THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURO, PA. Meat Makes Bad Kidneys Too much meat ii juit m bad as not enough. 8uch diet ii apt to load th blood with urlo acid and to injure the kidneys. Bad back, blue, nerou pells, dirainess, rheumatio pains, and bladder troubles indicate weak kidney, foretell danger of gravel end Bright's dimn. ' Don't neglect this condition. Um Doan'i Kidney Fills. A Virginia Cue BtmvMetanriUi J. F. Thomas, ZT Aw' Roxbury St., Clifton Forga, Vs., says: "Urlo acid had poisoned my system and I was emaciated and bad lost the. use of my limbs. The muscle of my back seemed to be contracted and I was In agony. Three days after I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. I felt better and In a short time was able to get around. My kid neys got normal, I gained thirty pounds and all the ailment left me." DOAN'S V FOJTER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. T. Nothing to Brag Of. "lie's boon thirty-five year In the same position." "He ought to be ashamed of him self." Important to Mothers Rxamlne carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a sate and euro remedy for Infanta and children, and 3ee that It Ttnrfl ttia mf yr j, . . Signature of LztZT-CUcil. In Dse for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoris The thing that worries a rich mnn bj that some of his friends are richer. Some girls bleach their hair In or der to get a fair show. YAGER'S LINIMENT For Horse Lameness Yager's liniment is a stable necessity for tpavin, galls, boils, sprain, strained ligaments, sweeny, wounds, cuts and (welling. "Bott Ltnlmant on tha Mr. Bert Martin, Weslev, Pa. sad a hnru go lams from a train two months ago and tried tour d.flerenc kind of liniment on htm and he did not set much better. I got a bottle of Yager's Liniment and he is better al ready. I think it it on of the beat liaimemts oa the market.'! At all dnalen An eight ounce battle fur 2Sc Prepared by Mai-kat" writest MI GILBERT BROS. A CO, Baltimore, Ml The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. hirely vegetable "-act surely and rtnuy on U liver. Cure Biliousness, Head ache, Dizzi ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Gold Breezes Cause Sneezes and warn yon that you are taking cold. Don't let it scttla in your head or throat Drive it out with Ilale'i Honey of Horchound and Tar. Clears head and throat and relieves coughs and hoarseness. All druggists, 25cta a bottle. aaa II adM mia tr Plk.' Teeducaa Draaa Why not do something for your t orus, t allou, llunluns, mid A chine, Ttrwd, Teud.r, Sweaty, Swollen A hot foot bath with , JOHNSON'S FOOT SOAP 111 rellare tarn at once and make lire worts Ulng. Tb aafa and inn remedy composed of " old and reliable lug-red IrntM-Borax. lotllna, ml Bran, Be per cults at first elanadrugg-lats "nt pn paid on receipt of tha price by the atinfiictuivrs. THOMAS GILL SOAP CO, m ill Meat Ara Braoklya, M. I. CRIVEMALARIAOUTOFTHESYSTEM AOOOD TOWIQ AND APrETIZER DAISYFLYKILLER tSS VttSZ S l. "mi, olaaa, r. 1 Dammtai.roB.etuant, p. laata ail eesson. MaSaof nalal, caatiplll or tip wi will set soil at lujara anrlhlnf. Quaraataad 1R.U1, AlldaaUraartaMl sipmm pais for (l.M. onus, ih Da Xalk Are., SrMlIra, . , PACKER'S HAIR BALSAM A tnllat nranararlen of marti, Ujm ta aradtoaM daadralL Far Raatoruis Cola aad B toGray or Fadad Hair IK and Sl.oo at Ommrt.ta, Fruit, VeetaMa F'f " ' Ml VjL-'lDIt Hliluto u and PoHr. I ft blah- uaUMto, kUraSaiMa, II Heads u, New lork 2S FORFnTrnrr.reaMofehapiM.mnski aainira th. -i.'T. oulhnlA' " u( saalnirn, aatac illiLi il',llliM " ra. Amita """al San B..U Santa.. W-K aia. . PfllllTDV !"" hlna Itrw tarn" WOl a a. PATCIITO ?"',tOolrm.Wak- W- N. U, BALTrMORsC'rioTuVw. 