The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 26, 1911, Image 6

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Certify Election Ballot.
The form of the November election
ballot as it relates to the flection of
Judges will be cert i lied to the commit
loners of ouch county together with
the nominations made for Judge. The
ballot contain!) five party squares, Re
publican, Democratic, Prohibition, So
cialist and Keystone In the order nam
ed and the spaces are for election of
Judges of Common I'lens, Orphans'
and County Courts and Associate
Judges. The two constitutional
amendments are placed beneath the
judicial election spaces, and "yes" and
-"no" spaces are to the right of the
sections quoted for amendment.
Urge Grangers To Aid.
The Executive and Co-operative
Committees of the State Grange ad
journed their session preliminary to
the meetings of the State organization
at Scrantou in December by adopting
resolutions urging that all subordinate
granges In PeniiHylvaula contribute to
the relief of the members of Custello
lodge, who lobt their property in the
Austin flood. Resolutions were also
adopted demanding that the new
Western Penitentiary be located on
State forestry lands and that no pur
chases of farm land be made for the
More Seek State Road Aid.
Harrlsburg. Four counties of Penn
sylvania have asked for State aid in
the construction of highways under
the terms of the Sproul road building
law. Heaver County alone has re
quested help In building 50,000 feet
and Delaware in construction of 33.000
feet. The applications are as follows:
Delaware County. Midd'.etown Town
ship, 13,200, 10,560, 5.000 and 5,000.
Beaver County, Independent Town
ship, 11,516; Greene, 20,000; Har
mony, 8,000; Daugherty, 10,000. Mont
gomery, Upper Hanover, 9,000; Alding
ton, 10.381; Westmoreland, Penn
Township, 26,400, and Franklin, 8,920.
Loses Fight For His Life.
The State Hoard of Purdons refused
to commute the death sentence of Wil
liam Cunningham, Philadelphia, sen
tenced to be hanged October 26, and
held under advisement pending ex
amination by lunacy experts the cases
of George Lee and Frank Hndrukat,
Philadelphia, and Antonio Kizzl,
Northumberland, who also ask com
mutation. Joseph Belugo, Luzerne,
serving eighteen years In prison for
second degree murder, was recom
mended for pardon. He has been In
prison since 1906.
Increases Fruit Growers' Receipts.
State Zoologist Surface has sum
moned the orchard Inspectors and
demonstrators, who have been hand
ling the State's educational campaign
for the extermination of fruit tree
pests, to a conference here on Novem
ber 1. .The conference will probably
last for three days. Dr. Surface says
that from reports which he has re
ceived be Is satisfied that the work of
the orchard men this year has result
ed In a gain of thousands of dollars for
the fruit growers.
Attack Fair Appropriation.
The York Ministerial Association
sent a protest to Auditor General A.
K. Sisson against payment of any
State appropriation to the York Coun
ty Fair In case the County Commis
sioners certify to the State the usual
payment In aid of fairs. The protest,
nlgned by Adam Stump, president, sle
dares that the management permitted
"oFeiHve and Immoral dancing girl
shows," nnd allowed Ratifs of chance
and gambling on horse racing.
High School Inspectors.
The appointments of Dr. W. S. Dent
son, of Troy, Bradford county, and Dr.
'Thomas S. March, CreensburR, by
State Superintendent Schaeffer will
Increase the State's high school In
spectors to four.
The two new Inspectors an? well
known educators, having been in serv
ice for years. Dr. March having been
principal of the hlh schools of Clear
field and HoneBdale before he became
superintendent of the Greensburg
After Sausage Makers.
Propocutlon of a number of butch
ers and provision dealers wl.o have
been selling sausage containing flour
and substances other than meat have
been ordered by the Dairy and Food
Division. Numerous samples have
been taken by agents of the depart
ment in various sections of the State.
Withdraw Troopers From Austin.
The State Police Department Issued
orders for the withdrawal of nil but
four men from AuBtln. Tie Health
and Highway Departments have engi
neers In Austin.
Larger Wheat Acreage.
Reports received by ottlclnls of the
State Department of Agriculture Indi
cate that In some of the southern
counties of the State farmers are still
sowing wheat. They were somewhat
retarded by the rain, but have taken
advantage of the fine weather the last
Another Factory For Harrisburg.
