The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 25, 1915, Image 8

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The rln mkrkeu re taken from tb Cham
ItrNburg dully newapapera. The provision
loea art UkOM tout obtain In UoConnella-
Wheal 107
Now wheat
Uian 1-40
OhU 43
iiye 85
Um per lb - 15
Shoulder 1
dacrn, Sldei per tb 12
Po-itocs, per bushel fi5
Buttor, Creamery 28
Butler, Country
Eggs, per dozen 34
Lard, per tb 9
Live Calves, per lb
Chickens, )er tt ... 13
Free Xmas Gifts at Ye Smoke
Auto Supplies at J. K. John
ston's. Furs, Muffs, Scarfs, and La
dies' Coats at J. K. Johnston's.
We invite you to the Irwin
Store to see the beautiful Gift
Goods in each dopartment
Hon. D. H. Patterson, of Web
ster Mills, is spending this week
in Philadelphia and Baltimore on
Our stock of Holiday Watches.
Jewelry, Cut Glass, and China,
is very complete. Get them at
The Irwin Store. 2t
Last Friday this section ex
perienced a thunder storm dur
ing which time hail fell in consid
erable quantities.
Notwithstanding the bad day,
it is reported that H. 0. Wible
had a good sale last Friday at his
home west of Knobsville.
S. M. McElhaney, of Monte
Vista, Colorado, writes that Colo
rado has had great crops this
year, but prices were not nearly
as good as last year.
This year we have stocked up
heavier than ever in a great ma
ny nice little things for presents
which will be on sale by institute
time at the Goldsmith Store.
Gasoline advanced two cents a
gallon last Saturday. This now
means that some auto drivers
may have to stop on steep hills
and "blow" into the engine.
Charles B. Paylor and Harry
Mellott moved Alvey Pine's house
hold goods to Shade Gap last
week, where Mr. Pine will be
employed with I. D. Bolinger.
Every year we fill a number of
orders of teachers for their treat
to the schools. Something spe
cial this year at the Goldsmith
Store opposite the High School.
People attending institute next
week will find everything of the
best in Candies, Fruit, Cigars,
etc. ju3t across the street from
institute headquarters the Gold
smith Store.
HIDES. Frank B. Sipes
pays tne highest market price
for beef hides at ttieir butcher
hop in McConnellsburg, also
. highest price paid for calf skins
gneepskins and tallow.
Teachers and all patrons of the
County Institute are cordially in
vited to make headquarters at
our store, whether for the pur
pose of buying or for conven
ienceall will be welcome. J.
K. Johnston.
Some of the roads that were
slated last summer could be put
into good condition again by drag
ing the slate back into the road
to fill up the ruts. If left to
freeze as they are they will be
rough all winter. Water is stand
ing in the ruts and causing bad
M. D. Mathias, of Hustontown
dropped into our office on Mon
day to have his subscription push
ed vp to 16. Mr. Mathias is a
veteran deer hunter and is mak
ing preparations to spend the
first two weeks of December
chasing the fleet-footed animals,
There is no significance in the
fact that he paid the editor be
fore facing the guns of the nu
merous hunters that will be in
the woods at that time.
It has been said that every, third
person has catarrh in' some form.
' Science has shown (hat nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
if any-good.
To correct catarrh you nhould treat Its
ean by enriching your blood with the
oil-food in Scott' Emulsion which is a
medicinal fowl sud a buildinp-touic, free
trenn alcohol or any harmful drugs. Try it.
uoU ft Soirot, Uuomficld, N.J.
Report of the Condition of tne
Fulton Countyx
of McConnellsburg,
Fulton County, Pennsylvania, at the
close of business November 11, 1915.
Cash specie and
notes, iu,7o.
Due from Ap
provedlleserve Aeents 25,905.36
Legal securities
at par 12,000.00 54.683.61
Nickl es and cents, 127.01
Due from Banks and Trust
Cos. not reserve 240.50
Bills discounted: Upon
one name 2,04lJ.oJ
Bills discounted: Upon
two or more names 21,758.34
Time loans 9,473 84
Loans on call with collat
eral 25,525.40
Loans on call upon one
name 49,632.50
Loans on call upon two
or more names u)i,ts. a
Bonds 36,780.74
Mortgages and judgments
of record T. 98 308.72
Furniture and fixtures 1,500.00
Overdrafts 001.56
Boole value of reserve se
curities above par 110.00
Total . .
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
Surplus fund zs.uuu.w
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid.. 7,313.75
Individual de
posits subject
to check t 89,951.55
Demand Certifi
cates of De
port 314.52
Time Certificates
of Deposit 23(1,406.57 320,672.04
Due to Banks and Trust
Cos. not reserve 3,122.19
Total J403.108.58
State of Pennsylvania, County of Ful
ton, ss:
I Wilson L. Nace, Cashier of the
above named Bank", do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 19th day of November, 1915.
