The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 14, 1911, Image 9

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I Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink,
barn's Vegetable Compound
Waurika, Okla. "I had female trou
fclfeg for seven years, was all run down.
Iuuu bo Dervous l
could n o t do anr-
treated ma for dif
ferent thin hut
did ma no good. I
got so bad that I
could not sleep day
or night. "While ifi
this condition I rend
of Lydia E. link,
ham's Vegetable
Compound, cn.l
benran its iin nni
wrote to Mrs. Pinkhara for advice, in
a short time I had gained my averairo
wclRhtand am now strong and well "
-Mis. Saxt.te Stevens, ll r.D.. Xo.
t, Uox 81, Waurika, Okla.
Another Grateful Woman.
rluntlngton, Mass. "I was in a nor.
vous, run down condition and for three
years could find no help.
, "I r Present good health to
I.ydia E. rinkfiam s Vegetable Corn
round and Wood Purifier which 1 be
lieve saved my life.
"My doctor knows what helped me
nd does not say one word against it."
Mrs. Mari Jaxftts Hates, Ikx
J34, Huntington, llass.
Because your case is a difficult one,
doctors having done you no good, do
not continue to Buffer without giving
-)u, jiimuiuuB vrpeiaDie torn,
round a trial It surely has cured
many cases of female ills, such as in
flammation, nlceration, displacements
filroidtumora, irregularities, periodic"
rains, backache, that bearing-down
Xeeliug, aud nervous prostration.
Slang to Define Slang.
"He's In bad."
"Yes; he's all in."
V ' w
Too Much of the Mechanical in
Baseball Nowadays.
Individuality Is Lost by Obeying Sig
nals Given by Manager Sitting on
Bench Many Budding Stars
Fred Clarke, Manager and Captain of Pittsburg Team.
For COLDS and Ci II IP
TTIrku' irt nix la Hi. Wn rrmmi;
llrtcalhe whin and i-vrrtshnr rxtri th
Coiil unci rmuirra normal rondlllnni.. It's
liquid effri-ta lainiediatrlr. 10c., 36c., and Sue.
Al drug KUin-k.
Where It Points.
"For whom Is she wearing black
ber late husband?"
"No, for her neit. She knows she
looks well in It" Judge.
Fred Clarke hns been a mnlor
league munagcr for fourteen years,
and has developed some of the great
est stars that the game bus ever
He has won four pennants and one
world's championship.
Starting out as a grocery mnn's de
livery boy, he hns amassed a fortune
and a world wide reputation.
He owns a big ranch in Kansas and
says when his baseball days are over
he will go there to spend the rest of
bis life.
During his entire career on the dia
mond Clarke hns been one of the lead
ing bitters of the game, and he hns an
average of over 300 for fifteen years
In 1897 he wns second In the Nation
la league to Willie Keeler. with an
average of 406
Cuba Get Veteran Pitcher.
Charlie fimlth. the veteran Boston
and Washington pitcher, has been
purchased by the Cubs from the New
ark. N. J., club. The acquisition of
Smith made three twlrlcrs purchas
ed In one day by President Murphy,
fclnpnicka and Marshall of the Itork
ford team of the Wisconsin Illinois
league being the other two.
Nowadayg there Is too much that
Is mechanical In baseball. In laet, the
playing on some major league teutus
has become so mechanical that muny
of the players lose their individuality.
In order to become a good base run
ner a man inuBt be allowed to act
upon his own Judgment and think lor
himself. It Is a shame that players
uae 10 iuko signals rrom a manager
on tne bench and act accordingly even
tnougn his good Judgmeut would die
ime jiiim me reverse. It Is In this
way that a player becomes a cog to
toe mechanism of a team.
Suppose a heady mun Is on second
and sees an excellent opportunity to
xiesi iniru. Now suppose again that
he has Juct received the signal from
Mr. Manager to hold the bug and wait
for a hit. Or let us presume that he
is on third and perceives an excellent
uiHinumiy oi stealing home after
h to manufacture.
