THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBURG. PA. MnWlONAL God's Loving Kindness Children Cry For SuwrsmooL Drinks 3 S! rfTiiS JHHL LE550H i'lty'i jioToNCER IN THE MARKET far. Meckel Had Supplied Himself With a Letter Opener That could , Not Be Improved On. i mnvaHRcr stepped briskly up to Vr. Mecken's desk and laid a small Licle close to his right band. J have here a new, letter opener," , iald. "A handeome article to be pt on the table of your library, l.d-" ( "Pardon me. Interrupted Mr. Meek L without turning his head, "but I Lie already the best letter opener r.d the quickest. "How long have' you had It?" per iled the canvasser. "You know there Jr? constant improvements always be- ,f Introduced. Mine couldn't be Improved," re- Jlucdid Mceken. "I've had her for lluut two years now anniversary of L wedding next month." 25-YEAR CASE OF ECZEMA CURED Mr. Butler Edgar of Danville, Pa., rites: "1 have had an aggravated lu-e of Eczema for over 25 years. My Lr.ds were unBightly for a great part that long period. I have used seven c. bottles of Hancock's Sulphur impound and one jar of Hancock' jtlphur Ointment. 1 feel as though Lad i brand new pair of hands. My Be has been such an aggravated fee. Hancock's Sulphur ComDound ju cured me and I am certain It will ire anyone It they persUt In using it jttordlng to directions." Hancock's fclphur Compound and Ointment are lid by all dealers. Hancock Liquid kphur Co., Baltimore, Md. Adv.. Critic's Mean Comment. An actor who recently was "taken" pile on the stage by a cinematograph ft greatly pleased with the result. Iking of It to a prominent dramatic ic, he said: It was the mo6t extraordinary ex- rience I ever went through actu- y to see myself acting." Vow," replied the critic, "you will wrstand what we have to put up h." THINK OF THE MILLIONS tt hire been relieved in the, past 75 is by Wright's Indian Vegetable ! and decide whether they are not !rth a trial. They regulate the 'tis, stimulate the liver and purify blood. Adv. Gathered Frnm a Pi.aU pVhy do you speak of a gathered 't is an old term handed down the Lve wore the first one." "Sehe" and "Rl ' fshe to Me The evening paper f ' are going up in price. r"1 ,0 Her-I wonder if low shoes oe Higher? Safetu n. riason we wouldn't " "tver makes mistakes Is because UUHI News soon have our Job. Calves- Wwtunity seldom makes the man 11 'ter the man 1,do ,.i .k. r 18 a 6,'flous thing the first time nian lumps Into it. 1 . ' ' e a J VJ I I IIIU IV T" IIIU Ih U i 7AJJ. Thl ' ."AN p 20 GAUGES, MODEL 1912 tooteun tle .liehtest strongest and handsomest repeating kcau n6 ouch light, it has surpassing strength, twice mCtal parts 010 made of Nickcl Btecl which Unload 03 Btronff 83 ord5nary steel. It la simple to load and mooth CaSy t0 tak down 8,1(1 works with an ease and 0ueoft!?eS3 not found In repeaters of other makes. Look uicse guns over at your dealer's. They aro jjin? MOSTrFRFECT REPEATERS." (fl - Has Your Baby Colic?" fAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP fcRVS&i 'r,!trk"1i"','y' ,bln1"- A wre remedy lor til inf.nt complaints. iliJt h to e. Mother, hould not be without It. On be I Ud ooir by V&i. i). FA1IRNEY ft SON. Uaoiutowb. to. It answers every beverage requirement vim, vigor, re freshment, wholcsomeness. Dfmtnd lb frnulr hv lull n.n Mckmmet tnroung luUiitutloa. Thb Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, Oa. NO DANCER OF SUNSTROKE Man on His Way to "Get Even" With Enemy Had the Thing All Planned Out. You'd have known he was a medi cal man by his looks and hv the medl cine case he carried, but the man who Dumped into him on tho street was too excited about something else. "Here, sir, whut are you doing?" exclaimed the doctor as he recovered from the collision. "doing to lick a man!" was the re piy. "Hut wait. Don't you know It's 90 degrees In the sun?" "I don't cure a durn!" "And that fighting will rnlHe your temperature to 140?" "What of It?" "A temperature of 1.10 means sun stroke and death! "Are you a doctor?" asked the man. I am. "Then you are wav off your base, The man I'm going to lick works In an Ico house, where the temperature is only 60 above, and oh, jeeswax, I will make him holler!" "Hut" "6h, I brought along my overcoat so I shouldn t take cold doing II.' Thanks, Doc I'm all right!" Gallant Mayor. From a small provincial town In the north of Italy comes an amusing little story. Queen Helena was visiting the town, to attend the unveiling of statue of Victor Emanuel. After tho mayor of the town had