The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 21, 1911, Image 8

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    a t
The irruln itiarkelN are takeu from tin: Cham-her-lmru
clullv newniapnrn. Tin- prnvlMoii
jirlien ure llioxe that olit;ilu 111 McCoiiuuIIk-
Wt.eot... 8
New wheat "J
Com 08
Oats 45
Ham per lb 20
Shoulder 35
Bacon, Sides per It) 15
Potatoes, per bushel .,
Butter, Creamery 2!)
Batter, Country. 20
Eggs, per do.en 1'
Lard, per tt I2
Live Calves, per lb 8
Chickens, per If) 10
Prime Timotby Seed for sale
at Stouteagle Bros.
Read Mrs. Little's Dew millin
ery advertisement.
Ever notice how the barber,
when he is interested in what he
is saying to you, will rub the
same spot on your lather-covered
face for ten minutes?
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain's Liniment for lame
back, soreness of the muscles,
sprains and rheumatic pains, you
would never wish to be without
it For sale by all dealers.
Wanted IJealthy, sober, and
industrious man aged about
thirty with wife and one child
wants to rent a farm p'ready
stocked. Is a practical farmer
and is now on farm. Inquire at
News O&ice.
The schools should neglect no
opportunity to cultivate civw
pride in the minds and hearts of
the boys and girls. Perhaps
faithful attention to this policy
will develop a generation of men
and women who wi'l rea'ly believe
in a clean and a beautiful town.
G. Hays Markley, son of Hon.
H. K. Mart-ley of Warfordsburg
has resumed h's work as a teach
er m the public schools at West
field, N. J. la connection with
his school work, he wir also take
up a course of studies in Colum
bia University, New York City.
Morgan county, W. Va., of
which Berkley Springs is the
county seat, had no work for the
grand jury at their recent term
of court. Not a crime had been
conmitted in the county during
the year. They have local option
in Morgan county.
Running up and down stairs,
sweeping and bending over mak
ing beds will not make a woman
healthy or beautiful. She must
get out of doors, walk a mile or
two every day and take Cham
berlain's Tablets to improve her
digestion and regulate her bowels
For sale by aU dealers.
The Tonoloway Orchard Co.,
Hancock, have sold their crop of
Jonathan apples, a fine red varie
ty, to J. G. Harrison & Co., Ber
lin, Md., at $4 per barrel on
board the cars at 1 Iancock. There
are abcut two carloads of this
variety in the company's orch
ards. The purchasers will exhib
it the apples this fall at the Read
ing Terminal Market, InPhi'adel
phia. An article that has real merit
should in time become popular.
That such is the case with Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has
been attested by many dealers.
Here is one of them. H. W.
Ilendrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind.,
writes, "Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is the best for coughs,
colds aDd croup, and is my best
seller." For sale by all dealers.
The Cumberland Valley lla'l
road has inaugurated a move
ment to prevent fires along its
lines. Along either side of the
tracks are plowed two wide fur
rows about fifty feet from the
tracks, making a complete fire
line, ei. closing the area in which
the locomotive sparks will fall.
In years past whole tields of
wheat and corn were badly burn
ed by fire resulting from the
sparks in dry weather.
Looi Before You Leap.
Domestic infelicity soems to
have developed Into a mania in
parts of our country. It seems
too, to grow u'ore serious evory
year, 5 ' the reco; ds of the divorce
courts 'urnish us any criterion.
Recently we read of Frank Bran
non, 52 years old, who shot his
wife Annette, 15 years his junior,
in Lewistown, and then shot him
self, the perpetrator of the deed
injurmg his wife so badly that
her life is in jeopardy, while he
killed himself out and out. This
is only one of the many incidents
of which we read in the daily
Press. We have recently had
brought to our notice that scan
dalous Beattie trial, which having
been published widely in the
country, is truely a disgrace to
the marriage bond as well as to
our country in general The rea
son for all this dissatisfaction
among marred people is very
hard to asoertaio unless too many
people "ush 'nto the matnmoni?1
state without due consideration
of what : t means. That our coun
try might be purged of this kind
of wickedaess is certvnly the
hope of decent people.
No Need to Slop Work.
When your doctor orders you
to stop work, it staggers you. "I
can't" you say. You know you
are weak, run-down and failing
in health, day by day, but you
must work as long as you can
stand. What you need is Elec
tric Bitters to give tone, strength
and vigor to your system, to pre
vent breakdown and build you
up. Don't be weak, sickly or
ailing when Electric Bitters will
benefit you from the first dose
Thousands bless them for their
glorious health and strength.
Try them. Every bottle is guar
anteed to satisfy. Only 60c at
Trout's Drug Store.
Local Institute.
The first Local Institute of
Tod township was held at Wood
burn last Friday evening. The
meeting was called to order by
the teacher Miss Mabel Fore, and
then the teachers and pupils took
band Id i aking the meeting a
success. Teachers present were :
A. D. I'eightel, Johu Kelso, Pearle
Gross, and Mabel Fore of Tod;
Blanche Peck and Robert Cromer
ofDubhu. The meeting adjourn
ed to meet at Scott's October Gtb.
