The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, May 06, 1915, Image 6

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MM 15
AtD CanPMr
In the New York nnmp of Jumwi Brood
Iuwp uiai KIkics. hi two olil pcnnioners
arid roairari-A, await tha coming of
Brood Hon KrnliTle to ltwrn the content
f A wlri'lfU from troolt but Krelerl
afler ri-udum'. tlirow It Into the lire und
tatves thi9 noin without a won). KhmIltIo
tolls Lydla Ivmnond, hi fmnc' that the
nirftHHKo annount't'ri Itia father' nmrrlnitt
and orderB thn noun pniuril for an lm
mIjiite hoirwoorntn?. Mrt. lHHtnond, the'k'4'MT anil Lydia's mothur, tri.'s to
cool t'rJrle' temper at tlio Impending
rli.iiik'itt. iitul hi bride arrive. Slio
win li'rederlr' liking at lirnt nw.-t I nw.
Itiood situws dmllke ami veiled Ikihi I Illy to
Ms aon. l.ydla anil Mr, flruod meet In
the Jad-nxini. where I.vdin work as
Brood's Si i n t:iry. The room, dominated
by a grvnt Kohl Huddh.i. ltrood'a father
eonft'HHor. Im furninhed In oriental niw?
Bitlreme. Mr. IlroiHl, ;i'T a talk with
l.ydla. which leitvea the hitter puzzled, lit
uiHturlKtil by the uppeuruneo of Uanjab,
the UiudM a'Tvant of Brood. Mrs. Brood
Juaktit utonmrea In the hoimehohl and
muna her husband' eonsent to send Mrs.
Ijegtnoui' and l.yilla away. She. tries to
fiHhoin Inn mystery of Urinal's separation
from his lirst wife, and his dislike of his
on, bt fulls. Mrs. liruod faselnalvs
frmlt-rii:. They visit l.ydla and her moth
er In Uier new apartment. Mrs. Hrootl
Ucina t ftstr Kanjal) In his uncanny ap
peuranreH and illiiiippeiininee and Fred
eric, rui-niberlni his fnther's Kast Indian
tiries and llrm belief tn maxle. fears un
known evil. Ranjab twrforinn feats of
iu(tlu far Uuwi'i and KIkks.
CHAPTER VII Continued.
The, before their startled, horror
struck eyes, the Hindu coolly plunged
the glittering blade Into his breast,
driving it la to the hilt!
"Good Lord!" shouted the two old
Ranjab serenely replaced the sword
iu Its scabbard.
"It is not always the knife that finds
the heart," said he, so slowly, so full
of meaning, that even the old men
grasped the significance of the cryptic
"A feller can be fooled, no matter
bow closely he watches," said Mr.
Dawes, and he was not referring to
tbe amazing sword trick,
"No, sir," said .Mr. Riggs, with
gloomy Irrelevance, "I don't like that
. Tbe old spell of the Orient had
fallen open the ancients. They were
neurit)! the vague whisperings of
voices that came from nowhere, as
they had heard them years ago In the
aiystic silences of the East.
"Sh! One comes." said Ranjab,
loftly. "It will be the master's son."
An Instant later his closet door
closed noiselessly behind him and the
old men were alone, blinking at each
other. There was no sound from the
ball. They waited, watching the cur
tained door. At last they heard foot
steps ca tbe stairs, quick footsteps of
the young.
Frederick strode rapidly Into the
"He Killed a Woman."
His face was livid with rage. For
a moment he glowered upon the two
old men, his fingers working spaRmod
Ically, his chest heaving with the vol
canic emotions he was trying so hard
to subdue. Then he whirled about,
to glare into the hall.
"In God's name, Freddy, boy, what's
happened?" cried old Mr. Rlggs, all
a tremble.
Some minutes passed before he could
trust himself to speak. I'gly veins
stood out on his pale temples, as he
paced the floor In fronj of them. Even
tually Mr. Dawes ventured the vital
question, In a somewhat hushed voice.
"Have you quarreled with your fa
ther, Freddy?"
