The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 03, 1915, Image 6

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men 15 WHITE
Illustrations kay Walters
ajto corjPAtr
In the Niw York home nf Jam en rtrood,
liia Btn, Frvderlc, ri-'lvi'8 a wlrulaaa
from him. Krctlrrlc tolls I.yilla L
nonil. Mm flume,., tliHt t ho nit-ssiine aii
nouncta lj In fatlx-r'n inurriiiKo, unl urli-ra
Mrw. l!Hfinntl, tlm houHi'kt''pr und
l.ydla'a niuttmr, to prruir llm home fur
on Immtdlulu htmiL-i-uriitni;. llriHnl and
tilii brulo arnvH. Slio win r'reili'ri.'H llk
ItiK at tlrHt riif. tlim. liroixl kIiuwm ilisllkc
nit vt'llcd tioMtlllly to IiIh Hun. l.yilln anil
Mr. ltrotd met In the Ju.Ui-rouni. whero
I.ydla worka ua Ilroml'ti nerri'lHry. Mm.
IfriHul Ls Murll.-d b tli u ujHiiriinctt of
ttrtnjub, Krood'a Hindu HervanL Blie
makpa chimera In the household hml (,'Hins
tier iumhaiid'a conawit to -nd Mni. Iva
uioiid and l.ydia away. She ffiHclmth'H
('ri-derti-. Hlio l-itln to tear Ititnjati In
tola uncanny apH-iiriinct-a und disuppar
aia-fa, afid Kri-di-rlc, reineiiiborlnn hi
fatlifr'ff Kut Indian Modes and tlnn b:
ftltif In ifiuKic, ffurn unknown evil. Hun
Jab CNTfornm f.-uta of tnuglc for Ttaw.-a
und ItlKKH. KreUtrlc's fulht-r, Jt-ulotiH, un
luatly orders tiln son from tlte dinner table
an drunk, llrood tella tli al'.ry of Kuti
Jab'i life to 111 ii"H "He kllli'd a wom
an" wbo niu unfaltliful to him. Yvonne
Hays wllh Frederic's Infatuation for her.
tier hUHbund warns lier that the thing
tmuit not ko on. Bh tuUfl him tlmt ha
till loves hit dead wife, whom he drove
from hla home. throiiKh her, Yvonne.
Yvonna plays with llrood, Krt-.lerlc and
I.ydla aa with figure on a cheas boanl.
BriHHl, madly Jealoua, t-ll I.ydla that
r'rederlo la not his Aon, and that ho has
brotiKlit him up to kill his hupplneas ut
the proper time with this knowledne.
KrmlerU takea I.ydla linina through a
heavy atorm and np.-n.ia the nltfht at her
mother's house. Ills wavering ull.-Klun.-e
to her la streiiKtliened by a day spent
with her. Yvonne, over the phone rouses
r'nnlerlr's Infatuation for her ae iln. I.ydla
oe to Ik-k llrood not to toll Krederh: of
his unhappy pareututre, but la turned from
tier purpose.
Lydia resolved to take tbe plunge.
Now was the time to speak plainly to
tills woman of the thing that was hurt
ing her almost beyond the limits of
endurance. Her voice was rather high
pitched. She had the fear that she
would not be able to control it.
"I should be blind not to have ob
served the cruel position In which you
are placing Frederic. Is it surprising
that you husband has eyes as well as
I? What must be his thoughts. Mrs.
She expected an outburst, a torrent
of Indignation, an angry storm of
words, and was therefore unprepared
for the piteous, hunted expression that
came swiftly into the lovely eyes, bent
so appealingly upon her own, which
were cold and accusing. Here was a
new phase to this extraordinary crea
ture's character. She was a coward,
after ail, and Lydia despised a coward.
The look of scorn deepened in her
eyes, and out from her heart rushed
all that was soft and tender In her
oature, leaving It burren of all com
passion. "I do not want to hurt Frederic,"
murmured Yvonne. "I I am sorry
"You are hurting him dreadfully,"
said Lydia, suddenly choking up with
"He Is not not In love with me,"
declared Yvonne.
