The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 14, 1916, Image 9

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The craln markew are taWeo from the Ch:im
crMurK duliy newspapers. The !trvVon
I I'- are tome Uk utilalD In Moooiiru .1
Nw wheat
Ham per tb
Baccn, Sides per lb
Potatoes, per bushel .........
Butter, Creamery...
Butter, Country
FCB", rr dozen
Lard, ;er lb
Live Calves, per tb
Chickens, per tb
W. H. Duffy, of Webster Mills
has been confined to the house
since last Friday with stomach
trouble from which he has suf
fered in a milder form for sever
al months.
Winter will soon be here. Send
your name and address to the
Agricultural Department, W ash
ington, D. C, and ask to be put
on their mailing list for the good,
free literature sent out.
Born last Friday, at the Cham
bersburg Hospital, a six and one-
half pound boy and a six and
three-quarter pound girl, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wells H. Greathead.
Mother and twins doing well.
HIDES. Fran k B. Sipes
pays tlie highest market price
for beef hides at their butchoi
hop in McConnellsburg, alsc
highest price paid for calf skins
sheepskins and tallow.
Prof. Maxwell Richards, who
for the past twenty years, has
been the faithful and efficient
principal of the Hancock Public
Schools, has tendered his resig
nation, to take effect the first of
Mr. Ed Hendershot near Har
risonville took Mr. and Mrs. L. I.
De3hong to Johnstown last Sat
urday evening to attend the fu
neral, Sunday, of Mr. Deshong's
sister Mr3. Maggie Ribblet. They
returned home Sunday night.
Mrs. Blanche Jot 03, of Metal,
Franklin county, fell I -,:o a well
last week when a p'.ar.k on the
P'"mp bed broke. She drord
sixteen feet and landed in three
feet of water. She was re3cue
with difficulty, but was not badly
Ex-Sheriff Jefferson Harri
purchased the "Blue House" on
East Lincoln Way, last Saturday
from Miss Myrtle Stouteagle for
$1,500 cash. Mr. Harris expects
to remove to hi3 newly acquired
property next spring and use it
as a hotel and restaurant
A close observer recently ob
served to a News reporter that
David Wible, Walter Shaw, and
Chas. F. Nesbit could show the
best three fields of corn in Bi
Cove. That is saying a good bit,
in case Observer observed cor
rectly, for there are some "brag'
fields down there.
The M. E. church is having a
concrete gutter laid to join the
one laid by E. R. McClain.
passage has been cut under the
crossing between the church and
Woollet's corner to drain thf
surface water from that side of
the street a long needed im
provement at that place.
George Fagley and his brother
Trout, and John F. Garland pass
ed through town Monday with a
brand new Emerson Separator,
which George had traded for at
Waynesboro. George does a lot
of threshing and he find3 that it
pays to have nothing short of
the best of machinery.
One hundred and forty-seven
estimates on average values of
horses show that they increase in
value until between six and sev
en years old. After that time
the values decrease. A horsf
worth $39 dollars at birth is
worth $250 in its sixth year, and
$101 when it is sixteen years old
It must be remembered that
these are only averages.
Report of tie Condition of the
Fulton County
of McConnellsburg,
Fulton County, l'ennsylvanla, at the
close of business August 31, 1010.
Cash specie and
not 117,087 50
Due from Ap
proved lleserve
Agents 30,1X10.07
Legal securities
at par 12,000.00 C0.fi47.57
Niekles and eeuts 13S 40
Duo from Banks and Trust
Cos. not reserve 6,5(i5.(5
Bills Ul.-counted: Upon
one name l,l4ii.2'J
Bills discounted: Upon
two or more names 25,074 83
Time loans 10,34ii 50
Louns on call with collat
eral 34,0 10.50
Loans on call upon one
name 35,8"G.ti3
Loaus on call upon two
or more names 10ii.2".V77
Bonds 50.1K123
Mortgages and judgments
of record lit! !M4 25
Furniture and lixtures 1,500.1,0
Overdrafts 472 79
Total 1 152,002.43
Capital stock paid In $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund 27,UO0.
h i t ; ;y. $ - M &n V?M
Attention is directed to the official statement of the FULTON COUN
TY BANK as it appears in this issue. We ask every reader to look over
this statement and note the large increase in deposits since the last state
ment published June 30th.