1M .Inc. mm f iPurvrrrVcF FEET I -T." Ka. . -auu "The clay breakelh; the flee away." LEWIS CARROLL'S EASTER GREETING Sentiment by Author of "Alice ," and Her Friends, the White Rabbit and the Beloved Cheshire Cat. FORTY years ago Lewis Carroll wrote to his many little friends "An Easter Greeting; to Evory uniia wuo Lores Alice." The ar fectlonato, oarnest words so charac- terlstlc of Iter. C. I. Dodgson and so unexpectedly serious from tlio author of the Whlto Rabbit and the Mock Turtle were printed on a tiny open sheet of paper autograph, and In scribed with the Christian name of every child to whom It was sent on Easter ove. It read as follows: Dear Child: Please to fancy, If you can, that you are reading a real letter, from a real friend hom you have seen, and whose voice you can seem ,to yourself to bear wishing ycu, as I do now with all my heart, a happy Easter, Do you know that-delicious dreamy feeling when one first wakes on a sum mer morning, with the twitter of birds In the air and the fresh breeze coming In at the open window when, lying lazily with eyos half shut, ono sees as If In a dream green boughs waving or waters rippling In a golden light? It Is a pleasure very near to sadness, Dringing tears to ono a eyes like a beautiful picture or poem. And Is not that a mother's gontle band that un draws your curtains and a mother's sweet voice that summons you to rise? To rise and forget, In the bright sun light, the ugly dreams that frightened you so when all was dark to rise and enjoy anothor happy day, first kneel Ing to thauk that unpeon friend who sends you the beautiful sun? And these strange words from a writer of such tales as "Alice"? And is mis a strange letter to end In a book of nonsense? It may bo so. Some persons may blame me for this mixing together things grave and gay; others may smile and think it odd that any one should speak of solemn things at all, except In church and on a Sunday: but I think nay, I am sure that some children will read this gently and ov Ingly and In the spirit In which I bave written It. For I do not believe God means us thus to divide life Into two halves to wear a grave face on Sunday and to think It outof place to even so much as mention him on a week day. Do you think he cares to see enly kneel ing figures and to hear only tones of prayer and that he does not also love to see the lambs leaping In the sun light, and to hear the merry voices of the children as they roll among the bay? Surely their Innocont laughter Is as sweet to his ears as tho grandest anthem that ever rolled up from tho "dim religious light" of some solemn cathedral! And If I have wrltton anything to add to these stories of Innocent and REASONABLE DOUBT The Lady I wonder If be loves me for myself alone or 'cause I got a slew nf Easter ergs. LOOK OUT FOR BLACK BEETLE Re on the lookout for the black beetle which does such deadly work among the asters. Don't let a day go by without an Inspection of your plants, for If he comes, and bis pres ence Is not discovered at once, be will accomplish his fell purpose before you are aware. I bave had plants ruined In a day by the ravages of this most destruc tive creature. ' As soon as one la dis covered, prepare an Infusion of soap morning coraelh; Lhe ehadowi healthy amusement that are laid up In books for the children I love to look back upon without shame and sorrow (as how much of 11 To must then be recalled!) when my turn comes to walk through the valley of shadows. Till j Easter sun will rlso on you, dear child, "feeling your Ufa In every limb," and eager lo rush Into the fresh morning air and many an Easter day will ccmo and go before It finds you feeble and gray-headed, creeping wearily out to bask more In the sun lightbut It Is good, even now, to think somotlmes of that great morning when the "Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing In his wings." Surely your gladness need not bo the loss for the thought that you will ono day see a brighter dawn than this- when lovelier sights will meet your eyes than any waving trees or rippling waters when angel-bands shall un draw your curtains, and sweeter tones than ever loving mother breathed shall wake you to a new and glorious day and when all the sadness, and the sin, that darkened life on this little earth shall be forgotten like tho dreams of a night that Is past! Your affectionate friend, LEWIS CARROLL, EaBtcr. 