mado an elaborate speech of welcome he handed the queen a glass of chain pagne, and aBked to be allowed to drink her health. As tbolr glasses clinked, a drop of champagne fell tip on the queen's gown. She opened her pocketbook to take out her handker chief, but the gallant mayor was not to be caught on any point of etiquette, "You majesty," he exclaimed, grand ly, "there Is no need of that! Every' thing Is already puld for." Youth's Companion. Truly Useful Animal. Senator Murtlne of New Jersey telle In the Washington Star of a farm hand whom he employed, who Is much given to philosophizing. Une morning, when the senator was wandering over the farm, he came upon his man feeding the chickens 'Alexander stopped him with: "Hood mawnin', suh! I been thlnkln this mawnin', and I made up my mind suh, ns I's lookln' at these heah chick ens, that they's the usefulleet animal they Is. You c'n eat 'em 'fo' they's bo'n, and aft uh they's dald!" The Thief In the Night Representative Hughes of Georgia apropos of the seven-milllon-dollar grant for vocational training, said at a dinner In Diuivillo: "I hope Jlils grant will go through, but who can tell! In this, as in all other propositions, it Is necessary to remmiber the proverb: " 'Never count your chickens until after sunrise.' " Partnership. When two of tho neighbors' children are in a fight you know which one Is right simply by finding out whose children they are. When a business is run down may be time to wind It up. Light Weight Hammerless ' Repeating Shotguns ( Br REV. JAMES ivt. CRAY. D D. Dun ol the Momlgr BUJe lutitule, Clikae TKXT- Show kllidrii f. I's. 1 tliy miirvelimii lovInK "M a r t e 1 ous means to distinguish, to set apart. The lov ing-kludness of God Is distin guished or set apart from any other experience known to man (1) It Is mar velous In Its orl gin. Surpassing strange It Is that you and I In Christ tod:ty, for this message Is addressed to be' llevlng saints, should have been known and loved of Ood, and called and) chosen of 111m from before the foundation of the world. In the eighth of Proverbs Christ is personlflod as wisdom, and tells us be was set up from everlast Ing or ever the earth was, and adds, "My delights were with the sons of men." (2) It Is marvelous In Its nature expressed not merely or primarily, In giving to man life, and the means to enjoy it, but when man had turned his back upon his Creator and rebelled agnlnst him, In freely and undeserv lugly forKlvIng him, and this at the sucrlflre of "Ills only begotten son that whosoever belleveth on him should not perish but have everlast lug life." (3) It is marvelous In Its un changeablisness. Wonderful Is It that Clod should have loved us while we were sinner, anil continue to love us even while we continue to be sinners The new man within us who have be lieved on Christ does not sin, but the old man Is still a sinner. Hut Ood loves us notwithstanding all. It seems impossible to wear out his love. "Can a woman forget her Bucking child?" he askB, "Yea, she may forget, but I will not forget thse." (4) It Is marvelous In Its work. PaRsIng from the thought of what Clod's loving kindness has accom plished and will yet accomplish In Christ on our bohalf, consider what it accomplishes within ourselves through Christ, our sanctlficatlon and spiritual up building. Listen to David, as with tho snows of seventy win ters on .his head he exclaims to God, "They gentleness hath mado me great" Or, transfer the thought to Paul, as In the stress of his apostle ship he declares, "If we be betide our selves It is to God, if we be sober it is for your sake. For the love of Christ constralneth us" tho love which Christ bath manifested toward us. The Need of This Prayer. (1) We need to see God's loving kindness to remove our ignorance. It is a dreadful thing to be Ignorant of the God who made and who re deemed us. (2) We need to see it to awaken gratitude and enable us to love him who first loved us. (3) We need It to strengthen faith and to de liver us from fear. This was the rea son David prayed this prayer: "Show thy marvelous loving kindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand all them that put their trust In thee from them that rises up against them." It Is such a motive also thut moves Paul to say, "He that spared not bis son, but freely delivered him up for us all, shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It Is God that jubttfleth! Who is he thut condomneth? It Is Christ that died!" In other words, the