The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, March 26, 1912, Image 7

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WHEN th food reaehM
churning movement by
Dr. Hereaa Medical Advieor, page (). In the lir, kicineya and
kin, the blood U purified of it iute material theae orjran act
nM human filters, leaving-
digaetiT tract aud kidneys
Dr. Piercers Golden
Medical Discovery
is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic by assisting
the stomach to assimilate, the liver to filter, the
kidneys to act the poisons ere removed, the red blood
corpuscles are increased and one feels light, fresh and active
instead of logy, dull and heavy. Tho "Discovery " atimu
lfp (Via atnmach. increases action of heart and arter
ies and is a most satisfactory alterative in blood-taint of any character.
The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants has
been favorably known for over forty years. Everywhere some neighbor
can tell you of the good it has done.
Sold by all mtdieinm dtaltr in liquid or tabUt form or rtd S 0 om-ernt
lamp to Dr. fierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,and a trial box will bm maiUd yoa.
8anta Fe Journal Regretfully But
Firmly Calls Attention to Mu
nicipal Dereliction.
The Now Mexican does not 1h1
to be unpleasantly or unduly critical,
but a dead rooster at the corner of
Palace and Lincoln avenues has lain
there uuburlcd for throe consecutive
There Is no doubt about that roost
er's death. No physician's certificate
la required, as the pasHerby may tes
tify. He has pasHcd away. Now,
while one rooster occupies compara
tively llttlo space, and while a canual
visitor to tho city might not notice
him, the prlnclplo of tho thins Is
wrong;. One tourist might see that
rooster and fall to seo the old palace;
and his report on Snnta Fe would fea
ture tho fact that It hud no facilities
for interring or removing defunct
Let no vlnltor to tho Oldest-Newest
city in tho United States sco unburled
roosters on our street corners. It la
the llttlo things that go to mako the
big Impressions. Every rooster re
moved and burled makes Santa Fo one
rooster tho cleaner, one roontcr tho
brighter and more attractive.
Let us let no dead rooHter escape
or any other debris, animal, vegeta
ble or mineral, on the streets of this
beautiful capital city of New Mexico.
Santa Fe New Mexican.
Falmouth, Ky. "Two years ago I
vas troubled with skin and scalp
troubles. I would have pimples that
would break out and form sores on
my face and head, with terrible Itch
ing. The eczema on my faco and
head Itched and burned and when I
scratched it, it mado sores and I
was very disfigured for the time be
ing. My head becamo bo sore I could
not touch It with a comb; it becamo
a mass of sores. My hair fell out
"I was afflicted about a year before
I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment
and after using them three weeks I
was getting better and in less than
three months, after using eight cakes
of Cuticura Soap and five boxes of
Cuticura Ointment, I was completely
cored of eczema." (Signed) Frank
Vastino, Dec. 12, 1912.
Cuticura Soap aud Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv.
f A Little Too Efficient
3 At a banquet of efficiency engineer
la Duluth T. Unwln Harris suld:
i "Even efficiency can bo carried too
tar. I was talking yesterday to the
resident of an eastern business col
lego. Ho said to me:
J " 'Our young ladies' department Is
having a phenomenal success.'
'"You make tho glrte elllclent, eh?'
? "'In reply to that, ho answered, 'I
need only say that 80 per cent, of our
oung ladies marry their employers
within a year after graduation, even
though a Itcno divorce bo required to
attain this end.'"
The Usual Way.
"How did Mrs. Jones discover that
T husband was spending his money
pn cigars?"
ner yuungesi ooy Bineiieii nmuho
mil gave tho alarm."
I Hard Luck.
"Wasn't Jack a suitor for Miss Hlcli
Vigil's hand?"
"Yes, but he didn't"
"Didn't what?"
"Suit her."
The Idea.
"I saw Smith the other day out In
n new motor car. Ho seemed to bo
i'U tho qui vivo."
that a new make?''
cllortnr up that Couch Dean's Mcnlho-
II . t ... 1 f. 1. M .... " . ll
x wukii jimps nre n purr renei lor uu
troughs and coUln-Sc nt Druggists.
A bore Is a man who, when ho hu3
mi hour to spare, goes and spends it
with some one who hasn't.
