The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 02, 1915, Image 8

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The grain mkrkeu arc taken from lb Cbm
rernburg dalljr newspaper. Tho provlnlon
toe are ihoM Wk ubiula lu AluConneli-
Wheat 107
Now wheat
Uran 1-40
Torn "
Out! 43
Ham per lb . ...
ftacrn, Sides per tb
1'OlHoc, per bushel
Butter, Creamery.
Butter, Country
Epijs, per dozen 30
Lard, per tb 9
Live Calves, per ft) "
Chickens, per lb 13
Free Xmas Gifts at Ye Smoke
Miss Jeannette Stouteagle was
a Chambersburg shopper one day
last week.
Miss Blanche Woodall, Cham
bersburg was a guest of Miss
Ada Horton atShippensburgNor
mal over Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Peck of
Thompson township spent sever
al days last week visiting among
relatives and friends in Ayr town
ship. Miss Madaline Shimer, daugh
ter of Rev. George Shimer gave
an interesting reading at the Pa
rent Teacher meeting last Friday
H1DES.--Frank B. Sipes
pays the highest market price
for beef hides at tboir butcher
hop in McConnellsburg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
sheepskins and tallow.
A glance into many of the show
windows of town reveals the feel
ings of the merchants towards
the school ma'ams, so many of
whom are in town this week.
The windows are filled with
All a minister has to do to
make himself unpopular with his
congregation is tell the people the
truth. So long as he goes along
diplomatically, pretending that
he cannot penetrate their dis
guises and neglecting to tell them
the disagreeable truths, they
hink he's fine. People don't
ike to have their masks torn off.
In husking his corn, Edgar C.
Hann, near Saluvia found two
ears, that for number of grains
and size are hard to beat; one
measured 11! inches in length,
83 inches around the butt of the
ear, and contained 22 rows of 50
grains to the row, making a total
of 1100 grain3. The other ear
was smaller, but contained 26
rows of 48 grains each, making a
total of 124S grains.
After an illness of eight weeks
with typhoid fever in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Little in
thi3 place, Miss Lillian Brewer is
spending a month in the home
of her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sosey, near
Millstone, Md. Miss Brewer had
been in the Little millinery es
tablishment two years, and ex
pects to return there as soon as
she is fully convalescent
Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Bumgar
ner, Needmore, R, R. 2, spent
last Saturday in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Little. While in
the News office Mr. Bumgarner
called our attention to the ac
count of the killing of the two
Prough children in Trough Creek
Valley Wednesday of last week.
While at play in the kitchen dur
ing the time the mother was out
getting a turkey ready for the
Thanksgiving dinner, little Ray
mond proposed that they play
Cowboy and Indian, and suiting
the action to the word he point
ed a gun at his sister and pulled
the trigger. His younger broth
er was in line, and when the gun
"went off" both the sister and
brother were killed. Mr. Bum-
garner knew the Prough people
well, he having gone to school
with the grandfather of these
Report of the Condition of the
Fulton County
of McConnellsburg,
Pulton County, Pennsylvania, at the
close of business November!!., 1915.
Cash specie and
notes 116,778.25
Due from Ap
provedlleserve Agents 25,905.30
Legal securities
at par J2.000.00
N icicles and cents
Due from Banks and Trust
Cos. not reserve
Bills dUcounted: Upon
one name
Bills discounted: Upon
two or more names
Time loans
Loans on call with collat
eral Loans on call upon one
Loans on call upon two
or more names
Mortgages and judgments
of record
Furniture and fixtures
Boole value of reserve se
curities above par
98 399.72
Total... 1403,108.58
Capital stock paid in t 50.000.C0
Surplus fund 22,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid.. 7,313.75
Individual de
posits subject
to check I 89,951.55
Demand Certitl
cates of De
posit 311.52
Time Certificates
of Deposit 230,400.57 320,072.64
Due to Banks and Trust
Cos. not reserve 3,122.19
Total f403.108.58
State of Pennsylvania. County of Ful
ton, 88 :
I Wilson L. Nace, Cashier of the
above named Bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 19th dav of November, 1915.
Notary Public.
Geo. A. Harris,
A. U. Nack,
Geo. B. Mellott,
D. A. Washabacgh,
Jno. A. Irwin,
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc.
RATES One cent per word for each
insertion. No advertisement accepted
for less than 15 cents. Cash must ac
company order.
For Sale. Woodsawing Out
fit gasoline engine and saw com
plete, good as new. Price right
o quick buyer. Harry Harr,
McConaellsburg, Pa. 12-2-tf.
It is a grave mistake for mothers to neg
lect their aches and pains and suffer la
silence this only lead to chronic sick
ness and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring; if your nerves are
excitable; If you feel languid, weary or
1rpresed, you ibould know that Scott's
i'.mulston overcomes just such conditions.
It possesses in concentrated form the
verv elements to invigorate the blood,
atp.-ngtheu the tissues, nourish the nerves
and build strength.
Scott's is strengthening thousands of
mothers and will help yon. aouoaaou
gcoli ft Bowne, Bkjoauftckl. V. J.
