The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 11, 1915, Image 7

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    ' a.
Put Off Old Age
Sorne old folks are beet and shaky.
Others are straight and strong. It can't
be mere"oUloess" that works such havoc.
No it's too often uric acid. Fight off
this life-sapping poison. Help the kid
neys take it from the blood. To aid
them, lira carefully and stimulate their
action with the old reliable medicine,
DeanI Kidney Pills.
A Maryland Case
Mrs. Mary A.
Twist. 813 8. Han
over St.. rtaltlmnre,
Mil., gay; "My
body ' waa badly
Moated anil the
kidney secretions
nave me ureal an
noyance. My back
was weak anil nev
er stopped paining.
My heail Belied ter
ribly and I had riiz
IV spells. Donn's
Kidney Pills cured
me after' doctors
failed and I hnve
never suffered
Cat Doan's at Any Store. SOe Bos:
DOAN'S", idi?iV
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently but firmly com'
pel a lazy liver to
00 its oury. f,rt
Cures Con-?.f
lipatinn, in-
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
ss cough
It is not safe nor necessary.
You can relie. e it with
Hale's Honey
Of Horehound acid Tar
It does not upset digestion or nerves.
Is pleasant to the taste. Contains no
r : .li 1.1....,.
upiuui nur niijf tiling iiijutiuuo.
All druggists.
Try Pdu'i Teetauas Praps
A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed
For Douches
In the local treatment of woman's ilia,
sues, aa lenoorrhoea and inflammation, hot
douches ol Paitlne are very etiienclntis.
Ho woman who has ever used nieilicutod
donehes will fail to appreciate the clean and
healthy condition Paxtiw produces and the
prompt relief from soreness and discomfort
wliii.'b follows Its uso.This Is because raitine
pnnsossos superior cleanslnfr, disinfect.
ing ana Dealing properties.
For ten yoars the Lydla .
l'iiikliam Medicine Co. has rec
ommended Paxtlne in their
prirato correspondence with wo
men, Which proves its superi
ority. Women who have been
relioved say it is " worth its
weicht In cold." At druirclsts.
oOo large box or by mail. Sample free.
The Paxton Toilet Co.. Boston, Mass,
Ttiaflmnt Fx tenia! KemcilY For
nni'iiiMATUM M;riiAifiA
bl'UAlMJ WOtMs4c,
. Ilfl ThUTwrtlmonr
For 4 jrim I nuffeml with ltheumrjttMn mi4
oat. to waik on orutohea. The dxtor smld
pioAn wu rhronlo an, tm urahle 1 tried
YaiprH 1,1 nlmpnt It U th bwt Untment to
rcllovn priin I evr uaed. U't MUoaUprompt
nUfj(T'H.lvj." .
JOHN ABTOMAN.OlermnntMllli, Md.
1j.rr. liottli', i!:c, nt uil li'iilTi
GILBERT EROX A CO. Ire, MfrBalllmori, Ml
A toilet prenaratloe of merit
Uelpe to erallcat dandruff.
Fm Reetnrinv-Color endl
Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair.
or. ana n-wa unirrute,
rlbtf Donee, anavina nt- .hnlw.iL
JoroUier bonrortumoroua growths on your horses
fcnttle,WlTOia Wmliii. Jar Ssltr- . o.
: -eena lor free book Haw u.-iiind
""MHO CO, hpt It. Llllmn M,. TiWft"'
I DROPSY ETtD, asusllr rlfst quick
' relial, soon ramavet wallin
thort braath, oftan gives enlira relief in
IJto S5 dsys. Trial trnatmant tent FREE.
'1. Thouasj B. CREKN. Succnior to Ur
it- U. tinea ' Soot. Bos A. Umiwonh, (is
rin a Y
flier to lU'hlltii. b Bodliiff ur Dm-
!Telt,t, ui tnidlnii piles nt pkliald n
; ., rauurfaata. hoa. AouU WautoU. J
te-. Aram W a awr"
r ' v i im rtsi i
Ai ' -mW I fl I T t-IX I
r aja " -1
H- U.. BALTIMORE. NO. 11-1915.
Historic Spot, Long Tamed In Song
and otory, Is One of ths Glories
of Ireland.