Notary Public
Geo. A. Harris,
A. U. Nace,
Geo. B. Mellott,
D. A. Washauacgh,
Jno. A. Irwin,
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc.
RATES One cent per word for each
Insertion. No advertisement accepted
for less than 15 cents. Cash must ac
company order.
For Sale Two big steers, in
good order. Charles H. Croft,
Dane, Pa. 11 18 2
Farm For Sale: 132 acres,
limestone land, 3 miles north of
Hancock, Md., 10-room house,
bank barn. Fine property. For
particulars, call on or address J
M. Detnch, Hancock,' Md. 3t
Wanted: Thirty men: steady
work can be given at laboring
and carpentering at Sazton Fur
nace. Plenty of good houses at
low rentals. Apply Sazton Fur
nace office, Saxton, Pa. 11 18 2t.
License Notice.
It Is ordered that all application forllceniies
for the Kale of vinous, Hptrttoufl, malt, or brew
ed liquors, wholesale or retail, for the year
m, win te neunl on Tuesday, toe llinuuy or
January, mis, at IU o clock a. m., Mid day
at which time all persons applylnit or muklug
oDjecuuDs lo applications, wiu oe neitru Dy
evidence, pennon, remonstrance or counsel.
There must be no communication at anytime
upon the subject, with tne Judtfcti personally
either by letter or any other private way.
The petition, verified by amdavlt of applicant.
shall be In conformity with the requirement
of the aots of Assembly. JudKment bond shall
be executed In the penal sum of two thousand
(i dollars, with no lesvthan two reputable
freeholders of the county as sureties, each of
them to be a bona tide owner of real estate
In the county of Fulton worth, over and above
all Incumbranced, the sum of two thousand
) dollars or one (undent surety where
the same Is a Security, Trust or Surety Com
pany organized and exlstlnr under the laws of
this Commonwealth or under the lawn of any
other state of the United Slates of America,
duly authorized todo business within the State
of Pennsylvania by the Insurance Coram swim-
er thereof; be approved by the Court ffrantlnir
such license cocdltioned for the observance
of all the ldws of this Commonwealth relating
to the sellinir-or fiirnlahipif of vinous, sniritu
ous. mall or brewed liquor", or any admixture
thereof, and to pay all damages which may be
recovered tn any action wi,l;h may be lusiiiu-
ted axainst him her or them, under the provis
ions oi any aci 01 tne Assemuiy. ana an costs.
nnea ana penalties imposed.
The sureties may be required to appear
In Court and Justify under oath. The Court
shall in all cases refuse the application
whenever. In the opinion of the Court, hav-
Idk due reirard for the number and character
of the petitioners for and axuinst the applica
tion, such license Is not necessary for the ac
commodation of the public and eutertalnment
of strantrers and traveler, orthat the applicant
is not nt person to wnom sucn license should
ne granted.
Petitions to be filed with the Clerk of the
Court of Ouarter Sessions not later than Sat.
urday, the IS th day of December, ICS. Objec
tions and remonstrances to be filed with the
Clerk of said Cou t not later than Wednes
day, the 'JSia day of December, IV) 5.
Upon sufficient cause be tne shown or proof
beln made to the Court that the party holding
ania license bas violated any law of tne com
monwealth relating to tbe sale of llauora. the
Court shall, upon notloe being given to the
person iioensud. revoke said license.
Hfrihe Court,
w S. MoC. SWOPE.
Attest: - p.J.
rJ. f KANK HENKT, Clerk Q. S.
Nov. H, 1016. .
Our enterprising "Hill Store
man, Charlie Goldsmith, has put
a Bell 'phone in his store for the
accommodation oi his customers
who may not have tinte to walk
to his store.- When you want
anything in his line, just ring him
up and he'll do the rest.
Something to be Thankful For.
As we near the Thanksgiving Day our thoughts maturally
turn to those things during the past year for which we are thank
ful. Health Strength Bountiful cropsa happy and peaceful
, We have tried to give the people of Fulton County something
to be thankful for, by encouraging them to systematically save a
portion of their earnings. Many will return thanks for their Sav
ing Account in the FULTON COUNTY BANK. If you haven't open
ed an account with us do so at once and you will be thankful.
"The Home for Savings.'
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Telling is
And we know we save you and give
you better quality on Suits we make.
We have, also, in stock well made Suits
and Pataloons.
Boys' Suits and Pants
Sweater Coats for 40 cents and up for
Men and Boys. Dress and Wool Shirts.
Underwear and Union Suits 90c. ' Hats
and Caps all prices , and styles. Cor
duroy and heavy Khaki Pants. Gloves,
Wool and Cotton Hose. A large line of
Collars and Neckties.
McConnellsburg, Penn'a.
