The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, July 16, 1912, Image 7

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Infected Rabbits Stolen.
Disease-Infected rabbits, Inoculated
Ith the germs of tuberculosis end
lticr diseases of a most dangerous na
ture have been Btolen ,rom the lab
nttory of Doctor Bonnefoy at Allauch,
r Marseilles. It Is feared that the
Aleves B)ay have already disposed of
the stolen rabbits to provision dealers.
Doctor Bonnefoy as soon, as ne discov
ered that the rabbits were missing, in
formed the police and asked that the
widest publicity should be given to
the fact In the local newspapers so
that persons should beware of eating
fatbits coming from a doubtful source.
It i probable that for some time the
consumption of rabbits In Marseilles
nd neighborhood will drop consider
Shiner, Texas. "I .had dandruff so
badly my head would Itch and when I
icratched It would hurt. My bead was
ull of scaly dry dandruff and It be
came so thick that It scaled off and
ihowcd plainly. My head was almost
uhlte with It. It crusted and itched
terribly. It got so bad I could hardly
rest at night My hair began to fall
out and It was lifeless.
"I tried a bottle of , but It did
me little good. I saw an advertise
ment of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment
10 1 sent for a sample. 1 applied the
Cutlcura Ointment to my scalp and
frequently shampooed my head with
the Cutlcura Soap. After using one
cake of Cutlcura Soap and a box of
Cutlcura Ointment my head was cured.
Now I am free from dandruff and my
hair Is growing." (Signed) Miss Ida
RInghofler, Mar. 28, 1914.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Bold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-
tard "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." Adv.
His Status.
"Young Coke thinks he's a legal
"Well, he Is a legal light-weight"
Boston Transcript
Vocational Training.
Knlcker "Why did he propose to
her?" nockcr "He wanted to get
points on bow to refuse an office and
yet be sure of having it offered again.
Out rim imaller after lining Allen'a Fnot-Eaae, the
antlwpne pciwdrr to be shaken Into the him. It
uln Unlit or new ahoee feel eur. J'nt the thing
for aancinir. euMiimrM. for r kkh trial
atcLmc aildreaa Allen 8. Ulmaled, LeKuy, N. V.
Matching the Fare.
"What shall we have for lunch?
This Is a fast day."
"Then why not a hasty pudding?"
torn own imronisT wim. tei.i. von
irf Murine nvti Hi'iuiHly lor lino. Weak, Winery
Itrs mil lininulau-il Kyelldi: No Huiarllnif-.
tail Km Couilurt. Writ" for Book of I hi. Kjra
J 111411 iiw jnuuuu JbJU UUIU1HJ WJ., VlilCiigO.
If you would get a line on your pop
ularity as a public speaker, go hire a
hall and charge CO cents admission.
Mrs. Baker So Weak Could
Not Do Her Work Found
Relief In Novel Way.
Adrian, Mich. "I suffered terribly
with female weakness and backache and
got so weak that I
could hardly do my
nrnrlr. Whan f
toy itf washed my dishes I
.AJ had to sit down and
V3tsf I j when I would sweep
the floor I would get
so weak that I would
have to get a drink
every few minutes,
and before I did my
dusting I would have
to lie down. I trot
o poorly that my folks thought I was
going into consumption. Ono day I
found a piece of paper blowing around
Uie yard and I picked it up and read it
It said 'Suvcd from the Grave,' and
Md what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound has done for women. I
"bowed it to my husband and he said,
hy don't VOU trv it? SnI rli.l And
Jfter I had taken two bottles I felt
totter and I said to my husband, 'I don't
owl any more,' and he said 'You had
totter take it a little longer anyway.'
to I took it for three months and got
e and strong. "-Mrs. Alonzo E.
WXER, 9 Tecumseh St, Adrian, Mich.
Sot Well Knougli to Work.
In these words is hidden the tragedy
many a woman, housekeeper or wage
arnerwno supports herself and is often
wiping to support a family, on meBgre
Ks. Whether In house, office, fac
wry, shop, store or kitchen, woman
nou d remember that there is one tried
true remedy for the ills to which all
Kun T9 rrone- Bnd that is Lydia E.
fmkhara's Vegetable Compound. It
Promotes thnr ui. ,k!..u i i.