- - - 'o ni. lir II.
nat will the ordinary
I " :
1 tPiVBa
I i tV - A A w II
mnnrl w
CHIl.l. 'IXINIC. Tin; '-imiw what jua r uhlng.
howi;,d it In ltnplT jilnln end Iron In taiielrn
form, and thn niiinl i-ffrctiial turm.
puuviv aiKi cniianuo, ou cntv
tur givon
New Disappointment.
First Summer Girl So you thought
a man was coming?
Second Summer Girl Yes; but as
e got a closer view we saw it was
only a blid. Puck.
u it. - . j .
V. "iiiuiih Bll ORPH or
h il ,nt' prvnted from Imvlns
,J:very,lnl icunrantfed. Ovir
y.m not tin Bold lant year. Bet romerty
YZ, hi',n cnolpra. So centa anil $1.(0 a
jMtlr IT. anil 10 the down. Any gonrt
oniKKlst, or send to manufacturer!!. Wrltn
iimiK. npnnn MeOlrnl Co., Spr.
-cntii(flou l;leaf. Gohen. Ind., U.S.A.
New Idea In Judicial Lnr.
The suggestion of a French Sdge.
'fco presided at a breach of promise
sun. tins aroused the interest of Amer-
nan men and women. The suggestion
' mat when young people become en
gnm'd an agreement to marry should
be drawn up with a clause providing
"images If It Is broken.
Twice Convicted.
Another lawyer's story arrives. We
re told that a msn was chnrpod with
risking a pocket the other day and
Hint when arraigned he pleaded
guilty." The rno uont tn tha i..rv
1 w J w I
nuKcver, and the
verdict was "not
And the court spake as fol-
"icu don't leave this court without
stain on your character. By your
own confession you are a thief. Dy
'lie verdict of th Jurv, vou are a
llar."cieveland Tlain Dealer.
Easy to Arrange.
rjo you know what a fortunate lit
tle boy you are?" rather patronizingly
inquired a young lady of the laddie
nose mother is her dearest comrade.
"re, I invited mamma to go away
for a lovely time with me, but she
'ouidn-t because It wasn't a place
Where we could take children, and she
thought she'd rather be at home with
- Rut I don't blame her," as the
lde eyes grew wlgtful, "for I think
id rather stay at home also, if I had
nl'-e little boy like you!"
thn,d?'t you ot one?" queried
nn K1', brlEk,y- " tel1 - n.
(on to bring you the next one he finds.
11 .vou like!"
Try For
SrCJ"amble two eS.
when nearly cooKed,
mix in about a half a
cup of
d serve at once
seasoning to taste.
It's immense!
"The Memory Lingers"
. portum Cenal Company. Ltd.
ue Ueek. Mich.
Walter Johnson seems to be the Ty
Cobb of the Senators.
Pittsburg has released Cottrell, the
Syracuse University dinger.
Among those who are successful at
swatting flics are the Cub outfielders.
A New York doctor snys Insanity Is
a "bug" disease, laseball fans, be
h.Q waihn is more successful as a
pinch pitcher than In winning his own
Before Plttshurg sent Jack Flynn
to St Paul, Washington made an of
fer for him.
Fred Clarke advises all of his play
ers to pay no attention to what they
see In the papers.
Pnston has sold Pitchers Tyler and
Pfeffer to New Orleans as part of
the deal for Otto Hess.
Where, oh, where, are the phenoms
that set the American league on fire
In the early spring weeks?
It Is now talked In Rochester that
John Ganzel will manage the New
York Highlanders next season.
Now comes the report from Ronton
that this Is Patsy Donovan's last
year as manager of the Red Sox.
Four Major league magnates are
after Jake Glpe, the fclant Vernon
pitcher In the Pacific coast circuit.
Chicago pays Salt Lake 2. COO for
Shortstop Billy Orr. who g In pro
fessional company for bi' first sen-
Frank Bancroft Business manager
of the Cincinnati Reds, planning on
taking another team to Cuba this
Having been successful with Cub
castoffs. the Dodgers are trying out
tbe Sox ex-players, starting with Bar
ney Reilly.
