The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 05, 1916, Image 8

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    JixAt X ULlO. XOUmI , iCuUi.i.LLw.uU.wti, .
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc.
The train mrkeu arc taken tr "n the Cham
nburir dally newpapr. Tb pnivlnlon
0'IO'H are ttaoM that obuln In Mcc'onuulla-
Wheat 1.45
New wheat
Urau l.M
Kye 8
Ham per tb 18
Shoulder 14
Baccn, Sides per ft 12
Potatoes, per bushel 85
Butter, Creamery 211
Butter, Couutry IM
It is pretty hard to assert your independence and defy the world, when you
have an empty stomach and an empty pocket book. If your bluff is called, then
The prudent man who has saved a little, who has a reserve at the bank to
tide him over a month or two, isn't so afraid of sickness nor such a coward about
being out of a job. A bank account is a stimulant to real manhood. The larger
the account the firmer thejfootinp". It breds self-confidence, is a proof of effi
ciency, and an ever-present resource in time of need. It's not what a man earns
in a year, that gives him a surplus at the bank, it's what he saves.
RATES One cent per word for each
Insertion. No advertisement accepted
'or less than 15 cents. Cash must at-
.-ornpany order.
News office.
Sal I'm Apply ai
8 24-t'
Baker & Bros., Real Estate,
Insurance. Automobiles, Live.
Stock &c. Write us your desires
First National Bank Building,
Everett, Pa. Loans arranged
i L . v f,!i . k u
':-v,.-.-7.i.:.".- dai.v.h-
You will Bad "The Seasons La
test Millinery," also, the newest
Eggs, pr dozen .'10
Lard, ;er tb 11
Live Calves, per lb 8
Chickens, per tb 15
ideas in Mourning Velld, Hat?
and Bonnets. At Mrs. Cather
ine Wiener's, Hancock, Mary
land. 8 31 tf
Will Visit Our Town Every
Month: Rubin and Rubin Har
risburg leading Eye Specialist
will be at Seylar's Drug Store
Wednesday November 8th.
Will examine your eyes
free. No drops used. Gold Fill
ed glasses guaranteed, as low a3
Kenyan the Eye Man at
McConnellsburg, Saturday, Oc
tober 14th.
Real Mate Sales.
Goo. A. Harris has sold to A.
J. Rotz two lots in Fairview Ex
tension, and several to Sanner
C. R. Spangler has broken
ground for a fine house on his
lot in Fairview. We understand
Mr. Ray will build at once. A.
Miss Bess Nesbit, of Ayr town
ship, wa3 a Harrisburg shopper
one day last week.
The public schools of McCon
nellsburg opened Monday with a
full attendance. County Super
intendent J. Emery Thomas and
the. School Board were present
at the opening.
The Chautauqua Literary and
Scientific Circle met in the home
of Rev. and Mrs. J. L Grove last
Monday evening. Nineteen mem
bers were present Next meet
ing will be held in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Henry.
HIDES. Frank B. Sipes
pys the highest market price
for beef hides at tteir butcher
hop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
heaps km s and tallow.
Mrs. Howard Pittman, of Dick
eys Mountain, had net been to
ilcConnellsburg for sixteen years
' .ast Saturday, she concluded to
iee the old Burg again an i she i
ca.-ie up to town and called on !
Mrs. P. P. Shives and ether;
Charle3 He33, mail carrier be
tween Hancock and Warford3
burg, lost some livestock from a
local mail bag recently. He
knew the "stock" was in the bag
when he drew it from the mail
box, but the mouse got out and
escaped before he could close the
hole it had gnawed to get in.
Last Saturday Mr. J. S. Hill
of Belfast township, in his auto
mobile brought Mrs. David Hill
and her daughters Altie and
Mame, and George C. Garland,
to McConnellsburg. Mrs. Hill
was arranging for the advertis
ing of her public sale on Thurs
day, October 19th, she has rented
her farm and is going to quit
farming and move to Needmore.