"No," said the girl, regaining con
trol ofberself, "he is not In love with
you. That is the whole trouble. He
is In love with me. Cut can't you
"You are a wise young woman to
know men so well," said the other
enlpmatlonllv. "I have never believed
fa St Anthony."
"Nor 1," said Lydia, and was sur
prised at herself.
"Do you consider me to be a bad
woman, Lydia?" Her lips trembled.
There was a suspicious quiver to her
"No, I do net," pronounced the girl
latly. "If I could only think that of
you It would explain everything and
I should know Just how to treat you.
But I do not think It of you."
With a long, diep sigh, Yvonne crept
closer and laid her bead against Lyd
la's shoulder. The girl's body stif
fened, her brow grew dark with an
noyance. "I am afraid you do not understand,
Mrs. Brood. The fact still remains
that you have not considered Fred
eric's peace of mind."
"Nor yours," murmured the other,
"Nor mine," confessed Lydia, after
"I did not know that you and Fred
eric were in love with each other until
I had been here for some time," Mrs.
Brood explained, suddenly fretful.
"What kind of a woman are you?"
burst from Lydla's indignant soul.
"Have you no conception of the finer,
aobler "
Yvonne deliberately put her hand
rer the girl's lips, checking the fierce
outburst She smiled rather plain
tively as Lydia tried to Jerk her head
to one side in order to continue her
reckless Indictment
"Yiu Bhall not say it, Lydia. I am
not a!! that you think I am. No, no,
a thousand times no. God pity me, I
am more accursed than you may think
with the finer and nobler instinct. If
It were not so, do you think I should
be where I am now? cringing here
like a beaten child? No, you cannot
nndersland you never will under
stand. I shall say no more. It is
ended. I swear on my soul that I
did not know you were Frederic's
sweetheart. I did not know "
"But you knew almost Immediately
after you came hert.." exclaimed
Lydia, harshly. "It is not myself 1
Rule In Mathematics Puzzled Farmer,
Though He Recognized Necessity
for Its Observance.
A New York engineer was survey
ing tbe route of a branch line for a
railway system. An old farmer with
whom he stopped for a time admitted
en day, when he saw the engineer
figuring in the field, that mathematics
always seemed a wonderful thing to
am thinking of, Mrs. Brood, but of
Frederic. Why have you done this
abominable thing to him? Why?"
"1 I did not realize what it would
mean to Mm," suid tbe other, desper
ately. "I 1 did not count all the cost.
Hut, dearest Lydia, It will come out
all right aguln, I promise you. I have
made a horrible, horrible mistake. I
can say no more. Now, let me He here
with my head upon your breast I
want to feel the beating of your pure,
honest heart the heart that I have
hurt. I can tell by its throbs whether
it wlU ever soften toward ae. Do not
say anything now let us he still."
It would be difficult to describe the
feelings of Lydia Desmond as she sat
there with the despised though to be
adored head pillowed upon her breast,
where it now rested In a sort of confi
dent repose, as if there was safety in
the very strength of the young girl's
disapproval. Yvonne had twisted her
lithe body on the chaise longue so that
she half-faced Lydia. Her free arm,
from which the loose sleeve had
fallen, leaving it bare to the shoulder
was about the girl's neck.
For a long time Lydia stared
straight before her, seeing nothing,
positively dumb with wonder and ac
knowledging a Bense of dismay over
her own disposition to submit to this
extraordinary situation. She was ask
Ing herself why she did not cast the
woman away, why she lucked the
power to resent by deed as well as by
thought Life marvelous, adorable
life rested there on her breast This
woman had hurt her had hurt her
wantonly and yet there came steal
ing over her, subtly, the conviction
that she could never hurt her In re
turn. She could never bring herself
to the point of hurting this wondrous,
living, breathing, throbbing creature
who pleaded, not only with her Hps
and eyes, but with the gentle heart
beats that rose and fell lu her throat
After a long time, in which there
was conflict, she suddenly pressed her
warm lips to Yvonne's. Then in an
abrupt revulsion of feeling her arms
fell away from the warm, sweet body
and almost roughly she pushed Yvonne
away from her.
