The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 07, 1915, Image 7

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A medicinal preparation like Dr. Kit
fr'i Swamp-Itoot, that )iih real curative
value almost sella itself. Like an endless
cfaiia system the remedy is recommended
by those wbo have been benefited to thoi
(bo are in need of it.
J. Kilmer'i Swamp-Hoot is a physi
(jia'l proscription. It baa been tested
or years and hua brought results to count
leu number who have suffered.
The success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
due to the fact tlmt it fufills almost ev
ery wish in overcoming kidney, liver and
liUJdsr diseases, corrects urinary troubles
tod neutralizes the uric acid which cauact
Do not suffer. Get a bottle of Swamp
Root from any druggist now. Start treat
ment today.
However, if you wish first to test this
jreat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. V., for a
nmple bottle. When writing be sure and
tienlion thia paper. Adv.
Getting Tiresome.
"I takn off my hut to this war corre
ipondcnt." "Why bo?"
"Ho has written a column descrip
tive of scenes at the front without
once saying tho big guns 'spoke.' "
brtferenceto l.llllr liahek the,rir rm4)
(or thilU an J fmvar and all malarial dinaamt.
Within the last 1W months 1 bare sold 8,flOt
snttlesof MIxIrHnbek.fiirMalurta.nilllnaiid
Ffrer. Our rnstnmera apeak very well of ll,
Bnrr Evans, KS r St., N.W., Washing-Inn, D C."
Kllilr Isabels 60 cents all riruB-tfiHtH, or by
Parrels Post, prepaid, rum Klocitewakl Co.,
Wulilugvon, u. u.
A plumber, by the wy, Is a skilled
moihanic, who sits on a soap box
while his helper does the work.
Who Suffered As Many Girls
Do Tells How She
Found Relief.
EterHnjr, Conn. "I am a girl of 22
fears and 1 used to faint away,every
rrrm month and was very
weak. I was also
bothered a lot with
female weakness. I
read your little book
Wisdom for Wo
men,' and I saw how
others had been
helped by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound, and
decided to try it, and
' it baa made me feel
like a new girl and I am now relieved
of all these troubles. I hope all young;
girls will got relief aa I have. I never
felt better 1n my life."-Mrs. John
Tetreault, Box 116, Sterling, Conn.
Massena, N. Y. " I have taken Ly-
dia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound
and I highly recommend it If anyone
wants to write to me I will gladly tell
her about my case. I was certainly in
i bad condition as my blood was all turn
ing to water. I had pimples on my face
and a bad color, and for five years I had
been troubled with suppression. The
doctors called it 'Anemia and Exhaus
tion,' and said I was all run down, but
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound brought me out all right." Miss
La visa Mykes, Box 74, Massena, N.Y.
YoungrGirls, Heed This Advice.
Cirls who are troubled with painful or
irregular periods, backache, headache,
dregging-down sensations, fainting
'Elisor indigestion, should immediately
seek restoration to health by taking Ly
dia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound.
Make the Liver
Do its Dutv
Nine times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach and bowels are right
gently butfirmly com
Ehi,iver V I Carter's
Cures Con
bpslion, ln
'ad Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
It is not safe nor necessary.
You can relieve it with
Hale's Honey
Of Horehound and Tar
'does not upset digestion or nerves,
u pleasant to the taste. Contains no
opium nor anything injurious.
All druggists.
A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to
to dissolved in water as needed
. For Douches
' the local treatment of woman's ilia,
r'" as leucorrhoea and Inflammation, hot
J:tiea 0f Paxtine are very efficacious.
"woman who has ever user medicated
J00?1"0" will fail to appreciate the clean and
lthy condition raxtine produces and the
L?.mPt rollef from soreness and discomfort
J follows iU use.Thla ts because I'axtine
LT",e' superior cloanslng, disinfect
Dealing properties,
.'or ten ..... I v
wa Tears t li lvdia E.
mended Paxtine in their
" oorrespondeuce with wo-
which proves Its auneri
mf ' .""men who hare been
aT it is " worth its
iW In gold." AtdruKKists.
