The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 09, 1911, Image 10

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There are countless
uses for Universal
Portland Cement
about the place. For
the cellar, concrete is
water-proof, rat
proof and everlast
ing. Concrete is the
best material for side
walks, steps, foundations,
well curbs, posts, troughs,
water tanks, barn floors
and cisterns. It will pay
you to build of concrete.
It lasts forever. It is fireproof,
sanitary and cheap in the lone
Portland Cetnent't makes
die best concrete.
MV9t hi ill'
ill ' '..f
Thayer, a Shifty Member of the Quaker Team.
Len Erdahl, Who Won Hit "M" on
Minnesota Team Last Year, Takei
Off Uniform and Quits.
Len Krdahl. who mnde his "M" last
year, plnylne; tho position of full hack
In tho Minnesota university football
sqund Ilne-U), nnd who appeared In
tho game OKnlnst' Amos as quarter
hack, lias taken off his uniform. Me
announced that ho hail n m t. "
Parental objection ho advanced as
the caiiFo. although It Is understood
Dunn Ah. you are In this tlma
I've called Ave times with this bill,
but you've been out.
Owens Indeed? Well, you are out
this time. Pine morning. Isn't It?
Summoned as Witnesses.
Whenever Rev. Snlon Jefferson
railed on Aunt t'andace It was her
custom to set a plate of ginRerbread
before him and then ply him with
what she railed "'IIrIous 'spoiindln's."
"Wha" fo' does de l.awd send epi
demics Into de land?" she asked hi in
one day.
"When folks get so bad dry must be
removed, some of 'em, Slat" Cnndnce.
den de Lawd permits de coming ob an
pldemlr." said Mr. Jefferson, and
took a large bite of gingerbread.
"I'h h:" said Aunt Candare. "Kf
dat'g so, how come de good people
,oib removed along wld de bad ones?"
"De good ones are summoned fo'
witnesses," said Rev. Solon, fortified
In spirit and clarified In mind by the
glnuerbrrad. although slightly emhnr
Mused In hia utterance. "Do I.awd
ils evry man a fair trial." Vouth s
Easy to Understand.
When Senator John K. Ilessln and
daughter or Manhattan were doing
Kuropean.l Asia last summer, fays the
Kansas City Journal, they took a mo
tor boat ride on the Sen of Galilee
In the pnrty was a New York minis
c When tho party had finished the
"de the minister asked the boat man
he iinmunt of the bill. The bontman
old him. It was exorbitant.
"I :in readily understand why
Christ walked on tho water here." said
ho minister.
Sunday School Teiirher-W'.'V was
the fiery furnace neven times heated?
Tummy J suppose It went out be
'"CHI ill,,,.,,.
To Be
In the
ave some
with cream
for breakfast.
The rest of the day will
'ake care of itself.
Post Toasties are thin'
bl" of White Indian Corn
"--cooked and toasted un
ll' deliciously crisp and
"The Memory Lingers"
Sold b Groctrt
frostum Orral Co., Ltd..
UiiiUe Crvck, Mich.
Len Erdahl.
Krdnhl might have overcome what
ever difficulty he has necountered
from this direction II Coach Williams
hud lent a more willing ear to tho
student's request for favored position
In tho line-up
Lawns Gradually Being Replaced by
Hard Surface Courts in Vogue
Elsewhere Experience Wins.
"Go It, bnldbend!" was a cry fre
quently heard nt tho recent lawn ten
nia toiirnnmeut at Wimbledon, nnd a
Rpectntor could not help observing
that gray hairs lind bald heads out
numbered the locks of youth among
th players after the first day or two.
Yet lawn tennis la an athletic game.
perl. tips the most active ol all sum
mer pastimes, demanding unusual pow
ers ol and one looks lor
endurance and agility In the young
Finding that tho daring and pnysicai
strength of youth nro henten by the
experience of age, the conclusion to
be drawn Is that tho new generation
I not learning the essentials of the
game The group of veterans who
bent the youngsters this year cannot
be expected to do these wonders
Rgaln. Young men from other coun
tries will come ngnln and they will
win because there will be no opposi
tion to prevent them from doing so.
And why? Heeauso, some critics say,
the continent has learned the game
from professionals and has learned It
upon hard courts.
