The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, December 21, 1911, Image 7

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    MHWHWfw era.1 wywt A , w w ,; , ..n r
Altoona. Edward Ickes, of Carllm,
and John Estep, of Mt. Etna, were ar
rested by railroad officers for putting
on the brakes of a freight train on
which they were riding on the Peters
burg cut off, so they could get off ut
their homes. They admitted their
guilt and were held for court.
Waynesburg. Decauso her hus
band, a Baptist clergyman, upbraided
Dor and threatened her for "being too
courteous to the men," in his congre
gation, Mrs. Minnie E. Rockwell, wife
at liev. Charles W. Rockwell, was
jninted a divorce here. The pair were
married in 1000 and lived together
until January 1, 1910.
Hurrisburg. Miss Ruth Fetrow,
telephone operator at Leinoyne, JiiHt
across the Susquehanna River from
llits city, smelted smoke in the Ex
change building, and promptly culled
her father's house. Her father got
out of bed, and when told there was
a fire, hurried to the Exchange and
rescued his daughter. The lire was
under the stairs, and a ladder had to
be used to get out the girl.
Duller. Domenlol Guerma prob
ably was fatally shot on the street
here by a man whoso name he re
fused to divulge. Guerma staggered
Into the doorway of a hotel with a
bullet in his abdomen after a number
j( shots had been heard by persons in
the building. Me declared be had
been followed for two blocks by the
man who shot hi in, but refused to
answer when asked the man's name.
Marietta. The marriage of Miss
Ada Irene, the accomplished daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sclioenber
ger, and Dr. John Shaw, of Philadel
phia, has just been announced. Tho
ceremony was performed In October,
and is a surprise to their many
friends. The bride Is a graduate of
the Charily Hospital, at Norrlstown,
and their romance begun In that in
stitution. They will reside in Phila
delphia. Pottsvillo. A ghastly find was
made by tho civil engineer corps of
Prank C. Clemens, when they dls-
rK accompanying photograph. Just rectlved from China, thows lmperlil troops leaving Pekin for the front
I to light the revolutionists. It is interesting as showing Hie kind ol guns used, the uniform of the Manchj
niriuiers tuiu
how the men are transported to the tent of war.
Alaska Gold Miner Sends Plea to
William R. Miller o' Glacier Creek Im
plores Jurist Not to Grant a Di
vorce to Wife for Desertioi,
Writes of Struggle.
Spoknno, Wash. William It. Miller,
a placer gold miner or Glacier Creek,
Alnskn, gives an Inkling of the strug
gles of prospectors In the North coun
try in a puthetlc leiter to the probate
Judge of the county superior
covered the purtly-clothed skeleton of J court- Protesting against tho granting
a man on the Broud Mountain, west of ! of a 4ieclpo ' w"e. M- J"o Mil-
i ler, a nurse, in Spokane, who insti
tuted proceedings lor divorce, chuig-
Morrls Junction, while they were re
turning from their survey work. The
skeleton was found lying face down
ward, with the right hand clutching an
old briar pipe. Coroner Dononghue
at once began an investigation.
Huntingdon. Tho long-looked for
case between ex-Mayor Georgo W.
Fisher and others against Mrs. Julia
T. Glazier, formerly of Huntingdon,
now of Ilarrlsburg, brought as a test
case to determine who owned the de
funct Huntingdon Dank, which closed
Its doors June 12 last, was brought up
in court here, and after hearing wlt
neses the Jury quickly decided against
the defendant and established, the
ownership In Mrs. Glazier.
York. Alleging that there are
seventy-one "fake booze" clubs in this
lug desertion In 1VJ7 and (allure to
provide for bis family.
Miller says In his letter thnt he
has received no notice of the pen
dency -of the divorce case Irom bis
wife or her nttorneys, but heard ot
the case from roundabout sources. Me
recites numerous reasons why the di
vorce should not bo granted and
makes a pathetic plea for tho preser
vation of his home and llresldo. To
combat the charge of neglecting to
provide for bis family ho has sent
postal receipts to chow that he has
sent fMiO nt various time Part ot
the letter follows:
"I have slaved and worked for
years as no other man In the Yukon
has ever labored, always looking lor-
city, the Pennsylvania State Hotel 1 nrd to the time when I could again
Assocluf.on has taken action to have i 3"ln my family In circumstances thnt
them clobed. This association through j would assure tfur Independence In the
its secretary, Thomas C. Leslie, of i declining years of our lives.
labors I hear the word from round
about sources that my tie has sued
for a divorce.