Mr3. Edward Hoover, of Three
Springs, formerly Miss Millie
Mathias of Hustontown, returned
to her home last Saturday, after
having spent two weeks in the
hospital at York, Pa. While in
the hospital, Mr3. Hoover under
went an operation for appendici
tis and other internal ailments,
which seems to have been very
successful, and Mrs. Hoover has
now much encouragement for a
complete restoration to health. I
Borough Hhools Opened.
The opening of our public
schools on Monday was of more
than ordinary interest. The pu
pils were all assembled in the
auditorium and after singing and
reading of the scriptures, Geo.
A. Harris, president of the
J. Rotz sold to Sanner Ray nine school board made an address to
acres of his land. the pupils in which he impressed
Every house built in the exten- them with the necessity of the
sion will add to the value of oth- school board looking after the
er lots and to the improvement school property. He outlined the
of the town. duty of the teacher. janitor and
The promoters are to be com- pupils. He asked the pupils to
mended for investing in land and support the ttachers and prom-
encouraging the up-building of hsed the co-operation of the
the town and community.
Sale Register.
Thursday, October 19th, Day
sod Truax and his mother Mrs.
Tibitha Truax will sell at their
residence near Pleasant Ridire
Post office, horses, cattle, farm
iug implements, household goods
&3. Sale begins at 10 o'clock,
John II. Strait auctioneer.
Thursday, October 19. Mn.
David 1M1, having rented her
farm and intending to remcve
therofrom, will sell at her real
dence, 1 mile southwest of the
Cross Koads school in Belfast
township, 7 head of horses and
colts, 10 head of ca'tle, 4 head ot
hops, farm machinery, wagons.
blacksmith and carpenter tool.
ryo, oats, and buckwheat by the
bushel, hay by tho ton and ma ;y
other art.clcs. bale positive. !
g'.ns at ! oclock. Credit, 10
onths. J. M. Chesnut, auction
Saturday, October 21 Elbert
Lhkfl will sell at the residecce
f tn father John Lake 3 milos
ve.t of McConnellsburg1, horsof
mules, cattle, hogs, farming im
plemeDts. &c- See advertisement
elsewhere in this raper.
Saturday, October 21 D. E.
Strait, having quit farming, and
intending to give his entire atten
tion to the shop, will ell at his
residence 3 miles west of Huston
town, horses, cattle, farming im
plements, hay, household goods
it 'j. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock
Credit 9 months. Positive sale.
J. J Harris, auctioneer.
school board in every way possible.
County Superintendent Thom
as gave a very instructive talk
and emphasized the fact that if
the pupils failed in examination
next spring they would have nc
one to blame but themselves.
He ottered his assistance in even
way possible and invited the pu
pils to visit him when they need
ed advice.
We are glad to note that the
school board and superintendent
are taking a deep interest in the
success of our schools.
Prof. Smith also spoke to the
pupils in a body. It is the duty
of the patrons to co-operate with
the teachers and - directors to
make this one of the most suc
cessful terms.
now ready for your inspection. There's a
Lot Of Satisfaction
in making your selection when you have all the
NEW SUITINGS to choose from. Every
fabric, color and weave that appeals
to your taste.
fiue fruit.
W. C. McKee, of Whips Cove,
placed two pound apples on our
desk Monday that are hard to
beat for quality and size. One
weighs 1G ounces; the other 18.
Howard Martin, near Need
more, left at the cilice Tuesday a
beautiful specimen of the old
fashioned Redstreak variety that Peck
C. L. S. C. Program.
October 10.
Meeting held at Mrs. Henry's,
7:00 p. m. Roll call Current
events. German Industrial De
velopmentMary Pittman. The !
Influence of the Boer War on
German-English relation-Netha
Nesbit. Chauvinism Mr. Sey
lar. Quiz on Chap. III. Minnie
McGovern. Quiz on Chap. IV.
Prof. Smith.
October 16.
Roll call-Current Events.
Sketch of Wm. Second. Mrs.