There Is a freedom nnd power In the
foreign stylo which Is absent from the
Knglish game. In which tew risks aie
taken. In all probability ihls springs
Irom the fact that the typical courts
of the continent are not grass, hut
have n hard, smooth surface from
which every ball makes n true bound.
Scarcely one grass court In ten can
be lolled upon for a true bound of the
bull. On such Inferior surlaces-style
becomes cramped First class players
are not to be trained upon third rate
Tho host promise for Kngllsh lawn
tennis If the fart thnt the clubs aro
losing their faith in grass. In lid
years' time the very name of lawn
tennis may nppetir strange to our
ears, the number of actual lawns de
voted to tho game lll have become
so small. Already hard courts are be
ing constructed In every direction In
a few years ihey will probably glvo
ICngland a new school of tennis play
ers who will meet on equal terms the
best products or the continental and
American clubs.
Will Ames, Londn Manager, Brings
Over Quartet of Fighters for
American Invaison.
An Invasion of the Cnltod Stntes by
four Kngllsh boxers is to be made by
Will Ames, a London manager, who
has brought over Sid Smith, a clever
bantam; Sid Hums, a flashy welter;
Hilly Marehant. said to bo another Jem
Drlscoir In the featherweight ranks,
nod George Randall, a lightweight
who Is snid to bo not far behind Fred
die Welsh and Wells In cleveresa
Smith seeks matches with Frankie
Hums, Johnny hnly nnd Johnny foul-
I on. Marehant wants to meet Abe At
tell. The lour Englishmen will have
matches In New York. Iloston, Phil-
ndelphla and New Orlenns. boxing all
American League's Big Year.
President It. H. Johnson says: "The
close of the American league season
marks the bcBt year this organization
has ever known. From a financial
standpoint the yenr has been a suc
cess for each of the eight clubs. Not
thlR alone contributes to the history
making year, however, for the open
ing of new parks and the allowing of
Sunday ball In Cleveland were Im
portant factors."
Fighting a Real Job.
Prize fighting Is a visible means of
support, according to Police Judge Os
born In a decision the other day,
when he dismissed Mickey McLaugh
lin, who was charged by his father
with vagrancy. McLaughlin showed
thnt he .'ind been nil over the country
lighting, and thnt nt present be was
earning money by training young as
pirants in the boxing game.
f arV - wlfVwnjwQ
Toes are more Important now In
football than weight.
ItulTiier, lite Purdue plnyer, "wasn't
any roughor'n lotB of others."
Illinois has a great deal of respect
for "Chicago lurk" In football.
In football nowadays tho chiropo
dist takes i lie place of tho trainer.
In a world's championship series
heavy batting Is better than good
Pennsylvania's Improved football
team has caused Yost to sit up and
take notice
In the International football game.
"Tripoli bears a striking resemblance
to the football.
Nothing but poor playing by the
homo team ever Interferes with the
baseball business.
Lucky Frank S hnl'e Ib married.
Ills wire can teach him bow to drive
that new automobile.
Una any one noticed the golfers
bringing their clubs home? Another
sign of an early winter.
To Itenr track men talk, ono would
think the Olympic gnmes were nearly
as Important ns the city champion
ships. Football players have abandoned
tho undent practice of wearing long
lm!r. but musicians are not unite so
llnllonlng, like baseball, depends on
the whims of the weather man, but
there are no double benders in the
flying game.
The amateur federation hug is be
ginning to bob up nil over tho coun
try. Atlanta, Oninha nnd Cincinnati
are the latest athletic centers heard
Mo! Sheppnrd says there am four
men in the country who can run a
mile in 4:10. lie names Hilly Pnul,
John Pnul Jones, Abe Kivlut and Mel
Strnnge what wonderful cures arc
effected in our roiUges! On Frldny
eleven men are on the brink of tho
grave and on Saturday they are fight
Ing like demons.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything, but If you
iiMve money, liver or Bladder trouble, it
will be found Just the remedy you need.
Hwamp-Koot makes friends quickly he
rntme Its mild and Immediate effect Is
soon miltsHd. It is a (tentle lieallnu; her
bal compound a ri'iysiclm's prescription
which hs proved Iih great curative value
In tliouxaiids of thu most UlstrcmUug
All dnigijlsts In 50c and 11.00 sixes.
