TBI FT7LT0H COUNTY KKWI, KeOOHNZLLSBtTltO, PA. INTERESTING' PARMKAPUS The annual May Meeting at the Sideling Hill Baptist Church will be held on Saturday and Sunday, May 6th and 7 th. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shoemak er, of Ft Littleton spent last Sunday with Wm. Bivens and family, East Lincoln Way. John Rex Irwin, a Lafayette College senior spent his Easter vacation in the home of his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin. Miss Lena Brinkley. of Harris burg, is spending a few days in the home of her stepfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mc Lucas. Mrs. Mollie Snyder and two children, of Harrisburg, are visit ing in the home of Mollie 's moth er, Mrs. Conrad Gress on North First street Howard W. Truax, of Sharpe, was in town yesterday, taking out some employers' liability in surance. There's where your profits go. Will Dalbey and wife and little daughter spent last Sunday in the home of Will's parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Dalbey, West Lincoln Way. Miss Mary B. Trout returned home last Sunday evening after having spent several week in the home of her brother Dr. Clarence N. Trout In Red Lion, Pa. County Commissioner Schooley of Licking Creek township, and Peter Guillard, of Wells Valley, each purchased a Dodge car at the Linn garage this week. Mrs. Neil Gillespie, of Pitts burgh, was a guest in the home of Hon. and Mrs. D. H. Patter son at Webster Mills from Thurs day until Saturday of last week. Harry Clouser who has a nice job in one of the Shoe Factories it Carlisle, spent last Sunday jvith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Clouser West Lincoln Way. Charlie Goldsmith went to Bal timore Monday to make purchase of an extensive line of novelties and staple articles to add to his already complete store on the "hill" opposite the Public School juilding. The District Sabbath School convention for Ayr township will be held in the Big Cove Tannery Lutheran church Sunday, May 7th, afternoon and evening. Each school in the district is supposed 'x be represented by the superin tendent and two delegates. After having spent ten days with her daughter Mazie at Lam bertville, N. J., Mrs. Geo. B. Mellott returned home Tuesday evening. Mazie and her little daughter started to accompany Mrs. Mellott home, but she was obliged to stay in Philadelphia a few days on account of her poor health. Jane the Hta. Get ready to enjoy a great evening of1 entertainment on the night of June 17th in the High School Hall. A musical company and special reader from Johnstown will be here. Proceeds for improvements of the High School. Under Auspices of C. L. S. C. i WELLS TANNERY. Mrs. Margaret Baser is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Peters in Setauket, M. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bivena spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Everett. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moseby and chil dren are visiting relatives in Fan nettsbnrg. Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Swope spent Sunday with the latter '8 parents, Mr.- and Mr 8. Bert Shaw at New Grenada. On Tuesday evening, May 2nd, Dr. James Dalling will be install ed pastor of the Presbyterian church at Wells Tannery. The sermon will be preached by Rev. Daubenapeck, of Huntingdon, and the charges delivered by Rev. E L Kennedy, of Or bisoma and Rev. S. Moody, of Williams burg. A number of prominent men of Huntingdon, Pa , includ ing the Superintendent of tne H & B. T. railroad, tne super visor, a civil engineer, their at torney, and a prominent coal operator, visited Wells Valley ast Tdursday with a view to es tablish a railroad from Sandy Run to Wells Tannery, and to lo cate an opening for the working of the Wmhart coal mines. It begins to look like VI1b Tannery would bfl very much upon the map at no very distant day. Dr. Frank Guillard, of' Breeze wood, was colled to the Valley last Saturday to see bis sister Mary, who Is very critically ill. Miss Zola Ritchie, of Breeze wood, has come to stay with Mrs G E Truax. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Reese and daughter, of Altoona, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. DeniHar. Ross Stains and family of New Grenada, drove to our town last Saturday to lay in their spring sUpply of household necessities from Baumgardner & Co. Lawrence, son of J. A. Horton, met with a painful accident last Friday. While ont with one of Baumgardner'a teams, be acci len tally fell from the wagon and wheel passed over one of bis 'eet, terribly mashing it Mr. ind Mrs Harry llelsel went to SixmileRun Sunday to see a sick sister. Mr. and Mrs. John Klutz, of Bakers Summit, are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Swope. Needmore Summer School. A summer school will be con ducted at Needmore, Pa., begin ning Monday, May 8th, and con tinuing eight weeks. Special at tention will be directed to the preparation of teachers, but any of the higher subjects will be giv en those who may wish to qualify for Professional or Permanent Certificates. Superintendent Thomas will conduct a Provisional Certificate examination at the close of the term. Good boarding can be had at very reasonable rates. Tuition will be seven dollars for tne term. The work will be strong