W. R. Sloan.' Sketch of Prince
Bulow. Harriet Sloan. Com
pare U. S. Senate and the Reich
stag. Mrs. G. W. Reisner.
German Political Parties. Mrs.
Lynch. Review of Chap. V.
Anna C. Reisner. Quiz on Chap.
VI. -Mr. Brattan.
October 23.
Roll call Current events.
Suffrage in Germany. Mrs. Sey-
lar. The Agrarian League.
Miss Mary Trout. Strikes of
1907 and 1912. -Mrs. B. W.
Labor and Political Par-
$18.00 to $25.00
The Royal Wollen Mills Coi
weighed a p' ui.d, and a Bartlett
pear that weighed the same.
Among the many callers at this
office last Saturday were Wm.
Wink, of Pleasant Ridge, and
Geor?" C, En"!v, of Needmore.
Each ielt some cash.
ties in Germany and U. S. Mrs.
Mosser. Quiz on Chap. VII.
Mrs. G. W. Reisner. Quiz on
Chap. VIII.- B. W. Peck.
A Distinctive Reason
What is the chief reason for the superi
ority of Royal Baking; Powder?
There are several good reasons, but there
is one which distinguishes Royal from other
baking powders.
This reason, which every woman should
know, is that Royal Baking Powder is made
from cream of tartar, which comes from
grapes. This means $ healthful fruit origin.
It means natural food as distinguished from
mineral substitutes used in other baking
There is no alum nor phosphate in Royal
Baking IV.vdcr.
New fork
I desire through the columns
of the News to thank my many
friends who bo kindly remember
ed me on my birthday by sending
me so many beautiful handker
chiefs and post cards. I receiv
ed 40 handkerchiefs and 72 post
cards. I received from the fol
lowing places: Tulia, Texas; and
Portsmouth, la. : Deshler, Ohio,
Princess Anne, Md.; Bellefonte,
Purcell, Mercersburg, Fort Lit
tleton, Needmore, Pleasant Ridge
Curwensville, Pa.; and Andover.
Mary M. Mellott, Needmore, R.
Good News and New Goods
A Great many things have advanced, but we
are in shape to offer you many arti
ticles at the old price.
Felt window blinds 9s.
Oil window blinds 23c.
Men's heavy work thirts 49c
Boys' shirts and bodies old price.
Buttons lc. dozen and up.
Ribbons lc. yard and up.
All kinds lace 5c. ya' d.
Good heavy underwear, old pricp
-Stockings from Gi. pair up.
")0c. neckties, now 25c.
Boys' school cap3 10c.
Crochet cotton, new, 10c.
Nice barrottes 5c. each
Heavy side combs 10c pair.
Mice back combs 10c each,
tleavy table oil cloth 15 3. yard.
Fruit jirs all sizes at old price.
10 double sheots fly paper 7c.
Good heavy toweling 7c. yard.
Hair binders 3c. each.
Tape lc. bolt.
50c. suspeuders 25c.
Good heavy tooth brush 5c.
Heavy mule skin gloves 23c.
Hair pins lc. pack.
Thimbles lc. each.
Bread, table, aud butcher knives.
Shoe strings lc. pair.
Banner lye 10c can.
Extra heavy jr gums 7c.
Canning stnugs 4c. doz.
Hair nets 5c. each.
25c. talcum powder 15c.
15c, talcum powder 10c.
Big bottle peroxide 15c.
Pocket books from 5c; up.
Towels 5c each and up.
10 in. mill tile 9c.
Fiy swatters 3c. each.
Heavy brooms at old price.
Good rubber heols 12c. pair.
Filled school companion 5s.
5c. lead pencils 3c.
Brg tablets from 1 to 5c.
Best zinc jir tops 23c doz.
Opposite Public School
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Hew Seal Estate Agency.
