THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURG, PA. I '- W N Events pictures in Thlo Dopi IN1 ay J nt Our Roadero lr Fulton County nd Elnowh Around tho World With tho Oomora on th Trau of History IV1 ale Inez Happonlnco. AMERICAN CANNON ARE TRAINED ON THIS BRIDGE SUMMER HOME OF THE HUGHES FAMILY BBSSSSSMM ihl Is "Trt..ned,l..n." the house at DrKlfchaniptou. L. I., wh.-re Churlcs li Uushra onU his Xuuilly will live Ihroufliout the suumicr, Ihroufc'liout the suumior. WHERE THE PROHIBITIONISTS WILL CONVENE " '"W1"" 1111 " TTr The luienmUuHul brldw acru-tf thu Uta Urumlo. cuuuot-t.i.K K.I I'uhu uii.I Jiuin IUg Unlto.l State, are ?n potlo"!, the h.lls of El r.-o po.nted at the br.dSe and colUnmndln8 the .pun ncroa the river. The photo LAST NIGHT IN MOBILIZATION CAMP "" " 1 "w TiiW Is the- St I'.iul Muulcliml uu.lltorhi.n In which tho Prohibition nutloiml convention will he held, begm !., July 18. The bull.llnB. which wus erected by popular subscription at a cost of $150,000, has seating capacity .... .. .i i... ......... i i..ri...ut iii tlie United States. fur nitiumt ten inousnuu ihtmius, uu i ".c - A NOT AT VERDUN, BUT IN NEW HAVEN ""i1iiii-.Xiiii iniiirirjrti1 - ' Al the Vale coinim-ncement exercises the class of 'IK), Shellleld. paraded a "preparedness" corps, In costumes similar to those of the French troops. Tho helmets were made of papier niuciie. OPENING LABOR'S NEW HEADQUARTERS '1 I a ,m" U- T ) .... y-j-Vv 1 V:, . v. n ! IS -v 1 i .! 1 1 1 1 H ,' .: ..... . ,- . 4 1 ' - '. , ' I .V a ' S MnrL'uret liaker. aired four, the buby In the family of Secretary of War and Mrs. Newton D. I taker. POLING AND UNIQUE GAVEL 1 f IUi,r...i.ntlv.. f HlmoHt every tiude lillb'd Willi Ihe Aiiifilcan Kederiillon M i ..i.... i .,..,..,io n..iui,rtinff ihp (ii)ciilnir of the federation's uiuv hin. in i ....... itnvipwitiff tint nuriido were, from left to right President Wilson. HhihiipI 'tJoiiiiwra. president of the Auierlcaa Federation of Lolmr, tiiid William U, Wilson, secretary of labor. CONSUMPTION OF WHISKY. TtiuMHiHA tho reoort of the Internal revenue commissioner shows an In crease In the revenue from distilled spirits the liquor Interests are UHlng it t,i holster ud their pet argument, "Prohibition does not prohibit" Tim rnuson for this Increase is found, not In the greater consumption of whisky by the people of the United RtntPH. hut In various changing conui- . Hons here and abroad. Ono of thee Is set forth by tho scrre.tury of ttie treasury In the following statement: "NntwithHtantllns the spread or pro hibition, collections on dlBtllled spirits f..r the first ten months of the uscai year showed an Increase over the cor responding period of a year iiro. lmi Is due lu great measure to tho effec-' tlve enforcement of tho Internal rev enue tax on distilled spirits. It IS estimated thnt through the campaigns of tho treasury department against undergatiglng, equalizing and blockad ing In distilleries, the revenue of the government has been Increased by probably $',000,000 nnnuallly." A further explanation Is that the large fpinntlty of spirits shipped from this country t3 Africa to take the place of tho P.rltlsh product now barred from shipment because of the European war, Is counted In the "In creased 1 consumption." During the rn,,r nnillni? June 30. 1915. exports amounted to 1,0(53,000 gallons; during the nlm months, July, 101.1, to March, 1!)10, rj,fi.,0,000 gallons were exported. Then ngain there has been a stendy decrease In the supply of imported liquors due to diuVultles of transpor tation. Some of the foreign distillers have opened branches In this country, and the taxes on their output are now added to the Internal revenue of the United States. Other reasons might bo given, but these suffice to show how alert the llquorltes are to seize upon any appar ent advantage furnished by figures and how prone the public Is to arrive at Imsty conclusions. It Is not within the province of the Internal revenue department to Interpret Its report or to explain where or how the tns-pald liquor Is actually used. If the brewers and distillers believe what they are loudly claiming, that the Internal revenue reports prove that more liquor Is sold under prohibi tion than under license, we shall find them this fnll lining up with the drys; we shnll find them during the antl electlon campaign working and spend ing their millions to make six more states and the territory of Alaska dry. tr, ; rjTi ma c7ca 12a cam cjga ensa o ga . , min i i rxmnM nnmnCD PAMMHM WW1NQ A LAST FAREWELL 1 :0 if.