greater Includes the less, and If God hath loved us enough to do this on our behalf, he loves us well enough to do anything we need. Dry your tears; deepen your trust; give room to hope; be of good courage and be shall strengthen thine heart. Ask him to show you hli loving kindness. An Illustration. Some years ago I visited the White Mountain Notch, and facing Mt. Wll lard Is It called? I overheard my companions asking one another if they had seen the old witch of the mountain. "The old witch of the mountain" designates the outline of woman apparently robod In white, which nature's chisel has cut In the face of the bald, bare rock. Some had seen her and some had not. I was among the latter, and my friends did everything they could to assist my vision, adjusting a powerful magnify ing glass, etc., but It was all in vain. At length one In a few well-chosen ' words, described the figure so accu rately In Its relation to Its surround- ngs, that I saw It in a moment, and was able to Join in the laugh at my neighbors who had not yet been so fortunate. It Is much the same in the region of spiritual truth. The loving kind ness of God stands out before men in creation, In his word, In the trans formed lives of his people, and men have eyes but they do not see. If they but saw. how they would rejoice and praise his name. Willing Demonstrator. Rosemary "I wonder how It feels to be back of a funny little mustache like yours." Thornton "I can't tell you very well, but I will cheerfully show you how It feels to be In front of If Judge. Charing Cross. Charing Cross, the center of London, derived Its name from a cross which as erected In the village of Charing i memory of Eleanor, wife of Ed ard III. I (By F O. BEI.I.Kna, nirfctor of Evonln? iH'purtnumt, The Moody Ulblu Institute, Chicago.) LESSON FOR AUGUST 9 THE BARREN FIQ TREE AND THE DEFILED TEMPLE. (Tempera nee) f.KSSON TKXT Mark 11:12-31 OOI.DKN TKXT-"Hy their fruits hull know them." Matt. 7:20. Event crowds fast upon the heels of event during the days of this most tragic week in all the history of the world. Temperance means restraint and a conatralnlngly proper use of God given appetites and privileges, hence tho significance of this lesson as em phaslzlng tho principles of temper ance. I. Sealing, vv. 12-14. The day fol lowing bis triumphal entry Into Jeru salem JesiiB and his disciples Journeyed from Ilethany, his abiding place, each night, Into the city. Seeing leaves upon the fig trees, he bad a right to look for fruit, for the fruit of that tree comes before the foliage. Hut none Is found, and Jesus seals its barrenness. Ills act was a parable In action, Ilosea 10:1. Profession had superseded possession, and Israel Is therefore to be judged, set aside, un til the day when they shall look upon him whom they have pierced. Cleansed the Temple. II. Cleansing, vv. 15-19. Entering (he familiar scenes of tho city and temple, whence the bosannas hud echoed so loudly the duy previous, Jesus saw Its desecration and degrada tion. Outwardly a delight. It was In wardly deceitful, "a den of robbers," and his anger waxed hot. Everything he saw and banished was In some way connected with the templo worship. Even so the most holy things created by the wisdom of a loving God muy be come the Instruments of the most des picable degradation. Ostensibly in the name of religion these temple mer chants were In reality ministering to self and private guln. As at the beginning of his ministry so aguln Jesus exercised his authority and cleansed the temple from Its pollution and for a time (v. 16) guarded It from further desecration. The temperance application at this point Is very clear. Appetite, men tal or physical, Is a God given faculty, but must be kept within control. Prop erly used they are a delight, a bless ing to the man and his friends. Al lowed to rule and appetites are terrif ic task masters. Purify the fountain of a man's heart, govern his motive and the stream of his acts i will bless all, himself Included. III. Forgiving, vv. 20-25. The next day on the way from Ilethany to Je rusalem they again passed tho fig tree and It was withered. The disci ples marveled at the swift execution of his curse and Peter calls attention to It, v. 21, Matt. 21:12, 20. In reply Jesus again emphasizes the lesson, "Have faith In God." This does not mean that this is an explanation of how he withered the tree, but rather why it had died. Israel was placing its trust elsewhere than In God, and therefore withers from the "roots Up