187C. Once more the air h toft with spring; Once more the field are fresh with bloom; Once more the birds about us sing And Nature, bursting from her tomb, Into another life new born IValica on this resurrection mom. IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRIES Easter Celebrations Have Their Own Arrangements, Which Reflect the People's Ideas. Throughout Cuba and Central Amer ica, the presence of soldiers dignities the clumsy qualntness of the Easter celebrations. Crowds gather early in the plains to watch the life-sized, waxen Image of Jesus borne out of the cathedral on a hlGb-drapod platform. Acolytes, bearing censers, precede It, and behind it trail clouds of priests, bands, and Hags. The procession moves slowly through a main thor oughfare until It meets a second fig' ure, resplendent In blue paint, curls, and finery. There Is a pause as the two figures confront each other. Then the second Mary Magdalene Is turned laboriously about and gallops away with Its Joyful nows. It en counters a third figure painted yellow and decked with gold, as befits the I.attn-Amerlcan conception of the Vir gin Mary. With tho gilded figure lcad Ing, tho two Marys trot back through tho crowded streets to tho first Image, As tho three moct, tholr draped rlat' forms tip forward In solemn, silent bows, while thousands of awed be Hovers watch In sllonco. Forming Into line, the throe images are borne back to the cathedral, the troops fire salvo, and the Easter services begin. Tokens of Spring. The husbandman that la tho man whose agricultural ability bands the households of the world together In one great family to be fod by him stands before the tiny Spring Beau ties, the Hepatlcas, the Blood Roots, the Adder's Tongue and the other first appearing lilies of tho field, encour aged, heartened, Inspired. If these delicate little visitors came tip from the cold, dark soli, after winter's ter rors had had their way with it, why so would bis wheat and other grains, his potatoes and other roots, como up again with enhanced potentialities, It he should commit them to the earth I EASTER THOUGHT From Prejudice, Bitterness, Un kindliness, Deliver Me. Make me Charitable In Thought Slow to Condemn, and May My Heart and Soul be Free of the Poison of Malice, Intolerance, Bigotry and Hate. AMEN. -John T. Mccutcbaoa la im Huso Cel. casa Tribune. and kerosene after the following form ula: Soap, one-half pound and a tea cupful of korosene. Shave the soap finoly and pour hot water over It. Set It on the stovf to become liquid. When melted bring It to a boll, and add the kerosene Stir woll until on emulsion results. To one part of this Bmulalon add ten parts of water. Spray tho plants all over with the mixture. If this Is used as soon as the first boetle puts In as appenranco. It will generally prevent others from coming. SiiisrsaiooL Lesson (By E. O. BELLERfl, Actlnf Director of PiindriT School Course of the Moody Bible Institute, Chics ro.) Copyright, 11, Wtsttm Niwrrapor Union.) LESSON FOR APRIL 23 EASTER LESSON. LE680N TEXT-I Cor. 1i:l-H. GOLDEN TEXT-Now hath Christ been raised from the dead, the first fruits of tlism that asleep, I Cor. lt:20. If teachers can Impress Indelibly upon the minds of their scholars the fact that Jeius rose from the dead and Is as truly alive today as when walk ing the hills of Galilee this repetition of the Easter story will not be In vain. For the pupils to take notes of the points of the argument and to recite upon those notes at the end of the class hour would greatly help to fix the facts In tbelr minds. This account considered today Is perhaps the old est written record we bave of this great fact, written about 56 A. D., hence the significance of verse six. 1. The Triumphant Fact (vs. 1-4). If Christian workers would be more fa miliar with this passage they would more Intelligently understand what the term "Gospel" means. The fact of the resurrection loomed largor In Paul's mind than the virgin birth; the former was and Is the greater miracle. This, one of the supreme chapters of tho Bible, tells us what the Gospel Is, and what Its rosults are to be. (1) What It Is. Not a new cure for tubor culosls, nor a new social environment, but the good news of one who was God Incarnate (Paul does not use his earth ly name Jesus), Christ the Anointed One, who died for our sins Just as