; FULTOK COUNTY HEW!, McCOlfgLLBBUKQ, FA. MARKET REPORT. OORRROTKD KVEKY WEDNESDAY. The grain mrket re taken frnn tta Cham rmliur dully oewapuprni. TUr jirovlMloo p leet re ibose mm ubula Id UuCouin.it iar(. GRAIN Y,'r.nt 1" fuiw whout Hrn I-4" I 'urn " I Ml. f'O ivye 8i) PROVISIONS Him per lb . 13 BhouWer 1 Baccn, Sides per lb 12 Ftnatoci, per bushel 1-15 Butter, C.-eamery 31 Butler, Country "5 Etfs, prir dozen Is Lard, mr tb 1 Live Calves, per tb W Chl:'iieag, per !b H Take Care of Your Teeth. Dr. F. K. Stevens will be at Burnt Cabins, Tuesday. May 23rd; Needmore, Friday, 20th; Hustontown, June 5, C, and 7th. Kenyan the Eye Man at McConnellsburg Tuesday and Wednesday May 30 and 31 to noon. Saluvia Thursday June 1 to noon. Wells Tannery Friday June 2 to noon. Saxton Friday after 3 P. M. and Saturday June 2 and 3. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson L. Nace and daughter Helen spent Sat urday night and Sunday in the hone of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mc Candlish, Hancock. Last Saturday afternoon Samu el Alloway of Waterfall brought Vita hrnrViprs .Tampa and fiuv. and and D. A. Black to town in his auto for a little airing and dust ing. HIDES. Frank B. Sipcs pays the highest market price for beef hides at tteir butcher hop in McConnell&burg, also , highest price paid for call sums sheepskins and Ullow. Advertisement. Max H. Sheets took Mr. Al bert Stoner and the latter's sis ter Mrs. Anna Benford to Ever ett last Friday afternoon, from which place Mr. Stoner and his sister went by train to Saxton, to spend some time in the the home of Mr. Stoner's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lodge. From Saxton they will go to Bedford and visit their brother Merrick A. Stoner and family. They expect to be away from home about four weeks. Max's wife went along to Ev erett, just for the ride, and re turned with her husband. WELL TANNERY. Dr. Glover Horton and wife, Miss Fannie Bolger and Mr. James Wilson all of Three Springs, attended services at the Presbyterian church at this place last Sunday afternoon. Our people were saddened when they heard of the death of Rev. Walter Stewart in Philadel phia. It seems but yesterday that Walter was "one amongst us" always doing good and car rying with him abundant good cheer for everybody. Mr3. Geo. W. Sipe and daugh ter Miss Eleanor are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mac Stinkard at Gov ernors Island, N. Y. Joe Horton i3 representing our local lodge I. 0. 0. F. at Con neaught Lake this week. W. H. Baumgardner was elect ed Commissioner to represent Huntingdon Presbytery at the General Assembly of the Presby terian Church which will hold its sessions at Atlantic City, N. J., May 18-28th. Alexander Sloan and his sister Mis9 Harriet, visited their aunt, Miss Harriet Alexander at her residence on the old homestead in the Valley last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Guillard and son Clarence made a trip to M,cConnellsburg last Saturday in their new Dodge touring car. Mr. George Adams is in a crit ical condition, the result of a stroke of paralysis. Absolutely No Alum No Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Etc. RATKS Onr cent per word for each Insortioti. No advertisoment accepted for i'.is than IncenU. (. mu .t ac company order. Wanted, Magnalncs, News papers, Cardboard and all kinds ol waste paner, Wayne lavior, MeConnellsburg. Pa. 4 27 tf ; Wanted: OoodUioorers, 2.15 ! to 2 50 per day. Steady work ' Mt ITnion TanniDir and Kxtract Company, Mount Union, I a. -H Baker & Bros., Real Estate, Insurance, Automobiles, Livo, Stock &c. Write us your desires First National Bank Building:, Everett, Pa. Loans arranged for. Fou Sali:. Farm containing AG acres, 5 acres