The young man threw up his arms
In a gesture of despair. There was
a wail of misery In his voice as be
grated out:
"In the name of God, why should he
bate me as he does? What have I
done? Am I not a good son to him?"
"Hush!" Implored Mr. Dawes, nerv
ously. "He'll hear you."
"Hear me!" cried Frederic, and
laughed aloud in his recklessness.
"Why shouldn't lie hear me? By
God, I'll not stand It a day longer. He
wouldn't think of treating a dog as
he treats me. God, I I, why, he Is
actually forcing me to hate him. I
do hate him! I swear to heaven, It
was in my heart to kill him down
there just now. I " He could not
go on. He choked up and the tears
rushed to his eyes. Abruptly turning
away, bo threw himself upon the
couch and buried his face on his anna,
sobbing like a little child.
The old men, distressed beyond the
power of speech, mumbled Incoherent
words of comfort as they slowly edged
out toward the door. They tiptoed
into the ball and neither spoke until
their bedroom door was closed behind
them. Mr. Dawes even tried it to see
that it was safely latched. t
The curtains parted and Yvonne
looked in upon the wretched Frederic.
There was a look of mingled pain and
csmmlseration in her wide open eyes.
For e. moment she stood there regard
ing him In silence. Then she swiftly
crossed the room to the couch In the
corner where he sat huddled up, his
shoulders still shaking with the mis
ery that racked him. Her band went
out to touch the tousled balr, but
stopped before contact Slowly she
drew back, with a glance of apprehen
sion toward the door of Uie Hindu's
Inhabitants of Arras Have Great
Faith In Sacred Relic Most Care
fully Guarded.
Devastated Arras possesses an an
cient church, Notre Dame des Ardents,
which remained uninjured despite the
recent terrific bombardment, and
which contains a unique relic that is
nearly 1,000 years old.
The relic is known as the holy
candle. It is guarded In a richly enara-
closet. An odd expression of alarm
crept Into her eyes.
"Frederic," she said, softly, almost
He lifted his bead quickly, and then
sprang to his feet. His eyes were wet
and bis lips were drawn. Shame pos
sessed him. He tried to smile, but It
was a pitiful failure.
"Oh, I'm so ashamed of of" he
began, In a choked voice.
"Ashamed because you have cried?"
she said quickly. "Hut no! It is good
to cry it Is good for women to cry.
Iiut when a strong man breaks down
and sheds tears, I um oh, 1 am heart
broken. Iiut come! You must go to
your room and bathe your face. Go at
once. Your father must not know that
you have cried. He "
"D n him!" camo from between
Frederic's clinched teeth.
"Hush!" she cried, with another
glance at Ranjab's door. Hue would
have given much to know whether
the Hindu was there or still below
stairs. "You must not say such "
"I suppose you're trying to smooth
It over bo that they won't consider
him a brute. Is that it?"
"Hush! I'lease, please! You know
that my heart aches for you, mon
ami. It was cruel of him, It was cow
ardly, yes, cowardly! Now I have
said it!" She drew herself up and
turned deliberately toward the little
door across the room.
His eyes brightened. The crooked
sneer turned into an imploring Bmlle.
"Forgive me, Yvonne! You must
see that I'm iieside myself. I I "
"But you must be sensible. Re
member he Is your father. He Is a
strange man. There has been a great
deal of bitterness in his life. "He"
"But I can't go on the way things
are now. He's getting to be worse
than ever. I never have had a kind
word from him, seldom a word of any
description. Never a kind look. Can't
you understand how It goads me to"
"I am your friend," she said slowly.
"Is this the way to reward me?"
He dropped to his knees and cov
ered her hands w ith kisses, mumbling
his plea for forgiveness.
"I am so terribly unhappy," he said
over and over again. "I'd leave this
house tonight If It were not that I
can't bear the thought of leaving you,
Yvonne. I adore you. You are every
thing In the world to me. I "
"Get up!" she cried out sharply. He
lifted his eyes in dumb wonder and
adoration, but not in time to catch
the look of triumph that swept across
her face.
"You will forgive me?" he cried,
coming to his feet. "I I couldn't help
saying It. It was wrong wrong! Iiut
you will forgive me, Yvonne?"