ward." Not Ico that the root Is not blasted, and a beautiful treo w 111 aguln blossom forth from the living root, So Israel shull once aguln spring up Into a new and fruitful nation, Isa. 27:6. Jcbus' teaching by this tree Is an illustration of wherein Israel had failed. They had not faith In God Faith can remove mountulns, and no difficulty cuti hinder those who have faith In God, Mark 9:23. Faith grows upon the word, Rom. 10:7, yet love Is" greater, I Cor. 13:2. If we really de sire the things we pray for, we "shall have them " We not only expect but go beyond in our petition and count as ours the tilings asked ror. l ne lack of a forgiving spirit will effect ually shut us out from God. Authority Challenged. IV. Challenged, vv. 27-33. Upon again entering the city and the tem ple, there came to Jesus tho chief priests, scribes and elders who chal lenged the authority by which he wrought these things, undoubtedly re ferring to bis triumphal entry and to his cleansing of the temple. His coply Is a counter challenge concern Ing the baptism of John. For at least two years John had been dead and ills voice silent with a probable for ftetfulncss on the part of these men, nd a decreasing influence of his mes sage upon their lives. Yet the ques tion of Jesus had projected power as he brought John back to them with this question as to his authority, "was It from heaven, or of men?" That there was keen Barcasm and cold loglo embodied In his question is revealed by the recorded dilemma of his ene mies, vv. 31, 32. This entire passage deals with the responsibility of privilege. Particu larly Is this epitomized In the para ble of tho fig tree. Privilege Is em phasized In that the tree was planted In the vineyard of Its owner, It lived off of his possessions. Its simple re sponsibility was to bear fruit. In spite of the patience of the owner and the privilege of its surroundings It perished. The advantage of Godly parents, of Christian society and the heritage of the noble martyrs and saints of the church will not save that man or woman who "has a name to live but is dead." One Thing After Another. This year's sweet girl graduute - la next year's gay debutante and tbe tired housekeeper of year after next. Louisville Courier-Journal. Drifting Is Decisive. Drifting Is action, the most decisive kind of action. David Graham Phil lips. Definition. Fool the other fellow. ALCOHOL 3 PEK CfcNf. AVcgelablelVfpaniionrorAs SirnllallntJlhrFnoff.nmlRpfi.rfri ling Ute Stomachs oidSkms of iTorMfcsDigpstlonflifeifur nessandResiXonlalnirtcluw Opimu.Morphine nor Mistral Not Narcotic, Bay iMBtsv-mirma JUSam IrwSTW Anerfect Remedy forCoiKflm Hon . Sour Stomach-Dlarrta a WorrasfoirvTilsioiwfevniSM tUSSWdLOSSOrSLEEP. Facsimile sinarare of luz Centaur ComtaHJ NEW YOHK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. READER ALLOWED ONE GUESS Did This Pleasant Little Conversation Take Place During or After the Honeymoon? He threw down his paper. "I wonder If tho colonel really means to try it again?" "What did you say, dear?" "If you'd bet n listening you wouldn't ask me." "If you hnd said anything worth h oar! ng I'd be glad to listen." "How do you know you would?" "Try It." He glares at her and wisely says nothing. She picks up the paper. "Dear me," she says, "1 wish they'd settle it." "Settle what?" "Tho length of next lull's skirts." He snorts. "Is thut all you ran find In the pa per?" "I guess it's a good deal more Im portant than the stuff you find." "Do you mean to compare a paltry skirt to the stupendous living Issues of the hour?" "Uh, go Jump into the River of Doubtl" "What do you know about the Riv er of Doubt?" "As much us anybody knovs. Hah!" "Hah yourself!" Whereupon he rises ungrlly and goes out on the porch and calms him self with a pipe. Cleveland Plain- dealer. Provided for Now. Hobby had been taught to remem ber all his relatives when he Bald his prayers. Ono night, as ne knelt ut his mother's knee, he did not mention the name of a favorite mint. "Why, Hobble," said tho mother, "you didn't say 'Ood bless Aunt Bea trice and make her happy.' " "Well, mother," replied tho little boy, "I don't have to sny that any more. Aunt lleatrlce's engaged." On Principle, Stude Don't you ever sweep tinder the enrpet? Janitor Yes suh; 1 always sweeps everything under the carpet. Yale ltecord. Yes, Cordelia, the drum major be longs to the band even If he does live the Impression the band belongs to him. Many rich men hnve nothing but sympathy for the poor. NEW IDEA Helped Wisconsin Couple. It doesn't pay to stick too closely to old notions of things. New Ideas often ' lead to better health, success and happiness. A Wis. couple examined an idea new to them aud stepped up several rounds on the health ladder. The husband writes: "Several yeors ago we suffered from coffee drinking, were sleepless, nerv ous, sallow, weak and Irritable. My wife and I both loved coffee and thought It was a bracer." (Delusion.) 