"I wish to Impress upon your mind
thnt my home has been my llrst ami
last thought every day since I first
innrica nerc, In I HI'S, and that I love
my wife nnd family dearly I visited
home for some time In 1 !(!. nnd again
eighteen months ago, and had I
thought then that there was anything
of this kind In her mind I would have
given up my claim and suffered the
loss of all my hnrd work rather than my family rent asunder. I cannot
hflp but believe there Is some kind ol
conspiracy or some one has per
suaded my wire to do as she Is doing
or that her mind has become contused
through the loss of her daughter.
Milter had negotiated a sale of a
half interest In bis claims to a symll
cate at Seattle, but fays his wile
wrote to the Seattle firm handling the
trade and Fpollod tho deal. Me as
serts his claims are valuable, and
tlfat he expects soon to see them turn
ing out fold.
Miller requests that If a divorce
must be granted the court make It
an Interlocutory decree, forbidding tho
remarriago or his wile, so that he
may. alter his acceslon to wealth and
return to civilization, again have 8
chance to win her back.
Delaware Party Enjoy Reverse Hunt,
- In Which Quarry Escapes
From Hounds.
Wilmington, Del. A party of Dela
ware fox hunters, who included J
seph He;ker, Edward Neher, John M.
Ha nee, John H. Trultt and others, un
earthed a fine specimen near Newcas
tle. Tho hounds ran well for a time,
but suddenly wheeled around and
sought cover, with the fox after
them. ,
Hunters Joined In the reverse
chase It continued for several miles.
Finally other dogs Joined the pack
and frightened Kcynard away The
fox then escaped
In View of Extraordinary Occasion
"Pinkey" Might Well Be Ex
cused for Absence.
"Pinkey" Is the nickname of the
chocolate-colored Chesterfield who pre
sides over the bar In a small, unique
and out-of-the-wny liquid refreshment
establishment in Washington patron
ized by newspaper correspondents,
visiting ce'ebrltles and government
olllclals. He Is a great "J'lner," and
devotes his one evening "off" a week
to his several lodge duties. Iteing
missed on one of these occasions by
one of his friends and patrons, who
had lugged to his place ft suit of
evening clothes which he thought
would fit tho Plnkerlonlnn form, on
the next evening regretful reference
wag made to It, lh.9 suit having been
bestowed on another, a waiter In a
rlvnl hostelry.
"I'se mighty obliged to you. snh,"
groaned Pinkey, "mighty obliged, les"
the same. Thls'll tench mo a lesson
to stay on tho Joh."
"Attending one of your lodge meet
ings, I suppose?" queried bis friend of
the dress suit.
"Well, not exactly, Fnh." replied
Pinkey, "not exactly, sail, You see.
wo was Jes' organizing the colored
Man Buried Second Time
Philadelphia, has notified locul con
stables that unless they proceed
against these clubs, which are selling
liquor without a license, men will be
sent here to obtain tho evidence and
prosecutions will bo brought.
"Four years I worked In the ditch
to build a rnnal to my claim, nnd
when I bad flnshed the work and was
about to start to wash out the gold a
terrible Hood enme and washed away
a good part of my labors. Another
l..tti ,i,t a linlf . n . , I. .. n a.tnnt In
( hester.-An entire family hnd a , pnirn(, ,1i1h damaK. wh,,n nows
hearing here before Alderman Holt. , ,,,,,. ,BHl irR )a, my dmlKnler
l.eoige Shade and his wife, Florence, , hlld bepn .,,,,, ,al,v pnot nml
wero arraigned on the charge of IIFt February near Spoknno. This
negligence. Their son, Elmer, was i neW8 FO llf.-et me that It brought on
charged with truancy. Shade, who is ht.arl trouble, and lor months 1 wni
--inj jears oiu, suiu that his wife
spent too much of her ttinu attend
ing the services of the Seventh Day
Adventists and that she neglected her
family. The Alderman held the trio
tor court.