- . 1 .A Ll. JIT : - W W J :, 1 tfM i?X ::'w:i i'J 7 ;-ivvw y..'. Mil T A.v . .. . ' r'. is..- X,.: : l t.-.i This revolver cumuoii was by 10. Duron, u Mexican colonel, it can shoot 30 four-Inch shells a minute. The gun can be dissembled readily and can be conveniently moved aiiout. it weigus uuoui iw ,..,.....-.. U. S. MACHINE-GUN CREW IN MEXICO BEER WORSE THAN WHISKY. Tills Is what the Home Life Insur ance company of New York has to say about beer: "Of ull intoxicating drinks. It Is the most nnlmallzlng. It dulls the Intel lectual and moral and feeds the sens- nnl nnd beastly nnture. Iseyond an other drinks, It qualifies for delib erate nnd unprovoked crime, in tins respect it Is much worse than distilled liquors. A whisky drinker will com- mlt murder only under tne dirci ex citement of liquor, a beer drinker H capable of doing It In cold M-.O'i. Long observation has assured as inai nronortlon of murders delib erately planned and executed, without passion or mnllee, with uo otner mo urn than the ncnulsltlon of property or money, often or trifling value, are. perpetrated by beer drinkers. """" i NATIONAL DUTY. wtw.rpver vou find these poor crea Mima nhnso brains are shattered f wherever you find human beings hud died together in wretchedness, wner pvnr vou find men living hi a condi tion of vice and crime, they all bear testimony that drink Is the prime agency In the creation of these un sightly masses of pain and degrada tion; and I say this, that tne govern mpiit would fall ablectly In Its duties If, through any base fear of any force or combination of forces, they should shrink from doing all in their power to cut from the social organism this most malignant growth that drains the vitality of the nation. Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd-George. WE DID NOT KNOW. A leaflet Industriously circulated by the liquor forces, puts to Its readers the following query: "Did you know that Vermont, on March 7, 1010, voted two to one to return to locnl option after CO years of prohibition?" "No, we did not know It, nor snail we ever know It. And for the best of reasons IT IS NOT SO I" Vermont has had option for years. Fully 80 per cent of the population live under prohibition by local vote. Tho vote of March last was a vote to remnln under thnt regime. The Union Slgnnl. of tweuuur slu'iililcnnce will be the gavel to be wielded by Daniel A. Poling of Boston as temporary chairman of the Prohibition national convention in SL Paul. The gavel Is of wood ob tained from an ancient elm tree In the yard of the home of Gen. Neal Dow, 'tether" of prohibition. In Portland. Me. Boys of a manual training class In St. Paul fashioned the gavel. Pathetic scenes murk the departure or the regiments for the Mexican bor der. All Is smiles, cheers, and wav ing of flags while the boys pass by, i,, nnno Ptitmineil. the mothers, sis ters and sweethearts break down and weep. The Signs. "Miss Gladys got no fewer than six gold-headed umbrellas for birth day presents," "She must be something of a reign ing belle." The Way of It "Here comes Bill, but he'll only stay long enough to see If he can bor row some money." "Then with him It Is a case of touch and go" : ::;f'A,.:; V:' 3 ' i 5 A machine-guncrew "somewhere In Mexico" ready Iw Instant action. RESULTS ARE BEST ARGUMENT. At tho national convention of Indus trial commissioners held nt Columbus, O., Mr. Wayne O. Williams, commis sioner from Colorado, made this forc ible statement concerning the situa tion In that stnte: "I want to say to th industrial commissioners assem bled hero and to the nation, that pro hibition has proven an unqualified success In Colorado. It Is exceeding our fondest hopes and expectations. Its success has mndo converts much faster than mere argument can maks converts." SAFETY RULES. The California industrial accident commission has Issued a set of safety rules prepared by mine operators and miners themselves. The first rule in tho list Is : "You are forbidden to take wine, beer or other Intoxicating liquor Into the mine." TRUTHFUL TESTIMONIAL. "My stomach was so weak M wouldn't hold water. Since beginning to drink your beer I have swallowed a A-hole half section of best Nebraska land"