Farm For Sale: 132 acres,
im estone land, 3 miles north of
Hancock, Md., 10-room house,
bank barn. Fine property. For
particulars, call on or address J
M. Detrich, Hancock, Md. 3t.
Business Opportunities for
Women. Women are making
from four dollars to twelve dol
lars per day selling the Colorado
Inhaler. It kills the germ and
thus guards the Citadel of life at
both entrances the mouth and
nose and prevents the death
dealing germs from entering the
body. Agents wanted in every
city and town, good seller, good
profits, conscientous business.
Write for terms and descriptive
matter. Colorado Inhaler Co.,
503 Fifth Avenue, New York
The Best Xmas Gift
When you are planning what you will give to the children,
maidens, and youths for Christmas presents, don't forget that the
best gift you can give them is a Savings Account in the FULTON
COUNTY BANK. By starting an account for them you will be
surprised what they will save during the year. $l.oo will start an
account and we pay 3 per cent, compounded every six months.
"The Oldest and Strongest.'
McConnellsburg, Pa.
License Notice.
It Is ordered that nil applications for lloeiwe
ror me nine 01 vinoiiK, ttmniouK, uinu, ur urew
ed. liquor, wholesale or retail, (or the year
Itflrt, will be beurd ouTuestiay, the MID nuy of
Junuury. U'i'i, uf lu o'clock a. m., nam day.
at which time all person upplylnK or nutkiUK
olijectUm.1 to applications, will be heard by
evidehce, peiltioa, remonatrunue or counsel.
There must be do coininunlcatloa at any time
upon the auliject. with the Jutlite personally
either bv letter or any other private way.
The petition, yerllled by anulavitofappllcant.
shall be in conformity with the requirements
of the act of Assembly. Judgment bona shall
tie executed In the penal sum of two thousand
ft.Ki) dollant. with no lessthun two reputable
freeholder of the county an sureties, eaon or
them to be a bona tide owner of real estute
in the county of r ulton worth, over and above
all incumbrances, the um of two thousand
(arnoi do turn or one aumeient aurety wnere
the same Is a security, 't rust or surety uom
puny organized and eilsuni! nnuer tne lawn ol
ttils (Jommonweaiin or unuer lueiawnoiauy
ntner state of the United Statea of A merle i.
duly authorized todo buainesa within the State
or rennsyivuma nytne insurance uoninnbsioo
er thereof; be appr .ved by the Court Kruntlu
uoh license cordltloned for the observance
of all the Id wa of this Common wealth relating
to Lheae DK orlutnlKhlDK 01 vinous. anirltU'
om. malt or brewed liquors, or any admixture
thereof, and to pay all daniau-e wuion may be
recovered Id an. action which may be Institu
ted aralnat him ber or them, under tne provli
iona of any Act of the Assembly, and all coats.
nnea and penalties imposed.
The atiretlea may be required to appear
In Court and Justify under oath. The Court
shall in all coses refuse the Application
whenever. In the opinion of the Court, hay.
In? due regard for the numter and character
of the petitioner for and against the applica
tion, sui'h license la not necessary for tne a
eommfMlatlon of the publlo and entertainment
of fltraniterwana traveler, or that the applicant
la not a fit person to whom such license should
be k ranted.
Petition to be filed with the Clerk of the
Court of Uuarter sessions not later than Hat
urduy. the IB th day of December, I9IA. Objec
tions and remonstrance to oe nieu win tne
Clerk of aaid (on I not later than Wednes
day, the attu day of December, 181S.
' Upon ufflclrnt cnue be mr shown or proof
belna-made to the Court that the party holding
wnd I'nense ha violated auv law ot tne com
niunwenl'h relating to the sale of llquora. the
Court shall, upon notice being given to the
person licensed, revoke aula license.
By the Court.
S. MoC. 8WOPE.
Attest: P.J,
K. FRANK HENRY, Cleric y. 8.
Nov. , WIS.
Telling is
And we know we save you and give
you better quality on Suits we make.
We have, also, in stock well made Suits
and Pataloons.
Boys' Suits and Pants
Sweater Coats for 40 cents and up for
. Men and Boys. .Dress and Wool Shirts.
Underwear and Union Suits 90c. Hats
and Caps all prices and styles. Cor
duroy and heavy Khaki Pants. Gloves,
Wool and Cotton Hose. A large line of
Collars and Neckties.
McConnellsburg, Penn'a, ,
Will give great sales-sweeping reductions. With
all the offerings from our regular millinery stock,
famous for its quality, superior style and, work
manship. Ordinarily you must wait until Janu
ary for such reductions, but here, now right in the
flood-tide of the season, we are able to offer these
wonderful reductions, and we want you to share
the advantages. Come in and see the great bar
gains and he convinced that we can save you mon
ey. Don't fail to see our 5 and 10 cent counter.