0. Pearle Gress, Sec'y.
Mason's Cider Mill.
The undersigned will make
cider at bis flouring mill in Thorn p
son township, the following days
of each week Tuesday, Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday. Ci
der boiled for merchant's use.
First class whiskey barrels for
James Johnson.
Evangelist rming.
Mr. John Warden, an evange
list, of llarrisburg, Pa., will con
duct a serir of Bible studies in
the M. E. church of this place be
ginning next Sunday morning
and continuing every evening un
til the 3rd o" October with meet
ings on the afternoons o" Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday,
Afternoon meetings at 2:30, even
ing 7:30. We know the meetings
will be helptul and we are anxious
to have you present. Bring
Bible, pencil and paper.
For Sale!
A good kitchen range equipped
with oven thermometer, warming
closet, and large water tank; also
a medium size double heater coal
stove and a wood stove, are for
sale at reasonable prices, at the
Lutheran parsonage, McConnells
burg. Clifford E. Hay.?.
Cider Making
The undersigned will make
cider at lus home near .lugtowu
school house Tuesday of each
week for two weeks aud then
Tuesday and Wednesday only.
Nick IIoiiman.
Absolutely Pure
Tho only Baking Powder mado
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Some Prices at J. K. Johnston's
That Will Interest You.
Ladies', Gents' and Chil
dren's Coat Sweaters,
45c, 90c, $1.00 to $3.00.
Fleeced Cotton and Wool
23c, 39c, 50c to $1.00
Men's Dress Hats Pretti
er than ever,
Ladies' White Muslin
Gowns, Petticoats and
Shirt Waists,
50c to $1.00.
Men's Extra Everyday
and Fancy Trousers.
50c to $3.50.
Extra Everyday and
Dress Coats.
Leggins and Over Gaiters
25c and 50c.
Cord Trousers,
$1.25 to $3.00.
Canvass Gloves,
3 Pair for 25c.
Men's Every-Day Shirts,
Blue and Grey,
Only 39c.
Hole-Proof Hosiery Guar
anteed, ask for them.
Tailoring by Taylor Is
the kind that you would
expect to pay big prices
We are the people who
will be able to supply all
your needs. This fall's
line is made in the pret
tiest of materials ever
shown, and the new styles
are on display here, rang
ing in prices from $4.75
to $15.00. These will
pay you to inspect.
In Ladies' Coats we sure
ly have some beautiful
garments, in Black, Blue,
irown and all the shades
of Tan, $1.75, $2.25,
$3.00 to $10.00 and up
to $15.00.
Ladies' Jacket Suits that
are all of the very la
test designs,
$5.75 to $15.00.
Neckwear 15c to 50c.
$1.00 Shoes $1.00
$1.25 Shoes $1.25
$2.00 Shoes $2.00
$3.00 Shoes $3.00
New Blankets and Com
forts, 65c up to $5.00
Something New in
Ladies' Dress Goods.
Single Barrel Shot Guns
$3.25 up to $4.50.
DoubleBarrel in Hammer
and Hammerless.
$8.00 to $18.00
" At the very Lowest
Quite a Store Full of Ex
traordinary Values
That will Pay You to In
spect, and get Prices.
Jurors Drawn For October Court
Following is a list of jurors drawn
for October term of court:
Ayr Edward Clugston. David M.
Hethel Job Hess.
Brush Creek Robert Diehl.
Dublin K. M. Cline, Dolph Jones,
John Marks, John W. Snider.
Licking Creek Thomas Ilollens
head, Kdward Sharpe.
McConnellsburg Frank I). Sipes,
Ellis Unger.
Taylor Isaiah Baker, David K.
Chesnut, William Leldy.
Thompson Watson Carbaugh, Har
ry B. Hill.
Todd Benjamin Cline, Philip Rots.
Union W. C. Beatty, Ceorge Slgel.
Wells 11. E. Spangler, John W.
Ayr Abner Lake, Barton Lottie,
George C. Mellott, James Woodal,
Sr., William at.
Belfast G. C. Deshong, Ross ITol
lenshead, Raynard Mellott, Samuel
D. Mellott.
Bethel Stephen Fisher, Frank
Brush Creek Charley W. Acres,
Morgan Barton, .lames Garland,
Watson Plessinger.
Dublin Irvln Bradnlck, John Fore
man, John Fleming, William Galla
gher, William Kelso.
Llcklntr Creek Cutchall.
Milton Cline, William C. Davis,
Kinery Hesler.
McConnellsburg Michael Black,
Joseph Doyle, J. Kendall Johnston,
Marsdon Kirk, Ellis Lynch. Paul,
Taylor Howard Barcott, John
Knepper, Jacob C. Lamberson, Geo.
Laidtg, Sr., B. H, Shaw.
Thompson Asa Erakeall, Isaao
Culler, J. W. Douglas, Roy Mason,
Ezra L. Peck, Elijuh Souders.
Todd-IIal Trout.