"I I didn't mean to do that!" she
Tbe other smiled, but It was a sad.
plaintive effort on her part. "I knew
that you would," Bhe repeated.
Lydia sprang to her feet, her face
suddenly (laming with embarrassment
"I must see Mr. Brood. I stopped In
to tell him that" she began, trying
to cover her confusion, but Yvonne in
terrupted. "I know that you could not help It,
my dear," she said. Then, after a
pause: "You will let me know what
my husband has to say about It?"
"To Bay about it?"
"About your decision to marry Fred
eric in spite of his objections."
Lydia felt a little shiver race over
her as she looked toward the door.
"You will help us?" she said, trem
ulously, turning to Yvonne. Again she
saw the drawn, pained look about the
dark eyes and was startled.
"You can do more with blm than
I." was the response.
Lydia stopped for a moment In the
hall, after closing the door behind her,
to pull herself together for the ordeal
that was still to come. She was
trembling; a weakness had assailed
her. She had left Yvonne's presence
in a dazed, unsettled condition of
mind. There was a lapse of some kind
that Bhe could neither account for nor
describe even to herself. The black
velvet coat that formed a part of her
trig suit, hung limply In her hand,
dragging along the floor as she moved
with hesitating steps in the direction
of James Brood's Btudy. A sickening
estimate of her own strength of pur
pose confronted her. She was sud
denly afraid of the man who had
always been ber friend. Somehow
she felt that he would turn upon her
and rend her, this man who had al
ways been so gentle and considerate
and who had killed thingB!
RanJitb appeared at the head of the
stairs. She waited for his signal to
ascend, somehow feeling that Brood
had sent him forth to summon ber.
Her hand sought the stair rail and
gripped it tightly. Her Hps parted in
a stiff smile. Now she knew that she
was turning coward, that Bhe longed
to put off the meeting until tomor
row tomorrow!
The Hindu came down tbe stairs
quickly, noiselessly.
"The master say to come tomorrow,
tomorrow as usual," he said, as he
paused above her on the steps.
"It It must be today," she said, dog
gedly, even as the thrill of relief shot
through her.
"Tomorrow," said the man. His eyes
were kindly inquiring. "Sahib say you
are to rest" There was a pause. "To
morrow will not be too late.
She started. Had he read the thought
that was in her mind?
"Thank you, Ranjab," she said, after
Being young and enthusiastic, the
engineer began to enlarge upon Hi
wonders, telling the farmer bow we
could measure tbe distances to dif
ferent planets and even weigh ths
planets; bow we could foretell tbe
coming of a comet or an eclipse years
in advance of Its actual occurrence
determine the velocity of the swiftest
projectiles, ascertain the heights or
mountains without scaling tbem. and
many other things meant to astonish
the old man ,
"Yes, them things does seem kinder
a moment of Indecision. "I wtl! come
Then she slunk downstairs and out
of the house, convinced that Bhe bad
failed Frederic In his hour of great
est need, that tomorrow would be too
Frederic did not come In for dinner
until after his father and Yvonne had
gone from the house. He did not in
quire for them, but Instructed Jones
to say to the old gentlemen that be
would be pleased to dine with them
if they could allow him the time to
"change." He also told Jones to open
a single bottle of champagne and to
place three glasses. '
Later on Frederic made his an
nouncement to tuo old men. In the
fever of an excitement that caused
him to forget that Lydia might be, en
titled to some voice In the matter, he
deliberately committed her to the proj
ect thnt had become a fixed thing in
his mind the instant he set foot In
the house and found It empty oh, so
Jones' practiced bund shook slightly
as he poured the wine. The old men
drank rather noisily. TUoy, too, were
excited. Mr. Rlgga smacked his lips
and squinted at the chandelier as if
trying to decide upon the vintage, but
In reality doing his boat to keep from
coughing up the wine thnt had gone
the wrong way in a moment of pro
found paralysis.
"The best news I've heurd since Ju
das died," said Mr. Dawes, manfully
"Fill 'em up again, Jones. I want to
proiKise the health of Mrs. Brood."
"The future Mrs. Brood," hissed Mr.
