The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 23, 1912, Image 5

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"ojlKd and General Interest, Gathered
it Home or uippca irm oar
1 jijssJoan Morton is visiting
friends in Wells vaney.
I The eyes of Franklin and Bed
Lid counties are on us. Help
Lild that arch.
i oeV and Mrs. R. E. Peterman
L attending the Lutheran Re
union at i'en war 10-aay.
1 Mrs. Robert Fryman left this
Veek for Waynesboro and other
oints for an exienaeu visu.
Miss Anna Dukehart, of Rouz-
,-iip. is spending a week with
Ir. and Mrs. L. W. Seylar.
Watson C. Lynch, east Water
i t
ropt crrocer. made a Dusiness
rip to Fort Loudon last week.
The Pennsylvania railroad is
ending $3,000,000 on improve'
tents to its lines in Pittsburgh.
Rev Towers will preach in the
tfusalem church in Whips Cove
xt Sunday evening at 8 o'clock
A fresh coat of paint given the
Lnt of the Stouteagle store
lakes that place look invitingly
Eld. Geo. A. Bretze will preach
: Antioch Saturday evening, Ju
25th and Sunday morning July
What did you sow among the
rn to grow and keep the ground
vered after the corn is taken
I this fall?
The annual picnic of the Anti-
th Sunday school will be held in
: Grove at the church on Sat
iay, August 23rd.
The Borough laid a concrete
issinR lubt week betweoncurbs
the Democrat office and P. P.
inn's harness shop.
Miss Augusta Robinson, of
iladelphia, is a guest in the
me of Dr. George M. Robinson
J mother, Mr3. Emma Robin-
Scott Unger, who is emyloyed
Altoona in the Pennsylvania
f ilroad shops, is at home for a
ation with his mother in Ayr
p ortunate are they who help
selves for they shall he help
. Hurry to the help of bring-
the Lincoln Highway through
f County.
jlrs. Ellis Lynch and Miss
abcth Trout are visiting their
sin, Mrs. Nell Shoemaker at
r summer cottage near Graef-
torg, Pa.
fisses Marion and Jessie Sloan
e a little party Monday even
in honor of their niece and
hew, Elizabeth and John Reed
k of Buffalo, N. Y.
Irs. M. E. Dalbey and daugh-
Miss Elsie, left Tuesday for
rhome in Yeadon, Pa., after
spent three weeks in the
e of the former's son, Dr. A.
ra.E. R. McClain, who under
t a very serious surgical oper-
1 in the Ch.mihprsrinrcr Vins.
has so far racovered as to
We to be brought home in
course of ten days.
re traveling salesmen are
autos. G. Blaine Dulebohn
earning P. G. Kimr. candy
ufacturer in Waynesboro,
V purcnased a little Maxwell
for use in this territory.
r- and Mrs. J. M. Myers, of
'crsburg, were in town Mon-
111 their car, and on their re
took with them Mrs. Ben
wand children Blanche and
"or, to remain with them a
A or more.
"ne Services next Sabbath
ninK in the Prpsnvrerian
'h- at 10:30. Sundav School
k)th iYpshvroi inn GnA T?n
churches at 9:15. Union
rviees in the
1 House Lawn.
I; a"d Mrs J. B. Runyan are
" irieir daue-hrpr J
n. N. J., and will visit
'Ryan's brother Will Hoke
lery, Pa., and Mr. Run-
bother Will at Ephrata,
ore returning home.
ree auto parties from this
fended the Reformed
Keuniort nf Tan Ma i0
Rev. ami M, T T
, . 1.1X1 o U. XJ
K 'n their car, Mr. and
"'"Bivjns and Mr. and
I.S. C. R. RnnnrW
L i , rUt 0rlen Mock
bpangler in the
Mer car
i i
Read the account on first page
of the movement made to have
the Lincoln Highway go through
this county. We have the High
way Commissioners on our side
something tho advocates of north
ern or southern routes do not
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Baum
gardner. of Cape Charles, 'Va
are visiting the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Baumgard
ner at Wells Tannery. Harry is
another Fulton County boy who
is making good out in the wide
Sheriff and Mrs. George Wal
ker and son Paul, of Chambers
burg, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
W. Walker and son "Billy" com
posed an automobile party that
spent last Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sloan, west
Water street.