. box or by mail. Sample f roe.
faxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mas.
A nil! prrrttoo of merit.
Help to ravllet dandruff.
For RaMtoriof Colnr and
Stautr toGmy or Fadd Hair
hoc. ind $t oo at Pminri-ta
All druggists.
Trr Kkt'i TlW.cs. Dr.
Brilliant Conception
s - ..
-lt-l.' 'L
f IJl: 3 If I
Whether they came from the brain
of some brilliant American or blos
somed out of the long-trained genius
of a French creator, the ' coat and
dress and hat which here make up an
exquisite costume proclaim the high
est art. From the crown of the head
to the tips of her toes the model pic
tured is correctly appareled In the
choicest offerings of the season.
The dress is made of a soft satin
gathered Into bands of a supple plush
at the bottom, and an oversklrt of the
plush which falls In folds from the
waist down. As In nearly all dresses
of pile fabrics the bodice shows a com
bination of chiffon and satin with
heavier fabric.
The coat is tho shortest of the three
fashionable lengths from which one
may choose. It is designed with a
Jacket which falls to the lower edge
of the belt. The belt Is noticeably
narrow and Inconspicuous.
The sleeves are full and gathered In
Two Little Demi
Designed for wear during the au
tumn months, in the col dor climates,
these two little coats will serve
throughout the winter In the warmer
partB of the country. They are made
of falllo silk, poplin, or similar silks
woven with a heavy rep, but may be
developed In any of the soft firmly
woven satins or in plain supple woolen
The coat of rose-colored falllo at the
left is made with a long bodice with
a short plaited skirt set on it. There
Is a wide belt of velvet, with a square
hanging tab at the fn.nt, which hooks
at one side. The plaits In tho skirt
portion are omitted at the front leav
ing a plain panel which also fastens at
the side.
The sleeves are full 'and plain, fin
ished with a turned-back cuff made of
the game material aa the coat. The
round nock Is finished without a col
lar of tho material, but a pretty collar
of cream-colored cluny lace adorns it.
Flat buttons. In a lighter shade of rose
than the coat, provide the fastening
down the front.
The odd and smart little garment at
New Dress Inspirations.
The domlKods of fashion have to
ransack things pretty thoroughly at
times for new Inspirations, so we
rnnllv should not be surprised at the
remits of their labors. They have
gone back now so deep into the "thir
ties" that one wonders whether they
will ever Kct back again. One out
come of this excursion ts a quaint
adaptation of the old English coach
mun'a coat, with its Bhort circular
shoulder cape and full skirt. These
features appear on a dress of brown-
UlNs firrir
for Winter Wear
to a soft cuff. A very clever and
original touch appears in the cuffs
They are merely bands of the plutib,
edged with satin-covered cord and ex
tended Into a pointed end. This end
la slipped through a narrow band of
the plush which forms a slide like the
end of a bow of ribbon.
The neck Is finished with one of tho
many new blgb collars, but It is not
close-fitting. It is finished with a tie
of the satin-covered cord. Pearl but
tons having a dark rim are used for
fastening the coat from neck to waist
line.- The skirt portion Is straight and
gathered into the belt at tho sides and
The last word in shopping bags and
walking boots finish the details, of a
chic and entirely correct ensemble.
All neckwear apparently closes in
front. The net chemisettes, however,
frequently close In the back.
- Season Coats
tho left appears to be a combination
of both dress and cout. A box-plaited
skirt portion is set on to a long waist
A plain skirt' Is set on over tho plaits
at the sides and back and Is cut In one
with the short belt across the front.
This portion is lined with a light thin
silk and finished about the edges with
a piping.