Norrlstown. A year ago while in
tending a traveling animal show,
t'aiharlno Gehris got too lieai
a (aye and a lion slapped her in the
face, causing laceration. The wound
ua.i cauterized, the showman was ar
rested and the father or the girl, U. V.
(; lu is, brought suit against II. .
l'" K, r, owner of tho show. In court
a sittlemeiit was reached, v.lieicbv
lie showman paid 350 for tho child's
lajiu ii s.
I'ittsbiirgh. The body of an un
identified roreigner employed as a la
borer at the plant of tho CnrUim Steel
Company, was found flouting In n vat
cli.inicals used Tor tempei lug steel
'''"I the authorities believe the man
was thrown Into the fluid dining a
m;lit. The foreman of the laborers
'"'''l the man when the night shift
'Hid work at 7 o'clock. He reported to
J he timekeeper and stalled a search,
"'e finding or the body in the vat,
l'dly burned by tho acids, made the
annuities suspect' murder, as there
11 railing all around the vat, and
It Is argued that he could not have
fallen in.
Heading. jmKo Endlich gave or
1ctb In court here that in tho future
all witnesses who get on tho stand
'th chewing gum or tobneco In their
months will be excused until they get
r'u of these Impediments.
Scranton. Dy the running away of
tr'ight train In Carbondale yards of
the Delaware & Hudson Company,
wo men were Uifled and five injured,
2 of whom may die, the machino
""ops of tho company were set on Are
" burned, together with Ave loco,
J?6"8 burg- Former Sheriff
melds, whose appeal from his con
'ict Ion and sentence In the Westmore
County Courts is before the 8u
P"or Court, took tho oath or olnco
as County Commissioner. In which of
he aspired and was elected as t
f,1rrnU,8,,mreh'W' w- RIchanjHon.
rormory of indlannpolla. a-slstant
general passenger agent of tho Penn
''tmla lines west, was ippolnted
,ml Passenger agent of the South
''est Pennsylvania System, with heart
Jimrters In Pittsburgh. The up g effective Jannnrv 1.
unable to do a thlrg. I.nst July I
again began work, and when about to
reap the reward of the years of my
Hopkins, Recluse, Was Once Thought
Dead, It Put In Grave for
Hopkins, Mo For the second time
In a quarter of a century James II
Magee, a recluse, has been lowered
Into a crave. In n coffin.
A quarter of n century ngo. In Hurt
fngton, la., he was stricken with
cholera. He was thought dead, was
placed In an old board colfin nnd was
being lowered Into n grave when a
friend stopped the proceedings, de
claring that ho believed Magee was
The colfin was raised, a doctor sent
for and Magee was revived. Me was
nursed back to health. For more than
n yenr, however, ho had been In poor
health, and there was no doubt of his
death when he passed away this week.
"Old Mack" was the nnmo under
which Magee was best known In the
vicinity of Hopkins. He was born In
Ireland In 1S1MI nnd camo to America
with his parents when he was three
years old. He lived In New York anil
New Jersey until manhood and
learned tho trndo of a plasterer when
a youth.
He went from New York to Hush
nell. III., In 1 S:'J. nnd there married
Hester Ann Pierce, daughter of a
wealthy land owner. After his wife
died he became a wanderer nnd trav
eled over much of the t'nlted States.
He took up tho work of contractor
and built a number of the Harvey
eating houses along the Santa Fe, be
tween New ton. Kan., and Albuquerque,
N. M.
Although he was an avowed free
thinker, shortly before his death ho
asked that a minister bo called and
he died praying that his sins be tor
git en.
"Wben a child, I Buffered eight
years with eczema. I could not sleep
at. night, and had sores all over my
chest. We had doctors and none could
do any good, until my mother saw tho
advertisement of tho Cutlctira Rem
edies in the paper. We used the
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resol
vent, and they cured me of eczema.
I also used them on my five children.
Two of them bad eczemu very badly.
When my children had eczema, I was
not worried at all, as I knew the Cuti
cura Remedies would do their work.
They had sores all over their heads,
their hair would fnll out, and they
would scratch all night and day. They
had It on their heads, face, and In
back of tho. ears so that I thought
their ears would drop off. I washed
their beads and bodies with Cuticura
Soap and they are as clean ns tho
driven snow.
