TBI FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McCONNELLSBUKQ, PA. MARKET REPORT. CORRECTED EVERY WEDNESDAY. The grain market! ire taken from tbe Cham persburg dally newspapers. Tbe provision once are those that obtain In MoCooaells- ourg. GRAIN Wheat 1.05 New wheat ?3ran 'Jorn Oati Rye PROVISIONS Earn per tb Shoulder Bacon, Side per lb Potatoes, per bushel ......... Butter, Creamery Butter, Country Eptfn, per dozen Lard, per lb Live Calves, per lb Chickens, per tb 97 1.60 SO 55 76 IS 14 12 75 2 18 ltl 10 rl 13 Cashier M. W. Nace and his son Billy spent last Sunday in Chambersburg with the former's father, D. B. Nace. Evans Hugert and Hester Has kins, Charlestown, W. Va., were recently sent to the penitentiary for a second offense against the State prohibitory liquor law. HIDES. Frank B. Sipes pays tbe highest market price for beef bides at fieir butcher shoo in McConnell&burg, also highest price paid for calf skins heepskms and tallow. Advertisement. When you read this week's News in the cool "Shade of the Old Apple Tree," think of the printer who got out the paper when the thermometer register ed 96 in the shade. We are think ing of you as you reap in the siz zling heat The Hancock News says that Austin Lynch, fourteen-year-old son of Paul Lynch, of Bethel township, and who from infancy has been lame in one leg, rode a tricycle from Warfordsburg to Hancock, a distance of four miles in litttle less than an hour. All the delegates to the Religio Temperance meeting at Big Cove Tannery last Sunday afternoon and evening were royally enter tained in the families of that section. The big gardens, and the dairies, were not spared to furnish quality and quantity for the tables. The Shippensburg State Norm al School prepares not only for teaching, but for college, technic f.l school or business. The ex 1 ier.se at this school for students '. 7 years of age or more, who wish te teach, is only four dollars a week. Write to the Principal for a catalogue. Look cut for state officers who are quietly circulating in many places taking testimony against violators of automobile laws such as running machines while under the influence of liquor, speeding, and running without license. It 13 in just such places as Fulton county that they may turn up. Burgess L W. Seylar brought home with him from Philadelphia last Friday a Hudson car of a handy type. Climbing to hi s branch ice cream and lunch stand on top of the mountain, with . a horse and vehicle, was too slow during this hot weather; but the trip will now be made in a few minutes. Rev. J. C. Garland of Belfast township was in town Monday afternoon for some repairs for his mower. Mr. Garland says the grain crop in his township is unusually good this year. Char ley Garland threshed the rye from two and a half acres a few days ago and the yield was forty eight bushels. Wheat is turning out well and of excellent quality. An automobile party from Waynesboro, composed of Geo. L. Strine, J. W. Swisher and grand son Lawrence Beamer, W. H. Erubaker, and Irvin Hardsook all in Irv'n's car, spent the time from Saturday until Sunday even ing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Corder W. Snyder at Gem. The party was joined at Mercersburg by Miss Maye McEldowney, who accompanied them to Gem and back to Mercersburg. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Greathead and their children Carroll, Rob ert, Eleanor, and Marshall, mo tored from their home in Norfolk Va., to this place last week, ar riving on Thursday evening, and were the guests of Mr. Great head's brothers and sister. Their actual running time for the 500 miles was about two days -240 miles being the distance for the f.rst days run. After that the I arty made stops that const: Tied the time. Wanted, For Sale, For Rent, Lost, Found, Etc. RATES One opnt per word for each insertion. No advertisement aocepted for less than 15 cents. Cash must ac company order. Foil Sai.k Two second hand mowers good as new, at second hand price. One is a Deering the other, an Osborne. Don' wait until tbe other fellow gets them. W. H. Nesbit,!McConaells burg. 7 15 tf. Make Dry Cement