THE TULTON COUNTY. NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. i ewes of World Events for News deader In Thlo Dopi n-t Our F Around t:H adora In Fultor World .NAltH H t:y and or on r- IVlray Journ: of History INlaUlrifz Happenlncs. PRESIDENT . WILSON SIGNING CHILD LABOR BILL' RUSSIAN TROOPS ARRIVE AT SALONIKI IW I w v A ( 8 l " STATE NEWS III SHORT 01 Latest Doings in Various Parts of the State. PREPAREDFORQUICKREADiNG la Lehigh County outside of Allen town there are 3,500 licensed dogs. ir- . ... . . 1 iTvMtUenl Wilson tinumg tlie clillU lulior hill In the preHviive of olllflulu of the ili'imrtmiiit of luhor uliU or the Nullimul Child Ubor coiiimltti-e. At I he left of the picture In Dr. A. J. McKclwajr. Southern eecretury of the i-hllj lulxir committee; next to him Mr. ConMunce Leupp TodU of the Nutlonul CoiiHument leusue; reiHlliiK to the rlk'ht. His Helen L. Sumner and Mis Jullu C. Uithrop. Msslgtuut chief und chief, respectively, of the children's burenu of the depurtment of lul.or. At the rltsht of the picture (with srujr heud) la S -cretnry nf Ijibor Wllmm and next to lil m, directly behind the preeldeut, llepreaentutlve Keutliig of Colorudo, author of the hill. PHOTOGRAPH OF A REAL GERMAN CHARGE f A JTvJl First photoRriiph showing the Kusslnn forces entering SuloulkL They ure murchluif throut'U street DuiiKed with Krench. Hrltlsn. Serbian und (Ireek aohllera. NATIONAL ARCHErTtOURNAMENT AT JERSEY CITY This photograph, inken ilurint; un uctlon on the western trout, show a division of Ueriuun Infuutry churfilus I ho enemy. In the background la a cycle corps. FATE OF SUBMARINE BREMEN IS A MYSTERY v.. ... Jo;- Ihe first time In J riniritthm residents of New York und vicinity recently hud mi opportunity to see bundled bv the cnuntrr'N best exnerts the nncient Wenpons thnt lird Achilles low and were the dread of the enrly American colonists In their warn with the Indians. The thirty-elch h annual tournament nf the National Archery association wns held at the Hudson county ruriK'e In Jersey City. N. J., wllh n goodly representation of both gpiitiemen ana lady nrchers from all parts nf thp country. connaught as a chief i JELLING MR. WILSON OF. HIS NOMINATION If the British have captured or destroyed the Ueriuun commercial suluu nine Urenien, they refuse to admit It otlk inlly and the fate of the vessel Is a mystery. This photoyruph of the Hromen was made In the Weser rler Just before the hunt started for America. AM EMPHATIC PROTEST OLD-TIME QUILTING INDUSTRY REVIVED .... C rv s I 7 ' t The execution of Captain Kryatt by 'he Germans pnrngeri the Itrltlsh IriMipR almost as much as did the kill ing of Miss Cnvell. Since the event nmny n bin shell has been Bent In Kcrlhcd as is the one here photo-eniphed. lu 11 low of quaint little white cottages built 011 lund the title of winch dutes back to Revolutionary times, young women are now plying the needle, patching, felling, quilling. There lire some at women and girls who ure earn ing their living making the Mime kinds of quilts and coverlets their great grandmothers used to make. As this Is the twentieth century, they Imve put 11 few modern touches to the Industry, the most notable of which ure their rigid eight-hour working law, and u regulation earning wage. The quilting bee. lis the little cottage factory Is named, was established three years ago to give conaenlul employment to the women and girls of Itye. N. Y., who needed It. and to revive the urt of quilting. It was Ineorisiruted lust yeur and uow has become self-supiMirtlng. Deep Breathing. Deep li real hi 11 g, sensible breathing very day breathing long life depends! ln It, good looks always. Yet nine tenths of the world's ereutures hate to breathe, 11 ml young folks especially are n" niggardly In the mutter of lining their lungs with clean, wholesome