Born Eye, Ornimlatrd KvollcU nnil Stlee
prumiHIy healed wliu Roman Bye Bui
Mm. Adr.
Why blame a doctor for thinking
"I of his patients?
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
J-akilr's LITTLE
Purely vecretnhta
act surely and
penny on the
ycr. cure
ache, Dim.
"ess, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
bo"'" rrllfvM. Ke. Mi and 11.00.
. a. o. s Kit, Iloetea, Vim.
li02.,ll'B:1" A- TOLLAND CO.. CONN.;
Ma ill.". dwHIInie, I bnrtia. outuldiie..
" A- Warner. Jt. 1. Rockvllle, Conn.
ear IrfafrJ---. I
Ui atnrnach It la anbjoetud to paoollarV
the muacular walls of thlimaeb" (So
tha blood par ua Clear unless urer,
ax dogged.
It Is better to ebnre your Joys than
your sorrows. Incldontully It Is aluo
much easier.
rr. Peerj'a Vermifuge "Dead Mint" kills
and eipi'U Worms Id a Tery tew hours.
Keeping a Cleft Upper Lip.
The March Hare boasted:
"I may be mad, but I'm not purple!"
he cried.
It , Is likely that your liver needs stir
ring up. Wright's Indian Vegelablo
Pills will set you right quickly. Adv.
The Proper One.
"How is the company going to pay
for all tho divers they must employ?"
"Naturally, out of the sinking fund."
Free Advice from Physician to Rheu
matic Sufferers.
Dr. Chns. P. Woodward, who has
been a practitioner for over 20 years,
says there is nothing just as good for
rheumatism as Jones' lircuk-l'p. It
has cured his own patients and many
others who have como to him after re
ceiving no benefit from other doctors.
So confident aro we that Jones' Ilreak
Up will euro rheumatism that we guar
antee to refund the entire cost if a
slxbottlo treatment costing $5 will not
cure. $1.00 per bottle at your dealers
or sent direct by JONES' DKEAK-LT,
Inc., New Kgypt, N. J. Adv.
Its Definition.
Sho (angrily) What was
noiso I heard In the hall?
Ho (candidly) I guess It was tho
day brenklng.
A Hindrance.
"So you didn't marry Miss Jiggers
after all?"
"No; her old man wanted mo to
promise to support him In tho same
Btyle as sho did."
13,000 Mile In Submarines.
Two submarines of the K class, AK
1 and AK 2, are to lenve Portsmouth,
Eng., in a day or two for Australia,
making tho Journey of about thirteen
thousand miles under their own oil
power. They will stop at Gibraltar,
Malta, Aden, Colombo und Singapore,
and then proceed via llatavia.
As far as Singapore they will be es
corted by H. M. S. Eclipse. There
they will be taken over by II. M.S.
Austrullu, which will escort them to
Sydney, Tho majority of the crew of
40 aro Australians, who have been In
England for instruction.
Peeling Onions for a Living.
The profession of onion celing Is
not one that obtuins much notice, yet
there are ut least five hundred women
in the' East end of Loudon earning their
living by removing the skins of onions.
With practice, they can muke four or
five shillings per day. Very often they
havo been peeling elnce childhood,
daughters succeeding mothers.
It Is not a profession you can learn
in one lesson, for tho skin must be
removed by hand, or the onion "Juices"
aro of no use for pickling. The onions
are always peeled In wuter. This is
not to save tho eyes of the peeler, but
Is done to keep tho onion whitu.
Singing for Advertisement.
Ho had obtained a pluco in an es
tate agent's olllee, and wus doing ev
erything he could for the interests of
his employer.
The other evening he was at a so
cial gathering, and was asked to sing.
Ho responded with "Home, Sweet
Home." His friends wero a llttlo sur
prised nt tho selection, but ho was
heartily applauded. Stepping forward,
ho said:
"I am glad you liko tho song. There
le nothing like 'Home, Sweet Home,'
and let mo say thnt tho company I
represent Is selling homes on terms
to suit everybody, within 40 minutes'
rido of tho city. Everybody ought to
havo a home. If you don't want to
livo in ono of tlieso houses yourself
It's tho chance of your lifo for un In
vestment." WANTED TO KNOW
The Truth About Crape-Nuts Food.