Co i . he .!:vdia & Pinkham Medicine
w' Lynn, Mass.
ask, V.VmI'5 a"a ""r '"rm KKIN 1IS-
KSH SAMl?u3: Cl),.tU-KrU""U- V"
UuUlmora, Mil.
riM tPratlon of Dierlt
n iwiP v-oior ana
ISl to Gray or F.dd Hair.
FmD .4 I 1
i.w at irrumriata.
Save the Babies.
Iltfn .0RTALITY is sometning frightful. We can bardly realize that
an the children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent,
Or t1Ani.w . ...... , ' .i 1 , T
Percent v "'wquaner, cue oeiore mey reocn one year; inirty-eeYen
Uteyi irVflfLaore than one-third, before they are Ave, and one-half before
fcaiorit. ..IS. heBttate to say that a timely uso of Castorla would save a
of theiufi 9 precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many
D'om fi V""18 oeatns are occasioned by the use or narcotio preparations,
"lore 'or ' l Ures soothing syrupa sold for children's complaints contain
deadly Li Piura or mbrphine. They are, In considerable quantities,
conciii0 Ia My quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and lead
you m,.!t 8 BlckneBB, death. Castorla operates exactly the reverse, but
causes tim tha 14 bears 016 signature of Chaa. IL Fletcher. Castoria
lre nt i ""y uirouiaw propeny,
""oulno rw. .i .
uinajs Dears me signature oi
Her Position In the Family Sortie-
times Results in Making Her Mops
or Lets of a Drudge.
"I'm glad I'm not the oldest," re
marked a pretty girl to her chum.
"Why, Susan has to do almost every
thing at home; father thinks she ought
to take the burden of housekeeping
off mother's hands, and my brother
wants her to wait on him as If she
were a servant he knows better than
to ask me to do anything for him
says I'm spoiled and you Just bet I'm
glad I'm tho youngest girl!"
Too often the oldest daughter Is
mado a drudge, and there Is not the
proper amount of respect and regard
for the girl whose labors take the
place of a maid. She is expected to
run errands, help with the care and
amusement of tho children, teach
them lessons. What wonder that
such a girl will take the first oppor
tunity for work as a' moans to escape
from theso unpaid labors, or accept
an offer of marriage In order to live
apart from a family who do not even
try to make her home life conort
ablo and j.lcasant.
Hut I am glad to say Hint not al
ways Is the portion of "elder daugh
ter" such an unappreciated one; In
somo households she Is beloved and
respected, at the same time expected
to fulfill whatever duties may fall to
her lot. Her sisters and brothers are
taught that they must return any serv
ice she may perform for them with
due appreciation, If nothing more, and
they soon learn that her pluce Is an
honored one, Instead of being unen
viable. Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Woman of Mystery Dead.
Tho famous "whlto lady," who never
missed a day of the Dreyfus trials, has
Just died at Hyeres, France, aged
sixty. About a month ago she ar
rived at Hormes and complained to the
mayor that people were endeavoring
to abduct her with the view of ulti
mately securing her property. As there
was no evidence of any such plot the
mayor merely advised her to make a
will, and sent a notary to her lodging,
but when he reached It he found that
the lady had departed with Doctor
Petit for Hyeree. She took the Villa
Mnthllde, where she has Just died. Her
real name was Mmo. Jouffroy d'Ab
buns. The procureur of Toulon Imme
diately had seals aflixed, and ordered
a careful Inventory of the objects In
her traveling bag, which she always
carried and which Is supported to con
tain about $."0,()u0 In money nud at
least $150,000, in Jewels. This, how
ever, remains to bo proved.
A Stayer.
"It Isn't steadiness and humdrum
regulurlty that win a man success In
New York today. No, Indeed. It Is
brilliance. It is audacity."
The speaker was Johnson Ilowen,
the successful Chicago promoter; tho
scene a banquet of advertising men In
New York. He went on:
. "Two millionaire business men were
lunching in Fifth avenue when an old
graybeard stumped by.
"'That's Drown. He works for me,'
said the first business man.