Western league clubs have disposed
of more players to the big league clubs
this year than they have before in
many years.
According to Washington critics
this Ib the last yea. In the big league
for Kid Elberfeld ana "Wld" Conroy
of the Senators.
Ned llonlon having failed to get the
Boston Nationals, Is now circulating
a report that be would like to buy the
Washington club.
Whatever changes are made in the
Washington team. It Is said, Herman
Schaefer will continue to play first
base next season.
Many major league magnates are
angling for Johnson, the Indian pitch
er with tbe St Joseph club in tbe
Western league.
If half of the dope that is written
about Ryan, the Portland player se
cured by the Napa Is true, he will be
a Ty Cobb and Joe JackFon com
bined. Cleveland announces the purchase
from Dayton of Catcher Kounlck,
Pitcher Wtnchell, ShortBtop Dobard
and Outfielder Spencer. The latter
bad a trial with tbe Naps In 1910.
Silk O'Loughlln says that more hita
are made off bad balls than off good
ones. "I can't give any reason for
this, but I have noticed It in my long
experience behind the bat as an um
pire," says he.
The Red Sox have sent Billy Pur
tell to Toronto and Ralph Myers to
Jersey CUy. Jack Thoney will prob
ably go to Providence. Purtell has
been a grand little player but a sore
arm has Cestroyed hla usefulness this
Old-Time Slugger Prevented Ad Gum
bert From Getting No-Hit Game
by Clever Trick.
"I never had the good fortune to
pitch a no-hit game In the big league."
says Addison Gumbert. big Plttshurg
politician and popular fellow the
same stocky, red faced man who was
Ad. Gumbert. Anson's pitcher In the
long ago. "But I would have done It
hut for Pete Browning once. I was
going good; three, four, five, six
C; In
hall nlnver
ao ;
me answer Is simple He will bold
bis base no matter what happens and
do exactly as the manager wants him
to If not be knowg what will happen
to him. Suppose he takes a chance
and Is out sliding to the olate.
Dejectedly he makes his way to the
bench There stands the manager.
lowering nisgugtedly at biro.
"Why, you big dub. don t you kno
now io piay tne gameT Vou act like
a ousn leaguer with a wooden head
I' eii. i tnought I saw a good
cnance to"
wii. nuns in the manager, "that's
tne trouble with you. You think too
much. There'll be something comma:
out of your pay for this lor disobeying
Tk.i I- - . ....
iuui is ny many budding stare
were dimmed before they had a ebsnce
to shine The main reason why they
failed to make good In many Instance
was because they were not allowed to
think and act for themselves on bnses.
uim-ipiine or couree Is necessary on
any team, but it Is carried too far
sometimes. Occasionally ome tow
hna.ij ... ... .
'" """i niniiiiKer win nave charge ot a
team and will direct almost all of the
plays himself.
Probably a beady man will be on the
bases, a man that knows more base
ball In a minute than the manager ever
will and will not be given a chance to
use bis own brains because the man
ager Is "running the team."
Then again the veterans have a bad
Influence at times on a youngster. He
Is afraid of his life to take a chance
for himself, fearing that if he were
to make a bull of It he would be erect
ed on his arrival at the bench with the
sarcastic query from one of the old
timers, "Say, won't you ever learn how
to play the game?"
Cement Talk No. 5
The term "barrels"
is usually used in
speaking of quantities
of cemetit. However, ce
ment is seldom actually
packed in barrels. A bar
rel is the unit of measure
and simply means four sacks,
each sack weighing 95 lbs.
universal Portland Cement
packed in paper or cloth sacks;
in most cases cloth sacks are
used. Universal is of the best
quality of Portland Cement pos-
million sacks are made and
consumed yearly in this country. The
railroads use hundreds of thousands of
barrels. It is used by the bicgest ar
chitects and contractors in the cities
nd the government utrt it extemivelv in ill
depart menu. If you have any toncrtu work
la do, ailc your dealer for 'mistrial, it is
the beit for tontrttt work of any kind.