Miss Lillian Brewer .entertain
ed her bunday School class at
Dougley last Thursday. A show
er came up while they were at
the spring and all scampered to
Mr. George Mock's barn where
they had high times until the sun
came out again.
Harry Ott removed from the
John Comerer house on east Wa
ter street to the house recently
vacated by Prof. Lewis Harris in
East Extension. The house va
cated by Mr. Ott will be torn
down and a new one built in its
place this summer.
Don't forget the picnic and
Children's service of the Reho
both Sunday school in Prof.
Scott's grove, about a mile and a
half south of the church on Sat
urday, August 1. Recitations,,
singing, and speeches. Music by
the Hancock Band.
A. II. Whetstone, one of Ever
ett s merchants, is not afraid of
the future of his trade. He
recently purchased a large motor
delivery truck. The Everett pa
pers say it is a 15-ton truck
That's a whopper. (We mean the
truck is a whopper).
Miss Annie Varnes, who lives
with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Ma
son, tell last Ihursday from
ow wall upon which she had
climbed to reach some flowers,
and dislocated one of her wrists.
Dr. Robinson was called and he
reduced the displacement.
W. S. Warthin took the Misses
Marian and Jessie Sloan and their
brother W. Logan Sloan and fam
lly in his big automobile over to
ranklin county Wednesday
where they spent the day very
pleasantly in the home of ,Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. Walker, near St.
Last week, John K. Corbet, of
Lancaster, sold a Holstein cow
to John Arfmann, of Middletown
N. Y., for $2,000. This i3 the
highest price ever paid for a
Iolstein cow raised in the State.
inis cow gave a trine over nine
ty-four pounds of milk per day
for thirty days.
The party of girls that hiked
from Foltz to this place Friday,
were entertained at a house par
ty at Mr. and Mrs. George Mock's
before leaving for home on Sat
urday afternoon. This was not
known to our reporter when he
wrote his account that will be
bund elsewhere.
Mrs. George Grissinger was
taken to the Chambersburg hos
pital last week for an operation,
but returned next day .as the sur
geons were absent. She return
ed to the hospital last Sunday,
and on Monday underwent an
operation for appendicitis. She
is getting along nicely.
Tuesday was the first anniver-
sary or tne marriage ot Mr. and
Mrs. James McQuade. Mr. Mc-
Quade is a member of the Mc
Connellsburg Band. A secret
plot between Mrs. McQuade and
the other members of the Band
was laid to serenade him that
night and they did.
Rev. Horace N. Sipes, ofNanty
Glo, Pa., who is spending his
summer vacation in this place
with hi3 father, Mr. J. Nelson
Sipes, preached the sermon at the
Union Lawn Services Sunday
evening. I here was a large au
dience, and Mr. Sipes handled
his subject in a convincing man
Byron Gibney one of the best
known auctioneers of Perry coun
ty, committed suicide last Thurs
day afternoon, by hanging him
self in the barn at his farm, near
Shermansdale. The man was se
verely injured in a runaway ac
cident about three years ago and
he never entirely recovered from
the injuries.
W. H. Baumgardner,- of Wells
Tannery, accompanied by his son
Harry, of Cape Charles, Va..
Mrs. Charles Lynch.
