtsriMl ilutf
Ml Tazewell Ave.. rL.sra i ja
Ml., wmnoKe,
says: "My kidney
wm In hail allMru.
and my back wan
very weak and ached
tammy. n a r p
knlfellke nnlna dart
mA tltrniivli mn.
was nervous, lantfuUt
and had dlzsy epell
and neauacnes
Unrnlnv. I avna al
Btlft I could hardly
get up. uorii i ftiu-
nret remedy that helped me and six
boxes cured me. 1 haven t suffered
Air-cooling methods of the rapid-fire
pins now in use have proved Inade
quate, nnd the soldier seem to tliluk
that water-cooling Is superior,
Bathe With Cutieura Soap and Apply
the Ointment Trial Free.
For eczemas, mumps, Itchlngs, Irrita
tions, pimples, dandruff, sore hands,
and buby humors, Cutieura Soup and
Ointment ore supremt'ly effective. Be
Bides they tend to prevent these dis
tressing conditions, if used for every
day toilet and nursery preparations.
Free sample each by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cutieura, Dept. L,
Boston. (Sold everywhere. Adv.
One Best Bet
"Yen, my son."
"They get coal out of the earth,
don't they?"
"Yes, my Imy."
"And they pet gold out of the earth,
too. don't they, popf
"Sure thing."
"Well, from the present outlook It
would npH-ar that we've got to Bet
the gold out first. Whut?"
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartic
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable you are from
constipation, Indigestion, biliousness
and sluggish bowels you always get
relief with Cascarets. They Imme
diately cleanse and regulate the stom
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gases; take the excess bile
from the liver and carry off the con
stipated waste matter and poison
from the Intestines and bowels. A
,10-ccnt box from your druggist will
keoD your liver and bowels cleau;
stomnck sweet ond head clear for.
months. They work while you sleep.
Humorous Ignorance Shown by Men
In Their Effort to Boost Their
Favorite Cities.
Of nil the funny stories I recall at
the present moment, I think I can work
up the bast laugh over the tale of the
two Irishmen who were arguing about
the relative merits of New York ond
Chicago. You know, there Is n type
of person who, when he knows noth
ing about a thing, nnd finds you don't
know either, will start In nnd explain
it to you. These two were both of that
kind. Bald one:
"Why, in New York we have grass
growing right on the roof, Just the
same as down on thr ground. You can
have your front ynrd on top of your
1 hemse."
"That's notliln," declared the oth
er. "In Chicago we play golf on the
"Golf. You mean that game where
you knock n ball back and forth ucross
a netr
"Yes, that's It."
"You dmnnied Idjut, that's not golf!
You're talkln' about croquet."
"Yes, Raid the other one. "I kuow
you couldn't mean golf. How would
they get the horses up on the roof for
a golf game?" Chattanooga Times.
A wan may he the architect of his
, own fortune, but he cau't Induce tin
; sun to every room.
Mont men mistake a Uttlo applause
fsr an cm-ore.
Instead of
about the high cost of
living, just buy a pack
age of
still sold at tbe same
fair price.
Enjoy a morning dish
of this delicious food,
and smile over the fact
that you've had a good
breakfast and
Saved Money
Isn't that a fair start
for any day?
swim ta
vjup a
Attractions of
Christian Work
Moody Bible ImlituU,
hi.'vt n..u v therefore the Ijord nf
.u. ',..-. Hint he will send forth la
borer Into Ms harvest.-Matthew 0:38.
Miinv eomiilnlnts nre heard In these
days about the scarcity of Christian
workers, vtu ore
told that the
streams are
dwindling Just as
the time when the
hanks should over
How. Doubtless
ther nre ninny
reasons for hls,
but ono principal
reason, I am sure,
Is the fact that so
little Is said about
the attractions of
Christian work.