, It doesn't matter so much what you
hear about a thing, It s what you know
that counts. Aud correct knowledge)
Is most likely to como from personal
"About a year ngo," writes a N. Y.
man, "I was bothered by Indigestion,
especially during tho forenoon. I tried
several remedies without any perma
nent improvement,
"My breakfast usually consisted ol
oatmeal, steak or chops, bread, coffee
and some fruit.
"Hearing so much about Grape-Nuts,
I concluded to give it a trial and find
out if all I had heard of it was true.
"So I began with Grape-Nuts and
cream, soft boiled eggs, toast, a cup of
Postum and Borne fruit, llefore the
end of the first week I was rid of the
acidity of the stomach and felt much
"By the end of the second week all
traces of Indigestion had disappeared
and I was In first rate health once
moro. Before beginning this course of
diet, I never had any appetite for
lunch, but now I can enjoy the meal
at noon time."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to
Wollvillo," in pkgs. "There's a Rea
son." Ever read (he above lettert A new
one nppenre from time t time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
Uteres t.
The Bible
What It Is
5 Director ol Bible Couim
Moody Bible tuuiuM, Chicats
The Utile Is not
only tho book of
(iod, It is also tho
book from God. At
least this Is the
way In which' It
gives its own ac
count of Its ori
gin: "All Scrip
ture Is given by
I n s p ( r a t Ion of
God" that Is to
say. Is "God
breathed" (II
Timothy 3:16).
Again, in II Peter
1:20, 21, wo road:
"Knowing this
first, that no prophecy of tho Scrip
ture is of uny private Interpretation
tor origin, for It seems clear that It
is to tlio source rather than to tho
exposition tf the Scripture that refer
fnc.e Is htri, imiuIo.) Kor tho prophecy
came not in old time by tho will of
man, but holy men of God spake as
they were moved by tho Holy Ghost."
Here are aoino very clear und dellnlte
statements concerning tho source, of
tho Scripture. It Is this "God -breathed"
element that differentiates this book
from ull other writings. Tho Illblo is
quiio often referred to nowadays as
splendid "literature." Well, the Illblo
is that, hut It Is more than that it
is Scrlpturo. Literature, Is the letter;
Scripture Is tho letter Inbreathed by
tho holy spirit. Just as in the crea
tion of man we learn that man bo
camo a living soul when that frame
of dust, as It lay on tho ground, be
came Inbreathed by the spirit of lifo
from God. Man is dust Inbreathed
by d Ity, and if you tako away tho
spirit of llfo from man ho returns to
dust, oo is It with tho Ilible; It is
tho letter, but it Is tho letter In
breathed by God's spirit that makes
that letter Scripture. And when you
rob tho illblo of Its Inspiration you
havo nothing but mere literature left
you havo no Scripture.
The Bible the Authority in Matter of
Faith and Practice.
Where is tho seat of authority In
matters of religion? This is always
tho problem of the day. Various re
plies aro given to tho question.
Reason, says ono, Is the seat of final
authority. May not the Intellect wit'u
its various function be relied upon
to render sure judgments? Ono has
only to recall tho grotesque fancies
that have from time to time taken
hold of the linest and brainiest men
and led them into the grossest de
lusions to satisfy himself that the seat
of uuthorlty does not lie in the rea
son. Not that we aro to throw rea
son away In matters of religion ; for
while faith is ofttimes above reason,
it la by no means contrary to It. The
voice of reason, however, is not to bo
considered final and authoritative.
Can wo not depend upon conscience,
that organ as dcllcato and sensitive
as tho balunco turned by a speck of
dust, to admonish us of evil, to pralso
us for tho good, and settle for us
tho right and wrong of matters re
ligious?. Wo have hut to recall Into
what Incalculable mischief tho con
sciences of Home men havo led them
Suul oT Tarsus, for example to recog
nize speedily that we must look else
where for our authority. "In all good
conscience men have written deadly
heresies in their books, and under
the sanctions of a religious conscience
have performed deeds of violence and
There aro people who claim fhat
tho church is the ultimato authority
In matters of faith and practice. This
la tho position of tho Roman church.