tim her, balance ia good state of cultivation, sit uate near the Lincoln Highway, 2J miles west of McConnellsbnrg All necessary farm buildings. Price right to quick buyer. For further information, call on or address Ofo. E Garner, or C. J. Brewer, MeConnellsburr, Pa. tf Read-Come Mortie E. Shinier has new poods In and invite you to come and see them. More value (or jour money than else where in ladies' and children's under wear, hosiery, rmtfhain, percale and white apron; , etc. Such Nice Handkerchief for 6 and 10 cents. Ladies' embroidery trimmed drawers l'!c.; Deep laee aud embroidery yoke corset covers i'xj.; Fine gau.e vests 10 aud 13c ; Lat-e and embroidery trim white tea iipron 12c : Ladies' blue and white stockings 2'c.; Ladies' black stockiegs 10 aQd 2-V. Crinkled Crepe Nightgowns $1 Children's underbodies 2 for 2.V.; Misses' and chiidren drawers 13 to 25c; lioudoir caps, pink blue lavender 10c; Perfumes, sachet powder, faucy pins, bar pins, toys novelties 10c; Talcum powder 10 "aod 25c: Long cushion cords, assorted colors 15c. Innumerable other articles that can not be mentioned here. Mail orders tilled promptly. Give ms a call. Mertie E. Shimer. East Lincoln Way. Secretary ScCrory fill Speak. The local Young People's So cieties will hold a rally on Satur day evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Lutheran church. Mr. H, B. McCrory, of Pittsburgh, Sec retary of the Pennsylvania State Christian Endeavor Union will speak. Special music. Every bodyold and young are invit ed to attend. A silver offering will be made. DUBLIN MILLS. Mrs. John Nonemaker and Miss Grace Mort were callers at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Arthur Roher last Sunday. Farmers are ready to plant corn as soon as rain comes. Harrison Fuster near Worth Point called on Edward Black and family Saturday and Sun day. A destructive tire broke out last Saturday oa Sideling Hill Mountain from the burning of a clearing but the tire wardens wera fortunate in securing a largo number of men, and the tiro was extinguished by night, Howard U Knepper was home from MeConnellsburg Normal over Sunday. Charles Knepper is whistling a beautiful tune. It is a seam stress, or, maybe a stenographer Edward Black was helping Chas. Knepper to scatter lime Monday. George Barnett, Sr., purchas ed a horse from W. R. Berk stresser. Rev. Reidell preiched at Cen ter last Sunday. He will preach at Dublin Mills May 20 at 7:30 p. m., and there will be prayer meeting held at 7:00 p. m. The Sunday School will be organized at this time. There will be Sab bath School at this place at 9.30 a m., and at Center at same hour. The school desires that the people who take the News would tell those who do Dot that there will be prayer meeting at this place on each following Saturday Pure Phosphate EiPMka -H-w-miTifflWftTO.- fi ' ' I I .' '' .' '-. 9. jfv'v.'Hr' NOTICE TO Tax-Payers ! The Tax payers of Fulton county, Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that I will meet them at the following times and places la the districts named for the purpose of receiving the State, County, and Dog taxes for the year HUH. THOMPSON. Monday, June ith, Dickeys Moun tain Store, 1 to 7:30, a. m ; Sharpe's Store, !:.10 to in, a. m.: and at Plum Run, Douglass's Store, 11 to 12 o'clock, noon. HKTIIKL. Monday. June 5th. Warfordsburg. Palmer'H Store, 3 to G p. m ; Tuesday, Juue (ith, Dott, Carnell's Store, 7 to 10, a. m.; James Mellott's, 1 to 2 p. m. UNION. Tuesday, June flth, Lashlry's Store 4 to 7 p. m.; Wednesday, June 7ih. Jacob Schult.'s, 7 to 8 o'clock, a. m ; Buck Valley Post Ollico, 9 to 10 a m.: Amaranth PostOlllce, 11 to 12 noon. BRUSH CKEKK. Wednesday, June 7th, Locust Grove Post Ollice, 2 to 3 p. m.; Uess's Store, 4 to i p. m.; Thursday, June fth, Em maville, Truax's Store, G to S a. m.; George Lynch's Store, 9 to 10 a. in.; Duvall's Store, 11 to 12, noon. LICKING CKKICK. Thursday, June !th, Ilium's Store 4 to 5 p. in.; liarrionville, Mi-t.lcr's Hotel, G to 8 p. in. BELFAST AND LICKING CllEF-K. Friday, June 9th, N. M. Laiditr's Store 7:.'