The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 20, 1915, Image 8

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The (trulii utrkeM ara taken from the Cham
pemburg dnliy uewpi,pers. Tbe provlHluo
ortcei nr ihuss Uikk uinuln In McCuuueilt
eurg. GRAIN
New wheat : 1.45
Bran 1.50
Corn 80
Oata tSO
Rye 90
Ham per tt IS
Shoulder 14
Bacon, Sides per lb 12
Potatoes, per bushel 75
Butter, Creamery -K
Butter, Country 2'J
Epsrs, per dozen 17
Lard, per tb 10
Live Calves, per lb
Chickens, per tb 13
Watch for dates next week
Runyan the Optician.
Chambersburg Bread, Dold
Ham3 and Bacon, at the Hill
A fresh supply of The National
Biscuit Company's goods at the
Runyan Store.
Wilson Conner and R. H. Wal
ters, of Brush Creek Valley were
in town last Friday settling up
the W. II. Walters estate.
Choice Golden Peaches 4 lbs.
for 23c. ; Big Prunes, not the small
kind, 10c. lb.;- Fine dried Apri
cots 14c. lb. ; Can Sweet Potatoes
9c. can. The Hill Grocery.
Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Garland,
and little daughter Helen, of Bel
fast township, were shopping in
town last Saturday and made a
pleasant call at the News office.
The Irwin Store has secured
the agency for the sale of W. R.
Caskey's Steam Baked Bread,
Rolls, etc. On sale every morn
ing, fresh from the ovens. 5-20-2t
HIDES. Frank B. Sipes
pays the highest market price
for beef hides at fieir butcher
hop in McConnell&burg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
heepskins and tallow.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson, of
Brooklyn, N. Y., stopped in town
Monday while on their way to
the home of the former's father,
J. L. Jackson, in Brush Creek
Valley. Before locating in Brook
lyn, Mr. Jackson was admitted
to practice law at the Fulton
county bar.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mort and
baby Luella, and Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Walters-all of SixmileRun
autoed to town last Friday on
business in connection with the
settlement of the W. H. Walters
estate. It wa3 the 'first trip to
this place for Mrs. Walters, and
the second for Mrs. Mort Both
families are valued subscribers
to the News.
It is a very easy matter to sic
the other fellow's dog on anoth
er man's dog, and thereby save
your dog; but it is not sporty.
By the same token, first offer
Uncle Sam the U3e of your own
body, and your own purse, be
fore urging him to plunge this
country into a war. That's the
lowest price of admission into the
Council of a nation during cloudy
L W. Seylar, proprietor of the
Rexall Store, is having erected a
pavilion branch on top of Cove
mountain, close to Loudon pike,
where he will serve his famous
ice cream, soda, and lunches this
summer. This is a novelty that
will no doubt be appreciated, not dusty, thirsty tourists but
by many Fulton county people
who will make it a place for a
few hours outing during warm
Resolutions of CespecL
In memory of Mrs. G. W. Bar
nett, who died April 25th, 1915.
"So let her sleep that dreamless sleep,
Our sorrows clustering round her
Be comforted, l e loved who weep
She lives with God,
She is not dead."
Death having summoned a sis
ter, and the golden gateway to
the Eternal City has opened to
welcome her home. She has
completed her work in the mia
istering to the wants of the af
flicted, in shedding light unto
darkened souls in bringing joy
into the places of misery, and as
her reward has received the Bles
sed Master.
And whereas, I he all wise
and merciful Father has called
our beloved and respected sister
home and while we most sincere
ly and deeply deplore our loss we
feel that we must bow in humble
submission to the will of one who
has done all things well. And
whereas, She having been a true
and faithful member of our so
ciety, we will recognize the di
vine wisdom of the almighty feel
ing that we have sustained
great loss, therefore be it,
Resolved, That the Ladies Aid
Society of Zion M. E. Church of
New Grenada in testimony of her
loss, tenders to the family of the
deceased sister our sincere con
dolence in this deep affliction and
that a copy of these resolutions
be entered upon the records of
the society and a copy be sent to
the family of the deceased sister.
