THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBURO, PA. Pictores of Worid Events for News Readers In Thl Dopar-tmon-t Our Roadora In Fulton County ond Eloowho Around tho NJVorlcJ NAl-tKi tho Camera on the "Trail of History IXlalclns Happenlnga. VI say Journey NORWEGIAN CITY THAT WAS DEVASTATED BY FIRE ', t ' ' , ' Wyi. I M, i i "Ti fru i i i i IT II- .l.. --T- ''-VittiWm'''-"tU1tfmttiiilhrfUmXft fiinliY ! -1 '1 Y( rtt ' ' General view of Bergen, one of the chief cities of Norway, which was partly destroyed by Are. At least 400 buildings were burned and thousands of persons made homeless. FATAL BOWL FIGHT AT PENN UNIVERSITY Thl verslty trait of twenty s Is a photograph taken during the annual bowl light between the freshnien tnd sophomores of th. Unt of lViinsylvaiilu, In which ono had loBt his Ufo and six othors were badly Injured. At the left Is a por William 1-lfnon of Kllbabetb, N. J., who was killed, lie was a member of the freshman class and was years old. LAYING LABOR BUILDING CORNERSTONE y f , i St ? 9--. J Samuel Qompers, Secretary of Iabor Wilson and .others taking part In the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the new building being erected In Washington as headquarters of tho Amorlcan Federation of Labor. OKLAHOMA OFF FOR ITS TRIALS 1 .fej . I v-.-r" ; wy:wv-w.v ; I "ft. W ' f 1 I .. i ' : . '. , V r it v- f .it- The battleship Oklahcma, latest siipcrdreftdnaught to be aided to the United Stutes nnvy, here seen as she passed beuonlh tho Brooklyn bridge (m her way to tho coast of Maine for official trluls, stood the first tests well. Sho developed a speed of 21.47 knots. INDIAN A CAPITOL GUARD r -T-'tX 4 'Xv J i hi A, t .... I fc2 Frank J mils, a Sioux Iudlau from Tripp county. South Dakota, la one of tho men employed by Uncle San to prntect his property. He has Jolnod the force of police that guard the capl tol at Washington. Janls is well edu cated, owns a big farm on tho nose Hud reservation and drives his own automobile Rehearses In Six Languages. Richard Ordynskl, the Polish pro ducer who la now In Now York, Is very different from the averago Broad way theatrical manager. The latter usually speaks but two languages English and profane. Ordynskl speaks eight. When Pavlowa was here ho con ducted some of the ' rehearsals In six languages conversing In Russian with the famous dancer. In PoIIbU with some of her ballet, French with tho conductor, Italian with tho mem l.ers of the orchestra, German with tho property men ami English with (lie house manager. Professor Ordynskl ho was once a member of the faculty of the Univer sity of Craccw, despite the fact that ho Is only thirty years of ago has beon Invited to deliver a coursb of lec tures on Polish literature at Colum bia university. i WHERE THE BRITISH ARE FIGHTING THE TURKS I, M frlltf rfniWl m rr r J - r View of Kut-el-Amara, on the Tigris, where the British Mesopotamia f-irccs uuder General Townshend have been having fierce conflicts with the Turks. DEFENSE GUNS ON THE LINER VERDI RETAINED if'1 i I :t ir, JT o ? 'Vc? w 4--1 tilr 'Kv; : ft vv'T These aro tho two three-inch guns mounted on the after deck of the Italian liner Verdi which were called to the attention of the state department by the Austro-lliiiigHrla'n embassy when the vessel reached New York. She was permitted to clear with the guns still in place on assurances that they would be used only for defense. CHINESE MINISTER'S WIFE LI. U r 4 ARMY AIRMEN GO TO MANILA f vr dSSH rI4 (i, ; t fi t n ju x 1 1 h II AJ r i ;v. Mrs. Wellington Koi, wife of Doctor Koo, tho new Chinese minister to the United States, is the latest addition to the diplomatic set In Washington. New Clothes Good as Medicine. The best tonic for the homemaker and mother of a family Is new clothes. There Is not merely Joy but real health-gi.-ing in a new bat or gown Too many times the mother Bays, "Anything will do for mo," so often tho whole family comes to believo It. The woman who knows she Is becomingly dressed will carry herself erect and walk with a certain spring and elas ticity impossible to tho shabby or dowdy woman. It may tako considerable tact and persuuslon on the part of the younger members of the family to convince tho mother past fifty that sho needs a new rtiat Instead of a box of pills, or that a new gown will be a better producer of energy than a bottle of Iron, Re member, a woman Is as old as she wishes to be. So she should cling to bcr youth. A wonian shouldn't get the Idea she Is aging and she won't age. Mary L, Oberltn In Farming Business. Theso members of the First aerial squadron of Fort Sill have been sent to the Philippines to constitute the First aeronautical squadron of Manila. Left to right, they are: I.leuts. Douglas B. Netherwood. Kcdondo Sutton and Karl L. Canady. "SEA SLED" TESTED BY U. S. NAVY P thy .... ..,.,., it " 1 The "sea sled," which Is said to have attained a speed of 75 miles an hour, photographed during Its tests by the United States navy authorities. When running fast It coasts over the surface. It Is Intended to be armed with torpedoes. s (Conducted by tha National Woman' Christian Temperance L'nlon.) BUSINESS ON SUNDAY CLOSING. Heads of the big Industrial