This city has secured a third new
Industry. S. R. Moss, of Lancaster,
having leaded the old State Prlntery
as a factory.
Candidates Craw Lots.
William Maxwell and Judge A. D.
Fanning, of Towanda, who received a
tie vote for the Republican nomina
tion for Judge of Bradford county at
the September primaries, dew lots in
the presence of the Secretary of the
Commonwealth. Maxwell won.
Double Capital Stock.
Tho Cjaranty Building Association,
of l'hiiudeipfc'a. has filed notice of In
rrrai itt capital stock from $500,
pin ' . t vi'i.OoO.
...... 1 o 0vfl
THIS photograph shows the start, from Fifth avenue. New York, of the first public automobile train across
the American continent The train comprises five seven-passenger touring cars and one motor truck carry
ing repair outfits. It Is expected to make the trip to Los Angelea. some four thousand miles, In about two
mouths. The governors of the various states through which the tourists will pass will give them official receptions
Horss Shew Last in the Famous
Old Structure.
Foreign Army Ofxers to Compete
With Those of Our Estzblisnment
tn Riding Classes $40,000
Worth of Priie.
New York. New York s twenty sev
enth annual boise show, which opens
November 18, will have more tbao
usual stgullicauce, lor it will be tho
last of these Ihuious gatherings lo be
held lo Madison Square Garden
The abandonment of ibis tamous
building marks the passing or many
things written Intimately Into the
history of the city, but especially its
loss will be lelt by the thousands, who
for years have thronged Its arena at
the horse shows While a home can
be found for the show. It will take
some of the older patrons a long time
to accustom themselves to new sur
rouudlngs For a sentimental reason. If for
no other, the management of the Na
tional Horse Show of America. Lim
ited, has plunned to make the show
of November 18 25 more brilliant than
any of Its predecessors in order that
.the larewell to the old home literal
ly may be made In a blaze of glory.
Plans to this end have been under
way for months, and as the day for
(be opening approaches it becomes
more and more evident that tbey will
succeed. '
One feature that will contribute
largely to the success of the coming
event Is the imposing array of prizes,
their total value being $10,000. Among
Man Who Finds Stolen Clothes Wants
to Wear Them Home Suggests
Barrel for the Thief.
New York John Dougherty report
ed to tbe police' of the East Thirty
tiftn street station two weeks ago that
a new suit of bis clothes bad been
stolen from his otllce at East Forty
second street, but. having gol no re
suits, he decided to do bis own ae
tectlve work
Pasblng the corner of I'wentletn
street and Second avenue Dougherty
met a tall man wearing a stilt exactly
like the stolen one tie clothes were
much too small tor the wearer Dough
erty approached hi in and said:
"You have on my clothes Take 'em
The man ran Dougherty tollowed,
and after a chase of three blocks over
hauled the fugitive In tbe station
houRe tbe man said be was Edward
Marsh, an aviator, living at Mills ho
tel. No 3 He added:
"These are my clothes, but I Dave
grown a lot In two weeks, 8 Ml tbe
clothes couldu I keep puce with me "
Dougherty said be bad a scapular
nnd a small horseshoe id an Inside
pocket ot the coat The scapular and
horseshoe were found Then Dough
erty demanded bis clothes, explaining
be wanted to wear them today
"But what will tbe prisoner wear to
court?" Lieutenant Uurfc asked
"Get hlra a barrel," said Dougherty
"1 don't care whether It fits or not."
Marsh was locked up, charged with
grand larceny Dougherty was told
be could get bis clothes alter the
prisoner had been srralgned In police
Letter Makes Journey From New
York to Ireland and Thence Back
to Its Author In Chicago.
Chicago From New York city to
Erin's Isle In a bottle was the Jour
ney of a letter which returned to its
author. Fred J Butler. 1407 Republic
building. Chicago. .
With a party ol friends. Mr. ilutier
went abroad lust November They
sailed rrom New York and when two
days out Inclosed tbe note lu a bottle
and tossed It overboard. For nearly
ten months the glass encased message
was washed by the waves. Then It
was found by P. L. MacHale ot Allle
brack, Cllfden, County Oalway. He
land In a letter to the Cblcagoan Mr.