Edith Shafer.
x Elva Black,
Queen Houck,
Wanted, For Sale, For Rent,
Lost, Found, Etc.
RATES One cent per word (or each
Insertion. No advertisement accepted
lor less than 15 cents. Cash must ac
company order.
ost in, or near, Clear Ridge
last week a satchel containing a
lot of telephone supplies and tools
Leave at this office.
For Sale, Second band Ford
Runabout In good condition.
Make your ewn price and be
quick. M. R. Shaffner, McCon
Lost Good Elgin watch be
tffeeu the Lincoln Highway and
William Paylor's on the Thomas
town road. Liberal reward if re
turned to E. Bruce Pavlor. It
Foil Sale 2 Stick Wagons 1
new, 1 second hand. 1 second
hand Runabout 1 2-HorseFarm
Wagon. Must sell Need tbe
room. Grant Baker, Knobsville,
Pa. 5 20 tf.
For Sale: Threshing outfit
consisting of Caso 12 horsepower
traction engine, No. 5 Geyser
separator with swinging canvas
drag. Also, Fnclf No. 0 sawmill
all in good running order. J.
M. and C. L. Scbonclr, Enid. Pa.
5 13-3t.
McConnellsburg and Fort
Loudon Automobile Line
by w ay of the Lincoln
leaves MeCouuellsburg at 6:15, a.
m., and 1 p. m., arriving at Fort Lou
don in time for the 7:44 a. m. train
and the 3:13 p. m. train. Returning,
leaves Fort Loudon on the arrival of
the 11:05 a. m. train, and the 6:27 p.
m. train.
Fare 60 cents.
Any freight or express marked in
my care -will receive prompt attention.
A share of your patronape solicited
4-20-tf. Proprietor.
We have the Largest Line of Buggy Harness in
Franklin County. Twenty-five Different
Styles to Select From.
Single Driving Harness $9 00
to $25. CO, Collars $1.25 to $1 25.
Yankea Bridles $1 50 to $2 50.
Halters all Leather at 50c, 75c,
$1 00, $1.25 and $1 50. Collar
Pads 25c. to 50c Flynets all
leather from $2.25 to $0.50,
Cord Net9 from $1 00 to $2 50,
Buggy Nets from $2.25 to $3.25.
Front Gears $3.50 to $125,
TV 'i 1 is iankee Front Gears $15.00 and
vw 1 ,u' up, Yankee Breeching $18.00 to
$20 00. Summer Lap Spreads from 50c to $2 50. Harness Oils
and Soaps, and Machine Oil
Mail orders promptly attended to.
West Seminary Street, Mercersburg, Pa.
Report of the condition of
The Rultom County Ban !
at the close of business, April 5, 1Q15.
Loans and-Investments
Furniture and Fixtures
Cash and Reserve
Due to Barks
$ 50,000.00
- - 25,896.44
- 322,704.44
- $403,431.14
Come and See
What We Have
Chairs $2.50 to $3.50 a Fet; Rockers, $2.00 to $5 00; Sideboards
$11 50 to $18.50; Cupboards up to$13.5(); Kitchen Cabinets $5 50 to
$17.50; Oak Suits $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35 00; Wooden Beds
$2.00 to $0.00; Dressers $5.75 to $12. 50; 'Couches $3 (X) to $15.00.
Stands 75 cents to $2 50; Iron Beds $3 75 and $8 50; Sprites
$3 00, $3 50, 4 00, and $5.00; Mattresses $4 00, $4 50, $5.00, a large
and varied stock here. Big new shipment now in.
Carpets 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 50 cent9; Stair Carpets 22i inches
wide 12c, 25c, and 85c, Linoleum 70, 80 and 90 cents yard; Table
Oil Cloth by the yard or by the roll
Syracuse Walking Plows and Repairs; Vulcan Walking Plows
and Repairs; Oliver Walking and Riding Plows and Repairs; Oiiver
Single Furrow for 2 horses; Oliver Reversible Sulky Plows for 3
horses; Oliver two furrow gang for 4 horses. The machine plow
beats any hand plow. The Oliver is the leader of all plows. In
lightness of draft and completely turned furrow the Oliver Beats
allthere8t. .The famous Syracuse Spring Harrow, and tbe John
Deer Spiketooth Harrow all the above are nero. What do you
think of a complete 2-horse plow for $10.00 each? We have it. We
have all the above here.