IN THE year 1446 an Irish bishop
his face scarred with many wounds
climbed to the keep of bis caatle,
and, banging over the side, kissed a
stone In the wall about Ave feet from
the top. This was Cormack MacCar
thy, and the castle was Blarney castle,
his military ptronghold. For In those
days a blBhop had to be a good fighter
besides being a good churchman. The
stone that MacCarthy kissed Is now
called the "Blarney 8tone."
Cormack MacCarthy built Castle
Blarney In County Cork. One day, a
little while after he had finished It, be
was walking along when he happened
to see an old woman drowning In a
stream. Being both a courteous and
a brave man, be Immediately plunged
in, and after many struggles rescued
her. The old woman blessed her res
cuer and promised that, for a reward,
she would bestow upon blm a tongue
of such eloquence that he could influ
ence friends and enemies.
But there was only one way to ob
tain this gift. He must climb to the
top of his castle and kiss a stone In
the wall there. MacCarthy followed
directions and immediately obtained
sjch eloquence that be delayed for a
long time by persuasion and promise
the surrender of the castle to the lord
president. It Is said that even to this
day whoever climbs to the top of the
castle and kisses the stono will re
ceive the gift of golden speech.
Many people now go to kiss the
Blarney stone. One time a young
' American visited CaBtle Blarney, and
was very enthusiastic about kissing
the stone. He leaned over the square
opening; but Just then he got a look
at the ground, 120 feet below. He
suddonly decided that this business of
kissing the Blarney stone was only a
silly superstition, and was not worth
the trouble anyway.
One of the legends that cling about
the ruins of Blarney is that in the
pastures near tho castle ghostly cattle
fight at night with the present posses
sors of the llelds. It Is also reported
that In the summer fairies dance on
the gratis all night.
Castle Blarney's fame has been in
creased by Richard Milelkin's song.
"The Groves of Blarney,'' written In
1798. Francis S. Mahoney, known as
Father Prout, added the following
lines, which have carried the legend
ot the Blarney stone around the
There Is a stone there.
That whoever kisses.
Oh! he never misses
To grow eloquent
'Tts he may clamber
To a lady's chamber
Or become a member
Of sweet Parliament
A clever spouter
He'll sure turn out. or
An out and outer,
To be let alone!
Don't hope to hinder him.
Or to bewilder him,
Bure he's a pilgrim.
From the Blarney Stone.
The Intense beaury of the fiords of
western Irelana have only to be seen
to be ever remembered. The silver
blue ot the water and the purple of
the promontories and Islets combine
to make plcturea ot natural beauty
wiiicn cannot be excelled. Were these
beauties less veiled In rain and mist.
western Ireland would be another land
as regards financial prosperity. '
To see three maajDies on the left
hand when on a Journey is unlucky; j
but two on the right band la a good
tmnn. I
That Little Sprig of 8hamrock
Once more as the cycle of revolving
time brings near the feast of the good
saint who banished snakes from Erin's
shores the malls are full af envelopes
damp with the sprig of shamrock from
the old sod. These messages of sym
pathy, bringing Joy into the hearts ot
the homesick exiles, whose passionate
love for the Green Iale never dies,
some like a cheery "top o' the marn
The most newly arrived little
ipstalrs girl, as she presses the re
nlnder of her native peat bogs to ber
Blarney Castle.
J 'MP -in
You buy a pot o' shamrocks you Ilka thsm
fot their grsen
An' for their pleasant friendliness but
know not what they mean I
What can you know of shamrocks, you
who fsel not the thrill
They bring' of Shannon's murmurs past
. flowered field and hill?
You buy a pot of shamrocks, and back at
them you smile
Ah, could you know and feel that they are
part of Erin's isle!
You bar' not eyes that see things, or you
would see the mitt
That runs across Killarney when morn
ing's brow is kissed;
You have not ears that hear things, or you
would hear the song
Made of a thousand memories forever
sweet an" strong
Tie but a pot o' shamrocks, a whimsy
thing you buy.
An' not a bit of Irish sod or breadth of
Irish sky!
The glint of Irish sunshine makes all that
livin' green.
An' Irish rains kept off the stains an' gave
that jewel-sheen;
Would that you understood it! For could
you understand,
There'd be a bit of tremblin' each time
they touched your hand I
Your fingers would be tremblin', your eyes
be dewy-wet,
Your heart would beat a measure you
never could forget
You buy a pot o' shamrocks, an' know not
what they meant
You set them on , ths table to see their
cheerin' green
But should you trample on them they'd
rise in grace again.