You nmy hnv a sample, bottle of tins
always reiliilile preparation by mull frt-e,
also pamphlet telling all about ll.
AddreM Dr. Kilmer A Co., Itlngliam
Un, N. Y.
First Tramp I always get under a
tree when there's a thunder storm.
Second Tramp Ain't you afraid uv
First Tramp Well, yes but I'm
more afraid uv water.
"I have Buffered from birth with
Bkiu trouble, and doctored with four
of the best doctors that could be
found, without any lasting effects.
Then I used several kinds of patent
medicines, only growing worse In
stead of better. After using them a
long time 1 was bo bad that it took
the hair off my bead, and even my
eyebrows too, nnd made my eyes so
hud that I was kept in a dark room
for several weeks. 1 was out of niy
brad for a long time. A friend told
me to get somo of (lie Cuticura Rem
edies and she knew they would cure
me, so I got some packages of Cuti
cura Ointment and Resolvent and
used them and was cured. This was
about two yours ago, nnd I have never
bud a touch of it since.
"Also my husband had had salt
rheum for twenty-three years, und
after I had such a wonderful cure
through the uso of the Cuticura Reme
dies, he sent for some Cuticura Soap,
Cuticura Ointment and Resolvent, and
used them himself and ho wns cured.
Ilia flesh was covered with stuff like
Ash Bcalcs, especially rn the winter, and
he even had it In his hair so bad he had
to keep his hulr cut close !o his head.
It even grew down on his face, but we
are now both happy over our cures
through tho use of Cuticura treat
ment." (Signed) Mrs. Laurence Hut
ler. Chesterfield. N. II.. Jan. 10, 1011.
Although Cuticura Soap and Oint
ment are sold everywhere, a sample
of each, with 32 pago book, will be
mailed free on application to "Cuti
cura," Dept. 17 K, Hoston.
Right to Question Decisions Be
longs to Captain.
Sihy Game.
A city cousin had been staying at
the farm for two weeks, resting up for
the winter's round of pleasure. One
evening after stipiier she suggested to
her country cousin that they get up a
bridge party some evening.
"My aiikes, Arabella." was the hor
rified reply. "They ain't no bridge
nearer than four mile, and that one's
nwfti! rickety. Tills time of tho year,
you'd all liavo peniimonla. For rrniy
new-fangled hires, glvo me you city
ft:-. -
in all us t'ltiiio among all np- el linrci
and dog, ruteil nnd cither in I lie s.niie
stable prevented from having the dixeae
with tynlin'o Iitcmpcr Cure. Kveiy
bottle guaranteed. ter 7.'iO,(KI Imttlci
sold last year. .M nnd $l.0U. Good diug
gi'ts, or send to mnnufucturcrK. Audita
wanted. Write for free hock. Spohn
Mel. Co., Spec. Contagion Iliscnwn,
(ni-hcn, Ind.
Early Training.
"She claims that her ancestors
stood torturing with red hot. pincers."
"I believe It. She can wear shoes
throe too small and look happy.''
Harper's Weekly.
Facetious Conductor Young Om
an, Is this your sister?
Prim Little Miss (with large doll)
No, sir; she's my adopted daughter
for Ili:.tllf III. Illelia CUM 1'INH
Whether rruin Cold, llrat. Hinniuch or
NervotiH Trouble-, Cupiitlin will relh-r you
h'inid - pD-if-mit to laW jm-im tmnirtt!
nlrl?. Try It. UV.. Mud .'A) relit ul Uruit
A bald man ,:oe;n' want the earth
Glvo him a bottle of bnlr restorer that
will restore, and he'll go on h'l way
IV. Pietvc'ii Pleawint Pellet. regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and lwi N.
Siigar-enutt'd, tiny granules. Yayj to tuue
u candy.
It takes a bachelor to think that he
understunds women.
Nothing Is More Repulsive to Spec
tators Than Constant Squabbles
Between Competitors and Offi
cials During Contest.
In foot bull as well as In every
branch of sport, nothing is more re
pulsive to spectators than constant
squabbles between competitor and
To quest ion the decision of judges
at a horserace, or a footrace, automo
bile, or trotting ruce simple is a waste
of time, and these decisions cannot
be reversed unless there is a wrong
Interpretation of rules which govern
such contests.