The coat fastens at the loft side
with hooks and eyes and is finished
with soutache braid put on In a Van
Dyke pattern. The sleeves are plain
and moderately full, with close-fitting
cuffs overlaid with, a heavy lace. A
collar to match flnlshea the neck.
Two new modols in bonnets are
shown with the coats. That at the loft
la of soft cream-colored silk gathered
In about the face with sevoral rows ol
shirred tucks. It is gathered In to the
shape of the crown by circular rows of
the shirred tucks at the back.
The little bonnet of velvet at the
right is made with a plain brim and
puffed crown of velvet and prettily
trimmed with ribbon. Doth boiinots
fasten with chin straps.
and-black striped taffeta, which has
the shoulder-cape effect plaited hori
zontally to lie flat In front, but roll
ing from the collar In back. These
monk's cowl boldly and adjusted It In
neat folds botween the shoulders of a
Callot-blue faille frock. They have
even peeped Into the convent and
fashioned a new girdle arrangement
after tho nun's cord, which drops with
long ends from a single knot In the
front of a black-and-white striped taf
feta. Where will they go next? Wa
must hold our breaths and wait.
(Conducted by the National Woman's
Christian Temperanca Union )
One of the pro-saloon arguments Id
high license states is that the liquor
trafflo helps maintain the public
schools. A Nebraukun newspaper fit
tingly replies thus: "Yes, that Is true,
but it does more than that. It main
tains a school system of its own.
While the little boys are being gath
ered into the 'public schools where
they are trained to read, to write and
to think, the young men are being
gathered Into the private schools of
the liquor traffic, the saloons, where
they are trained to sweur, to tell lewd
etorles and to drink.
"The public school takes tho boy,
builds up his Intellect and trends him
towards blgb character and good
habits. The private school of tho
liquor traffic, the saloon, takes that
boy when he Is a little older, de
bauches his Intellect and trends him
toward low character and bad habits."
Professor Gugllelino, the noted Ital
ian historian, predicts a "world-wide
temperance movement as an outcome
of the great world war." He says
that hereafter no nation can afford to
consider the prosperity of distillers
and brewers above the welfare of the
people. "Ifus not the state," he in
quires, "the right and the duty to ask
each citizen to sacrifice his goods and
his life to save his nation from a for
t!n aggression against its glory, pow
er, liberty or riches? And has It not
the rlgiit to demand the renunciation
of a few minutes of unhealthy, torpid
Joy to regenerate the citizen's health
and save himself and future gener
ations all tho misfortunes of which
drunkenness is the mother?"
This from the Technical World:
"Emperors, business men, social re
formers, are all agreed upon one
thing: Alcoholic drinks work positive
harm. A single glass of beer lessens
a man's efficiency 7 per cent. Imag
ine then what larger quantities of
wine, gin or whisky will do. The up-to-date
employer will nof keep men
who drink even In moderation. The
secretary of the navy will not allow
them on our warships. "Every com
mander In the field today In Europe Is
leading a sober army. Everywhere
the brains of the world redognlze that
alcoholic liquors weaken both muscle
and mind power."
"In years to come, when we read the
history of this decade," says the Kan'
sas City Star, "the red streak caused
by the upheaval In Europe may be no
broader than the white one which will
represent ti e world's severing of po
lite relations with John Barleycorn. If
the military madness of Europe does
result in the liquor sanity of the world
the war may be hulled as the greatest
blessing to mankind since the advent
of Christianity."
"I know from experience that
whisky and ammunition mixed make
trouble,' said ex-Governor Oswald
West of Oregon In explanation of his
action In closing the Copperfield
saloons more than a year ago. "I
learned that a large number of per
sons In Copperfield were going armed.
I did not want to take any chances of
anybody getting killed, so I put the
town under martial law and confis
cated the whisky."