We are con
stantly Informed
that ministers ns
a class aro over
worked and underpaid, and that they
cross the "deadline" nt. fifty, but sel
dom do we bear the other sldo pre
sented. There is another side, and If
those who enjoy their work would oc
casionally set forth Its attractions,
surely there would be more young men
to say : "Lord, hero nm I, send me I"
Among the minor attractions the fol
lowing may be mentioned:
1. It Is a life of contact with men
nnd books. It compels one to read,
think and study human nature. A
Christian worker may Indulge In a
wider range of rending than most men.
If he has any hobby, such as botany,
geology, or electricity, he can pursue
it to ids heart's content. No knowl
edge comes amiss to him. Nature and
the supernatural arc so related that
one Illustrates nnd explains the other.
For a lawyer or doctor such studies
would be a digression, but a Christian
worker may explore tho heavens, the
earth, or the bottom oi the sen, and
come back better fitted for the special
work to which God has called him.
The variety of the work Is also on
attraction. Preaching, prayer meet
ing nnd visiting the sick nre but a
small part of it. lie Is expected to
agitate temperance, to he enthusiastic
on missions nnd t aid Christian en
deavor. In fact, every good cause
looks to lii in for support. To be sure,
with so many calls upon him, he lifts
little time for profound study, but out
of It all he gains experience and ver
satility nnd becomes u good, all-around
man. He learns what his forte Is, nnd
if he Is wise he devotes himself main
ly to that, leaving to others the work
for which lie is not fitted. Of all call
ings ours Is the least monotonous. It
Is a life of constant activity and con
tinual change.
3. One of the chief attractions f
Christian work to me is the opportu
nity which it affords for religious
growth. What I am spiritually I owe
to my profession. Indeed, knowing my
disposition, I nm convinced that had I
chosen any other calling I should by
this time have had a good bank ac
count and a soul as small as a mus
tard seed. A soul-winner must be a
good man or fall. Ills own or others
necessities drive him constantly to the
throne of grace and compel him to
live In closet fellowship with Clod.
4. It Is no more than fair to admit
that there arc some discouragements
ns well as attractions. Inadequate com
pensation Is one nf them. The Chris
tian worker Is expected to hnve the
Instincts of a millionaire, the generos
ity of n prince, to dress as well as
the hj'St, and to do It all on a small
Income. And. strange ns It may seem,
most of them manage to do It.
A lady once said to a friend of mine:
"I would ns soon take n ticket to the
poorhouse as marry a theological stu
dent." But some of the best and bright
est girls do not think so, as almost
every parsonage can testify. Parish
breezes will sometimes spring up nnd
threnten to wreck one's usefulness, but
if one will keep his temper and re
strain his tongue, the storm will usu
ally blow over and leave him stronger
than ever In the affections of his
6. The supreme attraction of Chris
tian work, however, Is tho opportunity
which It affords for usefulness, and
usefulness of the hlgfiest kind. The
merchant, the manufacturer and the
farmer nre all useful men. They sup
ply the wants of the body; but our
business Is to transform the body Into
a temple of the Holy lihost. The sur
geon sots broken bones; but we heal
broken hearts. Tho lawyer adminis
ters Justice, but tho Christian worker
proclaims mercy. Tho one examines
titles of real estate, while the other
secures titles to mansions In the skies.
The lawyer settles disputes, but It Is
a higher privilege to show men the
blessedness of living whhout disputes.
It Is n grent achievement to become a
railroad king nnd control the com
merce of nations, but Is It not a greater
achievement to awaken In even a
single soul a sense of kinship and
priesthood In Jesus Christ? Oh, the
blessed hours when one points a peni
tent soul to the Lamb of God nnd ten
derly turns his trembling feet Into the
paths of pence! There Is no Joy this
side of heaven like that. Yet It Is
yours, young man, If you covet It, for
the whole earth is crying out for Just
this kind of work.
