THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. nn pi i Id SON UNDERSTOOD WHAT MEM. 0Rli:S MEANT TO MOTHER. Lson In This 6tory to th9 Younj Who Fall to Realize What Asso ciations Represent to Thosa Who At Aging. The time had come for the family to be broken up. One by one the chil dren hinl married and moved iiway. Mother hail bidden them good by with tears. She had taken cure of them all for so long! She hnd been the his; factor In all their lives. Vet she knew that It could not last forever. ""Tho hoy. the "baby" of the household. wu the last to go. In Thlo Dopi irtment Our Roadors In Fulton Oour-i-ty mnd IVIny J -wn Around tho NAorld With tho Gnrnora on th o-f History Maklnjz Happening. AUSTRIANS CAPTURED BY THE RUSSIANS GERMAN MINE-LAYING SUBMARINE CAPTURED f II w 'tor-4- of Pictures Events Mews 111 iK'"k.: .i . - . . ' Timing mil . . .'. ' The (laughter who was to live with Photograph Just arrived in this coiiut i-y showing an endless line of Austrian In tlii'lr latest great drive. Tho prisoner under escort lire being tuUea to thd The line of ciiptureil Austrian extends im fur us the eye enn see. SUBMARINE DEUTSCHLAND STARTS (iernmn nierelmnt Ktilinuirliie I leiusehliind Just iim she stinted from Hilltlniore on her dush to wa. The Peutsi hlmid In iHiiind for Itremen with her nirRO of ruliher. nlrkel and gold. Sho will have to evade the hostile rnilstTH that have heeit waiting for her to leave American waters. KITE BALLOON AT nil-.1! inariiii tii'ii"nii iimivrfiilnriini" Kite luilliiiiii lieloiiKiim lu ttiu ullus ubout to sturl on uu Inspection flluht over the lines of the enemy. TRYING tFpREVENtIaILVVAY STRIKE T ' ' .' - : ' . . 1 J v These are the members ol the federal hoard of mediation and conelllntKm hiive imderlnken the iitlelnpt to nrranite the illfferelifeH lielween the mil " iiiiiinicerH and the tirotherhoods mi there shall he no strike. I.i-rt to niiht, ,lH'J ure Murtlu A. Knapp. V. U Chambers and U. V. Uanuer. SALONIKI STARTING i " ' 1 M' L.. prisoners capt lirctl liy the Russians Interior of Itusslu to u prison camp. noTioN head of Russian staff (.ielierul l!el!.:ell, lleinl ot the Ulli shin general muff, photoKrnpheil In Krance, where he was sent hy the rxar to Inspeet anil review Itusslnn troops now Hunting on tne t:ii:inipuse front. HOW FATAL BOMB WAS MADE New ton I'otter, who. II Is lielleved. made the IhiiiiIi that killed seven and Injured. -10 speetators of Sim l-'ranelK-en's prepiirednesM parade, Is here seen showing how the homli was welded. It All Depends. "KNsliiK," said the coy maid, "should he strletly conlldentlal." "Hut," observed the strenuous jrnunn mini, "think what we would liavit missed If ihe discoverer of kissing hud never made It public." , V' S i W$ This German suhumrliie. the U. C. A. constructed lis n mine-layer, and capable of carrying 'i mines, was rup tured hy the British and Is now in exhibition In k'tiglund. At the left Is a close view of one of the mines found on the vessel. INSPECTING U. S. CAMPS lir. Itiehiird I'. Stmii ol ll:irard university, specialist on sanitation and tropical diseases, photographed on the Minds near the American rnsc camp at Colonla Duhlnii. Doctor Strong Is looking over the tuinitur.i conditions there nnjl at other cauiis ol the American troops In Mexico. When the great typhus plague swept Serbia lust year It was Doctor Strong who was chosen to head the exiedltloii sent out hy the Ited I'ross and the Rockefeller foundation to stamp out the disease In that stricken country To him Is due the credit of having wiped out the plague. VINCENT ASTOR AN ENSIGN Knslgli Vlnivlil Astor. l-'llst Aero K()Uadron. New York Naval Mlhtla. wiitchlng the maklug of a movie ut Itayshore. L. I., where the Klrt Aero squadron Is In training. ICnsIgn Astor has become prolieleiit (Iyer since he purchased his liydi'o-avroplanu about u jreur ago. I V v.- . 1 Si X n T iJ I JtM.V, H k I -"""" Ilm" ,1 OC- w" T. U K X' m H1SK , a? Jl v , . Mr S S.j - t r'i'i"'A'n iBCf;'.)"". v;iWtt. B'.if .".ir-i i x, " "o ri V -.i "T. ..:) SHOWER BATH DE Shower Imths are few and Tnr lietween in dry, dusty Mexico, lint out Hoys wllli Terslilng's force In that country are not to he stumped by the iibsemt of running water. At this ramp they have constructed a bathhouse of tree limbs covered with leaves and herbage; n pipe was sunk Into the ground and a pump lilted on top. One soldier pumps water up Into the barret while his tent mute stands under the Improvised shower and enjoys the "Niagara." ARRESTED IN FRISCO r 1 , r I 'I Jt ' k I. nix it? i r t i ! 1 " I hoiuas .1. .Moinie.v. lahoi nnnior, ami Mis. .Moom .v, w do luive leen iii'i-ested In San I'runclsco in connection with Ihe preparedness parade bomb outrage. They are said to have entertained the chief susp-ct SHOVEL AND PICK, nocauso of the heavy snowfall last winter, forest rangers found It necessary thlH sprlnu to remove two feet of snow from the Meaver CreeK nursery In Utlih. ho that the yoiin;; trees might Im uncovered by the time they were ticclcd fo spring planting on Ihe national forests of that region, l'art of (he snow an taken olT by use of tdiovel nnil pick. Hy spreading n thin layer of hue soil over number pint, the natural inciting of the snow was hastened suthclently to uiuke shoveling unnecessary. - v - ti 'r'V ."i:7- LUXE IN MEXICO BOMR CASE . 