"Cuticura Soap and Ointment nlso
cured my children of ringworm. I
would not bo without tho Cuticura
Remedies. They are wonderful."
(Signed) Mrs. Violet Colo, 2ti S.
Redlleld St., Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 29,
1110. Although Cuticura Soap and
Ointment are sold everywhere, a sam
ple of each, with 32 page book, will be
mailed free on application to "Cuti
cura," Dipt. 8 L, Uotton.
GontlQ and EfFGctivo,
In tfie Clrde.
on evern Pacfa&a of tho Genuine.
NotolfjgMNamo of tha Gompanr
ur.i i v i - i .n 1 1 1 w r v iti ,i I v t i v
in nijiri. iihi irci i-jii' j vim
, fC NT. OF AtCOHOtA !
j' "- r ( 1 t'
1 j .tf"J?";,;."" I' I I'
Cau forma Fig Svru p Co.
ft S
Always ready for use. Safcsl and mol reliable.
The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is just
like a portable fireplace.
Il givci quick, glrwihg heal whtrfver, whenever, you wnl ix.
A necewly in fnll and ipring, when it it not cold enough lor
the lurnaie. Invaluable at an auxiliary healer in midwinter.
Drunu ol blue enamel or plaio Meet, with ru'tiel liimmingt.
A.V your deW to iKow you a Prrlrciiua Smokeltit Oil Healer,
or tonic lo any aeiKy ol
The Atlantic Refining Company
Mute Offered $50 to Speak
Beggar Suspected of Shamming
Scornt Tempter and Goei
to Jail.
Cleveland, O How to determine
wlielber a man Is deaf or Is merely
pretending to bo Is t tie problem that
htiR enpi;eil the attention of Police
Judge Levlno nnd Probation Olllcer
Vlning slnro Jobn O. (Jrownest. 4.
was arrested on tbe cbnrse of being
n common brggnr.
For Grow iiest used the plea hen
be was brjgliiK that be tia deaf nnd
dumb, the police Hiy When ll'.e pa
trolman lio iinesteil blin brouubt blm
Into tbe Mutton to enter bis name on
tbe blotter firownest whipped out a
pad and pencil and wrote his mime on
that. All efforts on ibe part of the po
lice to surprise blin Into speaking fall
eri At every httempt (liowuest pu!i!
ehnko bis bead and rapidly rcrinnie
on bis llttlo pad the declatntlen
he could neither talk nor hear Tbe
police believed thnt be was feigning
and locked him up.
Beer It Best Fly Catcher.
Cleveland. ,"Tbo best bait on earth
for flies Is beer, timid and butter
come second, but beer uttracts four
times as many."
This Is tbe statement of Dr. C. E.
Ford, secretary of the city health
bonrd, who bus Just received reports
Irom thirty-six nortnnl training school
girls who last Bummer formed a "!ly
swatting club." under bis direction, to
Investigate the best means lor exter
minating tbe fly.
More than a million files were
"swatted" In the cruBade that follow
ed, the highest record for one girl one
duy being 2,500.
In court Growiicst Mill Muck to his
character of niHto nnd delled nil at
tempts on the part of tbe jmlno to
trap him Into speech. Not able to de
clde wlieiber or not tbe man was uu
ii'ipoBter, tbe Judge sent blm back to
Jail unil petit for Mrs. Klmer Hates,
president of tbe Society for tbe Deaf,
and asked her to talk to him.
After trying In vain to talk to blm
through the Mpi language, M's. Kates
came to the conclusion also that the
man whs faking.' In court ibe Judge
sentenced the man to J.'.O coMs and
thirty days In the workhouse
"If you will sfenk one word I will
throw off tbe $."! from the nenteiico,"
I.i vine told (ir:ivnest
Sweep Up $1,800 Note.
Altoonn, Pn. Kicking Into his
shovel what ho supposed was a worth
less piece of paper, S. II. Tipton, a city
street sweeper, examined the wrinkled
sheet nnd louncl H to he a Judgment
exemption note, recently executed, tor
Meant to Be Real Bad.
Two llttlo girls residing in Fast
Klghty sixth street, Virginia Olough
and Chili io Feldman, who had long
envied their hoy playmates for their
nblllty lo enjoy such badness as In In
herent in boys, resolved to be bad
themselves. To this end they shut
themselves up In Virginia's room and
proceeded to lo naughty. In fact,
they practiced swearing Just to see
what would happen.