From 7 to 43 per cent of accidents
are due directly or indirectly to drink.
according to estimates of medical dl
rectors of three United States life in
surance companies. Railroad acci
dents, 7 per cent; street cars, 8 per
cent; automobile, 10 per cent; ve
hicles and horses, 8 per cent; heat
and sunstroke, 43 per cent; machin
ery, 7 per cent; mines and quarries, 8
per cent; drowning, 13 per cent; gun
shot, 10 per cent
The Boston Elevated Railway com
pany, which was the recipient of a
gold medal this year from the Ameri
can Museum of Safety for the excel
lency of the mrAhoda used by it In
promoting the safety and health of all
employees, requires thnt "all men en
gaged In the car and train service
must be free from the liquor habit as
absolutely essential for the safe con
duct cf the business."
One-half of one bottle of wine or
two to four glasses of beer a day
depress every form of Intellectual ac
tivity Prof. J. J. Abel, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore.
Dr. William Q. Shaw, general secre
tary of the United Society for Chris
tian Endeavor, had just finished an ap
peal for missions at one of the meet
ings of the great convention in Chica
go, when a white-faced woman in the
audience arose and, pointing a shaking
finger at the chairman, cried:
Close the saloons and I'll have some
money to give."
Amen!" shouted Doctor Shaw.
We'll close tho saloons; we're going
to close the doors of every grogshop
In Christendom."
"I know that liquor ruins a man,"
said General Villa, after placing; an
embargo on all liquor sales in those
Mexican towns wherein he maintains
troops, ."Here I have 30.000 armed
men end there Is no disorder. I do
not drink or smoke, and 1 hope some
day to have nation-wide prohibition
in Mexico."
Tho best safety appliance in a fac
tory or mine is a sober brain. Gov.
George A. Carlson of Colorado.
tTet Content 15 Flnld Drachma
, ( "
AVcgctahlc Prv'paralionforAs-siniilutingtlicFoodandu'etftilfl-find
the Sloniachsand Bowls of
Promotes DiiJcstioaOiecrfiil
ncss mid hYst.Conlaiiw neither
Opiiiin.Morpliiiie nor .Mine ml,
ISot Narcotic
Atx $4nnm -fiotMU
Am iW
Jll-taroaauSeJi I
A pfrild Remedy lorCtiiisfipd
tion. Sour Sloniaeh. Diarrhoea,
Worms. Feverishiiess and
Loss of Sleep
fac -Simile Sitfiuilunr of
Exact Copy of Wrapper
Uncle Will Had Good Explanation for
What at First Seemed Like
a "Tall" Story.
Old Uncle Will was still faithful to
his young "missus," but the truth of
many of his amazing statements had
long since ceased to be depended
One day, from tho kitchen window,
he saw an automobile being driven by
a young girl.
"I tell yo', Miss HesR, it sho' am a
dangerous thing, all (lis yere a-drlvin'
by whnniln fnlkscs."
"Why. w tint Is the danger?" aske '
his amused "missus."
"Well, Miss Hess, I know a mnn
what wuz run over by one of dem
things whar do lady wuz adrlvln',
long 'bout two years 'go, an' dat nig
gah, he was so plum sralrt he hain't
breuthed since, no's.' not once!"
"Oh, Undo William, think again. I
told you time after time the penalty
for tolling such falsehoods! Now you
know as well as I that no human be
ing could continue to live and not
breathe, could he?"
"Why, ob course. Miss Hess, oh
course I knows hit. but dat niggali
wot I speaks ob he's done been buried
two years!"
i His View.
Willis A few years more will see
the end of the moving-picture busi
ness. Oillis Why so?
Willis Lack of attendance.
Gilli8 Nonsense. Their popularity
is Increasing daily.
Willis Maybe, but mark my words
at the rate they are going, in a few
years everybody will be either acting
in them or running a picture kIiow and
there won't be anybody left to watch
tho pictures. Judge.
Ten-Dollar Look.
Hlgsoii How well you're looking
this morning, Jigson!
Jigson Yes; I never looked better
in my life. I'm looking for a man
who owes me ten dollars.