con cerns of Chicago see a very direct re lation between the enforcement of the Sunday-closing law and the phys ical and mental condition of their em ployees on Mondays, and naturally they are not inclined to agree with the liquorites' caustic criticism of the pur itanical, undemocratic law and Its en forcement. The men who manage the great industries tell us that Sunday drinking has mcuiit lessened effi ciency, decreased mental and moral stamina, depreciated physical vigor and the wasting of money and conse quent worry over financial conditions. "Our workmen now como to the plants on Monday morning with clear beads and rested bodies," said a fore man of Armour and Co., tho big pack ing house. "It was the complaint of all packers before the saloons were closed that many of the men either did not show up at all on Monday or reported with 'hangovers' that re duced their efficiency 50 per cent dur ing the day., and affected it for sev eral days thereafter. Now the men are on hand Monday morning with steady muscles, rested bodies and minds, fit for their tasks." "Our workmen were all on hand last Monday for the first time In years," said one of the foremen of the Illinois Steel company, the week after the Sunday-closing law was enforced. "When we asked them what caused the change they said they had noth ing to do Sunday but rest for Mon day. Besides, most of them bad enough of their wages left not to need to ask for advances before the next week ended." "The closing of the saloons is a boon to Industry," said one of the depart ment managers of' the International Harvester works. "When the em ployees have had time to note Its ef fect, they will give It their heartiest support." "The direct effect cn the building trades is that about 25 per cent mora workmen were on hand last Monday than at any time during the period I have been handling large numbers of workmen," said a member of the Con tractors' Association of Painters and Decorators. PROSPEROUS WITHOUT LIQUOR. Butler, Mo., Is another town which is demonstrating that prosperity fol lows prohibition. It is today, says the Kansas City Star, "a better, richer and more prosperous town than ever. The merchants carry better stocks, the business houses are neater, cleaner and better; the people live In better and more attractive homes and enjoy life in more rational and healthful ways. There are fewer Idle people and merchants have fewer bad debts. "When tho saloons were voted out Butler had a bonded debt of something like $20,000 on its electric light plant, and notwithstanding the 'revenue' from Its four saloons, it was a bard matter to meet Interest payments, and the liquidation of the principal seemed a long way off. Since the closing of tho saloons the dobt has been paid and many needed public improvements have been made, and all without in creasing the tax rate one penny. In fact the tax rate is now lower than ever before." MONEY GOES FOR GROCERIES. An Interesting bit of testimony comes from the section of Minnesota which recently became dry through what might be called an automatic application of prohibition to cgion where no election was held to settle the question, namely, tho enforcement of an old Indian treaty. Because of this action there Is not now an open saloon In Itasca county, and as a result a marvelous reformation has taken place. One year ago seventy nine tons of beer were shipped In. This year there was- no beer, but the books show that seventy-nine tons more of groceries were consumed at this point than during the correspond ing month of last year. The Minne apolis Journal says that the records of the mining companies, which em ploy the large population of foreign ers, show fewer layoffs among the men than ever before and the stores report larger and more profitable busi ness from these employees. A WISE CZAR. A German general, taken prisoner, related at Petrograd tho following re marks of the kaiser: "I was ccrtiln of crushing the Russians when they were freely given to drink, but now that they are sober the task is much more difficult!" And he added in a melancholy tono, "Who on earth could have foreseen the antialcohol coup d'etat perpetrated by Nicholas II?" FATHER'S GONE TO WORK AGAIN. Everybody works but fatlier, He slls around all duy; HIh feet In front of thn flr. Brooking his pipe of clay; Mother Hikes in wnahtng, So (loon Blstpr Ann, Everybody works at our house. But my old man. The sequel to this once popular lh tie song: Fnther'n pone to work: ajfaln. (Since tho town went dry. Ho conies home of evening's "Fcelin' mlhty spry:" Mother's down town shopping, 8o Is sister Ann. Nw thnt tic Is si'ber. Thoy're promt of the "old man." PROHIBITION IN ARIZONA. Arizona's prohibition law went Into effect January, 1913. A booklet issued in the state detailing results tells of de crease in criminal costs and increase in building and In bank deposits. In one county the increase in the value of taxable household goods Is nearly half the taxable value of the liquor stock last year. The value of household goods plus the value of au tomobllos purchased since prohibition became effective almost equals the total amount of liquor stocks la that county In the year. J