MacHnle said:
"In compliance with your request. I
beg to Inclose your note round at
Sbyne Head. 63 degrees 40 minutes
north and 10 degrees 4 minutes west
and remain, yours taltbf'jlly."
Tbe letter (ound was only s briel
note, as follows:
those who have Individually and Joint
ly offered cups and cash prizes are Al
fred G Vanderbilt, president of the
association; J W Harrlman, Kobert
A Falrbaln and Frederick M Davles.
as well as various societies Including
the English Hackney society and the
International Horse Show of London
Several trophies which must be won
two or three times In order to be
retained by the winner probably will
be won permanently during the com
Ing show Among these Is the $500
gold cup for the best mare or gelding
sired by a stallion registered In the
English Hackney Stud book The cup
Is one offered by the English Hackney
society and must be won three times
to be retained. Both J. W Harrlman
and Judge Moore have two "legs" on
the trophy and one of them will prob
ably win It for all time next month
Judge Moore and Fairmont Farms
each has a leg on the $600 cup of
fered by Jay F Carlisle for park
In all there are 152 classes shown,
the most of them being the same
as last rear An entirely new class
Is that .'or delivery wagon outfits In
actual service to be shown In single
harness The prizes for this class
were donated by Frederick M Davles
Of the total number of classes 36 are
to be Judged aa breeding stock.
But what will add as much as any
thing else to tbe spectacular features
of the show will be the array of for
eign army officers who will compete
with the officers of our own army
Chief Interest will center on Lieut C
F. Walwyn of the Royal Horse Artll
lery of 'Eugland. who last year won
the Canadian Challenge cup donated
Building by Government of Insular
Lumber Yard at Manila Means
End of Importation of Lumber.
Manila The exclusive use of lum
ber grown In the Philippine Islands
In tbe construction of all buildings
erected by the government will follow
the completion of the lumber yard
to be built near tbe quartermaster's
reservation by the bureau of supply
This was tbe statement made by
Major Shields, chief of the bureau of
supply. Imported lumber bas been
used to a great extent In the past ow
ing to the Inability of native lumber
growers to supply the demand tor
seasoned wood The government pro
poses to buy up tbe entire wood sup
ply of the Islands as soon as It is
taken from the tree, and store It In
the new lumber yard until It has be
come properly seasoned.
For tbe Brst three months follow
ing tbe completion of the yard. It was
stated, the supply of native wood on
band which had become seasoned dur
ing tbe construction of tbe sbeds.
would run short of the demand or tbe
government for timber, and Imported
woods would be put into use Fol
lowing this period, however, native
materials will be used exclusively, as
the lumber yard, which will have a
capacity of over 4.000.000 board feet,
will be filled at all times with timber
In the process of seasoning
Tbe construction of tbe new lumter
yard awaits only s final decision on
its site Plans are In the bauds of
tbe governor general, however, for Us
location adjacent to tbe quartermas
"To, Whom It May Concern The
finder of this note Is requested to
write to the Moose club, 66 State
street. Chicago. 111., care of Fred Uut
tier." Tbe letter was dropped overboard
from an Atlantic liner on November
ti and the reply, Inclosing tbe original,
was dated August 24. Tbe original
note was darkly stained, tbe cork ot
the bottle probably having leaked dur
nig Its ten months ut sen
Mr Butler Is wondering whether be
will ever receive two other notes
thrown overboard In bottles at tbe
same time as tbe one just returned
With one of the letters be says he in
closed s five-dollar bill. With tbe otn
er De says be sent a check for $100,
payable at a Washington (D C.) bank
Neither bas been beard from yet and
payment bas not been deiruuded on
the check
Coolness In Extremity.
"Do you think be would be cool in
time of danger T' "I Uius Qis I eel
would "
by Adam Beck of Toronto. He wll!
defend the trophy this year on Th
Nut, the same borse that be rode sc
successfully when here before Lord
Dccles. who married Miss Vivian
Gould last spring, will be one of the
British team
Paris Art Dealer Tells Story of Co rot
and Ho Has Headgear to Prove It
Was an Accident
Pars The old story ,f a picture
painted by a master as the result of
an accident bus oeen revived by a
rurU art dealer, who says be has a
Corot ralnted In a hat
The hat In question Is of felt and
bears the stamp "Pinaud et Armour,
89 Rue de Richelieu. Fouruisseurs des
Cours Etrargeres."