His Future Expenditures.
Among tbe most freipient requests
that go to tbe I'nlted States senate
are those asking some prominent
member to give money to charity or
ganizations, hospitals and other phi
lanthropic undertakings. One day a
charity worker asked Senator Flint
of California, who Is not a wealthy
man, to give a large Bum of money
for a free ward in one of the hospitals.
"I am sorry that I cannot comply
wirn your request," said the senator
gravely; "but, Judging from the num
ber of similar demands that have been
made upon me In the past, I have de
cided that I can promote a greater
charity. The vast amount of money
spent on hospitals In this town con
vlnces mo that thousands of people
are going to die and be burled with'
out flowers. Hereafter, I shall devote
my spare money exclusively to send
Ing flowers to the dead." The 'Sun
day Mngarlne.
Helpless With
Kidney Trouble.
ness-roor Jack! He never could
spell, and It ruined him.
Minnie How7
Dess He wrote a verse to an heir
ess be was In love with, aud be
wrote "boney" for "bonny"!
Whr.lirr frj.iu i ,.. ,, Ht.,.h r
I.' i," 1T,U,,'"'H M..lllir lll rrllr,, ,
i "i, c V "' ,u '!" ' i"r.u.
Jlowiu ' '"J 6 "UU ""
P. Henry Thomson, 409 W. 40th St,
Savannah, Oa., says: "Somethlns;
seemed to snap in my back aud I fell
to the ground helpless. . I was carried
to my bed all In a heap.
At first I thought I was
paralyzed, but later
knew it was kidney,
trouble. An awful nnu.
S 'A sea tame over me, and
Wj ;Vri ,ne dull ache through,
V- ' my back caused suffer
ing such us I had never experienced.
Doan's Kidney Tills strengthened my;
kidneys, rid me of the terrible pains,
and in a few days I was a well man.
Although past seventy, I am strong
and vigorous."
"When Your Hack is Lame, Remen
bcr the Name I JOAN'S."
For Bi,lo by druggists and general
storekeepers everywhere. Trice 60o,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Tr.e Recoil.
Tobarrcnlst You learned lone neo
how to pack a barrel of apples, didn't
you. l nele John?
Horticulturist Sure thing, Hilly:
same as you packed that box of cigars
I bought of you the other day all the
nice tines In the top row.
A Distinction,
"Mrs. Fluhblt appears to be some
what cold and distant since Mr. Flub
blt acquired wealth."
"Yes. While she Isn't quite so frig
Id as the show girls In musical com
edies, mill, ghe Is unbearably
Following the Simile.
"Life," said John W. Cates,
lover of conflict. "Is a gamble.
And death? Why, death Is the haz
ard of the die.
Efficiency In the Forett,
The Dalies In the Woods were lost.
"There Is no hope," they cried,
"they will try to find us by a filing
Ir. Wlnmnw Rnotntnr Hyrnp for fhlldmi
tri-ihliiir. iH.rirfii Die ifiim. rmiut-ra Inflaming
Uuu. i.. eur wind cuile. c a butlla,
A roM on the rhet weakens vour lung. dentin attack the weak spuln.
Keep your limit Mron bv curin enlcl
quii'Kiv mm Hamlin Wizard Oil
Will not get t onuinitioD.
and ynu
Never Judge the strength of a man's
character by the size of bis muscle.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation N
Can quickly be overcome by
Turely vegetable
act surely and
gently on tl
liver. Cure
' nH.4 Anrl TnirrMf inn TVisw Ar thir ftiHv
Genuine must bear Signature
Couldn't Help Him.
"I haven't a place to lay my head."
"I'm sorry, but we're all out of
bead rests."
nlngs and no sign of a clean hit, and
my ambition seemed sure to come
"Seven Innings and no sign of a
hit. Fight Innings, mid three men out
in order. Ninth Inning The first
man up struck out Only two more to
get. The second man popdew to Hilly
Nash on third. Two gone and only
one to get. while the big crowd was
rooting frantically for me to make
"Old Pete Drowning stalked to hat.