A million a month are dying In China
without a knowledge of Jesus Christ
Tho entire continent of Africa Is still
clothed In darkness, for we have only
touched the hem of her garment with
tho days of Gospel light. The agoniz
ing appeals of our honic-misslonnry su
perintendents are enough to thrill a
heart of stone. Surely the wants nnd
woes of humanity are in themselves
an attraction. And If anything more
were needed, Is It not found In the
flnnl words of our blessed Master : "All
power Is given unto me In heaven and
earth. Go ye therefore unto all the
I world and preach the gospel to every
' crentnra"
B. O. HEM.EKP, Actln Director of
the Sunday Hchool Course In the Moody
Hlblfl Inslltllle or Chlmso.)
(Copyright, 117, Western Nawapaper
LE8POM TF.XT-John 1:19-34.
OOLDEN TEXT-rtehold. the lamb of
God that taketh way tho sir, or tne
world. -John 1:3.
John began his public ministry In the
summer of A. 1). 'M and the baptism of
Jesus probably tok place In January,
A. D. 27. The delegation from Jerusa
lem to Interview John must have ap
peared along toward the latter part of
I. John the Witness (vv. 15-18).
John's ministry created great excite
sent. The, people were In expectancy.
All classes were reasoning us to who
this strange but marvelously forceful
nam might be. Some thought perhaps
he was the Christ (Luke 3 :!"). To
settle this question u committee was
sent to Jerusalem to Investigate.
Malio-hl, the prophet, has suggested tho
coming of Klljah (Mai. 4:5) before the
Messiah should come, and another
prophecy Indicated that the prophet
should be like unto Moses (I)eut.
18:10-18). John freely confesses to
this delegation that lie Is not tho
Christ nor Elijah nor the prophet pre
dicted by Moses. How foolish and
silly are those modern ones who pro
fess to be the messenger of the cov
enant or some other fanciful title, In
dicating the return of the witness
which Is to precede the coming of
Christ. John exercises humility In tho
way he states his real position though
he does apply to himself the prophecy
of Isaiah (Isn. 40:3-5) which sets forth
what his mission was to be. A voice
can be heard but not seen. With our
bodily eyes we never see n spirit. No
man ever saw the soul of his nearest
friend. We do see God, however, lu
hts works. In his marvelous deliver
ances and bis guidance of the world
and his answers to prayer. We can
also sec him In the only begotten Son
who has made, him to he seen. Who
ever sees Jesus as he was and Is has
seen God. Truly blessed aro the "pur
In heart for they shall see (Sod.
II. John the Baptizer (vv 19-29).
As John had denied that he was the
Christ or Klljah, the priests and Lev
Ites made bold to question Ids author
Ity at a later time (Matt. 21-23), and
still later tho authority of the npos-
ties and the priests (Acts 5:28).. John
answers them with another display of
his humility. Ills baptism in water
was nothing to tho baptism of tho
coming one (See Matt. 3:11; Acts 1:5)
Though Christ was li their midst, they
were blind nnd did not recognize him,
(See vv. 10, 11; ch. 8:19; 10:3),
John's baptism of repentance denotes
a baptism which a penitent submitted
to that he might receive tho p'edgo
and assurance thnt his sins were for
given, ISnptlsm meant the cleansing
of tho people from past sins that they
might be fitted for entrance Into the
kingdom, lhiptlsm Is not conversion.
It Is a witnessing and a symbol of a
spiritual truth that we ore dead unto
sin, and have risen to newness of life
(Horn. 0:3-5). Like John, our voice
must be not only thnt of humility but
it must be really a voice with a nics
page from God, one that sounds an un
mistakable note, one Hint can be heard
wherever we go, one that will make
men happier, stronger, braver, more
like God, to prepare the way for Christ
In the hearts of men.
III. The Witness of the Spirit (vv,
28 34). The writer Is very explicit,
stating Hie exact time that these things
occurred, for he was an eye witness,
John llrst testifies that Jesus was tho
Lamb of God, referring of course to
the sncrlflclnl lamb, the atoning sncrl
lice of the Old Testament (Gen. 22:7-8
Kx. 12:3; Isn. 53:7). As the Lamb of
God, Jesus would take away the sins
of the world ; thus the thought Is prl
mnrlly that of utonemei.t, n substitu
Hon of another nnd tho deliverance
from the guilt of sin. The next day
nfter John's witness to the delegation
from Jerusalem, he saw Jesus coming
unto him. nnd said to tho Assembled
people, "Itehold the Lamb of God."
