I THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBUEG. FA. Iri This Department Our Roadora in Fulton County and Elsowhoro Around the Aor Jd Aith the Oamora on the "Trail of History iVBaEine Happenings. WASHINGTON if m if s Ouco a year In Washington an elaborate uniutour theatrical performance Is kIvhii. This winter It Is called "Co lumbia," and one of Its features la the "radium dance" by the four young ladles here photographed. From left to right they are: Audrey Johnson, Frances Miller, Anne Penncpacker and Anne Darsle. lill.'JIITTTI I'reHident Wilson's action In lifting the embargo on urnix caused a general in Mexico. Our photograph shows American refugees and their baggage on tranBport Huford fleeing from Mnzanlllo. RURALES GUARDING V .Jiv'J o V Huerta's rurnles aboard a train bound Bouth to protect Mexico City from the rebels threatening the capital from that direction. DESIGNED TO FLY ACROSS THE ATLANTIC X First sketch of the gigantic bydroplanV) being built to carry out Hodman Wanamaker's plan of crossing the ocean this summer. The hydro was de signed by Glenn Curtlss and will have a boat hull 35 feet long, entirely In dosed. The 200-borsepower motor will be put right up In the bow BELLES IN "RADIUM i A S'A'ii ; ' I ' i if ' , 4 AMERICANS FLEEING FROM MANZANILLO l.V ? V Jul lit MEXICO CITY , , it . J' ' ; ! , i DANCE" y exodus of Americans from many places a tender of the United States army COUNTESS DE BOURTIER Countess tie Hourtler, wife of the military attache to the French embus sy nt Washington, Is one of the recent arrivals In the national capital and attracts much attention by wearing the latest creations of (he Parisian modistes. Modern Tommy Tuckers. The door in on of the most popu lar restaurants In Boston slowly open' cd at noon while half a hundred diners were eating and a small voice piped "Any slngln'?" "No," replied a waitress, and the owner of the voice, a boy of eleven years, walked down the street to an' other restaurant. It Is becoming a regular practice by boys to slug for the diners for a little loose change. One boy told me that he made S3 In one night recently singing in restaurants. jr ft i J? :. ! I 1 The biggest school In the world bus Just been opened and the scholars have taken to their studies as a Huh tukcs to water. Aboard every ship In Uncle Sam's navy there is now a fully equipped Bchool room, and to the great pleas ure of Josephus Daniels, socretary of the navy, originator of tho plan, there hasn't been a hitch so far. Every enlisted man and every olllcer Is compelled to attend the classes. Tho photograph shows the ucHdemlc department on thu U. S. S. WaHhington. MME. CONSTANTS DUMBA hi i, 'in S i This photograph of Mine. Dumba, wife of the new ambassador from Austria. Is the first she has had taken since her arrival in Washington. It was taken In her rooms at the em bassy. CHARLES HALL DILLON 1 mm. Charles Hall Dillon of Tankton, who now represents the First district of South Dakota in congress, was for 15 years vice-president of the board of trustees of Yankton college, and also served four torms as a state senator. He is a lawyer and a Republican. UNCLE SAM'S GREAT NAVY SCHOOL OPENED STARTING OUT TO It r.'Wr Rurales, or federal troops, have been sent out from Mexico City in huge numbers to meet the rebels, who are advancing on the capital from the south Here Is a car load of them ready to meet tho neiny. GIRL JUMPS FROM WILLIAMSBURG BRIDGE .1 :::y$imMV n 5 - . .ct.- . .- . Despite the efforts of the police to prevent her, Constance Dennett Jumpec from the Williamsburg bridge, New York, the other day and with the aid of u parachute floated safely down Into the Icy waters of the East river. Hodman Law, known as the "Human Fly," Jumped after her and rescued her from tht entangling folds of the parachute, as shown In our photograph. EVJoy journey MEET THE REBELS .-.-. -Hi nil, ir i VJ ,111 i-:fW ,MWt?',: .