Called of God, divinely founded, with
perpetual witnesses to tho truth, with
bishops and councils surely the
church Is a sufficient guide. Yet what
eiiormitioB havo nourished under the
banner of tho church! So long as
sho Is composed of fallible human be
ings tho church can never bo flnnl
and authoritative In matters of faith
and practice.
On every hand we hear the cry,
"Hack to Christ," ho and ho alone,
Is the final and ultimate authority In
nil these matters. Wo certainly have
no desire to take any glory nway
from the church's Lord and Master
in order to give It to so sacred a book
even as tho Hible. Wo nre willing
to go "back to Christ." Hut where
shall we find him? With the excep
tion of a reference In Josephus and
a line or two in Tacitus where, out
Ido of the Illblo, shall wo find Christ?
So we see that In order to "get back
to Christ" wo are In duty hound to
full back upon tho Scriptures.
For our master himself the Scrip
tures wero considered sufficient au
thority In matters of faith and prac
tice. It would repay anyono to look
up all tho passages in which these
words of the master occur, "Is it not
written?" "Have ye not rend?"
"What onlth tho Scriptures?" "It Is
written." A careful study of such
Scripture references will reveal tho
fact that Christ referred to the Scrip
tures as the authority which settled
matters of faith nnd practice for him.
Should the Ilible be less to tho church
than It was to the chnrch's master?
We think not.
To know how to wait Is the great
secret of success. De Malstre.
Wisdom of Quiet.
More than half a century of exist
ence has taught me that moBt of the
wrong and folly which darken earth is
due to those who cannot possess their
souls In qulot; that most of the good
which saves mankind from destruction
comes of life that is led In thoughtful
stillness. Every day the world grows
noisier; I, for ono, will have no part
in that Increasing clamor and, were It
only by my silence, I confer a boon on
all. From the Private Papers of
Henry Ryecroft, by George Glssing. I
(Py E. O. BKXI.IOUS, Director of Evening
Department, The Moody Bible Institute,
READING I.KBHON-Mntt. 7:21-29.
GOLDEN TKXT "lie hath showed
thee, O man, what Is good; and wbat
doth the Lord require of thee, but to do
Justly, and to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with thy God." Mlrah 6:8.
There Is no chronological order to
tho lessons for tho past quarter,
though they have all been selected
from the period of the Perean ministry
of our Lord. The thought of the Gold
en Text, rather than the reading les
son, will serve to give us a connected
The lessons have chiefly concerned
Jesus as the great Teacher, thus we
notice the Inclusive note of the first
clause of the Golden Text, "lie hath
showed thee, O man, what is good."
As an exposition of that noto wo have
presented God's plan of action, out
ward, "to do Justly, aid to love mercy,"
and inwardly "to walk humbly with
thy God." With this thought in mind
let us divide lessons of tbo quarters
Into two sections: (1) The flrat seven
lessons which havo to do with man's
relation to the kingdom In Us outward
manifestation, and (2) the remaining
live that have to do with "walking
humbly with thy God."
As Children.
I. The first section. In order to
keep this two-fold thought before ub,
we must observe carefully the several
golden texts. In tho first lesson we
have sot before us the manner where
by we are to enter into this new
kingdom. We must enter as chil
dren and tho Golden Text, "Likewise,
ye younger, bo subject unto the
elder ... for God reslsteth the
proud, but glveth grace to the hum
pie," illustrates the humility of chil
dren and tho necessity of our right
relationship to them. The second les
son deals with tho possibility of co
operation with him In service, as
when the 70 went before his face.
Great privileges, however, when
abused, bring condemnation and deg
radation. "It Is not you thnt speak,
but tho Spirit of your Father that
speaketh In you." The third lesson
"Tho Good Samaritan" Is another ex
pression of the outward walk of llfo,
that of loving mercy. True love never
asks who It may, but rather who it
can, serve. It always manifests It
self In sncrlflce and in service "Thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
The story of service actually ren
dered to our Lord In the days of his
flesh is the subject of the fourth les
son. All other Interests and ties must
be secondary to our ulleglance and
obedience to him "Inasmuch as ye
did It unto one of these, my brethren,
even these least, ye did it unto me."