air If they thought they were deiillng w'th poison. Twenty long breaths high! and morning will quickly Im prove the looks or 0 girl who has be JfUn to go down with study und care Icskiicks, und surely there Is no Iniintl ler cheaper thun washing the lungs out with clean, fresh air. Take a Sane Vacation. W. H. Sulllvnn of Cleveland, the other day remurkiih "If auythliie really Is the matter with u rullrmui man a two-week vacntlou Is of 110 gtssl to him. He usually has to work a couple of weeks to rest up from Ids vacation." h Isn't necessary to discuss lil suylng In Its bearing on the railroad man specltlcnlly to get the null of the matter, which Is that Ihe strenuous vacation Is no vocation at all. Nor Is the Idllug vutiillou any better. Those who turn from their accus tomed endeavors to 11 vacation full nf energy constijning efforts and dissipa tions 11111I those who resign themselves to utter Indolence make the same mis take of fulling to grasp the opportunity for recuperation offered In the vaca tion. Take your vacntlon sanely. ' Get out In the open. Kxert yourself freely. IMi'I overdo or underdo. Don't dis sipate. Itecrente. Gather energy. A lot of belief) can be won In two weeks of mmuiil. unforced living. Detroit r'ree Tress. Effected a Cure. The doctor examined the fat. wheezy patient. Then he wrote ou his prescription pad : 'A-oz. ol. liii.lnkum. 1 dr. essence blbloorlus. 1 dr. Tlnct. whlrln us nix. -oz. powd. (smihnhu. Of course he didn't write It ns plain ly us that ! doctors never do. lie gave the slip to. the patient. "Where'll I get It. doc?" asked the patient. "Any drug store," replied the doc tor. Just as readily us If he had been "talking of radium or roc's eggs. "I've tried every drug store In the city of Greater New York." he wild later, "und they ull said they were out of one uf the Ingredients." "All you needed was exercise." the doctor said, "mid the only way I could get you l take It was by making you chase uround the drug stores, Teu dollurs, please." Ralph Percentile may lose the sight Of his right eye, Into which hot UBues splashed at the Bethlehem Steel Works. Application was made to Mont gomery County Court yesturd.ty for a charter for Barren Kill Fire Company. M. F. O'Hrien. of Jersey City, has been appointed to the position of cap tain of police of the Lehigh Division of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The Northampton County Commis sioners have authoilzed the paying ofT of a note of $25,000 duo Rellly Brock Company, of Philadelphia. The Slntc Belt Trolley Company haa a gang of men at work straightening out four bad curves between Bangor and l'cn Argyl. At a special benefit performance at the Lorenze Theatre, several hundred dollars were raised for tho families of the soldiers of Company M, which was recruited at Bethlehem. Application was made to Montgom ery County Court for the appoint ment of a Jury of view to pass upon the petition for a freeing of this North Penn highway from tolls. Joseph Lupkls, thirty-eight yeara old, a leader in many societies, of Shenandoah, was instantly killed at Ellangowan colliery, and Albert Wal utas and Albert Perkus were serious ly Injured at Shenandoah City col liery. John Lafferty. seventy years old, rhokPd to death at the county home. Media, whPe eating dinner. A laugh as he swallowed a piece of beef was the cause of the trouble and, al thouch everything possible was done by Steward John H. Kerlln. Lafferty died before physicians could reach him. Georpe W. Farllna. father of four teen children, was Instantly killed by being drawn Into the machinery of a rapidly revolving wheel of the gas oline engine he was uslne on the Koon f?.rm. Paxton Townsnln. The belt had slipped oft and In adjusting It he was causht. He was an expert farmer. His wife also survives. Yt j 111 w-Mt a t f"""" ""'-awry? t""M 'M' If I m't 111 : m 1 1 1 . m -ft f ,, m. . .:.: . 