The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, August 24, 1916, Image 4

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Published Every Thursy.
B. W. PfiCK, Editor and Proctor
AUGUST 24, 1916
Published Weekly. 51.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Btered tl the Poaiofflon l McConnillaburg
!'., leoond-claiw mull matter.
The mistake is Hade by Many McCon-
nellsburg Citizens.
Look for the cause of backache
To be cured you must know the
If it's weik kidneys you must
set the kidneys working riht.
A McConnellsburg resident
tells you how.
Mrs. Lueinda CU vender, Wa
ter St., McConnellsburg, says:
".My back ached badly and I
couldn't do my housework. I
bad dizzy spell and chills and
was annoyed by the secretions
Often swellicpa appeared under
my eyes and I was very nervous
at night. I was troubled with
rheumatic twinges. Doan's Kid
ney Tills removed all signs of the
trouble. I procured them at
Trout's Drug btore."
Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask tor a uidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the
same that Mrs. Clevonger had
Foster-Miiburn Co , Props., Buf
falo, N. Y.
Mr. John Fisher who was at
Bedford several months ago for
treatment for cancer is no bettor.
..Mrs. Geo. Evans spent last
Thursday in the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. Kachael Shives who has
been on the sick list for some
time. . . Mr. and Mrs. George W.
4 cylinder en bloc motor
ZY&". bore x 5" troko
104-inch wheelbaso
4-inch tires
Cantilever rear spring!
Streamline body
W W tip Mm jJw m 1i
, if f 0 if f '
(Roadster $620
This Overland 13 the world's
most powerful low-priced car.
It has a 2V2 horsepower en
bloc motor that is a perfect
, marvel for speed, power and
By increasing the bore of the
motor from 3 J 8 to 3'' we are
able to offer a power plant
. which at 1950 R.P.M. dcvel
' ops full 31-2 horsepower.
Testa under every condition in
ell parts of the country dem-
R M. Cline, Distributor,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Bell rhone 3-K3.
7. rfi
Sits ;
Weaver visited in th". home of
M"4 Weaver's mother cue iw.y
last w.-J-: . .Koy Clrogory is
siLj'ti g 'A charge V twp I
) u-." .!'' a boy. ...Mrs. Dallas
1 ,'ncli a.ul rrandda'iiLMiterNatahe
v SH!'' in the homo w her sister.
Mrs. Amanda Lynch one day re
cently. ..Mrs. Emma Kellner
and daughter Miss Annie are
visiting in the home of the moth
er's sister, Mrs. John Gordon.
. .Newton Peck, of Ohio, is visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Denton Peck, and other relatives.
. .Elmer and Bruce Lake have re
turned nouie after a short stay
10 Ohio. ..Miss Gladys Sharpe
visited in the home of her friend,
Miss Blanche Bishop, recently.
..Mrs. Koss Uollinshead and
daughter Alice recently visited
in the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Doshong at Pleas
ant Itidge. ..Those who spent
Sunday in the home of Mr. and
Mih. Blair Waltz were: Mr. and!
Mrs. Andoron Mellott; M r ; and
MrShadoTruax Mrs. Emma
Kellner; Mr. and Mrs. Noruian
Dhong and son l-aluwr A.
Wayne am Pearl Mellott, and
Lena and 1 loyd Iruax.
Dr. Geo. S. Elwards and fam-
My, of Greeucastlo, in their now
Koadster, spent Sunday with his
parents. ..Dora Stevens, with a
party from Coaldale, is taking in
tbeaightaof Atlautic City. ..Two
of Ihrry Zern's sisters from
Pittsburgh are spending some
time with him. ..Mrs. James
Shuke, of Coaldale, and Mrs Koy
DeShong, of the lumber camp,
spent Sunday with their parents.
..Harvey Bndenstine h'js ty
phoid fever. ...Mrs. J E Foster
is visiting relatives at Milesburt;
and Altoona. . . Mrs. Ilobecca Ed
wards, of Juniata, is visiting
friends and relatives. .. Mar
garet Goaringer and Helen Mc
intyre, ot Sixmile Run, visited
Ruth Woodcock last week. . . Mrs
W. H Barnett and children, of
IIoDewell, who had been visiting
her parents were accompanied
home by her mother and sister
for a short visit . J. R Lockard
onstrnte that it rr.sily devel
ops belter than lifiy mil 03
per hour on the road.