If coaches would enforce a rule that
only captains of elevens could ques
tion or ask en Interpretation of an offi
cial's decision football certainly would
be placed on a higher plane and one
of the most distasteful features of the
game so far as (be spectators are
concerned would be obliterated, writes
Walter ICckersall In the Chicago Trib
une. Football ofTlciuls are selected be
came of their known impartiality,
their thorough knowledge of the rules,
nnd their sense of honor
The men, all college graduates, of
flcluting In gridiron contests this year
have been put to many severe tests,
and in few Instances have they erred.
Spectators never should condemn nn
official for levying a peualty, for the
arbiters of the game are In better po
sition and understand more thoroughly
the exact Interpretations of (lie rules.
I'bo of hands in the Interference,
coaching from the side lilies, holding
in (lie line, offside play, nnd a num
ber of other Infringements of the
rules are points which the avernge
spectator does net see. but when an
official inflicts penalties fur such
breaches of the rules he genernlly
meets with criticism from the stands.
Those who have plajed footbul! nnd
have been In ninny hard lought con
tsts have had fouls called when they
did not believe they were guilty of
any Infringement. In audi cases,
these players have been so carried
nway with the excitement of tho con
testa as to be unconscious of any
breach u in the rules they mnde. but
when apprised of the conditions by
officials they iiuve admitted their
In the large universities, where It
Ib pnrt of the preparation of an eleven
to teach the players the rules and
their possibilities, the players seldom
question an official's decision The
members of these teams are so well
versed in (he rules as to know when
an arbiter's decision is right or wrong
and for this reason few disputes arise.
If the colleges in the eastern, west
ern, nnd Missouri valley conferences
would follow the precedent established
nt West point, one of the most dis
tasteful features of rootball would be
done away with. Discipline reigns su
preme ut the army Institution The
captain of a football team controls his
men the same ns a colonel of h regi
ment or captain of a rompany If
any member of a West Point rootball
eleven questions the orders of the
captain he must report to higher of
ficials as soon atj the same Is com
pleted if the captain files charges.
The young- mother and miny an old
On, loul oflen pujcilrd to know the
came of her ulillil'u III nature. The
loudnena of its rryliur dooi not neces
sarily Indicate the nerluiiHni-m f ia
troulile. It iniiv have nothluic more the
matter with t IIihii a headache or a feel
ing of u-ie-nil dnllneHS. It ennnot, if
chump. dcHcrlhe Itn feelings, hut as a
preliminary meamire you are safe In
trvltiK n mild- laxative.
Ntiifl tlinen out of ten, you will find It
Is nil the child needs, for lt r'Hilemnrmi
snd peevishness are perlinpa due to ob
siruetion nt the houel. anil on'' that
has Iw-en remedied the headache, the
aliiKKlshncsa and the many other rvl-denei-M
of eonstlpntlon und Indigestion
Will ipilekly disappear.
iJon't alve the little ono salts, cathar
tic pills or wnters, for these will
act ns purgatives, and they ar too
strong fur a child. In the families of
Mrs. C. T). Walter. 1M Bryant St.. N.
W., Washington, 1). C, and Mrs. IJinma
Waynes, Kamont, Vs., the only laxative
given Is Ir. Caldwell's Kyrup Pep.iln. It
hna been found to answer most perlactly
nil the purposes of a laxative, and Ha very
mildness and freedom from Kriplnf
recommend It especially for the use of.
children, women, and old folks gener
allypeople who need a gentlo I novel
stimulant. Thousands of American
families have been enthusiastic about It
for mure than a quarter of a century.
nvone wishing to make a trial of thla
rcimdv b, fme buying; it tn the regular
wiv of u ilrucKist nt fifty cents or on
ilollnr u lurae bottle (family sire) can
have n sample bottle sent to th home
free of charge by simplv addressing Dr.
W. n. Caldwell, 201 Washington Ht.,
Muntlcello, III, Tour name and ndlreaa
on a postal card will do.
Shifty Half-Back on Illinois Team.
Japs Invite American Team.
The l.'niversltlos of Keio and Wn
seda have Invlled the Fnlversliy of
California to scud a hiiHchul! team to
Japan next year, starting about the
middle of May nnd returning Septem
ber I. The Cniverslties or Washing
ton, of Seallle. WImc niisill and Chi
cago have all scut teams in the
islands, and a I en in of professional
players, under the leadership or Mike
Fisher, tho former Tacoma manuger,
toured (lie Islands in 1!M)!I.