Tho fifth lesson concerns prayer. The
parablo of the unfriendly neighbor and
the effect of prayer to bring about Just
relations Is revealed in the Golden
Text which Is the heart of that les
son. "Ask, and It shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find; knock, and It
shall be opened unto you." Tho sixth
lesson still continues to treat this out
ward aspect and reveals to us the
fact thut great as Satan Is, cur Lord
Jesus has far greater power.
Must Walk Humbly.
II. The second section. We now
como to a group of lessons that seem
to emphasize, tho second part of God's
requirements, as expressed in the
Golden Text for today, viz., "und to
walk humbly with thy God." This
Is tho Inward, personal, relation with
God, as against our outward, right
eous relations with men. These re
maining lessons deal with the abiding
principles of disclplcshlp which,
Jesus gave to his followers. The
eighth lesBon reveals tho principle of
a truo confession of Christ to be that
of tho faith which makes fear Impos
sible. We aro to fear God alone. In
tho ninth lesson we see that the truo
fulfillment of llfo Is that of having
tho heart set upon tho true treasure,
which Is uplrltual, rather than upon
tho false treasure which is material,
for, "Whera your treasure Is, there
will bo your heart also." In losson
ton we have set before us tho prin
ciple of faithful servlco which Is chat
of watchfulness for the returning
King, and which expresses Itself In per
petual service in his Interest and on
behalf of his household. "Blessed
nre those servants whom the Lord,
when he cometh, shall find watching."
The principle of tho religion of Christ
Is that of compassion (lesson 11),
aud tho true sanction of the Sabbath
is fulfilled In such service as makes
tho Sabbath possible to those who are
In need. It is, therefore, lawful to
do good on tho Sabbath.
Lesson 12 deals with the vital Issue
of this second section, viz., Unit it is
of far more Importance that we be in
the kingdom than any other issue. We
must put forth strenuous efforts that
we may enter the narrow door. The
kingdom of God is doing the will of
God, rather than calling him Lord!
Lord! "Not everyone that salth unto
me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into tho
kingdom of heaven."
Thus as we hastily look over these
lessons from these two viewpoints,
we are led to conclude with the first
declaration of tha Golden Text for
the day.
All Work for Man's Advancement..
The long quest for tho source of
the Nile, for the northwest passage,
for the north and south poles; yes,
and the ancient search for the "elixir
of life," "perpetual motion" and the
"secret of life," have for us this grand
significance they all point to the
fact that in the mind of man there
Is a deathless ambition to know and
to do to fathom tho depths of the
unknown, to conquer the uncon
quered, to add more and still more
to the sum of Us knowledge and
iCondiiric.l by the Nutloiml Wouiao'a
Christian Temperance I'nlon.)
In the llttlo story with the above
title Joeluh Allen's wife (pen name of
Marietta Hollcy) tells Joslah that:
"It wuz the law and its working purd
nnr, the saloon, that caused young
Tom Nugent, while crazy with drink,
to kill his honored father, Judge Nu
gent." In an agony of remorse Tom
drowned himself In the lake near the
home of bis happy boyhood.
In the following excerpt Samantha
and Joslah thus dlscuBS the license
"Could a woman make a more un
reasonable, Inconsistent law than
this? If you pay a dog tax your dog
1b protected by law; If your sheep
gits klllod by wolves or any other
destroyer you have a right to kill
that dostroyer at sight, and Uie law
pays you for your loss. Hut dux the
law that protects your dog and your
shoep protect your boy? Nol It pro
tects tho wolves that destroys the boy,
and worse than that It helps the wolves
to destroy him, makes it possible and
prod table, and worse yet, It goes Into
pardnershlp with tho wolves, and takes
part of the blood money. Can the law
thnt protects sheep and doge pay the
mother for the loss of her boy after
It has destroyed him? You told me
Tom's father wuz In favor of license."
"Yes," sez Joslah. "Ho felt that it
wuz for tho advantage of the city, and
a help to blzness, aud Deacon Ilohbett
and I have felt so and voted for It,
and most of the smartest of us malo
lawmakers have."