!0 to 9, a. rn ; Pleasant Ridge Post Ollice, 10 to 12 noon; Needmore, 3:30toti:30, p. m., at .Mrs. Hart's Store McCONNELLSBURG, TODD, AND AYR. Monday, June 12th, Commission ers' Otlice, 8 to 12 noon.; TODD AND DUBLIN. HiimU's Store at Knobsvillo, Mon day, June 12:l, 2 to 3:30 p. in. DUBLIN. Tuesday, June 13ih, nt Brodbeck's Hotel at Burnt Cabins, 7 to 9 a. m.: at Frank Hare's Store atFort Little ton, 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.; at Clear Ridge, Henry's Hotel, 4 to 6 p. m. TAYLOR. Tuesday, June 13th, 4 to G p. m., Henry's Hotel at Clear Ridge.; Wed nesday, June 14th, Dublin Mills Store, 0:30 to 8:30 a. m ; Gracey Post Otlice 9:30 to 10:30, a. m.; Waterfall Post Otlice, 1 to 2 p. in; Thursday, June 15th, at Hiram Post Ollice, 3 to 4 p. m.; Friday, June 16th, Hustontown, Lam berson's Store, 7 to 10 a. m. WELLS. Wednesday, June 14th, New Grena da, Houck's Hotel, 3 to 5 p. m.; Enid Election House, Thursday, June 15th, 6 to 8 a. m ; Wells Tannery Baum gardner s Store, 9 to 11 a. ni. AYR. Saturday, June 17th, Peter Kirk's Store, 8 to 10, a m.; Grouse's Store at Webster Mills, 11 to 12 noon; Mel lott's Store at Cito, 2 to 3 p. m. All persons appearing at the re spective places to pay their taxes will be allowed a i eduction of five per cent. If taxes are not paid on or be fore July 2th the duplicates will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace in each township for collection; all parties then owing will be required to pay the full tax charged on dupli cate and fees allowed by law for col lecting debt. The rate is five mills. LICENSES: All persons who are subject to mercantile or other licenses are requested to meet at the a Dove times and places, as I am compelled by law to bring suit on all unpaid licenses by July 10th, next. LEONARD BIVENS, Treasurers Ollice, County Treasurer. May 1, 191ft. evening, It seems that people are slow about doing something for the up lifting of our church. Do not tb-ink that you would not be wel come. The school would like to see every member aUend. Do not s't in your hammock, and think, "When 1 get old and fee ble I will go to church." If you cannot come at the timo set just let the leaders know and they will gladly wait until you come; but if vnu have a desire to attend church thpy will not have to wait on you. Now, p)eas come Sat urday night instead of loafing down at the store. If the church will Dot bold you all, it will bn built larger; but just come and see if we cannot have a good big ' congregation here, 1 fefsR 3 l- r" V- :C J CV.J I . H V.:. ( wr ptygy--j.vym!XTKmmara-m mwKlgra mm n i THE HMOE FOR SAVINGS. 1 1 'II BB WV11 Mwm.'.'T'iBr THE HILL STORE NEWS Table oilcloth 15c yd. I. - P. Coats Crochet cotton, 12c spool Men's 75c Shirts our price 50c. Ladies' lino Vests 9c. Ladies' hand bags 23 and 20c. Nice towels from 5c np. All kind nice luce 5c yd. ' Men's heavy suspenders 23c. Boys' heavy Suspenders 9c. Ladies' 4oc silk hose, our price 30c. Hoys' shirts 2."c. Men's work jackets 23c. Chlldian's roll top stockings 9o. Men's flue handkerchiefs 5c. Men's 35c bolts our price 23c. Good long corsets 60c and $1.00. Good Towe Ing7c yd. Men and Women's rubber heols 15c. 2 cards pearl buttons 5c. 2 cards safety pins 5c. Thimbles 1c each. Crochet hooks, tatting shuttles etc. 10 inch mill tilo 10c. Rolling pins Ulc. 4 qt. enamel slt-w pan 10c. 4 qt. covered sauce pan 23c 10c barreltes for 5c, Williams shaving