Union Johnston .T. TTemWshof,
J.: i Inert R. M'lltt.
WelU-W. H. MuiimiruHlufr, .1. W.
Diivull, .lolm Hon. -k, Clulf Pliiiiir.
Harris' Sale List
will appear soon again with
many new properties
Prothonotary & Recorder's Office,
McConnellsburg, Pa.
Orders have been issued re
quiring uniformed passenger
trainmen on tbe main lines of tbe
Pennsylvania ilaiiroad to keep
their coats buttoned while on
duty. During the hot season
each year the men are allowed to
unbutton their coats, but, begin
ning with last Saturday, they
must be buttoned closely until
next spring.
In McConnellsburg "A mean,
hateful thing," is merely a girl
who knows a secret and won't
tell it.
Mrs. A. F. Little's
Big Underselling Store.
. Alter having spent a lot of time in the Eastern
Cities jrettinff all the latest idea in Fashionable
Millinery, we are now receiving and unpacking
. the largest line ever brought to this town. The
hats are . s . .
and the wonder ot our customers is How we
can crowd so much style and quality in a hat and
yet afford to sell it for so little money.
and get first choice. We, of course, have chil
dren's Bear-Skin Coats in all colors, Collars,
Belts, Buckles, Combs, Barrettes, Hair Nets
and Hosiery. Silks as low as 25 cents a yard.
For Sheriff of
Fulton County '
Democratic Candidate of the Rank and File
MAX H. SHEETS 1b a candidate (or the olllce of SHER
IFF OF FULTON COUNTY. He deserves nomination and
election. MR. SHEETS, is perhaps, more widely known
than any other man in this county. He has claims of a
Kpeclal nature upon his fellow citizens. He has been a part
of the life of our county all his life, and has always contrib
uted to the entertainment, pleasure, and progressive ad
vancement of our citizens. In season and out of season he
has been at the command of those who doslred his services.
Without regard to creed, politics or nationality he has al
ways lent a helping hand when he could do so. Without
money and without price, any church, society, gathering or
person could call upon MAX SHEETS and receive his aid
unless circumstances, over which he had no control, prevent
ed. Now when the time has come when he may be helped
why not help him? He seeks the olllce of SHERIFF and is
thoroughly competent to perform its duties,
MR. SHEETS has been in active business in this, his
native county, alj his life and is one of our best citizens.
The Democratic Primary election is an open one and
every vote will count. Why not help MAX SHEETS.
Here! Here!
China Ware :-
both American and Imported that
I am going to SELL and from my
regular Prices 1 will cut it all . .
:-: One-Third Off :-:
from Regular Price, If you need
any odd pieces, come in as they
are all BARGAINS .
Post Office Building.
Advertising Real Estate,
Do you want to buy or sell a home, a farm or a business
place? If so, my business is to help you. I have a gooil as
sortment located In every township in Fulton County.
in good condition, well located:
Full descriptloa of the best bargains is given in booklet form.
If you want to buy, write for one. Since I have been adver
tising the booklets through forty-six leading newspapers
throughout the country, hundreds of people from nearly
every state in the Union have gotten them and are getting in
terested in Fulton County Fruit Lands, farms and homes. If
you want to buy, now is the time, before prices advance or,
strangers, come and get the best bargains. There is no schem
ing in this. I do not speculate on these properties. I just let
you know where you can buy direct from the owner. My in
terest Is only a small commission to pay expenses.
If you want to sell a property, there Is a person some
where who will pay you a good price for it, and there is no
better way to find that party than advertising as I ".
throughout the country. I charge nothing unless it Is sow,
then only a small commission and do not take option on it,
but leave you free to sell at any time and get the highest pos
sible price it may bring.
I will be in home ollice only on Monday and Tuesday or
each week.
McConnellsburg, Pa. a
Juniata College
Maintains its A. 0. Course at a high
standard. A member of the College
and University Council of Penn'a.
OITers thorough college preparation
la Its Academy.
Has lengthened its Normal Course
to four years.
Encourages Bible study, as organ!.
ed In the Bible School.
Presents excellent opportunities for
Olves careful commercial training,
Including Shorthand ami Typewriting.
Has an Experienced Faculty, seven
large Buildings, complete Equipment,
liciilthful Location.
The Fall Term of lull will open
September 18th. For catalogue, ad
President, Juniata College,
7-27-7t Huntingdon, Pa.
Mfif OUUH5 rrtRici50ai.oo
rvrljOLD3 ir trim, bottiefree
agent for
for the sale of Traction
Portable Engines, Gaso
line, Separators, Clo
ver Hullers, Saw
mills. Sc.
Engines on liana at
the time.
Western Maryland Railway Co1'
Trains leave Hancock u fo
8.M a. m. (dally except Jun
land and Intermed16 P' H,erW
10.08 a. m. (
RMp.m. (dally MC$,S
lean Oldtown. ;J't, ob-erva""
lor our. wild veil""'" " mZt
.Mp. . (dally JTJ?
President, Aet,
M sn nun v,