the Scriptures had foretold, and was bur led. On the third day, "according to the Scriptures," He rose again and la now and ever shall bo alive. Any Go pel that Ignores the Incarnation, pas sion and resurrection of Jesus Is false to the Scriptures and a lie. (2) The result of preaching or testifying to this great program Is twofold: first, salvation, "saved, restored to right relations with God;" and second, per severance, "wherein ye stand." The "God-story," good news, evangel or Bospcl they are all the same Is "the power of God unto salvation," and thi strong doctrine of the resurrection will canso men to walk straight, to stand upright "Chrltt died for my sins according to the Scriptures" (I so. 63:6-10). II. Witnesses to the Fact (vs. 6-12) Paul (v. J) rocelved the resurrection truth from many witnesses, whom he proceeds to enumerate, for It was not a matter of his own Invention. The In credulity of the disciples at the first Is frankly recorded (Luke 24:12). Je sus did not appoar first to John, Pllata or the Sanhedrln, but to a woman, and the change of the apostlos from a spirit of despair to that of confident. Joyous certainty was most astonishing. Thore are eleven recorded appear ances of Jesus after bis resurrection, and not one of tbom was niado to his enemies. Paul does not mention all of the appearances. Ho Is probably naming only those persons, witnesses of his appearances, with whom ha had conversed, or at least a few from each group. (1) Peter, referred to Indirect ly In Luke 24:84; (2) tho apostles, to be exact, the first ton, Judas bolni dead and Thomas absent; (3) the apos tles with Thomas present; (4) five, hundred, the only record of this great company, though perhaps Implied In tho "brethren" of Matt 23:10. "Half a thousand witnesses are enough to establish any case." Of these tho greater number were allvo twenty-five years after the event; (5) James, prob ably our Lord's brother, the honored head of tho Jerusalem church; (6) "Then all the apoRtlcs," a larger cir cle than the twelve (see Luke 28:48, Acts 1:6-8). This may have been th appearance In the morn at the Sea ol Galilee; (7) "me eltso." The wlnnlni of the persecutor who had looked upon this wild tale of a crucified and I risen teacher as a sacrilege and a dis grace to his nation, Is the most signal and significant triumph of tha Chris tian faith.. The Damascus road vic tory was far more portentlous than any other battle of history. That vr slon converted Paul and supported blm amidst the most astounding trials and testings. "Out of due Reason, like an abortive child, like a child ol untimely birth, Paul was unworthy ol the name of a child. He bad soon the martyr Stephen dio, he had persecuted those who believed, and although for given by God, yot he was filled with a lifelong regret for his misused in fluence and misspent years. Thero fore ho terms himself, "least of the apostles." But he Is saved and through the grace of God can ex claim, "I am what I am." The evV dence of the resurrection Is more pre ponderant and definite than the his toiio evidence we have that Caesai Augustus or Abraham Lincoln ever lived. It Is a greater strain upon hu man Intelligence not to believe thli fact than It Is to deny the evidence ol wireless telegraphy. III. The Fact Applied, (vs. 13-20). The Corinthians, to whom Paul wai writing, did not deny Christ's Immor tallty, but seemed to deny that the tame power which bad raised htm could be applied to us who are only human. Pan! answers this by present lng four arguments: (1) The , resurrection of Christ proves the possibility of the resurreo tlon from the dead, If only of Jesua The Sadducees taught the contrary The Stoics taught that the dead wert re-absorbed In God. To aay Christ Ii not risen It to claim death as annihila tion, to destroy faith In Jesut (v. 14) and to impugn the testimony of thost who had seen him (v. IE). A dead Christ means dead Christians (v. 17) and our heaviest sorrow will U to toe I The American Christian and the Times in Which By REV. JAMES M. GRAY, D.D. Dean ol tha Moody Blbla IoaUtute ol Chiugo TEXT And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: that ye