THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBURO. PA. SERVES AS PRIVATE 6CION OF ITALIAN ROYAL HOUSE 1 IN THE RANK3. of lord for 'News tores In Thl Deportment Our Readoro In f"j 1-ton County ond Elaowhoro May Journwy Around the AorlcS NAltKi the Comoro on the T"rIl of tHIotory INIolclnc; Happenings. OKLAHOMA, OIL-BURNING A SUPERDREADNAUGHT TWELVE-INCH GUNS FOR THE U. S. S. MICHIGAN -ns I -- s& A fn 4 rrmiMX. MW'wwmwwrft I I 'IIkso big 12 Inch guns aro to bo placod lit ponitlon aboard ibo L. S. 3 M irhlcnu. tlio buttltslilp which la cmo ol a number uudurtfolng repairs ond rnlittlng ot tho Lcukuo Isliiml nnvy yard. Miilndolplila. Hie. atlivlika at tliat yard aro remlndora ot war-time preparations, for the work Is bumg ruUi.)d with all dlspatcb. Tho Oklahoma, oll-burnlng superdreadiiaught, latest addition to Amerlra's navy, Is hore shown at anchor at tho PhHadoIphln navy yard. Abovo are Its officers photograp hod at the flag raising. At the loft, Capt. Uoyer Wolls, com maiulcr of tho Oklahoma, and the right, Lieutenant Commander Adolphus Andrews. COLORED TROOPS AT CASAS GRANGES VILLISTA RAIDERS PRISONERS IN STOCKADE 7 py$k2jL k 4 y rffW! l t! t- v w. - - if 'm' yyr- -;V- I 1 A few of the VlllistaB who took part In tho raid on Co:umbus, N. M. They aro kepi m a stockade at Namlquipa, and are closely guarded by several of tha colored troopers. The nef;ro troops that are with the expedition in Mexico are standing the c.lmute and hardships very well. This Is a view of their cump at Casas urauues. IN THE CAMP OF THE FIFTH CAVALRY SUFFRAGE PARADE DRESS .''V-.,N ' 'V - iff' flrIk' 1 fUmc of the men of tho Fifth cavalry are seen in a struggle wlin an outlaw horse thut needed shoeing and ob jtteted to the oporatlon. YOUNG MARBURG AND HIS BRIDE i y VV ;vr- I ' A . ' i s :f FRANCE HONORS AMERICAN k v y ail I .1. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harburg, Jr., photographed on their arrival ot Now York. Mr. Marburg, who la the son of the former rolnlBtor to Bolgluni, orvod In the British flying corps until he lost bis leg In an accident Whl'.e In tho hospital be mot the Baroness de Vivaro and they were married on April 10. u ( el.. l 1 6 - t i ', i x i i. ' ll , Y, J ... iitl "' -- Elliot Cowdln has just been awarded tho military medal, the highest war time distinction of Franco, In recogni tion of his valor and aerial efficiency displayed In bringing to earth his third oncmy aeroplane. Mr. Cowdln Is a member of the American aeroplano squadron. Me destroyed his second German ttlrcraft over Verdun a few weoks ago, adding a second palmlcaf to the crolx do guerre earned nearly a year ago. Recently Cowdln was aloft about o.uOO foot when he found himself face to faco with a Gorman Frkkor. Although bis advorBary's machine was far more poworful than Cowdln i, the young New Yorker Instantly attacked and destroyed It, 1 r cr ; ti k . Z i hoi'.:: PANCHO VILLA'S FAMILY TOMB in i txa1 .itiSf SJ Utf M&mi "Got your marching clothos cn!" Is the new slogun vf the National Amer ican Woman Suffrago association. Tho marching clothos In question will be worn at tho Chicago suffrago parade during tho Republican convention and will consist of whlto skirts and blouses and tho now "parade bats," which have Just raado their appearanco. "Guaran teed becoming" la this whlto sailor with Its band of suffrago yellow, which was selected after many styles, shapes, sizes, and shades wcro considered by the committee who sat on the weighty matter. Assists MInlng-Csmp Churches. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., has agrocd to contribute toward the creation of a Roman Catholic church In Dcrwlnd. one of tho coal camps of tho Colorado Fuol and Iron company, and In a let ter to ofllclals of the company he prom ises to co-operate In building both Catholic and Protestant churches In every no of the company's camps where the need of such cdltlccs Is ap parent. "Any church work to be successful must bo organized and controlled by tho community In which it Is situated," wroto Mr. Rockefeller, In stipulating that tho miners thcniBolves shall run thoir own churches without the bolp cf the great company. Fish Attracted by Warm Water. A Ivarni water artesian woll on tho Arthur Burro farm empties Into tho river a short di&tnnco from Ludden. N. P., tho water bolni; warm enough to keep tho stream from freezing at that plut Ihousands of null last whiter swarmed t this point until thoy wore so thick that they could be shoveled out t tho wagonload. w V -4 Before tho decline of his powe. i Ma built this ornate tomb In tho Chi huahua cemetery for hlnisolt and his n.mlly. Tho Eighth I tilted States cavalry on a forced march hurrying to one ot tno eases ol supplies In Mexico. , Ouke of the Abruizl's Half Brother, In Disgrace, Holds Humble Poslton In the Armies That Hit Coun- j try Has Mustered. Though almost every royal house Itt Europe Is represented at the front, Italy's (.lone can boast ot a member who Is a simple soldier, fighting among: tho rank and file. Umbcrto, count of Salomnl, share tbe lot and the labors of peasants and worklngnien. Ho Is stationed at Vo ghera