After a short illness, Mrs. Myr
tie A. Lynch, wife of Charles
, 1 , . , f, ... I. Ulllii, Wilt Ul UUIUIVO
made a trip to McConnellsburg ! L h djed at the w of her
Monday They were accompani- father-in-law Dallas Lynch, Fri
ed on their return to the Valley d morni Ju, 1Q 1914 aged
by Harriett Alexander who 23 yearg x mmt and 25 day8
will spend a short time visiting The deceaseJ wag a daughter
among her many friends and J of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
neighbors, of former times. j Crouse and wag reared at Big
A few days ago the number of : Cove Tannery. The funeral ser
auto licenses taken out in this j vices took place on Saturday, and
state in 1914 reached 112,400, and interment was made at Antioch,
the amount paid for them nearly the Rev. A. D. Hotter man' nffici-
$1,,000. Let the holders of
these costly pasteboards see to it
that their money goes to the
right spot on the roads. This
sum of money would well rebuild
four roads from Pittsburg to
She is survived by her husband
and two children Nathaniel and
Frank; also, by her mother and
three brothers Charles, Donald
and Mack of Big Cove Tannery,
and three sisters, Mrs. Joseph
Those present at the home of j Wishart, Big Cove Tannery; Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sipes in
Licking Creek township, Sunday
July 11th, were Milton Mellott
and wife, Miss Eleva Mellott, of
Johnstown; Mrs. May Lake and
family, Homer L. Sipes and fami
ly, R. R. Sipes, wife, and daugh
ter Rhoda; Anon Sipes, wife and
daughter Rosa; and A. C, Mellott
and family, of Pittsburg.
Merchant George W. Hays
greatly improved the grounds in
front of his store on west Water
frank JVlci'adden, residing in
Ohio, and Miss Mary Crouse, at
Foltz, Pa.
Popular "Health Resort."
One of the most popular health
resorts in this section of Penn
sylvania at least, the one most
largely patronized by Fulton
county people, is located in our
neighboring town of Chambers
burg. Judging from the large
number of persons who have
street this week by laying a con-J been its patrons during the past
crete "wharf" iust outside the few months, it is preferred to
curb to take the place of the pond Saratoga Springs, Atlantic City,
of water that accumulated there ! and even to our neighboring Bed-
after every rain. The most ford Springs with its abundance
daintily shod shopper can now of healing waters. So well satis
step from her carriage to the fied have been its patrons, that
sidewalk without soiling her tan- cixh one on returning home, be
co slioners. ! comes an enthusiastic advertiser
of the merits of the place. Our
House Burned.
On Tuesday morning the dwell-
former townsman D. B. Nace, is
the business manager, and is es
pecially alert to the comfort and
: i r r i r i .
niK nuuse oi lovvi uaKan, near interestg of Fuiton county people.
Laulig was totally destroyed by VVe had nearly forgotten to say
fire, together with almost all its that the name of the ..resort
contents. Attached to the main ig the Chambersburg Hospital,
house was a back kitchen covered Among the more recent guests
with felt rooting, and it is thought from this county are Ira Kerlin,
that a fpark from the chimney Miss Ruth Kendall, Mrs. George
fell on this roofing and started i1"1331" .T i Cor'
r rn. . , . Mrs. L. R, McClain, Mrs. Wilbur
the fire. This is a serious loss to (WunrPr AlfmH SiB r.harli
i . i T'ui. . . n 1
iur. uasman, ior mere was nine, Black and Abram
if any, insurance.
Black, and
The farmer who realizes
how carefully Dairymaid cream
separators are designed, out of
what materials they are built,
the simplicity and strength of
all their parts, and, at the last,
the minute and thorough tests
each machine must pass
knows that the machine he
wants' is a Dairymaid.
The extra profits the Dairy
maid means for your dairy are
due to the features in its con
struction. To appreciate them
you must study the Dairymaid
yourself. You must see the
easy running accessible gears;
the phosphor bronze bushings;
the splash oiling system; the
convenient height for operat
ing; the clarifying chamber that
takes out all impurities before separation; the skimming
devices that make for extra close skimming; etc.
It will interest you to see these and other points. Call
at the Dairymaid dealer and study them. If you write us
we will send you catalogues.
International Harvester Company of America
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
And it's saying a good
deal but it's true, that
there never was as large
a line of talking Machines
in town.
We have the following
sizes in the Victoi: $15,
$25, $40, $50, $75, $100
in stock.
Also have the $30 size
in the Edison.
Try us on Records for
both machines.
Yours, .
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Farmers, we want to talk a little to you. We know that you are
busy so are we. But we want to say that you will not have
to stop work in the afternoon to come to buy of us;
we are open every evening, and think we have
the goods and prices that you want this
time of the year. We want to quote
you a few prices:
Try our machine oil and you won't use any
other; this is the same or better than
others sell at 40 cents our price, L'5 cents
per gallon.