be not trou blod; for tliese things must conic to puns, but the end Is not yet. For nullon shall rise BKUlnet nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Matthew 2:, 7. Never within the memory of living man did these words of our Savior find such fulfillment as today. Where there Is not actual war thore Is ru mor of It. Al ready more than a d o t e n nations, and among them the greatest In tho eastern h e ra I s phero, aro In con flict, while two or three more are on tho verge of It Dut It Is the conditions In our land that most deeply ocupy our thoughts. No mat- tor what our politics, we will not af firm that our chief magistrate Is mere alarmist; and therefore when be makes such speeches and utters such warnings as occupied him for time last winter, It Is difficult to be lieve that our peace Is not seriously Imperiled. ' What Is Our Christian Duty? What Is tho duty of the American Christian In such times? Of course, we have in mind the Christian citizen who has a duty and responsibility to the state and to God not shared by others, howevor sympathetic they may be. I. His first duty Is to become Intel ligent as to what the situation Is. How vast Is the scope of his lnvestl gat Ion? Should we Interfere In Mex ico? Do our relations with any of the other foreign countries demand that we should prepare for war? And are we prepared for war, as some say? And Is It true that to be any more prepared Is to provoke war Those are not speculative questions, but stern realities. They are not worldly, there Is a sense In which they come very close to the center of our religious life. Good men are considering them, there Is earnest dif fcrence of opinion ahout them, and sooner or later we must cast our In fluenco one side or the other. This must bo done In the light of God's Word as we understand It; and It must be done, not merely with the thought of results In the present time, but In that day when we must give account to God for the deeds done In tho body. 2. His next duty Is to exercise the rights and privileges, nay, the sacred obligations, of a citizen. Humanly speaking, ours Is a "government of tho people, by the pooplo and for the peo ple," and wo cannot waive tho re sponsibilities It entails without Invit ing disaster. We have a responsibili ty to express our opinions if we pos sess any. The pross Is open to many, the use of the pen In private corre spondence, and, thank God, speech Is still free. Not In anger should we dlaeuas these questions, not In the spirit of partisanship, not to foment strife or to make a breach between men, but as Chrlstlons who wish their country to bo right ond to pleano God, wo should bear our testimony when occasion serves. And then there Is the sacred right of franchise at the primary as well as the general election. The Lack of Prayer. 3. This brings us to his chief duty, that of prayer. Real, Intelligent, spirit-energized prayer for our land and Its rules Is not common even In our pulpits, outside of the liturgical churches, at least, and Is still less common at the weekly prayer meet ing. And Inasmuch as the family al tar has so fallen Into neglect one wonders how much prayer Is offered anywhere, and by anyono? And yet are the home, the church and the school of all places In the world, those where tho highest and best of our na tion are to be kept In view? Ono could not but be struck by a remark of Admiral Bentty of the Ilrltlsh navy, who, In addressing a communication to a London society some months ago, said, that In his opinion, the present war would not be brought to an end, and his country come off victorious, until the latter was stirred by a general revival. He Is not tho only leader In that nation who believes her present afflictions are In some sense a Judgment upon her for her sins. And how truly may tho same be said for any or all of the other nations now engARed In war? Genoral Grant in his "Memoirs" do- Clares that our Civil war was a Judg ment npon us for our previous conduct toward Mexico. God punishes nations ss he does Individuals, only they must get all thrtt Is coming to them now, while Individuals may have the worst of theirs In the time to