Single Driving $12.00 to $16.00, Collars, Lines, Bridles, Traces,
1 lames, Belly Bands, Hold-backs, Shaft Carriers any parts need
ed. Yankee Harness for two horses, all complete $28 00; Work
Collars $1.10 to $3.50; Work Harney Traces, Breast Chains. Saddle
Pads 15 to 60 cents; Collar Pads SO, 40, and 45 cents. Come and
see our stock.
In 1 lb. cans, Varnish by the pint, quart, or gallon. -Dryer, Shellac,
Stains and Liquid Veneer. 2 barrels of pure raw Linseed Oil. Will
not be undersold. White Lead: Lead and Oil best wearing paint
made, cheapest per gallon. If going to paint, see me before buying.
Oil and Venitian Red best barn paint. 7 gallons of oil at. 70 cents
per gallon, equals $5 25; mixed with 100 pounds of white lead ($9.00)
makes 10 gallons of paint at a cost of $1 33 per gallon; better much
better than ready-mixed costing $1.60 or $16.00 for 10 gallons.
Don't be swindled with ready-mixed paint
8x10, 10x12, 12x20, 12x24, 12x26, 20x24, 24x24, 24x26, 24x28, all
on hand. Get prices before buying.
ot all kinds on hand; Spading Forks, three kinds of Hoes, two kinds
of Rakes; Garden Plows $2.00. . '
Buckets 15 to 60 cents; Strainers 10 to 25c; Washboilers $1, $1.10,
$1.25, and $1.50. Copper teakettles nickled "Rome Brand"; Wash
boards 25 and 60c; Galvanized buckets 15, 20c; tubs 50, 60, 70, and
80c. Majestic Washer the quality sells it only $7. Wringers.
Churns 3 to 7 gallons $2.50 to $4.00. Ice cream freezers.
AH kinds of nails. All kinds and sizes of but and strap hinges.
Celebrated King Charm baro door track and hangers. Riralocks,
Mortise Locks, and Front door Sets.
Bug Death, the greatest insect
So Boss Kill Fly 75c. a gallon.
killer. Sprayers, 30 cents each.
American Farm Fence Lot fence and earden fence. Poultry
'ence; Smooth Wire, Barbed Wire. Poultry Netting. -Staples for
ail kinds. Half-bushels. Peck Measures. Clothes Baskets: Shovnla.
lioes, Cultivator Shovels, &c. Wheelbarrows. We have lots ot
things not mentioned. GiV9 us a call square deal'for all.
Duriog May, any one purchasing furniture to tbe amount ot $20
cash, can have choice of one rocking chair up to three dollar?.
Have a fine lot of table sets as premiums. When you buy, you
get tickets. Ten dollars worth of tickets and 98 cents gets a set
containing 11 pieces. Come and see. Square deal.
Am still in the undertaking business, despite all reports to the
contrary, Large stock, tine goods, prompt service, lowest possible
price for quality of goods and kind of service. Fourteen years of
successful practical experience as an embalmer.
We do not give something for nothing. No merchant can do
that and continue in business.
We do not sell goods below cost. You would not do that your
self if you were a merchant.
We do not advertise to do either of these things. For we
advertise to do only that which, we faithfully accomplish.
But we do advertise to give you the best and biggest dollar's
worth of goods for a dollar of any store in this community. And
we give what we advertise.
We do advertise to give you the best quality of goods of any
store in this community. And we give what we advertise.
We do advertise to give you the best service of any store in
this community, and we give what we advertise.
We do advertise that we will treat . you exactly as we like to be
treated when we go elsewhere to buy goods we do not handle.
And we do exactly as we advertise.
That is all WE can promise you. But we GIVE what we PROMISE.
The bright days of springtime bring with, them new life and
energy, and we take this opportunity of calling your attention to
many seasonable bargains.
