" THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURO, FX. FULTON COUNTS NEWS Published Every Thursday. B. ff. HCl, Editor and Proprietor McCONNELLSBURG, PA. DECEMBER 21, 1016 P iblished Weekly. $151 per Annum in Advance. E I sred at tbs Postoflloe at MaConnsllsburi; Pi., as seoond class mall muter. AFTER EIGHT YEARS Remains KcCoanelfcburg Testimony tnshakea. Tim 3 is tbe best test of truth. Here is a McConnellsburg story that has stood tbe test of time It is a story with a point which u 1 come straight home to many of us. Miss Susan Peightel, McCon r.ellsburg, says: "I was in poor health for some time and I be lieve that weak kidneys caused the t ouble. 1 suffered greatly Irom severe pains in my back, which often darted into my bead. I often became dizzy and had chills. 1 was losiug strength daily and felt poorly In every way. Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Trout's Drug Store, brought me quick relief." (statement given N ivember 5, 1917 ) Over six years later, Miss Peigbtel said: "Wheceverl need a backache or kidney medicine, I use Doan's Kidney Pills. They relieve me." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Miss Peigb tel has twice publicly recommend ed Foster Milburn C o., Props., Buffalo, M. Y. Advertisement. Doctors Raise Fees Physicians in Adams county will raise their fee on and after January 1. This was decided at a meeting of the County Medical Society in Gettysburg Friday. During 1915 the total road and bridge expenditures in the United States amounted to about $282, 000,000, of which probably not over $15,000,000 represented the value of the statute and convict labor. For Christmas Shoppers Our Store is in Holiday Attire and an body that is looking for a Christmas remembrance, can find any number, of choice things here that will be appropriate and "Just the Thing" Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Mackintosh ?5, Hits, Caps, Shirts, Gloves, Underwear S weat ers, Hosiery, Neckties, Etc. - Socks Brothers Opposite National Hotel Chambersburg, Penna. New Real Estate Agency. Having retired from the Mercantile business with a view to giving his entire attention to Real Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any one having real estate for sale, or wanting to buy. , His thorough acquaintance with values and conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long and successful experience in handling Real Es tate, makes it possible for him to bring about results in the shortest possible time. Write, or call on, D. H. PATTERSON, WEBSTER MILLS, l'A. 1 SHAPIRO BROS I t ; ? 5 Largest Complete Dept. Store in Huntingdon Co. ! ORBISONIA, PA. I THE STORE WITH THE XMAS SPIRIT S Men's CLOTHING Whs A splendid opportunity for a Suit or an Overcoat Our line is larger than others. Style and tit the best. PRICES $7.50 to $18.00. Boys' Suits Fancy Worsted, Blue Seree, and other Wools. Prices $2.19 and up. Misses' COATS Ladies' New arrivals of Plushes, Velveteens, Mixed Goods and other clothes made in the newest effects. Prices $ 1.98 up to $17.98. There are yet good choosing in our suits and skirts also. Gifts For Every One That Will Please Linens, Handkerchiefs Hosiery, Umbrellas, Box Papers. Gloves, Toilet Sets, Nectcwear, M n tilers, Sweaters, Aluminum Ware. Traveling Necessities in Leather. Combination Supporters, etc. or Gentlemen. Fancy Knitted Goods. Fine Impported China. NEATLY PACKED IN HOLLY BOXINGS TOYS A wonderland of toys, all the newest nov elties in Wood and Meta! 10j t f 1 00. Dolls, Dolls, Dolls. CANDY Tons of it here Pure and Fresh. Prices lower here. Special prices to teachers and schools. SHOES of the latest styles at no advances. Big variety, to show you. Men's and Ladies specials at$l 93. Children's Shoes moderately priced. Fruits, and other things plenty. Come and Bring Your Friend?. 0 Don't be misled by cry of High Prices. We have biglines in all wares at positively lowest prices. Bring your produce here, we pay higher prices. Ask for one of our Premium Cards and save for valuable Premiums FREE. S SHAPIRO BROS., g ORBISONIA "'ZVsSr PENNA. $ Lodge Resolutions. At a regular mentlng of Fort Little. tnnLoripe. No. 4S4, 1. O. O. F , the filivln mi-. iii'iiit an'l resolutions t tk i iloi'itii: A iikiikas ll Inn plemed Almighty God in rt in.im li'. in our mldnt and our Li'trts, lifter h lliicrlDtf nnd long i itfii in- nine,), our orioveu brother, Mr. M A llll : l'hr..fi.re be It It-soi.vkd, TtHt In his doath thii Link ii bit" lust a brother of whom It has J.ixt ronton t le proud; who lived th pi'iii(tlilcN of Dud fellowship t'i r vtiily limine lost a kind, prov