This refers not so much to his charac
ter, that of Innocence, meekness and
patience, ns to his office, his completed
work of atonement by the sncrlllclal
death wherein he takes nwoy the sins
of tho world. On the ground of tho
propitiation for sin which Jesus
wrought (I John 2:2; Matt. 20:28; II
Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13) sin Is removed
from the sinner as far as the Host Is
from tho West. God dealt In mercy
with men before Christ's tlmo because
of tho lnmb which was slain from tho
foundation of tho world (Itev. 13:8)
Here John says that at llrst he did not
recognize Jesus ns tho Messiah, but he
does hear record that he saw the
spirit descending nt his baptism, and It
abode upon him. Luko adds thut tho
heavens wero opened, nnd the spirit
descended In the form of a dove. There
Is no dltllculty In John's statement, "I
knew lilm not." He lived In Juden;
Jesus lived In Galilee, nnd It is doubt
ful If they had ever met What John
probably means Is thnt he did not
know him ns the coming Messiah, but
ho thnt commissioned John In the wil
derness to be the forerunner of the
Messiah had given John n sign where
by he should know him, the Son of
God. John had waited patiently until
this sign wns given. He did not spenk
until he had the certificate of God. He
knew thnt ono was to be made mani
fest; therefore he came baptizing with
water, preparing the way (Matt. 3:2-3).
As soon as he did sec, John gave his
testimony, "and this Is tbe Iamb thnt
was to take away the sin of the world ;"
literally to bear away and remove the
guilt and punishment of sin.
The work of Christ Is for tho whole
world till all Its sin Is removed.
ne provides redemption enough for
every man. He pardons our past sins
go they are remembered no more
against us forever.
Taken With Severe
Pains in the Bach
Mr sue i C3: trade, that of machinist,
r.akes it nerewnry fur a man to keep
himwlf in the bent condition. While 1
have been exceedingly careful of my health,
I was- token no me time ago with severs
pain In -ny back; throughout tho day my
imbe bad a feeling as though thi'T were
sultwp: at night 1 wa obliged to gut up
several times. My condition became o
alarming that I tried several remedies, but
did not eeem to get much relief until
my attention waa called to Swamp Root.
After a short trertment of Swamp-Hoot,
I was able to secure s good mglit s rvt
and the pain in my back disappeared.
For the past three months I have no re
turn of my old ailments. If you so de
sirs you are at liberty to publinb this.
lours very innv,
riiiLir w. Hicss,
321 East 23rd St.,
June 14, 1010. Haiti more, Ml.
SubM-rilied and sworn to this lutli oi
June, 1016.
HUWAKW A. Mr.r.Ih.N.
Notary Public.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten rents to Dr. Kilmer k Co..
Binghimion. N. Y., for a sample size bot
tle. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation, telling about the kidneys snd blad
der. When writing, be sure and mention
this piper. Regular fifty-cent snd one
dollar siM bottles for sals st all drua
stores. Adv.
This Is Uncanny.
Are figures clairvoyants? This looks
like It.
Put down the number of your living
Multiply by two. Add three. Multi
ply the result by five.
Now add the number of your living
sisters. Multiply the total by ten.
Add the number of your dead broth
ers and sisters. Subtract 150 from the
The right hand figure will ho the
number of deaths, the middle figure the
number of living sisters and the left
hand figure the number of living broth
ers. Philadelphia Uullctln.
"Pape'a Dlspepsln" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy StoTiachs surely feel fine
In five minutes.
If what you Just ate Is souring on
your stomnch or lies like a lump of
lend, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas nnd eructate sour, undigested
food, or hnve a feeling of dizziness,
heartburn, fullness, nnusen, bud taslo
lu mouth and stomach-headache, you
can get blessed relief In five minutes.