When they were unite sure that
none would overhear them each pro
duced .1 clip of paper containing the
swear word und fired away.
. "Itull.log!" said Virginia.
"Cigar: !" was Claire's reply.
Put the celling didn't drop, nnd
there w,as no erth(iiako to swallow
them up, nnd tbe two resumed their
play, n trifle disappointed nt the tame
termination of their badness. Cleve
land Leader.
How Horticulturist Managed to
Semlngly Impossible
London. An Interesting experiment
In horticulture was described the oth
er day by Prof. William H. liottomley
of King's College. London, when ad
dressing the members of the Wo
nn ti's Agricultural and Horticultural
I'nlon at Lord Ilrnsscy's residence In
Park I.Mie.
"An eminent American horticultur
ist." he said, "received an order to
supply a laiv number of prune seed
lings within nine months. As eight
een mouths are required lo raise
prune seedlings, the task seemed Im
possible. However, ho planted 20,ili!0
The mail's tace grew red mid bis j almond seeds, which germinated, and
I'ps moM-iI as though he were about
lo speak Then his Jaws snapped
shut mill le shook his head. He wiu
sent to aneiiville farm.
A lot of phony stories as well as
the f.ilry lairs originate In the land of
make believe!
at the end of six mouths had grown
so rapidly that bo was ablo to gAift
prune buds on to them and lo deliver
i ho prune seedlings within tho sped
lied time.
"The orchard." concluded Prof. Pot
tomley, "Is now one of tho llnest in
Just Like Bennett.
"Arnold Heniictt, the latest visitor
to these shores," said a New York
editor, "Is said to he the greatest liv
ing Kiig'ish novelist. plump for
Wells or Conrad myself. However "
The editor smiled.
"A critic nt tho club the other day
was listening to nn execrable young
novelist. The youn tuan boasted on
Interminably, hut at last I heard tho
rrltlc got In tbe words:
"'Do you know, you remind nio or
Arnold liennett?'
"'Kcnlly?' Tho novelist blushed
nnd laughed for pleasure. 'Keally?
Come now, do you really think '
"'Yes; you stutter bo,' said the
Baltlmoie French.
A Itiiltimore bunllace tells of a
waiter In that city who lately an
nounced that he had taken up the
study of the French language.
"Do you find It necessary here?"
asked tbe patron to whom the man
conlliled Ibis bit of liifornntlon.
"Not bete, sir," explained the wait
er; "but I've been offered a steady
Job In Paris nt one of the hotels If I
can learn French."
"Put Paris Is full of French wait
ers," said the patron. "I'm afraid
you're being deceived."
"No. sir," said the man, with much
earnestness nnd absolute simplicity.
"The proposition's n straight one. The
proprietor of the hotel says that the
waiters bo has can't understand
French as we Ilaltlmoreans speak it.
A Killer.
K'i How that lellow murders the
Kngllsh language.
Stella -Yes; Isn't It perfectly kill.
Dr. Pierce's Pli-mant Pollitu rruiil.ite
nnd invit'ir.ile M'miaili, liver and bowel.
S 1 1 .-i r i (inted. tiny gt a nub h, easy to take.
Do riot gripe.
Rich East Indian a Pupil.
Poston. The Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology has a new pupil
In tbe person of Itbngnt Singh, Just
arrived from the Punjab, Singh, who
dresses In conventional English garb,
with tbe exception of the white tllk
turban on bis head, Is to take a three
year course lu electrical engineering
He Is heir to tbe lnrgeat privuto for
tune in his homo country
Unique Outcome of Barb Wire Hit
ting Gun Trigger Canine Fastens
Teeth In Man's Cheek.
Prlstol, Pn. Edmund Pblpps of this
place was out gunning with friends
between Tullytown and Emille They
bad trailed a rabbit up to a barbed
wlro fence, ngalnst a post of which
j'blpps carefully set his cocked gun
ns ho climbed through the wire fence.
He was about to reach for his gun
when his fine dog, which bad been
some dlstnnce behind, suddenly dash
ed up and Jumped through tbe fence.
