THE FULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBURG. PA. iE Pfetur Reader TRAIL IRI In This Dopartmont Our Roodors in Fulton County and Elsowhoro Vlay journey Around tho Aforld Aih tho Camera on tho Trail of History IVIalcing: Happenings. Officials Believe Developments Will Lead to Prosecutions, j w. VIGOROUS PROBE KEPT UP, . - c Combination Alleged To Be Among' Commission Merchants and Pro- dueers, Not Plant i B SEA BRIGHT WRECKED BY FIERCE HURRICANE COLORADO STRIKERS MARCH TO MEET GOVERNOR Owners. COLD SO of Word News 6S fr " 'T71-3A " 1 i It ! i j V t A ) A view of the ocean front at Sea Bright, N. J., showing the wreckage left In the wake of the angry sea, which lashed into a fury by a 98-mlle hurricane that almost destroyed this summer resort on the Jersey coast. Knormoua damage was caused by the undermining of the foundations of residences, which resulted In the almost complete destruction of the homes, sending hundreds fleeing Into the streets, poorly clad to withstand the biting winds. SUBMARINES AT COLON FOR DEFENSE OF CANAL ,.V..lW . . . . ....... . . -: Four of the five aubmarliiPs which, accompanied by a collier and the montltor Montauk, made the record-breaking voyage from Cuantanamo, Cuba, to Colon, Panama, where they are now anchored at the new concrete docks, waiting to pass through the canal. They will be used in the defense of the Pacific entrance to the canal. This is the first time that submarines have made such a long sea voyage. DOING THE TANGO ON . - T 111.4 When It comes to the tango, the ballroom Is not the only place where this dance, imported from Argentina, Is performed. Here we see, during the height of the season at St. Morltz, the fashionable resort at Switzerland, the tango as it Is done on ice skates. The photograph portrays Miss Melca, the well-known English skater (front); llaron de Meyer, royalty's photographer (center), and Lord Carburg enjoying the dance. Quits 80. "Repair work has cost me more than ths original machine," stormed the physician. 'Repair work does pay better," said the automobile man. "You find It so In your business, don't you, doc?" And the doctor finally admitted that h did. , I -i-Y-rirHs : - - - . . AT . -., , S THE ICE AT ST. MORITZ t Impossible. ( "Lend me another $10, will you, old man?" "Say. why don't you go to work and earn money?" "Can't. People wpuld think the governor had disinherited me, and that would ruin ray credit." Tope ka Capital. i urn J. r 5 r : 1 MME. ALFREDO ALEMAN " f t Mme. Alfredo Aleman has Just ar rived In Washington with her husband on their honeymoon. Senor Aleman is a new attache at the Panama legation and his bride Is the daughter of the secretary of state of Panama.. His View. She Our minister will exchange pulpits next Sunday with Hev. Mr. Talklngton. He Yes? An exchange of pulpits Is like a horse trade. It Is hard to tell which congregation Is going to gel llio worst of It. Puck. I r Nl to - - 1 --'- -'V; i f ; llUUllltlllllllllllUllimitllllllllUIIIHIIHtlHlllMIIIMItHitlHIUII rrocesslon of labor leaders and striking miners on the march to the state Governor Amnions their protest against the sending of ml litia to the southern Is seen at the head of the column. MISS MARGARET DRAPER When Mrs. William F. Draper gave her costume ball, the most elaborate social affair held In Washington, her daughter Margaret, w ho assisted In re ceiving the guests, was dressed, as here photographed, as Marie d'Anjou, the wife of Charles VII. of France. . New York Wiping Out Evils. Into the homes of the people light and air have penetrated, and they have acquired legal claims. The first census taken undtir the new tenement house law found 361,000 dark and air less rooms In houses unfit to live In, half of them without any windows at all. There are still more than sixty thousand wlndowless rooms left in Greater New York; but they are go ing. When the last of them is gone we shall bo able to fight tuberculosis, and win. The dark halls have been lighted. Life in the tenements has been made measureably endurable and safe. Not In the ten years since the new law was passed has a human life been lost by fire In any of the hundred and odd thousand houses, for lack of means of escape or other faults of con struction. In the ten years preceding 1894, 256 persons perished in tene ment house fires, not counting the firemen who died in efforts to save them. Jacob A. Rlls, in Century. Vogue of Postage Stamps. Stamps of various kinds have been used and for various purpose, but as suming that you mean postage stamps, they were first UBed in England with the Introduction of cheap postage in 1840. They were Introduced lu Rub sla in 1845, In Switzerland In 1846 and in the United States by act of con gress March 3, 1847, the first Issued being 5-cent stamp bearing the head of Franklin and a 10-cent one with a portrait of Washington. These stamps are now rare and valuable. The re duction of postage rates in 1851 gave us a new set of stamps of 1, 3 and 12 cent denominations and other changes were made later as rates of postage changed. -ikiM Is feAv- V WEATHER STATION '1 t 4 i t A r T'T ?t T' T'J tS V'.' f' BUIt r ilfi Itv, I f J-A -i 1. vi'W 1XiL. Olio of the Mat Ions nlong the I'anunia canal w here pn automatic record Is made of tho wind velocity, wind direction and rainfall. The height of the water in the canul Is iiImo recorded automatically by a reglMer liiHtulled in the concrete tower. The rainfall and water supply ar Important factors In the success of the canal. SCOTTISH RITE TEMPLE IN WASHINGTON ! f ! iipJ J 1 if; ) I ' I 1 'I "I wiini i yuimn wi 1 immm PffiSff-j On the Avenuo of the Presidents In Washington standH this imposing new Scottish Ulte Templo which, when completed aud furnished, will have cost approximately $2,000,000. On the exterior there are 33 columns representing the 33 degrees of the Scottish Hlto Masonry. The first floor of the building contains a room for euih state delegation, and on the second floor is a large auditorium. Women's Two Ages. Joax Shakespeare told us all about the seven ages of man, but he didn't say anything about the two ages of women. Hoax And what are the two ages of woman? Joax The sge she says she Is and the age she really Is. capltol at Denver, Colo!, to present to Colorado coal fields. "Mother" Jones ON PANAMA CANAL 'r T'7 T7 T- T" r ; Ti: V V V T. Where Money Talks. "Pop?" "Well, iKnatz?" "Does money talk?" "So the saying goes, my son." "Did you ever hear It?' "Oh, yes, Ignatz; I've often heard It Jabbering away in the boxes at thi opera." Youngstown Telegram. 8 ' Washington. Investigation of U-cold-storage "trust" by the Departtnen of Justice has progressed bo far tliai officials are confident they have foun t um tialls which eventually will lead i. prosecutions In the courts. if Q Although the operations of tho deul I srs, believed to be leaders In tho con f e blnation, have been confined to sev' ersl larKe cities, tho department gl redoubled Its vigor in the last few- 1" weeks. Ofllrlal expect to uncove: evidence which will connect the--( dealers and make them amenable u;, C, the .Sherman Anti-Trust act. j. is Within the last few days rniie!-. have reached Washington from several g; I'nited States District Attorneys rot jt lielp to carrying on the investigations).. Several special agents have been l4 tailed for this work. Their report.-' ; probably will be made to Washington; t in the next few weeks and the Alter' ney General and his assistants wli:;i determine the advisability of beginning antl-TiUBt proceedings. k Although department officials ar unwilling to discuss the cold-stow ;' investigation, it Is known that the gen -. eral impression that the owners !. f cold-storage plants are involved in tin' , nlleged combination is incorrect. Ii.- onfy a few instances do the owner, make use of their plants for storing their own products. In practically every case commission merchants an 1; producers themselves rent cold-storey space. The combination which tin department will prosecute if sufficient vldence Is forthcoming will be anion; the commission merchants. : TO MARRY AT EMBASSY. Miss Belle Willard and Kermlt Roos- velt Engaged. Washington. Kermlt Roosevelt, j second son of former President Theo 1 dore Hoosevelt, will marry Miss Belli, ' Willard, the eldest daughter of Col.! 1 Joseph E. Willard, of Virginia, thn 1 American Ambassador to Spain, neit ,1 spring, according to an announcement" made by cable to mends or the Am( bassador in Washington and Rich-' niond. It is understood that tho wed ding will take place at the American Kmhassy in Madrid, but the exaitl date and place were not stated in tb cablegram. The news of the engaK' - mont came as a complete surprise t. Miss WIIlard'B friends In Washington While it was known that Bhe amlj, yuiiK Hoosevelt were friends, not tin-1 lcn-t idea was entertained that bin attentions were of tenderer nature. I COUNTY DRY AFTER 41 YEARS. nty, Pa.j 00 Saloons In Delaware Cou Close At Midnight. Media, Pa. For the first time In !! years no Intoxicating liquors wll ! legally on sale this week In Delawan county. The 96 saloons and boUlin establlshments and one brewery In tl county closed Indefinitely at midnight Saturday and the county will be "'ry" Monday for the first time since 187J when, following a bitter fight betwwr. the liquor and antl-llqtior forces, tin Legislature passed a special law stop ping the sale of liquor. FIVE POSTMASTERS RENAMED. Offices In Aflegany, Howard and Balti more Counties Filled. Washington. Five Maryland pot masters of Howard, Baltimore anil Allegany counties were reappointed to their former posts, after having passed the civil service requirements. In Allegany county Jesse M. Dlcken wa reappointed at tillpen; Richard A. Norrls, at Plney Grove, and Austin D. Twlgg, at Twlggtown. Connolly Burrell will remain at Dorsey, How aid county, and John W. Norrls a: Long Green, Baltimore county. FIREMAN KILLED; FOUR HURT. Caught In Blaze Which Destroyed Wheeling High School. Wheeling, W. Va. John Talbott, fireman, was killed and four other fire men were Berlously Injured when new high school building here was de stroyed by fire. The property loss was 1150,000. The men were caught under a falling wall. TARIFF YIELD KEEPS UP. Loss In Revenue Not As Great As Had Been Estimated By Experts. Washington. Treasury officials arf inclined to believe that the Underwood-Simmons Tariff act will produce several millions more revenue ann" ally than had been estimated by tarif.' experts. The Treasury expected tu see revenues fall off about 145,000,00" a year, but reports for the first tw months under the new law have led to the belief that this estimate is e cesslve. TO REVISE CUSTOMS RULES. Work Expected To Be Completed Within 12 Months. Washington. A thorough revision of customs regulations will be under taken immediately by a committee ap pointed by Assistant Secretary Ham Un, of the Treasury, The last revision took four years, but Secretary Hamll" oopeB the work can be done this tltm' m 12 months. Many regulations, niad anneceBsary by tne new Tariff law. will be eliminated and others will Ur '.0 bo rewritten.