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty-cent case of
Pape's Plnpepsln from any drug store,
You realize in five minutes how need'
less It Is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder.
It's the quickest, surest stomach doc
tor lu the world. It's wonderful. Adv.
Johnnie on the Spot
The young teacher had been having
a trying time witn ner naiurc snniy
class because Johnnie had discovered
he knew nsirc than shedid about birds
nnd frogs, nnd hud assumed a derisive
attitude In consequence. She appealed
to tin; man principal, who replied:
"Next time you have the class let mo
kuow. 1 think I can sottlc Johnnie."
He was duly called In, nnd all went
well nt llrst. With confidence the
principal said nt the conclusion of the
lesson: "Now, you may each nsk me
one question."
Johnnie had been silent up to this
time. When It came to his turn ho
rose and asked :
"Has n duck eyebrows?" Louisville
A torpid tlvr eendltlon preventa proper
food Imllallnn. Tune up your liver wllh
Wrl.hte Indian Vrseiablt Pills. They s
aenlly and surely. Adv.
Jack's Substitute.
Jack attained his fifth birthday last
summer and lu the full attended school
for the first time, wearing kilt skirts.
Some of the larger pupils plagued him
about wearing dresses, ami It was not
long before his pleadings for n real
boy's suit were granted. He wns very
proud Indeed when he went to school
a few days later arrayed In his knlck
erbockers. One of the girls wrote him
a note saying ho looked like n little
man. That night hu was telling his
mother about It.
"Mother," said he. "Frances Wright
wrote me a note telling me I looked
like a little man, and I wrote her one
and told her she looked like n daisy,
only I couldn't spell daisy, so I spelled
Save your Halrl Get t 25 cent bottle
of Danderine right now Also
stops Itching acalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair Is mute evidence of n neglected
gcnlp; of dandruff that awful scurf,
There Is nothing so destructive to
the hair ns dandruff. It robs the hnlr
of Its lustre, Its strength and Its very
life: eventually producing a feverish-
ness nnd Itching of t'.ie scalp, which
If not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die then tho
hnlr falls out fast A Uttlo Danderlno
tonight now nny time will surely
save your hair.
Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderlno from any drug store. You
surely can havo beautiful hair and lots
uf It If you will Just try a Uttlo Dun-
derlne. Save your hair I Try It I Adv,
The longest river In Japan Is tho
Tone, Its main course being about 200
miles long.
When a couple Is matched but not
mated It's a sort of friction mutch.
The Oulnlne Tint Does Not Affect The Heed
5cate vt It tonlo and laiatlT effort. lute
romo Oolnlne can be tea by anyone wltbool
aaoilng nrnoo.neM or rlnglns In the ha. Tbere
17 only one "llromo gnlnlne.' B. W. UBOVaVB
sisaetaiv in on nca vu. m
"Know thyself," but dou't overdo
things by being too exclusive!
nr. Peerr'n "Dead Shot" Is not a lo-
or "vruD." but a real old-fhloned
Sot of medicine which cleans out Worms
or Tapeworm wita a aingit aoae. aut,
Dut If a man Is Inclined to be foolish
n silk hat won't save him.
(Conducted by the National Woman s
Christian Temperance union.)
"I ticver drank but three glasses of
beer In my life, nrd that made my
head untwist ez tho It wuz hung on
the end of a string. I wuz told It
wuz owing to my bile being ont of
plum. I guess It wuz, for I never
blled over wnss than I did when I
got homo that nlte. My wife wux
afraid I wuz going to die, an' I wus
afraid I shouldn't, fer It seemed cz
everything I had ever eaten wuz com
ing to the surfus. I believe If my wlfo
had not pulled off my boots Just ez
she did they would have cum up, too.
"Oh, how sick I wnz I Fourteen
years ago, and I can taste It now !
"Somo people say beer Is not In
toxicating. Put If I wuzn't drunk that
nlte I had sum of the most natural
tyiuptoniB a man ever had and kept
"It wuz about eighty rods from
where I drank the beer to ml house.