Just as the hopes rise in the hearts of
women and of men.
Smile friendly at your shamrocks an'
back at you they smile
Ah, could you know an' feel that they are
part of Erin's islel
Coprrisht, 1C13.
Immigrants Have Wrought Well In the
Wonderful Development of Their
Adopted Land.
Out of Europe, for more than two
centuries there have been flowing
streams of humanity, always hasten
ing, like the affluents of some mighty
river, toward the west. And for more
than one century at least those who
earliest found their placo In this once
welcoming continent have been star
ing with open or covert contempt at
those who have followed them.
Until now, when our national Intelli
gence has broadened beyond the pur
blind, narrow vision that could see in
an immigrant only his Ignorancn, his
poverty and the uncouthness which, In
the land he has deserted, may be the
best, approved mode of living for peo
ple of his class.
We are looking at the essentials now
at the brain and the brawn, the
health and the courage; at the race,
the national history, the adaptlveness
of all this raw material for citizenry.
These latest comers are reaping the
fruits of the lessonstwe have learned
while seeing their forerunners emerge
from the poverty and want that made
them reproaches In our eyes and, by
their own Inherent strength, rise to the
full level of American skill, energy and
what has always been their conspi
cuous trait patriotism.
No single, stream that trickled first
and then came in flood had to fight its
way more hardily here than the immi
grants who hnlled from Ireland; and
if one were to cast everywhere to
find Immigrants and their descendants
who have most potently wrought for
the development of the nation, he
would see none more numerous, more
strong and final verdict of the land of
their adoption more respected than
those very Irish.
The United States, for them, owes
England a debt which neither nation
may ever acknowledge; but the time
Is not far away when England seems
fated to realize the enormity of her
loss and the vastness of America's
gain ,
St. Patrick's Character.
Like all men who have bad a domi
nating Influence In the sphere of re
ligious thought. St Patrick bad intenso
zeal and enthusiasm
In his confessions SL Pntrlck lays
no claim to superior learning and ap
pears throughout as a warm-hearted,
devoted, modest man.
We have here a mimosa of an iriah
peasant woman with her child. The
woman wears the 1 characteristic
shawl of the country.
lips or tucks the bit of green under her
pillow as sbe sobs herself to sleep over
the letter from home, will be meta
morphosed Into the holiest of crea
tures.' And, acuahla, as you dream of
the old days In the land of the sham
rock, and the brave people, may the
good saint watch over you, and may
the little reminder of the soil you love
make you a better little girl and a true
daughter ot Ireland.
Be fit for more than the thing you
are doing. Garfield.
- '- j
The Court of
Aaaatsat I lb Daaa. Moodr Bibla lot
TEXT I heard the voice of many an
gels round about the throne.-Rcv. 6: IX.
The Bible represents God as a king
upon his throne. About tho throne
are the angels,
the courtiers of
beaven They ap
pear In graded
ranks, "principal
ities and powers,
mights and do
minions;" there
is an "archangel,
anrl Ihora ura
I jtJJi J some who "stand
vtr-" J in the presence of
We believe
that these facts
fc -a li V 3 RIO Ul liiawiivai
liJO;iJ value for .our
dally life
1. .We are known at court. In the
book of Esther (6:1) we are told how,
the records were brought to King
Ahasuerus one night when he was
sleepless. Ho found therein an account
or a great service rendered to him by
Mordecal. the Jew, and Mordecal fared
well because hg namo.was In the an
nals of the Persian court. How may we
rejoice that our names arc "written
In heaven" (Luke 10:20; Hebrews 12:
I'M. and, more specially, "In tho
book of llfo" (Pbll 6:3). Ahasuerus
asked, "What Bhall be done to the
man whom the king dcllghteth to
honor?" And we may Inquire, What
shall be done to the man whom the
King of kings dcllghteth to honorT
2. We are served by heavenly court
lera. "Are they not all ministering
spirits sent forth to mln'ster for tfiem
who shall be heirs of salvation?"
A Remarkable Experience,
When Philip Doddridge, the noted
esposltor and hymn writer, was a
boy, ho fell from a horse and people
pronounced It a miracle that he was
not killed. Late l i life he dreamed
he had died and gone to heaven. He
was taken into a gallery of pictures
exhibiting scenes from his early life,
rnd lo! here was set forth the ulmost
forgotten event of his boyhood. But
In the picture bo saw one figure whose
presence had not been thought of be
fore; a mighty angel was shown,
bearing him up lu bis bands as he fell
from the horse, lest he be dashed
against the stones. How may we re
joice that he gives his angels charge
over us, and can tell how many won
drous deliverances and unexpected
ministries have teen wrought bv an
gelic hands!