The Total Assets Is Now Over $450,000.00.
This splendid growth denotes prosperity in our community, confidence
in the FULTON COUNTY BANK management, and the strong security
they offer.
Geo A. Harris, President
C. R. Spang'er, Vice President
Wilson L. Nace, Cashier
Robt. G. Alexander, Teller.
trw"'rt'jg'taw-.M-ijr-r'jri'!Mii w ii.ii.'an iiaiiiMijiiiiiMLiswwMiMMMiMiWB w m-muhiu A
Undivided prylits, les ex
penses and taxes paid.
Individual d
posits subject
to check $ 1)0,751.(19
Demand Certili
cates of De
posit 210.00
Time Certificates
of Deposit 25j,30S.!!1
Saving fund de
posits 22,0!i7 5S 3i'i0,l!i".5ti
Total 452,W2.43
State of Pennsylvania, County of Ful
tun, ss:
I Wilscjn L. Nace, Cushicr of the
above named Bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this Uth Uav of August, 1 ! 1 rt .
Notary l'ublic.
Oi:o. A. TIaui'.is,
B. W. l'KCIi,
A. U. Nack,
Gko. B. Mi;lia)TT,
.Inc. A. Ii:vi,
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Fo'jnd, Etc.
RATES One cent per word foreach
insertion. ,o advertisement accented
for esi than locen'.s. Cash must ac
company orccr.
Bi:r:ks For Pali:. Apply at
News cilice. 8 21-tt
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and 1.jc: I in atments in
the form of snuffs and vapi ts do little,
if any good.
To correct catarrh you MioulJ 'rut its
C- 'W by enriching your blood Kli
fiu fowl id Scott'B Iimulsion which ii a
mi'ilicinul food cud a biiildinu-touic, free
fromalcohol or any harm ful drugs. Try it.
Scott at Bows, Bluumfi.ld, N. J.
Found. A bunch of keys.
Jar. be had at this offce by pay
ing twenty cents for this notice,
For Salk Cider apples at ft
cer.t9 a bushel at Wilson L Cline's
ear Fort Liitletou 9 14 2t
I ost: A-ccat-and-hat Eack
Tne ti: der will confer a tavor by
returcio' it to John A Steach
For Sake: Grocery Store, on
eood location in McCoonellsburg
Price nrht to quick buyer. Lock
box 43, McCunni'llsburcr. tf
Baker & Bros., Real Estate,
Insurance, Automobiles, Live,
Stock &c. Write us your desires
First National Bank Building,
Everett, Fa. Loans arranged
You will find "The Seasons Li
tost Millinery," also, the newest
deas in Mourning Veil?, Hats
ind Bonnets. At Mrs. 'Cather
ine Wiener's, Jlanc-ck, fary
;aod. 8 31 tf
Wanted .V) men, laborers
and brick-yardors. Good wages.
NTo labor troubles. For particu
lars writs Standard Kefrac
toiues Co , Claysburg, Bedford
county, Pi. 9 14 3t
Largest Department Store In Huntingdon County.
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale is now in
pi ogress to Friday, September 15th.
Every department of our vast establishment offers you savings
of one-half to one-third.
Shoes !
Come early and save money.
$1 9s work shoes $1 39.
Up to $3 00 shoes if 1 87.
3 50 value dress shoes $2 19.
100 pairs at 9bc and less.
All Oxfords at about i price.
Clothing !
for Men and Boys. Many
new arrivals In our entire
12 00 suits row at fc'JjM
10 00 suits now at G M
Bitter grades lower.
S3 BOvaltj.i suits?' 19.
4 "() value piiits $3 ('0.
j .r0 to 6 i O vl u o s u i ts 1 9
One lot at l US
Ken's Pants.
$1 )0 value D8o.
2 75 value $1 4'.
$3 5o value 2 19
Higher grades reduced
Al! Boys' Knee Pants
at a suvinu of 30 to l l per
Racket Store Prices!