What every mother needs is more
kindliness and sympathy while she is
alive and leas flapdoodle after she is
Medicine Not Needed in This Case.
It is hard to convince some people
that coffee docs them an Injury! They
lay their bad feelings to almost every
cause but the true and unsuspected
llut the doctor knows. His wide ex
perience has proven to him that, to
some systems, coffee is an insidious
poison that undermines the health.
Ask him if coffee is a cause of con
stipation, stomach and nervous trou
bles. "I have been a coffee driuker all my
life, and when taken sick two years
ago with nervous prostration, the doc
tor said that my nervous system was
broken down and that I would have to
give up coffee.
"I got so weak and shaky I could
not work, and reading an advertise
ment of Postura I asked my grocer if
ho had any of it. He said, 'Yes,' and
that he used It In his family and it
was all it claimed to be.
"So 1 quit coffee and commenced to
use postum steadily, and in about two
weeks I could sleep better and get up
In the morning feolins fresh. In about
two months I began to gain flesh. I
weighed only 146 pounds when I coni
wnced on Postura and now I weigh
7 and feol better than I did at 20
years of age. '
'I am working every day and sleep
well at night. My two children were
coffee drinkers, but they have not
drank any since Postum came Into the
house, and are far more healthy than
they were before." Name given by
Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich.
Postum comes in two forms:
Poitum Cereal the original form-
must be well boiled. 15c and 23c pack
Instant Postum a soluble powder
dissolves quickly In a cup of hot wa
ter, and with cream and sugar, makes
delicious beverage instantly. 30c
and CO.! tins.
Both kindb are equally dollcious and
cost about the Bame per cup.
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
sold by Grocers.
aW- i jr
Cfmtorla Is a harmless enbstltute for Castor Oil, Par
gorlc, Drops and Soothinff Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotia
substance. Its atro is Its gnnruntce. It dcittrors Worms
and allays Fcverihhncsg. For more thun thirty years it
lias been la eonstant mho lor the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency. "Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Ktomarn and IJowel,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's Funacca The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Brother Jones Had His Own Reasons
for His Close Perusal of the
The parson of a small country
church was rambling along the road
when It suddenly occurred to him to
call on a citizen named Jones, who
was known to be rather Indifferent
about church attendance. The place
was soon reached, and entering the
garden gate the pastor was surprised
to see Jones sitting on the veranda
with a large Bihlo In his hands.
"Ah, Hrother Jones," said the par
son with a smile of satisfaction, "I
am glad to see you so attentively
peniHlng your Hlble."
"Yes," responded Jones. "There
are times when ll comes in mighty
"Perhaps I might be able to help
you," generously volunteered the
dominie. "'ero you looking for any
particular pasuage?"
"No," was the startling reply of
Jones. "Twins have Just come to our
house, and mother OHked me If 1
wouldn't look up a couple o' names
for 'em."
Due to Darrdruff and Irritation, Pre
vented by Cuticura.
The Soap to cleanso and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal. Dally
shampoos with Cuticura Soap and
occasional applications of Cuticura gently rubbed Into the
scalp skin will do much to promote
hair-growing conditions.
Sample each free by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY,
lioston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Helped Considerably. '
"I presume there was a Lovers' lane
nt tho summer resort you visited?"
"I think not."
"Hut, surely, there were some ac
commodations for spooning?"
"Well, tho power plant was defec
tive and tho lights went out two or
three times in tho course of an eve
ning." Next to Nothing.
"Why does your wife dry tho clothes
in tho cellar now? That Isn't healthy,
is It?"
"Dunno. To tell tho truth, daugh
ter is weurlng so little that mother is
ashamed to hung tho stuff In the
yard." Judge.
Where the Idea Originated.
Mrs. Newtywed I saw a piece In the
paper tonight thnt people would feel
better to go without breakfast!
Air. Ncwlywed H'm! Wonder which
of our cooks wrote that? I'uck.
Luring Him On.