She turned away, walking slowly
toward the door. He remained rooted
t""I"C' I'll
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"We Will Excuse You, Frederic."
to the spot, blushing with shame and
"Where are you going? To tell
him?" he gasped.
She waited an Instant, and then
came toward him. He never could
have explained the unaccountable Im
pulse that forced him to fall back a
few steps as she approached. Her eyes
were gazing steadily into his, and her
red Hps were parted.
"That Is as It should be," she was
saying, but he waB never sure that he
heard the words. His knees grew
weak." He was In the tolls! "Now,
you muBt pull yourself together," she
went on In such a matter-of-fact tone
that be straightened up Involuntarily.
"Come! Wipe the tear stains from
your cheeks."
He obeyed, but his lips still quiv
ered with the rage that had been
checked by the ascendency of another
and even more devastating emotion
She was standing quite close to him
now, her slender figure swaying
Bllghtly as if moved by some strange,
rhythmic melody to which the heart
beat time. Her eyes were soft and
velvety again; her smile tender and
appealing. The vivid white of her
arms and shoulders seemed to shed
eled silver casket, made to the order
of Jean de Sasquepee, lord of BaudI
mont and owner of Arras, and a curi
ous history Is attached to it It ap
pears that In May, 1105, the Holy Vir
gin appeared during the night to two
A terrible plague depopulated Arras
at that time, and the Virgin so goes
the legend gave the two minstrels a
candle, which they In turn gave to
nishop Lambert of Arras and told
them that the hot wax of this candle
mixed with pure water would cure the
a soft light about her, eo radiant was
tbe shoen of the satin skin. j
She moved closer to him, and with
deft fingers applied her tiny lace
handkerchief to his flushed cheek and
eyes, laughing audibly as she did so;
a low gurgle of infinite sweetness and
He Btood like a statue, scarcely
breathing, the veins In his throat
throbbing violently.
"There!" she said, and deliberately
touched the moucholr to her own smil
ing lips, before replacing It in her
bodice, next to the warm, soft skin. "I
have been thinking, Frederic," she
said, suddenly serious. "Perhaps it
would be better if we were not alone
when the others came up. Oo at once
and fetch the two old men. Tell them
I expect them here to witness the
magic. It appears to be a family
party, so why exclude them? lie
He dashed off to obey her command.
She lighted a cigarette at the table,
her unsmiling eyes fixed on the door
of the Hindu's closet. Then, with a
little sigh, she sank down on the
broad couch and stretched her supple
body In the ecstasy of complete relax
ation. The scene at the dinner table bad
been most distressing. Up to the In
stant of the outburst her husband had
ben in singularly gay spirits, a cir
cumstance so unusual that the whole
party wondered not a little. If the
others were vaguely puzzled by his
high humor, not so Yvonne. She un
derstood him better than anyone else
in the world; she read his mind as she
would have read an open book. There
was riot, not Joy, In the heart of the
brilliant talker at the head of tbe
table. He was talking against the sav
agery that strained so hard at its
At her right sat Frederic, at her
left the renowned Doctor Hodder,
whose feats at the operating table
were vastly more successful than bis
efforts at the dinner table. He was
a very 'wonderful surgeon, but equully
famous as a bore of the first rank.
Yvonne could not endure him.
Mrs. Desmond and Lydlawere there.
This was an excellent opportunity
to entertain them on an occasion of
more or less magnitude.
Frederic, deceived by his father's
sprightly mood, entered rather reck
lessly Into the lively discussion. He
seldom took his eyes from the face
of his beautiful stepmother, and many
of his remarks were uttered sotto
voce for her ear alone. Suddenly
James Brood called out his name In
a sharp, commanding tone. Frederic,
at the moment, engaged in a low ex
change of words with Yvonne, did not
hear him. Brood spoke again, loudly,
harshly. There was dead silence at
the table.