Agin I groaned und slthod, and Joslah
didn't llko It, and sez: "You needn't
groan over that, Samantha. I tell you
you must do tho best you can with
what you've got to do with. You can't
stop liquor from beln' sold and you'd
better let It bft drlnked openly pro
tected by law than to sneak it Into
the back doors and tako it on tho
sly; folks will have it, you can't stop
it, It has always been bo."
"The first man born Into the world
murdered, and thero has always been
murderers, but that don't mako It
right to llceiiBO It Or make It lawful
to sell tho stuff that mado a good boy
llko Tom Nugent into a fiend capable
of committing such a crime as this,
and tho thousands and thousande of
crimes equally black and monstrous
that are committed by this causo all
over our broad land every day. You
admit that it wuz liquor that did It;
If Tom hadn't gono Into that saloon
and drank himself crazy drunk this
turrlblo thing wouldn't have hap
pened." MORE LIGHT.
"We want the liquor question pre
sented In its truo aspect," Bays ono of
tho trado Journals In a protest against
tho denouncements of tho tralllo by
temperance speakers and writors.
Temperance people say amen to thnt.
So do all who aro seriously consider
ing the question and are working to
ward a solution of this national prob
lem. Wo want tho truth concerning
alcohol from the time the grain Is di
verted from Its natural and legitimate
use nnd Us life-giving elements con
verted nnd perverted into death-dealing
poisons to the hour when, ppark
ling and mocking, It lures men and
women to destruction and recruits
tho ranks of paupers and criminals.
We want the truth concerning the re
lation of strong drink to BocinI and
economic conditions. Wo wnnt noth
ing but tho truth concerning the
liquor question In any of Us aspects
physical, moral, flnnnelul, political.
Men, women and children are learn
ing tho truth today an never before.
Tho public Is being shown the real
nature of alcohol and thero can bo
but ono result.
"Any revenue which Is derived by
any government from sources which
tend to degenerate nnd degrade any
portion of tho people Is bad. Every
source of Information, medical, socio
logical nnd economical, tends to provo
thnt the consumption of liquor Is dan
gerous and that It depreciates the
physical vitality of tho consumer, his
mental capacity and his economic ef
ficiency. This being true, It follows
thnt our governmental rcvenuo from
the liquor traffic should bo cut off."
Prof. Franklin Hlckborn of tho Uni
versity of California.
Tho latest reports of tho Royal
Army Temperance association give a
membership of 60,38440.209 In India
and 2CJ75 at home and in the colon
ies. Colonel Seely, tho British secre
tary of war, says: "The health of tho
army has so Improved, mainly owing
to tho Bprend of temperance, that they
havo been able, without extra cost, to
add 6,000 soldiers to the available
forces of tho country."
A man, getting excited nt a temper
ance meeting, called out: "Why does
not the Almighty send his lightning
and blot out all the rum holes?"
Quick was the reply from another In
the audience: "The Almighty has the
lightning all right what ho wants Is
At a recent meeting of the New
York Advertising Men's loaguo, 200
of them present, a health to President
Wilson was drunk in wator.
Let there be entire abstinence from
Intoxicating drinks throughout this
country during the period of a single
generation and a mob would be as im
possible as combustion without oxygen.
Horace Mann.
Never lot this be forgotten In think
ing of strong drink that the -drink la
strong only to destroy; that it never
by any possibility adds strength to
those who drink it Sir Benjamin
Ward Richardson, England.
Students Very Much In Error When
They Thought They Could Em
barrass Henry Ward Beecher.
A good story Is told about the late
H'!iry Ward needier, who was ac
customed to find his Inspiration
wherever he might open the Ulhle.
He was preaching once before the
Harvard students. One of the stu
dents In a spirit of deviltry removed
the Illblo from the altar and substi
tuted Webster'B dictionary. The word
was passed around, and as thn noted
divine ascended tho pulpit tho colle
gians leaned back to enjoy the fun.
Doctor lleecher adjusted his glasses
and opened tho book.
"My text this morning." he began,
"Is taken from tho Song of Solomon."
Then, as casually as If nothing had
happened, ho went on: "I am tho rose
of Sharon nnd the Illy of the valleys.
As tho lily among thorns, so Is my
love among tho daughters. As tho
apple tree . . ."