Machine oilers, at 8, 10, and 45 cents.
8-toot!i hand made grain rakes, 23 cents.
Bolts, 1 J to 7 inches, lc.
G-foot 3-tine pitch fork, 55c.
8-inch tile for knives, 9c.
8 Gal., outside rim heavy milk cans, $2 25.
Dandy Axle Grease, 8, 23, to G5c per can.
Mowing Scythes, 40 to 65c.
Heavy Patent Snath Crc.
Scythe Stones 5 and 7 cents.
Spilt and hollow Rivets, 4 and ilc.
Copper Rivets 7 cents per box.
Coppered Solid Rivets 7c box
Genuine Copper Rivets, 18c a box.
Separator Oil, 23 and 38c a can.
Tanglefoot Fly Paper, the best made, 30 cents
tor 25 double sfheets, or 4 double sheets
for 5 cents.
Buggy Nets $1.03, $2.00, and $2 50.
Cotton Fly Nets $110, $1 25, and $1 GO.
Leather Team Nets $2.00 to $4 00.
Jelly Glasses with top, 23c a doz.
The heaviest Perfection Jar Gums that are all
rubber, 7c a doz.
Jar Caps 15 and 33c a doz.
Mason Jars 45, 43, and 70c a doz.
Nest Eggs 1 cent each.
Cherry Seeders, 05 cents.
Coat and Hat Hooks 5c a doz.
liim Knob Locks, 20 cents.
Open hand-made Links, 1 cent.
Calf Weaners, 23 cents.
Coffeepot Knobs, 0 for 5 cents.
Alabastine for walls, 15c a puck.
7 V-foot long Traces, 55c a pair.
Enamel Ware
Just got three more cases of Ber
lin Gray Kettles 23 and 33c.
with lids.
Now, we have the greatest one
yet; it is a 10 qt. gray Enamel
Bucket for' 25c and a 14 qt.
heavy rim dish pan at 25c.
Harness and Collars
We have sold more Collars and
Harness this year than ever.
Before you buy you want to see
them. Our $12.00 to $16.00
harness can't be beat. Collars
98c to $3.98.
Men's and Ladies' underwear. In
. these goods we think we can
save you money. Ladies' vest
8, 10 and I3c. Ladies' pant and
vest, gauze, 23c. Men's shirts
and drawers 24c each. Genu
ine Balbriggan 43c or 85c suit.
Children's hose 10 and 13c.
Ladies' hose 10, 13, and 23c.
Say, Ladies,
you who havn't
tried our War
ner Corset, you
want to try them
They are tho
best fitters and
wearers or the
market to day.
Our price 50,90,
95c and $1.25.
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes,
This line you will find as good at our store and cheaper
than you can buy them in most of the larj,re cities. We
sell Walk-Overs at 5400 that they jjet R50 elsewhere.
We sell the Endicott Johnston, Queen Quality, Selz and
Lady Daitly lines at 2.00 for ladies.
We want to thank you all for the nice increase in our business this, and
we want to sav that you will always find us on the job from 6 in the morning un-
til 9 and 10 in the evening.
Fruit Trees
I can furnish first
class fruit trces in
good growing condi
tion, guaranteed free
from disease, at ex
tremely low prices.
If you are thinking of
getting some more
fruit trees, it will be
money in your pock
et to see me before
you place your order.
(Eld.) C. L. FUNK,
6-28-3t. Needmore, Pa.
agent for
for the sale of Traction and
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Go
rerHullers, Saw
mills, &c.
Engines on hand all
the time.
The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove is light
two people can carry it easily. It is cool
it concentrates all the heat on the dinner.!
It is clean no ashes or coal to handle,)
Hew "PeiSction.
Oil Cook-stove
'roasts,toasts,broils,bakes. It cooks better than
a coal stove, because its heat is controlled.
In 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner izes. Look for tho
1914 model 4-burner cabinet range with fire
less cooking oven. At hardware and general
stores everywhere.
The Atlantic Refining Company
Philadelphia Pittsburgh
SAIV For Pilst, Burns, Sore hmt hMiina the wttd.