G. A. R. Reunion.
The fourteenth annual reunion
of the Southern District Associa
tion G. A. R., comprising the
counties of Adams, Cumberland,
Franklin, Fulton, Juniata and
Perry will be held at Shippens
burg, October 11, 191(3 A speci
al feature will be an. ox roast by
the Sons of Veterans. Fare on
C. V. R. R. from Richmond, $1.10;
Mercersburg, $1 00; Chambers
turg, 35 cents.
Having retired from the Mercantile business
with a view to giving his entire attention to Real
Estate, the undersigned offers h;s service to any
one having real estate for sale, or wanting to
His thorough acquaintance with values and
conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long
and successful experience in handling Real Es
tate, makes it possible for him to bring about
results in the shortest possible time.
Write,' or call on,
acket Store Prices!
We received another lot of Warner Corsets at old prices. We
have certainly sold a nice lot of these goods, simply be
cause they do give good service. Dou'trust
or break down on the sides;
50c, 95c, and $1 25. v
for the whole family this is a line that we can save you monoy
on, as we bought them some time ago and can give you
the benefit. We think we have enough
bought to see us out.
Poison fly paper 2j for 8 sheets,
Tangle-foot 7c for 5 double sheets
Hold-fast shoe nails 4c.
3 boxes carpet tacks 5c.
I lime hooks for patent names 5c.
Sewing machine oil 8c.
Peroxide 8c.
Tool handles with 8 tits 20c.
Paint in cans 10c.
Open links lc.
Got 20 dozen rawhide gloves 33c.
Stove pipe enamel 10 and 13c
7 cakes Lenox soap 25c.
Coal oil 10c.
Dinner pails 24c.
Kit poison that kills 25c.
Axle Washers 4c.
4 mouse traps 5c.
Try our bunch straps 10c.
Hame straps 10c to 23c.
We can save you money on hosi
ery 5 to 25c.
Knives and forks 48c to 25.
Granite stew kettles 10 to 40c.
Granite stew pans 8 to 15c.
Tablets for school lc to 5c.
School bags, waterproof 20c.
Campaign fobs 8c.
Mason Jars with best tops, pints
48c.,quarts55cI half gallon 75.
If you want cheaper tops can
give them cheaper.
Mason tops 20 and 23c.
Best jr gums 4, 5, and 7.
Tin fruit cans, heavy 30c.
Tin pails 5 quart 8c, 6 quart 9c,
10 quart 10c. "
Horse rasps 20, 25, and 30c.
Horse shoo nails 12c per pound.
Clothes pins 4 dozen 5c.
Men's rain coats if 2.25. .
to $4 50.
Boy's rain coats 1.95.
Ladies' rain coats $2.60.
Com cutters 25c.
Busking pins 8c to 25c
Bolts 1J inch to 6 inch lc.
Pad locks 10 to 25c.
Door locks 23c to 1.25.
Rolling pins 10c.
Curry combs 5 to 10c
Hand eaws 50, 75c, $ 1.00 and
Clothes hooks 5c dozen.
Tooth picks 4c.
500 good matches 4c
10c box axle grease 8c.
25c bucket axle grease 23c.
75c bucket axle grease 65c.
Try a quart of our separator oi'
- 25c.
Brass and white curtain poles 8c
Thanks for the nice increase in our business.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Save Money on
Your Hardware
by buying your wants from us.
PEERLESS Sanitary Cold Dry Air Refrigerators.
HARNESS Single and Double driving and Heavy team
' Hirnes8.
BUILDERS HARDWARE of all kinds at the very low
est prices and Quality included.
We invite you to visit us when in Chambersburg, you are
welcome to drop in at any time.
THE ONLY HARDWARE north of the Square.
59 North Main Street,
' Chambersburg, Pa.
Mew 6oods at Little's
On October 3rd, an enormous quantity of new fall
and winter millinery goods was placed on the shelves
and counters of our' store, nicely arranged for your
inspection. Our success in pleasing the public taste
is so well known that further comment on the quality,
price, and styles of these goods is unnecessary.
Come and see them.
Mrs. A. F. Little
. McConnellsburg, Pa,