Speed of course varie3 under
different conditions, but in
practically every instance it
has been getting fifty milea
en lour and vi'-h ens'?.
We have ecorts of telegrams
showing that twenty to
twenty-five miles per gallon
cf gasoline is not unusuaL
The performance of this car is
almost beyond belief.
4.- -. ?tr !
fp-jnt ihnrsdav P'.'iht with bis I
cuuhler, Mrs. E O Anderson!
s;t K-a'-noy. . . Mrs. P. M'o K'.-ith,
i.l l itt.-.mir."(i, fit-r V,-i. o'
Troueli (' m.U,' vt"i ca n: (,.,
friends on Friday.
Tbo farm'1!- ol thi vicinity do
claro they huva hat vrMd lb lur
gest crops in many yars ..List
Sunday Nathan E T iii.x h-hI
family of Moreo' sour.'.' wtviraim
nied by Mr VV.tlf and Ni'.rm'iV
brother M- tin, maix u. liv.i
trip throut:!' Kuliou O uhiy cas
ing at Mrs E zihpth U-i.rrje.irn.
John Cameil s, John llc-'s and
Joseph Truax's Gou g hoii'id . .
Gayle Fisbor, who was err.pio.yeil
in Uagurstcwn, iftuned Moiuo
Tuosday on iocouo:, of Inn i.:d
health. W h p f.- hi-
l eco very. .. Airs. Ailuur hlixson
and children, of Pmladelpbiahave
ent ii riw. tlmii hnma oftAH
hav- t RomQ t wUh u
, Layton nnd fll.mi!y. . .The Dott,
Uaeo T ,nm . ' ttrr!lril.ful
for a jcni0 SiUurdtty August i;6,
, J ftf8tivala)d a box 80cia,
Utnight A good time is in store
for all who will come.
1 Mr. Frank Markley is 'visiting
hl8 tf Mf and Mrp H K
,, , ,. ... r, . .
Maiey. Mr- ftnd berts
of Gettysburg, ard Mr. and Mrs
Mathias of Mt Washins;tou, were
guests of Emory M. Booth and
wife last week ..Mrs. Howard
Hill continues seriously ill. .. Mips
Lois Markley has returned home
from visitiing her sister in Johns
town. . .Quite a number ot our
folks attended campmeeting at
Crystal Springs last Sunday...
EJ Goldon and son Curtis motor
ed to Waynesboro in their Pull
man one day last week. ..Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Charlton and
children returned to their home
in Jerome after having visited
Mrs. Charlton's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Yonker.. . Miss Edith
Edmunson, of Somerset county
was a guest of Mildred ard Cor
delia Andrews.
Take any other low-priced car
on the market. Pit it against
this new Overland. Compare
them for sheer speed, for
abundance of power, for rid
ing comfort and economy, and
you'll find this car will back
anything else clean off the
That's a strong statement, but
a fact nevertheless.
Tfy it yourself and see.
Here are more important facts.
- ;',A
w iii l: TaNnU'V.
iSwartz, of Lttngdnu-
I rv.s t.h Mntrnnt to omvi ii i
'tin vda (.f llopr.vell
lor the liuise Goal
Worn b n an last
T:ny uro i tiering i'ig
! wg-H . rigiu ni hi . . Mrs. lie
1 bt;cea WihUa't ih visiung her sis
tnr( Moihe Bowiuttn, in Canada.
Mism Hohorta U Uarr, Field Sec
rfiu' v nf t!io F rr-dmnns Board,
PiUsiw-ph, i i ho E-uostof Miss
Aliw Wi ha" .. Robert Mosboy
add funoiy, a1 d die Sprowl farai
hm (H'tMidi'd tho picnic at Fitn
neltstii'g last Saturday. ..A
)a go i n iij her of our citizens at
tend-d C.iiup at Cry tal Springs
last Sunday. Ttie attendance at
fhuich bus been greatly reduced
this mouth
Cliurcb Noiices.
Preaching August 27th at Mt.
Zion, 10:30; Needmore, 2:30, and
at Bedford Chapel, 7:G0.-E. J.
Croft, pastor.