"We will excuse you, Frederic," said
he, a deadly calm in his voice. Tbe
puzzled expression in the young man's
face slowly gave way to a steady glare
of fury. Ho could not trust himself
to speak. "I regret exceedingly that
you cannot take wine In moderation,
A breath of fresh air will be of benefit
to you. You mny join us upstairs later
"I haven't druik a full glass of
champagne," begun the young man in
amazed protest.
Brood smiled Indulgently, but there
was a sinister gleam In his gray eyes.
"I think you would better tuke my
advice," he said, levelly.
Frederic went deathly pale. "Very
well, 8ir," he said in a low, suppressed
voice. Without another word he got
up from the table and walked out
of the room.
He spoke the truth later on when
he told Yvonne he could not under
stand. But she understood. She
knew that James Brood had endured
the situation as long as It was in his
power to endure, and she knew that It
was her fault entirely that poor Fred
eric had been exposed to this crown
ing bit of humiliation.
As she sat In the dim study await
ing her stepson's reappearance with
tbe two old men, her active, far-seeing
mind was striving to estimate the cost
of that tragic clash. Not the cost to
herself or to Frederic, but to James
The Messrs. Dawes and Rlggs, inor
dinately pleased over their rehabilita
tion, were barely through delivering
themselves of their protestations of
undying fealty, when the sound of
voices came up from the lover hall.
Frederic stnrted to leave the room,
not caring to face those who had wit
nessed his unmerited degradation.
Yvonne hurried to bis side.
"Where are you going?" she cried,
sharply. (
He stared at her in wonder. "You
cannot expect me to stay here "
"But certainly," she exclaimed.
"Listen! I will tell you what to do."
Her voice sank to an imperative whis
per. He listened in Bheer amazement,
his face growing dark with rebellion
as she proceeded to unfold her plan
for a present victory over his father.
"No, no! I can't do that! Never,
Yvonne," he protested.
"For my sake, Freddy. Don't forget
that you owe something to me. I
command you to do as I tell you. It
is the only way. Make haste! Open
the window. Get tbe breath of air
he prescribed. And when they are
all here, apologize lor your condition!"
When Doctor Hodder and Mrs. Gun
ning entered the room a few minutes
later young Brood was Btandlng in the
open window, drinking in the cold
night air, and she was blithely regal
ing the blinking old men with an ac
count of ber stepson's unhappy efforts
to drink all of tbe wine In sight! As
she told it, it was a most amusing
James Brood was tbe last to enter,
Inhabitants of Arras of the dreadful
The remedy proved eJTlcacIous, and
a grateful populace erected the monas
tery of Ardents. Tbe candle has been
carefully guarded, and It Is the firm
belief of tbe inhabitants of Arras that
It frequently saved them from utter
Choir and Quire.
The word "quire," as applied to a
chorus of singers is rare. Tbe Drouer
I word is "choir."
with Miss Followell. He took In the
situation at a glance. Was It relief
that sprang into his eyes as he saw
the two old men?
Frederic came down from the win
dow, somewhat too swiftly for one who
Is moved by shame and contrition, and
faced the group with a well assumed
look of mortification in his pale,
twitching face. He spoke in low, re
pressed tones, but not once did he
permit his gaze to encounter that of
his father.
"Im awfully sorry to have made a
nuisance of myself. It does go to my
head and I I dare say the beat of
the room helped to do the work. I'm
all right now, however. The fresh air
did me a lot of good. Hope you'll
overlook my foolish attempt to be a
devil of a fellow." He hesitated a mo
ment and then went on, more clearly.
"I'm all right now, father. It shall not
happen again, I can promise you
that" A close observer might have
seen the muscles of his jaw harden
as he uttered the final sentence. He
intended that bis father should take
it as a threat, not as an apology.
Brood was watching him closely, a
puzzled expression In his eyes; gradu
ally It developed Into something like
admiration. In the clamor of voices
that ensued the older man dotected
the presence of an underlying note of
censure for his own behavior. For tbe
first time in many years be experi
enced a feeling of shame.
Someone was speaking at his
elbow. Janey Followell, In ber young,
enthusiastic voice, shrilled something
He Was Getting His Few Things To
gether in His Room.
into his ear that caused him to look
at her in utter amazement. It was so
astounding that he could not believe
he heard aright. He mumbled In a
questioning tone, "I beg your pardon?"
and she repeated her remark.