This story Is told of how Corot came
to paint one of his landscapes on the
Inside of the hat: One day visitor
called on Corot at bis studio, and, sit
ting on a comfortable chair, piaced bis
hat. on a stool near the artist's easel.
Corot, who never stopped working
while chatting with callers, accident
ally dropped a paint-laden biusb luto
the hat.
Tbe friend exclaimed: "I bought It
this ver.' afternoon, and sow you have
ruireL It!"
"Not quite," replied Corot. "Walt a
little and perhaps you will be glad of
the accident." He thereupon placed
the bat on the table and began work
ing around the blotch his brush bad
caused on the silk lining In less than
twenty minutes a landscape with
trees, still water, an old tower In tbe
background, and a clouded sky of blue
which was formed by tbe original
color of the lining, covered the entire
Inside of tbe top of the crown.
ter's reservation Upon tbe approval
of tbe plans work will be begun Im
mediately More than a dozen sbeds
will be constructed 40 meters long
and with a width or 16 meters They
will season from 15 to 20 varieties of
native grown woods of the first and
fecoad group, which will be beld tn
the yards until their construction
qualities are the equal of those of tbe
best Imported materials.
Drunken Birds Bicker and Wrangle
Be'ore Flying Off on Wings
Noticeably Unsteady.
Des Moines, la The tipsy antics of
two sparrows unexpectedly offered di
version to the otflvers of the city
health department the other day.
Secretary James Morgan unwitting
ly destroyed the peaceful tranquility
of the sparrows' conjugal bliss by
pouring alcohol upon a big and fat
grasshopper which paused In Its aerial
pilgrimage upon the windowsill of the
city physician's ntllce
Amazed by the unexpected deluge of
the stimulant, the grasshopper Jumped
to an adjoining shed, where It was
pounced upon by Mr. and' Mrs English
After gorging themselves with the
Insect the pair began to bicker and
wrangle In truly drunken fashion. For
several minutes tbe ornithological org;
held the spectators spellbound, but at
last the soused sparrows staggered
away on unsteady wings.
Wife of Government's Pure Food Ad
vocate Talks of the Service Re
quired of Husband and Mate.
New York. "The perfect home does
not consist' of a husband and wife
with tbe equipment of a house lu
which one bas all the responsibility
and tbe other docs nothing, whether
that one be the man or tbe woman,
but In the perfect home each renders
service to the best of bis ability."
This Is the Ideal of marriage and
the borne which Mrs Anna Kelton
Wiley, bride of the chief of the Unit
ed States bureau of chemistry, pre
sented to the domeBtlc science con
gress at the pure food show In Madis
on square garden.
She praised tbe work of Clubwomen
for the enforcement of the pure food
law, and urged all to Insist on proper
weights by keeping standard scales
i borne
Get the Habit
Telling tbe truth may become s
matter ol babll.
The tenor of the choir sat down and soft
ly cleared his throat;
He hummed anU hawed a moment as
though fueling for note.
He gniej upon the bill of far his noon
day lunch to plan.
Then warbled to the waiter:
"Hrlng O bring to in a can
tiring me a can
Me a can
A can
A cuntalopel"
And then he mild: "I wish some gum
t wish some g-ubo cleur."
The waiter with a startled face lent an
attentive ear;
The singer studied for a while and clear
ed his throat again
Then enroled to the waiter:
"Brlng-O-Brlng to ms S ten
tiring me a ten
lit) a ten
A ten
A tender steak!"
"I want a waif 1 want a waif I want
wafer now,"
He trlllej unto the waiter with the wor
ry on his brow.
Gut what ' Induced the waiter to say
thing that caused remors
Waa when the tenor told htm:
"With my ateak I would eat borse
I would eat home
Would eat horse
Eat horse
Horseradish sauce." ,
Political Prophecy.
Dear sir: Tbe present turmoil over
Reno divorces, which Is simply a re
currence of tbe continuing argument
over tbe divorce question, moves me
to the suggestion that unless tbe agi
tation ceases we will have a Divorce
party In this country. There are
enough divorced people men and suf
frages to cast an Important vote
at any election. As tbirgs now stand,
people may be married In one state,
single In another, and doubtrul In an
other. A man may be a benedick In
Illinois, a Romeo In Nevada, and a
woman-hater In California. He bas to
look at tbe geography to find out
what be la, If be Is traveling. This Is
too distracting. Unless tbe question
Is settled once for all. as I say. we
wlU have a Divorce party.