Rlggs, wheczlly, glaring at bis com
rade. "Ass!"
"I'm not married yet, Mr. Dawes,"
exclaimed Frederic, grinning.
"Makes no difference," said Mr.
Dawes, stoutly. "Far as I'm concerned,
you are. We'll be the first to drink
to Lydia Brood! The first to call ber
by that name, gentlemen. God bless
"God bless her!" Bhouted Mr. Riggs.
"Ood bless her!" echoed Frederic,
and they drained their glasses to
Lydia Brood.
"Jones, open another bottle," com
manded Mr. Dawes, loftily.
Frederic shook bis head and two
faces fell. Right bravely, however, the
old men maintained a joyous Interest
In the occasion. The young man
turned moody, thoughtful; the unwont
ed exhilaration died as suddenly as It
had come into existence. A shadow
crossed his vision and he followed it
with his thoughts. A sense of utter
loneliness came over him with a swift
ness that sickened, nauseated blm. The
food was flat to his taste; ho could
not eat. Self-commiseration stifled
him. He suddenly realized that he
had never been so lonely, so unhappy
In all his life as he was at this mo
ment. His thoughts were of his father. A
vast, inexplicable longing possessed
his soul a longing for the affection of
this man who was never tender, who
stood afar off and was lonely, too. He
could not understand this astounding
change of feeling. He had never felt
Just this way before. There had been
times and many when his heart was
sore with longing, but they were of
other days, childhood days. Tonight
he could not crush out the thought of
Lydia Stopped for a Moment in the
how Ineffably happy, how peaceful life
would be If his father were to lay his
hands upon his shoulders and say, "My
son, I love you I love you doarly."
There would be no more lonely days;
all that was bitter In his life would be
swept away In the twinkling of an
eye; the world would be full of joy for
him and for Lydia.
When he entered tbe house that
evening be wag full of resentment
toward his father, and sullen with the
remains of an ugly rage. And now to
be actually craving the affection of tbe
man who humbled blm, even In the
presence of servants! It was unbe
lievable. He could not understand
himself. A wonderful, compelling ten
derness filled bis heart. He longed to
throw himself at his father's feet and
crave his pardon for the harsh, venge
ful thoughts he had spent upon blm
In those black hours. He hungered
for a word of kindness or of under
standing on which he could feed bis
starving soul. He wanted his father's
love. He wanted, more than anything
else In the world, to love his father.
Lydia slipped out of his mind,
Yvonne was set aside in this immortal
curious," said the farmer, "but what
always bothered me was Jo under
stand why you have to carry one for
every ten. But If you don't," he con
tinued, with conviction, "the darned
thing won't come out right" Every
body's Magazine.
No Doubt About "Everlasting Fire."
A dentist recently made a new set
of teeth for the bishop of He
anxiously watched the prelate as be
examined himself and his teeth in the
pier glass and was startled when he
is I
iW-W if-
moment. Ho had not thougnt of them
except In their relation to a completed
state of happiness for his father. In
distinctly he recognized them as essen
tials. Ay, ho was lonely. The house was
as bleak as the steppes of Siberia. He
longed for companionship, friendship,
kindness and suddenly in the midst
of it all he leaped to his feet -
"I'm going out, gentlemen," he ex
claimed, breaking in upon an unappre
ciated tale that Mr. Rlggs was relat
ing at some length and with consider
able fierceness in view of the fact that
Mr. Dawes had pulled him up rather
sharply once or twice in a matter of
Inaccuracies. "Excuse me, please."