"How wonderfully like you Fredor.'c
Is, Mr. Brood." Then she added: "Do
you know, I've never noticed It until
tonight. It's really remarkable."
"It is a most gratifying discovery,"
said he, and turned to speak to Mrs.
Desmond. He did not take his gaze
from Frederic's white, set face, how
ever! and, despite the fact that he
knew the girl had uttered an Idle com
monplace, he was annoyed to find
himself studying the features of Ma
tilde's boy with an Interest that
seemed almost laughable when he con
sidered It later on.
His guests found much to talk about
In the room. He was soon being
dragged from one object to another
and ordered to reveal tbe history, the
use and the nature of countless things
that obviously were Intended to be
Just what they seemed; such as rugs,
shields, lamps, and so forth. He was
ably asisted by Messrs. Rlggs and
Dawes, who lied prodigiously in a
frenzy of rivalry.
"What a perfectly delightful Bud
dha," cried Miss Janey, stopping in
front of the idol. "How perfectly
lovely he is or is it a she, Mr.
Frederic joined Lydla at the table.
"A delicious scene, wasn't It?" he
asked, bitterly, in lowered tones.
Her fingers touched his. "What did
he mean, Freddy? Oh, I felt so sorry
for you. It was dreadful."
"Don't take It so seriously, Lyddy,"
he said, squeezing her hand gently.
Both of them realized that It was the
nearest thing to a caress that had
passed between them in a fortnight
or longer. A wave of shame swept
through him. "Dear old girl, my dear
old girl," he whispered brokenly.
Her eyes radiated Joy, her lips part
ed in a wan, tremulous smile of sur
prise, and a soft sigh escaped them.
"My dear, dear boy," she murmured,
and was happier than she had been in
"See here, old chap," said one of the
middle-aged gentlemen, again consult
ing his watch as he loudly -addressed
his host, "can't you hurry this per
formance of yours along a bit? It is
after ten, you know."
"I will summon the magician," said
Brood. "Be prepared, ladles and gen
tlemen, t3 meet the devil. Ranjab is
the prince of darkness."
He lifted bis hand to strike the
gong that Blood near the edge of the
Involuntarily four pairs of eyes fas
tened their gaze upon the door to the
Hindu's closet. Three mellow, softly
reverberating "booms" filled the room.
Almost Instantly the voice of tbe Hin
du was heard.
"Alee, sahib!"
Construction of the Marvelous Zeppe
lin Aircraft Not a Matter Which
Can B Hurried.
The building of a Zeppelin Is not
the work of a day. The mere work on
the vessels takes an entire year, and
when that work Is done another three
months must be spent In testing.
Stretched in a framework of girders,
there are from seventeen to twenty
five balloonettes from end to end. Over
He came awlftly Into the room from
t,he hall, and not from his closet Tbe
look of relief In Yvonne's eyes was
short-lived. She saw amazement in
tbe faces of the two old men and
"After we have had the feats of
magic," Brood was saying, "Miss Des
mond will read to you, ladles and gen
tlemen, that chapter of our journal"
"My Gawd!" groaned both of the
middle-aged gentlemen, looking at
their watches.
"relating to "
"You'll have to excuse me, Brood,
really, you know. Important engage
ment uptown "
"Sit down, Cruger," exclaimed Hod
der. "The lady won't miss you."
"relating to our flrat encounter
with tbe great and only Ranjab," pur
sued Brood, oracularly. "We found
him In a little village far up In the
mountains. He was under sentence
of death for murder. By the way,
Yvonne, the krls you have in your
hand Is the very weapon the good fel
low used in the commission of his
crime. He was In prison and was to
die within a fortnight after our arrlvu)
In the town. I heard of bis unhappy
plight and all that had led up to it.
His case interested me tremendously.