come. And yot the punishment of nations Is that of the Individuals who com pose them, hence It Is the moot prac tical and moving rosson why Christians of the United States should beseech the Lord not only to kocp us out of war, but out of that sin wh!ch must bring war. The Comfort In the Text But there Is comfort In the text "Soe that ye be not troubled." This belongs to the sincere disciple of Jesus Christ. There la such a thing for him as being In the trouble and yet not of It He cannot but experi ence sorrow, and loss and pain, but there are compensations tor him that the world knows nothing of. And tfcen that "end" of which the Savior speaks! Before It comes, he niawe'i win como for his redeemed people, who will be caught up to meet mm in the air. Oh. It il n blessed thing to bo a Christian, and never Ii tho comfort gToator than in auoh timsi VT 1 1 Mir 6W tCODm These Three Women Tell How They Escaped the Dreadful Ordeal of Surgical Operations. . Hospitals are great and necessary institutions, but they should be the last resort for women who suffer with ills Deculiar to their sex. Many letters on file in the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., prove that a great number of women after they have been recommended to submit to art' operation have been made well by Lydia E. Pinkham 's' Vegetable Compound. Here are three such letters, Al sick women should read them. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Marinette. he told mo I trouble, and I married only a pains and my time. I took Mr. , V jS mm with female troubles that I could not do anything, and our doctor, said I would have to undorpro an operation. I could hardl walkj without help so when I read about the Vegetable Compound and what. It had done for others I thought I would try it. 1 got a bottle off Lydia K I'inkham's Vegetable Compound and a package of Lydia E.I Pinkham's Sanative Wash and used them according to directions.: They helped me and today I nm able to do all my work and I am well. Mrs. Tuos. Dwter, 039 Milwaukee Ave, East, Detroit, Mich. Bellovuc, Fa. " I suffered more than torque can tell with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and they all told mo the same story, that I never could get well without an operation and I just dreaded tho thought of that, I also tried a good many other medicines that were recommended to mo and none of them helped me until a friend advised mo to give Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. The first bottle helped, I kept taking it and now I don't know what it is to bo sick any more and I am picking up in weight I am 20 years old and weigh Ho pounds. It will be the greatest pleasure to me if I can have the oppor tunity to recommend it to any other suffering woman." Miss Ikens Fboelicher, 1923 Manhattan St, North Side, Bellcvue, I'a. If you would like special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co. (confidential ),Lynn, Masi. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and beld in strict contidence. Little Mistake. An oIJ Keutlt nian of eighty-four hav ing taken to tho altar a young damsel of nbout fifteen, the clergyman Bald to hiui: "The font In at the other end of the church." "What do I wnnt with the font?" said tlio old gentleman. '"Oh, I beg your pardon," said the cleric, "I thouRht you had brought thia child to bo chrlKtened." STOP. ITCHING INSTANTLY With Cuticura Soap and Ointment Nothlnj Better. Trial Free. Batho the affected part with Cuticura Soap and apply the Ointment. For eo temus, rashes, Irritations, pimples, dan druff and sore hands Cuticura Soap and Ointment aro supremo. Nothing better, cleaner or purer than these luper-creamy emollients at any price. Free sample each by mail with Hook. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, f!o8ton. Sold everywhere. Adv. At Palm Beach. "Have, you road much Action slnco you have been here?" 