THE FULTOIf COUNTY !TCW, McCOKlfELLSBUXO, PJL nf 4 sTERESTINQ PARAGRAPHS l(lKl and Qeneril Intercut, dithered it Home or Clipped trm oar '' Exchanges. I3SDENSED FOR HURRIED READERS John Douglas Shoes at J. K. iion s. , One ticket with every 5-cent hrcbase for the free Xmaa Gifts it Ye Smoke Shop. Men's Ready-to-wear Clothing, juits and Overcoats at J. K. ohnston's. Hull and Bender's Racket are will be closed all day on hankagiving Day. Stop, look, and inquire at Run- an's Grocery for your supply of indies, fruits and nuts. The Irwin Store is showing all e latest Gift Books, Books of ;tion, Cards and Booklets. Miss Naomi Roettger and Miss ten Snyder spent a couple of . sit I t 1 1- jvs in tinamDersourg lasiween. Nothing nicer for a Christmas -esent than your photo. Kodack :.i3h. Satisfaction guaranteed : Seville's Studio. 3. A. Nesbit sepnt most of last reek in Perry county and was eompanied home on Friday by .3 nephew, Thurman Shaffer, of aine. Rev. A. G. B. Powers is on :e sick list at his home atNeed jre under the care of Dr. Pal-' er. We hope for a speedy re ;very. Alex Sloan is enjoying a nice sit among friends and relatives Altoona, Pittsburgh, and oth- places in the western part of eState. Leather Suit CaRe, SilkUm ellas Fur Driving Gloves, Ac nobiie Robfl, Carving Sets c, for free Xmas Gifts at Ye noke Shop. 11 28 5t Casper Brant 13 suffering from rious liver comolaint. Doctors ilmer, Mosserand McClain held recent consultaion at his home Taylor township. Mr; and Mrs. Irvin Bradnick, ar Knobsville, faced tne snow jails last Saturday morning to me to town to spend somemon r with the Editor, and the den .L ... Billy Hull and his daughter athryn, and his two sisters-in-7, Mrs. Mclntyre and Miss Net- Knauff, autoed up to Dublin lis last Sunday for Mr. Emory oth, of Altoona. Harry Johnston, accompanied Guy Reed, drove his car to Itimore Monday morning and er spending most of the day in ; city, they left there shortly er six o'clock and were home a little after ten in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Myers Bethel township, were called town on Thursday of last week account of the serious illness the latter's mother, Mrs. Sa il Deshong. Mr. and Mrs. My- s returned home Sunday, special demonsbation of the Mte rotary sewing machine at e Irwin Store each evening 3 week. Mr. Metzgar, of the lite Sewing Machine Company I show you how alU kinds of cicywork is. done. Yoirare in- ed. Sold on easy terms. unt Esther Sloan, near Web- r Mills, will give a dinner on anksgiving Day to all the mem '3 of the Sloan connection. nt Esther lives on the farm at has never been owned by "30ns other than those named an, and the occasion will be a ing celebration and family re- on. Our post office has assumed te a "citified" air recently, addition to steam heat, Post- ister Lamberson has installed Jen .oak furniture consisting a fine rolltop desk, an addi nal distributing cabinet with -Jtnerous compartments for kages, and an extra fiat top He. Don't fail to read the new ad- tisements in this week's pa ir: Reisners' The Racket Store, e Hill Store, The Irwin Store, e Bank Statements, Harris' al Estate, and Ye Smoke Shop. e shrewd man knows that it i's to read the advertisements! -'ertisers have something to f you that is worth your while, they , would not spend good neyfor the advertising. AKERSVILLE. Hon C. li. Akers badly injured the indei finger of his left band by a corn husuer -lost week... Charles and Hunter Jackson, of AUmna, tpint Last week with their parents, M - and Mrs. J.R JackBon. ..W L. Duval) recent ly purchased a norse to replace one lost. ..A new baby boy in each of the homes of N B lltx oon and Talmage Barton cauning broad smiles. ..Rev L. A. Du vall is holding revival services at Bethel. , .II. M Jackson bas a force of 01 eu operating a corn busker. .Mrs. Martnall Jack son and children attended the funeral of ber sister, Miss Jessie Drenniog at Everett, Tuesday of last week ..Some time ago a bog bit M. A Bark man on tbo lep, making a gash requiring seven stitchrs to clse. Stitchen were removed last Sunday. Church Notices. Rev. J. V. Powers, of Green- springs, VV. V a., will preach in the Needmore Baptist church Saturday evening, Nov. 27th at 7:30 o'clock: at Sideling Hill Christian Church, Sunday morn ing at 10:30; at Pleasant Grove at 2:00 o'clock, and at Cedar Grove at 7;30 in the evening. A collection will be taken at all these services to help defray his traveling expenses. Rev. Edward F. Mellott will preach at Pleasant Grove at 7:30 Saturday evening, Nov. 27th. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Sun day, followed by preaching by Rev. Jacob Powers at 3 o'clock, WEST DUBLIN. " Ira Lake and family, and Mrs Alton Price and two children, witb Edwin Br ant at the wheel mide a trip to Bedford Saturday. Fannie Wilier aid Clarence Hoover, of Dane, spent SunHay with the family of Mrs Elizi Hoovor. ..Casper 3rant who hv open ailiny for some tim-j is rap idly growing weaker ..Harry Deavor and E'hs Rosenberry each got a wild turkey last Sat urday. . .Owen Laidier, of Hus- tontown, expects to farm for Mrs Alice Clevenger next spring. Notice to Teachers. Don't forget that Mertie E. Shimer's store, East Lincoln Way, is where you get all the fancy and useful goods .that you just need. Give her a call. Your picture framed at Seville's Studio. All sizes. You will miss, some good prices on candies, fruits and nuts if you don't stop at Runyan's Grocery. Mrs. Emmaline Lodge went with her son George to his home in Brush Creek a few days ago. Mrs. E. R. McClain is spending two weeks visiting friends in Lancaster, and relatives at Red Lion, Pa. A. Lincoln Wible was favored with a sunny afternoon for his sale last Saturday, buyers were plenty, and articles sold well. Will Shoemaker called a few minutes at the News office Tues day while in town selling the merchants a supply of carpets, etc George C. Deshong, wife, and daughters Leona, Ethel and Lau ra, and son Floyd, and Geo. Gar ner helped Lewis Mellott butch er on last Monday. Mr. James J. Bunlap, of Fay- etteville, spont Tuesday night in town, visiting his sister Mrs. An nie Sheets, and shaking hands with his many oldtime friends. Mr' and Mrs. Harvey Hykes and daughter Fanny, of Hagers town, and Mr. John Lindaman and Mrs. Hess, of Waynesboro, spent Tuesday with D. E. Fore. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Truax and sons Hobart and Judson; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Deshong and daugh ters Gladys and Esta, and son Judson, visited Lewis Mellott's ast Sunday. Dessie Pittman and twj daugh ters and son Mearl visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Forner ast week. Last Friday, she and her mother visited Sadie F. Mel lott Mrs. Pittman spent Satur day with her sister Mrs. Loy Hol- linshead. McConnellsburg & Cham- bersb'g Touring Car Line. Will leave the Fulton House, McCon nellsburg, and the Memorial Square, In Chambereburg, on following sched ule : P M AM "AM P M 7:30 Lv. McConnellab'i Ar. 3:40 1:40 Lv. Chambersburi Ar. 9:30 RflAt enulnnnrt nap. and careful drlvnr. Your patronage solicited, Fare for one way 11.25, Fa and Winter Goods, At Harrisohville. Examine Our Lines and Get our Prices Before Buying Elsewhere. Outing Flannels 8 and 10c Flannelettes 10c Muslins 5i Sweet-Orr Cord Pants $2.40 Cord Coats, Heavy with Large Collar $2.50 High Rock Underwear 45 Sweaters for Men and Boys 50c. up Ladies' I . lack Sweaters "" $2.50 Horse Blankets-good and heavy $2.00 Stable Blankets $1.25 Misses' Knit Skirts 50 Women's Outing Skirts 50 "SHOES" We have a bigger and better line of Shoes, than we ever had. We have picked up some samples in la dies' Gun Metal and Vici that we will give you the benefit of-3, 31, and 4 only-$1.60 and $1.75. Men's Gun Metal Button at $2.00 and$2.75-all sizes. Don't forget that we have the Selz line, also, at $3.50. Misses Hightop Shoes for School at $1.50 and $2.00. RUBBERS We have the biggest line of rubbers we ever had. Ball Band and the B. F. Goodrich lines. Arctics and Overs for all the family. Red soled Arctics and Gums; also, White ones. We dare not quote prices here, but just come in and you will be agreeably surprised. Miscellaneous Lard cans 32 and 38 cts. v 10 qt. tin pails 10c. Lisk 10-qt. pails 50c. 10-qt. dish pans 10c. Wash boilers, heavy tin $1.25 Nickle plated teakettles $1.00 4-gal. churns $2.50 Washing machines $5.50 Web halters 1 15 cts. Good Heavy team bridles $2.25 Cow chains 15 cts. Hitching straps 45 cts. Leggins for men and boys 45 and 50 cts. 4 pairs canvas gloves 25 cts. WE THANK YOU M. H. HOLLINSHEAD Harrisonville, Pa. 6. EISNER J CO. 