The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 03, 1916, Image 8

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Tha frln market are taken from tb Cham
tarsburg dally newspapers. The proTlslon
s loea art inoae that obtain In MoCounell-
7heal 13)
Law wheat
Uran 1.40
Torn 70
t Hti 60
ivy a 85
LUm per lb 16
Shoulder 14
Baccn, Sldeiper ft 12
f 'o.atocs, per bushel 86
Butter, Creamery 31
Butter, Country 24
Eggs, per dozen 22
Lard, per lb., 10
Live Calves, per lb 9
Chickens, per lb 12
HIDES. Frank B. Sipes
pay 8 the highest market price
lor boef hides at tteir butcher
hop in McConnellaburg, also
highest price paid for call skins
sheepskins and tallow.
Cards of Thanks.
We wish through the columns
of your paper to thank our kind
friends and neighbors who so
courteously assisted us during
the sickness and death of our be
loved father and husband. Ma
ry E., VV. Blair, Levi V., Flora
B., Mabel R. J. and Ruth V. Gar
The Ladies Aid Society of the
M. E. church of Burnt Cabins,
will hold a Bazaar at the home of
Mrs. Lemuel Cline, Thursday,
February 10, 1916. There will
be fancy work of different kinds,
and domestic articles. Come
everybody and get a good warm
supper. Benefits for a good
All persons indebted to the as
signed estate of H. L Gish, Mer
cersburg, Pa. are requested to
make payment on or before Jan.
29, 1916, or I will be at liberty to
place the accounts for collection.
For yonr convenience I will be at
Poffenberger's Office January 5
and 29th from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Geo. L Wolf,'
Creencastle, Pa. Fw. R. 4.
. Salesman Dies.
George M. Bachtell, traveling
salesman for J. W. Myers & Co.,
wholesale grocers of Chambers
burg and Hagerstown, died at
his home in the latter place
Thursday morning of last week,
of diphtheria, aged 39 years.
His wife is ill with the same dis
ease. For many years Mr. Bach
tell was well known to a majority
of the people of the County be
tween McConnellsburg and the
Maryland line. Advance cards
written at Hancock on January
25th, stating that he would call
on customers in McConnellsburg
on the 27th were received here,
r.nd now serve to indicate how
rapidly the disease did its fatal
Are Getting More Eggs.
But a few years ago, the aver
age number of eggs laid by farm
hens in the course of a year was
60. It is now nearer 80. Not all
farm flocks improved, but those
that did, raised , the average.
Now, things like that don't "just
happen" in this old world there
is 'always a reason. So many
women depend entirely upon their
hens to furnish the little bit of
cash they must have that some
of them have paid h""1 n
things tb wrtv v'een told over
. Pri, o ver again hundreds of times,
and the result is flock improve
ment It is beginning to be un
derstood that laying eggs is a
serious business for the hen, and
that in order to lay many eggs,
she muat have help to keep her
body in full strength when weath
er is bad, and in addition to this,
vitality sufficient to spare to go
into egg production. She cannot
do both on slim feed and exposure
night and day.
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
.Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
il any good. '
To correct catarrh you should treat its
lause by enriching your blootl Willi the
.il-food in Scott'a Emulsion which is a
medicinal food and a building-tonic, frt.e
tromalcoholorany harmful drupi. Try it.
SroM ft Bowne, Blootnfirld, N. J. ,
ttmmmmmammtmMimmim iiiiIXi.w 'Mil w ' mum
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc
RATES One cent per word for each
Insertion. No advertisement accepted
for less than 15 cents. Cash must ac
company order.
Eggs Wanted. I want all the
fresh eggs I can buy. Highest
price paid. Dr. Geo. E. Barthol
omew, McConnellsburg, Pa. tf.
Fok Sale Traction Engine
Threshing Outfit, Clover Huller,
Cloverseed Windmill, and saw
mill. Bargain to right man. Call
on A. L. Wible, City Hotel, Mc
Connellsburg, Pa. 1 27 2t
For Sale. The Abraham
Wagoner property in Knobsville.
Improvements are a 6 room
house. Lot contains 4J acres. A
desirable home. Geo. W. Wag
oxer, att'y-in-fact lor heirs.
1-27 4t
Crossties Wanted.
No. 1 Whiteoak and Rockoak 68c
No. 2 Whiteoak and Rockoak 50c
No. 3 Whiteoak and Rockoak 28c
No. 1 Chestnut , 40c
No. 2 Chestnut 25c
Mixed Oak, No. 1 85c
Mixed Oak, No. 2 25c
Harry Balser, Hanceck, Md.