One night, a week before the proposed
execution, my friends and I stormed
the little prison and rescued him. We
were just getting over the cholera and
needed excitement That was fifteen
years ago. He has been my trusted
body servant ever since. I am sure
you will be Interested In what I have
written about that thrilling adven
ture." Yvonne had dropped the ugly knife
upon the table as if it were a thing
that scorched ber fingers.
"Did he really kill a man?" whis
pered Miss Janey, with horror in her
"He killed a woman. His wife, Miss
Janey. She had been faithless, you
see. He cut her heart out. And now,
Ranjah, are you ready?"
The Hindu salaamed. "Ranjab Is
always ready, sahib," said he.
The Sorceress.
The next day, after a sleepless night,
Frederic announced to his stepmother
that he could no longer remain under
his father's roof. He would find some
thing to do In order to support him
self. It was impossible to go on pre
tending that he loved or respected his
father, and the sooner tho farce was
ended the better It would be for both
of them.
She, too, had passed a restless night,
a night filled with waking dreams as
well as those which came In sleep.
There was always an ugly, wriggly
krls In those dreams of hers, and a
brown hand that was forever fascinat
ing her with its uncanny deftness.
Twice In tbe night sbe had clutched
her husband's shoulder In the terror
of a dream, end he had soothed her
with the comfort of his strong arms.
Sbe was like a little child "afraid of
the dark."
Her Influence alone prevented the
young man from carrying out' his
threat. At first he was as firm as a
rock In his determination. He was
getting his few possessions together
In his room when she tapped on his
door. After a while he abandoned the
task and followed her rather dazedly
to the boudoir, promising to listen to
reason. For an hour she argued and
pleaded with him, and in tbe end he
agreed to give up what she was
pleased to call his preposterous plan.
"Now, that being settled," she said,
with a sigh of relief, "let us go and
talk It all over with Lydla."
He started guiltily. "I'd I'd rather
not, Yvonne," he said. "There's no
use worrying her with the thing now.
As a matter of fact, I'd prefer that
she er well, somehow I don't like
the Idea of explaining mutters to her."
She was watching him narrowly. "It
has seemed to me of late, Frederic,
that you and Lydla are not quite so
what shall I say? so enamored of
each other. What has happened?" she
Inquired so Innocently, so naively,
that he looked at her In astonishment.
"I am sure you fairly live at her house.
You are there nearly every day, and
yet well, I can feel rather than see
the change In both of you. I hope "
"I've been behaving like an infernul
sneak, Yvonne," cried he, conscience
stricken. "She's the finest, noblest
girl in all this world, and I've been
treating her Bhamefully."
"Dear me! In what way, may 1
"Why we used to oh, but why go
Into all that? It would only amuse
you. You'd laugh at us for silly fools
But I can't help saying this much
she doesn't deserve to be treated as
I'm treating her now, Yvonne. It's
hurting her dreadfully and "
She laughed softly. "I'm afraid you
are seeing too much of your poor
stepmother," she an Id.
His eyes narrowed. "You've made
me over, that's true. You've made all
of us over the house as well. I am
not happy unless I am with you. It
used to make me happy to be with
Lydla and we were always together.
But I I don't care now at leaBt, I
am not unhappy when we are apart.
You've done It, Yvonne. You've made
life worth living. You've made me
see everything differently. You "
She stood up, facing him. She ap
peared to be frightened.
"Are you trying to tell me that
you are In love with me?" she de
manded, and there was no longer
mockery, raillery in her voice.
His eyes swept her from head to
foot. He was deathly white.
"If you were not my father's wife
I would say yes," said he, hoarsely.
these and over the girders is an outer
skin of proofed canvas. Slung under
the great length Is a series of cabins.
Right In front Is tbe station of tbe
lookout man, who Is In charge of the
starting and the landing; he has an
chors slung beneath him. In tbe first
boat, which Is entirely covered In, are
two petrol engines. Behind this boat
Is the gangway, fitted up with sleeping
berths for the crew. In the center Is
the observation station. It is from
here that the bombs are dropped, and
it is In here that tbe marvelous steer-
She laughed. "1 shall pay no at
tention to such nonsense. You are an
honest fool and I don't blame you.
