THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURQ, PA. of Wood for Me Head HE SAW THE LIGHT 8T0HY ABOUT JIM yVILLETT'S WIFE "COT" MR. HYNE, PlCtTOS in This Department Our Roadors In Fulton County and Elsowhoro Around tho Aorld itra tho Camora on tho Troll of History Making Happenings. INlay journoy SERBIANS RETURNING HOME FROM EXILE NEWEST AND BIGGEST FRENCH GUNS' ft F mS-J''y"w -".w-,'.'T'- x"'sr,ys""'s v-yy iffyiM 'cS5ssi5S?!'5'''- - -- n 1 .ssr.-, , ' S Hci62:as v-w ;ssr u ;ii , : T-J' "-'irTV-i 'UK., miiiws Si'iiilmi rcltiKfi's whii, uiiiT livluj; In f.vno mr u year, lire lotuniiiit,' to thulr homes la southern Ser bin. This is the territory recently won back by the vletor.ous Sorbimi soldiers. V; : This huue Kim is ihe In tost type mid one of the largest i-'ims bilnu' iisim! ly franee. It Is wild to he superior t.) nny other piece of ordnance now used on ihe baltlellelds of Kuropo by any of the waning powers. ThotoKniph shows 11 small army of nun moving the monster Into position on the lliins line. COMFORTS OF HOME ON THE BATTLEFIELD IMPROVISED CAMP OF "TOMMIES" IN SOMME REGION I": V 1 1 f r. it yf iaw rt-'i i.r j. t .'.s-ir i Vx" v.1. w.w vii wwi) 1 N r 1 1 .. tlUI- .1-4 '.Jvw . -. ' . English troops In their roughly constructed camps on tho Somme, TW.'n-'.'TrT-.X:: 'priwp.p of pii nTR" 1 "DEATH CHAMBER" OF A WARPLANE SERBS stilldrow beards f . ti'.'rrl"' IJ- - V VM I i Wi V?f I-1 UVU'i LfF r -i n 'J -aVI I h V i V . Vrfi ThttTnW fiiiiiiiWiriirti"niii j iinnmin rtt- T-ir" ..iTi'ivifiinm'-nn.Mimit p nkjs . s v J! V TW )i I .--r-..!;;.-uu-. j 2 I ii if I , I "51 1. NT 4 'i i.... i ,..,iii. 'i,iini.v h i nu ki'il mil mi iiiiiisuul snoL in tins srrue nl rm K mid nun, to lake a snooze, --" -; . ... . . ., , ... . r ..t liirn..i! sleeiilng on the hard prounu he has been unatilo to resist uie comioris in imine uiui m n-nuina I up In such an unusual manner. Ills snooze I liable to be broken up at any minute by the thunder of shell lire. NOBILITY DOING FIELD HOSPITAL WORK " 14 l, ' AWW'Mf,WM I ill ' but after An unusual picture showing the "death chamber" of a French wnrplnne loaded with shells. Tho shells are releused from tho bottom of the aeroplane through a shoot. Hrecrl K .Wxx..JN J An luterosllng photograph of noliillty doing Held hospital work In l iaii.e. On tho left the Duchess of Sutherland nt her tent hospital at Ilimbnurg, France, Installed by her after her hospital In Dunkirk was evacuated. She has lately reinstalled tho hospital at Dunkirk. Standing nt the side of the duchess Is tho Count de llnlbinnl, chief of a section of tho American ambu lance, who was decorated for his work with his section during the bombard ment of Dunkirk. He is now In the American nvlatlon corps. On the right Is tho Viscountess Ilenoit d'As-.y, v ho has done splendid work in Dunkirk during tho bombardment. Her husband was the naval attache In Washing ton during Roosevelt's administration. AFTEirTir Hlo Friend Peaslee Had to Aik Hint Twice, but Then He Wanted to Be Sure He Got the Right Opinion. Mr. reoslce, lutely returned from a visit to the city, proudly displayed a new cane, brave with hammered silver. How does that piece of wood look t' ye. Uyne?" lie demanded happily. "And them silver dewdads, tool" Mr. Uyne glanced at the stick slduwlse bat offered no audible comment. My nephew gin It to me," Mr. Peas lee went on complacently. "He fetched home two of 'em one night, noil he bjijh to me, 'There they be,' tt'ho; tuUe ary one you're n-nilnd to.' " "Huh!" grunted the deacon. ".Mr. Peaslee glanced nt his friend, ami presently a smile of understand ing spread over his face. "You kinder remind me, Uyne," h begun, "of Jim Willett's wife when be bought her u new settln room car pet." '1 lie deacon looked up. clearly suspi cious of what was coming. "I don't know .lini Wlllett, nor Ills wife, cither," be observed. "Will," Oilcb replied cheerfully, "you'll know siithln' 'bout 'em