It Is by no means sufficient to mak
an auditor grin with laughter.
Cures all humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
r -hsw
will Immedlotejy relieve
Jim Hall "All In."
Jim Hall, the one-time Australian
helvywelglit. Is reported to bo hen;
death nt a Chicago hospital. Hall, It
will be remembered by veteran follow
ers of the game, bent Hob Fitzsim
iiioiib In four founds at Sydney. Aus
tralia, In ISfltl. Yz three years later
knocked Hall out In the same number
of rounds at New Orleans.
First Serious Football Injury.
The first serious football Injury of
the season In tho east litis put John
Thompson, of St. Joseph college, in
a hospital at Philadelphia for several
wt-eks with a fractured leg. He was
playing on the scrub team against a
regular team wheu one of the players
whom be tackled fell upon him.
Jack Tlghe Goes to Louisville.
It has been announced that John
Tlghe would succeed "Del" Howard as
mnnngtr of the Louisville American
association busebnll team. Tlghe was
for several years manager or the Rock
Island tenm In the Threo I league,
and later managed the Seattle club
of the Northwest league.
Arms Made to Order.
A I'nited States senator, worth mil
lions which he made rapidly, has a
coat of arms recntly acnulred lie
gave a large dinner party one night
ins coal or arms was emblazoned In
gold on (he top of the dinner cards
The lady who went In with the sen
ator, the wife td another senator ob
served (lie Insignia when she picked
up ner dinner card and exclaimed:
"How prettyl"
"Yes." replied tho senator proudly.
"I think It Is ruther neat. My wire In
vented It." Saturday Kvenlng Post 1
Not for Him.
Farmer Hayseed (In the elivl I
want ter find an eatln' houso
Accosted PedcBtrian Are vou look
Ir.g for any particular place?
Farmer II. Well, not too dinned
p'tickler. Hostnn Transcript.
Elemental Error.
Judge Stevens was angling In the
Muntlowish waters, and Just after din
ner became Involved In an argument
The wife of the man who knows It
all gets buck at him occasionally by
saying: "I told you sol"
Mrs. Wtnslow's Root sing 8rnp for Children
teethtuir, softeo. tiir rums, reduces tuMuinm
lion, allays pla, cures wind colic, tie a boUle.
A woman may not be able to mak
a fool of every man she meets, but she
ran make something Just as good.
Natural Ending.
"Our cook's dead "
"Indeed? Hid she dlu a natural
"Yes, the natural death of a person
who tries lo light a lire with kero
sene!" Stray Stories.
"I see somebody has Invented a
'noiseless' soup spoon. In what way
Is it noiseless?"
"Why, madam, fs constructed in
such a manner ih:it er you don't
make a noise when you're using It."
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nino timeq itt ten when th lit, fa
right the stomach and bowels are right
gontlybut firmly
pel a lazy liver
do its duty.
Cures Con
(tipation, In-
dig eation
and Distress After Rtin
Genuine must bear Signature
j it.
om -vp
to hum i; or r m w aki
T.ifc Ihn Ola MtumlHnl t, ItiiVK S 1AM hi hv
CHIt.1 'IttNIi'. Vhu know liui vuu nr ukm
Tim It. mm In i iilnlnii- prlMi-fl on PtTjT In -ll if,
Imwiiiii ii lit Hliiijiljr (Jinninc umt iMn In u!c-n
l thi. it ml i lie tiitti fttcciiiul fttriu hut yruwa
pt't'lslu mill ilnldn n. bU tfiut.
Definition of Velocity.
Teacher Whut Id velocity, Johnny?
Johnny Velocity !h what a (hup loin
go of a wasp with.
For rOLIM and CHIP
Micki' i APi liiNK It thr brsit rmiv r '
IIpm i hi ftWihifr mill frvrrlKlinsM- iMirrx tlir
I'oht mil rrinrrM tmrinal nndtlluiiN. It
lliilil rrtWtM luimetlmtrly. ., ami ,Soc.
Al ilritg alurtit. I
J. J. PatUnoa. M D.. Marshall, AU.. sarsi
"In in? prnctirr I h Imind that Mri
Iran .Mtiat.tnK l.inimrnt s-u like ruunic.