'Finally, after years of suffering, we read of I'ostum and the harmfulness of coffee, and believing that to grow we should give some attention to new Ideas, we decided to tost Postum. 'When we made It right we liked It and were free of Ills caused by coffee. Our friends noticed the ihange frBher skin, sturdier nerves, better temper, etc. 'These changes were not sudden,' but increased as we continued to drink and enjoy Postum, and we lost the desire for coffee. "Many of our friends did not like Postum at first, because they did not make it right. Put when they made Postum according to directions on pkg., they liked It better than coffee and were benefited by tbe change." Name given by Postum Co., Cattle Creek, Mich. Ilead "The Road to Wellvllle." In pkgs. Postum now comes In two forms: Regular Postum must be well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum Is a soluble pow der. Made In the cup with hot water no boiling. 30c and COc tins. Ths cost per cup of both kinds Is abcut the same. "There's a Reason" for Postum. sold by Grocers, j PIMM Guaranteed unuVrthe t'oojBjl What is CASTORIA Cnstorld la a bnrmloM gnbstltufe for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops nnd Soothing Kyrnps. It I pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Narcotic) substance. Its ncro Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fcvcrlohness. For more than thirty years it lias been la constant uho for the relief of Constipation, l'latuleney, Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarrhoea. It rrpnlates the Stomach nnd Bowels, aNNlmilutes the Food, giving healthy nud natural sleep. The Children's l'unacca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought False Alarm. Just outside Stockport on the (ireat Central railway, Kngluud, is a stutiou nnmed Hyde. The other day an Irishman was somewhat startled on arriving at this Bljitlnu by hearing the guard shout "Hyde!" The Htationniuster, In a raucous voice, also shouted "Hyde!" and several porters took up the re frain. "Hyde! Hyde!" Wondering what could bo the mat ter, but thinking discretion the better part tf valor, Pat Immediately got un der the seut, and it was there the ticket collector found him when the trnln reached Stockport. DANDRUFF COVERED SCALP 401 W. Adams St., Prownwood, Texas. "I bad a severe case of dry Itching scalp. Then my head bad blis ters and pimples all over it and when 1 scratched It the Irritation and Itch ing were dreadful. They continued to hurt and smart and burn. My balr fell out badly and gradually my scalp was covered with dandruff as dry as powder. It was the same burning In my limbs, so bad that I could not sleep or rest night or day. "Then I began with the Cutlcurs Soap and Ointment and received al most Instantaneous relief. I used the Cuticura Ointment freely all over my head once a week aud the Cuticura Soap for cleansing as often as neces sary until I was cured." (Signed) Mrs. Julia Cllngmnn, Jan. 30, 1914. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tbe world. Samplo of each free, with 32-p. Skin Hook. Address post card "Cuticura, Dept L, Boston." Adr. Then He Told Her. Pat. who was lu lodgings, was greatly annoyed by the landlady's help ing herself to bis provisions. Sho be gnn by taking a piece of his butter, und when Pat came home she said: "Pat, I am taking a little of your butter, but I'm not like other land ladies I'm telling you." Next day it was nn egg, and so on. Every day there was something tuken and put off with the same remark: "I'm not like other landladies I'm telling you." Of course there was never any re duction In l'at's bill. One Saturday his bill enmo to a larger amount than usunl. Pat looked at It, bundled up a few till iiRB In his handkerchief, walked t the door end said: 'Landlady, I'm sloping. I'm not like other lodgers I'm telling you!" London Tit-Hits. The Way It Was. It was a cold duy In December, nnd the superintendent of a charitable In stitution was examining n number of poor children ns to their claims for more comfortable clothing. Margaret was under