Will give great sales-sweeping reductions. With
all the offerings from our regular millinery stock,
famous for its quality, superior style and work
manship. Ordinarily you must wait until Janu
ary for such reductions, but here, now right in the
flood-tide of the season, we are able to offer these
wonderful reductions, and we want you to share
the advantages. Come in and see the great bar
gains and he convinced that we can save you mon
ey. Don't fail to see our 5 and 10 cent counter.
TKe" Wonder Car"
One-Man Mohair Top
The new Maxwell is equipped with a one
man real mohair top. It can be raised or low
ered almost in an instant, by one person.
There are no top bows near the driver's seat.
This gives the driver and passenger beside
him an unobstructed view on both sides of
the car.
The storm curtains are quick-adjustable.
We are waiting to take you for a '
test ride in the car that has broken
' all low "First-Cost" records, and is
' breaking all low "After-Cost" records.
Demountable Kims $jIa
Vqin Visbn Windshield
Oopeto fyriicm.
the first national bank
of McConnellsburg. pa..
NOV. 10. 1915.
Loans and Investments. $324,204.25
Over Drafts 183.41
United States Bonds.. . 25,000.00
Stock in Federal Reserve
Bank 1,500.00
Furniture and Fixtures. 920.00
Due From Banks 445.11
TOTAL $400,671.67
Capital Stock .......... $ 25,000.00
SURPLUS (EARNED) 25,000.00
Undivided Profits 6,403.08
Circulation 25,000.00
TOTAL DEPOSITS. . . . 319,268.59
TOTAL.... $400,671.67
How about butchering tools? The lime will soon be here, and we
think we can do yob some good. If you need a butcher-knife, we
have them at 10, 15, 20, and 25 cents. Lee's Butcher steel, 55c;
family size, 25 cents. Hog Scrapers 8 cents, No. 12 Enterprise
grinders $1.75. 4-qt. Enterprise stuffer and lard press $4.25 and
the same lard cans as last year heavy tin 33 cents for 50 lb. 25
pound pails for lard 23 cents; Galvanized tubs, 50, 55. and 60 cts.
We were fortunate in getting 5 dozen more,
of those good double-bit axes that we sold
so many of two years ago at 55c. This year
they are going at 45 cents. The Mann and
Kelly axes double-bit at 65 cents same
axes we sold last year at 98 cents. City
made handles 16c, home-made, 25. Han
dled single-bit Mann axe, G5. Crosscut
saws $1 00 to $3 75. Handles for crosscut
saws 13c a pair. Tin Wash-boilers 90 and
95c. Stovepipe 10c; elbows, 10c.
Blankets and Robes.
Bed Blankets 45c. lo $5 00 Horae Blankets,
square, 98c to $5.00. Stable Blankets, 98c to
$1.45 The nicest double plush robn plain
on one aide, fancy, on the other, $3.25.
Oiled horse cover fdr storms, $1 75.
We have fit more feet this year than any year
that we have been in business. We think we can
guess the reason, and our reason is, that we
haven't advanced our prices, and that we are of
fering you shoes Right from the Manufacturer.
This is a savingtand a manufacturer that puts his
name on his goods, wants to sell the best value he
can for the money. ..Infants' shoes 10 to 75c,
Misses' and Boys 98c to $2.00; Ladies, $1.25 to
$3.60; Men's Drsss and Work Shoes, $1.48 to $4.25. If you want
a good shoe for work or dress, try our Securety and Endwell or
Walk- over. We have now sold more Walk-over Shoes than in any
other fall.
You save money on
rubber footwear with
You save because you get more
comfort and more actual days
of wear and service than from
any other footwear you can buy.
Rubber boots, arctics, knit boots
"Ball-Band" quality is always
the highest That is why we
recommend it and sell it Get
McConnellsburg, Pa.
the kind with the Red BalLJyj
You'll find it on all Vi
"Ball-Bapd-iVij 1 1
fe i ri h
v -r "Vfi i ir-i i i ' :wf. x
1 95-$1.25.,
: m
These goods, like
axes, have been
reduced, and we
are glad that we
can do this. We
would always
rather reduce
than advance. We
handle the Ball
Brand. . . (B. F.
Goodyear .and
Selz and a nice
line of second
quality goods.
Getpur prices be
fore you buy . as
we can save you
some nice money.
Overcoats, Suits and Sweaters
If you want to save money on thes
goods take a look at our line
these goods. Overcoats for Boy
and Men $1.75 to $10.00, Child
ren's Suits $2.00 to $5.00, Men
Suits $5.00 to $10.00, Sweate
Coats 45c to $3.00. See them.
We also have a big line of Hair Rib
bon, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Col
lars, Gloves, Hosiery.
WARNER CORSETS-the best cor
set made we think, and not onW
we, but a lot of qther people. Why
not try them the next , time? 50
Thanking you for past patronage.
McConnellsburg, Pa,