1-27 4t.
Responsible, energetic man for
Fulton county agency for newest
Acetylene Gas Generator for
lighting purposes. Sells at half
price of any other make'. Only
those who can finance own ac
counts apply. Reply with ref
erences. J. A Peifer, Mifflin
ville, Pa. ' '
Surprise Party.
Monday, January 24th, was
Mrs. Margaret Lynch 's 73rd
birthday, and to celebrate the
event, the word was quietly passed
around, and a number of her rel
atives and neighbors assembled
at her home near Big Cove Tan
nery. The surprise had been
carefully planned, and it was not
until her brother, John J. Gor
don, arrived that she began to
suspect that there was something
more than ordinary going on.
But the climax was reached when
at twelve o'clock, there were seat
ed around the family dining table
the large number of persons
present, and the dinner was in
keeping with the occasion.
Mrs. Lynch ezijoyed the pleas
ant surprise.and feels very grate
ful to her friends for their
thoughtfulness and for the many
useful gifts. Among those pres
ent were, Mrs. Margaret Lynch,
Jacob Gordon and wife, John J
Gordon, Jacob Clouser and wife,
Mrs. Lizzie Tolbert, Mrs. Rachel
Staves, Biddis Lynch, wife and
son Hayes, George Lynch, wife
and children Helen, May and
Mary Ellen; Ella Harris and
daughter Ruth, Mack Lynch and
sons George and Amos, John
Gordon, Maude Miller and daugh
ter Gladys; Wilbert Mann and
wife, Nellie Hess and Flora
Shives. They all went home
about four o'clock, wishing Mrs.
Lynch many more happy birth
days. QRACEY.
The institute at Gracey last
Friday night was well attended
and quite a success. The pro
posal to Mr. Clovertop was inter
esting. Mrs. Minta Miller and dlss
Laura Carmack, of Clear rtidge,
spent last Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Je- ri. Heefner.
V'b4 Jessie Cutchall is home
from her school for a few days
taking care of a dose of grippe.
Mrs. Jeanette Flemming and
Miss Inez Winegardner, of Clear
Ridge, spent last Thursday with
Mrs. Flemming's parents Mr.
and Mrs.E. O. Kesaelnng.
Charley Landers has been on
the sick list, but we are glad to
say he is improving.
Albert King spent Sunday with
his family. He is employed at
Tbe sad news reached our com
munity last Saturday that John
McQuait was killed at Woodvale,
but we have heard no particulars
how tbe accident happened.
Meeting of Stockholders.
A meeting ot tbe stockholders
of the Valmont Telephone Com
pany will be held at the Com
pany's Office in McConnellsburg,
Pa , January 29th 1 p. m. for
election of directors.
B. W. Pfx;k, Secretary.
National Thrift Day-February Third.
On this day a National Campaign will be started throughout the country to end
needless waste, and to teach everybody the habit of THRIFT. This is a good time to
take account of stock and start right now to stop that needless waste.
Men, women, children all should get the habit, and when once formed, it's easy
to save. ;
Let us help you to start. You can deposit your savings in any amount in this bank
and it will help you to be THRIFT .
McConnellsburg, Pa.
GEO. A. HARRIS, President
C. R. SPANGLER, Vice President
ier I
Teller I
1 February Sale February Sale k
Rurmiture Store
Chambersburg, Pa.
We want to interest our Mc
Connellsburg Patrons in our
During this month we offer unusual inducements in every
department of our store.
This sale occurs but once in every twelve months; it is not
an accidental happening, but a well planned sale that we
conduct to weed out our discontinued patterns, odd pieces
and small assortments.
Huntingdon County's Largest Department Store
The greatest of all CLEARANCE SALES begin
next week and will continue
through February.
Every one of our eight different departments of
fers you savings of from 1-3 to 1-2 on all
New Seasonable Merchandise.
Msns Suits and Overcoats and Trousers!
Every Garment is cut in price at from 30 to 50
per cent, less than regular prices.
Nowhere else can you get such values as in
this clearance. Walkovers for $3.00; $3.00
Work Shoes $1.98; $2.25 shoes $1.19 up to $2.00
values; 89c childrens shoes way down.
All the seasons goods at almost 1.-4 price.
BIG SALE OF WHITE GOODS at tremendous clear
ance prices.
We have been told repeatedly that Furniture can be
bought here for less money than elsewhere. Why we can
sell cheaper, is no secret;
We have been conducting a Furniture Store at the same
location, have studied the business, and have built up a
good trade by selling dependable furniture.