In unr i-HV ll Clirril sn olil Isilf of a rrT
is-Trrr aita, It of Kliruinatuin in the ntvk
and Khouiilcr."
2Sc. 50c. SI a bottls at Dmi A Csa'l Stars
After a man has been married about J
a year he begins to wonder why his
friends didn't ge( busy and have him
locked up before he did It.
Wood Piilseninii is often canril by
light cuts or woiindi. IVntli iimv remit.
II iinlins Winrd Oil v ill ilrinv oiil tie
poinn. henl t lie wound and prevent se
rious trouble.
In order to become a nuisance you
have only to hunt up a grievance.
He 1 1 kit b'llh crmil. full?
'Mnintt'l ntirBfry tfM'k.
t08t CYCS
Watssa r.l'olrman.n-utt.
Incloi, lie. Ituk'lm. S
al relvruata, itost rssulia.
W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 45-1911.
Woman's Ills
Many women auffer needlessly from firlhood to women,
hood and Irom motherhood to old age with backache,
dizziness or headache. She becomes broken-down, slecp
leia, nervous, irritable and feels tired from morning- to
niflit. When paini and aches rock the womanly system at
frequent intervals, ask your ntichbor about
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Thl Prttcrlptlon bsm, for cree ff rears, been
enrnd dellcatt, jremk. paln-wracktd women,
by the hundred of thoutandt and thla too In
the privacy of their hornet without their bar.
Ini to enbmlt to Indelicate qneatlonlnis and
attentively repugnant examinations.
fv.1, WTvn 0rB in.v.l,cJ conH m confidence by letter frrt Addrese
Vorld'. U,.peB,.nr Mei- cal A.j'n, K.V. Pierce. M. njlw . Iluffalo, NY.
MVaT'' JW.The People", (mmon Sensi
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-dote edition-HMO p,e,, ,nlWert im
Plain Lngluk host, of delicate question, which every woman, ..afile or married,
oujht to Lnow.bout. Sent fret to any address on receipt of 31 one-ceni
tamps to cover cost of wrapping and msilinf i .ench cl)th bindin.
i QmO
Always ready (of use. Safest and most reliable.
The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is just
like a portable fireplace.
It give, qniil, glowing heat wherever, whenever, you wsnt it.
A nerruity in fall and ipring, hen it is not cold enough lot
trie furnace. Invaluable a. an auxiliary hratrr in midwinter.
Drum, ol blue enamel oe plain Heel, with nickel bimnungi.
A,k ynur dral'f to haw yoa s Ptrfrctioa 5nukclr Oil Healer,
or wine to any ssracy of
The Atlantic Refining Company
( Ini'yr iHralid)
2,50, 3.00, '3.50 &M.00 SHOES C
- - - - ,, .l.voui inori f '
oecause iney are the best shoes produced in
this country for the price. Insist upon hav-
a L T I . i
s iiicin. i inn no omer make.
The assurance that goes with an estab
lished repulation is your assurance in buying
W. L Douglas shoes.
If I could take you into my large factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show you how
carefully W.LDouglas shoes are made, you
would then undernt.inrl wku ilu ... ....
ranted to hold their shape, fit boiler and
wear longer (ban any oilier make lor Ihe price
CAUTION T,,a """,n" w. i i..,1tia
"aiueandprlrestaniiNHtan IhiIIoiii
lf you cannot obtain W. I. m.uirlas sin. In itvk
ff. -...V.-.v liS
r'.V''',-.v.''i disyA.. -'"Sv
aalTTrwaaa, aV."UllViVlVV31
I'AIK ol my HOVS' a4.ej.AOor
jour town, writ, for U.. Hh.a.." lir i ui Ji.. Vi"J ft .'.. or
-harm, pr-eaM. I- vlZX"Z""F"m"
V . n, ,7 ' "r,""ry rs SB
Fatt Coor ftwsts (sn) txclutml.
(Th Lamps and
Scientifically constructed to give
most light for the oil they burn.
Easy to light, clean and rewlck.
In numerous finishes and styles, each the
best of its kind.
Ask Tnurdriler to show you ht line tit Rro lumps snd
Lanterus, or writs for IlluatrtuJ booklet, tl.rtcl
to any airncy o(
The Atlantic Refining Company