It Caused a Delay.
"We owe our readers an apology,"
says tbe Uowersvllle Clarion, "for
falling to appear on time this week.
But the festive goat belonging to our
genial liveryman. Mr. Patrick Casey,
got Into our press room Tuesday night
after our entire edition had been
printed, and ate the paper all up. Con
sequcntly, the entire resources of our
editorial and mechanical forces have
been called Into play In a strenuous
effort to get out anotber edition to
replace the one that was eaten While
we admire the literary taste of the
aforesaid goat, we shall hereafter keep
tbe press room locked."
How They Prove It.
"You men are always prating of
your suierlority over women," said
tbe Argumentative Female. "Why do
you not show that superiority by dem
onstrating bow to clean bouse?"
"My dear lady," answered the Self
Satlsfled Male, "we show our superior
ity by refusing to have anything to
do with housecleantng."
In the Realm of Shades.
"What Is all that row over there by
tbe Styx?" asked the shnde of Napo
leon of the shade of Ben Junson.
"Why, that Is Bacon, Shakespeare
and that newcomer, Donnelly. Each
Is trying to convince tbe other that
be Is wrong."
Could Have Waded.
Mrs. Wooph What do you think of
my new rainy-day costume, dear?
Mr. Wbooph I think that If Noah
bad thought of It In time he wouldn't
have built tbe ark.
All the Same to Her.
"Don't you think that If 1 had lived
lo the days of old I would have made
a good knlgbt?" asked the young man
who bad been talking ancient history
from 8 to 11 p. m.
"I don't care so much what you
would have made then," wearily ob
served the young lady, "but you might
see what kind of a good night you can
make now."
Paradoxical Prevarication.
"John Henry," said Mrs. Glvlraflti
to her husband, who had excused his
lute arrival by saying that he had
sat up with a sick friend, "that Is not
only a barefaced lie, but It la such an
old excuse that It has whiskers on
The Bhades of night hud fallen fast
As o'er tie stage there proudly
A chorus In glad togs arrayed
And of what was the chorus made?
Excelsior. I
Quick Action.
"They tell me you took a flyer In
Wall street."
"Yes," replied Mr. Lambkin. "For
a little while I was considerably
"How much?"
"Cun't say. Before I lad time to
figure It up the market dropped and
wiped me out."
His Losings.
"What did you lose on that wrest
ling match?"
"About nine-tenths of my respect for
the human race."
iment par excellence. I have used It for broken sinews above the knee
cap caused by a fall, and to my great satisfaction I was able to resume
my duties I
In less than three weeks
is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma.
No rubbing necessary you can apply with a brush.
At all dealer. Prlco, 25c, 50o. A $1.00.
Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Poultry sent free. Address
He She Is so artificial.
She Yes, artificiality seems natural
to her.
For more than a generation, Cutl
cura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have
done moro for pimples, blackheads
and other unsightly conditions of the
complexion, red, rough, chapped
hands, dandruff, Itching, scaly scalps,
and dry, thin and falling hair than any
other method. They do even more for
skin-tortured and disfigured Infants
and children. Although Cuticura Soap
and Ointment are sold by druggists
and dealers throughout the world, a
liberal sample of each, with 32-page
hook on the care of tho skin and balr
will be sent post-free, on application
to "Cuticura," Dept. 22 L, Boston.
And No Strong-Arm Squad.
The Greeks were piling into the
Wooden Horse outside the wulls of
"We might be culled the first car
rowdies," they cried facetiously.
All suppression of selfishness makes
the moment great. Lydia Maria
If You Have a Sickly
Youngster Try This Frse
The family with young children that Is
without sickness In the house now and
then Is rure, and uo it Is Important that
the heud ot the house should know what
to do In the little eiilorgenclus thut urlso.
A ohllil with a gttrlous ailment neeils a
doctor, It la true, hut In the majority of
InatHiices, us any doctor knows, tho child
sulTHia from some intestinal trouble,
usually cottHtlputlon.