examination. She was pinned up quite securely In u thin shawl. "Have you any clothes at home?" she wae asked. "No'm." "What hnve you got on?" "Please, this Is my aunt's shawl, and me dress is next, an' then comes I." Everybody's Magazine. His Private Stock. A few years ago, after a unusually pleasant evening, John Thornton, the vnudevillo comedian, found himself at 5 a. m. lounging against a wall In Central park, New York. Jn a few minutes a policeman come along and asked: "What are you doing here?" "Just watching the animals," said Thornton; "nothing more." Nonsense," said the officer, "the zoo where the animals are Is several blocks from here." "Not my kind," Bald tho actor, slow ly walking away. New Use for Germs. An army officer may have to quit the service because he carries deadly germs, to which he is himself Immune. It might be a good Idea to keep htm and let him be captured by the enemy the next time we have a war. The Trouble. you spend your "Will abroad?' vacation "No; my means are too narrow, Much of woman's vanity Is due to man's flattery. j m Signature of Those Artists! They were walking through the gal leries with a growing air of disap proval. Kcfore a painting of a wood land dell, with nymphs und fauns danc ing, dressed In formally as nymphs and fauns should be, the middle-aged unso phisticated couple paused. He peered through his glusses at the title while she stood buck, her disapproval In creasing. "It says 'Harblzon School," Mary," he announced. "I guesB It's one of them places for teachin' artists," she remarked. "I've heard they ain't strictly moral." NOTIIIVO fO FKKPCTIVK AN F.I IXIR IIAIIKK Knr M.UrU, Chill. vrr. Chlrf ii( Poll.-, 1. W. Kr.vnoM.. Nwjor Nwh. Ya., mvh: It In . iilritmir to wummn4 ll.hrk for hHInl Krrrr. ILornaml II wbra nrrnhAr.i fnrft'vrarnitiHl bnrr found no wnrl f ITrcilvf ." KHilr llahrk bOrrui.. allUroir VIhI. or Iit r.n-rl lwt, nrrnatd, from Kloctrv kkl Co.. Vfthlnir1nn, f. . A tcd Morr-Uabrk Liver Flits. 60 Pill. K cents In the Balance. Mr. Porks So you want to marry my daughter. Well, young mun, what are your prospects? Young Man Excellent If you don't spoil them. Judge. Going the Gaits. "You tay he threw away bis patri mony ?" "Yes, and threw himself after it." TOfR OWN l)lll'(i;IST Wl,, TBI. I. TOIT Trj Murine Kr tt'n-lr lor KM, Wak, WftU-rr Krt nnd .rnniilal.-1 KTrlldh: No fmanlnir lnt Kin Comfort. Wrlta. for Hook of the hr Vf Dial! r'r-f. Murine Kra Henirdr Co.. lnlcu-u. Every time a enrp breathes It moves 4,38)1 bones and muscles; Its veins' number 4,.'!:,ft. An Ounce of Prevention Most peoplo who enjoy a frequent drink of boor or liquor fall to roallto It's Weak ening effect oa the kidneys. K Winer weakness sets up haekselit, besd srhi, rheuniatlo pain, nervousneiw, and illMinlersof the urlncanj If nrlr-cted Wis to droppy, gravel, and llrl-lit's dlM-ajte. In the early sUirrs kidney wrakmws ran I oorm-Utl. Doaa's Kidney Pills tune ami st rendition weak kidneys and are ueod wlih success all over the civilized world. There's no other kidney remedy so well recouimeudud. A Msrylsnd Cut 8 C Wrlaa. 609 Virginia Av.. Ciim bfrland. Md., aaya: "1 waa In a rrltlral rendition uh k id -nry trouble and the JTi-jit JVrftvr oo.-ior i-uiiiuTi i oir. iiara Itro from morning until night and 1 rouldn't sli-f-p well. My ap petite waa poor and niv bladder badly Inflamed. The kid ney a.-oretlong were In awful shape and I almoat guve up hope of a eure. Doan's Kidney l'lln i-ame to my aid tnat In time and restored me to health and strength. I have never sulTered alnt-e.' Cat Doan's at Any Stora, SOe a Bos DOAN'S "p iMiV FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches in treating-catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminlue Ills It has no equal. For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtine In their private correspondence with, women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured sny It Is "worth its weight In gold." At druggists. 60c. large box, or by mall The Paxtpn Toilet Co Uostou, Mass. Tuft's Pills ThedrpPtlCt tha deMlttatrd, whrthar frf iceasolwork ol mind or bod, drink or posura la i MALARIAL REGIONS, wra find Tutt's Pflls the mast rental restore tlva avar ollarad tbe utlertns Invalid. FOR ttAI.K 120 A. IN LOUDOUN CO., V1R glnla. SO miles from Washlngion. D. C. ; lf a. ault., S r. and one 4 r. housa, barn, out bldgs.. arch., etc U Andea, Aahburn, Va. PATEHTSSi (.', HuukalnM. Hb. VV. tf. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 32-1914. Ml MHZ 1