in a minute If you'll quit lidgetin'iind listen. Jim and bis wife lived over on the Spruce Knoll road, but he moved away before you come to town to live. Fr'm (lie lime Jim married her she never was suited with the place win re they happened to be livln', and she kep' him movlii' fr'm one place to another. "She was the iiaggln' kind, nnd her face nnd temper was both as thin as a case knife. If she ever hud a good word to say for Jim, I never heard her say It. I never knew her to agree with him nor allow that his Judgment was wuth anything. "This tlmo Jim had been to the ctty with a load of truck, and suthln' put it Into Ills head to buy a new settln' room carpet. Ills wlfe'd been more crabbed'n common lately, and be Jeul oused if lie dfclu't fetch her suthln' from the city she might be even wuss. "So when be got home, ufter he'd put up his boss, lie took the roll of carpet liuiler his arm nnd went Into the honse wiih It. Mis' Wlllett was In the settin' room, and one of the neighbors with her. She sort of sniffed when Jim come in : " 'Whnt've yo got In that great bun dle?' said she. "So Jim unrolled the carpet and spread It out, and fr'm what the neigh bor told me ufterward 1' was a band some piece of weavln'. The neighbor woman went to carryin' on 'bout how pretty it was, ami nil that; but Mis' Wlllett never nunli a yip, with her ii iimt li drawed down at the corners and trot tin' her foot a little. She must have acted, I sh'd jedge," said Mr. I'easlee slyly, "a good deal as you did when I was n-snowin you my cane a spell back;" and Mr. Uyne grinned wryly. 'Wal, anyway," Caleb went on, "Jim saw she wusn t goln to speak, so ho made the mistake of snyin' suthln' himself. "'There was two of them carpets for the same price,' he snys, shiftin' from one foot to the other, tryln' to make tilings pass off pleasant, 'hut tbljt one seemed the better one to roe. so 1 took It.' "Wnl, that was 'noiigli for Mis' Wll lett. and she turned on him with her eyes fairly snnpplii'. "'Do you mean to stand there and tell me, you witless critter,' she snapped out, 'that you bad a chance to ilmose betwixt them two carpets and then wont and fetched home this thing, when you ortcr known I'd liked the oilier one twice as well? There, she says, turnlu' to the neighbor wom an, 'now you c'n see some of the things I have to put up with fr'm that man. No more jedgmetit than n child!' And the neighbor had hard work to keep fr'm liiugbln' right in her face. "Now, Uyne," concluded Mr. I'oasW, "I'm goin' to ask you again what you think of my cane." The deacon Unshed consciously. I guess you picked the handsomest one, Caleb." he said. "1 shouldn't say there was a mite of doubt 'bout it '" Youth's OmpaiiUm. 4 Heard raising among the soldiers went so far thnt the French gencrnl staff recently sent out nn edict thnt In all cases tho razor should be wield ed freely. As a result several tons of precious whiskers came to grief, nnd this Insplto of Ihe fact that luxuriant growths of whiskers are supposed to denote courage. But whiskers still grow untranimoled on tho faces of tho Serbians and Ihe courage that they have recently shown In trying to regain their lost country seems to prove the old theory about the effec tiveness of whiskers. The photograph shows a particularly luxuriant growth upon u Serbian on the SaloniUI frotit. Twelve volunteer ambulance drivers nnd two orderlies sailed from New lork on tho French liner Lafayette for service with the American ambu lance In Frunce. The photo shows George Kenneth of Sheboygan, Wis., nnd Itaymmid James Whitney, formerly a Chlcugo newspaper man, whose home ' In Bedford, Ind., Just before their departure for the battle front. . City Directory Divorce Check. The name of the wife In parenthe ses opposite the nnme of the hushnnd In the city directory may bo n feature of the next Toledo directory, as n means of reducing the mntrlmonlnl litigation in this country, in