Their blessed ministry not only pur
sues us through life, but blesses us
at death. "The' beggar died and was
carried by the angels into Abrahum's
bosom." One suggests that they may
have taken Lazarus around by the
Milky Way on his Journey home. Mat
thew Henry quaintly says: "One
angel one would think sufficient, but
Lore are more, as many as were sent
for Elijah Amasls, king of Egypt,
hed his chariot drawn by kings, but
what was that honor to this? Saints
ascend in the virtue of Christ's ascen
sion; but this convoy of angels Is add
ed for state ; nd decorum what were
tho bearers at tho rich man's funeral,
though probably those of the first
nnk, compared with Lazarus' bear
ers? The angels were not shy of
touching blm, for bis sores were on
his body, not on his sou); that was
presented without spot or wrinkle or
any such thing."
3 We Instruct these heavenly
courtiers. Paul tells us hat Gods
gracious work for us through Christ Is
"to the Intent that now unto the prin
cipalities and powers In the heavenly
places might be made known through
the church the manifold wisdom of
God" (E&h. 3:10). Earth teaches
heaven about the "variegated" wis
dom of God. Angels learn in us how
God can be Just and yet justify the
ungodly! In the cross they find tho
answer to the question and marvel
and adore. When Christ came and
was rejected by the world, with what
wonderment they must have seen him
begin to gather from that world of
rebels a "people for his name," who
should be his own body and brido.
They behold a blasphemous, slave
dealing sailor named John Newton,
so transformed that be begins to sing:
Mow sweet the name of Jesus Sounds
In a believer's ear;
It soothes bis sorrow, heals bis wounds,
And drlvas away his fear.
The love and grace cf God Is dis
played to angelic oyes on the back
ground ot a world ot s'nners.
4. We shall be received at court.
"Whosoever shall confess me before
men him shall the Son of Man also
confess before the angels of God''
(Luke 12 8) Suppose we knew
we would one day be received by the
king of England. How would we prac
tice the graces becoming the king's
presence! Are we wearing the gar
ments of salvation? Are we learning
the language ot Canaan? Are we walk
ing "worthy of the vocation wherein
we are called?" '
To secure wealth Is hard, to keep It
13 baruer. but to spend It wlse'y li
hardest of all illnhop Berry.
tarn what thou art able, fit and apt
into and 'n'lnw Aschnm
Fine Harbor of Calais.
At a cost of $13,500,000 Calais made
Its harbor, which was nearly dry at
low tide, one of the finest In Europe,
and enabled It to become a chief port
Of debarkation for travelers from England-
ia France.
Poverty and Tuberculosis.
Poverty has been assigned as a
great cause of tuberculosis. The fact
is that tuberculosis, like typ'.iold, can
cer and other physical disabilities it
really a great cause of poverty.
Use of Field Artillery at Crecy Marked
the End of the Mall-Clad
Fighting Man.
Of all the world's great battles
Crecy possesses a unique interest. The
English used only three pieces of field
ordnance. They were small cannon
made of trees, bored, and bound with
Iron hoops, and the missiles were of
stone, scarcely larger than baseballs.
Doubtless this rude artillery made far
more noise than It affected damage.
It was tho longbow and the broad
sword that won the battle, but never
theless gunpowder was henceforth to
play an ever-Increasing part In the
strife of nations.
Explosives wrought a vast change
In fighting methods on land, for many
of tho old-time weapons were rendered
quite useless In face of death-dealing
bull and shot. Warfare afloat, too,
would be revolutionized. Hitherto the
fighting ships had been largely car
riers of soldiers In order to board and
fight, as on land; whcreaB tho time
was at hand when ships could be rid
dled with cannon-balls without the
crews coming Into actual contact.
Eat Less Meat and Take Salts for
Backache or Bladder Trouble
Neutralize Acids.
