The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, June 25, 1912, Image 8

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The praln market are tnki-o from the Cham
pemburH dully uewNpupi-rs. Tne urovlNlon
price are tuoie tuut uhluln lu McCuuucUh
ourg. GRAIN
Wheat :j
Now wheat
Bran l.CD
Corn : 70
Oats 35
Rye 02
Ham per lb 10
Shoulder 14
Bacon, Sides per lh 12
Potatoes, per bushel W'
Butter, Creamery 25
Butter, Country 15
Ejjgs, per dozen V
Lard, per lb... .' 11
Live Calves, per lb 1
Chickens, per lb 13
See Runyan and See Better
Saltillo, June 27th.
New Grenada, June 29th.
Enid, June 30th.
Wells Tannery, July 1st.
McConnellsbunr, July 2nd
3rd to noon.
Runyan, the Optician.
If quail could be tamed to stay
at home like chickens, there
would be no potato buRS. Why
not? Guineas, turkeys and chick
ens were once wild birds of the
Rev. E. J. Croft will preach
at Mt. Zion church in Thompson
township Saturday evening 27th;
at Bedford Chapel Sunday at 10
o'clock, and at Ebenezer, Sunday
HIDES. Frank B. Sipes
pays the highest market price
for beef hides at tbeir butcher
hop in McConnell&burg, also
highest price paid for calf skins
sheepskins and tallow.
Hull and Bender, proprietors
of the Racket Store, placed a
new advertisement with the
News this week. They keep
open late at night to accommo
date busy farmers who may not
wish to spare daytime for shop
ping purposes. Take a peep at
the prices they quote.
Luther Raby was found dead
in the chicken coop at the rear of
the lot at his home in Mercers
burg last Friday morning. He
had lived alone, and it is suppos
ed that he had been dead two
days when found. Mr. Raby was
the janitor of the Presbyterian
church. One of his brothers com
mitted suicide by hanging him
self in a barn a few years ago.
This is the time of year when
we walk the streets looking in
vain for friends from the country
with news up their sieves. But
we console ourselves with the
thought that they are at home
harvesting dollars to spend later.
We will do the best we can to fill
the paper with hot weather read
in', although we feel sure that it
is hotter in town than out in the
harvest field. One thing of
which we are sure is, gathering
news in harvest time is less con
ducive to sound sleep than gath
ering sheaves. s
At a recent meeting of the Bed
ford County Pomona Grange, the
following resolution was unani
mously adopted; "Resolved, That
we will not in the future support
for office men who sign liquor ap
plications; or who appear in court
to plead the cause of liquor li
cense applicants, or any candi
date for judge who will not. be
fore election put a plank in his
platform declaring that, if elect
ed he will be governed in the
matter of license by the wishes
of a majority of the people of the
district, as shown by signers for
the applicant and for a remon
strance, if any-there be.
nlllWI, V
Absolutely Puro
Report of the Condition
The Fulton County Bank
of MeConuellMburtf, Pennsylvuulu, a made to
Commissioner of UuuUliiK, at the close
of bus'ni'sH Jin e I, I'JIt
liew iiritr.'Kci.
Keserve Fund :
Cimli. Specie anil NotL-K.. ( tf.lU.H)
Due from Approved He
nerve AirentH 2l,7rt7,0
LeifulHeeuiltlemilpiir.... t II.IWO.OO 47 IW.HO
Nickels and ceutx iM.CO
Chock mid cash iti'irs HMMW
Due from llutilinundTruHCoiiipunleM
not rrsi'rvc '. ltfO.1,1
Ansi'th held free, viz :
llilli, (Uncounted: Upon one nam.. 1.8111.02
IIIIIm discounted; Upon two or more
numeH S7.8U.IU
Time limnawltli oolluteral lS.M4.fl0
Umm on cull with collateral 1S.7H.M
r.onus on call upon one name 1 l.'H.TW.O'J
Ijmnson call upon two or more
uuiuea OUttUI
MondH K7.MI.W
MorUiiKC and JiulKmeulH of re
cord 9I.63H.I3
Furnhure and Itxtures 77b.OO
OverdrartH 9ilM
Hook va uo of 1 cscrve xccurltiei
above par , M.OO
Total HiO.iV.n.M)
Capital mock paid In I M.000.00
SurpluN Kuud 11,00(1.00
Undivided prolllH, lean opeuseit and
taxed paid 4,1H7.'JO
Individual dcpoNllH subject to
check m,:i.:ii
Demand Orllflciiten of Deposit 1!IV00
Tlmo Certificate of Deposit 201.tkrJ.05
Total lam.iws.ftH
State of l'eniisylvaiila, County of Knlton, ss:
I, Wilson I Naeo, Cashier of the above
named Hunk do aoleuiuly swear that the
above statement la true to the best of my
knowledue and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th
day of June, 1014.
nkai, Notary I'ublle.