'No; but I havo listened to a lot" How wc dltdlke to pay for things after wo have worn them out. May heaven help tha rich: the poor don't need gasolino. AILING WOMEN NEED THIS FAMOUS DOCTOR'S FRESCklPTION Thousands of women who are now blessed with robust health cannot un derstand why thousands of other wom en continue to worry and suffer from ailments peculiar to women when they can obtain for a trifling sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which will surely and quickly banish all pain, distress and misery and restore the womanly functions to health. This prescription of Dr. Tlerce'a ex tracted from roots and herbs is a tem perance remedy. To get rid of Irregularities, or ca tarrhal condition, to avoid pain at cer tain times, to overcome Irritability Biid weakness, waste no time, but get Dr. Fierce'a Fuvorito Prescription In liquid or tablet form this very day. Burglars! "What did you do when you dis covered there were burglars In the house?'' "My wifo grabbed a rolling pin and crept softly through the hall, and I followed ljer." "A case of 'safety first' for you, chr "No indeed! Safety second." Safe Bet. "If fashion ninkea our dresses any shorter I don't know what we'll do." 'I do you'll wear them." Nover eat pie with a knife. It's prop- r to eat cheese with pie, hut knives I should be eaten alone. Duy materials that last ertahio&eed responsibility MaVWj . reMon,,, prJcea General Roofing Manufacturing Company Wortd'i lorpot munWoctunrt o Roofing and Building ftvwrt $tw Vm Otj CMm raibanraia M. Lm Omiiaa riHitanra MnN a,, ni auiwf UvOrtaM UlaiM llaatOa lumaa auMM Mliunh ailaata aikaa liran l,.l kfcu Wis. "I went to the doctor ari(l; mast have an operation forafcmolo hated to have it dono as I had becrv choit time. I would have terribl, hands and feet wre cold all thai Lydia E. I'inkliam's Vepretahlo Com pound ond was cured, and I feel Ix'tter in every wav. I triva vou Denriission to tmlilLsh mv name)! because I am so thankful that 1 feel well again. Mrs. Fked Leiinke, Marinette, Wis. Detroit. Mich. "When I first took Lvdia E. I tinkham's Vegetable Compound I was so run down' Paper Weight. Wally Is Kcfcgle a heavy Btnokorl Wolly No. Ho weighs only a btm drcd and ten pounds Exchange. Druggist Knows the Best Kidney Remedy For more than twenty ymrs I have bee ucressfully wti'mz Dr. Kilmer's Bwamp Uoot to my customers who were in xuti of euch a medicine and thfy all (peak in tb holiest terms of the good results obtained from its ue. I know it is a good meIi cine for kidney, liver and bladder troul lr nd I never hesitate in recommending it t anyone who is in need of it. Very tmly ynure, W. II. MASON, Druggist, Jan. 3th, 1016. Humboldt, Tena. Letter to Dr. Kilmer Lr Co. Blnehamton, N. Y. Prove Whit Swamp-Root Will Do For Yo tiend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, ningliamton, N. Y., for a sample aize bot tle. It will convince anyone. You wi3 10 receive a booklet of valuable infor mation, telling about the kidneys and blad der. When writing, be dure and mentios this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size but tin for tale at tU drut tores. Adv. News From Below. Knickei- How Is your garden? Subbubs Tito last diver reportod I One. "ANURIC! NEWEST IN CHEMISTRY This is a recent discovery of Doctor Fierce, hoad of the invalids' HotcU Buffalo, N. T. Experiments for aev eral years proved that there la no other eliminator of urlo acid eouipar rable. For those easily recognized symptoms of inflammation as back- ache, scalding urine and frequeni art1 nation, as well ,as sediment ia U urino, or If uric acid in the blood ban caused rheumatism, "Anurlc" act quickly. In rheumatism of the JolDtaJ In gravet and gout, invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accompany tha di' ease rapidly disappear. Send Dr. Fierce 10c for largo trial packnge. Full treatment 00a AB druggists. Convinced. "I wasn't able to match that piec of goods for you," said hubby. "I tried six different stores, and they all told mo thoy hadn't had anything like thai In stock for five years," "I knew that all the time said wlfle. "1 Just wanted to prove to yo that my best dress Is hopelessly out of style. Vou wouldn't believe It whc I told you." Some nervous people with a few dollars and no brains take exercise by making a run on a bank. The Mississippi is the only tldelosa river In the United States omntvln Into the ocean or Gulf of Mexico.