Urlo acid in meat excites the kid
neys, they become overworked; get
sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of
lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the
bladder Is Irritated, and you may be
obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night. When the kid
neys clog you must help thein flush
off tho body's urinous waste or you'll
be a real sick pcrsiVi shortly. At first
you feel a dull misery In the kidney
region, you suffer from backache, sick
headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour,
tongue coated and you feel rheumatic
twinges when the weather is bad.
Eat less meat, drink lots ot water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad Salts; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This fa
mous suits is mude from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined
with litbla, and has been used for
generations to clean cloggod kidneys
and stimulate them to normal activity,
alpo to neutralize the acids In urine,
so It no longer Is a Bourco of Irrita
tion, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Suits Is Inexpensive, cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
llthla-water drink which everyone
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active Druggists
hero say tltry sell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who believe In overcoming kid
ney trouble while it is only trouble.
Why, of Course He Did.
Gahe," said the lawyer to the
amazed, negro witness, v'ii3 had bc.on
listening' to a heated dlscusslo'.' t
the admissibility of certain testlniC'fy.
"you have followed carefully this in
tricate discussions touching on the va
rious aspects of medical jurisprudence
involved In the Issue wo have before
us for adjudication; and In view of
that I now desire to know whether
you do or do not find your evidence
still coincides with the theory ad
vanced by my learned brother?"
The witness cast a triumphant side
glance at his own attorney. Then be
puffed out lila lips and his chest.
"Most doubtless!" he answered.
And Lose Your Hair. Cuticura Pre
vents It Trial Free.
Cuticura Soap shampoos cleanse
and purify, the scalp of dandruff while
the Ointment soothes and heals the
Irritated scalp skin. Dandruff and
Itching are hair destroyers. Cet ac
quainted with these supcrcreamy emol
lients for the skin and scalp. ,
Sample each free by mall with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY,
Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Mick's Pipe.
The Irish Guards were holding a po
sition at Ypres, and flying bullets were
the order of tho day. Tho Germans
endeavored to break through, and after
a particularly brisk volley Private
Flynn was heard to shout:
"Murder of wars, I'm done now alto
gether!" "Why, have you been bit?" shouts
Captain P .
"Not entolrcly hit sir," shouts
Flynn; "but I've been waiting this ten
minutes for a smoke from Murtagh's
pipe, and by the powers they've Just
shot it out Iv his mouth."
Heard at the Club.
"Hello, old chap; killing time?"
"No, dear hoy; Just waiting for It to
din a natural death."
Stubborn Thront troubles nrc cnily re
lieved by Dcnn's Mentholated Couh Drope.
They set like mogiu So at ail DruggiU.
A fat purse and a thick tongue
rarely go together.
MEffS '2.50 '3 '3.50 '4.00 '4.50 '5 '5.50 SHOES
WOMEN'S '2.00 '2.50 '3.00 '3.50 & '4.00 SHOES
BOYS' ' 1 .75 '2 '2.50 '3.00 MISSES' '2.00 & '2.50
W. I Dourlaa shone .re mada of
lauhnt, on tho latitat moclnla, carefully twnatrnviMt oj toe moat
(port last and pattern maker. In thl.
of equal price, can compete with W. I UoukIm ahooa for at vlo
workman.hlp and quality. A comfortable, caaj walking
snoe. tney ar tuuarpaeaco.
The SVt.OO, fj3,5o and M.00 ahnca wilt
asotherniakeaooatlni; SM.00 to SJA.OO, 1
attj.ou antica rampar invoraoiy wiin ntr niNMca coating
11.00 to aH.CO. Wherever you live there are many naa.
anil women waring- W.IIoiirI ahnea.
ana may wm ten you tnat w.iugias
be excelled for the price.
tfyon rnnlil vlvlt the W. T Oonclas
nrockum, Jllaaa,, antl ace now carciuiiy the anoee
arv made, and the hlich grade leathers naed,
yon would then understand why they look and
lit iMittor, hold their .nape and wear longer
than other makes for the price.
If yonr doalor cannot supply you, write for Illus
trated Catalog showing how to order by msil.
W.KI)oii(tlit,210 Spark St.Broekton.Mas.
AYegetaUe Preparation for As
similating IheFoodandRegula
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful
nessand Rest Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
finiff tfOIH DrSAHVUfirCffSH
Pumrlim Sum '
fftMttSmlti -Ani
h'rm Sttd .
H'tnkrfmm litvori
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Teveri sly
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Tim Centaur Company,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
VI r---' (t -ifi rr"- J
Gave Himself Away.