How about butchering tools? The time will soon be here, and we
think we can do yod some good. If you need a butcher-knife, we
have them at 10, 15, 20, and 25 cents. Lee's Butcher steel, 55c;
family size, 25 cents. Hog Scrapers 8 cents, No. 12 Enterprise
grinders $1.75. 4-qt. Enterprise stuffer and lard press $4.25 and
the same lard cans as last year heavy tin 33 cents for 50 lb. 25
pound pails for lard 23 cents; Galvanized tubs. 50, 55. and 60 cts.
We were fortunate in getting 5 dozen more
of those pood double-bit axes that we sold
so many of two" years ago at 55c. This year
they are goiDg at 45 cents. The Mann and
Kelly axes double-bit at 65 cents same
axes we sold last year at 98 cents. City
made handles 16c, home-made, 25. Han
dled single-bit Mann axe, 65. Crosscut
saws $1 CO to $3 75. Handles for crosscut
saws 13c a pair. Tin Wash-boilers 90 and
95c. Stovepipe 10c; elbows, 10c.
Blankets and Robes.
Bed Blankets 45c. to $5 00 Horse Blankets,
square, 98c to $5.00. Stable Blankets, 98c to
$1.45. The nicest double plush robe plain
on one 6ide, fancy, on the other, $3 ?5.
Oiled horse covers for storms, $1 75.
We have fit more feet this year than any year
that we have been in business. We think we can
guess the reason, and our reason is, that we
haven't advanced our prices, and that we are of
fering you shoes Right from the Manufacturer.
This is a saving, and a manufacturer that puts his
name on his goods, wants to sell the best value he
can for the money. Infants' shoes 10 to 75c,
Misses' and Boys 98c to $2.00; Ladies, $1.25 to
$3.60; Men's Drsss and Work Shoes, $1.48 to $4.25. If you want
a good shoe for work or dress, try our Securety and Endwell or
Walk-over. We have now sold more Walk-over Shoes than in any
other fall. ' s
TKe'!Woiic(er Gar'
i Kyi
; 1
You save money on
rubber footwear with
You save because you get more
comfort and more actual days
of wear and service than from
any other footwear you can buy.
Rubber boots, arctics, knit boots
"Ball-Band" quality is always
the highest That is why we
recommend it and sell it Get
the . kind with the Red
.You'll find it on all
Quiet Clutch Runs in Oil
. The clutch of the new Maxwell operates in a ,
bath of oil. This makes it remarkably smooth .
and velvety in engagement, and eliminates 80
per cent of noise when the gears are shifted.
Designers of the highest-priced cars agree
that the clutch should run in oil.
The Maxwell clutch and transmission mech
anism is fully enclosed.
We are waiting to take you for a"'"
test ride in the car that has broken
all low "First-Cost" records, and is
breaking all low "After-Cost" records.
VneMMohairTop CP T F?Eec(ricStirter
demountable Elms W ftTffiMedrirligte
JtinVwonWndshiehL JJ Jf Blaqnrto Ignition
m a
7J W Mt I ft. IT IT M lt---1
, McConnellsburg, Pa. '
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmJ9mmmmmmmf- m i iswswbswwwmW
These goods, like
axes, have been
reduced, and we
are glad that we
can do this. We
would always
rather reduce
than advance. We
handle the Ball
Brand. (B. P.
Goodrich Red)
Goodyear and
Selz and a nice
line of second
quality goods.
Get our prices be-
fore you buy as
we can save you
some nice money.
Overcoats, Suits and Sweaters
If you want to save money on thes
goods take alook at our line cf
these goods. Overcoats for Bcm
and Men $1.75 to $10.00, Chilcf
ren's Suits $2.00 to $5.00, Men
Suits $5.00 to $10.00, Sweats
Coats 45c to $3.00. See them.
We also have a big line of Hair Rid
bon, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Col
lars, Gloves, Hosiery.
WARNER CORSETS-the best con
set made we think, and not onl
we, but a lot of other people. Wh
not try them the next time? 50j
95-$1.25. Thanking you for past patronage.
McConnellsburg, and Fort
Loudon Automobile Line
by way of the Lincoln
Leaves MoCoonellsburg at 8:15, a.
m., and 1 p. m., arriving at Fort Lou
don In time for the 7:44 a. in. train
and tbe,3:13 p. m. train. Returning,
leaves Fort Loudon on the arrival ot
the 11:05 a. m. train, and the 6:27 p.
m. train.
Fare 60 cents.
, Any freight or express marked in
my care will receive prompt attention.
A share of your patronage solicited
Bell phone 3 114.
j. s. Alexander,
4-29 tf- Proprietor.
"Attorney at Law,
Office on Square, .
' McConnellsbnrg; Pa.
Atlleitl bi.aen Slid eolleoHonninnuM
will attlve or(l and prompt tuantloo. .
The First National Bank
of -McConnellsburg, Pa.
Has always been marked by adbearence to
won for it the confidence and 'patronage of
the people of the county, as shown by the
steady growth.
Total Assets -,$395,000.00
- Our superior facilities are at your command,
and your account will be welcomed whether
0 large or small.
The First National Bank
Z) The BANK that made It possible for yon to re
CS coive INTEREST on your savings.