We own the building, which, with our location and expense-saving,
makes our cost of doing business, less than
stores more centrally located hence, our ,
ability to sell chaa.v 1
Furniture, Etc., at big savings which cannot be
equaled elsewhere.
GfrGCSTISS PURE FOOD-at lower prices than any
UlUWcllcd other dealers.
We will pay the following prices for Country
Produce. Honest weight and dealings.
Potatoes, per bushel $1.20
Wheat ' 125
Corn .80
White beans 4 00
Dried apples
Apple butter
48c gal
On Tuesday the F'oruary Sale price tag went on all re
duced piece's, and the Sale will continue during
the entire month.
Queen St., Half-Square W. of Main,
jj Chambersburg, Pei,
Special Bargains in Real Estate
101 Acres in Taylor township. Good improve
ments and well located. Nearly all limed.
Plenty, of timber. Easy terms. Price $170000.
200 Acres Todd township, 2 1-2 miles- trom
McConnellsburg, near limestone quarry. Good
timber Brick house, good barn and well locat
ed, Price $3500.00, Easy terms.
Inquire tor particulars.
GEO. A. HARRIS, Agent,
McConnellsburg, Perm a.
Admnistratrix's Notice.
Rotate or D. R. Kanue, late of MeCon
nelitiburf Pa., daceased. -
Notice la berebr (Wen that letter ot Admin
istration upon the above eatate have been
granted to the undenlKned. All person hav
ing claim against aald eatate wi:i prevent
them properly authenticated for euietnfnt.
aid those owing the aame will please oall and
1-8 IMt MoCoDUellaburg, Pa.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
All legal harness and oolleottona entruated
will earalal and prompt an.rolon.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanner Ray, ac
companied by Miss Mollie Seylar
took Sanner'8 Bister, Mrs. Nellie
Tritle to the Chambersburg hos
pital last Sunday where Nellie
will remain some time for treat
ment for a nervous break-down.
Auditor's Notice.
The undemkned auditor appointed by tha
Orphans' Court of Kulton County, Pa , to make
d stnb'ition of the fund arlalna from the bid of
Muhlon H. Altera, In the matter of the pro
ceedings in partition in the estatf of Muhlon
Mnrton. late of Hruah Creek townahlp, deceas
ed, will attend to the duties of hla appoint
nnrnt at hla office. In Mcf'onutllaburg. Pa., on
Tuesday February 8. lUIA, at 10 o'clock a. m.
when and where all persons Interested may be
and appear.
l-JO-M. Auditor
McConnellsburg and Fort
Loudon Automobile Line
by way of the Lincoln
Leaves McConnellBburg at 6:15, a.
m., and 1 p. m., arriving at Fort Lou
don In time for the 7:44 a. m train
and tbe 3:13 p. m. train. Returning,
leaves Fort Loudon on tbe arrival of
the 11:05 a. m. train, and the 6:27 p.
m, train.
Fare 60 cents.
Any freight or expreis marked in
my care will receive prompt attention.
A share of your patronage solicited
Dell phone 3 R 4.
4-29 tf- Proprietor.
Shapiro Bros. wu? se Orbisbnia, Pa.
Sweeping ReductioirSale
Horse Blankets
In buying horse blankets we provided for a bard winter and
got too many of them. They must go now to make room for
Spring Goods. Note these prices:
1.00 horse blankets afc 80c
1.25 horse blankets at 1 03
1.48 horse blankets ,at ' 1 20
1.05 horse, blankets . at 150
2.60 horse blankets r at , 2 10
2.65 horse blankets at . 2.35
Lumberman Socks and Overcoats
Some Boys' lumberman's Socks that have been selling at $1 50
now going at 98c; also some Overcoats at prices that will astonish
you 14.75 overcoats at 3.75; 7.00, at 5.75, and 9.00 ones at 7 50.
Buggy Harness
Now is a good time to buy Buggy Harness. We have a nice lot
of them at old prices, and can save you money. $12 50, 13 50, 14 50
and 16.00. This is a good buy, as they are much higher now.
Rubber Roofing at 85c and $1.25.
HULL & BENDER, McConnellsburg, Pa.
will offer many articles at many times less
than cost. . Many 25-cent articles will be sold
for 5 cents. Some nice 25-cent goods 'are be
ing moved rapidly at 8 for a quarter. There
is nothing wrong with these goods they are
odds and ends collected from all over the store
to close out to customers in appreciation of
their patronage. Every article in the store '
reduced in price. Gome and get your share,