The students by this time had be
gun to look khceplsh. They never
again tried to play a Joko on Henry
.Ward lleecher.
Extraordinary Legal Decision.
An extraordinary situation has been
created In Nice by tho decision of the
local tribunal In a case brought ngnlnst
one of the finest and newest hotels In
the town by a hairdresser and wig
maker carrying on business In a street
nt the side of tho hotel. Tho hair
dresser, says the Standard, sued tho
proprietor of the hotel on the ground
that his light had been spoilt by the
height of tho building that had been
put up so nenr him, that his wlg-mnk-ing
required a strong light, and was In
reality a work of art of great value.
Ho merely asked that the hotel should
bo pulled down. The extraordinary
thing Is that Judgment has been given
In the hairdresser's favor, and tho ho
tel proprietor has been ordered to tako
down a building representing a vast
sum of motiey.
Important to Mothers
Examine carvfully every buttle of
CASTOUIA, a safe and suro remedy for
Infants and children, and see that it
Honrs fhn
Slgnaturo of CJArM2rfi)Jt
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher'a Castoria
The Proper Kind.
"Brain experts declare that fish is
tho best brain diet."
"Then Homo people I know must
live on sheep's head fish."
To jpi ihn Tannine, r.ill for full name. I.AXA
TlYh HHoMD yl lNINK. Look for iitnslnrr of
li. W CKOYK. Cumi Colli in una Liar. 2ic.
What Chance Has Man?
"Julia, havo you seen my new white
tllk waistcoat?"
"Yes, dear; I have It on." Lifo.
Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not stain
the hands. Adv.
A well-trained conscience will
stretch a long as tho fun lusts.
Those of Middle Age Especially.
When you have found no remedy for the horrors that
oppress you during change of life, when through the long
hours of the day it seems as though your oaclc would break,
when, vour head aches constantly, you are nervous, de
pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains,
don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundred
of women safely through this critical period.
Read what these three women say:
From Mrs. Mornung, Buffalo, N. Y.
IUhtalo, K Y. "I am writing to lot you know how much your
meclicino lias dono for mo. I failed torriMy durinrr tho last winter
nnd summer nnd every ono remarked about my npiknr:ineo. I suf
fered from a fenmlo trouble nnd always had pains in my back, no
Hplietito and at times was very weak.
M was visiting nt a friend's house, one day and she thought I needed
l.ydia K l'inkham's VcRetablo Compound. I took it and have pained
riRht pounds, havo a pood npictit and am feeling letter every day.
Everybody is nskitifr nio what I am doinff nnd I recommend l.ydia k.
rinkham's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if you
wish and I hojxj others who havo tho same complaint will see it ami
fet health from your medicine as I did." Mrs. A. IIounuko, 11
iSlanton St, Buffalo, N. Y.
Was A Blessing To This Woman.
So. Richmond, Va. "I was troubled with a bearing down pain and
a femalo weakness and could not stand long on my feet. Or all tho
medicines I took nothing helped mo liko Lydia K. rinkham's Vege
table Compound. I am now regular and am getting along line. I
cannot pnnso tho Compound too miiclu It has been n blessing to mo
nnd I hopo it will bo to other women." Mrs. 1). Tylkii, ii:i West
Clopton St., South Richmond, Va.
Pains in Side, Could Hardly Stand.
Lor-r, Wis. " I was in a had condition, suffering from a femalo
trouble, ami I had such pains iu my sides I could hardly move, lie
fore I hatl taken tho whole of ono bottle of Lydia E. l'inkham's Veg
etable Compound 1 felt better, and now I am well and can do a good
day's work. I tell everybody what your medicine has dono for me."
Mrs. Jons Thompson, Ixdi, Wisconsin.
For SO roars Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound lias been tho standard re-mod y for fo
malo ills. 'o one sick with woman's ailments
does justice to herself if she docs not try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it
lias restored so many stiff erlng women to health.
fe;4 (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice.
Your letter will lie oiiened. read and answered
by a woman aud held In strict confidence.
Dr. Fahrncy's Teething Syrup
Kmr filla. Can't fait.
nurara and familr doctnra.
V their frwnda lo give it to
MomacN and liowet Alimenta. Yon can depend on It Don 't worrrl
S centa at drug itnrea.