Floors. Many farmers would like to use concrete for floors in stables, and for other uses, but on ac count of dampness absorbed by this material, they have found it unsuitable. Experiments have been going on for a long time at the Public Roads Department, Washington, D. C, and it has been found that oil used in the proportion of one-tenth of the weight of cement, and mixed in a certain way, will insure a dry floor and in no wise impair the strength of the floor or wall. Bui letin No. 230 of the Department of Public Roads, Washington, D, C, gives full directions. Do not undertake to mix the materials before receiving these instruc tion, RehobothTicnic. The annual picnic of the Rehc both M. E. Sabbath School will be held in Prof. Scott's grove on July 31st. The Hancock Band will furnish music through the day and during the rendering of a splendid program beginning at 10 o'clock. During the afternoon there will be plenty of amuse ment and music. There will al so be good speaking by Rev. Ray mond Brewer of Sylvan, and J. W. Young of Cumberland and the closing address will be made by Rev. C. Lewis of Hancock. Big Union Picnic. Members of the Bedford coun ty Lutheran and Methodist Sun day schools, the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, Knights of the Golden Eagle and the Sons of Veterans will join in a big picnic at Breezewood on Saturday, July 24th. The managers are leavine nothing undone to furnish amuse ment and entertainment. Among the speakers for the day will be two from this county Dr. W. L. McKibbin, of Buck Valley and Rev. Thoma3 P. Garland, Need- more, lherewulbea big free dinner for all. To Receive Bids. We the undersigned committee will meet July 31st at 1 o'clock m. in the Odd Fellows Grove near Fort Littleton for the pur pose of receiving bids tor pnv leges for the sale of ice cream and confectionery, horse feeds, and for a Merry go round, Ac, at the O. O F. reunion to be held at that place August 14th. D W. Chomer, J. B. Fhakek, 22 t Gno Sheffield. Odd Fellows Picnic. Fort Littleton Lodge has de cided that rather than let the Odd Fellows reunion fall down entire ly, they will assume the respon sibility, and have therefore set the 14th of August as tbe date, and the Grove at Fort Littleton as the place. The fact that the Fort is humping itself means that there will ue "somethin doin'" on the 14th. Dot Weather Prices. M. M. Bender has on hand at his shop on east Market street a nice lot of Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, and Chairs. If he does not have just what you want, he can get it on short notice, and these goods will be sold for the next few weeks at hot weather prices. 7-22-2L Democrats Will Meet. The Democratic voters of Bel fast township will meet at the election house the last Saturday of July from 2 to 4 p. m. for the purpose of securing candidates to be. nominated for township offices at the general primary. Committee. While helping to thresh at John Runyan's Monday, Albert Lar gent caught the steel tine of a pitch fork instead of a sheaf and he is now nursing a punctured right hand. GEO. A. W. Scott C. R. A. Little's Millinery. Millinery Reductions. Everything in our store, including finest millinery and fancy goods are reduced. You are welcome to come in, whether you buy. or not. Post Office, Box 4. McConnellsburg, Pa. HARNESS and HORSE GOODS We have the Largest Line of. Buggy Harness in Franklin County. Twenty-five Different Styles to SeleclIFrom. w i tvii-r- up, Yankee Breeching $18.00 to $20 00. Summer Lap Spreads from 50c to $2.50. Harness Oils and Soaps, and Machine Oil. Mail orders promptly attended to. SMITH BROTHERS, West Seminary Street, Mercersburg, Pa. Report of the Condition of the Fulton County BANK of McConnellsburg, Fulton County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business June ZS, ltflo. RESOURCES Cash, specie and notes 117,41.50 Due from Ap- provedlle serve Aeenti 23,049.46 Legal securities at par J2.000.00 B2, 470.06 89.35 285.93 2,452.75 23,250 37 7,901.48 28,780.72 50,696.86 102,732.44 35,995.70 92 546.09 1,500.00 732 oa 137.07 Nickles and cents Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve Bills discounted: Upon one name Bills discounted: Upon two or more names Time loans Loans on call with collat eral Loans on call upon one name Loans on call upon two or more names Bonds Mortgages and judgments of record Furniture and fixtures Overdrafts Book value of reserve se curities above par Total 1397,571.74 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $ 50,000.00 surplus tuna 'l,uw.W Undivided profits, lessex penses and tax paid .... 