As ho did so he Jarred the tightly
strung wire enough to topple the gun
over. In falling tho trigger of the
weapon caught ami tbe gun was dis
charged so thnt the full charge of
shot struck the dog. fatally wounding
The dog was a grea pet of Mr.
Phlpps, nnd as soon ns he saw the
animal lying apparently dend ho
thought Ivssly rushed over and picked
It up in his arms.
The dying animal, In Its blind
agony, fastened Its teeth In Mr
Phlpps' laft cheek and expired, and
tbe united efforts of Pb.'pps and the
other men were necessary to foice
apart the dog's Jaws.
Mr. Phlpps' cheek was badly lac
erated, njid be hurried back to nris
lol as quickly as possible, where a
doctor cnuterlzed the Ave wounds.
Patriotic Hens.
Mountain Clew, Cal. Patriotism lo
the ultimate degree is exemplified in
a new breed of hens now flaunting the
national colors nt the poultry farm
of Dr. I. G. Itoyto here, llrlght red ol
head, pure white of body and Indigo
blue of tall the fowls emtio Into the
orld a short time ago. There are
neveral of the varl-hued birds. Dr.
llojte nsFertB that tho extraordinary
plumage Is the result of long expert
mental observation. II. has named
the new blted tbe rpniriul."
Great Scheme.
"Dear me," said Mrs. Ilousewlle,
with a deep sigh, "I can't manage to
keep a cook a week."
"You should copy me," observed her
friend. "Since my husband learned
French I can keep one a year."
Mrs. Housewife looked surprised. "I
den't see the connection," she said.
''It's simple enough. I lo now swears
nt her In French Instead of Kngllsh.
It gives blm n vent for his temper,
some valuable practice and tho cook
thinks lie's making love to her!"
Satire. '
rODItltKOri M W.Alt) A
'IViVo Hie Oiu .lanliini Ullo 'Ksl '1'AS Tlil.l.sS
riW.l. TuNR'. Vm ' no h!il jull lire la' my
i'l.e i .ri.ii 1:. It. .iluli.l iirti.lrtl o o ory ImiiiIo,
iIiimvI II Ih iiliiinly 'nlnlii nml Imi. In a tjuoeli-ss
form, mi'1 the iiiohi ellei-tual form, r'ur grown
poodle- unil children, bu celilt
The deflated candidate Is surprised
nt the number or misguided men who
faiinl to vote for him.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver la
right the stomach and bowels are right
and that's what he wants me for. you I IVFR PUIS fC'ft
soe."-l.ipplnoott's. Ri-ntly but firmly com-'J.
In Deep Water.
.lack's uncle (coming up on pl.iz
v.a) What do you suppose? .lack lias
Just rescued that young widow, .Mrs
Wiles, from the surf!
Ills aunt There! I expected some
thing ol the sort. Now we'll have to
rescue Jack. Boston Transcript.
Important to Mothers
Examine cuitlully every bottle ol
CASTDKIA, a safe and sure remedy foi
infants and children, and see that it j
Hears Ibo lY s1T r
Signature of UATTAtA
In I'so For Over 30 Years.
L'liililivn Crv for Fletcher's Castoria
pel a lazy liver to A'-U Jf DTFRI
do its dutv. t Mi WVArtl Lrw
i Cures Con- JPJiA WITTIE
.tipntion, in-JTZr.-Jr M IVER
and Diatreai After Elating.
Gt 'lumic must bear Signature
"What's that laiket out there?"
"That's Fldo. He's chased your
fuzzy hat up the hall tree."
f I it 't I'n Ml. AiM.oMtntuliiiilHhT. MmlNHn
Mil) ri'i'i'ivf- t'hivk - inn- il.iv wood nn ft .iTi'tl.
I lk MM t Km 4 O, , tii'i I lumhla ... f'l,tUilH-fclft, l',
ILrlfivntv- .V'Mliwfhh'in i'njht to.
Tor Hi: l! lll.-ll li 4 ll DIM!
NhriliiT rri'in 1 tiitls. Ilcut, Siiiimu'li or
NVrvtniM Tmutili', Citpnillnt will rt'liev nu
1 1 ' h lliiil iiuMMttit ti tahf iit-iH I turn'-It
ntrly. Try It. It-., -W., iiiiil U) iTiit at tlrutf
IVrtch's won? his linir pretty (Mono
to his fr.vi8 but nobody vr i'iiIUm!