1 wnz lust two hours on the road, nnd
hnd n bole busted through each of
my pantaloon necz, nnd I didn't he
nny hat, nnd tried to open the door by
tho bell-pull, and hlceouped, nnd saw
eventhlng In the room trying u get
around on tho back side of mo. I
sot down n lectio too soon and mUsed
the chair ubout twelve Inches. My
wife said I wuz nz drunk ez n beast,
and ez I said, I begun to spit up
thliurs freely.
"If beer Is not Intoxicating it used
me nlmlchty mean. If ever I drink
nnv more It will be with my hands
tied behind mo and my mouth priea
A idnt of beer contains eight-tenths
of an ounce of alcohol, equivalent near
ly in n tnhlesnoonful of whisky.
- . . .
While cold beer tastes cool una
pleasant to a hot man, It does not cool
liiiu off.
It bents him lit).
The alcohol and solids ore burned
Into hent.
Tho effect of alcohol Is to send an
excess of blood to the skin.
Whenever a lnrce amount of blood
goes to the skin It causes a feeling of
When n man drinks beer he causes
himself to feel hot.
He also actually Increases his body
lien t.
Ho Increases his chances of sun
stroke lit least 100 per cent. lr. W.
A. Evans, Chicago.
In nnnenrance the beer-drinker mny
he the ulcture of health, but in reality
he is most Incapable of resisting dis
ease. A slight Injury, a severe cold,
or n shock to tho body or mind will
commonly nrovoke acute disease, end
ing fatally. Compared wlln oilier in
ebriates who use different kinds of ul-
cohol, he Is more Incurable and more
iretiernllv diseased. It Is our observa
tion that beer-drlnklng In this country
irt-oducea the very lowest Kind of In-
ebrletv. closely allied to criminal In
sanity. The most dangerous classes of
ruffians In our largo cities nre beer
drinkers. Intellectually a stupor
amounting almost to paralysis arrests
the reason, changing all the higher fac
ulties into n mere animalism, sensual.
selfish, sluggish, varied only wllh
paroxysms of linger, senseless nnu
brutal. Scientific American.
a e..r..p..iipi t.i the "armv of unem
ployed caused by prohibition' wouiti
unlileet one to r t ICUIO 111 toiorillio. mi
fnr n score of years, says the Denver
Times, has there been such n snoringe
nt men lii Colorado s iiiuny lines or in
dustry. Kvery mining camp In the
state Is said to be short or neip, nnu
tiw. Biinio Is tine of the funning com
munities, nnd when the mines and
fiirnw sfiid to the citv for help they
find the same situation. "Labor In
i-iiiin Sonus to bo very generally
employed," says W. L. Mansfield, who
Is In charge of the free employment
bureau conducted by the United States
immigration service. "We are getting
very few applications ror Jons.
Gov. R L. l'hlllpp of Wisconsin, lu
ilm course of an address before an an
dlence In n Milwaukee church, was
nskiHl. "What would you do with a
man who had been a drunkard for
sixty years?" The governor's reply us
minted bv the ttrcss was as follows:
"There surely would be a course that
would bring out tho man In him after
nil. There Is ono man whom I have
nimhmed from nrlson whom I feared
would go back to drinking so I sent
lilm Into tho center of Kansas. lie
ciin't L'et Ihiuor there nnd he is living
a straight, clean life. 1 believe ho Is n
credit to the community In whlcii no
Uncle Sam does not hesltato to In
terfere with tho personal liberty of
nailers, criminals and lunatics from
other countries who want to como to
this country to make It their home. He
puts up the btirs nnd refuses them
admittance. Is It right then to license
saloons to manufacture these paupers,
criminals and lunatics here nt home
and out of our own people?
If alcoholism U disease, why 11-
censo a trade to propagate It?
Out In Iowa they havo "beerhounds,"
a cross between decrhounds nmUblood-
hniinibi. with which they trull boot
leggers. These hounds have been
trained to follow tho acent of beer nnd
whisky, ond they ara adept at finding
hidden beer.