He left them gaping with astonish
ment and dashed out into the hall for
his coat and hat. Even then he had
no definite notion as to what his next
move would be, save that he was going
out somewhere, anywhere, he did not
Somehow, as he rushed down the
front steps with the cool night air
blowing in bis face, there surged up
within him a strong, overpowering
sense of filial duty. It was his duty to
make the first advances. It was for
him to pave the way to peace and bap
pluess. Something vague but disturb
ing tormented him with the fear that
his father faced a grave peril and that
his own place was beside him and not
against him, as he had been in all
these illy directed years. He could
not put it away from blm, this thought
that his father was In danger in dan
ger of something that was not phys
ical, something from which, with all
his valor, he had no adequate form of
At the corner he paused, checked by
an irresistible Impulse to look back
ward at the bouse he had just left To
his surprise there was a light in the
drawing-room windows facing the
street. Tbe shades In one of them
had been thrown wide open and a
stream of light flared out across the
Framed in this oblong square of
light stood the figure of a man. Slowly,
as if drawn by a force he could not
resist, the young man retraced his
steps until he stood directly In front
of tbe window. A questioning smile
was on his lips. He was looking up
into Ranjab's shadowy, unsmiling face,
dimly visible in the glow from the
distant street lamp. For a long time
they stored at each other, no sign of
recognition passing between them. The
Hindu's face was as rigid, as emotion
less as If carved out of stone; his
eyes were unwavering. Frederic could
see them, even in tbe shadows. He
had the queer feeling that, though the
man gave no sign, he had something
he wanted to say to him, that ho was
actually calling to him to come back
into the house.
Undecided, the man outside took
several halting steps toward the door
way, his gaze still fixed on tbe face in
the window. Then he broke the spell.
It was a notion on his part, he argued.
If he had been wanted his father's
servant would have beckoned to blm.
He would not have stood there like
a graven Image, staring out into the
night Having convinced himself of
this, Frederic wheeled and swung off
up the street once more, walking rap
idly, as one who is pursued. Turning,
he waved his hand at the man in the
window. He received no response.
Farther off he looked back once more.
Tbe Hindu still was there. Long after
be was out of sight of the house he
cast frequent glances over his shoul
der as if still expecting to see the
lighted window and its occupant.
As he made his way to Broadway,
somewhat hazily bent on following that
thoroughfare to the district where the
night glittered and the stars were
shamed, be began turning over in his
mind a queer notion that had just sug
gested itself to him, filtering through
the mazo of uncertainty in which be
had been floundering. It occurred to
him that be had been mawkishly sen
timental in respect to his father. His
attitude had not changed he was seri
ously impressed by the feelings that
had mastered him but he found him
self ridiculing the Idea that his father
stood in peril of any description. And
suddenly, out of no particular trend of
thought, groped the sly, persistent sus
picion that he had not been altogethei
responsible for the sensations of an
hour ago. Some outside Influence had
molded his emotions for him, some
cunning brain bad been doing his
thinking for htm.
Then came the sharp recollection
of that motionless, commanding figure
in the lighted window, and bis owu
puzzling behavior on the sidewalk out
side. He recalled his impression that
someone had called out to him just
before he turned to look up at the
window. It was all quite preposterous,
he kept on saying over and over again
to himself, and yet he could not shake
off the uncanny feeling.
Earlier in the evening, without warn
ing, without the slightest encourage
ment on his part, there had suddenly
leaped Into existence a warm, tender
and wholly Inexplicable feeling toward
his father. At first he had been
amazed by this unwonted, almost un
natural feeling, which later on devel
oped Into something quite tangible in
the way of an emotion, but fee was be
ginning to realize that the real mys
tery lay outside of any serf-analysis
he could make. Like a shot there
flashed into his brain tbe startling
question: Was Ranjab .the solution?
Was It Ranjab's mind and not his own
that had moved him to such tender
resolves? Could such a condition be
possible? Was there such a thing as
mind control?
An hour later Frederic approached
the box office of the theater mentioned
by Yvonne over the telephone that
morning. Tbe play was half over and
the house was sold out He bought
beard the bUbop mutter something In
which he emphasized tbe fearful words
"Into everlasting fire"
The dentist ventured to suggest that
his lordship might feel rather uncom
fortable at first but n a little time be
would get used to them.
Without ' appearing to notice the
dentist, his lordship exclaimed, with
tremendous vehemency, "Into everlast
Ing fire!"
"But, Indeed, my lord, if you bav
patience," pleaded tbe dentist "in a
week's lime or so"
a ticket of admission, however, and
lined up with others who wero content
to stand at the back to witness the
piny. Inside the theater he leaned
weakly against the railing at the back
of the auditorium and wiped bis brow.