ider l huvlrind, and loving father. HKSoi.vki) That while we deeply deplore our Iii8H, and that while till departure will create a void in our hearu that time ca mot llll, believing that the good that men do will live after 'he n, and that their character! will ahidn as a fratrrnnl influence, yet. we how In submission to the Divine will, knowing that lit) who doeth all tliingH well hath not dealt unwlsol.v la go Kuddeuly culling from us our broth r Kksolvko, That we extend our heartfelt sympathies to the wife and children, who go much need his wise council in life. Rksolvkd, That In respect to the memory of our deceased brother, our charter be draped In mourning for thirty day. Kksolvko, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Lodge, That a transcript be presented to the bereaved family, and that the same be published in the county pa pers. S. L. Ht't'KI.KY, 1). W. C'KOMKK, V. C. Hake, Committee. Whereas, It has been permitted by Divine Providence that our beloved brother and class member, William C Davis, has been removed from among us; and whereas, the deceased wag at all times a most faithful and highly helpful and attentive student of thr work that came before us; be It Rk.soi.vki, That the members of this Men's Bible Class of the Mi tho list Episcopal Church of McConnells burg, Fa., as a lu.st tribute, by this method, express thetr rlth apprecia tion ami esteem of his life and associ ation; that we express our fueling of great loss by reason of his removal from our midst. HESDLVf'.I', That the charter of this class be draped for a period of two weeks from th date of the adoption of these resolutions; that these ieso- lutions be spread upon the class re cord, and that a copy of the same be sent to the only surviving brother, A. Iv. Davis of llustontown, I'a. b u omitted and unanimously adopt ed this 17th day of Decnuber l'.llii. IS. C. I. AMU. liSON, AH.MIilAI. "SMITH, II U. Sack, Committee. Life's Lubricant Good cheer is agreatlubricant. It oils all of life's machinery. Good cheer is agreat producer ti ii 1.1, 11 aaus wonaerruuy to one active ability and increases men tal and physical power. It makes hosts of friends and helpi as to be interesting and agree able. oooa cueer win attract more customers, sell more goods, do more business with less wear and tear than almost and other quality. Optimism is the greatest busi nessgetter biggest trader, truest achiever in the world. Pessimism has never done any thing bnt tear down and do troj what optimism has built up. In the business office, in society m politics, in workshops, every where, the favorite is always thr cheerful fellow with the briehl smile and bright thoughts. Good nature, cheerful ones do not waste their votal energies as rapidly as thegrumbler or the too sober, too sour ones do. Good cheer is a simple habit It is one of the best in the list- rue Christian Ilearld. . I iquor Notice. Nntlne Ih hereby irtven that the following utiiuru urputiiH nuve uiea ineir pennons iu tin othee of the Cicrk of Quarter Sessions, of KiiHon anuntv, l'u.. uruvlDit the CJourt to iirunt u them l.iiM-nne to keep an Inn or Tuveru. unci to -ell li.in.tr. und thut the s ime will lie iire .enieii 10 tne haul Court, on Tuesiluv. the Jlh day of January IUI7 at loo'olock a. 111. Robert V. llroadbcck. llurnt Cublas, Pa, Hurry Hamll, MuConuelNburK, P.i. Clua. F. Kbult, MoConnellsburK, Pit. O. FRNK HEVRY, Clerk g. S. Clerk Offlee, I Lec. IB, 1914. f GICHESTER.S PILLS V i;w:i:..A:f.,:,r.ll' hv.trrh SOLD BY DfiLGQISTS EVERV'AKCRE Executor's Notice. JMateof A.J. Fore, lute of Dublin town nIiii. i' , (l-Mieu-e.il, l.etten u stameoiurt on the above estate br.vinn In 111 irr-inteil in the uuderxlKued. all per n:m Imleijieil to the said estate are re (nested to make pavnii lit. and those having OialniH to present ihe si'iie without delay. ll-53-dt. C11AS. MetiKUKK. Burnt CalanH, Pa. Western Maryland Rallwaj. Tn Effect November 20, 1918. Subjeat to change without notice. Tritna leare Hancock m followi: No. T t 40 a. m. (dally) foi Cumberland, PltW burrb and west, alw Klkiiix, aud Weat - Viririnli polnw. No. It 5.H m. (dally) for Haireratown, Ge trfbur Hanover, Vork (except Sunday), and llaltlmore. No. 1- Wi a. m. (dally except Sunday) for Cumberland and Intermediate points. No. 49.07 a. m. (da'ly eieept Sunday) for Haireratown. (leityHhurir.Hanover. V9rk Baltlmoreand Intermediate point. Wash ington, Philadelphia, and New York. No, tt-n p. m (dally) Weatern Erprem fot Cumberland West Virginia nolnti, and Pittsburgh, Chicago and tbe Weat. No. t-tlW p. m. (dally) Fipress for Hagem town. Wavnesboro, Chambersburg, Hal