soap 3c cake. Gulvuuied wash boards 23c. Ice ci tani and b: rry set 40 pieces 10c. Pint tins 2 for 5c, 4c and ,1c. Big line of granite and tinware 5c up. Big 8 day clock BARGAIN fl.W. Good alarm clock 'iOc. 3 pair can-as gloves 21c. THE HILL STORE Opposite The Public School. Hew Real-Estate Agency. Having retired from the Mercantile business with a view to giving his entire attention to Real Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any one having real estate for sale, or wanting to buy. His thorough acquaintance with values and conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long and successful experience in handling Real Es tate, makes impossible for him to bring about results in the shortest possible time. Write, or call on, D. H. PATTERSON, WEBSTER MILLS, PA. 100,000 TIES WANTED FOR DELIVERY TO AMARANTH AND NEEDMORE, PA. The undersigned, realizing the inconvenience, on account of the long haul, for the people north of Ama ranth andiNeedmcre to haul their ties to Hancock, Md., will accept ties delivered either to Amaranth, I'a., or Needmore, Pa. Arrangements ha vo boon madp for ties to bo jiiled along the Cauuty road both at Amtiruoth and at Needmore, atid tie producers may begin to haul their ties to either of those points at once. Sign hoards have befrn erected describing manner in which ties should be piled and tairfrd, namely: "All ties must be piled in alternate layers of two and seven, the bottom layer to consist of two ties. Each pile should be tagged with owner's name and address." Iieginuir;g April 1, 1010, the V.'catern Maryland Railway Company's Inspector will take, up all tie3 proporly piled, both at Amaranth aud at Needmore, on the 1st aud loth of each m with thereafter until otherwise advieed. Chocks will be issued and passod to the tie producer tho foliowii.R day after ties have boen taken up by the Western Maryland Railway Company's Tie InsDcctor at the following price.- : No. 1 CLASS "A" CROSS TIES 50c EACH No. 2 CLASS 'A" CROSS TIES 35c EACH No. 3 CLASS "A" CROSS TIES 15c EACH Specifications and further information may be bad by ad dressing the undersigned. R. J. FUNKHOUSER & CO., HAGERSTOWN, MD. HANCOCK, MD. MORE THAN $429,000.00 We bolide that ynu appreciate the PERSONAL SERVICE we are able to render to you in all your tratFact'oi:e at this Bank; and that you, also appreciate the satcguards we have provided to thoroughly secure your deposits. The LARGE INCREASE in our business may be seen m our STATEMENT published m this nue, hlch hhows ASSETS of mere than $ 129,000.00. This is ample proof of the CONFIDENCE trie pubhc h:is m this Bai. k. Whilp onr State Banlnrg Laws ARE MOST STRICT, thov enable us to EXTEND CREDIT to tho FARMER and to ti e HOME SEEKER, aud thus to be a GREAT FACTOR in the npbuildmg of ourCc'unty. FULTON COUNTY BANK, McConnellsburg, Pa. M"i r.'AVl Men's underwear, Ladies' under wear, Hammocks, porch screens, etc. Razors and cutlery all kinds. BI j line of granite and tinware, and a big lot coming in this week. Muslins, mosquito netting, um brellas, etc. Our goods a'-e all new. We have many other things, bu'. don't have room to list any more. Many new and nice things in the notion line coming in this weok. Our grocery department is com plete all the time. Large prunes 10c per pour d. 4 pounds dried peichcs 25c, Nice dried apricots 12c p'-r pound. Can sweet potatoes i)c per can. Victor talking ma chines, records aud supplies. We don't cut p. Ices, but are the originators of new prices. A ca" will convince. Racket We want to quote you some prices for this month. That we think is a bargain. 