What was It that had dragged him
there against his will, in direct oppo
sition to bis dogged determination to
shun the place?
The curtain was up, the bouse was
still, save for the occasional coughing
of those who succumb to a habit that
can neither be helped nor explained
There were people moving on the
stage, but Frederlo had no eyes for
them. He was seeking In the dark-
He Was Looking Up Into Ranjab's
Shadowy, Unsmiling Face.
ness for the two figures that he knew
were somewhere In the big, tense
The lights went up and the house
was bright. Men began scurrying up
the aisles. He moved up to the railing
again and resumed bis eager scrutiny
of the throng. He could not find them.
At first he was conscious of disap
pointment, then he gave way to an
absurd rage. Yvonne had misled him,
she bad deceived him ay, she had
lied to him. They were not in the
audience, they had not even contem
plated coming to this theater. He had
been tricked, deliberately tricked. No
doubt they were seated In some other
placo of amusement, serenely enjoying
themselves. The thought of It mad
dened him. And then, just as he was
on the point of tearing out of the
house, he saw them, and the blood
rushed to his head so violently that
he was almost blinded.
He caught sight of his father faH
down in front, and then the dark, half
obscured head of Yvonne. He could
not see their faces, but there was no
mistaking them for anyone else. He
only marvelled that he bad not seen
them before, even in the semldarkness.
They now appeared to be the only
people In the theater; he could see no
one else.
James Brood's One, aristocratic head
was turned slightly toward his wife,
who, as Frederic observed after chang
ing his position to one of better ad
vantage, apparently was relating some
thing amusing to him. They undoubt
edly were enjoying themselves. Once
more the great, almost suffocating
wave of tenderness for his father
swept over him, mysteriously as be
fore and as convincing. He experi
enced a sudden, Inexplicable feeling
of pity for the strong, virile man who
had never revealed the slightest symp
tom of pity for him. The same curi
ous desire to put his hands on his
father's shoulders and tell him that
all was well with them came over him
Involuntarily he glanced over his
shoulder, and the fear was in his heart
that somewhere In the shifting throng
his gaze would light upon the face
of Ranjab!
Long and Intently his searching
gaze went through the crowd. Reeking
the remote corners and shadows of the
foyer, and a deep breath of relief
escaped him when It became evident
that the Hindu was not there. He had,
in a measure, proved his own cause;
hla emotions were genuinely his own
and not the outgrowth of an influence
for good exercised over him by the
He began what he was pleased to
term a systematic analysis of his emo
tions covering the entire evening, all
the while regarding the couple in the
orchestra chairs with a gaze unswerv
ing in Us fidelity to the sensation that
now controlled him a sensation ot
Impending peril.
All at once he slunk farther back
into the shadow, a guilty flush mount
ing to his cheek. Yvonne had turned
and was staring rather fixedly In his
direction. Despite the knowledge that
he was quite completely concealed by
the intervening group of loungers, he
sustained a distinct shock. He had
the uncanny feeling that she wait look
ing directly into his eyes. She had
turned abruptly, as if some one had
called ou to attract her attention and
Bhe had obeyed the sudden impulse.
A moment later her calmly Impersonal
gaze swept on, taking In the sections
to her right and the balcony, and then
went back to her husband's face.
Frederic was many minutes In re
covering from the effects of the queer
shock he had received. He could not
get it out of his head that she knew
be was there, that she actually turned
in answer to the call of his mind. She
had not searched for htm; on the con
trary, she directed her gaze instantly
to the spot where he stood concealed.
Actuated by a certain sense of guilt,
he decided to leave the theater as
- "What do you mean? Inquired the
prelate, turning round with a be
nignant smile "Why should I have
patience? The teeth fit beautifully It
Is the first time 1 have found myself
able to pronounce the Athanasian
creed with distinctness for these twen
ty years "
Hindrance to Progress.
Nothing so hinders ua In what we
are doing as to be longing after some
thing else; in so doing, we lesvr. off
tilling our own field, to drive tbe plow
soon na the curtain went up on ttM
next act, which was to be the last. In
stead of doing so, however, he lin
gered to the end of the play, secure In
his conscienceless espionage. It bad
come to him that if be met them In
front of the theater as they came out
be could invite them to join him at
supper In one of the nearby restau
rants. The Idea pleased him. He
coddled It until It became a sensation.