Old Hoarder How does It happen
that you gave that man the tenderloin
and me tho tough end?
Walter Girl He hasn't decidod to
stay yet.
The population of Ireland Increased
last year by 5.000, the first annual gain
In many years.
When a saloonkeeper Is proud of
his place he oalls it a buffet.
10c Worth of
Will Clear $1.00 Worth of Land
Get rid of the
big crops on
is the time to
luy 1 J las' Ftnct
Bui a Goad Cat
Buy Cool Potts
luy Gasf Fabric
sd you will
haTt something
you will beaatis
tied with. f4nt
our prices on Held and l'oullry Fences Cat. trea
DWIEEINS WIRE FENCE CO., Isdtrtss, ladiaai
Cry For
Signature of
After looking your opponent over
you generally can decide whether U
be courageous or merely Judicious.
Leap before you look and you wHI
look foolish.
Why That Lame Back?
Morning lameness, sharp twinar
when stooping, or a dull, all-day back
ache; each in cause enough to sraptct
kidney trouble. Get after the cause.
Help the kidnevs. We Americana orer
do, overeat and neglect our sleep and
exercite, and so we are becoming a na
tion of kidnev aunerers. 72 more
deaths from kidnev disease than Ha
lfiiX). ia the atorv told hv the 19IO erav
sus. If annoyed with a bad hark aaiil
irrefrular kidney artion, modify the
bad habits and use Doan's Kidney Pilla.
A Virginia Caie
J. r: -j nomas. .1 , nys h,Mi
Iloxbjry HI., rilf-i' , (r iT'
ion Force. Va..u;
savs: "t'rlc add f.Ci
had poisoned my
system and I was I
emaciated and hail
lost Ihe ush of my
iimbs. TIih muscles
of my back seemed
to be contracted
and I was In
UKony. Three day
after I tecnn us
ing Doan's Kidney 1'iila. 1 felt better
and In a short time, was aide to art
Hionnd. My kidneys got normal. I
trained tlilrty pounds and alt the ail
ment left me."
Cat Doan's at Aay Stan, B0 a Bas
M? wifewswsoertppled with KhenirutUna
thst Klin C4HJL1 lis nil f wslk. A tier try I nit werr
thuiii eti wit bout get tins any rellof 1 was pee
smiOeil u trf Yaiier Linini-nt. I'heSnttbuC
t!e Hcted Ilk a rbsrtn slid sfTurded tminedlal
relief, and after tiMng; 8 bMiet tbe mtm mar
UrolT veil." THUS. MOUUM. 1'rofflt. Va.
i.arce Bottles, 5c, at all dealers)
twites' by OILIEST IBOt 4 CO.. sc.. Iilt'snnk M.
4 . w
Never Fails
tm tiva fcaaotif ul color t
More than a half century of inecess. Id
dealer hasn't it, send 11.00 and a largs botlia
will be sent you oy parcel post.
MRS. S. A. ALLEN. 85 Barclay St, (Wrath
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 41-191S.
stumps and crow KnrVM
cleared Ian-?. Now
clean ud vour farm
1 .r.
while products bring high prices. Blasting:
quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Free,
ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold
Writ for Fna HanJbooh of Explo$lve No. SF.
and nam of ncarcaf dialer.
uj4 WA-.nwftrtH A OntnpTKl.vta of wmini- m
nil HCTUlCWUifc troctiontnBniUcMiutj
with OTr liMi IHntr-utimM, trbfpvr7 knova m-
oromnry uu nHMiei niiirn. Ajruttom id rtin
HutUrartlun irnurintt(xV HhIm mi"-" to.
UIM. IIBUMIIMtAas4rWs'Ufewr,UH. Tl
nnnuQv mm uunr
and thort brMth, oftn ftirm anure rWH m
16to99dava. Trial tntmnl mnt fvt .
ta TimUll V J-DL'CaJ " a. I m
U. U. bma'l (was, Boa' X, U ! tat