4.245.93 Individual de posits subject to check I 90,070 26 Demand Certifi cates of De posit 314.52 Time Certificates of Deposit 228,104.52 3l8.489.30 Due to Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 2,836.49 Total $397,571.74 State of Pennsylvania, County of Ful ton, ss: I Wilson L. Nace, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement s true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. NACK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1915. M. RAY SHAFFNF.R, Notary Public. Geo. A. Harris, Gko. B. Mellott, A. U. Nace, Jno. A. Irwin, Directors. The Stork left a little son at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morton west of town last Thurs day evening. THE FULTON COUNTY BANK CAPITAL, SURPLUS, AND PROFITS $76,000.00 - - - TOTAL ASSETS OVER $400,000.00 Organized 18ST - Incorporated 1911. .OFFICERS: HARRIS, PRESIDENT. . - . . C. R. SPANGLER, VICE-PRESIDENT. WILSON L. NACE, CASHIER. ROBERT G. ALEXANDER.lTELLER. DIRECTORS AND ADVISORY BOARD: Palmer, John A. Irwin, S. R. Cromer, Spangler, Geo. B. Mellott, Samuel Mellott, U. Nace, D. A. Washabaugh, M. II. Hollinshead, Geo. A. Harris, Oliver Hill, John Baldwin, D. A. Nelson, W. M. Comerer, John G. Hess, Frank M. Lodge, W. S. Brant. Single D.riviDg Harness $3.00 to 123.00, Collars $1.25 to 4 25. Yankee Bridles $150 to $2.50. Halters all Leather at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Collar Pads 25c. to 50c. Flynets all leather from $2.25 to $0 50, Cord Nets from $1 00 to $2.50, i' Buggy Nets from $2 25 to $3 25. Front Gears $3 50 to $4.25, YanlfPO FYnnt Conra IS Of) and , ALEXANDER'S McConnellsburg and Fort Loudon Automobile Line by way of the Lincoln Highway. Leaves McConnellsburg at 6:15,. a. m., and 1 p. m., arriving at Fort Lou don In time for the 7:44 a. m. train and the 3:13 p, m. train. Returning, leaves Fort Loudon on tbe arrival of the 11:05 a. m. train, and the 6:27 p. m. train. Fare 60 cents. Any freight or express marked in ray care will receive prompt attention. A share of your patronage solicited Bell phone 3 H 4. J. S. ALEXANDER, 4-29-tf- Proprietor. PUMPS. M. V. MALOT DEALER IN Pumps and Pump Repairs. New Worn put in or Re pair Work done on short notice. Prices resonable and satis faction guaranteed. Address, M. V. MALOT, 7-l-3m. llustoutown, Fa. W. M. COMERER, agent for the BRANTINGHAM MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, BURN! CABINS. PA. or the sale of Traction and Portable Engines, Gaso line, Separators, Clo rerHullers, Saw mills. Sc. Engines on hand all the Urn: Racket Store We want to name some prices for this month that we think will interest you. Well, we sure did sell some of that good machine oil at 25c. gallon. : Shoes Shoes Shoes : We have cut the prices on all our Oxfords this week. Note a few prices. $4.00 Oxfords Walkover now $3.25; $3 50 Oxfords, $2.75; $3.00 Oxfords, $2.25; $2.50 Oxfords, $2.00; $2.00 ones, $1.05; $1 GO for $1.25; $1 25 for $1 00. Child's and Misses same reduction. These are bargains and wont last long; so, call early. 1 pi Ball Mason glass jtrs 40c doz. 1 qt. Ball Mason glass jars 45c doz. i gal Ball Mason glass jars 05c doz. Jar caps for Mason jirs 15c doz Tangle foot fly paper 4 double sheets for 5c, or 30c box for 25 double sheets. pint jelly glasses, not Jpt., 23c doz. Horse shoe tumblers 23c doz. Heavy j ir rings, red 5c doz. Heavy perfection jar rings 1 lb. package, pure rubber 33c lb. for 63 rings. Table Felt window shades 8c. Oil shades 3c to 45c. Lace curtains 35c to $1.00. Ladies vests 5c, 10c, 13c and 23c. Ladies kDit pants 23c. 10 oz. peroxide for 15c. Warner rust proof corsets 50c, 95c and $1.25. Thanking you for the nice increase in our business