When James Brood and his wife
reached the sidewalk they found him
there, directly in their path, as they
wedged their way to the curb to await
the automobile. He was smiling
frankly, wistfully. Tbero was an hon
est gladness in his fine, boyish face
and an eager light in his eyes. He no
longer had the sense of guilt In his
bouI. It bad been a passing qualm,
and he felt regenerated for having ex
perienced it, even so briefly. Some
how it had purged bis soul ot the one
lingering doubt us to the sincerity of
his Impulses.
"Hello!" be said, planting himself
squarely In front of them.
There was a momentary tableau. He
was vividly aware of the fact that
Yvonne had shrunk back In alarm, and
that a swift look ot fear leaped Into
her surprised eyes. She drew closer
to Brood's side or was it the jostling
of the crowd that made It seem to be
so? He realized then that she had not
seen him In tbe theater. Her surprise
was genuine. It was not much short
of consternation, a fact that he re
alized with a sudden sinking of the
Then his eyes went quickly to hlB
father's face. James Brood was re
garding hlin with a cold, significant
smile, &s ono who understands and
"They told me you were here," fal
tered Frederic, the words rushing hur
riedly through his Hps, "and I thought
we might run in somewhere and have
a bite to eat. I I want to tell you
about Lydia and myself and what"
Tbe carriage man bawled a number
in bis ear and Jerked open the door
of a limousine that had just pulled up
the the curb.
Without a word, James Brood band
ed his wire Into the car and then
turned to the chauffeur.
"Home," he said, and, without so
much as a glance at Frederic, stepped
inside. The door was slammed and
the car slid out Into the maelstrom.
Yvonne had sunk back Into a corner,
huddled down as if suddenly deprived
of all her strength. Frederic saw ber
face as the car moved away. She was
staring at him with wide-open, re
proachful eyes, as if to say: "Oh, what
have you done? What a fool you are!"
For a second or two he stood as If
petrified. Then everything went red
For a Second or Two He Stood as If
before him, a wicked red that blinded
him. He staggered as It from a blow
In the face.
"My, God!" slipped from his stiff
Hps, and tears leaped to his. eyes
tears of supreme mortification. Like
a beaten dog he slunk away, feeling
himself pierced by the pitying gaze
of every mortal in the street
Vogue of White Paint
A clever decorator who remodeled
the dining room In a New England
farm house has even gone so far in
her use of white paint as to finish the
floors with It The woodwork and
furniture were also white, but plenty
of color was Introduced by blight
chintz-patterned paper and plain
bright green rugs. The white dining
room table was always bare, which
allowed tbe mistress to use many at
tractively colored dolly sets. Her
china showed up to splendid advan
tage on this white ground, and the
flowers from the garden seemed un
usually bright and pretty in tbe midst
of all this white. A country house
near Cleveland has all Its floors paint
ed white, with bright green, blue and
purple rugs used to carry out certain
color schemes. Of course, using white
on floors is practical only when'yr-o
are far from the city's smoke ot
tor's dust The Countryside Maga
zine. Happy Times.
"The cotton growers seem to be
hard hit"
"Yes. And many of them are long
ing for the good old days when all they
bad to worry about was the boll wee
vil." through our neighbor's land, where we
must not look to reap a harvest; and
this Is mere waste of time. If our
thoughts and hopes are elsewhere, it
Is Impossible for us to set our faces
steadily towards the work required of
us. 8t Francis de 8ales.
Fact Not Generally Known.
Contrary to general belief, tkt
Dabos In the Wood were not Innocent
darlings, but outlaws who Infested
tbe hills of County WIcklow, Ireland,
many years ago.
: -"
Have All Gone Since iJ
Lydia E. Pinkhara's )
etable Compound.