Correct Attest:
;ko. h. mi: i. I ITT
Ill rectors.
Birtday Surprise.
A pleasant surpri3e party was
planned by Mrs. Clair. Miller, for
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Sheffield, on Saturday evening,
June 20th; itbeingMr. Sheffield's
fifty-second, and his wife's forty
seventh anniversaries. Many
presents were given in honor of
the occasion. Nice refreshments
were served and after having
spent a pleasant time all wished
Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield many hap
py returns of the day. The
guests were; Geo. Sheffield, wife
and son Harold; Thomas Matheus
wife and daughter Edna; Samuel
Naugle, wife and daughter Beu
lah; John Sheffield, wife and four
children Lester, William, Mock
and Sarah; Lloyd Winters; and
Charles and John Rosenberry, all
of Fort Littleton. Mis3 Anna
Sheffield; Frank Dorsett; Tor
rance Kelso and daughter Veda,
of Burnt Cabins. Mrs. Clair Mil
lcr and two daughters Margaret
and Ella of Altoona. Mrs. Mar
tha Woodcock, of Mt. Union, and
Charles Mock, of Hopewell.
Learning A. B. C'S At Seventy.
This is the title of an article by
Secretary of the interior, Lane,
which appears in the Philadel
phia Press of June 28th. It is a
most interesting account of the
efforts being made to teach fath
ers, mothers, grandfathers and
grandmothers to read and write.
Mr. Lane tells some startling
facts about persens well up in
years who cannot read a word or
even write their own names.
A new series begins in the
Sunday Press next week called
"On The Field of Honor," by
Edgar Allen Forbes. It is an ac
count of Historical American Du
els. The first of the series de
picts the fatal duel between Ad
miral Decatur and Captain Bar
ron. These are only two of the
many features of next Sunday's
Notice to Horse Breeders.
Persons interested in fine
stock should note that "Broon
side Castro" the horse belonging
to the Burnt Cabins Horse Com
pany, will be at Burnt Uabins
from Monday June 29th to Fri
day, July 3rd; at John Nesbit's
stable in the Cove from Friday
July 3rd to Monday, July 13th,
at Burnt Cabins from Monday
July 13th to Friday, July 17tb,
atNesbit's from Saturday 18th
to Monday, July 27th, and at
Burnt Cabins during the remain
der of July. G2.V5t
In behalf of McConnellsburg
Band let me thank the public for
their contributions,! assistance,
and patronage at the festival
held last Saturday evening. Next
concert in Square, evening of
July 4th.
C. R. Shore.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Hoover, near Dane, a fine little
girl, on Wednesday, of last week.
For Hat
G. W. Reisner & Co.
0X0X 0X0X0X0X0X0 X 0X0X0 0X0X0 0X 0X 0X 0
have a nice lot of nice material for the season.
A nice line of Printed Crepes, Voiles,
Lawns, Summer Silks, &c., &c.
A large line of Made-up Stuff for Women. Dresses from 75c to
$3.00. Misses', from 50c to $1.75, white and colors, Children's,
from 25c to $1.50. A large assortment of Waists and
Skirts from 50c each to $3,00. Parasols and ' '
A large line of Oxfords and light weight Summer Shoes. Summer
UnderwearLadies' Vests 5c to 25c. Corset Covers 25c
to 50c. A large line of Silk and Cotton Hose for Ladies.
Ribbons of all Kinds Very Cheap.
Men's and Boy's Clothing. We have had an elegant season thus
far; lots left at Bargarn Prices. For SummeY
Bargains come here.
G. W. Reisner- & Company at the Old Stand.
Practical Training as Teachers
Every Graduate of the State Normal School at Indiana, Pa., ha ht d the
advantage of actual teaching experience. Fractice lends' confidence and
makes the significance of book-learned precepts come out clear and strong.
NORMAL SCHOOL of Indiana, Pa.
Where Ambition is Inspired, Directed and Trained
The Leading Institutions of their kind in Pennsylvania
Tie Fortietk Year Opens Sept. 8, 1914 itZTStSS.
ljPjg5-' ' ffrlJ I
"SonIor Teaching in iheTraininjif School under the Inspection of a Critic Tcachpr.
Cost More Worth Most
Waverly" Oils and Gasolines
Gasolines JJluainants Lubricants Wax Specialties
Waverly Oil Works Co, Pittsburgh
A letter from G. D. Morgret,
farming near Cumberland, Va.,
says they began cutting wheat
on the 10th of June, and at the
time of the writing of his letter
June"16th he was done cutting,
and had his wheat in the barn.
Mr. Morgret says there is lots
of corn to plant in his neighbor
hood yet Well, Well! Up here
in Fulton county, we never both
er with the harvesting until we
get our corn planted.