I didn't like Peter's looks, the murder
ous old slugger that be was, but I'll
swear It was all on an accident I
didn't try to bit him so as to lose
him and get a whack at the next one.
but the ball slipped. It whizzed In
with a load of speed and shelled old
Pete in the ribs.
"He dnnccd and greaned with fury,
shook bis bat at me, called me a bar
rel of nice names, and then ambled
down to first The next man up got
two strikes and then hit weakly at a
fnst curve. The ball rolled across to
the second baseman, Pete Drowning,
of course, running down from first
And Just as the second baseman was
dipping for the ball, old Pete delib
erately stuck his leg In front of the
bounding globule, letting It rap Mm
on the calf.
"Under the rules. Pete was out
man hit by batted ball and that end
ed the game. Iiut also under the
rules, tbe batsman got a ht, and thus
I was robbed of my no-hlt game
i nxea ye.' gnnnea old Pete, as
be trotted In. 'Get smart and soak
me with tbe ball, will ye? You and
your no-hlt game. Haw, haw, he, he-'
"And It was never again my fortune
to get even thnt close to a no hit
Barney Dreyfuss Paid His Fare Home
From 5t. Louis Spent Last Nickel
to Get Shoes Shlned.
Hans Lobert delights In telling the
boy about his first professional ex
perience Hans wns canned from
Sioux City after he had been In the
squad about ten dnys. and the Ger
man did not have the change to take
him to his home In Pittsburg
He managed to scrane tovethpp
enough to take him to St. Louis.
Hnns snva when he landed In the
Mound City he hnd 15 cents and had
not eaten for two days.
He proceeded to a three-cent hash
house and ate 10 cents' worth, and
then, to show that he was a sport he
spent the other nickel to get bis
shoes shlned
Lobert met Hnrney Dreyfusa that
very day, as the Pirates were play
ing tbe Cardinals Dreyfuss had
heard of Lobert, and knowing thnt he
was a Pittsburg boy. gave him
enough money to take hlra home.
Upon arriving home he got a let
ter from Mike Finn, Little Rock's
manager, offering him more money
"Susie's getting married."
"Who's the happy man?"
"Her father."
Pipe's Hart! Luck.
Larry Pape, the Red Sox pitcher, Is
the only pitcher in the American
league to lose a game on one pitched
ball. Pape relieved another pitcher
in the ninth inning in New York
early In the season with Chase on
third and the score a tie. The bat
ter hit the first ball for a single.
Mack Through With Russell.
Connie Mack says that he Is
through with Pitcher Russell, the fa
mous $12,000 southpaw secured a
year ago. Connie is willing to take
bids for the costly hurler, for be will
not let him pitch another game for
tbe world's champions.
Hans Lobert
than be could have gotten at Sioux
City bad be made good.
This was back In 1903. What Lo
bert did after that time Is a matter
of history. He entered he big
league as a member of tbe Reds the
next summer.
New Ball Is Fast.
Speaking of the cork center ball,
Neal Hall says: "It comes off the
ground like a billiard ball taking Eng
lish off the rail. I don't exaggerate
when 1 tell you I've had the ball come
to me so fast that I didn't have time
to get down to It. Don't you see the
troubles even outfielders are having
with bounding balls?"
I retired one evening and after
sleeping a couplo of hours was awak
ened by a burning sensation all over
the upper part of my body. It was
just simply terrible and made It Im
possible for me to sleep tho rest of
that night, so I bad to sit up all night
changing my position every couple of
minutes. As the hours went by it
grew worse and soon I started to
scratch myself. When daylight ar
rived I saw that my body was covered
with large red marks about an inch
or two apart. My face was also af
fected. I went to see a doctor. He
told me that I must have eaten some
thing poisonous, and I had the hires.