There Is no sitnaa In giving It a pill or
a remedy containing an opiate, nor Is
flushing of the bowela to he always rec
ominemlHil. Kather give It a amall doae
of a inll'l, gentle laxative, tonic like lr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which, by clean
2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & M.OO SHOES
Men and Women wear W.LDouglas thoes
because they are the beat shoes produced in
tins country fo- the price. Insist upon nav
ing them. Take no other make.
The assurance that goes with an estab
lished reputation is your assurance in buying
W. L Douglas shoes.
If I could take you into my large fadlon'es
at Brockton. Max., and show you how
carefully W.LDouglas shoei are made, you
would then understand why they are war
ranted to hold their shape, fit belter and
wear longer than any other make for the price
PBIITIDN Th a-"""1"" W. L. Dnuglmi
WHU I IUI1 name and prlne stamped oa bottom
If you cannot obtain W. I llouglaa gbo'tn In
your town, write for oataliig. Rluma sent dlruot
fmni ranttry to wearer, all etiaricw prepaid. W.L.
bOLdA. 113 bpark Si,. Brovktou, Mim
So combines the great cura
tive principles of Roots, Barka
and Herbs as to raise them
to their highest efficiency;
hence its unequaled cures.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Saraataba.
Rheumatic Pains
quickly relieved
Sloan's Liniment is good for pain of
any sort It penetrates, without rubbing,
through the muscular tissue right to the
bone relieves theconucstion and gives
permanent as well as temporary relief.
Here's Proof.
A. W. Lav of Lafi-yette, Ala., writes:
' I had rheumatism for live years. I tried
doctors and several different remedies but
they did not help me. I obtained a bottle
of Sloan's Liniment which did me o much
good that I would not do without it
for anything."
Tiicmas L. Rick of Easton, Pa.,
writes: "I have used Sloan's Lini
ment and find it first-class for rheu
matic pains."
Mr. G.G. Jones of Baldwins, L.I.,
writes: "I have found Sloan's Lin
altet me acciueni.
"Does your automobile go faster
than your neighbor's?"
"No." replied Mr. Chugglns. "But
my danger signal makes a much mors
disagreeable noise than bis."
The spoke of the wheel vbich creak
eth most, doth not bear the greutcst
burden in the cart. Thomas Fuller.
Constipation causes and aggravate many
eriou diHearicn. It is thoroughly cured i
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favor
ite. family laxative.
You may have noticed how differ
ent men are from hogs. The latter
never want to do tblugs that are out
good to them.
Mr. Wlnalow's Booming Syrup for
U-Bthlnif. softens the irum, rmluoe inltamniv
boo, Uy lu, outu wiuJ oollc, Vm IkiIUo.
A woman Is apt to regard a bachelor
as a man who Is too much of a coward
to get married.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
; Can quickly be overcome by
I Purely vegetable
act surely and
gently on the
liver. Lure
, Head
j ache,
I nesa. and Indigestion. They do their duty.
n. ......t ftftpr cuftll PRirR.
Genuine must bear Signature
md lllt:NKKNNK If rnn-d W
)M.T SIJHK, rSAK Homn Kom-ly. ,iri uaa
ing out the bowels and "''t
little stomach muscles, will Im""""1
correct the troubl. . , tiat
This is not alone our oj.lnl n b"t '
of Mrs. N. H. Mead of ", ',- II
whose grandduugliter has been
succeaafully and of Mrs. J. K. ' hll.
of Lena. Wis., who give" to ''.j In
dren and takes if herself. t I J
fifty cent and one dollar butt -a ai n
drug atore. but If you want to tea ' uf
your family before you buy It a .n i j
kddreas to Dr. Caldwell and he win
ward a supply free of char"- w p.
For the free Mo""'
Caldwell, 201 Caldwell bulMIi
cello, III.
S.OO HHOK will P""11' ,,. ."
TWO PAIH-ot urd "-C'l-lU
fast wor -
A Y IHoiiic I
jr . i m i i li i
ana pn pructkK. Contain, n;; pi ' .A
ctulca. I. alimlufir harm I uiro t tfr.
Kull trMWOH-iit. !.). WUITM KOIJ ''",
k ., tn '.
iim pj