1 Ski V V IT . ' U " T" ,1 I yu WWW- -yf. mother had been getting along well la the world mid had seen no reason for timing n Hum help her tannage her affairs, nnd lis she vowed that this state would last forever she divided that mother hud best go with her. iMiuyhter decided that nil the old furniture must lie sold nnd that they must move Into a new house with all new furniture. It was pathetic to see how mother watched each old piece of furniture, as he dusted It on her dally rounds. The old walnut bedstead, the cherry dresser, the old-fashioned rane-hot- lomed walnut chairs that hud been In her room so long wore old friends). She protested feebly ag'ilnst hav ing to have n new brass bed In thn new home. As the day for moving drew nearer mother became more and more depressed. The business dair.'h ter. engrossed In her own affairs, did not know the heart pnnc It win fall ing for mother to reconcile herself to the parting with the obi fitrnltura. It was mother's ll"l to the past. A dn.v before moving Into the netr place, the son from the far city enme home. Me had nn miderstnndlns heart. He saw In n minute what the daughter had failed to see. Mother Just could not part with the old furni ture. The dnnghter Insisted that h must not hnve any n!d-fahloned stuff cluttering up the new house. The son argued for n room for mother with nil the old furniture. Itut the daughter was not sentimental. A bed was to be slept In. That was fir extent of Its vnltin. How mother could cling to those relic wns more than she could understand. Sis ter had always remembered her broth er ns too sentimental for his ow n good. Slip had wondered how It was he had escaped marriage thus far. Hut the son understood his mother. lie could see how she was aging, for he had not been with her every day for yenrs. He understood her n her daughter did not. I.tfe wlthont the old associations would he mere existence. He found mother nibbing the looking-glass on the old dresser. There were tenrs In her eyes. Then he could stand It no longer. Mother. I just came home to tell you that I have come back to the old town to accept n new position, nnd I nn sick and tired of lintels. Why can't I move lay trunk home here, fix up father's old room for my desk ami papers nnd live like I used to? "Kvcrythlng In this old house will stny Jilst as It Is. Only I have to cet some of those old rag carpets for tho bedrooms like we had years and years ago. You are going to he boss of tho ranch. I'll be the hired hand. nn! we'll make the old house he glad it'o still standing." Mother did not say n word. She be gan to cry. And because the son un derstood women and especially moth ers be wn glad to hear her cry, 'for he knew it was for Joy. Iudlunupolisj News. Their Fear Net Realized. The great fear of those whose act here tn Philadelphia HO years ago made this n nation was that the state would not remain n nation, a writer In the Philadelphia Public I.oilvr says. History has proved In their the falsity of the oplgrnni: "Tne tiling you fear will get you." What they feared never happened. We are a young country, but u very old government, ns governments go. Cull the roll of the nations nnd you will see that a majority of them are babies beside the United States. Ja pan's present Imperial regimen Is not half n century old. The house of Hohcnzollcrn Is fairly ancient, but the German empire Is not yet fifty and the French republic is no older, Austria nnd Hungary were yoked together long after Franklin told Ihe signers of the Declaration of Independ ence they must nil hang together or he hanged separately. Italy's kingdom Is not half so old as the United States. Portugal's republic Is a thing too young to vote, nnd the Chinese republic bus not yet been weaned. AH the scoro of Central and South American republics tire much younger than Is this greatest of world repub lics. Nearly half the human nice has now copied that lesson which wus an nounced by the Liberty bell. Bluffed the New Conductor. He stood at the corner waiting for i car. Several cars had stopped to let him get on but he made uo move to get aboard. Finally one slopped and a man got oft. "Did you pay your fare to the end of the Hue?" Inquired the waiting man. "Y'es." said the man w ho got off. "Can I have your seat?" he asked. . "Slire, It's the last one on the flgh, hand side, cross Bent." Tho man clambered aboard and hur ried to the seat Just left vacant ' "Fare pl.'ase," said the conductoi shortly tifterwards. "Fare nothing," responded the man. "1 Just took the other fellow's place who got of' and he said he paid to the end of the line nnd said that ! could have his seat." The response evidently was a stutv ner for the new conductor nnd he was o surprised be passed up the furs.