and practical The following text books will be used: Reed and Kellogg's Grammar; Brooks' Written Arithmetic; Hull's Mental; Went- worth's New School Algebra; Shimmell's Civics; Bag ley's School Discipline; Cornell's Phy sical Geography; and any good History. Geography or Physiolo gy you may happen to have. tor further information, write Blanche O.PECK,Chambersburg Pa., or Wilbert D. Peck, Leb anon Valley College, Annville, Pa. SHAPIRO BROTHERS ORBISONIA, PA. Notice is hereby given to the general Public, that DUE BILLS issued by the former firm of Sha piro Bros, prior to March 11, 1916, must be returned for mer chandise exchange or otherwise by June 10, 1916. X shall not honor the above upon holders failing to comply to above. Signed, MYER SHAPIRO, Successor. BROOKSIDE CASTO The pedleree of the stallion. Perch- eron, name, "Urookside Casio" own ed by Burnt Cabins Horse Co., de scribed as follows: Weight Uou pounds, height 16 hands, color Roan, Is cert i lied to be registered In Perch on Stud Book of America, No. (Si, 49. Foaled la 1906, has been exam ined, is Improved and licensed to stand for service in Pennsylvania. The said Stallion la certified by Veterinarian, Stud Book re cognized in the U. S. Department of Agriculture Dated at Harrisburg this 17th day of April 1916. State Li cense, No. 401. C. J. MARSHALL, See. State Live Stock San. Bd. The above described stallion is cer tified as free from herdltary conta gious or transmissible unsoundness, or disease by Carl W. Gay, in charge of Horse Breeding. This horse will stand lor service during the season of 1916 as follows: At Burnt Cabins Monday, May 1st until Thursday evening and every al ternate week thereafter; at David Mor ton's in Ayr township. Monday and Tuesday, May 8th and 9th and every alternate wees: thereafter, and at John Nesbit's the remainder of the time. TERMS Icsnrance $10.00 Colt to stand and suck. It is made a part of these terms, which are accepted by anyone whose mares are served, that when a mare is parted with, either be fore, or after she is known to be with foal; or having been once served and not with foal and not returned for further service shall pay the full in surance money, the same as if a living colt had been foalod. Due oare will be taken to preveut accidents, but we will not be responsible for such should they occur. S. E. GILLILAND, Pres. J. C. McGOWAN, Sen Burnt Cabins, Pa. True Economy . means the wixipendlng of one's money nuking every doflif do full duty lad getting in return an article that will satisfy you In every wy. . WHITE . is a real bargain becauic it is sold at a popular pricci because it gives you the kind of sewing you delight lot because it will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life tlms of satisfactory services because its improvements will enable you to do things which can't be dons on any other machine) because it will please you with its fins finish and beauty of its furniture. In short you will find the White reliable and desirable from every point of view. Be sure to sec the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good a machine the Whit is. If there is no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. T do not sell to catalog bouses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle tJlxchiotu WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, Ot For Sale at the Iritn Store. KcConnellsburg, Fa re the products f mora than 80 years' experience. Four brands 76 Special Motor Auto Power Without Carbon Waveriy gasolines are all distilled end refined from Pennsylvania Crude OH. Clean, Uniform. More miles per gallon. Contain no crude com pressed natural gaa product. VereriyOH WeraeCe., ruubueih, fe. laUsndnl Refiners lUamlnants Lubricants rareaiaa Was Waveriy Products Sold by B. H. SHAW, HUSTONTOWN. PA. Mutual Profit, the Foundation of Permanent Success The Cplt;rr-Jonii Cumn.in bHIwa th .1 pfrnx m-n: inccnt In l tic Invt tm nt hn l w c.ntKii Ui itun 14 on itii)i eon i u-mttoni nr t if intf utnifc for proii. -bill" cm ruue only mi the n ttutt.1 ic4ull ot Valuable, lomiruw-tive nvice. Out prr-pm'tvnt micccm 4iir!nt 1'ia put 1 1 y?n In Wa fourulJ oil l tuU'Ii' l. Wi it iv.' iMivf ii:d :t nore ripiilly lur rnu.u nlo vly luit In dirc.t ritu I t i; pnip-rfity o grtMt m mul l turii ntvpritt w li iv fin un. sin 1 tlut ut Hie 10,000 invtMu.ti to w.um v. iuvckulil .v:u.iiii! Tiif r Inv-nt'iff; hnvc purchi"l niri t .W.OOI, pir v.ili , of MTfiTii- l t h i,i t i.r r.vumuun J jUou witiuut lotun.1 a dollar oi iiiiK!kil or iuojinc. We hnveju-t nuWUhcd a very IntTettlnt J2pibooli tint si vriluaU" irMitfcn ta th rrlrn;e hbr.iry m i-II wl,. are i ntnteioi in tl.c iiluii,ul g.uuta u( the MitMl. West. If you li:ve $'00 or more ft Invert, we will vlly n you c jjiy tf thU pnMk- til ii . Ji'iU tvt'H'iite or nMtt iti u if you will nil u h iL cant U-aiini. vimr iwitu unj ftildre. The Ceiger-Jones Co. Industrial Stcurlltet Renkert Building Canton, Ohio C. I.. ;RIMM. Rcpmrnlatln. Nwlll, P.. THE HILL STORE C. E. Goldsmith In the City this week looking up some nice new things for the HILL STORE Watch this space here alter. It will be to your advantage. The Hill Store. New Real Estate Agency. Having retired from the Mercantile business with a view to giving his entire attention to Real Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any