11 m. tik. f.- . ... &r l ,- m 1 ( -.V ;v n r J I I kl'Alfl Sceiie at Shadow Lawn, mar Long Uniiich. N. J.. as Senator tillie .lames J I " jfll I i V lf' handed to President Wilson the scroll bearing the formul notlllintloii of ? 'ff I tt 4 1 Vii his renomlnatlon by the Democratic convention. i W 3WlP mar,ne C0RPS' G,ANT SEARCHLIGHT j$t T,e Duke of C ught. gover ' 74' S Vfl k'l Banff. Alberta, wnere .ne inuia... -, ME' V-S AV f" made him n chief the other day. Slaf ( "rM '.1 1 1. v kPV" .tU. 4 Because of his connection with the labor riots In Braddock last May when three men were killed and many wounded. Steven Mlhallc was rerused citizenship by Judge Charles P. Orr, at Pittsburgh. Mlhallc was Indicted and convicted of Inciting to riot, but was paroled on recommen dation of the District Attorney. Bnos George, aped forty-flvo yeara, one of Tanaqua's prominent butchers, lo-t his le as te result of a run away accident. Ills hore took frlcht coming down a hill und Ceorg" Jumped and his head struck a curb." The horse, c"n''niiln" 'ts fiicht. rtnhe'1 out V brains against a telegraph pole. Attorney Francis G. Lewis, named bv t"e AMentown city council to make complete revision of the city assess ment, has completed his work. LaFt yenr, when a socialistic element was In control of council, the asesme,nt was run up from 148,000.000 to pno nnn. Mr. Lewis cut it down 13, 000,000, and there will be another assessment next year. Pennsylvania Railroad yard em ployes r.t Northumberland were riven a banquet, ai company mphi, when meats, butter, etc., boupht In anticipation of a strike, were cooked and served as a free dinner to the r-en. Other goods, such as canned foods, tobacco, blankets, etc., we- sent to storage In Philadelphia, which. It is understood. It will be sold to salvage. All records of receipts for one month at the Mayor's offices were broken In August, as a renlt or Sun day law enforcement conducted by Miyor Char'es E. Rhoades. of. AI toona. He turned over to the treas urer 1.21 3. 80, of which $181 rn -relented fines and costs. Mot of them are blue law fines and ro fs. Tbe rt of $140 will be turned over to the Sttte for school purposes, as the law directs. The Pennsylvania Association of Letter Carriers at the closln f-?-n of their convention, at New Cn-t'e. defected a resolution to affiliate with tbe American Federation of Lbnr. The next convention will be he'd at, WHkes-Bnrre. The following or"vs T-c-e e'ectel: President. Rlrhnrd F. pnlnn. Philadelphia; vlee-pretdnt, John J. Scully. Pittsburgh: aer'ry, Thomas J. Carpenter, Harrlsburg, and Charles R. Huess, Berwlcfc. Field generator and tractor with senrchllulit trailer used by the United States marine corps. The upparhtus was designed by Sergeant Lowniutier. It la used with great success at night for signaling, discovering bodies of troops, brldge-bulldlng. etc. The I urge drum In the center of the tractor holds 1.0(H) Teet of highly Insulated flexible cable. The trailer wltlt Its lurge aearcn light enn be set on u hilltop or other elevation und the generator In a valley, or some other safe portion t.000 feet awny. A motor connected with the search light allows tt to he focused, dimmed or turned to any angle or elevation, alt controlled from the generator through tbe cable. AlMon Fmarlrk, of Hummelstown, and Sstnucl Refine, of Palmvra. wera in'tnntlv killed, when P. ll"k nf a chain used In llftlrg loaded rrs at the W. T. Bradley inarrlei. H--'s-burg, broke. A truck load of tnn ran down m Incline, crushing both men. Families survive both. Michael Carlo, c! Faston. rtmr by a train on the LehUh Valley Ta!l road at Radlngton. suf ered a crushed arm. which was amputated at ft Luke's Hospital. Boath Bethlehem, In order to save bit Ufa.