The Pennsylvania State Forest
Academy, at Mont Alto, is erect
ing a tower, fifty feet high, on
the "white rocks." This will en
able the fire wardens to look over
the entire South mountain and
detect a fire in its incipiency.
The tower will be connected with
the Forest Academy by telephone.
An acquaintance recently pass
ed along a road while it was
raining. He saw a small limb
the size of his finger lying across
the roadside gutter. He thought
of removing it but didn't. When
he returned that way in the even
ing there was a washout where
the limb had diverted a small
amount of water. It cost his town
ship probably ten dollars to re
pair the work of that little stick.
Another instance where a little
unselfish public spirit would have
been profitable to that man.
Mr. Frank II. Locke, former
ly of Fort Littleton, but now a
resident of Swiss vale, Pittsburg,
is the p.roud father of another
bouncing boy. Frank has now
four of thv3 finest boys in Pittsburgh.
Fruit Trees
I can furnish first
class fruit trees in
good growing condi
tion, guaranteed free
, from disease, at ex
tremely low prices.
If you are thinking of
getting some more
fruit trees, it will be
money in your pock
et to see me before
you place your order.
(Eld.) C. L. FUNK,
G-28-3t. Needmore, Pa.
Mrs. A. F. Little,
Big Reduction in Millinery
We purchased a (1 large stock of goods this
summer in order to please one and all; consequently,
wo still have 'some very nice HATS, RIBBONS,
COLLARS, COMBS, BELTS, in the Millinery
and fancy line, which we will close out at a GREAT
fflrs. A. F. Little,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
0X0X00 000.t
I The Burden of Proof ij
In case of disputes over payment of a bill, the
burden of proof lies with you to prove that you
have paid it, and a receipt must bo shown.
If you pay your bills by check you always havo
tho necessary proof. The check is a GOOD
Open Your Account With This Strong National Bank v
The First Rational Bank
of McConnellsburg, Pa.
The BANK that made it possible for you to re
ceive INTEREST on your savings.
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0 0X 00000X0 00 0X00X0X0X0X000X0 0,
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m tt t-i tittt t nnm n irn r n tt t-t A
V v
f f cnf.tof'ifn'w onrnnn m na. M
sured to all depositors prd
5 U rcr PaCTggn
patrons of our bank, winch
invariably adheres
to the g
principle of extending the J
same courteous, cflicient at- j
tentioD to ttifi smallest as (
well as the largest jatnin. JJ
A commercial bank exists V
for the benefit of the busi- X
)od K
ne9s cottjm unity. If you are a part of it come here for
First of April
In Fulton County is the customary time
for taking possession of properties, &c.
Many during the past year have purchas
ed a home or a farm and are now their
own bosses.
It is not too early to make plans for
next April first. I have a large list of prop
erties to select from and will be glad to
help you to a home. I have a nice list of
Cumberland Valley and Shenandoah Val
ley farms.
Call on or write for full particulars.
McConnellsburg, Pa. Agent.
Western Maryland Railway Company.
In KlTtct June U, 1014.
Tritlns leave H uncock na follows:
No. 1 I :il b. ni. (dully) fnrCumtwrliiml. l'ltto
buri(l) u nil wcbi, iiInd Wcm Vlritmln
No. S.30. m for llutfrmtowii, Ueltvlury,
Hanover mill Jlullimorc.
N( 1-K HO tt. IT. (rt illy except Sunday) F.x
prcHH (ot CuiuborlttuU unil Interim dune
No. a. m. (diitly except Snnrtnv) Kx-
press for tlin.'ersiown, Winneslwo.
Chiunliersliut ir Hultlmeie Hnil Intel in . i
lit- polni.H. New York, I'liiUulilplilii,
WllslllllKUID, clo,
No. S-! S p. m. (dully) Wrh'tii Kxprcss for
Uuinhnrluiid, West Vf . . polnm unil
till) West.
No. 8 S.ii? p. m. (dully) Kxp,, for Ilnneni
town. WuyneMlioro, Clmiiiliernliurn, Cel
tVNlmiir. mid York. Hultimore Now
York, l'hlludulpliltt, WuhoIukIiou.
Attorney at Law,
Office on Square,
McConnellsburg, Pa
All IcrI bui.nom and oollectioni entrusted
will eoelve orelul ind prompt mention.
W Early Risers
Tho famous little pills.
Nursery Stoc
Thos. T.Cromer, Fort Little
ton, Pa., is represents
Knigbt & Postwick's
nurseries in this county
will bo glad to receive y"ur
orders for all kinds of VtiX
Trees, Rosos, Vines,
Fruits, Ornamental Trees
and Shrubs. Satisfaction
A. L. wintf
Auctioneer, McConnellsburg, Ft
I'l'oinpt nuenuoii vo hoO' I
line. Ite limy be found l )tljuot
West Woter Htreel wncre
biirber, nd HhoeniendlnK hiu'i i