General Tedden will preach at
Bethany church near Big Cove
Tannery Saturday evening at 7:30
Services on the Huatontown
M. E. Charge: Dublin Mills, Sat
urday evening, August 2Gth 7:45
Maddensville, Sunday morning,
10:30; Hustontown 7:45 in the
evening. Theme: The modern
Rip Van Winkle. Prayer meet
ing at Hustontown each Thurs
day evening at 8 o'clock.
Preaching at Cherry Lane
Union church, September 3rd, at
10:30, by Rev. John Mellott.
Preaching in the Reformed
church next Sunday morning.
Surprise Party.
On Wednesday of last week,
forty-five friends of Miss Roset
ta Buterbaugh tendered her a
neat surprise in celebration of
her 18th anniversary. A fine
time wa3 reported, and Miss K03
etta received many nice presents.
It hag four-inch tires which are
more than generous for a car
of this size.
Not only has it a large and
roomy body, but it has an
attractive, up-to-date stream
line body.
It has the latest and most im
proved system of ignition.
It has the cantilever springs
the easiest riding springs in
the world.
The Willys-Overland Company
Toledo, Ohio.
"Mad in
- - i. - . .T, r ,. -iJ.v.
mmiih i
Utile Ti!ks on Health and Hjgtcne by
Samuel G. Dixon, M. D., LL D.,
Comoiissioncr of Health.
It ia the custom with many
firms to, send certain classes of
goods to their customers' homes
on approval. If they are not sat
isfactory, the prospective pur
chaser has the privilege of ex
changing them. Obviously it is
impossible for the salesman to
know what conditions are in the
house where such goods go, who
handles them, and how they are
tried or examined. The possi
bility of spreading communicable
disease is very real.
When new things go into a
home, curiosity and interest is
naturally aroused in all the mem
bers of the family. Children and
adults join in' the examinatiqn.
Of course where there are cas
es of communicable diseases
which have been reported and
quarantined, no goods are deliv
ered on approval. There are oft
ten cases of disease, however, in
the early stages unrecognized or
so mild in form as to make it
seem unnecessary to call a phy
aician. Into these hoitfes mer
chandise is delivered without
Modern salesmanship is far re
moved from the sharp barter o
earlier days and fair dealing and
honest representation are recog
nized as necessary foundations
for success.
Sending goods on approval.
however, is carrying things so
far that it may result in harm to
the purchaser.
Trespass notices for sale at the
News office 6 for a quarter.
Sent prepaid by mail if cash ac
companies the order.
Electric starter
Electric lights
Magnetic speedometer
Complete equipment
5-passenger Touring; $635
Roadster $620
Roadster $620
What's rnore7 it's complete.
Not a thing to buy. You get
the finest Auto-Lite electric
starting and lighting system,
magnetic speedometer, one
man top, demountable rims
and practically every acces
sory found on the highest
priced cars.
It only goes to prove how big
production can cut cost and
save you money.
First come, first served. Place
your order now.
U. S. A.".
Samuel Reese Hurt.
Tuesday evening as Samuel
Reese, of Burnt Cabins, wus
about to get into his buggy to go
over to Fannettsburg to attend a
bank meeting, his horse started
forward, the buggy catching Mr.
Reese and throwing him violent
ly to the ground and injuring
him about the head and body. A
surgeon was called and dressed
his injuries, and Mr. Reese seems
to be getting along as well as
might be expected.
The Spaua Family Show.
This Show will give exhibitions
in their tents at west end of Mc
Connellsburg every evening next
yveek. Doors open at 8:30. Show
at 8:15. Grand free exhibition
Little Black Bess will do her high
dive from a thirty-foot ladder at
8 o'clock on the show grounds.
Change of program nightly
Vaudeville, Pony, Dogs, and
Photo-play. If you want a good
laugh, see Byron Spaun, the fun
ny comedian. Adv.
Death of Infant.
Esther Lillie Doyle, aged 4
months and 8 days, died of pneu
monia, at the home of her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Doyle, on south second street,
Wednesday morning, August 23,
1916. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W E. Smyenr
(Wary lender), and rank K.
Stevens all of York, Pa., ar.d
Mrs. W. li. Kane (Clara Bender)
and son Master William, of Pnilc-
delphia, motored over from York
yesterday, and took dinner at the
City Hotel. The ladies called on
a number of their old friends in
town, and in the evening re
turned to York.