" 'He's an honest looking chap. Has
he got staying powers?' asked the sec
ond business man.
"He has that.' said the first. 'He
began In at the bottom of the ladder
In '76, and he's stayed there ever
since.' "
What It a Patriot?
W. Rourke Cockran was talking
Jubilantly of the passage of the home
rule bill.
'Many a poor Irish rebel, had he but
lived, would be rehabilitated now," he
"Patriots! What is a patriot, after
all? Isn't a patriot Just a man who'd
have been hanged for a rebel If he
hadn't succeeded?"
Adequate Provocation.
"Why did you beat Dobson so ter
ribly?" said the Judge, indicating the
bebandaged figure of tho plaintiff.
"I asked him why a horse hod run
away, your honor," explained the pris
oner, "and he told me that It was be
cause tho animal had lost Its equlne
imlty." "H'm," said the Judge. "Dis
charged." Llpplncott's Magazine.
Quite a Contrast
"Are Tompkins and his wife happy
"Oh, yes. They are as happy as
anybody could expect them to be, con
sidering the fact that Bhe was a Pen
field of Pen field Manor, and he was
Just Tompkins of nowhere In particu
lar." Tending That Way.
Where will these low waists and
tight skirts end?"
"I give it up. I'm afraid we'll see
mermaids on tho street before long,
my boy." Kansas City Journal.
Natural Affinity.
"Hrfw did that couple ever come to
gether?" "You see, he Is a man of Iron."
"Yes, I know."
"And she Is very magnetic."
Ought to Have Known Better.
He If I squeeze you will you squeal?
She What do you think I am a
talking doll? Florida Times-Union.
Incubators relieve old hens of a lot
of responsibility.
opens we
7 .
I The Three R's
TEXT "And a man shall be ns a hid-InR-pliira
from the wind, and a covert
from the tempm; as strenms of water
In a dry place; as the shadow of a greut
rock In a weary land." Ixiiiuh 32:2.
At once the re
quisite beauty of
the Imagery, the
pathos and the
peace of the
verse, compel at
tention and exert
a charm. Tho
picture Is east
ern in its orig
inal setting, but
It Is quite west
ern In Its out
lines, and every
mun understands
it though he may
not know its truth
from his own ex
perience. Here we have three figures
of speech, turee classes of needs, and
three promise to meet these diverse
aspects of our r.ed The three It's in
"A man shaH be as a hiding-place
from tho wind, and a covert from the
tempest." The traveler in the East
knows the meaning of that, and even
In our western country one will find
storm-collars and cyclone-caves, for
the day of visitation is uncertain, and
there la great need for a place of
We live an exposed and defenseless
life, subject to greater storms than
sweep our prairies, and more to be
feared than the cold, wild winds which
beat upon us from the North. We are
exposed to the storms Of affliction,
the terrors of a troubled conscience,
the oncoming of divine Judgment if
we have lived in sin. You may flat
ter yoursilf, but you have not lived
long wltho'it learning how defenseless
you are. Has there not boen a duy
when you sought for shelter a hid
ingplace from the wind, and a cov
ert from the tempest? Tho storms
may sweep, but God Is a rcfugo for
all who will flee to him. Where do
you go? Think of that caravan In
the desert as the fierce howling storm
sweeps upon It; how it presses for
ward to tho distant shelter. Think
of Christ as your hiding place. "The
Lord's our rock, In him we hlde a
Bhelter In tho time of storm."
"As streams of water In a dry
place." Tho desert is not only with
out shelter, It is without water; and
the path of the caravan Is strewn
with the. bones of those who died for
lack of water. What a lack of re
freshment there Is In the world, and
how many perish for lack of the wa
ter of life!
Men seek refreshment In so many
ways and so many falso places, and
they find that 'tho world really has
nothing to meet their deepest need. It
cannot satisfy the thirst for happi
ness, for consolation, for reconcilia
tion, for peace; every promise the
world holds out is not an oasis, but
a mirage, and the promised assuaging
of thirst only proves an aggravation
of tho desire. We find out that this
world, without Christ, la not only
dangerous without a refuge, It Is dry,
without hope of refreshment, we do
dwell In a dry land whero no water
Is. Why not recognize tho fact, nnd
say "My soul tblrsteth for God, for
the living God?"