"Tho army hns cut out drinking, Just
as every business concern in the conn-
try has cut It out," Biild Col. John S.
Hoover, In charge of United States re
cruiting In Texas.
L; Net CnntpnttliiFluifi Draflhnj
' f .xra 1
timilftiinuiciuwi v3 .
(r., odnetCanUU6
uici-riunwM""" ---
MincroJ. u
. . e..innn,iifvfi3f
Aneipiuii"-'" I...
facsimile S.nsra"
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
How Gallienl Cut Infant Mortality.
When tho recently deceased (ieneral
Gallienl became governor general of
Madagascar In the early nineties, he
was appalled at the unsanitary condi
tions and the high death rate. Though
a soldier and not a physician, he set
about to remedy these conditions.
He obtained the happiest results In
his campaign agi.'.nst Infant mortality.
lie had native women trained as mid-
wives and he established and Mpuhir
Ized maternity hospitals. He regulated
marriages and restricted divorce. He
exempted the fathers of live children
from taxation nnd he taxed bachelors
These and many other works pro
duced such a change that the French
Academy of Medicine awarded lilm a
gold medal, a most exceptional dis
tlm tlmi for one who was not a doctor.
a well fannom ertreaa elves the follow
ing recipe for gray hnlr: To half pint of
water add 1 os. Hay Hum, a small box of
Unrho Compound, and 'A or. ol glycerine.
Any dniKElst can put this up or you run
mix It at home at very little cost. Full
directions for making nnd use come. In
each box of Biirbo Compound. It will
rrmlnnllv dnrken slrenked. faded irruy
hair, und mnke It soft and cloHsy. It will
not color the sralp, Is not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub oft. Adv.
Going to Extremes.
r.lomliiio Gerty Glddlgnd certainly
hits the shopping habit devehicd to n
Iti iinetla Likes It, you mean?
"I an that she always Insists on
going where she can get the most for
her money."
That's natural, Isn't It?'
'In most cases, yes, but there are ex
"I'd like to know what they are?"
"Well, for Instance, the oilier day I
found her In the nreade trying to as
certain which machine would give her
i most for her money when she
weighed herself on the scales."
YoungMown Telegram.
Anoint the eyelids with Roman Eye H"'-
sam upon retiring si nigui, ami in me
mormon observe the reirculieu una
strengthened sensation in your eyes upon
srinng. Adv.
It Is n g - ' thing for some people
that the neces "ties of life don't include
A Great Discovery
Swollen hands, ankles, feet aw dun to
a dropsical condition, often caused by
disordered kidneys. Naturally when tho
kidneys are dernnged tho blood Is tilled
with poisonous wasto matter, which set
tles In tho foot, ankles and wrlhts; or
under tho eyes In img-like fonnutlons.
As a remedy for those csisliy rocog-
nlied symptoms of Inflammation caused
by uric acid as scalding urlno, back
ache and frequent urination, as well as
sediment In tho urine, or If uric acid In
tho blood has caused, lum
bago, Fclatlca, gout, It Is simply wonder
ful how quickly Annrlc acts; tho pains
and stiffness rapidly disappear.
Tako a glass of hot water beforo meals
and Anurlc to flush tho kldnnyg.
Step Into any drug storo and ask for
Anurlc, many times nioro potent than
UUila and eliminates uric acid as hot
water melts sugar.
Canada's Liberal dffesr of
Wheat Land to Settlers
is open to you to every
-V-JX rr rJk in the provinces of wanitooa, sasitai-
JpPl AH chewan and Alberta
' M Kl IM HsMftesJi An Actual Fm ts Srtthis
m A Tl J I mi OihH- LmJ Sell st tnm tlS ts 120 sb Acrs
i ygansisj
the acre he U bonad to make mtr that's
what you can expect in Western Canada. Won
derful yields also of Oata, Barley and Flaa.
Mtiad Farmlne in Western Canada is fully as
profitable an industry as frain railing.