-'i. fM What She Wanted. "I suppose,' snld the new eulcswom. : an, "that you want a fcuit that win '. make you look attractive to your uu. r Land?" "Attractive to my huBbandt" echoed the bhoppcr. "I should nay not. Ho wouldn't lenow it I wore i j' suft ten years old. What I want l( something that will make my next. door neighbor turn a pale pink greni , with envy." ; CRUST COVERED BOY'S HEAD Bolton. Ga. "My little boy's head was covered with a hard thick cruit which cracked with the least pressuri causing a discharge of bloody corrug. ' Uun which was so offensive that 1 could hardly hold him. He was ver; cross. Some called it milk crust,! another running tetter and another e zema. ; "After trying several patent medt clnes I decided to try Cutlcura Sop. and Ointment. After UBlng the Baniph I purchased some Cutlcura Soap and i , box of Cutlcura Ointment. After u: lng Cutlcura Soap and Ointment throe, days I was able to remove all the crust and In one week he was entirely cured. Cutlcura Soap and Ointm"ntJ also cured my baby of an ulcerate ; sore behind her ear and now we think we cannot keep house without them 'j (Signed) Mrs. Charles Poss, Nov. 5, 1912. I Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Bold . throughout the world. Sample of racb: free.with 32-p. Skin Dook. AddreHS post card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adv ! Paraguay's "Railway Beetle." ! In Paraguay there Is found a "rail j way beetle," a kind of glowworm ! which emits a strong red light from head to tall, but also a green ll;litj along each Bide of Its body. i Important to Mothers I Exnmino carefully every bottle o(;, CASTOitIA, a safe and sure remedy for i infants and children, and see that it nature of Ctffflfcfa. j In Use For Over 30 Years.. I Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria j Quite Probable. g "I urn afraid to approach that man He Is such a journalistic lion." I "Yet once he must have been 1 'rnb.' " ' i Const iMit ion caul-en nnd seriounly nizirn i' vntes many liiM-iimm. It U thoroiiKhly curcl by Dr. Pierce's Pclleti. Tiny sugar-coalitl f granules. Adv. J A multitude of sins show through! the character that Is nupposed to env j. er them. jl WOMAN WOULD NOT GIVE UP . t Though Sick and Suffering; At Last Found Help in Lydia ' E. Pinkham's Vegeta- i ble Compound. Richmond, Pa. " When I started taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetal Compound 1 was in a drendfully rundown state of health, had internal trou bles, and was so ex tremely nervous and prostrated that if 1 had given in to my feelings I would lN have been in bed. As it was I had hardly strength t times to be on mv feet and what I did do was by a great effort. I could not sleep at night and of course felt very bad in the morning, and had a steady headache. "After taking the second bottle I no ticed that the headache was not so bad, I rested better, and my nerves were stronger. I continued its use until it made a new woman of me, and now I can hardly realize that I am able to dc so much as I do. Whenever J know an; woman in need of a good medicine 1 highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham'sTeg etable Compound." Mrs. Fra Clark, 3146 N. Tulip St, Richmond, Pi Women Have Been TelllngrWomon for forty years how Lydia E.PinkhanV Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering with female ills This accounts for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast If you ar troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia I Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound? " will pay you to do so. Lydia E. ritdi ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. BREAKUP CURES RHEUMATISM SCIATICA. LUMBAGO OR GOUT No mnttor how nwrro tho raw In, w rim"1; too tluit A botllciof "llrcuk-llli" will t il' k cur If not your lnonojr In r'fui" . Thin Kunrnnteo linn jUxkI tor 'ill yearn and people Imve hhkimI for thiMr money unrK. dmi"" ilreilithavn written uiiof the wonderful eu1eff,y,', In moxteiiw one or two boll leu will I nitwi Sl.00 ier ho! tie op tlx bottle for V, wlUi guam"1" Hold by riruKvlaU, or direct from JON KS'DUKAK-UP, Ino.,Mow KtfVU II 111 MAIL ORDER CO. What-U-Want 322 E.69lhSt.,New York HKN Whv not Bnve money by nhnvlw! yournelf? We will supply 5011 with "Hhiivinif Set aud Toilet Amtortment conHtKiintc oft Moore ' "afety Rmor (HlWer I'lalod). 11 Kuril llHiuir Blades (Tested). Hilor I lumlln lladiierShuTlng llronn. MiMire'HKt it-k Hhavlngtiua. Mooro'a Tale INiwder. Ili.nnn (Kienehl Hoap rnry eonre- nlent ami imutul fur II; biualk-r hito lor W ceuu. Roarr wllk onlfr. W. M4 Ha Tire! Pl prrr"- k I I ualrof goia filled t.itrf nno ; rnnOIQI tnrWe.TI pin tn miitehtw 1 1 r! I . M same I n 14-k. uold.t Ui ff Bui i"!? Tuft's Pills The dyspeptic, the debUIUted, whether fr etcea ol work of mind or body, drink of " poaure In . MALARIAL REGIONS, will And Tutt'i Pills the moat genial retlrr live ever offered tbo luffcriuc Invalid. EB3 EYE I ACHES n rtrts n mm