We received another lot of Warner Corsets at old r rices. We
have certainly sold a nice lot of these goods, simply be
cause they do give good service. Don't rust
or break down on the sides;
50c, 05c, and $1 5.
for the whole family this is a line that we can save you money
on, as we boueht them some time ago and can give you
the benefit. We think we have enough
bought to see us out.
Our Entire $0,000 Stock Must be Bold
Dry Goods and Domestics
at bigreducttons.
12i ginghams7c.
15'7 percales ll$c.
12o muslin 3.
Bigger ar.d beltervalueshere
just come and see.
Household Goods!
Mason gal. jirs C'.'c.
Tin quart caDs C(c.
1"3 jir gums 4 doz. for "c.
23 do.ilta sl.ccts 11 paj or sc
In fact everything is cut
down iu price.
Save Money on Groceries.
Fall can salmon 9c.
5c packages inatcbos 3 lor 103
10c extracts 7c.
7 bars rctagon soap 25c.
10c Peroxide 7c.
Carpets and Kugs at almost
one-half price.
1000 yards in remnants.
Furnishings for Both Sex.
$1 CO underwear 69c.
59j musliu wear -13c.
l.v! vpts"7r.
$1 50 house drosses 89c.
17c ribbons 11c.
Ccme and Bring Your
and Save Money.
Half Fare refunded to Patrons
buying over $10 worth.
Highest Prices Paid for Produce;
Shapiro Bros, Cif I US6 Orbisonia, Pa.
Poison fly paper c for 8 sheets.
Tangle-foot 7c for 5 double sheets
Hold-fast shoe nails 4c.
3 boxes carpet tacks 5c.
Hume hooks for patent names 5c.
Sett ing machine oil Sc.
I Peroxide 8c.
Tool handles with 8 tils 20c.
Paint in cans 10c.
Open links lc.
Got 20 dozen rawhide gloves 33c.
Stove pipe enamel 10 and 13c.
7 cakes Lenox soap 25c.
Coal oil 10c.
Dinner pails 24c.
Rat poison that kills 253.
Axle Washers 4c.
4 mouse traps 5c.
Try our bunch straps 10c.
Hame straps 10c to 23c.
We can save you money on hosi
ery 5 to 25c.
Knives and forks 48c to $1 25
Granite stew kettles 10 to 40c.
Granite stew pans 8 to-15c.
Tablets for school lc to 5c
School bags, waterproof 20c
Campaign fobs 8c.
Mason Jars with best tops, pints
48c.,quart&55c, half gallon 75.
If you want cheaper tops can
Wavtk.H: llindr M"", Hip
ers, Laborers and Machinist Ap
prentices. Good wages and reg
ular employment to good men.
Address or apply to employment
Office, Fnck Co., Waynesboro,
Sale Register.'
Thursday, October 19th, Daw
son Truax and his mother Mrs
Tabitha Truax will sell at their
residence near Pleasant Ridge
Post oftice, horses, cattle, farm
ing implements, household goods
&c. Sale begins at 10 o'clock
John II Strut auctioneer.
Thompson District Convention.
The Sunday School Convention
for Thompson District will be
held in the R?hoboth M. E.
church on Saturday afternoon
nd evening, September 30th.
Sessions 2:00 p. m., and 7:30 p.
m. A cordil invititk.n is ex-
endt J to all Sunday School
orkers to be present and take
un active part.
Sept. 7. The young folks had
i corn roast at David B. Laidig's
on Thursday evening of last week
Mrs. Margaret Kesselring of
EIu.3toct iwii is spending this
week with the family of Mrs.
Jennie Brant.
D. Frank Tenley and son Da
vid, of Six Milo Ruu, passed this
way on Monday afternoon on
their return from McConnells
burg. Mr. Tenley is one of the
Broad Top farmers.
Jacob M otter agent for F. W.
McNess company was through
t'ns way this week. Both Mr.
MotterandMr. Tenley do net
seem to grow oldr as the years
pass. Probably duo to thiir
thought for tho comfort of oth
ers. There was a good atteudince
at the Ladies Aid feitivcl at La
dig School house on Saturday
evening and the refreshments
sold well
September das here and our
farmers are preparing for fall
Sept 14 Edna Deaver is vis
iting the family of her mother
Mrs James Low at Niagara F.ils.