I heard tho voice of Josus say,
Ilchold I freely give
Tho living water thirsty one.
Stoop down, and drink, and live.
I came to Jcbus nnd I drank
Of that llfo-Klv.iiK st roam;
My thirst wa quench'd, my soul revived,
And now I live In Him.
"As the shadow' of a great rock In
a weary land." Wo do not go far
In contact with the world until we
And out not only is It dangerous and
dry, but It Is a wearisome place. There
Is nothing so monotonous as life from
the worldling's standpoint. All Its
boasted pomp, power and agitation
can never give a moment of rest to
the weary world; and many who have
tried to find rest in the world have
been like caged birds who have beat
en out their lives against the bars o
the cage. How Infinitely wearisome
It all Is! Study tho faces or men
and women In sin; do they not seem
to be void of all sense of rest or quiet
or peace? Note tho nervous life
which 8 many people out. of Christ
are living. The desert Journey is so
Kong, so languid, so monotonous. Oh.
for the shadow of a great rock!
I heard the voice of Jesus say.
Come unto me and rest;
l.ny down, thou weary one, lay down
Thy head upon my breast.
1 eume to Jesus as I wua
Weary, and worn, and sad;
I found In Him a resting place.
And lie lias made mo glad.
Refuge, refreshment, rest A great
hope for our great need. "A man shall
be" these things for us. Who can
this man be? The solution of the
mystery is in the Lord Jesue Christ
Thank God there Is a man able to
Bhelter, and to give rest; the Man
Christ Jesus, our brother, touched
with a feeling of our infirmities.
Our Dwelling "Place.
The earth is not a place of atone
ment; It Is that dwelling place of ours
where we must toil for the achieve
ment of the Ideal truth and Justice
the Ideal of which the rudiments are
hidden In every man's soul. Mazzlnl.
Bone of Prehistoric Animals.
Horn and bones of a wild ox nnd
the antler of a red deer, both prehis
toric animals, have been found dur
ing dredging In the river Thames at
Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England.
I in Christ i
X SKRtary at Eitnuiai Drrortmert P
2 Moody Bibl. laMilul., CoJcmo &
r' '4 I
'' .fin I
(CuudiK-tfd by the Nnilonal Woman's
Christian Temperance Union.)
The rising tide in Germany.
"The new knowledge about alcohol
will bring about as weighty changes
as v.y since the revival of learning."
So says Dr. Dresler, editor of a lead
ing German medical review. "You
may search the ordlnai-y newspaper
in vain," he goes on, "for news about
the incoming tide of change. Yet It is
steadily rising. Five thousand Ger
mans have petitioned the relchstag
for a local option law not as an es
cape from temperance, but rather aa
a step In that direction."
8peaklng of the growing anti-alco
hol sentiment In other European coun
tries, he concludes.
"These movements indicate a revo
lutionary turn of opinion which has
In it the promise of the final supprcs
slon of the permitted Bale of intoxi
cating that Is, poisonous drink."
This "new knowledge" in Germany,
as elsewhere, is lnrgely tho result of
Investigation undertaken primarily
with a view to self-preservation, hm
ployers' liability laws have brought
about Inquiry as to the causes of ac
cident and slckncBS among working'
men. This, together with the reports
of Insurance companies, has shown
the perils of the drink habit and
moused thinking people of Germany
from the emperor down.
Government statistics show that in
the census year 6,615,046 wage earn
ers were employed In all the Indus
tries of the United States, and that
the brewing Industry employed only
54,579 of them.
Figures show further that the cost
of all materials the brewing industry
uses, Including fuel and power,
amounts In the census year to only
$96,696,000, while the farmers' crops
reach a total of $5,073,997,594. The an
nunl report of the department of agrl
culturo has. been recently Issued. It
estimates the value of the crops grown
during tho past year as $fi,100,(fo0.000
an increase of over a billion dollars
since the census year. The brewing
Industry, on the other hand, has de
clined If one may Judge from news
paper Items chronicling tho closing of
this or that brewery because of "lack
of business." It ie aptly pointed out
that "If all tho breweries went out of
existence the farmers of tho United
States would miss their market about
as much as they miss what the black
birds eat."