one having real estate for sale, or wanting to buy. His thorough acquaintance with values and conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long and successful experience in handling Real Es tate, makes impossible for him to bring about results in the shortest possible time.; " Write, or call on, D. H. PATTERSON, WEBSTER MILLS, PA. P I HtlaTlrtm lllaall Spring and Summer Millinery - Having spent some time in the eastern cities carefully selecting one of the largest lines of Spring and Summer Millinery and fancy goods that we have ever purchas ed at any onetime, we now haveallkinds of hats made of straw, hemp, leghorn.chip and fancy braids, in all shapes and colors; also, ribbons and flowers in all colors at prices to suit one and all. We would be glad to have you come in and look over our display of goods. No troublejxo show goods .whether you buy or not. Little's Millinery. GEO. B. MELLOTT'S HARDWARE NEWS The busy season is just ahead of those who expect t" accomplish anything in the way of building a house or bar a or any other kind of building, aid they are beginning to wonder where to buy their hardware. Those who are engaged in larming and who contemplate buy ing some machinery, are beginning to figure out just what tney will need in the implement line, and where to buy it. Now, just a word to you. It will pay you to come and see me be fore you buy. I 8 ell the following farm implements: Deering Binders, Reapers, Mowers and Rakes. The Deering binders have the broken axle tongue truck this year, a great im provement. Hench and Dromgold Grain Drill and the Empire Grain Di 111, Spring Tooth, Peg Tooth, and Perry Harrows, Hench and Dromgold Corn flows walking and riding; Bix shovel Economy Lime Spreaders. Triple shovel plows, etc. The following is a partial list of other goods I have m stock all the time: Plow shares Shovel plow blades all sizes Spring barrow teeth Stone hammers Napping hammers All Steel Picks and Mattocks Pick handles and hammer handle Manure forks and pitch iorks Crow bars Garden hoes and rakes Mowing scythes and snaths A complete line of hand saws Simond cross cut saws Baystate cross-cut saws Garden spades Scoops and shovels Cutting boxes Majestic washing machines Wringers Ice cream freezers Horse collars and collar pads Strap hinges all sizes Barn-door track and hangers Lawn mowers Tie rope Buggy whips Mica axle grease Plumbing supplies Hose bibbs Stop and wastes Etls, tees and nipples Unions Wheelbarrows Wire nails and cut nails Hay form and rope Garden spades - Bench screws Jenkins and Crane valves Pumps and galvanized pipe Augers and bandies for same Braces and brace bits Separator oil Linseed oil Linseed meal, guaranteed pure Trace chains, halter chains and cable, Hatchets Nail hammers Ferriers hammers Horse rasps, and files Curry combs and brushes Monkey wrenches Alligator wrenches Pipe wrenches Rubber roofing Galvanized roofing Bolts all sizes Washers for bolts Hinge nails Galvanized roof nails Horse shoes and mule shoes Poultry netting Galvanized wire screen Fly wire, black an galvanized Akron gasoline lamps Shoe lasts and stands Mouse traps Putty and window glass; and many oth er things too small to mention. SPECIAL I have just bought some Security Calf Food which is guaranteed to take the place of whole fresh cow's milk for calves and pigs. You can veal a calf, if fed properly with this food, in from four to five weeks old. This food is something entirely new for this community and I positively believe it will pay any one who is feeding calves to try it. Money refunded if it does not give satisfaction. Thanking the people for all the past favors and hoping for a con tinuation of your patronage, I beg to remain Yours truly, GEORGE B. MELLOTT REISNER'S Spring Announcement. While prices on everything are soaring, we are glad to announce that ' on account of early and extensive purchases, we can give our patrons the benefit of old prices, which will soon seem surprisingly low. Note the following: FLOOR COVERING A nice assortment of Floor Covering in Carpets, Mattings and Rugs. Some of these goods cannot be duplicated on account of color ing matter. Our prices are same as last year while they last; Mattings, 12 cents to 25 cents; matting rugs, 20 to 39 cents; 1.50 to 2.50. A lot of very PRETTY SUITINGS and waistings 25 to 50 cents new and pretty. All our wooIenJDress Goods will go at old prices, a saving to you of 10 to 25 cents a yard. A large line of DRESS GINGHAMS at 10 and 12 1-2 cents last year's prices. Percales 10 and 12 1-2 cents a yard. We will have a splendid assortment of MEN'S CLOTHING at old prices, but we cannot duplicate any of this season's good at old prices. . SHOES Shoes at last season's prices with few exceptions a slight rise. . SWall Papers lots of them as cheap as last year. Please call. George W. Reisner & Co., McConnellsburg, Penn'a. Executor's Notice. Batata of Mrs. Abble LmshODg, lata of Bel fast towonblp, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on the abort estate Daring been granted to tba undersigned, all persona Indebted to the aald estate are re quested to malt) payment, and those baring olalms to preaent the same without delay. R. R. SIPES. - Mt HarrUwavUle, Pa FULTON OOTJWTY NEWS . is the .people's paper. $100 a Tear in Advanco.