Josiah D.-aver had a f leasant
trip to Lock UitVt'U rtco'itly.
George Laidig and w lfu of Jean
nette were visiting relatives in
this township last wei k.
Dallas Braut took Riley Hst.
and family to Everett lat FilJay
to attend the funeral of W. Scott
Jesse D. Laidighad a pleasant
trip to Chamborsburg on Satur
day afternoon takme n wedding
pa'ty from Huston town to that
Elliott Kirk is building an ad
dition to his barn. Bernard
F'oremaa lis charge of the car-
Ten Per Cent. Discount.
This advertisement clipped from the Fulton County News Is worth
ton prr cent, of your purchase at
29 South Main Street, Chambersburg, Pa.
Hooks, Periodicals, Fine Stationery, Fountain Tons, Trunks, Suit
Cases, Traveling Hugs, Ktc.
Take This Advertisement Along.
give them cheaper.
Mason tops 20 and L'3c.
Best jar gums 4, 5, and 7.
Tin fruit cans, heavy 30c.
Tin pails 5 quart 8c, 6 quart 9c,
10 quart 10c.
Horse rasrs L'O, 25, and 30c.
IIor!e shoo nails 12c por pouni
Clothes pins 4 dozen 5s.
Men's rain coats $2.25.
to $4 50.
Boy's rain coats $1.95.
Ladies' rain coats $2. GO.
Cot n cutters 25c.
Busking pins 8c to 25c.
Bolts 1 J inch to 6 inch lc.
Pad locks 10 to 25c.
Door locks 23c to $1.25.
Rolling pins 10c
Curry combs 5 to 10c
Hand saws 50, 75c, $100 and
Clothes hooks 5c dozen.
Tooth picks 4c.
500 good matches 4c
10c box axle grease 8c
25c bucket axle grease 23c
75c bucket axle grease C5c
Try a quart of our separator 0.
Brass and white curtain poles 8.
Thanks for the nice increase in our business.
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Men's and Boys' Hits and Furnishings
Telephone orders given prompt attention. No extra
charge? on Parcel Post packages
Memorial Sauare. Chambersburc, Pa.
- "E
-A 33
F1H Ycwk
Lubrication Without Carbon
Thare'i no'hlng mor Important to n
ntoinobl la tlin 11 triiod oil. "Wnverly
Pl)Cliil" In t't from rrtmn It It llnht
Hit tliln It ft1" wilyIt will not con
petl. The Idol nil fur elUiur air-cooled
or water-cooled car.
ToiirdpaUrirntlt. If not, write to ua,
Atoetwlll convince you.
ladettnetnl Mlixrt riTTSIUMGK. Ft
titeMne lllumlninle lubrlcanla
t:nr:p suo riir nok
IVL.L. toll! all aboat oil
Wiverly Products Sold by
Save Money on
Your Hardware
by buying your wants from us.
PEERLESS Sanitary Cold Dry Air Refrigerators.
HARNESS Single and Double driving and Heavy team
BUILDERS HARDWARE of all kinds at the very low
est prices and Qa ility included.
We invite you to visit us when ia Chambersburg, you are
welcome to drop in at any time.
THE ONLY HARDWARE north of the Square.
59 North Main Street,
Chambersburg, Pa.
R II. SHAW, Hustontown, la.
ponter work. ihe IdhI advance in thf
price of wheat our f.irnicrs have
bee 1 hauling some to Thret
SpriDg and Saltillo.
Editor and Mr3. II. V. B.iek, of
Huntingdon, were wck-end
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson L. Nace, McConnellsburg.
New Goods at Utile's
0-1 S ptember 9th, an enormous quantity of new fell
' nd inter millinery goods was placed on the shelves
and counters of our store, .nicely arranged for your,
inspection. Oar success in pleasing the public taste
13 so ell Inown that further comment on the quality,
price, and styles of these goods ia unnecessary.
Come and see them.
. Mrs. A. F. Little,
McConnellsburg, Pa,