We have yet a nice line of horse collars that was made up for
us last winter when the collar business was dull; and for the cash,
we bought them at a price that will save you money. See them,
as we have never had so good a trade on Harness and Collars--98c,
$2.40. 2.50, 3.00, 3.25, and $4.00. Nice line of Buggy Har
ness $12.25 to $16.00. Flynets; hitching straps, hame straps,
plow lines, check lines, buggy and team bridles, and lead reins.
Front gears, $3.98 and 4.25 and not split leather. Rawhide tie
up straps, IOc a bunch. Don't forget that we have the same Lawn
Mower with all brass bearings, 12 and 14-inch, that we have hart
died for five years-2.50 and 2.65. Garden plows 1.98. Steel gar
den rakes, 25c, onion hoes 20c, broad hoes 20c, Batchelder ma
nure forks 55c, dirt shovels 38 to 55c, heart hoes 38c, mattock
hoes, 40c.
We have made arrangements with one of the largest seed
houses fri the State to handle their sweet corn seed. We have the
Golden Bantam and Storrell's Evergreen that we are selling quite
a lot of at IOc a pound. In the package goods, you get two ounces.
10c, or 80c. a pound for the same goods you pay us 10c. a pound for. Think of
it. What a saving I
We bought 30 doz. 25-cent Misses Hose some time ago in sizes from 5 to
81-2 that we are selling long as they last at 2 pair for 25c. Bear Brand at the
same price. See our Ladies' Hose 10, 13 and 23c. Men's work half hose, 3
pairs for 25c. See them. Men's black Bear brand IOc.
Just got in a new lot of Warner Corsets; also, a new style at 50 and 95c
Men's and boys' work shirts that are full size, 25 to 45c. Men's Overalls
50 to 95c. Men's dress shirts, 45 to 95c. Men's and boys' wool and straw
hats 23c to $1.90.
We think we have the greatest line of Child's, Misses, Boys', Ladies' and
Men's shoes. We buy about all of our shoes direct
from the manufacturer and save the jobbers' profit.
This year we have added to our scout line some new
ones. Think of buying a pair of scout shoes for a
farmer and wearing them one year at $2.00 ! If you
don't believe it, try a pair and be convinced that you
can do it. Child's Shoes 10c. to 85c. Misses' 98c.
to $1.75, Boys' 98c. to $2.50, Women's $1.25 to
$3.50, Men's $1.48 to $4.00. We have the new styles
in Men's Walk-over low and high goods. Thanking
you for the largest spring trade we have ever had, we
remain yours for business,
The Racket Store, McConnellsburg, Pa.
County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as candl-
Care of Horses' Teeth.
twenty Tears vati(
of tbe horse and11"
D. W. Heefner and Frank Dell
ui itittuicLiiii uctiuL ru.-. wi arm tt..i-
'ute!"ro,ninU0..f::e", Raub and Mfss Annie Raub. Alex special stud.
to be voted for by the voters of tbe andna, Pa., and MlS8 Alice Raub in" of hU teeth, the undertl
.. ... . M.rnr.nnltc.f... T) -II : l- whoso resiilnncA 1m n thn LlnCO'
uemocratlc parly ai me primary eiec- "ivuuuuciioiuwii, 1 a., tui 111 lur. Vi 1 lis
tion to be held Tuesday, September 21 Heefner's Ford, passed through k K " ,r 1 T, . .
l9i5,andlplodh.eTelf to support McConnellsburg last Friday fe- 7'lt 1 ZS Z JS
?mL!r turning from a tour including JbmJZ
ueeu loyai vu w, e,o . .. . , tT . -
infill- VJ,cbbJr 0JUI B AUUBUUU ttllU Xlarp" i'uu,l" wuiiuu given lu uiu"'-
cratlo ticket. Your vote and
ence ara solicited.
Thompson township,
ers Ferry. Mr. Raub is a veteran mal1.
of the Civil War and participated
f A. I L.liK A.. A? A
in the battle of Antietam,
Postoffloe, McConnellsburg, P'