Terre Hill, Pa.-" Kindly p.
to give you my testimonial In f,
Lydia E. PitW
v egeiBDIo (
pound. When
Degan taking
was suffering j
female troubi,
some time &i
almost all kiI;
aches painj t
cr part of baa
In sides, and p
Ing down pain
could not i,et
had no appetite. Since I ha 'e i
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable (j
pound the aches and pains are al! j
and I feel like a new woman. I J
praise your medicine too highly.
AUGUSTUS Lyon, ierre Kill, ft
It is true that nature and a &,
work uas produced the grandest
for woman'f ills that the world
ever known. From the rooti
herbs of the field, Lydia E. Plnki.
forty years ago, gave to womti
a remedy for tbeir peculiar ills r
has proved more efiicacious than
other combination of drugs ever J
pounded, and today Lydia E. PinVy
Vegetable Compound is recogolj
from coast to coast as the tlml
remedy for woman s ills.
In the Plnkham Laboratory atl
Mass., are files containing hundrrf
thousands of letters from women W
Id Imi
ing health many of them opcnljJ
over theirown signatures that theyiJ
regained their health by taking 1
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compos
and in some cases that it has saved J
from surgical operations. .
Pimples I
m&hita. riivea. rod. v j
ness am) skin blemishes can
be quickly removed with
Delightful in a warm bath
Deiore retiring soomeaine
I nerves and induces refroh- V
WjiC HUl ' .ad WhUkar Dy Y
V BUcaat Brawa.60c
iOI ' ' BARKER'S 1
A toilet prefssiutlo ot men
Jftli UnJ!ri tftuialreit
For RMtorin Color ut
Boouty lo Gray or Faded Ha
awe aita i.w a iTigm
Does Away With Rather CumbanoJ
Material Which Must at Present
Be Used.
An electric motor, even in aq
sizes, is quite heavy for the pot;
yields. Kor this reason dentisti tui
been using a 'motor nu tinted on
bracket and connected by a net:
xhaft with the poiut of application
power. Recently, however, a n:
ture electric motor has been devN
for the dentiHt's use which is so H
and weighs so little that it mar
connected directly to the dm
cliuckajind used as a hand tool, U'
doing away with the cumb.Tso.neil
vernal shaft. In pluce of the chat
light electric cord connects the nu'
with a lump docket The motor
one of the smallest ever made
commercial u.Je. Its weight is uul '
and one-quarter ounces, and it it a
and three-quarter inches lung by a
and one-quarter inches in (liuiucil
It uses only 12 watts and opert'
at a spoed of 15,000 revolutions I
The Proper Cure.
"VVhnt drink dirt you order for hi'
when you saw Ills face full?"
"A pick-me-up?"
Real estate Is Ht-ldoin as cheap
Head Bookkeeper Must tie Rellab
The chief bookkeener In a M
business house in one ot our P
Western cities speaks of the hi;
coffee and tea did for hlin:
"My wife and I drank our first ci
of Postum a little over two
ago, and we have used it ever sine
to the entirn exclusion of tea
coffee. It happened In this way:
"I had an attack of pneumonlt
which left me with dyspepsia, or &e:
ralgia of the stomach. My 'cup c
cheer' had always been coffee or "
but 1 became convinced, after a tic'
that they aggravated my stomx
trouble. I happened to mention t1
matter to my grocer one day and
suggested that I give Postum a tri1
"Next day it came, and we ll8
so much that we will never chsnEl
iday 4j
is of
. mv eo'il
back; for I am a well man today
have used no medicine.
"My work as chief bookkeeper
our Co's .branch house here
very confining nature. During my
fee 'rirlnklna dava I waa aubject
nervousness and the 'blues' in sl
tlon to my sick spells. Theso W'J
left me since I began using Post""
and I run conscientiously recomrrH11
It to those whose work confines tl"1
to long hours of severe mental "
Name given by Postum Co.. B"1!
WeHvllle," In pkgs.
Postum comes In two forms:
Postum Cereal-the original toiVj
must be well boiled. ISO and 25c P'
Instant Postum a soluble powde''
dissolves quickly In a cup of hot
ter, and, with cream and sugar,
a delicious beverage Instantly- j
and 50c tins. . j
Both kinds are equally delicious
cost about the same per cup.
"There's a Reason" for Postum. .1
sold by Croc
0 1