A shaky-handed customer In a sa
loon poured a brimming glass, gulped
it down, and left the place.
"Hardly make much money selling
that fellow whisky," said another man
who "JuBt happened" to bo In the sa
"Oh, I don't mind what he drinks."
said the bartender. "I Just bate to
see him spill the whisky on the bar.
for It takes the varnish off."
The man who "Just happened" to be
in the suloon made no reply, but since
then be bne confided to friends that
he has been wondering what whisky
will do to a man's stomach If it will
take varnish off wood.
"Civilization," says Mr. Abraham
Flexner, "has stripped for a llfo and
death wrestle with tuberculosis, alco
hol and other plagues. It is on the
verge of a similar struggle with the
crasser forms of commercialized vice.
Sooner or later it must fling down
tho gauntlet to tho whole horrible
thing. That Will bo the real contest
a contest that will tax the courage,
the self-denial, tho faith, tho resources
of humanity to their utmost."
The chief of police of Columbus,
Ohio, stated recently that during the
previous six months 3,513 men ap
plied for a place to sleep at tho city
prison and the most noticeable thing
about this lurge number of homeless
men was that 75 per cent of them
"could give you a second-hand drink
if you would simply smell their
The congress of alienists and neu
rologists which met in Chicago, de
clared by resolution that a groat por
tion of railroad accidents could be
traced to the use of alcoholics by em
ployes, and urged on all railroads the
policy of total abstinence.
Alcohol diminishes the lighting pow
er of the workman, which is in the
brain, for alcohol Is a brain poison,"
says Mr. Philip Snow-den, M. P. Labor
recognizes this fact with growing
Liquor dealers In North Chicago sold
liquor to one Hogstrom, a Swede, until
his home was neglected, children starv
ing and his wife a lunatic. Suit was
brought in behalf of the children, and
the Jury, moved at the sight of these
In court, gave a' verdict in tho sum
of $5,000, which the dealers will have
to pay.
Columbia, seat of Missouri State
university, a town of 10,000 people,
with 4,000 Btudents, has no saloons.
Successful prosecution for operating
slot machines in places where liquor
is sold in some states carries with It
revocation tor one year of the license
to sell. This fact is commended by
our law-enforcement friends.
At last the brewers, through their
own "Review," practically abandon the
"personal liberty" argument and con
cede that suppression of the drink
traffic must be fought out on lines of
"the public welfare."
(Py E. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening
Department, The Moody 111 bio Institute,
LESSON TEXT Mark 10:48-62.
GOLDEN TEXT "Then the oyes of the
blind shall be opened, and the ears of the
deaf shall bo unstopped. Then shall tho
lame man leap as nn hart, and Iho
tongue of the dumb shall ilng; for In the
wIldernoBS shall waters break out and
Streams In the desert." Isa. s5:S, .
On our Lord's Journey "towards Je
rusalem," the placo of sacrifice, a
place of power was sought by his dis
ciples, Mark 10:37. This lesson Is an
Illustration given to thoso who accom
panied Jesus how they too may reach
a place of power, viz., through service
and sacrifice.
Matthew 20:30-34 tells us that there
were two who mado tho appeal, but
Mark seems to have thought that flar
tlmacus was worthy of special men
tion. The healing mentioned by Luke
18:36 suggests that in that caso It
occurred as Jesus was entering and
pot leaving Jericho. Mark Is telling of
one man, Luko of another.
Man's Nature.
I. Bartlmieus Begging, vv 46-48.
Tho passing throng rebuked the beg
gar. Very ltfcely tho disciples Joined
In this rebuke. This certainly shows
the fact that nono of them fully com
prehended the Lord's teaching as sug
gested In Mark 10:45. Itartlmaoua is
an Illustration of man by nature. His
home, Jericho, was the city under "a
curso" (Josh 6:17), and Is a typo of
this world cursed by sin. He was
blind, see II Cor. 4:4; Rev. 3:17. His
rags suggest Isa. 64:6 and Phil. 3:9.
If the rebuke was mainly by tho dis
ciples It was that they might save tho
master during theso strango dnys.