for the moment. In the if glmont of cavulry guides. Ills reglmnnt will soon be dismounted aniL fc? into tbe trenches. ' ' Then this scion of tho bouso of Sa voy will tramp side by Bide with the rankers and share their trench life on tho exposed ond difficult Italian out posts on tho dangerous plateau called tho Carso. Tho count Is a son of Prtnee Arao deo, lato duke of Aosta, who died IS years aro. Ills mother, the duke's second wife, Is a Princess Uonaparto. She lives In Turin, and her son, In bis soldier's uniform, Is allowed to visit bcr on Sundays, when, with the other men of the troop, be bas sevoral hours' leavo. His half brothers are Emantiel, duke of AoGta; Victor, count of Turin, and Louis, duko of tho Abrtml. once tha reputed flanco of MIbs Knthorino Kl kins. Tho duko of the Abruzxl now commands Italy's fleet In the Adri atic. Tho count of S:ilemnl Is the only son of Princess Letitla. Ilo has been In disprace for several years, though the real story Is known to only the most Intimate courtiers Whflo at the Naval college be committed some youthful Indiscretion, of which even his fellow cadets had but a vague Idea, and tho King sent him Into cxllo. For several years ho wondered through Europe, spending months In Russia, the Balkans, Portugal and Spain. Always shy and retiring, never knowing whnt to do with bis great stature and bis bands, a splendid lin guict, Eimplo In manners, he became a favorite In RuEslan society. MYhon tho war broko out he wanted to serve his country, lie begged the Line to allow blra to return. "Yes," came tho answer, "but you must serve as a simple soldier If you como back to Italy." He camo back and was drafted Into the cavalry guides and sent to the front. When the regiment returned for a few weeks he went with It to the llttlo town of Voglicra, Its bead quarters, lie Is now returning with It to flnht; but this lime tbe regiment fights on foot. Tho duke of Salemnl performs the Famo duties as his humbler comrades, and has become so popular that their affection quite- embarrasses him some times. For Instanco, when he was go ing to visit the headquarters ot an other regiment in Voghera they called out a guard of honor to receive him. "What's tho meaning of this?" shouted an ofliccr who happened In. The count murmured that he sup posed It was for him. He asked his comrades never to do such a thing again. While at tho front he dlsttngnlihed himself by coolness in handling a quick-firing gun. On ono occasion, when tho men around him were hard pressed, he saved tho situation by ral- Uie Rice as Dread. At ono tnoal a Jap will eat threo or four bowls of rice, each half as large again as a largo breakfast cup, In addi tion to hla other food, tho rice bolng merely an accessory like bread. Joy of Boyhood. One of the Joys of life to the boys of a small town Is to have a pretty girl como from the city to visit the sister of one of them for a week. Toledo-Blade. 'lng them, Medals for A B C Diplomats, Miss Janet Scudder, ono of the lending sculptors of this country, will design the threo gold medals which are to bo presented by the United States to Ambassadors Naon of Argen tina; Da C a nm of Brazil and Suarei of Chile, commonly known as tho "A B C mediators." Secretary Lansing awarded the designing to Jdiss Scud der. Tho medal will bear an Inscription stating that they aro presented to the ambassadors "fur their generous serv ices an mediators In the controversy between the government of the Unit ed States and the leaders ot the war ring parties ot tho Republic ot Mex ico." Miss Scudder lives In New York and takes a prominent part In suffrage work. Borrowing a Piano. Suburbanites aro Indulging In vari ous co-operative measures In their thirst for economy, and neighbors are getting accustomed to an extension of the borrowing principle. But one man, who lives not far from Man chester, at least thinks the Idea has gono too far. Ho was surprised the otlior day by a request for the loan of a piano by a neighbor who was giv ing a musical evening to some friends. "I have a patriotic reason," he ex plained, "na 1 have sold my piano to buy Exchequer bonds." When ho was refused he played another card. "Woll, perhaps," he said, "you wouldn't mind me bringing my friends here for some music." Manchester Guardian. Plan to Domesticate Mink. Tho United States department of ag riculture will attempt to domestical! the mink which has been bred spo radically In captivity for fifty year or so. Tho large number of typea of American mink, no less than ten, prove It to bo a "plastic" animal, and the governmental purpose Is to devel op a higher and more valuable type than any ot those now known. Youngster's Neat Hint There was some sparkling red elder In tho Ice box and little Alfred spied It He wanted some, but could think of no way of getting It eifctpt by di rect request. Ho glanced at sinter and then back at tbe elder, remark ing: "My, every time 1 look at that cider I feel so Jolly!" Not Likely to Be Done. To remove the water or the raclfle ocean It would require the filling of a tank a mile wide, n mile deep and a mile long every day tor 440 year.