small cities names are run In thut manner. Having tho wife's name In the di rectory with her husband makes It bad for the married mnn thnt tells n chaueo acquaintance ho is single. "I think the Idea of putting the wife's nnme with the husband's In the directory is good," said Probate Judge O'Donnull, who sees tho ,sad side of many matches. "I should ho in favor of such a plan." Toledo News-Bee, Nungesser of the French army avia tion corps and known us tho "I'lince of 1'Ilots." He has the distinction of hav ing won all the military medals. Ho has been wounded many times. At the beginning of the war, Nungesser was n cavalryman. As such he was promoted for distinguished service, but refused to nccept the promotion, saying thnt he wished to learn flying. lie entered the flying corps, and witn In three months had' taken part in bombarding expeditions. What Did He Sing? An Indianapolis dentist, who in ad dition to the accomplishment of drill ing niolars, can sing In a line tenor voice, has a brother-in-law who Is uu undertaker. When the undertaker gets up against It for vocalists to sing at funerals he asks his dentist relative to.heip him out. This ho did recent ly when tt bartender was to be bulled. "What shull 1 slug?" asked the den tist. "The family says either one of two songs will do," said the undertaker. "You can have your choice between 'Crossing the Bar' und Tvo Beached the Land t.' Corn and Wine.'" 51 ,4! fll Everyone of these guns represents n soldier dead, wounded or captured. Most pictures of stacked guns represent them us being on the night before the battle. Theso guns are after the battle. They havo been picked up on the bloody field In a drive ou the western front. New Idea lr Film Production. A new Idea In exposure meters on a means for accurately Judging the aclin ic value of the light at the time of making n picture, nnd thereby arriv ing at the correct length of exposure to he given the sensitive til in. has bwn recently Introduced by an American film manufacturer, according to the Sclentille American. The Improve ment relates particularly to those cameras which carry a roll film. As these dims are now made thoy are' backed with n sheet of black or red paper for the purpose of protecting thorn from the light, and they have Imprinted unon them numbers which appear under a tiny opening In the back of tho cninern and servo ns a guide to the operator In properly spac ing the cxKisures on the film. The new scheme. In addition, contemplates attaching to the backing paper, pieces of sensitized paper of regular Inter vals which pass along under another opening, nnd by observing the change which takes place In the color of these pieces as they are exposed under tho opening, the operator Is enabled to ar rive at the length of time the sbuttel Is to be opened In making the exinisurr for the desired picture. POSTSCRIPTS nussellvllle, Ark., Is enforcing Run day laws so rigidly that even telephon ing on that day Is prohibited. Chinese Rhlp eggs long distances In good condition by coaling them with n paste nmdy of sea salt, vegetuble ashes and water. Pith of sunflower stalks, which is about ten times lighter thnn cork, Is extensively used In Russian life-saving apparatus. Fuel-snving Is tho purpose of n re cently patented ring to bo placed around the burner of a gns or oil stove to protect its flame from drafts and concentrate Us heat. Dominican Republic. The Domlnlcnn Republic has nn area of about UO.fKX) square miles nnd Is Inrger than Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmnrk, Switzerland, or Turkey In Europe, or than the combined nreas of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, and Rhode Island. The population Is estimated nt about 700.000. which Is about Xi people n square riille, while Haiti, Its neighbor on the west has nbout 200 square miles and Porto Rica has more than 300. Most of tho fer tile land of the country Is still virgin.