Great and marvelous were the works
and teachings he was performing, but
theBe were the things thnt called forth
such a waysldo service. It was a glad
message to IlartlmaeuB, "Jesus of Na
zareth passcth by." Thero was no
ono else who could help him. Somo
one hnd told him of the power of
Jesus. Now his opportunity Is at hand,
he must not mlxs It. Josus never
passed that way again, llnrtimaeus
began by crying out, ltom. 10:13; ha
called whllo Christ was near enough,
to hear, Isa. 55:6. His cry was that
of conscious need, It was direct, it
was InslHtent. Ho called Jesus "Son
of David" c. g., tho Messiah, although
the peoplo had said "Jesus of Naza
reth," see Matt. 9:27; 15:21, 22. His
cry for "mercy" Is rebuked. Muny to
day are so stiff and formal as to frown
upon any religious enthusiasm or ear
nestness. It was not beneath tho dig
nity of Jesus to be disturbed by a
blind beggar. Though poor In purse
Ilartlmaeus wao rich In faith for he
answered thoso who rebuked him by
crying "the more a great deal." He
would not bo put off.
"Come to Jesus."
II. Bartimaeus Blessed, vv. 49 52.
His command "call ye him" Is Indica
tive of the conscious power of Christ
Notice his great Interest as suggested
by tho words, "Jesus stood still." no
member his Important mission to Je
rusalem and tho leaders of the peoplo
who occupied his time; yot he does not
compel Ilartlmaeus to follow after, nor
to overtako him cro his prayer Is an
swered, see Matt. 11:28. This was
good news for tho disciples to pro
claim, Matt. 28:19,20. There was no
Indecision on tho part of Partlmaeus.
Casting his garment aside ho sprang
up, camo and cast himself at the feet
of Jesus. Although Jesus possessed
all power still Its manifestation was
confined to tho desire of tho beggar.
The Teaching: First, tho readiness
of God's mercy. Jesus hnd been reject
ed by rulers and councils nnd Ib mov
ing "steadfastly" toward the consum
mation of his earthly career. That
Journey led him through Jericho, per
haps that he might meet Hartlnmous.
At Jerusalem he Is to pronounce sen
tence upon tho rebellion of his peoplo.
Nevertheless when ono of that same
peoplo called him by tho title that
suggested his Mcsslahshlp. "Son of
David," he immediately turned aside
in response thereto, Hcb. 3:2. God
never destroys the righteous with the
wicked or the repentant with the re
bellious. His car Is ever open to the
faintest cry.
Second. The failure of men to ap
prehend this fact There are many to
day as successors of thoso who re
buked Bartimaeus. Some who hold
him In reverence and yet fall to ap
prehend adequately that ho camo to
seek and to save tho lost." Thero la
no consideration of policy or of expe
diency, no question of method, nor tho
Importance of rank, that can stand In
the way of opening blind eycB, and an
swering the cry of the beggar.
Third. The nature of saving faith.
The answer of relief from tho Lord
comes In responso to the profound con
viction of personal need. "Ho camo
not to call tho righteous but sinners to
repentance." There Is nothing in that
call to make any definite appeal to
the righteous. A blind man, through
Bomeone's testimony hears that he la
near and cries out to him from the
depths of his need. But there must be
also a recognition of power, Barti
maeus had no assuranoe until he had
made his appeal; he took a chance aa
it were. He was not aasured until
his yea were opened.
For Artists.
An artist should be fit for the best
society and keep out of It. Ruskla.
Happy Medium.
The best things are placed between
extremes. Aristotle.
After All.
Most of the things thai people think
art mattera of great moment aren't
-Ml Sii'W Brinks
2 for 25c Bargain
kKFioB Embroidered
(I A Children's Dresses
U j ti.ctllo6veini. Made
1 1 I V tif lino Uwd, linen and
if II gingham la all tint Ocl-
1 on. Ia sending money
U jj order or stamps, men-
Hon ilze, color and m-
Sutiitary ibopi; skilled workmen.