The general was distributing medals
for special valor. ' Summoning Private
Bumptious to step forward, much to
the general surprise ot the ranks, he
thundered out:
".Men, look upon this hero, and Imi
tate his bravery! All through the
long night he stood firm at his sen
tinel's post, although completely sur
rounded by the enemy, and there be
remained calmly."
Vrivate Bumptious turned deadly
pale. But before ho fell In a faint to
the ground, he gasped out:
"Then they wi re enemies! I thought
they were our own troops."
No sick headache, sour stomach,
biliousness or constipation
by morning.
Get a indent box now.
'lura ti.e 's out the headache,
biliousness, indiKMIon, the sick, sour
stomach and foul gjsei turn Wcm
out to-night and keep tuCn-0"t with
Casearets ,
Millions of men and women take a
Cascaret now and then and never
know the misery caused by a lazy
liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom
ach. Don't put in another day of distress.
Let Casearets cleanse your stomach;
remove the sour, fermenting food;
take the excess bile from your liver
and carry out all the constipated
waste matter and poison In the
bowels. Then you will frel treat.
.A Cascaret to-night straightens you
out by morning. They work while
you sleep. A 10-cent box from
any drug store means a clear bead,
sweet stomach and clean, h-ulthy liver
and bowel action for months. Chil
dren love Casearets because they
never gripe or sicken. Adv.
"Wc'ro going to have a chicken
Bhow In our town."
"Musical comedy or poultry?"
Both salt and fresh water fish are
caught In Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela.
If there ever was a time when you want to do thli,
that is, grow the most crops per acre and of the best quality,
it is now. ROYSTER goods are built to do this, and they will.
Place your orders now, while there is still som potash.
Don't delay. Go at once to the nearest ROYSTER agent
If you don't know where he is, write to us at once.
tti. beat dommtlo and Imported
country, no olliar man.
(It aa raxl awrvlo.
lie .&U.aUMHlan(t
t'onmlt then.
suoes cannot
ni'-'irH f BEWARE OFvV-
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
For Over
Thirty Years
A Leading Question.
In the blue days betweeu ChriHtmas
and New Year's, when a printing order
would have caused either of them to
start an Inquest to determine the san
ity of the customer, two printers met
In the corridor, says Associated Adver
tising. "Just transacted somo business?"
quoth one.
"Naw'" said the other. In a tone to
tease a further response.
"Yes, I did I Just mailed a letter,"
said the first.
To which the other responded,
breathlossly, "Tip mn oft whore'd
you'd get the two cents."
Strategic Elements.
The Wife (purchasing new gown)
Of course, It's quite nice, but there la
nothing military about the cut of It.
The Husband On the contrary, it
reminds me of a series of tight cor
ners, very dilllcult to get out of. Lon
don Onlnion.
A Real Reason.
A renlly frank seeker of dlvrPwns
the colore il woman who 5'aid: ;um
ain't dun nuffin pqftular, but Ifog
losed ma t.isio ion him." Louls
Courier -JovriiaL
When Physician Looks Wise.
Even when the doctor doesn't know
what Is the matter with the patient
but he usually knows enough to keep
his lack of knowledge to himself.
Where It Falls.
"The only trouble with the pace
that kills," said the pessimistic person,
"Is that It doesn't kill enough of
them." Penn State Froth.
That's the First Requisite.
Young man, don't take a girl's hand
j In yours and tell her you could die for
her unless you are willing to earn a liv
ing for her. Exchange.
Carries Much Soil Into Ocean.
The waters of the river Amazon are
so charged with sediment that the dis
coloration can be seen 300 miles from
Its mouth at sea.
Variation In Light
Morning light is from 10 to 30 per
cent stronger then that of the after
noon, varying with the seasons,-'
Wlll-U bu.vlMI W.L.DOtulM
arm, too. i' . ii. nitflir.
AND riMUB) .tampea ou
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tiamtteil ate always worlb
I h. nrloa n&ld lor Utrm. I or
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gunraniard their value aou
Kroiarieu inc wearer aic.nwi
lih pilreaftir Inferior thtif.
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PRICK ram ort ou M bot
tom belor. tbey IrJt. thr
factory. Lkt not beperiuirtXl
to Ur. vonie other mat
cIMtnrd to be lual at coos.
You are uarln. your money
alio are smilieu to in.
fly Am
the M
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