Wiser men than you have fallen In
love with me, so why not you? 1 like
you, Freddy, I like you very, very
much. I"
"You like me because I am his
son," he cried hotly.
"If you were not his son 1 should
despise you," she said deliberately,
cruelly. He winced. "There, now;
we've fluid enough. You must be
sensible. You will discover that I am
very, very sensible. It is Lydla whom
you love, not I."
"Before heaven, Yvonne, I do love
her That's what I cannot understand
about myself." He was pacing the
"But I understand," she said, qui
etly. "Now go away, please. And
don't let me hear another word about
leaving your father's bouse. You are
not to take that step until I command
you to go. Do you understand?"
He stared at her In utter bewilder
ment for a moment, and slowly nodded
bis bead. Then he turned toward the
door, shamed and humiliated beyond
As be went swiftly down the stairs
his father came out upon the lundlng
above and leaned over the railing to
watch his descent. A moment later
Brood was knocking at Yvonne's door.
He did not wait for an Invitation to
enter, but strode Into the room with
out ceremony. ,
She was standing at the window
that opened out upon the little stone
balcony, and had turned swiftly at
the sound of the rapping. Surprise
gave way to an expression of displeas
ure. "What has Frederic been saying to
you?" demanded her husband curtly,
after he had closed the door.
A faint sneer came to her Hps.
"Nothing, my dear James, that yoi
would care to know," she said, smol
dering anger in her eyes.
"You mean something that I
shouldn't know," he fruted.
"Are you forgetting yourself,
James?" coldly.
He stared at her incredulously.
"Good Lord! Are you trying to tell
me what I shall do or say "
She enme up to him slowly. "James,
we must both be careful. We must
not quarrel.'' Her hands grasped the
lapel of his long lounging robe. There
was an appealing look in her eyes that
checked the harsh words even as they
rose to his lips. He found himself
looking into those dark eyes with the
same curious wonder iu his owu that
had become so common of late. Time
and again he had been puzzled by
something he saw In their liquid
depths, something he could not fathom
no mntter how deeply he probed.
"What Is there about you, Yvonne
that hurts me yes, actually hurts mi
when you look at me as you're look
ing now?" he cried, almost roughly.
"There Is something In your eyes
there are times when you seem to be
looking at mo through eyes that are
not your own. It's It's quite un
canny. If you"
"I assure you my eyes are all my
own," she cried, flippantly, and yet
there was a slight trace of nervous
ness In her manner. "Do you Intend
"I Have Advised Him to Bide His
to be nice and good and reasonable,
James? I mean about poor Frederic?"
His face clouded again. "Do you
know what you are doing to the boy?"
he asked bluntly.
"Quite ns well as I know what you
are doing to him." she replied qulcklv.
He stiffened. "Can't you see what it
is coming to?"
"Yes. He was on the nolnt of leaving
your bouse, never to come back to It
again. 'Hint's what it is coining to,"
she said, lively.
"Why why, he'd starve!' cried the
man, shaken In spite of himself. "He
has never done a day's labor, he
doesn't know how to earn a living.
"And who Is to blame? You, Jam'es,
you! You have tied his hands, and
have penned him up in "
"We will not go Into that," he Inter
rupted coldly.
"Very well. I have advised him to
bide his time."
Goes the Limit
When a woman is angry she tells a
man just what she thinks of him and,
Incidentally, Just what ebe thinks oth
er people think of him.
ing and sighting apparatus Is installed,
as well as the wireless plant.
Famous Jewel Long Forgotten.
A famous Jewel, presented by a
London broker in 1789 to the presi
dent of Dartmouth college and de
signed to-be worn by him on occasions
of state, has been found In tbe vaults
of Parkhurst Hall, where It has lain
forgotten for many years. President
Nichols may resume the old custom
of wearing It on state occasions
your tnonJ
' VCS1J away
roofing" when you caj
get the best roofing at a retj
sonable price of your own loct
dealer whom you know? I
Buy materials that but'
Is guaranteed In writing' 5 years ta
1-ply, 10 years lor Z-ply, and 15 yeu,!
rvi - - i j vtu
our big mills stands behind this gtu-.B
antee. Its quality is the highest toe'
its price tile most reasonable.