44 North 4lh St.
80FNTH Sell Fnnrinm, fh eneretnpedla of Hne
nil. tMiiMn ft lilKKtwl hi. Hit. KvrrvtMMlv tiuyft. (
ttlvorlMiijf nn,., it. l.llMral i.mnu. Hniuiit
fll't IUC flalkkKUIH u., ItaU rM4a, Ink
aHFNTS N"11" blK ""T ellln or line of
nuLI"J hc.ii.rhi. id npwlnltli. Wrlii. for nrw
laulug. uuii imt tu tvx luu, kilo nil, rka.
Cholera Infantum Can Be Prevented.
Do not alluir your bah to lulTer when
r-tf-i n nn iVTrvMc- Hrtrr-f-iiia.'- rra-ai
yviii aiwoiuieijr prevent ll. a noon lor every baiir. I urea olio In ten
minutra. Rendrra teething time tale and eay. f an be given tu tutitra
one day old. Keep the bcarla healthy, a) cents at dfuggitla. liul
boltla free if you mention Una paper.
Made only ty UKS. U. 1 AUR.N'EY ft SON, Hauujwwn, Ma.
Food In Scotland.
Now thnt the Scotttrih holiday nca
son Is Jiirit about to begin there In a
controversy In the north ns to the
food provided by the boarding houHe
keepers nnd landladies of Scotland
for their patrons from Knt;land. It
seems thnt the Foots do not alter
their menus to suit thu southerners
and Unit somo of tho southerners re
sent this. They want miiro vegeta
bles, for Instance, and a greater va
riety of them. They demand turnip
tops (n luxury rarely consumed north
of tho Tweed, save by sheep), and
ask, "Why no spinach?" AIbo they
want a heavy supper, likewise beer.
Tho complaining controversialists
say it Is a caso of ham and eggs for
brenkfnst, a midday dinner and a high
tea to conclude tho meals of tho day.
As for beer, they report that Scottish
landladies at the const resorts look
askance at peoplo who wish beer sent
In. So far tho only reply of Scotland
to the fault-finders Is that when they
are In Scotland they should cat what
the Scots eat nnd get their beer out
side. London Chronicle.
Employer Good morning, Kobert.
I hope nil your family are well this
Office Hoy (unsuspectingly) Yes,
sir, thank you.
Employer I'm glad to hear It, Rob
ert. There Is to bo a baseball game
this afternoon, nnd I was afraid It
might have a fatul effect on some of
Jutt a Suggestion.
"Mo daughter, Mary Ann," snld the 1
newly rich Mrs. Cussldy, "wants to
l'arn to play somo music Insthrument.
I wonder w'at wan would como ulsiest
to her?"
"Well, now," replied tho Jealous and
caustic Mrs. Casey, "If yo could only
get somethin' that's built llko a wash
board 'twould bo jlst tho tiling."
Such a Difference.
"You say Kuntilnmu, tho comedian,
Is very entertaining on nnd tiff?"
"No. . I said off nnd on."
Some bill collectors nre ns hard to
(ihake as a guilty conscience.
Change Cave Rugged Health.
Many persons think thnt for
strength, they must begin the duy
with a broakfust of meat and other
heavy foods. This Ib a mistake as
anyouo can easily discover for him
self. A W. Va. , carpenter's experience
may benefit others. He wrltos:
"I UBed to bo a very heavy break
fust eater but finally indigestion
caused me euch distress,' I became
afraid to cat anything.
"My wlfo suggested a trial of Grape
Nuts and as 1 had to eat something
or starve, I concluded to take her
advice. She fixed me up a dish and
I remarked at the time that tho qual
ity was all right, but tho quantity was
too small I wanted a sauccrful.
"Hut she said a small amount of
Grape-Nuts went a long way and that
I must eat it according to directions.
So I started in with Grape-Nuta and
cream, two soft bolted eggs and some
crisp toast for breakfast.
"I cut out meats and a lot of other
stuff I had been used to eating all
my life and was gratlflod to see that
I was getting better right along. I
concluded I bad struck the right thing
and stuck to It. I had not only been
eating Improper food, but too much.