t'more. Washington. Philadelphia and New York. O.'V. STEWART 8. ENNB9 Oan'l Passenger Af't Uenera Manager Santa Glaus Invites .... : YOU TO : JEWELER LUDWIG AT CHAMBERSBURG Buy Her a Chest of Silver A dozan or more beautiful pat tern of high grade silver knives, forks and spoons id oak and ma hogany chests, ranging in price from $9 00 to $ 12, $ 13 50 flo 00 on upward. A chot of silver makes an ideal gift. Our Stock of sterling silver flat and hollow ware is complete. Knives, forks tea and table spoons in many new patterns, creams and sugars, olack co Hoe sets In sterling $45 to f !8 Tea sets on up to $163. Mahogany Mantle Clocks chiming the Westminister notes it each quarter and the hours on 1 chord of three sweet toned rods These clocks were made by tho famous Yougans the Seth Thorn ises of Germany, tho clocks' are if the finest c nstruction and of simplest mechanism. 4 None ot hese clocks are now coming to America and are becoming curi- wities. Wo have five of them, j'.ch one a beauty and marked I'gu'arly alf42. We have con cluded to close them out at $35. for your pick. Don't wait, come right along. WM. H. LUDWIG Jeweler Chambersburg, Pa MAKE YOUR WIFE HAPPY Tfiose'of you who are bless ed with good wives, and there arc thousands of them in our city and county-show your appreciation of her good qualities by handing to her this Xmas, a diamond ring. She may intimate that she does not care for a diamond, but, Jeweler Ludwig con cludes that, judging from the expressions of 95 per cent, of his woman shoppers, their secret heart's desire is a nice diamond solitaire. Come, gentlemen, take a peep at those seven sparkling beau ties at $100, each. Now on view in our window, they are priced regularly at $108, to $115, each. Those who would invest more liberally, we have larger ones, $138, $148, $170 on up to $350. WM. H. LUDWIG Jeweler Chambersburg, Pa. S Solid Gold Finger Ring: for the boys and girls, a whole tray full of them signets and stone mounted all coloi a gar nets, rubies, amethysts, etc, marked regularly $3, $4 and a few at $5 each, all going at the uniform price of $2 60. Another Batch of beautiful birthday rings f r Misses, all colors as above mark ed to sell at $1 75, Jeweler Lud wig told Santa- to take them along for $1 CO each. Don't mug 'hese beautiful rings. All are solid gold. Our Leather Department contains large collections of man icure set", hind bags, card cases tUsks, photo lrames in many styles ao4 siz-is, men's wallets in profusion-$l 25 to $7 50 each. Dt easing cases for both sex these range irom $5 upward. Leather hack cloth brushes with genuino Russian bristles, collap sible cup., E0 centi to $5 each. Desk sols galore Desk pads too $1 7o upward Playing card sets emergency sets and other uaetul things suitable for Xmas gifts. WM. H. LUDWIG Jeweler Chambersburg, Pa. ZE MILS To the Residents of McConnellsburg and Surrounding Country: Are you "aware that Harmon's H use Funmhin Establishment in Chambers burs; is sending Furniture, Rugs, etc., and ddzens ot Victor Victrolas right into your territory, every month ? There is a reason why we are doing this; and the reason is this: We have the largest and the most varied assortment in Chambersburg, 'also the best goods for the least money. Ask anyone who has purchased at our store if this is not correct. Our vast holiday stock is now on the floor, and we want you to come look over this large and varied assortment of merchandise. A Few X-mas Suggestions: Victor-Victrolas, Music Cabinets, Piano Benches, Ladies Desks, in Quarter Oak, Fumed Oak, Mahogany, etc. Brass Jardinieres, Brass and Mahogany Smokers, Rockers in all finishes from $1.50 to $30 00 each, Reed Rockers in manv patterns, Odd China pieces, Haviland Dinner Sets, bemi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, 100 piec es, $H.5Q up, Couches in various coverings, Sewing Machines $ 1 6.00 to 535.00, Mirrors, all siz s anJ prices, Buffets China Closets Sewing Tables, Dining Chairs, Library Tables, Parlor Tables, Parlor Cabinets, Kitchen Cabinets, all prices in white enamel, Royal Rest Chair, Statuary, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Toilet Tables, Brass B;ds, Brass Costumers, Push The Button anil Resi if VvN.V mm, r n s Vt J mm W W w mt Urn! rella Stands, Pictures, Hall Racks, Extension Tables, Globe-Weinicke Sectional Bo.okcase, Bed Davenports, Parlor Suits, i Sofas, Rugs, all sizes, and dozens of other gifts which will be useful in any home. F. HAYES HARMON, 65-67-69 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CHAMBERSBURG. PA. P. S.Look tor large Sign at top of Building.