Dra. D. Faluney
H Bt Couth Ijtb, Tutu Good. L'm
wr4 la lima. Raid fcr Dnwt Im.
"I always cull a spade a spade."
"That's because you always like to
give a dig ut things."
IV. Pierce' Plm-nut Pellet rci:iilt
nnd inviuiiriite tmimch, liver nd Imweln.
Sugnr-coatrd, tiny granule, " ll,'9'
Io not gripe. Adv,
Many a man hns been pronounced
heartless who later died of heart failure.
It Isn't until they fall off that some
people know which side of tho fence
they were on.
of Horehound and Tar
the brst of all specifics for the prompt
relief of coughs, colds and sore throirt.
k It soothes and hesls. A
T Sold by all druggists. jp
tSA Wk II Acbw A..I- U-yA A
The Old Reliable Remedy
for nintcnlar, articular aod InfUmniaUirr
fMIFrMArnK1s)nnt nrfprirnilon thl
iiivrniniT it'tiipontr? rwitfr. li nraiiftMi lit
cm ue fcua ilnvnsUiiu puimm rruuitliahrtuui
At All nraffgUU
There's Money in Ice
W offar ft limit, tmnunt of TrrnMirr
HtMk Id an lw t' , nw ipimllii 3 pUni
In llhnol, In onli-r ti rnlsrn uur iiiaiits
and kot'p np with th d'innnj With in
iTtwd capaHtt ih nptu-i to vf
dividend!, lull luTntaiatiuD InrlUtl.
Glacier Ice Company
rWrchanlxUclrde Hit. St. Unit. Me.
A lunniifarliin'rof pnputnrbr&n4
U itarunL-ol hiMilrry nia ItH-nJ
r,.i,t,Mii(ttt!vi'!i Uiftiilldirfcl frt'ia
Ihn mill to lhi hunm. Iimirnmiwil fruuinnnpalritu.
Wt?ulsii havat-tinilft4linfuf"! pnif
lm. t-iiluHiv territory. W nu fur riitalitfin icrm.
rorfMUM hiuia auto, 1m l. niiuK m., lnu.ipi, r,
i lUlUlUl rilir(.)HHmrniuvrwt'lllii
k nliorttr'lh,otMitnvrrntlri"r-hrl
' nl6lv"ft(1nTii.Trl(illntiiiriitiii'iilFre
. Dr. THOMAS K. CRI I N. Surrmor lo
Or.H.H. Green Sons, Box 0, Atlanta, Ga
Every Housekeeper Needs Our Combination Dipper
9irnrtlral kltrh'n ntt-nnl In : Kent MitttMiltl ft
MiitmM. Atf.-nla wanted. I.iliemj term. W 1U
W1LUAU.S CO., llxl 24. 0lnngi.wuuil, N. J.
fVml 10c In nUmp for Mmp!v NHWKMTS AMI
Hl.I.HLLS. 11. kv. iiRiDner. 4a liarriM.n Hl.,M- YurB
I IHV I OK ( AMI OI.I JrittM RY, rfia-
lliumm, nn, niiu nil 'in nun wmii
pert rt n.itilnit r J-v-lrv him! ilvrn
pee. T. A. my, ? Mikliirn l.uiir, St
iiiu nil iirt'riiiui iinii't r.i-
rwur tiir
ipce. T. A. Cray, 7 .M Allien l.uiir, rw iirk
MFKKH IIAUM nriS-Uam how to,
on mr and tt pit re MfirM-iiaiini. oruinin p.i p.nd,
Wvlfc HUleTu until UtUlt'AAY, IUi ft, It rM, 1ia
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 13-1914.
It la the brortt babr InrdlrlfM of tht bnl
Motliera rytrrwhera atick to It, and ura
children lor loltc, Crampa, Diarrhoea and all
Irial Rome rKRG by mau If you toeotioa thi
ft Son, Ilageratown, Md.
i m a a mm
A toiil prMuatliia of merit
JlelpA tovrawl.imtv dandruff.
Fnr R utnrinsf Colnr mnA
Baatr to GrMT or Fdl Hmir.
eo( nnil i. 'tout Pnunrmt