"I was working at the carpenter's
trade at that time and thought that
unless I had a hearty breakfast with
plenty of meat, I would play out be
fore dinner. But after a few days of
my "new breakfast" I found I could
do more work, felt bottor In every
way, and now I am not bothered with
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Road "The Road to Well
vllle," In pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Era read h ahove letteef A evr
one appenra from lime to time. They
are a-enalae, true, and full or huinaa
luteri-at. ,
It answers every beverago
requirement vim, vigor, re '
frcshmcnt, wholesomeness.
will satisfy you.
Dcnunft I tie ffmulnt
hy full umo
LMcknamM tncoungt
Thb Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, c.
rntil ,tntanlAat
on, Hl !
mate), ran'Uptllor tip
own tll o
I njurit ftnjrttilrif.
(uantitMi fflWtlv
AM (1lrorMn
tpr il t ir H a
BAIOLP I0MKBI. 1M DJavb Av. TkIf, H.
trCMTC Wo bur the 1U unrrlultl,.
AULllli? b,,,iin buy. Ii.t tnuii inline
A. M r). CO., ilruuio beltuir Ilia., BalUu.ons H4
ion hAir: HKivr i;i a. in kkkukku'k
i. Vi, ; H'O . cult., S r. h.iuft.', Ii.irn, ti.
. i litrnu nn ti.mla. lurk, p.iullry, ina
il.inw. J. t;. KliliiirU. Mounl.1111 Km 1 1 a. Va.
oi hlrhiminrt, til ; f,t a. In ml, J."l a rul..
It r UwHimir. ii niini hmiai . hiiiIiUIixn . rta.
II li. .lul.iialuil Puna, K. I, Itkliiiiniiil, Va.
w. n. u., Baltimore:, no. 23 191-C
Twol Qualifications Surely Entitled
Young Mother to Fondest Hope
for Her Son.
Occasionally theso days ono finds
MTvimt with a servilo utUtudo of mind
and nn adoring, unsellisli heart. Sm b
a mirsti maid, was l'tinsy, nnd she lav
ished nil Iho devotion of lo r elmplii
heart on her young charge. Hobby. On
his first birthday anniversary elio sat
looking ut him In ndmiratloii and after
a long silence she turned tu her mis
tress: "Mrs. Iilauk, do you think l'ohhy will
ever ho j.renhli'iu of tho United
The young mother would not alto
gether pooh-pooh the Idea of such
glowing possibilities for her son's fuv
ture, so hIio smiled and said: "Well,
you never can tell, 1'iuisy. llo might
Hut why did you ask that?"
"Oh," eume tho ready reply, "I was
Just sitting looking nt him, and ho's bo
smart ami bright already; and besides,
1 thought he'd make such u prutl
president!" Kansas City Star.
Improvement Over Netting.
Miss Audrey has coiim to spend the
weikend with friends In a little New
Jersey town and exhibited a keen
Interest 111 the mueli talkul of "Jersey
Wlieu the greetings were over and
the party settled down tho guest re
marked to 1 r host, ai't r a careful
survey of tho porch:
"1 don't sen any tnosipulto netting
around, William."
"No," answered he, "we'ro using
mouse traps." Everybody's Magazine,
Quite Similar Origin.
"A lyric of undent timeti
was a
story snug by n lyre."
"Like Hid modern lisli story?'
After n young man's mustnclio bo
conns heavier than his eyebrows hid
knowledge of the. world begins to d
Success never ronies to tho in. in
w ho sits on u dry goods box utul whist
les for It.
-ft... UW.r-STLMv , ,w.
Never Faila
to liva beautiful color to
More than ahnlf cenfiirynf aiicceu. If yonr
denier Im.n't It, aeml II.IXJ mid a largo boltla
will be aunt you by parcel pout.
MRS. S. A. ALLEN, 65 Barclay St., NewYork
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cur
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
but genuy on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner dis
Improve the complexion, brighten the eyes,
Genuine must bear Signature
LlllUr 01 rellet.auouremuveaiwellliil
a ahort breatU.otlea (rivea eutlr teller
In lMelHt drive. Trls 1 1 reutnieti t lent Frej
Dr. THOMAS E. CRKKN. Sucrewnrla
Dr. H. H. Grasni Sont, Box 0, Atlanta, G
A! e'.t!i''Li,U.
i i niw-
S f a
m u : r
M jniTTir l
w iwnnibiiv
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S iiiytK
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