'To teachers and visitors to Institute, we wish to say that dur ing the week, we will sell all Ladies', Misses', and Children's Coats at P R I ME COST. Some lines broken that cannot be filled in. exceptionany garment at FLAT COST. We will make no DRESS GOODS. A large line of Dress Goods lots of them cheaper than they can be replaced. Still a few 39-cent serges and two colors in the 56-inch serge at 60 centsblue and black. A very full line of UNDERWEAR in Wool and Cotton. Notions galore, Gloves, Hosiery, Lace, Embroideries, &c. OVERCOATS AND SUITS. For the men we have an elegant line of Overcoats ranging in price from $3.50 to $15 00-from $10.00 to 15.00 we have some beauties. Suits, $5 00 to $17,00. Hats and Caps, Neck wear, &c. Just now we have quite a number of new patterns in Linoleum that you will want to see. - SEWING MACHINE SUPPLIES For those having: sewing machines we have needles and shuttles for any ma chine made. If you have trouble setting needles, write, or send to us. 10 Cents for a package ot 5 needles with a threader with every lot. .Make Reisners' vour headquarters while in town. Geo. W. Reisner & Co., . McConnellsburg, Penn'a. Descending the west side of Cove mountain on Lincoln High woy, Tuesday afternoon, the Ford automobile driven by Wilty Mel lott, of Ayr township, became unmanageable and ran down ov er the lower embankment The machine was damaged but Wilty escaped serious injury. ' PUBL G SALE The undersigned will sell at his place of business in Three Springs, Pa., be ginning at 9:30 a. m., Saturday, December 4, 1915 HORSES 6 head of horses, as follows: 1 black mare, 8 years old, weight 1270, known as the David Madden mare, will work anywhere hitched. 1 dappled mare, 9 years old, weight 1085, known as'Chas. Henry mare, a fine worker and driv er. 1 bay horse, 10 years old, w'eight 965, known as Chas. Shaffer, a No.'l driver. 1 sorrel mare, 8 years old, weight 1000, known as the Will Shaffer mare, as fine a looker and driver as there is in Huntingdon county. 1 dun mare, rising 3 years old, weight 1050, will make 1400 to 1500 weight, known as the A. F. Cutshall horse. 1 black 2 year old, weight 675, will make 1200 lb. mare. . Buggies and Wagons 15 brand new Mifflinburg top buggies, painted in all colors, trimmed in leath er cloth, all 18 spoke riveted rim, second growth hickory wheels. .3 second handed buggies, 1 good as new. Mifflinburg top surrey, only run, 200 miles. 3 new Mifflinburg runabouts. 3 Mifflinburg top wagons, 3 seats and 8 posts. 5 new road wagons, 1 3-in. skein Weber wagon, 2 3i skein Weber wagons, 2 3i skein Acme wagons. 1 -horse Swab wagon that we used for delivery purposes. Pair 2-horse bob sleds that we used for huckstering purposes. Farm Machinery New Deering mower, latest improved, 6 foot cut; 2 new Deering hay rakes, 9 foot self-dumping; 5 Hench & Dromgold wood frame harrows, 16 tooth; 5 Deering steel runner harrows, t5 tooth; 5 Deering 50 tooth spike harrows; 10 steel and wood beam Oliver plows; 3 Ontario lime sowers, 8 foot; a lot of single and double harness, Blightly used. 10 sets of new buggy harness. Collars, chains, wagon bed, and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: 12 months' time without interest, , . CHAS. HUSTOk& BRO. James Chesnut, Auct. .T. A. Weight, Clerk." Special Bargains in Real Estate ' . 101 Acres in Taylor township. Good improve ments and well located. Ne'arly all limed. Plenty of timber, Easy terms. Price 51700 00. 200 Acres Todd township, 2 1-2 miles irom McConnellsburg, near limestone quarry. Good timber Brick house, good barn and well locat ed, Price 53500.00, Easy terms. . Inquire tor particulars. GEO. A. HARRIS, Agent, McConnellsburg, Penn'a. 1r New Real Estate Agency. Having retired from the Mercantile business with a view to giving his entire attention to Real Estate, the undersigned offers his service to any one having real estate for sale, or wanting to buy. His thorough acquaintance with values and conditions in Fulton County, coupled with long and successful experience in handling Real Es tate, makes it possible for him to bring about results in the shortest possible time. Write, or call on, D. H. PATTERSON, WEBSTER MILLS, PA, PULTON COUNTY NEWS is the people's paper. OLOO a, Year in Advaneo