Number One.
Proposing an ainuntlnient to nrtlclo
IX of the Constitution of Pennsyl
vania. Section 1. Be It resolved by the
Semite and House of Ht-nresentHtivcs
in General Assembly met. That tbo
luuowing amendment to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania bo. and the
same is hereby, proposed, In accord
ance with the XVIII article thereof:
Section 16. Th State, or nnv mu
nicipality thereof, acquiring or appro
priating property or rights over or in
property for public ubo, may. In fur
therance of Its plans for the acquisi
tion and public uso ot such property
or rights, and subject to such restric
tions as the Legislature may from
time to time Impose, appropriate an
excess of property over that actually
to be occupied or used for public use.
and may thereafter sell of leaso such
excess, and Impose on the property
so sold or leaned any -restrictions ap
propriate to preserve or enhance the
benefit to the public ot the proporty
actually occupied or used.
A true copy ot Joint Resolution
No. 1.
Secretary of tlio Commonwealth.
Number Two.
Proposing an amendment to the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania ro as to consolidate
the courts of common pleas ot
Philadelphia County.
Soctlon 1. Be it resolved by the
Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in Genoral Assembly 'met. That
the following amondment to the Con
stitution ot Pennsylvania be, and the
samo Is hereby, proposed. In accord
ance with the eighteenth article
That section six of article five be
amended so as to read as follows:
Section 6. In the county of Phila
delphia all the Jurisdiction and pow
ers now vested in the several num
bered courts of common pleas of. that
county shall be vested in one court
of common pleas, composed of all
the Judges In commission in snld
courts. Such Jurisdiction and pow
ers shall extend to all proceedings at
law and in equity which si, all have
been Instituted In the several num
bered courts, and shall be subject to
uch change as may be made by law
and subject to change of venue as
provided by law. The president Jv.dKo
of the said court shall be selected' as
provided by law. The numbor of
Judges In said court may be by law
Increased from time to time. This
amendment shall take effect on the
first' day of January succeeding Its
In the county of Allegheny all the
Jurisdiction and powers now vested
In the several numbered courts of
common pleas shall be vested In one
court of common pleas, composed of
all the Judges In commission in said
courts. Such Jurisdiction and powors
shall extend to all proceedings at law
and In equity which shall have been
Instituted In the sovernl numbered
courts, and shall be subject to such
change as may be made by law, and
subject to change of venue as provid
ed by law. The president Judge of
the said court shall be selected as
provided by law. The number of
Judges In said court may be by law
increased irom time to time. This
amendment shall tako effect oh the
first day ot January succeeding its
A true copy of Joint Resolution
No. t
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
I Number Three. "
Proposing an amendment t0 art,
nlno, section four of tho CoiJi,
tlon of the Commonwealth
Pennsylvania j authorizing 1
Ktntii to Ixstin bund j
amount 01 unv inuiimia .
lars for the Improvement of ,v
1. 1 . . 1 .. ... n
uiKuwuya ui iuo uniino!lW(.,ilk
Section 1. Bo It resolved
Senate and llouso of Re))roLn,
tives of the Commonwealth of j
sylvanlu in General Assembly f!
That the following amendment ,
the Constitution of lennsyivai,a J
and the same Is heroby, proposed ,
accordonce with the eighteenth '
tide thereof: a
That section four of article ain
which reads as follows? "i
"Section 4. N'n ilnlif al.nli i. .
UK,,, I UQ
taft hv nr nn linliulf rtf '
except to supply casual dellclunci.
of revenue, repel invasions, HU,j,ri;
lusurroctlon, defond the 8tat9 J
war, or to pay existing debt;
the debt created to supply doHc-Ion
in revenue snail never exceed in iT
aggregate, at any one tlino, one m
Hon dollars," be amended so ai L
read as follows:
Section 4. No debt shall ie cr,
atod by or 011 behalf of the auZ
except to supply casual dellclencw
of revenue repel Invusloii, utiire I
Insurrection, dcfcr.d tho State i'
war, or to pay existing debt; and
tho debt created to supply deficien
cies lu revenue ahull never exceed
m me aggregate, at any one time
one million dollurs: Provided, how.
ever, That tho General Assembly, if.