General Roofing Manufacturing CJ
World' laroMt mamfutiunrt of JtoctRnf
Nnr Trt Cllf BlM tVnn FltbW
FkiUtliU AiluU CUI.U Dtnk
Hi I HU CiadaMtl luu Citv MiaMiL
Su Frucbc SmIII L4aa UuW
Tli Orrnt Fttornal Hrmritr Vnr
KI'HAlMt Ot,M,ta
Fnr4 jn 1 iuflml ul KhumMIn m4
hAt to ftulk on emu. Tim d.iruira K.i4
?j mm chronlo and lnrurMi 1 trli-4
itr"fc Mnlrafnt. It In thfl lMt l.lnlmmitl
rrltfTf pain 1 ever wd. U'e nt-Mon la !nm4
uj effiTtlve."
jirr lloltl', U.'.c, nt nil ft'iilr
6ILBERT BROS. 4 CO, Ire, Mlrt. Iiltlnoit. Ml
Off the Shelf.
"What a beautiful complexion Mn
Mixer has!" .
"She ought to. llcr husband own
a drug store."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle el
CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy to
Infants and children, and- see that t
Bears tb
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher! Castorii
The Difference.
"Those two brothers represent In
difference between romance and retl
"How so?"
"When their father died and kli
will divided his money, one lavestw
his Inheritance In castles In Bpaii
while the other went to ililwaalm
and bought a brewery."
Illiteracy In United States. '
The figures of the federal buret
show a striking decrease In child ill!!
eracy in this country for the Inst I!
teen years. Only fifteen out of evcrj
one thousand children from ten u
fourteen years In the United Statu
are now unable to read and write. It
1900 the proportion was forty-two It
the thousand.
Without Hurry.
Hurry is a great thief of time. 1'
prevents the full and efficient use c
the present moment ' It steals fror
the present, for the sake of the future
because of some failure in the past
A great man is quoted as saying tha
he was too busy ever to be in a hurrj
One who lived for some months It
the home of a widely known Chrlstis:
leader and prolific worker said tha
she had never known him to hurry ei
cept when someone else had cause!
the delay. And even In those case
there was no "hurried feeling." Tb
efficient life In Christ may be lit
without the strain of the wrong sor
of baste. Our Lord himself oft
urged an eager - and immcdlat
"haste." I3ut there was no sense o:
hurry in his life. Let us live in ti'
present, though not for the present
using to the full, in hurry-free spirit
"the eternal now."
Tea Drinker Feared Paralysis.
Steady use of either tea or coite
often produces alarming symptom:
as the poison (caffeine) contained it
these beverages acts with more V
tency In some persons than in othen
"I was never a coffee drinker.
writes an 111. woman, "but a tea drink
er. I was very nervous, bad frequen'
spells of sick headache and heart
trouble, and was subject at times U
severe attacks of bilious colic.
"No end of sleepless nights wouH
bave spells at night when my rigt'
side would get numb and tingle like
thousand needles were pricking B)
flesh. At times I could hardly put
tongue out of my mouth and my ricni
eye and ear were affected.
"The doctors told me to quit uslnJ
tea, but I thought 1 could not live win
out It that It fens my only stay.
had been a tea drinker for twenty-n"
years; was under the doctor's care tot
"About six months ago, I flnnlly Qu"
tea and commenced to drink Postuo
"I have never had one spell of sic
headaches since and only one lig'11
attack of bilious colic Have quit b'
lng those numb spells at night, aloep
well and my heart is getting strong1
all the time."
Name given by Postum Co., Battla
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road tc
Wellville," In pkgs.
.PoBtum comes in two forms: .
Postum Cereal the original forffl"
muBt be well boiled. 15c and 25c Pct'
Instant Postum a soluble powder
dissolves quickly In a cup of hot
ter, and, with cream and sugar, make'
a delicious beverage Instantly, 30c an'
60o tins.
Both kinds are equally delicious
cost about the same per cup.
"There's a Reason" fov Postum.
sold b'' Craft