this summer. HULL & BENDER, McConnellsburg, Pa. The Ttrlce-a-WceX Edition of THE NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Duily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspa per in the world gives so much at so low a price. Tbe year 1914 has been the most ex traordinary In the history of modern times. It has witnessed the outbreak of the Great European war, a strug gle so titanic that it makes all others look small. You live in momentous times, and you Bhould not miss any of the tre mendous events that are occurring. No other newspaper will inform you with the promptness and cheapness of the Thrlce-a-Week edition of the New York World. Moreover, a year's subscription to it will ttke you far in to our next Presidential campaign. THE THfllCE A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 158 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and THE FULTON COUN TY NEWS together for one year for 11.05. The regular subscription price of the two papers is 2.00. FULTON COUNTY NEWS, McConnellsburg, Pa. Western Maryland Railway Company. In Effect June 20, 1915. Trains leave Hancock follow! : No. T 1.40 a, m. (dally) for Cumberland, Pttts burth and went, also West Virginia point. No. 8-J.Ma. m. for Hagerstown, Gettysburg, Ilunover and Baltimore. No,l-8.S0a. m. (dally except Suadny) F.i press (or Cumberland and Intermediate points. No. 4-9.07 a. m. (dally exoept Sunday) El fress for Hagerstown, Gettysburg lannver, Baltimore and Intermediate points, New York, Philadelphia, Wash ington, etc. No, S t.JT p. m tgilaiiv) Western Express for Cumberland, West Virginia points and the West. , No. I i t! p. m. (dally) Express for Haters town Waynesboro. Chumbersburg, Urt lyRbiir and York, lltll'more, New York. Philadelphia, WaxhinKlon. Executor's Notice. Estate of Mnry Butts, late of Tay'or township, Pa., deceused. Letters testamentary on the shore estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are re quested to make payment, and those haying olalms to present the same without delay. H. H. I1KKU8TKRSHFR, 7-Sf-6t. Waterfall, Pa. Subscribe for the News. Oil Cloth 15c yard. L: W. FUNK -:- DEALER IN -:- High Grade Plain Pianos, Player Pianos, Organs, Victrolas, Rec ords, and Professional Tu ner, McConnellsburg, Nothing adds more to the refinements of home than good music. To have good music you must have a good instrument. There are..good bad and indifferent instru v ments, and to the unskilled eye they look much alike. The unprincipled dealer is likely to make you pay a first-class price for a fourth-class instrument. I have lived in this county since my birth, I ama taxpayer and in a position to make good any business transactions. Buy your piano, organ, or victrola from me and if it is not all right you can come back at me. There are families in every part of this county that have purchased instruments from me. Ask them about me. . . v Perhaps you want to trade your organ for a Piano, or Player Piano; or your Plain Piano, for a Player. See me. Let's talk it over.J L. W. FUNK. S five this kind of light, but A FAMILY FAVORITE OIL M ,h b"' 0,1 B4. ths ell that ses th steady light no flicker, SO Mw odor, no soot coats little mors than Inferior grade. Trlple-reflneo. m Get It from your dealer. It is thereto barrels shipped direct from MS refln erles. t WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. hi al Mlaara. rITTBU"0. M Tb light that eaves Gasolines, Illumtnsatt, S Lubricants. Paraffin B. H. SHAW, HUSTONTQWN. PA. HORSE COLLARS, FLY NETS. This is the greatest year we ever had on horse goudj of all Kinds. See our horse collars 98c to $4 00 as good as others ask more money for. Buggy and team nets $1.10 to $3.00. Buggy whips 10c to 50c. Collar pads 12 inch wide for 25c and 28c Neats foot oil 75 gal. Lap spreads 453, 00c, 65c and $1 00. 7 cakes Lenox scap 25c. , A good broom 4c and SOcy Try the new Gasoline Iron, and save that aw ful heat in the house. 25 good envelopes, the kind that usually sell for 10c at 5c. 12 quart granite kettle for 38c. wjite BRIGHT LIGHT your eyes and cave you trouble. Poor 00 ssoaot PDPP 90 ""fin Wax. ris-G tells atU .bo a tells "-