respective of any debt, niuy author
ize the State to issue bonds to ti
amount ot fifty millions of dollan
tor the purpoxe of Improving nd
rebuilding the highway! of the Com
monwealth. Section 2. Said proposed amend,
tneut shall be submitted to the qua.,
iilcd electors ot the Stato, at th
general election to be hold on th
Tuesday next following tho first
Monday of November In the year
nineteen hunured and eighteen, lor
the purposo ot deciding upon the
approval and ratification or the n
Juction of said amendment. Said
election shall be oponed, held, tut
closed upon said eloctlon day, at tin
places and within the hours at ted.
wiihin which said flection U direct
ed to be oponed, held, and closed,
and In accordance with the prow
slons of tho laws of Pennsylvania
governing elections, and amend
ments thoreto. Such amendment
shall be printed upon the ballon in
the form and manner prescribed by
the election laws of Pennsylvania,
and shall In all respects conform to
the requirement of such laws.
A true copy ot Joint Resolution
No. 3.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Number Four.
Proposing an amendment to section
eight, ar'icle nine of the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the
Senato and House of Representa
tives of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania in General Assembly met,
and it is heroby enacted by the au
thority of the same, That the Con
stitution of the Commonwealth 0,
Pennsylvania, In accordance wlththa
provisions of the eighteenth article
Amondment to Article Nine, Section
That soctlon eight of article nlr.i
of the Constitution be amended b;
striking out the said section and In
serting m place thereof the follow
ing: Soctlon 8. The debt of any coun
ty, city, borough, township, school
district, or other municipality or In
corporated district, except as pro
vided heroin, and in section fifteen
of this article, shall never exceed
seven (7) per centum upon the t
sessed value ot the taxable property
therein, but the debt of the city ol
Philadelphia may be Increased In
such amount that the total city debt
of sajd city shall not exceed ten
per centum (10) upon the assessed
value of the taxable property there
in, nor Bhall any such municipality
or district Incur any new dobt, or
Increase Its Indebtedness to an
amount execoding' two (2) per cent
um upon such assessed valuation ot
proporty, without the consent of the
electors thereof at a public election
lu such manner as shall be provid
ed by law. In ascertaining the bor
rowing capacity of the said city ot
I'liiiudoipiiia, at any time, there
shall be excluded from the calcula
tion and deducted from such debt
so much of the debt ot said city
ns shall have been Incurred, and the
proceeds thereof Invested, In any
public Improvements of any char
acter which shall be yielding to
the said city an annual current not
revenue. The amount of such de
duction shall be ascertained by cap
italizing the annual net revenue
from such improvement during the
year Immediately preceding the time
of such ascertainment; and such
capitalization shall be estimated by
ascertaining the principal amount
which would yield such annual, cur
rent not revenue, nt the average rate
of Interest, and sinking-fund charges
payable upon tho indobtoduess in
curred by said city for such pur
poses, up to the tlmo of such ascer
tainment The method of determin
ing such amount, so to be deducted,
may be prescribed by the Ceneral
Assembly. In Incurring Indebted
ness for nnypurpose tho city ot
Philadelphia may Issue its obliga
tions maturing not later than fifty
(50) years from tho date thoreof,
with provision vfor a sinking fund
sufficient to retire said obligations
at maturity, the payment to such
sinking-fund to bo in equal or grad
ed annual or other periodical Instal
ments. Whore any Indebtedness
shall be or shall havo been Incurred
by said city ot Philadelphia for the
purinse of the construction or lm
provement of public works of any
charocter from which Income or rcr
enuo 1b to be derived by said city,
or for the reclamation of land to bo
used In the construction of wharves
or docks owned or to be owned by
said city, sirrh obligations may be In
an amount sufficient to provido 'or,
and mny Include the amount of. the
Interest and sinking-fund clmw
accruing and which may accrue
thoreon throughout the norlod" of
construction, and until the expira
tion of one year after the comple
tion of the work tor which snld In-di-riteilnosB
ahull have been Incur
red; and said city Bhall not be re
qulrod to levy n tax to pay snld In
terest and sinking-fund charges as
required by section ton, article nine
of the Constitution of Pennsylvania,
until the expiration of said period
ot one year attcr the completion ol
said work.
A true copy ot Joint Resolution
No. 4. I
Secretary ot the Commonweultlk