Tbe eieellent f rtusm, fall of nutrition, are tbe only
fiiod required eitber fnr beef or dairy purpoaea.
lloodtchuolK.ehuivbM.inarketaooavenlant chase t
eieellent. Military aerrlea Is But eniDUhiory ID
Canada bnl there Is an anginal demand fnr farm
labor In replaoa the many yonne men who bate
Tnlunteered fur the war. Write fur literature and
particulars as to redueed railway rates to bupkul
lwausraUc 3, Ottawa, (Jul., or to .
j. p. jsrrinnr.
Car. Vilmil
For Infants and Children,
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
1 I.
h$ Use
y For Over
Thirty Years
tmi et rra mtn, mtm veaa err
Injured Pride.
After a recent Zeppelin rnhl. when
the worst was over, a resident went
out Into the town to see what damnga
had been done. In the darkness ha
heard a group of women talking loud
ly, and Judging them a clue not to be
neglect, -(I be followed thetil nlnng an
entry Into the back yard of a house.
The debate never ceased, but he was
unable to get the hang of It until on
of the women the most eloquent ap
pealed directly to Mm. " 'Kre," she
said, "do u call It fair? T' bomb
dropt in our yard, an' n b- Uiy's gon
and look It away never even glv
mo a receipt for It. It's o ir bomb."
Manehcstcr Guardian.
Improving Washington.
Nearly every president of the United
States since the city of Washington,
was laid out has endeavored better
and more beautiful than he found It
President Wilson Is no exception. Ha
ls said to have ambitious plans for the
Improvement of the city, and It Is be
lieved these will be carried out during
his second term. Development of th
Great Falls electric power ami the es
tablishment of a new and magnificent
P'ddlc park are said to be Included la
Mr. Wilson's program.
Switzerland bnf 7!Mi,0o9 cows.
M.rin 'M 4 y Utah Jn mmi, Dt-eMjr,
r.W 1 114 Mm l hat whrm wt wrr MmH I arsntMl Hr
rMMsmra, wantr) platt. m auto nrf 1M f avmtul '
llr ' Writ, what 1h1 tiw H'-f"
Isirjart " He aaiei tkal if I vuaia' aav m J
riftrt mil I would l k mtk drew
(Ud dreamt ire food if t bmt Afttttoa, HM dM
tort wrir4 tMamtcfc befits It ctnaUit the vbolt
ytlcit wltrrs tod t hive cMstipt, Memta
trcallL, fttetut Ma aR torla -at Mm tar 4m4trt
tvtry toe ft trhK. U yov did l kao & cm aioad tat
August Flower
Whkh for 51 years hns contributed to
the health and well being of countless
thousands everywhere. 25c and 73c
are lightened when sho turns to tlw rlgh
medicine. If her existence Is oiada
gloomy by tho chroma weaknesses, deli
cate derangement.;!, and painful disorders
that allllt t her sex, sho will 11 nd relief and
emancipation from her troublos In Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Proscription. If sho'a
overworked, nervous, or "run-downsho
lind. new life and strength. It's a power
ful, Invigorating tonic and ncrvlna which
was discovered nnd used by an eminent
physician for many years, In all ca of
"femalo complaints" and weaknesses, lor
young girls Just entering womanhood i
for women at tho critical "change of 1 1 f ;
in beu ring-down sensations, periodical
pains, ulceration, inflammation, und evtry
kindred ailment, tho " Favorlto Prosjrlp
tlon" Is guaranteed to benollt or euro. t
Dr. Pioreo's Pellots cure biliousnuss.
farmer or farmer's son
wno is anxious to estaDiisn iur
himself a happy home and
prosperity. Canada's hearty
Invitation this year is more attractive
than ever. Wheat Is much higher but
her fertile farm land just as cheap, and
Ths treat demand for Canadian Wheat will
Keep up tne price, wnere a larmer can gei
near t for wheat and raise 20 to 45 bushels to
Bread Sis., Philadelphia, Pa.
Uovernnieni Asent I