4 sure catcb mouse traps 5c 2 boxes hold fast shoe nails 5c 8 boxes carpet tacks c 4 doz. clothes pins 'C Machine thread ia Safety pins 2, 3 and 4c doz 13 inch horse rasps 20c 15 inch horse rasps 25c 4 4 J and 5 inch taper saw file -lc 5 J , C and 7 in. taper saw tilo 5c 6 in. flat mill files be Bin. flat mill tiles 9i: 10 in. tlat mill hies 12c 10 in. rattail tiles lie 10 in. half round files 123 12 in. half round files 15c 100 hog rings 5c i pair hog wringers Rubber cement 26 in. hand saws 50, 75 and 1 25 22 short U M C cartridges Vol Flax seed meal, pure 7c 10 qt. flaring pail Ucj Nest eggs lc 25 needles lc 14 rows pins lc 119 in. men's work shirts, the largest shirt made 45c 3-in-l oil 8a Umbrellas 45cto$1.0i Bacheller manure forks 55c Tablo oil cloth 15c yd .""oaloil 11c gal i pair good socks , 25c Lagus rib top hose 10c Mlkateen 4c Stains with varnish in them all colors, 1 pt. cans 25c Pad locks 10 to 25c Rim knob locks 20c Horse shoe nails - 12c Horse shoe hammers 23o Qorse shoe pincers 50 1 to $1 25 Felt window shades 8c 011 shades 23c Shoe strings lc pair Say, we just bought from a manufactcr 5 gross of home-made open links that we can sell at lc each. If you are going to build a house or a barn, or do any repairing we are in shape to save you some money, as we bought our hard ware early, and always try and give our customers the benefit. Look over this list of prices, comparo them with catilogue houses and we think that you will -find that we can save you money. It is impossible to get space to price you every thing, but watch this space for bargains. Thanking you for the nicest year we have ever had. The prices we quote here are not baits but our regular prices. Trusting that you will look over this, and if you find us right on prices, give us some of your business; if not, buy where you can do the best. Respectfully, HULL & BENDER, SMITH BROTHERS Mercersburg, Pa. Farm Goods We have the largest stock of Harness, Gears and Collars, in south ern Pennsylvania. Single Driving Har ness from $10 to $25. Double Driving Har ness for $20 and up ward. Yankee Un dies $1 50. SI. 75. Ji2 f)0. 1 - - 1 1 - $2.25, and $2 50. Halters all leather at 50 cepts, 75 cents, $1 00 and i x.. collars $1.25 to $4.25. Collar Pads 2.5, 35, and 50 cents. Yankee Front Gears $15 per pair. Yankee Breeching $18 to $20 per pair. Plow Gears $3.50 to $4.25 per pair. Riding Saddles from $5 to $13. Wagon Saddles from $9.50 to $12. Russet leather Rid ing Bridles from $1.25 to $2.50. Cow chains, Halter chains, Chin Chains, Trace Chains. Harness oils 60, 75 and 00 cents a gallon. Caster Machine Oil 40 cents a gallon. Repairing of all kinds promptly and neatly executed', All goodl old at lowest pomblo Prices. Store Warner corset, ihe kind that fit and wear 50c to $1 25 Single tree clips, heavy 18c Canvas gloves 3 pair for 25c Also one at 5c pair Pure neats foot oil ' 75c yal G envelopes ' lc See t u r loiter tablets and box Dannr 10 to 25c Alarm clocks 58 and 75c i 8 day alarm clocks $1.75 and $1 OS 7 calces Lnnox soap 25c Stuvepipo 10c joint Men's dress shirts 48 to 95c Rolling pins ' 10c Cross-cut saw handles 13c pr Long spring for screen doors 2c Boston heel plates oc &i Cow chains 10 and lGc Bolts li in. to 7 in. lc Linoleum Go to 90c yd Linoleum remnants 30c 500 best matches 4j Man aud Keily axes G"c are worth 90c to day. Don't let anyone make you believe that Mann puts his name on second quality axes, as long as we have our pres ent stock you can buy them at 65 cents. Champion axes 45c Adjustable ha mes , 75c Say if you want a set of bug sy harness, harness bridles, worlr bridles, lead harness, and collars, hitching straps, backing straps, trace chains, wo can save you lots of mon ey. We sell lots of these goods and fcry to treat you right. No hoggish profits. A good team collar ' $1 10, $1.90, $3,50 and $3 25 Suit cases. 95c Cotton 10 and 40c bat. Used Every Day.