Iilm a low-brow !
Mr. Wh.slmv'H 8(HtMiu; Hyrup f-r CMMtvt
I li'ethlin;, Miftt'itN t hr imimi, nhu't's lnil;iimti,i
j tiou, uiluH piiiii.cur.'t w iiid i-uli Cc a U-'Uic
T1lKATI:i. (iu-p iinlck nv.
ht'f, usually r'iui( mw-1
llitii nnd lii'ii ttnvitti in a ti-w .iyn nnd
( ciiiin rci.n in i.c;miiit. iriiti innttiit-iii
L Vi3 HI'- K. HH.(.NKMflMUi)t,iiiMia,te.
"SSfC l Thoxf sen's Eji Katw
nlnn r.rnlrn nn.VCn!
Illl'-'I.IM-. UK,k. K.. IIil'IH
L.-.1 rilt-n iMtu 11. hi rtuita.
liun't try to understand
and vim will succeed.
a woman
T!.c Great Square Puzzle
U.lia. I'lUt'lUC. M.lw., Hvilll, Aal.,lM
W. N. U.. BALTIMORE, NO. 51-1911.
Such a Difference.
I'sher Are you a friend of tho
Madam Oh, my, no! I'm
brldo's mother. Judge.
Trillin's" ncrons the chest means a cel.I
nn the limns. Tlint's tlio danger sisnal.
Cure that cold Vith IlnniliiH Viznnl (hi
before it runs into Consumption or 1'ncii-nionia.
In the Sanctum.
"I want a good feature story."
"Then why not tako this debate?
It Is full of 'ayes' and 'noes.' "
For COLDS and Oil IP
Ttli"k" I'AlTPlNg Is the liost rpmrily re
llpvfH iho iichlnif nnd fovi-riHtinoMH curta the
Coltl nntl ri-Hlurea iinrtnnl rmulitlonN. Ii'h
llqnlil f ITwm Immediately. 10c., 'JM'.,nnl Hoc.
Ai drug atures.
A man has reached tho npe of dis
rretion when he is willing to admit
that other men may have opinions
different rom bis without being fools
Housework Drudgery
Ilouicwtuk is drudgery for the n-rnk wnmiin. She brush
cs, dusli and si rid's, or is on bi-r (ei-t nil duy attending ti)
the muny detuila of the bouseliold, bur buck m-hing, licr
temples throbliini, nerves quivrriii under (he itrcn of
puin, posnihly diy odiums. Soimliines rest in bed is
nut rclrcibini!, beennso the poor tired nerves do not per
mit of rcfrchini) sleep. The rcul need of weak, nervous
women is sutistioJ by Dr. Tierce's 1 uvorile I'rcscriptiotu
It Makes Weak Women Strong
and Sick Women Well.
This "Prescription" removes the cansa
ot H-nmen'a Hvukneume, heals IntlAm
nation and ulceratiun, and cures thosti
Keaknessv peculiar to ttomen. It
tranqiiiUies the nerves, encourafiea tho
aitpvtitv and induces restful sleep.
Dr. Tierce is perfectly willing to let every one know what
hit " I ovorite Trcscription " contains, complete list of
ingredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do not let any unicrup
uloui druggist pcrsuudo you that hii substitute ot unknown
composition is "just at food" in order that he may make
a bigger profit. Just smile and shuku your head 1
Dr. Tierce's Tletisant Tellers cores liver ills.
(Q) Lamps and
Scientifically constructed to give
most light for the oil they burn.
Easy to light, clean and rewick.
In numerous finishes and styles, each the
best of its kind.
Ask your dealer to ho you Ma line cf Riivo Inmrs and
Laments, or write lor HluMrmrd booklcia direct
lo any accnev of
The Atlantic Refining Company
Color more RoodsbriKhtersnrHiwter colors thnn anv other dye. One 10c pm-kaKe colore all filierr Thfvdye in cold water better than sny other dve. You can
dye any trnrmcnt without rippiriK apart. Writo dee Ivmklet How lo live, Illrai li and Mix Colors. MONttOC IIHUtt COMPANY, Quincy, III.