He prescribed a medicine and also
gave me some ointment
"As the days went by I steadily
grew worse, the marks changing from
one part of my body to another. The
medicine and ointment were of no
use. One evening by chance looking
over the pnpers I saw the Cutlcura
Itemcdle8 advertised. I immediately
procured some Cutlcura Ointment and
applied ll to my body. It seemed to
ease my skin right away. I kept on
using the Cutlcura Ointment for a
week and can say that it certainly wns
the finest preparation I bad ever used.
It completely cured me, and I have not
been troubled since." (Signed) Wil
liam Wuterman, 129 E 109th St., New
York City, Dec. 8, 1910. Although
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold
by druggists and dealers everywhere,
a sample of each, with 32-page book,
will be mailed free on application to
"Cutlcura," Dept 23 K, Boston.
AXeff table Preparation for As
similatirrg the Food and Regula
ting (he Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digc,tion,Checrful-
nessand KcM.Conlains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not N'arc otic
Knpt SOU OrsittVUftKtSIl
Sir St4
A perfect Remedy rorConslina-
lion . Sour Stomach.Piarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions.Fe wish
nessand LOSS OF SLEEP.
Far. Simile Signature of
Tire Centaur Company,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought .
Bears tho
l if."
uarnnteed under the Foodanj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
aimua . ac raaa tm.
Two things operate to rid us of a
friend pleasure in which we do not
need them, and trouble In which we
do need tbem. Petlt-Senn.
2.50, 3.00; 3.50 & M.00 SHOES
WOMEN WJDouglai .tyli.h, perfect
fitting, eaty walking boota,bcaua they five
long waar.aame at W.LDouglaa Men's shoot.
The workmanship which has made W. L
Douglas thoes famous the world over is
maintained in every pair.
II I could lake you into my large factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show you how
carefully W.LDouglas shoes are made, you
would then underttand why thry are war.
ranted to hold their shape, fit better and
wear longer than any other make for the price
CAUTION The tannine have W. I. Iniila
' name aurt price atamped on bottom
It Too aannnt obtain W. I. IVinilai ahnM In
I ' ctlo. Mi. t.nt dlrw-t ONE PAIR of my BOYS- S).SJl.ftOor
uJiTlrf a J VT'' .T r"'',,d- w-- MKH wtfl p"attlT.ITouta;
1KJLULAS. 14 Spark HU, llruckton, Maaa, TWO fAllUol snjtaiar boja'ahaea
wt M
Is only of many symptoms which soma women en
dure through weakness or displacement of the womanly
organs. Mrs. Lizxie White of Msmphis, Term., wrote
Dr. R. V. Pierce, as follows t
"At times I was hardly able to be oa my feet.
I believe I had every pain and aehe woman
could have. Had very bad oaae. Internal
organs were very much diseased and my back
was vary weak. I auffered great deal with
nervous headaches, in fact, I suffered all over.
This was my condition when I wrote to you for
adrice. After takinf your Favorite Preserip
tion' for about three months can aay that my
health was never better."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
s a positive core for weakness and disease of tbe feminine orjanisto. It allara
. inuimnsiiDa. urns uiMnhnn .mi .Mti... M r 1 1 .
f. ;- ---- j,.,... . uuct mg duiius up tne nervM,
j IT? U dl,h,on" 0Mle' o substitute for this medicine which has a
reoord of 40 years of cures, " No, thank you, 1 want what I ask for."
Harare rVnwl Mutt mlli mtunl bowl myo-mt one a dei
Readers jx'fi;
.... anything edver.
toed in its columns should insist upon
hiving what they ask lot, rei using all
tubftitules or imitations.
DRflPSY TRCATan. GIt qnlrk r.
Ilaf, ususllY iokh sl
ling and snort brraih la a ( dars ana
raUr relief in It-it asys. trial mamta
FREE, UK. tM(l suns, tl, iUMU.Ua,
-othr stsrrhM only IS ounr saia nrloa sa4
oaioss w
th nsokaia
rll I f 11 I Incfin. D.iT Huuk.l
Walaaa C.Colraiaa,WMh.
t. nip
Jr j Thompsons Ej Wit.r
W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 37-1911.